Vheu ccHlcd, I 1 1 L The ferry jv . - 1LL.ER jay "2 A v-fe- afrm5 a 4and-....11-relief aT ones- andft ; Cure : J Ore. I n rM i,. feli 5 Jw tc Drni lv Holiday Goods! FILL LINK OK ALL KINDS OF HOL lDAT ;oOl3 received by 8 tfatner to-day. tlunn, Prei-orves, Oranges, CaS-tji8,Jellj, Appies. - - L"nrrnu. Minre Meat. Flga, Nut o( aU klndrt, . twatra ami take. Hnmlloit Ft hes and rhts, eotnet lil or extra. Urfnr.e-1 and I Ive Ponltry, t - s - lewty, finish rarh dy during tUe week. VmLW. both canned and freth. of almost every kind. (. blifirly kD'l vecure yonr supplies before Hue rch .ISO L BOATWRJGHT. IS A 17 So. Frost Street Pure BntTOTlieatr HAVF-ON HAND A TKE8H LOT OF t. buckwheat, jiBt received from the Hftirm part of tie State. Thoee desiring a ' . - . .... -- Pt'RK'A KT1CLE ran obtain it toy calling on Jno. L. Boatwright. IS 17 So. Front 8treet Just Received; On Consignment. C BOXES TOBACCO, 12 in. 4s & 3s j35 " 11 in.JSs.; j45 M " Jjo. 4s & 5s. I Which we are offering for sale' 25 Percent. less than'mannfaolnrar'a rmst. ai.su. .. . : 20,000 Cigarsoll grades SOL. BEAlt & CO.. 0.9. 5U.BKKT 8T. J'ale Dealer to llqvr and Tobacco. Baggage Transfer. DO PROMPT CALLS AND DELIVERY ' fnt a leaveljourordera atT. J.80CTM- " j - ... f i . USrVi 1 Iters nhV. XnrtJi-KdSt. Mr tr CartUre promi tly filled. -V :t. j. soothkelahd. . - Urery aid Sale sntblea, ; J0c FOR A SHAVE. F FOR A 11 A 111 CUT. y FOR A HAIRCUT.SHAVE , D ANUSHAMPOON. HAIR DYEING aoc and upward. Ji.X tt bec and Ferf orner, . - ---9 Market st A, A., BroT7n, AL MTATK AND COLLECTION BBO- p 1 KriYS ..11. T 1 T .T" cie. rioc-K. ir;:r4j r&1'4Vt btut. TttWa, Deeds.- Ac . rcfc horfc proaptiy, . . " jan 15 FhO DQlIy r20ViOV7)nenjilnd favorite key' in which be! - . , .11... j generally speaks, bat which be of teal vTO n COFf I N L.KSS DEA L . t Tb paau I .fine of thecofiinleas dead The heroes who wore the ray, . Who dared to follow where chivalry led. '. And fronted the flame of the battle red. .Wboe blood like warm red wine wa hd, ; 'In the heat rtf the deadly fray. Ah. grand. U the task the tale to tell, Of those heiot-s without a name. Whose spirits were stirred by the "rebel yellJ . . As it rose and throbbed on the battle- 8We4i, As tbev fallowed their leaders mid fire ; .rofhelti v " - V . w Thr'.'the grates of a destbtess lame. All hailljn the bra,ve, whose forms sv ' bright - " . "'. Did I natum's shield arise. , . A'bo dared to lani and strike' for the right. . A .' Whoae spkiu passed trom the battle -I . . night. ' leto God'f prsencp pure and white : ; With the stamp of the sacrifice All-hail ! to the blood, that a curiam leK On au infant nation' head. What thV the cbnues of it chrui'ninj ""bell.. - ... Bet mingled their tones with its funeral All haii! to Us spirit fled. All hail! to the paladins c!ad fn gray. That Stuart and Stoewll 'iel. Who would with their lives a ransom Whot'B brave breasts bore the brunt of ' - the fray. Who wn Ik to the light of the sonic?? ': day . . All hail! to the eo ffi nles dead. pal IJenlerson. Douglass. Ark rrchH. Slvatori Oil , the greatest cure on earth lor p:n, as an anodyne has no equal in -the market. It t with u? riuubl the nest liniment. Price twenty five cents a bottle. ----- ; .Mr.i.Beeclier'8 Voice. In tb bouse ot Thomas A. Edison, at Liewllyn- park, is a remarkable memento if Bechcr. The inventor's phonograph lor iuiptessint; on a soft niHtal sheet the uttnanpe of a human I voice, ana then em nuns it again oy the turning of a crank, has never been put to any very valuable' use, and L Fdison has only gained from it a few Khousand dollars in royalties Irom ex hibitors. But he utihzed it to make a collection of famous voice. Since he became famous his visitors have in eluded hundreds of celebrities. Instead ot asking them for their autographs or photographs, be has, in two or three hundred instances, requested them to gpeak a few sentence into a pbono Utaph. . lie has kept the plates in a cabinet, and occasionally he runs some of them through the machine, which sends out the words exactly as uttered. Edison is probably the only man who can revive the silenced voice of the great preacher. v .7 A sto ii is iii iir success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschef?s German Sntp to let its wonderful qualities oe known to their friends in curing Cnnsun ption, severe Coughs. Croup. Asthma, Pneu monia. and io fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without i named in te relief. Three doses will relieve any case, 'and We consider it the doty ot ail Druggists to recommend it .to the poor, dying cnsuraptive. at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 doz en bottles were sold lav. year, and no one case where it failed was reported Such a medicine as the cannot be too widely yourdrutfgist about it. to try sold at 10 cents. 75. cents. Sold bv all German Syrtp known Ask Sample bottles Regular . size, Drutfgipts and Dealers, in the United States and Can ada. A Ciiri's Idea of'a Man. The followtog conversation was over heard in a hotel at- Weldon. N C, dur ing the civil war. Two young girls were chatting ou a Aofa- unconsciously drawing the atleo jion o! the crowd in the room to their conversation. Said one: "Selma is going to marry Lieutenant F.. alter all. You know ghe had broken her engajmcnt with him. Bt he loat his l'.g at the battle ol Manasses, and what does she do but take the hero into her favor again. I could no: marry any one who was not a whole man, could jou?M "Yes." exclaimed the other; "if there was jnst erurnsh of hi body iHi to tudd bis soul. I'd marry him it I lved him " The applause that ' loi'towcd thia speech , was tremendous The soldiers spraog to their feel and vented their feelings iu loudhDZas while the land lord and attendants rushed into l ho room to ee if the v Yankees were whip ped." Chicayo LttltiQr. .'Hello.m,we heard one another, the other day. man say to "I didn't know you at first, why! you look, leu yvars yuuugerlhau you did when I saw you last.-- I fel ten years younger." was the reply. 4You know I used to be under. the weather all the limo and gave up expecting to be aoy better. The doctor said I had consumption. I "was terribly weak, had night sweat. cougb.no appetite, and lost flesh 1 saw Dr. Pierce's Hiolden Medical Diss covery' advertised, and thought it would do no harm it it did bo good. It has cured rue. I am a new man be cause I am a well one." . ; - - TlieMmlc of Talk. Sentences sre spoken in a certain musical key .and ra mostly begun' on the fifth or dominant of 4bo scale of the keynote, from which they descend in seconds of thirds or other intervals to the. keynote, and. maybe, down the lower dominant. Or they begin on the keynote and moye to the dominant, or they ascend from, the dominant to the octave, and' to the."' ninth and tenth. Marty expressing are begun on the sixth as ;n a leading lone to the domi nant. The voice moves mostly up and down in the principal scale and chord, and in their relative harmonies, and fre quently dwell-? on introducinjr tones ; froa aboye or below to a tone of any of mesacaorua... ... , - . .petson Cat .hlaowo' laada transposes hi-her or lower in jtn- patby to other voices. &nd he isercited. Indivine service, at church. I have heard the minister begin in his natural bov Tlfi tho T I .nr.naal in a higher key. when the minister. pse9sioca musical ear. gradually rose i the tone of the choir. In one in stance the minister began the com amnion service in E flat and. the choir and organ gave the response In F. The minister gradually raised bis voice, and by tb fourth commandment met the tone of the choir, wheiein he con liitucd to the end. In ordinary conversation the differ ent voice speak in the Ire y ot B flat. B or C. person with soprani tr -tenor voices tuving in th upper part of tb scale, and the aito and buss voices hold, injf to the lower part of the same, and the replies turning otien to the dumi naatorsub doiuinaiit. Friendly conversation keeps mostly to the key ol the principal person ofth circ!e..who at the time !ive3 not only mor.'tliand social- t .u. but also the musical KMie to all around foiu. and if any one ol the company would speak in a dill'' rent tone. he would be out of tune and out ot countenance with the olheis When we readby ourselres we speak in Cor in B flat, or lowr s ill; but when we rend to. others we raise our voice to ihe Jfourth or 'fifth ot our own key. thntsioG oi.F or E flat Lo uman's Mtia.zine. Hucki oil's- Arnica Salvo. Tuk Br.ST Salve in the worl t for Cuts. Bruises. "Sores. Ulcers. Salt Khfum. Fever Sore, Tetter. Cnapped Hand. Chilblains, Corns, and a.11 Skin Eruptions and Ponitivelv cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mo..ey refunded Price 2-5 cents per box. For sale by V. H. Green & Co M iMJEL LA N J?AI L . A aiKOIOINK. NOTAUUINK. 11KJH AUTIIOHITV. Hop Bitters is not, in any sense, an ale diolic beverage or liquor, and couid not be seld lor use, except to persons desirous ol ob'aininsr medical bitters. GREEN B RAUM, U. S. t'oiiiV Internal Rev. Washington. D. C , Sept. 24. 1884. Dear Sir Why dont you get a cer tificate frm Col. W. II. W.. of Balti more, showing how he cured himself of drunkenness by the help of Hop Bit ters. His is a wonderful case. He ia well known in Rochester by all drink ing people there. He is known in this city. Cincinnati, New Orleans, New York; in fact, all over the country, as be spent thousands ot dollars lor rum I honestly believe hi card would be worth thousands nf dollars to you In this city and Baltimore alone, and make thousands ot sober men by in ducing the use of your bitters. J. A W. PREJUDICE KILLS. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery under the care of several of the best physicians, who gave her disease various names but no relief, but now he is restored to u in eood health by Hop Bitters that we bad pnobed at to years before using it. We earnestly bope and pray that no one else will let their sick u fi ler as we did, on account of prejudice against so good a medicine as Hop Bitters" The I arntsGoodTemplars Milton, Del.. Feb. 10. 1880. Having used Hop Bitters, the noted remedy for debility, nervousness, indl ge8tion. etc.. I have no hesitation in saving that it is indeed au excellent medicine and recommend it to any one as a truly tonic bitters. Respectfully. Rev. Mks. J. H. ELLGOOD Scipio. N. Y.. Dec. 1. 1834. I am the pastor of the Baptist church here and an educated physician I am not in practice, but am my sole family physician, and advise in chronic cases. Over a year ago I recommend ed your Hop Bitters to my invalid wife, who has been under medical treatment of Albany's best physicians several years. Sho has been greatly benefited and still U3es ihe medicine. I believe she will become thoroughly cured of her various complicated dis eases by their use. Wc both reeom mend them to our friend. many of whom have also bern cured of their various ailm"Uls by them. Utv. E R. WARREN. CURED OF ORMMRG. "A youug friend of mine was cured of an insatiable thirst tor liquor that htd so prostrated his system that he was unable to -do any business. He was entire y cured by the use ot Hop Bitters. It allayed all that burning thirst; took away the appciite for liquor ; made his nerves steady and he has remained a steady and sober in an lor more than two years", and has no desire to return to his cups, and I know of a number of others that have been cured ot drinking by it "From a lead jug R. R. Official. Chicago, 111. Working Clasps W8MS. prepared to furnish all rlafca with employ ment at home, the whole of the time or fur their pare moments. BtiMmsp ecw. Ilsht and prt.titablc. Persons of cither sex casiiy earn from fttf cent to $5.03 per evcnlit, and a proportional sum by devoting all tntlr tltu to the business. lky and girls earn nearly ft ranch as men. Thu all who see this nay serd tbclr address, and test tbe buslneea, we make this offer To such as are not well eat ts&ed we will end one dollar to pay lortbe trouble ot wilt njr Fall particulars and out fit lTe. Address Gkobge MIKSos A CO , Portland, Marne. declfimdlyw . to be made. Cut his out and rcurn to ne. and we will send you free, soaae thlnsr ot treat value and Importance to yon, that will suit yon in business waich will bring you In more mosey right away than anything else In this world. nv c na can do their work and Uve at home. Eltb r sex; all ages Something nw, that lust coins money fo all workers. We will start yon; ciplta loot needed. TWs la one ot tbe ireztuloe. important chances ot a lifetime. Those who are am bit -us and enterprising wLl not i'elsy. Grand ou.flt free. Address Tkue o , Augusta, Mtlne. !ec 1 6md tvw WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS .?fth bod j enlarKetl atx trenxlhnd. Fnll rwrtic n n noalfxi fr.F.KIE MKD.CO.. BCFFALO-N-X r to The Reyievt Job Office is the plan TT1T AITT7TT ft1 I 1 1 I I," 1 muivi m.m. a m m m A ct good work &l moderate puce. 4 SUPERIOR COURTS. Sprins: Terms 1887.- KIKFT DI3TKICTWUDQK AVERT. J Hyde February 7. I week; May IB. 1 week. :i v-- BeapforttFebruary 14. 2 weeks ; May , 30. 3 weeks Currituck March 7. 1 week. Camden March 14. 1 week. Pasquotank Marco 21. 1 week ; June 13. I week. - - : Perquimans March 28v 1 week. . Cnowan April 4. 1 week; June ' 20. 1 week. - -t - GatesApril ,11. I week " Hertford April 18. 1 week; June 27, 1 week. - WHhiiUn April 25. I week. Tyrrell-May, 2. I week. Dare May il. 1 week. Pamlico May i3 1 week. . ( SfcGOJfD 1HSTKICT JUIH5E Sjiiri. lUiitAX January 10. 2 weeks; March - 7. 2-week': Mat 1f. 2 wek. ' Northampton January 24. 2 weeks; Aptlt 4. V weeks;- IJune 13. I w-ek j Edgecoruoef February " 7. : --l week ; April 19, 2 weeks. Civen February 14 2 "weeks; May 30 2 week. v . Warren March 21.2 weeks. Bertie May 2; 2 weeks. ' ; THU;) OISTBICT JUDGE MEItKIMON. Ptu January 10, 2 weeks; March 21.2 weeks; June 3. 2 weeks , Franklin January 21, 1 week; June 6. 1 wer-k. ' W Hm February 7, 2 weeks; April 18, 2 weeks ' . Vnnce February 21; 2 weeks; tMay, 23. 2 weeks Martin Mnrch 7. 2 weeks. Greptie rAoiii 4 2 weeks. Nash May 2 2 weeks. FOUUTH lISTKICT JUDGE' SHEPHERD Wake Jannary 10, 2 weeks; fb- ruary 28. 2 wks; Maroh 28, 9 weeks; fApr l 25. 3 weeks. Wavm lanuary 24. 2 weeks; March 14.2 weeSrs. f April 18. 1 week. Harnett February 7. 1 week. Johnston February 14'. 2 Wfceks. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Granville January 3L 2 weeks; May 9. 2 weeks. Chatham February 14, 1 week ; May 23, I week. Gu 1 1 lord - February 21,2 weeks ; June 13, 1 wtck Aiamance March 7. 1 week; June 6; 1 week Darham-March 14.2 weeks; May 30, 1 week. Orange-r-March 23. 1 week. CaSwell April 18. 2 weeks. Person May 2. 1 week. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. New Hanover January 24, 2 weeks ; ' April 18. 2 -weeks. Lenoir February 7. 1 week. Duplin February 14. 2 weeks Sampson fFebruary 28 2 weeks; May 2. I week. Pendor- March 14, 1 week; May 9, 1 week. -Carteret March 21. 1 week. Jones March 28. 1 week. Onsiow April 4. l week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLARK. Anson "January 10, 1 week; tMay 2, 1 week. ; - .. " . Columbus January 171 week; March 28. l week. Cumberland January 24. 1 week; March 14, 1 week ; tMay 9, 2 weeks. Robeson January 31, 2 weeks; May 23,2 weeks. Richmond February 14 2 weeks ; June (. 1 week. Biaden March 21, I week. Brunswick April 4.1 week. Moore April 18, 2 weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE GILMER. Cabarrus t January 31. 1 week; May 2. I week. Iredell February?, 2 weeks; May 23. 2 weeks. -Rowan February 21. 2 weeks; May 9, 2 weeks. Davidson March 7, 2 weeks ; June 6, 1 week. Randolph March 21. 2 weeks. Montgomery April 4. 1 week. Stanly April 11. I week. NINTH DISTRICT -JUDGK BOTKIN. Rockingham January 24, 2 weeks. Forsyth-: February 7, 2 weeks ; May 23, 2 weeks. Yadkin February 21, 2 weeks. Wilkes March 7. 2 weeks; May 2, 1 week. -Alleirhany March 21. 2 weeks. v Davfe Aprili. 1 weak, StokeVf-April 18,1 week. Surry April 26 1 week. ' TENTH DISTRICT" JUDGE MACUAE. Hendersn February 14, 3 weeks. Burk March 7. 2 weeks. Caldwell March 21, 1 week. Ashe March 28, 1 week ; May 30, 1 week. -v ". " Watauga April 4, 1 week; Jane 6, I week. . Mitcheil-r-April IB. 2 wieks. Yancey May 2.-2 weeks., McDowell MayTb". 2 weks. ELEVENTH pSTUICT JUDGE j1 MONT- ' - .: ; . ' t - GOHEK7. . ; ? ':"" Alexander Jnnuary 24, I wcek ; June 13. 1 week. ' - - Catawba-January 31, 1 week; June fl. . I week. ". ' . " ' ' Union February 14, 1 week 1 Febru ary 2i: Tweek; My.23, I week; tMay 30. 1 week. . ' -Meckleuburt February 28. 3 weeks (iaston March 21. 2 weeks. r Lincoln April 4. 1 week- " ' Cleveland April 1 1. 2 weeks. 4 -Rutherford April 25. 2 weeks. Polk May M. 1 week ' : TW ET.FTII DISTRICT J UDGE , GRAVES. Madison February 28. 2 weeks. Buncombe March 14. 3 weeks; .-June 20. 2 weeks -V - : - Iransy Ivania April 4. 1 'week . -Hay wood April II, 2 weeks. Jackson April 25. 2 weecs. " Mac4 May 9 I week. Ciay May 16. i week. t ;llt r Cherokee May 23 2 weeks. Graham June 6 I week Swain June 13. 1 week. -Criminal causes only, Civil causes and jail causes only . - '. t Civil causes only I", osoBsiNd trsir asd O OTSTER?. Gntranteeu 'mmd and- J . ; fcona wnespat-fi rot deuve y i - cii 415 & igE soaViJi si. : - neh li . ; .. . UIGCELLANEOUS. Capital Prize lo0,000 W0kcTttv ertv tAmi m $rfrtnt.u arrangements forntltkt Uontttiy and Semi Ammtmt Ortunm$ of Tht Lonttuitut StU Lct erjf Vonpmnp, mnd in pcraon nmmpt mnd ctm troi thf Urmmnft thtweivtt an Ui t!U mm mrt conducted with honesty, ftntess, turn iu good fait towmrd Ul pmrUe mnd wtf author t th Compmmt o ctrtiJicU, mitK fae timtiltSOfPHr mwnatvriB mUmcKed. iniUmdo UomnitftHtonctrft. . 9fe-, the ttnttrrrtoncrt fhmfcji mwt Kttnttr, tt wry all Prz drawn in The Lowsitma State Lotteries whir wury. be presented otonrenmn ters. f II oHLBSBT. Pres. Loutana Nat" TJink PirRRK r.AVAl'X.Pres. tate NatM Rant. A. It4I rvis. Pre. New Orleyn Nsfl nt CARL "KOHN. Pres. Un'on National Bank. -j rTNpRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I " OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED! Louisiana State Lottery Oompany. inconorated In 1K6S for 25 years by Cue Ijus taUture for educational and Charitable pur loses with a capital of SI ,000,000 to wtach reserve fund of over SA&O.OOO has since been added. By an overwhelming populai vote Us rran salee was made apart of the present Staw CoustltnUon adopted December 2d, A, D..1871 The only Lottery ever voted on mnd endorsed by the people o f any Stat - Itnevtr scales r postpone Its" Grand single umber Drawings take place nionihSy, an' I th- Hc-l-Annuai rraw, lngs rcgn'ai ly every six niontliT tine and De cember A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A rORTFJNE. Fourth Grand Drawing. Class D, In the Academy of Music. New Orleans, Tuesday, A prlF 12, 1887 2o3d Monthly Drawlnjt , Capital Prize $150,000. Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, f2. Tenths SL LIST OF PRIZES. Capital Prize of flM.OOC. .$150,000 50,000 20,000 20,t00 20,' HX) . 2o;oito 23,000 30,000 40.000 50,0(K) 50,0(t0 Grand Prizkop 50,000... 20,000... 10,000.. ,000... 1,000... 500... 300... 200... 100... Grand Pri.k of Labor Prizes or IjArge. Prizes of 20 Prizes of 5fr " 100 2f0 500 t.000 it SO a APPROXIMATION PRIZES. IOC Approximation Prizes of 300....30,000 100 " 20fl...- 20,000 100 100. 10,(00 2,179 Prizes amountlag 'to,.... ....... ..$535,000 Application tor rates to clubs should be made nly to the office of the Company in New Or liana. '. ror further Information write clearly, giv ing rail address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, . New Orleans, La. or M.A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. AJ iress Roistered Lfttfri 0 NEW ORLEANS IATI0NAL BANK. NEW ORLEANS, hk. Rnninnihav That the presence of AVUlllf lllUtr Generals Beauregardand Early, who are In charge of tbe drawings, is a guaanee of -absolute fairness and integri ty, that tbe e nances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize All parties therefore adver tising to guarantee Prizes in this Lottery, or holding out any other impossible Inducements, are swindlers, and only aim to deceive and defraud the unwary - amchlB. . :TEE EEVIEW: ???????? s". it. p . .te v O & Xr JOBOFFICE,! t9 e tte p v w MARKET BTRBKT, NO. I133i. (Dl TAIRST) AND WE ARS PBMPAHKD TO DO ALL MANNER Or M m IT BE 11B1BKE1 WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES. CIRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS. POSTERS . ' ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS,4 PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS. MORTGAGE DEEDS, SH EK- - ITFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WAJtlLVNTS. . - STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, AC.. CALL OX US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE : IVLNG YOUR ORDERS " Address REVIEW-JOB OFCE, MLMIMGTON. M.C. IIousc Famishing Goods ft GOOD STOCK' OS HAND. " DOOR MT-tAWp8v tiAGrS'cOOR- STOVM AU grades Pnmp, f lgnnitsg Rou; Tiwre, Toilet ees. Biscott rTrtards." Lap Boar-is, Ironing Boir e, Ac , Ac. . - I-AKXS2 .A TAYLOS . PU112 V7CIT OIU mch 7 J7 MrUttina UAlIiKOAD:), Cc; Wilmington & Wd ttK R. - v A N U BRA N C II 123. " ' ' : If CONDENSED SCHF.DUnE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. i3. t Ko. 2:. Dlty. j DaOy . (uM t (old No lUy. Dated ;ilcli. 1. lei n 1 V. Ka At- vJ . . PM1 Leave Welu'ou....; Ar U.ky Mount. 15 nmiT&i pai "ft0aai t.......L2 21 ail Arrive larboro... Lcare- rarboro j Arrive WM-ouT.T. I.ave W 180D Arrive tfelna.r..i. A rrH c Fa y c 1 1 e v t ! le M do pntj.... II & ami.-... 4j.j pni; .vpcj; S.0 an 1 : 0 pin '. . . . "t . . .77. 'lm 4u pOti."......'....M.,... pni'...; .r. . ..... I re GoUUlMirtt. . licave Majmnlla.. Ijcavc Ruriraw..., Ar. WUmlnxtua... M II . I 7 Via ha. I V Ku u hi pm! s.3t pm 5. Id am 7 (Xtptuj.".. H.M 1 SO tm ptr i.1.1 In TRA'N GOING NRT1L.V No. Gi ' Dally old., o 15. No. 7$. lUy. old No. 47, Nft. Sb-' Dally. . Old 0.4V .Leave WllmlnrtonilLio pit: Leave Iturjcaw.. lave M-Rnoli;.. .112.5: air Arrlve GohUboMM l.U am c j mat i o.ri pa y M ami i.M in 10 am 10.4J pn ; 11.3 am I 58 pm Leave r kveiicvtllct S Oil Mil Arnve l?clm . . . . . . . 10 47 am Arrive WUsoii.... It 59am Leave VVPson.... Ar. Rocky Mount. 2.P am, IS 25ptUili si am ........I 1 (pm 1.27 am Arrlvo Tarlmro. ; 4 60 tml Ill SB ....' Leave Tarboro. Arrive IVeldon., 4 It am 2 33 pruj 5.55 am Train oo Scotland Neck Branca Road lasvt a Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.M P. M. Ra turning leaves' Scotland Neck at 'J.So A. M. dally oiccpt Sunday. W1? ,?avc,'?rbV N- - vl '-bsrmarl. A Raleigh K. U Dally except -undsy. 6.0 P. M, Sunday 5.00 P. M arrte Wnllamatou. St.??; s l" M 40 p- Keturomg ieaTet' wp.iunirtton, . c. Dally except uniay. 3 00 A. M ., Miudsy 0.f A. M , Arrive Tarboro. N. a, lo 5 A. M.. II . SO A. M 'I rain n M Id laud N C. Krancb leaves Golls boro, N, u., Daily except Hunday, 7 00 A. M.. arrive Mniltudcld, N. C. y 3 A. M. Kcturniflg leaves PmUimcM. N C , s Oo A. M.. arrive Goldsboro. S. C.10 30 A. M. Train ou NaMisille Branch loavrslifocky Mount tor Naflhvllle 4 00 P. M. Returning leaves Nashville . 11 23 A. M., daily except Sunday," , .-outhbound Train ou WUonA FayettevlllA Branch is No.51. Northboundls No. 50. oally except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wllsoa. Goldsboro and MhgnoJla. t ' - TralaNo. 78 makt s cloe cbnnecuon at Wei don for all points North Dally. All rail vl Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay ' Trains make -close connection for all point North via Richmond and Washington. A.11 train-, run solid between Wi'mington aac Washington, and have Pullman Palace 8 issu ers attached. . JOHN F. DIVINK, - . General Superintendent.' J. R KENLY. Sup't Transportation r. M. EMERSON, Genera' Passenger Acta! . inch S VVilminpton, Columbia & Augusta R. It. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE." TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Feb. 13. 1887.1 No. 15. ! No. 23, No 17, . Dally. Dall). Dally Leave Wilmington. 7.20 am 8.15 pm 10 10pm Lv. L.Waccamaw . 8 41am a.30 pm li 15pm Leave Marlon 10 28 am 11.24 pm 12-S9am Arrlvo Florence ... 11.15 am 12.15 am 1.20am Arrive Sumter 1.12 pm 4.34 am 4.24am Arrive Columbia... 3.00 pm! 0.20 am ft.2i)a TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 7; Dally. No. GO, Dally. No. 62, Dally. Leavo Columbia... lo.25pm Arrive Sumter. . . .t 1 1 52 pm 1.10 pm 2 44 pm 4.R0 pm 5.12 pm -tj.no pm 8.30 pm Ieave Florence 4 43 am 8.10 pm 8.4o pm 10.1 1 pm 11.23 pm Leave Marion Lv L, rVaccaoiavy Arrive Wllmlngfn 5.28 am 7.oo am 8.30 am Nos. 23 and 8 stop at all Stations except Register's, Kbenczcr, CaneSavannah.Wateree and Slmms'. . Paseexuers for polnta on C. A G. R. R., 0.. C. A.8.B. Stations, Aiken J auction, and all points beyond, should tte No. 23. Pull-' man Sleeper for Augusta on this train. r JOHN . DiVINZ, , ' Gansral Superintendsnt. J, R-VKENLY, Sup't TransportaUon. T. M . EMERSu n , General PasMngar Agent. Carolina Central B. II; Company . ovnos or xifSBAL acraartiTBfpsarr, l "Wiiniigtoa. H. c, Jan 21; ia7, -I " SEW Change of Schedule. , 0 M A SffBTa A W SB TV WTf IO ARBi v a x mj a. i&n. - a 11 in ua i i m m . follOWlJMC HflhSUUlS Railroad: will bs operated oa th; - No. 1, Dally except Sundays. - -Isave WUmlngton at.... d 00 A. U Leave Shoe Heel ..10.14 Leave Ctutrloe........ ...... ...... 3.4S w f Leave Shelby r.52 , Arrive Rutherford ton..... ........ 9At " No. 2 Dally except fiunday. ; lcsvo Uuthsrfordloa.. ............. A If Lav3 fueJiy .i..., 733 Leave Cj harlot tc 1 1.0a Leave Shoe necl. ........ , 3 56 Arrive Wilwiugton... g,ui No. 3 Dally except Sunday Leave Wlliblngton... S4J- Leave Raleigh 7.00 M P M P M Arrive Charlotte 7,5 A A No. 4 Dally except Sunday. r; Leave Charlotte g.15 Arrive J a telgh.. su All Arrive Wilmington. S.40 Trains Nos. l and 2 -make connection atiboi Heel with trains on C. F. A T. V. toy. Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection Hamlet with Trains to and from BAeljth. Through Sleeping Cars between vTiiminrtM and Charlotte &nd iMtUtt T.l-k . Take Train No. 1 Tor SUtesvllla, bution Western N C U R, Ashe villa and point West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville. Atfcana. Atlanta and polnta Southwest. . - T, local FrelghU Noa. Sand S trl-weekly ba . tween h ilmington and Hamlet. . f - Local Fi eight No. 7 and 8 trl weekly b tween Uamlt and Shelby. 7?-, No. 5, 6, 7 and 8 will not take paengers : - U C. JONri, ; r w. CLAM.anral x?La: Change of Base, jjY "Friends and. the public auk rtspertfuilv"iMHiaed that f have removed mv shops to CheMnm street, between Front and water. Alt order for work ta my lite. tin. nlntr, reolring. Ac . villi tie done prnmidlr and tilth fully. . ltnut, bet-reen Front and ierYu. ixn2t tf .. - -

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