4 r - rod& trot --.. ells rT. fcb 5 lAw tc nrm It Holiday Goods! o- i FULL LINK OF ALL. KINDS OF HQL I DAY goods received by Steamer tolay. - Citron, Preset ves, Orange, Balalns.: Jelly, Apple. ' : Currants, Mince Meat, Figs, l Nuts of aU kinds,'- - - - Candles and Cakes. ., ;'-'.' Br&adlcd Pearhea and I iga, . 'something extra, luess-e l and Live P.ojtltry, . T teU-ry, irosh carh day Murine Ihe weei. Vccetablea. both canned and'freth. ' of almost every kind, ("all arly and terure voor supplies before tUrUfcli. . . .... JXO L BOATWRI9HT, 13 A II So'l Front Street Pure Buckwheat. 1 HAVE OS HAND A FRESH XOT Or v c. BUCK W HEAT, just received from the Wcmnii rart of Ue State. Tboso desiring a PUKETARTICLE ran obtain itby callingon Jno. L. Roatwright. . dec: 15 A 17 So. FrtontJ&treel Just Received. On Consignment ." BOXES TOBACCO, 12Jtf..4s fc 3i 3o ' 11 in. 5. 4o. v . , " uin. 4s &x5s. 8t CADS . ". oV:. m&V2. Which wc are.cfVerinsr - for sale. 25 per ceat. less than manufacturer's cost. - . . . . . .... . 20,000 Cigars, all gradcB SOL BEAR & CO.. to. 9; MA.BKATST., Who'ewUe'DealeratJi liquor and Tobacco. men 4 . ' . . . Bagogc Transfer. pOE PROMPT CALLS ASD DSLlVEET x . - i . fyxyr ' Bagjaje leate jour orderB atT. J. SOUTH- KILAND'3 LlTcry f Uble, Scitbj;5econd3t. order for Canliges pretnt Uy ClleL iT. J . SOUTH EBLAKD, , Llrery aid Sale Stable. July 23 If K0 K-8 ADO Korth Second St. 10c. FOU A SHAVE. 20c. FOR A HAIR CUT, - - HOc. FOR A HAIR CUT.SII AVE - AND SllAMPOON. HAIR DYEING 20c and opward, J! .At- JOHN WKBNia'S, Germaa Barber and Perfmner, jan & . -; 9 atarket St A. Av. BroT7H, JEAL ESTATE AND COlitCTIOS REO- liouaa and collect hiiu -ittii dpIs.? if. ic&xcbe rromtstiT. - iuais hs ps, 7 i 77 : c -13 silenceT .7fT7:- My soul Is Toiwlesa as the frozen moon Yet In , it glu rubers music deep and " rrroj2 ' . As ail the splendid tire of molit noo; Woull 1 hat soiuo hand m i 2 uV strike it into soDjf. And yet peri-huf.es the touch tfiat thus should wak - -"Tbe silent chords to soaring melody, tiiut bo the hand oi one for whose dear take The-song would, grow until too great 1 to be. . - - . So. s'apn.- my heart, serene as yonder . ;' i?8tar; . . .ileuiw shall be sweet like summer rain. - ;-. : To,bub tbe lips' ot-sonu were better -J--v.'far 3r.":; ' ; J:-.. .Tban.r bursting .into symphonies ol ivL, t . . ' W: J: Henderson. .- .vr:.i, Cr-Yunjj w6roin' HiteM this: Tom IUore be'jEHn' o-write pV(us wiun he 'wA4ik bj tcinrtee; Southey vr'. 'XjWQfSlZvVtie'. whnn ho w:is ili-ven: Keats was a succtJtitJ'ui pu t a bliiftn ; Lelsh Hnn t talked ia rbjbm at tbir icen. Chiucer. at ;twel?o and Milton wD8a neiras oniy tea. v Aria where are they now, Ethel? Wbrrer ar they ink olt n jour tbtnnti nrnl hlp vo ir ujotbeVr,arthe jMtatifei, Kthel, it jj wfuld live 1 ng. write the p-try. I don't car ti Itve ary lorer. I. Iii fact.. Td rattrer. die than pai e the potatoes liob Hurdttle As a remedy for accident? common to "every day life, such as cuts hruist s sprains, burns, scnids. Irostbt'ei. ad bite of pois -nous insect. Salcali n Oil has no equal in the market. It literally annihilates pain. Trioe 25 cents a bottle Wle:li8 Tust a PuiinUV Lexington, Ind.. March Utica, Clark county, a tew miles South of here, bears tbe distinction of number' fog among its citizens probably the smallest baby in the world, it - was born on Friday to the wjleot Raymond Fergagnn. a farmer, and only weighs sixteen ounces. It is well formed and in Very good health. Tbe arras of the little stranjfer are just three incnes long, while its logs measaro tour inches Dr. Williams, the attending physician, says it will survive if nothing uniore seen happens. The mother and lather of tbe . midget each weigh over 150 pounds and are in the best of beajih. .How Women Would Vote. jWere women allowed to vote, every one in the' land who has usm! J)r. PiercVa "Favorite Prescription" would vote it to .be an , unfailing, remedy lor t bo diseases peculiar to her sex. Iiy druggists; .j - , - - ".. . : : " t : Ocean Pilots. AH ocean. steamers are commanded by men who have Hcenses as pilots for every harbor along their routes. Rut there is another class ot pilots who make it a business to lie outside the harbor . for which thoy are specially licensed, to watch tor sailing vessels and steamships ctmiug irom a dis .tance, or from foreign ports. Sacb a pilot, we must explain to our inland readers, takes entire charge of outgoing and incoming vessels, until they have passed the dangers surround ing the coast and harbors of. our seas, lakes and great tidal streams. The captain of a ship surrenders its control wholly to tbe pilot while be is on board on pain of forfeiture ot the insurance on the vessel in case of disaster within that time. 'There is no cralt. perhaps, in . this country which is subiect to more rigid rules than this. The pilots, for ex ample, of 'Delaware Hay have for a cen tury beQ governed by certain inexora blc customs, as binding as laws.' Tbeir business obliges them . to be sober, in telligent, keen sighted, and ready wiUctl men. When not in charge of a vessel, they are- on large pilot boats, which .ie outside. oi the capes, some times sixty miles at .sea., watching, for vessels. The pilots of New York bay and ot Boston harbor go even further out to sea, and are sometimes met with I rem one to two hundred miles trutu the land. They are cruising aboul'in the track of incoming steamers, and almost always appear in ample season to ofler tbeir services. Bui it no pilot comes, the ship lies onUide the harbor and signals for one. The corps on the pilni boats have regular turns, and the pilot to whose lot this vessel falls is rowed out to her. lie is bound to aoswer the signal by day or by night, in sunshine or in the fiercest 'fdorm Nothing but the abso lute certainly that the boat cannot live in the sea ruuniug between him and the vessel wilt release bim from his ob ligation. ' . . A boy wbo wishes tit loaru this busi oesa must servo ao apprenticeship. Fr Philadelphia pilots iboterm of aporcn liceship is six years.-during which lime the young man lives on the pilot bonis, studying tbe channels, soundings and dangers Then, after a year and a half of partial responsibility, he becomes a pilot. YquVSs Companion. -Ord Scratch" is the demon Skratti. who still survives in tha superstitions of Northern Europe. ''Old Nick" is none other than Nicker, the dangerous water demon of the Scandinavian le gend.' Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ma Stbup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at coce; ii produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child irom pain, and the little 'cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleas ant, to taste. Il soothes toe child, soft ens tbe gums, allays ail pain, relieves 'wind, regulates ihe bowels, 'and is the beet known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising front teething or other causes. .Twenty-five cents a bottle ily 6 deod &.wiv - ; . " The :w6rd humbui ' is ffomj. Ham burg; -a piece of Hamburg newa" was la Germany a proverbial expression of fa! tHtical rumors. ; . : : liucKlcn'a Arntca Salve. : ; j Tnis Best- Salve in tba world far Cuts, Hruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt or no pay required. It is guaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction, or mojey re I u n ded Price 25 cents per box . . For sale by W. H. Green & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. A MEDICINE. KUTAUB1KK. HIGH AUTHOKITY. Hop Bitters is not, in any sense, an alctbolic beverage or liquor, and could not be sold for use, except to persons desirous oi.obiaininsr medical bitters. GREEN 15. RAUM.. U.S. Cona'r Internal Rev. Wasbinstori. D. C, Sept. 24. 1884. Dear Sir Why d'Kj't you getacir liiicate Irvm Coir W. II. V.. .f Ifalti rnort, showing how be cured hitu'cif of drut'kennest. by the help f-Ht Bit ters. His is a wonderful .se. lle.i well known in Rochester by nil dr.ok .ing ptiilethn. llf? i known in this cilv. Cincinnati. Ne Orleans. New York ; in f u-f, all over the country, ?.s hp sut-nt i hoo.nu'i u.i !ol nrs !r rum I hms"ly b-ii-v hi CMid viull te. Willlll llHUHilri t ijoiiHf.x i t u in this city and - J!tHtn '- atcuu make-thousands -ot sober : tufeu by iu dacing the use of your bitters. J, At W. PREJUDICE KILLS.. - "Kieven . ears ur tuhter suffered 00 a bed of misery under lh care ot several of tho best physiciaus, who gave hr disease various namx but no relief. tui now h is resiortl to m in good health ty Hop .Bitters, that we had pohfd at t years" before using it. We earnestly hone and pray 1 hat r.o one el-e will let their sick sut ler as wu did, on recount ol prejudice airainsl so irood a '..medicine as Hop Bitters" The lar. vtsUootlTtmp'ars Milton, wei.. reo. iu -m. - t V j Having useti Hop B. tiers, the noted remedy f r debility, nervousnes-. indi gestion. etc., .1 have no hesitation in saving that it is indeed an excellent medicine and recommend it to aoy one as a truly tonic bitters. Reapecifullv; Rev. Mrs. J. H. ELLGOOD . Sciplo. N. Y . Dpc. 1. I84. I am the pastor of the Baptist churcb hero and at pducateii physician . 1 am not in practice, but am my sole family physician, and advise in chronic cases. Over a year aeo I recommend ed your Hop "Bitters to my invalid wife, wbo. has been under medical treatment of Albany's best physicians several years. Sho has been grea-ly benefited and still uaes the medicine. I believe she will become thoroughly cured of her,, various complicated dis eases by tbeir use. We both recom mend t hem "to our friend, many of whom have also been cured of tbeir various ailments by them. R;v. E. R. WARREN. CURED OF DRMKIK6. " A young friend ot mine was cured of an insatiable thirst for liquor that had so prostrated bis system that he was unable to do any business. He was entire y cured by tbe use ot Hop Bitters. It allayed all (hat burning thirst ; look away the appetite for liquor; made his nerves steady and be has remained a steady and sober man for more, than two years, and has no desire to return to his cups, and I know of a number of others that have been cured ot drinking by it." From a leading R. R. Official, Chicago, 111. Merchants, bankers asd Mam facti; er8 should read A Wkekl.it Journal, of Tkapk, Finance and FrLic Economt. Sixteen pages evitv Saturday. Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. . Tbe foremost purpose of BUADSTKEET'S Ik to Uc of practical rei vice to buetocsa men. Its special trailc aiv Intlustrlal reports and iu isynopFCoOf recent Ical dcctslooa are exceed IojcIt valuable as commercial transactions, to the wicr cenge.are -omlng to be more and more conduced on a stati-itteai'baMa, the in formation conttlue 1 ii KltADilltEfcT'S is of tirat imuortu. e to all 1 HEUENEICAL VUSINKHS SITCATIOK TIIUOLT;n OUr TUB VMTM STAliS AND CANADA IS Kai'OUTM 1SV TEI.EOKArit TO BRAD SI KELT'S Lf lO TUB HOtTU OF VV HUOATlbN. S1NULK COI'IES TEN CENT. - THE BRADSTRKET COMPANY. 212, 2sl, 2SI Broadway, Semi for Sample Copy. Kkw York Cirr tcb 3 Homes in North Carolina. Only 20 flours Ride from New York I 69 MilesSonth of Baleib Z On the Raleigh aid AognaU Alr-Ltne B B. o . V 1 500 ACIUBS or ,AD ra THB ons leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms ta lota to ault porch aaera. JTonr acres for $25 Larger tracts $5 per acre. In monthly pay menu ot 10. Thla land adjoins tbe "South ern Pines', a recently established faealth re sort (or sanltarlnm). and Is specially adapted for Fruit Culture, aa well as all tae cereals. A number ot New England people have bought lota In the town of "Southern Fine," audit Is the dealre of the owners of tfils land to In duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Kiddle 8 la tea, aa weU as else rhere, to locate here. No state In the Union offers greater inducements to set tiers than North Carolina. Nowhere can a better tanning country or as fine a climate be found. 1 bis Is the opinion of Northern men woo bare settled in North Carolina. . Thla la a txmmfidt otTer, and la limited tax farther particulars write at ones to - J'lHN T. fATKlCK, C.Cosrata'jr of ImoilOTatlan. PaleV-'h. N. C ?V- : : orB. A UtCiiAl.ION, V JiatI tf . ctrGLisiiOd, Ausrusti, tla llheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped I Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin j Eruptions. and Positively. cures Piles., SUPEpIOli COURTS. Sprins Terms 1887: FIBST DI3TRICT JUDGE AVERT. ' Hyde February 7. L week ; May 16, 1 week " Beaulort tFebruary 14, 2 weeks; May 30. 3 weeks. . Carrrtuck March 7, I week. Camden March 14, 1 week. Pasquotank March 21, I week"; June 13. 1 week. Perquimans-March 28, l weekJ Chowan April 4. 1 week ; June 20, I - week. ' Gates April 11. I week. HerLiord April 18. 1 week; June 27, 1 week. Washington April 25, 1 week. Tyrrell May 2, I week. Dare May). I week. Pamlicor-May 23. 1 week. . SKCOXU HISTKICT J'DOE SlHl'l'. Halifax JJannary 10. 2 weeks; March -7. 2 weeks; May 10. 2 weeka. Northampton January 24. 2 weeks; ApriM.2.we-its;.. .June 13.1 week. lvleetanube- f February 7, 1 week; Apr.i i. 2 weeks. CrsTveo February 11 2 wevks; May Jit '4TWP. K. , . .. . Wnrren March 21; 2 weeks. Bvrt M a ? 2, 2 wt-ek. : - THini rISTKJCT .lUlOK WEUKIMON. Piti .iaoo.Hr fn, 2 WfeiA; Match 21.2 weekV;.fune 13. 2 vf--k Franklin Jauuary ,24, 1 week ; June 6. -1 week: . -':- ' - Wilson February 7, 2 weeks; April 18. 2 weks :, Vance February 2I,"2 weeks; tMay, 23. 2 weeks. Martin March 7. 2 weeks. Greene April 4. 2 weeks. Nasb May 2. 2 weeks. - FOU Kill DISTUICT J U DOE SHEPHERD Wake Mauuary-10. 2 weeks ; Feb ruary 2H. 2 weeks; March '.28, 2 weeks; fApr.l 25, 3 weeks. Wayne lauuary 24.2 weiks; March .'14. 2 weeVs, f April 18, I week. Harnett February 7, 1 week. " Jobfjston February 14. 2 weeks. . ? FIFTH D1STKFCT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Granville January 31 , 2 weeks ; , May 9, 2 weeks. Chatham- February 14, 1 week; May 23. I week. . - Guiltord-February 21, 2 weeks; June 13, I week Alamance March 7, 1 week; June C, 1 week. Durham March 14.2 weeks; May 30, 1 week. : ' ; -OrangeMarch 2S, I week. Caswell April 18, 2 weeks. Person May 2, I week. ; SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. New HanoverJanuary 24, 2 weeks; April 1R. 2 weeks. Lenoir February 7. 1 week. Dnplin Fenruary J4. 2 weeks Sampson February 28.2 weeks ;May 2, 1 week. Ponder March 14, 1 week; May 9, 1 week. Carteret March 21; I week, Jones March 28. I week. Onsiow April 4. 1 week. SEVENTH DISTRICT J UDGE CLARK. Anson January 10, 1 week; tMay 2, - 1 Week.t .. -L '::.:' ; Columbus January 17, 1 week; March x28, 1 week. Cumberland "January 24. 1 week; March 14. 1 week; fMay.9, 2 weeks. Robeson January, 31, 2 weeks; May 23,2 weeks. Richmond February 14 2 weeks ; June 6, 1 week.." Bladen March 21, I -week. Brunswick April 4,1 week. Moore April 18 2 weeks. ' EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE (HLMER. Cabarrus January 31, 1 week; May 2. 1 week. , Iredell February 7. 2 weeks; May 23. 2 weeks. Rowan February 21, 2 weeks; May -9, 2 weeks. Davidson March 7, 2 weeks ; June , 1 week- -Randolph March 21. 2 weeks. Montgomery April 4, 1 week.-- Stanly Apnf 11, 1 week. NINTH DISTRICT -JUIG. liOYKIN Rockingham Januafy 24, 2 weeks. Forsyth- February 7, 2 weeks ; May 23, 2 weeks. Yadkin February 21, 2 weeks. Wilkes March 7, 2 weeks; May 2, I week. -.-AlleahanyVMarch 21. 2 weeks. Davie April 4. I week. Stoke April 16,1 week. Surry April. 2a, I wesk. TENTIf DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Henderson February 14, 3 weeks. Burke March 7. 2 weeks. Caldwell March 2t, 1 week. Ashe March 28, 1 week ; May 30, week. - Watauga April 4j I week; June 6, week. . Mitcbeil April 18.2 weeks. Yancey May 2.. 2 weeks. McDowell May 16, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTHICT JUDGE MONT" . -I ' GOMEKT. Alexander January 24, 1 week;. June 13. 1 week. Catawba -January 31, I weekJune 6. I week. -;' . " .,:;t-- Union February 14, 1 week, fFebru- ary 21. I week; May 23. -1 week; fMajr 30, I week. -. , Mecklenburg f February "28, 3 weeks. Gaston March 21. 2 weeks. Lincoln April 4, 1 week. ' Cleveland April IL 2 weeks. Rutherford April 25. weeks. Polk May 9, 1 week. - TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Madison February 28. 2 weeks. Bnncoto be March 14. 3 weeks; June 20. v weeks. Transylvania April 4.-1 week. Haywood April II. 2 weeks. , . Jackson April 25. 2 weeics.' Macon May 9. 1 week. Clay May 16, I week; Cherokee May 23. 2 weeks. . Graham June 6. 1 week. Swain Jane 13. 1, week. Criminal causes only, t Civil causes and jail causes only tCivil causes only - - Hake ho Histalie ! - I JN OBDEBISG FISH AND-fN fTS oTSTERS. Cnaranteea sound and. y X aorid when packed lor dahTe f - " " . ; Term c. U D. ' V If . TOPf-,r r Iwock Cox 415 or ICS Couth iTcut Et. 1IISCEIJA1IE0UB. Capital Prize 1 50,00; Wm da ktrttw erty tMt m tuperru th mrrmnganents forjUllk MonVtiy nd Semi' A imwU Drmrinas of Th Louisiana Stole Lot' -erf Company, rnndinptrton manage and cow Iroi the Drairinys themselves, evm& that tAe tame art conducted with honesty, fatmess, and in gaodfuUh toward mil parties, and tee author ixe the Company to use this certificate, with fao sxmuet or our nynatitret e&mchtd in tie oarer tisemenU." Conimlsalonera. ITe, f A nilrttmd ftamt and Renter, triil at ft oJI FHze dravrn in The Lonintana'tatf Tsitteries which may ' be presented at our coun ters. v T II. OGLRBT. Pre Iulo'ana Nat" Uaak PI1RRK LWADX Pre. tt KtM Banfc. Ttai WIN, Pres. .w Orlenn Nfl ARL KOHN. Pree. Un on National P.nk. rTNPRECEDKNTED ATTR ACTIOS I OVKR HALF A MILLION PISTRLBUTED! Louisiana State Lottery Company. Ineorporatod tn 1S6S for 29 reara by Uve Leg Ulaturefor Kducatlonal and Charitable pur poses with a c&plUl of Sl.OOO.OOO to wh.ch.a reserre fund of over $550,000 haa a'nee been added. - By an OTerwhelralng pop u la to to ltsfran chies was made a part of tho present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D..1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. . ' Itnever scales or postpones. Ita'Graod Single cmler Drawings take place monthly, and th Sewi- Annoai: Draw, loga regu'aily every six months (Jcne and De cember ) A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A fORTUNE. Fourth Orand Drawing. Class D, In the Academy of Music. New Orleans, Tuesday, April 12, 1387 203d Monthly Drawtna Capital Prize $150,000. NoTtcK Ticketa are Ten Dollars only. Halves; $5. Fifths. S3. - Tenths tl. LIST OF TRIZES. Capital Prize of $150,000.... Si 50,000 l gband Prize of 50,000... ro,ooo l Gkand Prize of 2 LARQB prizes of 4 IM.ROE Prizes of 20 Prizes of 20.000 2),0WI 10,1300.. 20,000 r.,ooo. . . 20,'joo 1,000... 20,000 " -SOO.. 23,000 300... 30,000 'J00... 40.0fX 100... 50,000 50. .. 50,000 50 loo 200 500 1,000 ittoonrrutTtnv WX7t J IOC Approximation Prizes of $:0. . . .$00,000 100 M :00.... 20,000 100 " 10'J.... 10,(00 2.1T9 Piizea amounting to -t5J5,000 Application for rates to clubs should be made 9niy to the office of the Company tn Hew Or tiaus. . , . For further Information, writ clearly, giv ing full address.- POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange In or dinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed - M. A. DAUPHIN, ' - . New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHTS, Washington, D. C Ailrcss Befistertl If ttf rs tt MEW ORLEANS NATIONAL IANK. - . , mkw okLBaws. La. ... i i . pai1, Atiihay That the presence of Jt5IHclJlUt3I Generals Beauregard and EaTly, who are In charge ot the drawings, la a guarantee of abeolute falrrcga. and Integri ty, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly dlvlue what number will draw a Prizo. Alljwirties thereforo adver tltlng to guarantee Prizes in thia Ixttery,or holding out any other Impossible inducements, are 8Windlers, and only aim to deceive and defraud the unwary. ..men 13 ' :THE EEVIEW .'. ) -Ij'-JJ 0 $ o :job oppige; US' 3. MARKET STREET. NO. 2i, (Ul- TAIR3) A ND WIS ARB rRMPA RKD TO DO ALL MAXNER OF , . iTE WILL DOT BI WHEN .YOU WANT PROORAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, ilLL-nEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES. NOTE-HEADS, . PAMPHLET PRINTING, . TAGS, LAND DEEDS. MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS DEEDS, CIVIL WABR.NTS. 8TATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, AC, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS- Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, : WltMIHGTOM, H. C IIonrjf3 Earnlsliing pods A GOOD STOCK 6?t jlASD. DOOB UATA. LAMPS, CAGTS, COOK STOVES All grafts Pomps, Llhtniot Eodr , Ttawsre, Toilet Fets, Licuit IToards, : Lap. Boards, Ironing JJoirCa, Jlc . Ae. ' TUU-Y7HITCIL. - , rth7 w III RA TTiTIO AI 3 a 3 "Wilmington & Wcldon R. R MB RRANCUEo. r m - r , , , CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. - Ko. , 1 No. 47. No. . Daily. Dally. Dally. Dated ;Mch., 1, I - (old (old (old - ; i 4j.?: yo;4v No.u,, Ieave WeTdon..,.ja 15 vn)fi3Spni!"i.l6 ani Ar. Kocy Mount. I 3.33 J.... .....( ; 27a ni Arrive tarbOTo...) 4 50pm t Leave Tarbor....,' 11 3h rni.-....i.. j Arrive WILon j 4jui pu. .Vi pups.07 ni Arrive Mna...;.. j ." 4o pnti .... ....... ...... A I r ve Fsyctle vl He j pm. .t.r... .......... !-ave ifoldlon.. 4 pm 7.4o pm pm !55ptt 48 am 6. IS am. CIS a n 7. sti Iea ve Magnolia. .In I U pre iavc Burlaw.'.. 7 Ou pm Ar. WUnilnrton.. au urn TRAINS GOING NRTH.- j No. 62, Nik 7?, f N. ML . Dally, j Dsllt. j Dally, old Qid -obi , V ; . J to-4S.j No. 47,,jNo.4V ' Lvc WilmlDcHnllt.4! pmj .1 mnij 8 50 pm Leave Kviraw...., ioj 9.50 pm ItvM iiolU...ili A!tn sml 10.41pm Arrive oMbo-o.S l.N arii a imjl Kp Iavc fuTcucviilr! Arr ve x loi....... Arilvc XVPmmi. ... j Leave Vinm....r? A r . Kocfc y M m n i . . i H Ml am' ......... to 47 anj... ir syam;,.. i.Uti am l j Mm,UM am 1 tDpml 127 am Arrive lrloro. Leave Tarboro. ; 4 n0 pm jU'.-io a o -I-...-. Arrive Wcldon. j 4 to am 33pmi 2.54 am , Train on8cotlaud Neck Branch Koao leav a Halifax tor Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. R turnlng leaves Scotland Neck, at 0,50 a. of. dally except Sunday. '-' Train leaves Tartxro. N. c, Tu Albermarlo Raleigh R. B. DaUy except unday, 6.0O P. M Sunday 5.00 P. M.. arrive WtUlamatou. N. C... s.U P. M., 40 P.M. Returning leaver Wiiltameton, N. C, Dally except euuday.S.00 A. M., Mniday D. 5' A . M , Arrive Tarboro. N. C, 10(5 A. M., 11.30 A. M- J rain n Midland S. C. Branch leaves Golifr boro, N. C, Dally except Sunday, 7.00 A. M.. arriyc SmiikflcNi, N. c, ! 3.) A. at . Returning leaves Sintthocld, N c , : 00 A. M.. arrive GoUlftboro. N. C .10SO A. M. Train on NaplnllJe Branch leaTrelSocky Mount for Nashville 4 00 p. M. Rcturnlag lcavca NaEhville 11-26 A. M., dally except Sunday. , , . . r . ov.thboued Train on Wlson A Fayettevllle Branch is No.51. Northbound ta No. 50. jJally except Muu lay. ' Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and M&gnolla. Train No. 78 makes cUMe connection at Wcl don for all points Nortn DaUy. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Bunday via Bay Line. , . . Trains make close connection for all polats North via Richmond and Washington. All train? run solid between'Wl'mlagtoa tad Washington, and have Pullman Palaca Siap ers attached. JOHM F. DIVINI, ; General Superlntendaat, J. R KENLY. Sup't Transportation X. si., emkbson. oenera: Passenger JLcsvt mch 3 . Wilmington, Columbia & AniTUsta it. R. Co. ii 14-V CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 15, I Dated Fcb. 15, IS87. No No W, DaUy Dauy. Dal1. Leave Wilmington. Lv. L.Waccamaw . I.eave'Marton Arrive Florence.... Arrive Sumter Arrive Columbia.. . 7.20 am 8 41 am 10 2 a m t.15 pm 9.30 pm 10.10pm til 15pm 11.24 pm 12-ouaxn 1.2"Tm 44am 6.20 ii, 11.15 am I v s 1.12 pi 3.00 pi via am 4.24 am 6.2:1 am m m TRAINS GOING NORTH. i Z : - No. Z, No. , No, 62, . j Oaily. Dally. Dally. Leave Columbia.. 1 10.23 pm 1.10 pn ......... Arrive Sumter.. ..'11 52 pm 2 44 pm....;.... Leave Florence.. ' 4 45 am 4.0pm K.10 pm Leave Marlon 5.2Sam 3.12 pm S.4d pm Lv- L. Waccamavr 7.oiani O.M.pm 1041 pm Arrive Wilminitfnl 8.30 am 8.30 pm 11.23 pm Nos. 23 and 7 stop at all Stations except Register's, fcbtnezer, Cano Savannah, Wateree and Slmma. Passengers for points on C. G. B. R,, C. C. A. R. R. Stations, Alkcn Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 23, PuU man Sleeper for Augusta on Hits train. JOHN g. DIVINE, General Buperlntendeat. - J; R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passangsr Agenu feb 13 Carolina Control IX. II. Company. ornca of tiaifaaaL soraanxTsnDWiT, I Wilmington, H. C. Jan 31, 1M7. I aim Change of Schedule. N AND AFTER THIS DATE, Tilt loifowlng echsuais will Railroad: be operated oa tki No. l. Dally except Sundays. Laava Wilmington at..... .......6 CO A It Leave Shoo Bed..... .........10.14 leave Cbarlottc.............. 3.42 P M Leave Shelby.. f.bl Arrive Rtrtuerfordtoo. &A M No. 2 Dally except Sunday. - fcsveltothcrfordton... ...".. (Will Lcavo Shelby 1 53. Leave Charlotte.... 11.00 Leave Staoo Heel... 3.5G-P M Arrive WUmlugton.... 8,00 ' No.3 Dall except Sundayr Leave Wilmington.... . 6 43 P M Leave Bajebrh ... 7.00 Arrive Charlotte 7. i5 A U .- No. 4 Dally except Sunday. - Leave Charlotte...... 8.15 P Arrive Raleigh 835 AM Arrive Wilmington 8.40 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make connection atSboi . Heel wUh trains on C. Y, eX Y. V. By. Trains No. 3 and 4 max elos. eonnecUoa Ham 1st with Trains to aad from CaJelja. Through Sleeping Cars between wifcanulca and Charlotte and Charlotte and Ralegh. Take Train No. 1 for StatesvUia, buttons Western N C RB, Ashevllle and polsts teat. Also, for Spartanburg, Green vlll. Athena. Atlanta and points Southwest. . . Local Freights Mos. Sand 6 trl-wceklybe tween Wilmington and Ham let. ' Local Freight Nos 7 and 8 tri weekly bs tween Hamlet and Shelby. . , Not. 5, 6, 7 and 8 will not take pfvsesgers . L. C. JON3. - Sspertatcadaat. " . f. W. CLARE, Gaaeral Pasaeager Artst iaa23 - . , , Change of Baso : JY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARE respetfally notified that I have removed my shops to Chettnnt street, between Frczt and Water. All orders for-work la my lixp, tt ninjr, repairing, Jte. wiU.be doce4rrcn3fl!y and faith I ally.- - 1? Chestnut, bettveea Frcrt kri tizr :st UaCt it ;