rms PAPER . avarr raaioc. saaaays oepied by . vonruiTOl. IL'IIU mo-tXOO. Three . .1 i: One month. S5 cents. ,;:ntdeUvere.i by carte" free rates low and UberaL ( , will report any snd. .11 fall- . , receive i&cu i i - Unfailing Specific. for Lira Disease. ....nrnriCa Bitter of bad taste i SYMPTuMOI mouth; tongue coated -hit or covered with a brown fur; pm In "J 3- sides, or joints often mistakes 'PheumatK .our lom.chj Unaof ,wi?f"?mlnie-naueft and water. fpp!, or indigestion; flatulency and acid "Ei?" WW alternately costive hekdache ; lo of memory, with '"i nmikensutionof bavins failed to do I i-biittv: low spirits; a iohk, jiow pr iSSnce of the kin and eyes; a dry Eh- fever; reatleaimeti: tlie urine la rv and i high colored, and. if allowed to 3". depo6it a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) i -nTUv used in tiw south to arouse U Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It act with extraordinary efficacy o fha v iver, kidneys, and gOWEW. Malaria. Bowel Complaint, impepsia. Sick Headache. N t'onntipattou. TtilimisueM, Kidney Affections .lamidlce. Mental Depression, Colte. Ib hrxd by l!. u-e of 7 Million of Bottles, a THE BEST-FAMILY MEDICINE fc: Children, for Adults, an.1 fo: the Aped. ONLY GENUINE . ' kit cut Z Stamp in red on front of Wrapper. - - - J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. Pa., Price. Sjl.OO. hov : !end A w tdp Herr Falbo, the wie Austrian who itfi he predicted the recent earth qkes. predicts taw, lor April and perhsfa tew tor May. - . - - i Dr. Kovaleffsti. a very wise Rassian d-vior. teils trigbtful "stories of the itumher ot iutaiics in bis country. T here is room for only I0.C110 in the sylucu". and they are brutally treated. Aoi.iu 90,000 ram about at large with out any care. They are to be met on all the coantry roads, ad Jthey laven je w! mage by wanning little children. ... The board of managers of the Penn- iTivania Colonizaion Society-Yepnrt that fifty emigrant?, mrst'.y igricullui isii, commended for Sobriety; industry sod iotejrity. were sent, out to Liberia laf week. Also that a party' from Indian Territory had sailed, who not ouiy paid their fares to New York:, but paid the suciety in prt for their pas- ie. nnd took not with Ihem a con- liderable amount in goods, tools and c&9h. - . . The people of London are whirled from one psrt ol the British metropolis to soother by undercround railway trains, on wt ich the fare varies from 2 1 4 ceols. The greater proportion of the uckets are sold for 2 cents. The traiosareran at intervals of from a minute to a roinnte and a half. Nobody bsiever been killed on this under sroandroad. although morn than j?0 OCO.oco passengers are carried oyer it in a jear. ' ' jt.--' t Writers in Paris are distinguishing thnuseive now with merciless attacks pod Victor Huco, so recently, worshp ped. Heort Talne speaksbarshly ?bf be bard who wrote the -"Legende des Sitcles and calls -htm a writer, of piieptic verses. Jules Letoartre. one of the best literary critics in France declares that, the dranvasf the 'great" msiter tire oat the pubUe,taadSi marks will be appreciated by many an American who, tsaotiiit of the, French iiazasge. bss gone tost'ep to the words 01 MHernaniM at the Theatre Fraucai. In addition to the naiues 'of Dr. Joseph Parker. of London, a ad tb Kevs. A. J. F.Bebreods and iluab Smith Carpenter, that of Dr. Joseph T. aryea. pastor of th Central Cooare- fsttonal Church, ot Boston; has beeo msniiooed as ; a pcsible sttcc8Ssorftb Mr. Beecher. , Dr. Daryea went to bis Present charge from Brooklyn, and is rejrvded as one of the most liberal minded men amcng the Congregatinal cJr-y. The Rev. Dr F-dward Kggtcsi who retired from the Church, of the Jvrrstian KndeaVor some tim8 ago; lol has been busy with' literary wof k 8fee oi , . .. ..-": oiiiDo. aas aiso oeca orouf 0..up la .in .me present discussion. Mr ttnr. at .. . oi . . KOTOS Maeee? lintterl KtatPBl iter of Sweden, is n Washingten I Ik. m j 1 fltJ- Mr. Magel is deli z hied kith his5 'idence in hti n m. ,-k-. ' aence in tbat ooaotry He describes . f People as beinplh mnt finlito alrtrl pnrteous in their social intercourse ol'nd l 8Upen,en.d some repairs .and ! I wwawai m a,v S WW v I iu the world. ; The most cordial S - "suui xis;s oeiween ine'ivino? nd bia gjxbjects. The ing walks iue ireets of ritockholm as dem- i cfat'catli and a safety m Geo-. Qraati i 11 J VOL. XI. during bis incumbency. of the White House, did la Washington. According te .llr. Magee policeman' l t in Swe den must be a very hapoy one. During the twenty-two ujouth? ho has re?itl d iu Stockhoiiu there Dsn not bt-eo a arrest lor drur.forincs. murder or "a hr. There is no country on the elobe where human liie hatt so tuaoy protect tlOQS. . , (iood lfeiiltM in Every Cane. ! , ; i . j ' rxauotoru. wnoieaie paper i dealer of Chan anooga. Tcnti.. wri esi i m t a . m . loathe was iifcrouly ainicteu. wi;ba aererecold that settled on hi9 Itinss: e cu had tried many remedies without bene Be inzr nduceti to try iliosrVrtHa Hsd.V'wa- the most brittikmapd New Disc very for Consurr ption, did so nod was entirely cured by use of a tew bottles fcrince which tine he has osed it in his family (r all Coughs and Colds with best tesuits. This is the expeiience- of thoqands whtise lives have been saved by this Wondertu. Dis- tovry Trial bo'tlea free. H. Green & Co Saved His Lite. Mr. D.'I Wile x-on, of Horse Cave, Ky., says he wns, for many years, bid ly afflicted wjth Phthr ic, also. Dialjtitcs; the pains w rc almost unendurable and would sometimes alinos 'throw him in- ti oonvolftitina. He. triil T-'lxirio ltit- ters and got relief from firi bottle and : alter taking six bottles was entirely cured ar.d had gained in flt?sh eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes be would have difd had . it t.ot ben tor the re iet afforded by Electric Bitters. Stld at fifty cent- a bottle by W. II. Gren & Co. LOCAL, NEWS. KDtt TO NEW anvERTISE (REITS. r C MlLLBBt Jarden Seed C W y atvx Lovers o Art A HELX.TZ2A Daucinj; Academy, - McNDa K; os Marsh tr a 1 wJk Glycerine Removal Hotneatead-A l.in Aaaociatiou Heiiisbkroek's Christian Ke'd's NewBaok 6EO It JTrfjscii & soxs A Pleasure la deed Milikk & Niestme Kenredy's Medical Discovery. Day1 Jleagib 12 hours and G minutes. Spring commences to-morrow, so the almanacs say. The days and nights are now nearly equal in length. There were no interments in Beltevue Cemetery this week. There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery this week. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 142 bales. Sunset 'lo-inor row afternoon minutes past 6 o'clock. at 1: There Were no interments Forest Cemetery this week. in Pine Yon will save money and get the best work by sending your clothes for repairs to John Dyer and Son. t The Register ot Deeds issued six mar riage licences this week two for white and four for colored couples. Rev E- S. Alderman has resigned a pastor of the Bsptist Church at Chapel Ilill on account of insufficient saiary. New Hauover Criminal Court, Judge Meares presiding, will convene at the Court House int his city on Monday next. The office of the Building and Hmeo stead Association has been removed to the store of Messrs. Dick & Meares, on North Front street. The night services at the Firt Bap tist Church will be held until further notice at 7.45 p. m., instead ot al 7.30, p m., as heretntore. (Jer. barque 1'Wau, (Jeiiacb, cleared tuday for (Jla9gow with 3.650 barrels n.stn. valued at $7,000, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. . No interments are reported in either of the Cemeteries l his week, which is a remarkable record, and one of which we are both grateful and proud. Attention is invited to the certificates of cures by Dr. G. Meredith Freeman, published in his advertisement in this issue.. These are genuine and speak for themselves. - The case ot Aibertson vs. Williams. from Duplin, was argued in the Su pre Jie on Thursday. II. R. Kornegay for plaintiff and Haywood & Haywood lor defendant. We understand mat the season at v . lha w" Probly open soQ,e. W & A m. mI i am a E a m ava aii iai h Si al uui iui )wr irs. o flown there about the first I - , - - mA.m i w Fatf " 'Proements men are to oe mau. " " .'"" - laMMmn vnnr avp for the IMsre' celebrated RockCrys-i tat Soectacles and.FTf e CTJasses is estib- lie bed is this, pltoeat Heiosberget'i.t : WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH - ' Slixtit Fire j At alarm was ent out from box 14. 'corner of Third and Princess streets, at ;7:I5 this morning, in consequence tl Jiru on the root ol the kitchen on the . premise! .t Mr.. (Jaaton MearfS. on ; Filth street, between Market and Prin .ce?s. The tire caught from a apark j from the citiiuricy and was xiifjruihed . by k stream from hose which were at j tsched to the nearest hydrant. Dams a2e sjut. Tin- Soiree. -The soiree given last night by Prof. A. Belltzza's dancing class, at German attractivool any yet given here 6ndr ns otrec-.ton. i ue targe nan was nril- liantly illumina'ed for the occaaiou.aud was crowded to it capacity with inter ested spectators. The dancers did their very bet, and the costumes of the For sale by W. i VO'Jnjr ladie9 and mioses were in cle iiXant tat both in fabric and designs Mhov will be aiad to hear that Prof. Bv'lifzza has concUuled to remain and give auother scries of lessons iu danc ing, and a iare clas wiil avail them selves of the opportunity thus Uered to become perfect in this charming ae- 'omplishmnt A Tribute to Our City. Mr. H. A. L -ndou, of the .Chatham Record, who was in tha city last week, writes thus pleasantly of Wilmington in this week's issce of his paper; Wilmington is the largest city in the State and yet very little is known about it by the balk of our citizens. This is accounted for chiefly by reason of its geographical position, being situated at the Southeastern extremity ot iheS'ate. It North Carolinians were better ac quainted with their chief city it would be belter for them' as well as lor Wil. miniLtoo. It is much to be regretted that the people of North Carolina pat r nize to a greater extent and do more to build up the sea ports of other States than ot their own State. For instance. Norfolk does a larger shipping business lor North Carolina than Wilmington does. We much enjoyed recently a visit of a tew days to Wilmington, and were pleased to notice many evidences of its growingprosperity. Although it was visited only a year ago with probably the most destructive fire ever known in North Carolina, yet now ibero are scarcely any vetigcs of it to be seen. Ivurger and more costly buildings are erected iu the place oi those burnt, and the great Gre has thus proved a bless ing in disguise, as usually is the ca3e with conflagrations in cities where prudent meu keep their property insur ed. All over the city we saw many handsome residences recently erected, and others in progress of construction. U Wilmington is a . "dead cits" as asserted by some, il is certainly a very lively corpse! It has done dur ing the past season the largest cotton business ever before done, the r ceip s ot cotton being nearly 40.000 bales more than during any previous year. In its harbor may be seen many vessels loading lor ports in all parts of Europe.jtnd its foreign trade is yearly increasing, this is due to the improve merits yearly made by the national government at the mouth of the Cape Fear river. The depth of water has been so increased that yesseis of almost the largest tonnage can now cross tue bar and Come up the river tr Wilming ton. The proximity of this, ity to the (Julf is t ream renders itsc inMe delight ful nearly the entire winter, and should make it a pleanant winter resort for Northern invalids and pleasure seekers : ami the citizens of our up country will lind pleasant 'summer resorts al the several Souuds near Wilmington, which arc easily reached by one of tho smoothest, ahell roid iu America. The journey from this ?cctiii to" Wilming ton was formerly very faliguiug, but is now a pleasure trip. Itisonly a uighi1 ride from heiu in a comfortable bed in :i sleeper om the R fc A. A. L. and C C. railroads. These sleepers are more comfortable than the celebrated Pull man sleepers, and in them lrylliiig is rendered a pleasure ride i -iead of a laliguiug i ormy. We well cm ember the timo when three t r four ays were occupied in travelling from Pittso. to' to Wilmington, and il was quite a formidable undertaking : but now iu is an "all rail route," and lime and dis tance are almost aouibilslcd. Forepaugh fc Satu well's eugngoujuttl here will close with to nigh 6 perfor mance. Owing 10 tho co.d weather the attendance has not been so large as it otherwise would have been. The company give a good show for the money. They go hence to. Raleigh, where they o'pen next Monday for a week's performance. Sleeplegsnegg. Narcotics and sex t lives murder steep; the unnatural s'.upor is soon fol lowed by ill effects. Simmons Liver at t . m r . a iiAala'VraaFAMj - aAclft'kMAha n n. t Mark m r I kaB . iUC ' . nps .nd a ppn acanota hv rsvn t nv ,lh8 DowelSi 5? estabiiibing good d.ges. a a . non auu oy quieting tne nerves, "I have been a great sufferer dyspepsia and loss of s.eep. A. from soon , f . . . . . . of Simmons Liver Regulator aod sleep 'all night " i Mb R Rhtahit firlaivnldflwiHo. Oa .Tacobi's is headquarters for lbwtor disease. One or two Pills taVCQ or toes o Sash. Doors. Paints and Builder's Hardware; ; - ' f Cotton. The receipia of cotton at this port for j AtTaboui 3.45 o"cli;ok this uiornin? the the rek ended March Itn. 187. foot ; alarm was a uuded lrm box 25, corn-r up tVJo' bale, as ngainstl.073 Viales tor ; f Seventh an4 llarnelt .lreeU, in et'O ftm CMrre$prding week. lat year; a de-I sequence of a lire oh the second floor crease u 437 biles. The receipts tor of the two story frame dwellinj; on th tlie crop year to date foot up 131 817 corner of Seventh and Swnnu street?, bales, as ntcainst 94.580 bales " fr " the owned and occupied by Kit Currie, orre?pondinif period last year: an in crease, of 37.237 hales. feratititti . We are glad to state that the eondh tionot Mr, E E Burma, who was stricken slightly with patalysts , yester day, continues favorable and the attend ins physician has hopes of his speedy aud ,,ernjnent recovery. We were pleased ! receive a visit to- j dav from our friend. Frank 1). Ivoonce. - - - - Eq. of Onslow County, who is here to remove the remains of his father, who was interred in the old Front street vaults nearly forty years ago The TUird Ticket. The following has been jul forth as a thint ticket for aMermeo in this city: First Ward Joo R Melton and An drew Walker." Second Ward J W Taylor and Os car Pearsall. Third Ward-R W Smith. Fourth Ward J R Guthrie and S H Ftshbiate. Fifth Ward Alex Sampson and O H Kennedy. A Lvely Knee. A race under saddle was the cause of considerable excitement among sport ing neo yesterday afternoon, at Capt. T. J Sontherland's race track Four Texan ponies contested for the prizes both ot which were won by Mr. Willie Grant. The first, a quarter mile race, was lor a bridle and martingale, and the 'ccond. a half mile race, was tor a purse oi money. Mr., Grant bought bis pony from among the first lot received here, and the animal has proved itslt as possessing ind, metal, speed and bottom., From the appearance of the animal we shonld judge that it would be a rather hard pooy to beat, even in a mila race. Peoder Notes. Early vegetables are being shipped from R'Kjky Point to Northern markets. Truckers have' been shipping radishes for two weeks. The recent cold snap has in juried trrck gardens to gomeexr tent- The trucking business is on the increase in Pender county. in lace of the prevailing low prices lor the last two or three years. Leading farmers are preparing to es" tablish ta county agricultural society and local farmers' clubs in the various townships. The general inclination this year is to cultivate less cotton and peanuts and more corn, small grain, grass, potatoes and other products that will render the people independent of the hog raisers and producers of the North aod West. Home production is booming in the new county. Less guano and more home made fertilizers 's more and more the" prevailing law among our best farmers Pender Cou'nty Superior Court ad" journexl ou Thursday evening. Jude Connor lakes well in the county. Owing to tho hard-times, or some other cause, ihuu is less and less litigation iu ',th county every year! Most of tbo' cases tried were old chronic ones. The grand jury .was made up of some ot our best and roont intelligent citizens, with that clear-headed aid- promising . young geutlemau. Mr - Joab F"-Johnson. - is foreman. Tho greater part of one day was occupied in investigating a bill of indictment against Andrew - sloao, colored, br burning the gin house and contents of Dr. S. S - SafchweH M Rocky Point in Noyember last; A true bill was found. The case will ho tried at the ensuing May" term pf the Superior Coart. Slo&u'is a citizen of that township. Besides the local bar of Pender some of the ablest lawyers of New Hanoyer, Sampson. Columbus Wayne, Duplin, and Brunswick were in attendance. Solicitor Allen again proved himself to be one ot the best prosecuting officers of the State. Two Million Restorer!. Bba.kdkkth's Pills are a certain cure for every disease; they purity the blood, which in its torn makes a pore, healthy body. During the last fifty years they have restored to perfect health and enjoy mfcot two tnillt' ns of f ' . ... persons. Tbe secret of tnetr success; is their three-fold effects, 'invigorating the digestion, stimulating the liver and bwe!s, and purging a -ay the worn out particles of 1 h bod v ami all seeds very night tor a weeg or ,twu m wayicarft.' :-- :..-.:ir1 1 - 19 1887 NO 67. J This iloruiu,i Fir colored The firemen turned out promptly, considering tji" uuieasonablu hour, but the flames had gotten und. r such headway that the upper story of the building was destroyed and the o wer story was badl y damaged before tiey were extinguished The owner h:d insurance t the amouut of 400 on the building and $100 on the furni ture and wearing apparel in the Con necticut Insurance Company of Hart f rd, represented here by Messrs. W. L. Smith & Co.. whicn will about coyer the loss. Pianos and organs can be bought cheaper at Heinsberger's than at any other house in the ,State t NKW APVEAtTtSEMB-VTai lioinoyal. 'JpHK OrriCK OF THE WILMINU-fON HV.MKSTED ANI LOAN ASSOCIATiOS baa been removed to the Sioreof Messrs. Dick A Meucs, on Front Street, next Sr.uth o Pin cell House inch 19 It Marshmallow & Glycerine pOILET SOAPft. NEW dOOOS ' .11T8T receivd Three Cakes for 25 cents A supe rior article highly perfumed A large line of Toilet oaps fiom 21 cents per dozen cases, jip MUND8 BROTHBR8. mch 10 Dancing Academy. AT THE URGENT .request of many menus i nave con eluded to si ve another serie of twelve les sons in daucic, com- mencingnext Monday afternoon for ladies and on the same night for gentlemen. , Bsllhzza. Mh 19 It. Commissioner's Sale. JN PURSUANCE OF A DECRKC OF THE Superior Court of New Hanover caunly, in an action therein pending between John L. W acott aa plaintiff, and ;. ). Morse as de fendant., the underfill et Commissioner ap pointed by eaid decree will bed at public anc lion, for caeb, at the Court Uoueo door In Wilmington, oa Monday, the 18th day of April. A. i. 1887. at 12 o'clock, the loilowlng describ ed lots of laud: 1st Lot Begins at the northeast corner of Ann and Second streets and runs east long Ann street 9a feet, t ence north 44 feet, theace west 93 feet and thence south 44 feet to tne beginning-: , nd Lot Begins in tlie east line of Second street 44 feet north of Ann afreet and runs north. 100 feet, thence east 30. fect, thence sooth lOJfec? and thence west lt)5 ieet to the bceliiDinij. 8nl Lot ncxlna In the northern line of Ann street, feetrcast of Second street and runa east niona: Ann sir ctt7fect, theaM; north 1 t'eef, more or 'ess, to a Atone wad, dividing line, tbeucc wcat .? feet, thenco eontb 46 fet, thence west 10 feet and thtnee south 45 fect to the beginning on Ann street. SOL. C WKILLj mch 18 td . CommlisloBCr Commissioner's Sale. N PURSUANCE OF A DECKER OF TUE I superior Court of Pender County In an ac tion of forclosurc therein pending between D, I.- Uorc ct at., as J'laintlfl and John b lior t'caux, et al, as Defendants, the un lerRlyned, Conjmlaiftioner api,Bted by eaid decrte, will kc 11 I or cfh t pubiiu uucUu, al the Court House Door in kuraw, oa Mondav, the 14th Uy of March, A. D. Ib7. i 12 o'clock. Iho f flowing described real oitafc in aid county: licginniogat the mouth of Mil lira neb and run up td Branch with James B. Kor dcaux'e line about 9. polca to A ice Arm hinmai's line, Ucnce with her llnooutb about i.n pom w a stake near tifreI Mausicy a fcn.ie, tht nee South 79 dccices Kat 430 poles naiaKc tn tbe By, th' rttrwbcrry line, thence with atd line .outh Is dcKrcewcat 48 poles, tbence 8uth S device ust40i (!ca tstaHo, K. M Kordcaux' crovt. tbeuce with-hla dnc 'ortb 81 desreca Wct 000 poles to luracy Creek, thcucc up eaid Crrek-io the bcjulnwuijt. conutvinar 443 acrcw more or lee, eept'n;, bowevtr, from aid dcBCrljtion 131 a rca. of-tld land conrcyed tolr E. Porter, bydcrd recorded in Book B, at pfre ftOi of I be Records of Tender county aforesaid MAh'Si'EN Kkl.LlMY, feb 5 lawiws Commissioner.- Lovoro of Art I -o- $1,000 Worth of FIno Pictures! Oi FXUICITION AT YATES' BOOK STORE, OR A FEW DAYS ONLY ! mch 16 Notice. rpHE NEW PUR'JELL HOUSE HAS ONE of the finest BAR, BILLIARD and SMOKE- 16 feOOM3 In thej erne. Aflne Lnncb every nlznt from o to 1 i r.il.- mcni4tt jjs. E. hlbbest, Prop. Gordon Good, RJQt CHEMICALS. PATENT MED1 Jtu& and Fancy Articles in fui sunpi at - . k :T.f.o' k aAH toTonruaa4Nnts FLXABS aioricl ' - will ot tad I raelTa'eoMiittxvaeca tro our maads oa aay aad all abap . maTaltaumtbai . ; - r aajaa ef Us wntar stasi always M alabdotaKdlte. xamniLtcauojM aut b wrUtsa ra e oaldot tbi pptt. r'ftraoaaJQttea most bs arolda. And Ills aapeeUlly sad particularly nm uoi that the Editor doss aot always aadoi the rlews ofeorrsspoBdsBts naUaa h till la tiia edltotlaJ noiumaa. 7 NKW AIVKHTISEJI KNT8 Kfew AN Desirable Spring Goods ! BY STKAMER AND RAIL This Weels; -AT HOTTSE, 116 aiarket Gt- mch 14 Just Received. ; . ' - ' - s. ' , jjjNOTHER CHOICE 1XT OF SADDLES i sn.l Trunkf. We fjiuo-antee our prices to be as CHE At if not CHEAPER thau any honae in tbe city on Harness, Collars, Harness Leather, Shcepaknf, As. Trunks repaired by the only prac.lcal Trunk maker in the State.. FF.NNELL A DANIEL, . Old Mallard Stand , 10 So. Front St. v mch 12 tf - Christian Reid's New Book. ' MISS CHURCHILL, A STUDT, . JgY: CHRISTIAN. UBID. Author tf Bosny Kate, Morton House, The Land of the fikles Hearts and Hand. Heart of Steel, Ae. In paper, 50 cents. For aale at .' '?"'. HEINSBERGER'S. JpElUODlCALS, PAPERS,, HARPER'S Magazine, The Century. Scribner; Msgizliie, and all the different Libiarya can always be found at our counters as scon aa ther are published. i A cordial Invitation Is ex'ended ths cltlzeas and strangers from HEINSBEKGER'S, mete 8 Cash Book and Music gtore Doiifflns. & Yarboroucht JASIIIONABLE If AIR DBE33EBS y ! ; AND BABBEE3. H5 Market bu. Wilmington, N. C. l Shop fully equipped with all tbe latest tm provemcnu. Courieoua and polite barbers always ready to fcrvc customer. ar j. v. Yarborouxb, formerly wlih Joba i Werner, would be ghvi to serve his old paw rons. feb 22 . Valuable Lands for Salo.vQ QNE TRACT OF LlND, LYING ON" wile from 1 lncolnton. N. c., eonslsttna: of W acres, 53 acres cleared; Is btst for cbitos. r but gives good crops for all grains. Has a i branch rtumlng tbroueh it at (fa fine sprlns a few acres of bottom Una on the branch aod JOarrtsln wood.ok aad hlctory. wsU tim- Another tract lying 2t ml lea from Unjoin -ion, 34 mt-e from .i-C k K.,l( Sabres, il " cleared, tine a pilot; of d hdous water, about six acres of bottom laid near Hon ire traicn ; lg --l'0' toUrcco, but gfowa other crops ; weH; a acres in yellow pins and oak. . y or price and term appry o I CRONXl MORRIS, mch istt Auct'ra A Heal Estate brokers -, Moulding. - Jtest in city, at Jacoei's Xldrr. Depot. . v M.I.Iatz r