THIS FJLTXX 9Tiiy vtnlaY Sundays f w wui baclad : to rtjoarr eowamaieatiai trm oar majMia ea aay as4 all inblMtfi Kwwaiuumtbal - . - aeptod by JOSH T. JAME3r -gDiTo rororoK. r -r ASCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAlDi ' m.oo. Si months. W.O0. Three Cat aana of ua amtto ainat always ti" -wtJoaiait M wrtttaa a "a aldoof U. paper. : - - - - ? ranajaaaab avoldaa- n& it la aipedaUy aja partlcmlarly aa v '-; wod uat th Kditor do aot always sadM ta views of correapoadeata aaiaaa ' tn ta ta editorial -jolnmaa. , P SI 06; One month. 35 cents. I rt, will l delivered by carriers free pui of m city. at tbo Wti CZiM li) cent pe weeX- VOL. XI. STcrlUni will report any aad all itetnelr paper regularly. W fLMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY. MARCH 22 1887. 10 69 1 rfAl PURELY .VEGETABLE. ct, with tnordirury caey o the ,l TIVER, IIDNEYSVH JL d and BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria Bowel Complaint. ' Uv,pnia. SirW ,,,Is-r1-- toutilHtian Bili.a(.ne-; 'Kidney AfiVctlona. Jaundice-, .Mental Depression, Colic. Ko Hoaseliold Should be Without It, ..,.,1 n-vly for ini mediate use. w.Um- aa hour nf KUfierinK and many a 'i Ilar in tim;nd d'-tnrs bills. THERE tS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR $ that you get the genuine with red Z' m front of Wrapper. Prepared only by J H.ZEILIN 4. CO., Sole Proprietor, rM.d.lphia, Pa. PRICE. l.OO. bov:S "-od w l-lp The Cardiff giaot' has been Tens for $A2 sold in The balloon lor the Pari Exhibition of wiil carry uu 100 persona. . - - rl TenMySn latos effort IS a ninrnin and evening hymn. dedicated (the b?s in the fiord in Home at r..rtiaioiit h . - - li.ivrrnor Braver, of tmn9ylvania. lev(M u pinion of hi time in liar rnurj- to leaching a Snuday scboo1 claw. - When last heard irom Secretary Bay ar.l bail me! the lady to whom hp Is said to be encased only twice, both of those times having been in public p'arcj. ' When Theodore Ttlton was told ol Mr. It.'cchcr's death and asked whether h h:t 1 anything t say. he shook his be. sadly m answered : "No; it wtll di oa good now." A son ol Senator Patterson, the fa uiu; carpet-bagger of South Carolina, is aa inmate ot ibe Tombs prison. New York, awaiting trial fur having swin dled a man out of the sum of five doUsrs.- Ona of the qualifications mentioned in lavor of a (leorgia . Congressman who is mentioned for the Speakership" U that oe could "decide a point ot order and bow to a lady in the gallery simul taneously." Ex-President Davis has written a letter eoatradieting the rumor that he waj about to visit Washington. He y that he will never see the Qapita 2io. "It would bo pleasant to view ibe scenes which were once sa tamiliar o me." he adds, "thour.h I. doubt Mf. I would hardly recognize the city now, it has so improved and grown.": No, Iht!l never again se Washington I'm setting too i Id to "traveL" The use ot 'toe gallot TatiU3nakea h warmly urged by M. K6scickjrof Austria, as an antidote (or snake bites. M Koscicky, who- became acquainted with the aotidoteia Venezuela, declares it to be both inexpensive and effective, well as instantaneous opera two, crows and dogi in the last stage of tos poison recovering immediately ou the remedy being administered to them. TheSeoateot Missouri has passed a bH which makes it a felony for any 0D. by threats or violence, to; induce a employee to quit work;' and the PQsishment provided is impriaonment ' penitentiary for from two to fiYo Jri. Kor the offence of using violent mnsto prevent one Irom accepting oployment the puaishment is ioi ooment in the county jail and a of from $100 to $1,000. . Mr. Henry Allaway, a correspondent f lje New York Times." who recently -i ioe pnt cipalraanul actnrlnt? and ; commercial centres of the South, rami u-r Dtnern Nation as follows: - Hhat the whole Smth needs is ' bro; will gauge immigration bureau Thial W'H do more towards doubling tte P3Palation than all ir,ft the syndicato; chem The hu1.ofB.-,u i. c.Ll ootbiogihort of. miracle can halt j THKW,, 0,A: K. C. l It. In the heat of the political contest we i trut that oar readers will not overlook j the fact that the qnetion of a subcrip tion of $!t'0 0O0 on the part o' the iMin ; ty tith Wilmington. O.isl w & CatoJ4na It R i to be v-.trd on m the p dis im Thurnilay . We look upon this a a very imporvant matter' and' we? trust that the aiuOuut wi.l be votfd ; Our people have long desired a railway j Cunmc'ioii with O'low and tl oppr-! lUnity for securing thi is nu at hand, j The propoiirion tH maiie under very ; a - a a m . i tavoraoie circumna; c s and every; safeguard possible; ha been thrown S around the bill so as to pro ect the in terrsta of the people in the subscrip tion. . : i'bere. are. many ieaions why we favorihis subienpfon. lit the first place, Wilmington Heeds tmore railroads and in the sfoorul plncc it needs roads which c r be control ed by ourwn people ant) which will be operated br the be-nefic our home markets. Onslow is a rich and productive county which has never yet bten touch ed bya railroad. , The products o her soil are not only numerous ami variant but her waters abound in fish and ovs:ers. Th supply ot these lnsr is absolutely inexhaustible and a liberal delivery here will make Wilmington thereaie-t fih msrket on thn AtUtitio vohhk TU oysters are the be-l in the wt-r.d ami the supply h is never yet quailed the demand. : Once at New River the entire water sy8temof North Carolina is open to the' road and can be made a feeder toil. The amount asked of the county is $100,000. This "is less than 2 per cent of the assessed value of real estate in iheconniy. 'therefore, il the construe tion of this road will but increase the yalne of realty but two cents on the dollar the subscription will have paid for it self. If a piece of property worth $1,000 is raised in market value to $1,010 then the increase in value will have paid its share ot the subscription Real estate here i at a very low ebb ami is only awaiting a boom. The Onflow II. R. may give the first impetus to that boom . As for the interest, il the profits of the road do not keep down the interest on the bonds the increase of business here from that souice will be sure to do it. - In fact, the increase of business here will pav trth interest and principal. It is not by any means a bad speculation, if it takes ten years to do this, but we prophecy that it wiil done in much less time than that. If Wilmington can get to New River for $IOO,000Wilmington ought certains ly to go there. We think it dirt-cheap. And now as to the expenditure ot this $100,000. We do not vote to give this money to a syndicate of people of whom we know notning and composed of.thrs6 who care nothing for us as a people or a place, and who may bring strangers to do the work that ought to be ol right given out to our own people, but to those who are of us and with us and -who will spend here at homu every dollar that is available for the purpose. In other words, taking out the cost of the irou. it will be the right hard paying out money into the left hand and the left hand paying it back into the right hand, with the addition-! advantage of having that much more of money iu citculalion here. ; We have given briefly bercthc rea sons for the faith that is In us aud why we would be glad to sec Ibis measure voted by the. people. We honestly think it would be the best thing that could be doue for this city and ibis sec lion at this time and that it is an invest men that will pay handsomely on the outlay. The opportunity once lost may never o cur again, and it we do not take advantage of it some others 'will for such a rich county as Onslow wiil not much longer remain locked to the world. What do you say, friends and fellow-citiiess? A large line of new Spring samples for men' wear received from Brown ing, Kng & Co., the largest merchant tailoring establishment in the country anil leave your measure at I. o'., .nrf save from fifteen to twen- , doil4'rt ration is : on a suit. ()ur bindiug obli- Theqaauty soau oe as rep re scftted - ? - 2: The ffarmentshall be made to'fit 3 The pnees. hall be lower than the 4 Moffey refunded 1f we fail in any cl thea particulars. . ' t LOCAl NEWS. I1DEX TO NEW lOVf ffTISEMEITS. r C MlLLER-GauleD Seed G W Y 4 rK$ J ver of rt E I Hall Mayo- Proclamation omit House Vie Icricii Warde Miss K Kakkek My New toog w i: OKA FT See.-y-S F K Co No 1 .1 Sol IJeau A Co tlfcirs Whtskty . 4 W Thomson Seefy-tnter.t vt.uie j Musus B os- You 'want a Good Uar I ItKisKBkuoKK's Chriatian Kei-i's NewBxk j cjko B I'.atk to the. Voterj of the Thtnl Ward o. : - Millkx a la.-o very N I ks r mb-Kent ely Mrllcal No reeist ration, no vot-e.l Register, Re2iTr-r ahillCsTStf To-mrriw (Wednesday) is the last j day for fcgistrai'Miu. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up (! bales. It is not only a tnan'i privilege to register and vote but it is b'u duly. There is but one day left in which to register and it you do not register you cannot vote. No man whose name is not ou the reg'ntration bo; ks will be ailowed to vote on Thursday. We are serry to state that Capt. W. M Parker; bt the firm of Paiker & Tivlor. is verv nick and confined to his i houje How many good Democrats in this city are going to lose the right to vote on election day becue of heir neglect to register their name?. ' Mis E. Karrer is now busily engaged jn opening and displaying upwSpring purchases. The attention of the ladies is invited to this lact. Schr Uranus. Peters, cleared to day lor Ponce P. R.. with 268.532 leet lum ber. valued at $4,190.36. shipped by Messrs. K. Kidder & Son. The directors of ihe Wilmington & Weldon R. R. have declared a dividend ol 'Ah per cnt. interest on the certifi cates of indebtedness of ihe company. Mr G. W. Bornemann, corner of Ninth and Queen street. , has, just moved into ' a n-w and omfortable s'.ore and dwelling house erected b; him at that place. Mayor Hall gives notice in this issue that all places where liquor is soid must be closed at 6 o'clock to morrow after noon and remain closed until 6 o'clock on Friday morning. The gallant firemen ot Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No 1, will cele brate their anniversary tomorron by a parade and engine trial in the after uoon and "a feast of reason and a flow ot soul" afterwards. The total numbet of vesse's arriving a- this port for the eleven months end ed March 1st 1887. were as follows : American 205 vessels and 83.505 tons. Foreign 161 vessels and 81 971 tons, making a total ol 366 vessels aggregat ing 165,476 tons. Call i:toudcd. Af a meeting of Brooklyn Baptist Church, held last night, a unanimous cali was extended to Rev G. M. Tolson to remain as Pastor another year. - Mr Tolson, as pator of this church during the past year, lias labored .xeaously in thn cause of the Master and for the pros perity of the church anil we are giad to say that his efforts liavo been truly and greatly blessed. Only those who come of age on that day cau register on the day of election Stricken AAiu. We regret to ioarn that Mr. John C Heyer is agaiu confined to his house, by sickness and that his conditiou is couW lidered critical indeed. lie was taken sick seycral wee.ks since, but recovered so far as to be able to be on the streets and at his usual place of business, and his appearance indicated a complete restoration to health. A few days since he was stricken again and be has con tinued to grow worse nolii now there is but little prospect of his recovery. fersotiai Mr. James F. Moore, Superintendent of Public Instruction tn Pander county, is in the city and made us a. pleasant visit yesterday. Mr. Julius Sampson, who has been several months in the city, expects to ieave here to-night on bis return to New York. He will be accompanied by Mr E T. Draper, the manager of the house here, who will spend Iwo weeka iu that oily in the selection of liBR gOOdi. . - . Atjrtit and Finance. The B tard t Audit and Finance, as ; at present constituting held its last reg- I niar meeting yesterday.. There were j present. Mr W. I. (Jnre. chairman, and j Messrs II. J . Jones and Win. Calder. The lizard audited and approved the lln.ih.. Il.ll- re A..eeAn-i.......Ma - :"" - v , itinS l4 for street im- j PrwTn,eot (oving Mulberry street j from Water t Nutt) $850. Six" hun- I dred and ninety coupons, amounting io iI2.37, were burneil in the orereneu of the board. Tin e purchase ol a suitable I horse for the. bose . cart of Howard Relief's F. E. Co., recommended by the Baru of Alder men, was approved. -Tilts i m t SCt 6 u JUI.UfJjr; Lat evening we visited the rooms of the Wilmington Library Association aud made a necessarily britd vxuuiiua. tion ol the literaiuro which has been iga:hered for the iiwjtruction. cnlcrtajii - ment and amusement f our people Many of the books are rare and many years out ol print, and their value is almost incalculable.. The standard works of history, poetry, fiction and romance are well represented, while the collection la peculiarly rich in the old standard dramas. We C"u'd but wonder as we saw the opportunities there atlorded tor acquiring knowlerge that there should be a manifest apathy regarding its progress. Science, art law. medicine, and. in lact. nearly all ot the best writers of the past as well as of tha present age, in prose or poetry.' are represented, and tit the selection; of books the utmost care has been ob3erv ed to avoid the trashy or inferior public cations with which the world is now flooded. There seemed to be a lack, however, of some of the lighter iiiera tnre, such a would engage the atten linn ot younger people and especially of socb as would be entertaining to young ladies. The cost ('('.membership is only fifty cents per month, which gives free access o a library of books whose aggregate original cost was near ly or quite $5,000. 'lo-Nighi'H Entertainment. Mr. Frederick Warde, the tragedian, with his company arrived here on this morning's train from Columbia, S. C . where they played lasf -night. They will appear at the Opera House to night in Sheridan Krowles' celebrated play of "Virginius." with Mr. Warde in the title role. The New York Star, in speaking of the play. say3 : The personal in of the . charscter of Virqiniwi in Sheridan. Koowles' tragedy by Frderick Warde. at the People's Theatre last evening, was one that tair ly enraptured an audience that filled every portion of the house, from the orchestra to the last row io the gallery. To the part which John McCullough made famous the star brought a fine physique and a handsome countenance two valuable essentials. His voice was made to do good duty in the strong scenes, and tn the act before Appius Claudius he completely won th house by the moving picture ol fatherly love and the sense ot Roman honor. Sev eral times be was called before the cur tain. To morrow night the company will appear in Galba, the Gladiator, ot which the Atlanta correspondent of the Macon "Macon 7'c'araph says: Warde's presentation of "Galba, the Giadiator." tosuigbt amounted to. a sensation He was called fifteen times during the Hyeinng Eight limes was he re called in the arena, fourth act. where "Galba" recognizee his daughter and refuses to slay her His acting iu this scene was the g andesi exhibiti"ti ol dramatic power ol the robust' school seen here since Forrest played here' in 1867. No actor has ever make a greater .-impression on an At lanta audience. They wept and ahouU ed aud ruse in their seats aud would not quit recalling him at the end ol the arena scene until ha made a speech thanking them lor their generous ap prcciatuili. How t cure a Hoy of Croup Mrs. Samuel Nutt. (if South Haven. Kansas, toils how she saved the life of her boy I have been using Allcock's Pok ols Plastkks tor the last ten years, principally for" a" weak bck. No1 long ago I fouad my son very much inclined to croup. He had a bad croupy cough, and a. wheezing sound in bis lungs every time ha breathed He nearly died from the obstruction of the throat. covered him from the throat to he pit of the stomach Ali cock's PoroCs Plastews In two hours the c ugb ceased and his breath' ipg was uiuch .easier. In a tew oays he be was entirely well. I kept the All cock's Porous Plasters on him six days. Since tuea. whenever he is af fected with colds in the throat. I never use anything but Allcok 's Porous Plastei:. which cures him immediate ly. withut any incbnTeuience. ; They arttthnbat preventive of the cr-itp ever known-. aodL 1 woobtnot be with put the)tu for any cooaidsraiioa. ; 8t. Paul' K. I,. Sunday School : At a meeting of St.; Paul1 Ey Lnih Sunday School, held ouSunday eveninn lao. th following oftieers were elected : , . Superintendent W II Strauss, j Ast Supt C W Polvogt, j Seeretnry J II I Ktander. Treasurer -l Vllera I,-hrarian G W Rornemaiio. AsVi LibrarianFred Bissenger. Organist Miss Augusta L-s9mao. The school is in a fl urishing condi- itinn h'n i to.nh.r. .ml . nA..,Knv shipol 175 all told. They meet regularly every Sunday at 3 p.m. mortal Building. " in Luther 'Me- Criminal Court. Tim toiLtwing ijg been the proceed jngs before this tribunallo-day : State vs Maria Sauders. assault and battery lieleiidant waived bill of in dictment aud submitted. Judgment suspetiiled on payment ot costs. State vs Maggie Wilton, larceny Not guilty. State vs folly Waddell, assault aud battery. Distuiasud State ys A J Nlson ut als, riot. Set for Friday. : Slain vm Samuel Carver, illegal vot ing. A B Cook and II II Howell called and tailed. Judgment" nisi State vs David Thompson and Caros line Toomer. forcible trespass. James Hayes calied and failed. Judgment nii. State vs.l) J Black, assault and bat tery. Defendant waived bill and sub mitted. Judgment one penny and costs. ' State ys P Doyle, larceny. Defend ant submitted. Judgment not yet pro nounced. State vs Charles Daniel, larceny. Defendant submitted Judgment three years in the county jail with authority to farm him out. State vs H M Ross, assault and bat tery. Defendant waived bill and sub mitted. Judgment not yet pronounced. State vs E S Oause, malicious mis chief. Not guilty and defendant dis charged. State vs Chris Swan, assault and battery. Defendant submitted. Judg ment not yet pronounced. The Democrat who fails to register and vote may have cause to regret it alter Thursday's sin has set, Birthday Festivities. Kaiser William, the Emperor of Ger many, celebrated the ninetieth anniver sary of his birth to day, and in com memoration of the day the Germans, in all quarters of the globe, join in the general rejoicings. In this city, Mr. E. Peschau, the German ViccsConsul for this port, and one ot our most res pected citizens and successful mer chants, celebrated the event hy inviting his friends to partake of refreshments, both solid and liquid, at bis counting' room on North Water street, between the hoars ot II a. m. aud I p.m. The table was elegantly spraad with an appetizing and substantial lunch, wiiite generous Rhine wines and soothing cigars were conveniently near in pro lusion. There was a large attendance, nearly all the prominent business men. besides many others, being present. Short patriotic speeches, suitable to the happy occasion, were made aud the bos1 of spirits was maiutaioe'd without question or dispute. . a Atnooir inc speech makers were Mayor Hall, Mr. R. K. Ileide, Norwe giatr Vice Consul, Mr. C II. Robinson, Collector of Customs, Messrs. Nor wood Giles, Thomas Evans. George Harris and Col. Roger Moore. Mr. Frederick Warde, the tragedian, who was prusuut favored, the company with a delightful recitation, and Capt. Dath loffsung a solo, which closed the exer- cisca. Col. F. W. Kcrchucr was the master ot ceremonies, aud it was in deed a happy occasion. An entire new registration is ueces sary for this election. Register , your names then or vou cannot vote. The cheapest place to buy your scboo books and school stationery is at Heins berger-s. t " Wretched Indeed Are thoae wboai a confirmed tetdeucy to Ml Housuess, subject to the various and change' ful syDip'oma iu'licative of liver complaint. Nausea, sick headache, constipation, furred tongue, an uupleataai breath, a dull or sharp pain In the neighborhood of the affected or gan, impurity of ihe blood sod loss of appe lite, signalize it as one of the most oUtreaslng as It Is one of the most common, of maladies, Tere iv however, a benign sjecioc for the disease ana all its unuleaaaat manifestations. Yll ?s tbe concur re t testimony of ibe public abd tbe eiodlcat profession, tnat Flosttetter 4toach BiitersU a medicine wb'cb acntevts r 6U Us speedily -felt, thorough and benign Beeiles rectifying -Iyer di order. UtavUor ate the feeble, conqaets kidney and hiaddei c mi Lilnts. and hasten tbe eonvatesence of tboae recovering ' irom enfeebilDx aloreOTer, It la tb graml spcctAo lor fiver aod ! NBW ADVEItTWKMENTl?." Allfilifli ItnWn Wii. S. F. I ft, K-t. Y( 'U AKK -KRV NOTIFIED TO car at yurKngine Ifo ue. to-morrow. Wedats for F nrloeirlat. Uy onter of the Foreitaa. v 4 . - W C. CKAFT. I njrn 23 It Star ropy 1 tect'v f To Voters of Third Ward, t I IIKBKUT WITIIDKAVf 1Y NAM E A3 a Undulate for AMeratan from this Ward. ' , Respectfully, mch2ilt - QgQ-' B. BATE. Do You Want a Good Cigar ? : 1 T SO, ShoKB : MCAROLiKA-TACnT. " I ...... . CLUIJ " Only of V MUNOS BUOTUKU8. 1 - K mch 2-2 O PERA HOUSE. TWO NK1IITS ONLY ! ; ,- ., 4 KflRMi mcnt ot the ltiii'guthid Trgedlaa FltKl13lCICK WARDE, Supported by an Efficient Dramatic Comp'y. .- . ... . IU fcs DAY. March heHdan K now lea' Gran t 1 raged j In (5 acts, VIRGIN U8. . W KoNESDA f , March 13 The new Tragedy written expressly for Mr. Warde; and re cently produced io New York with great nuccesa, , . Onlbti. the GladiHtorv V -.V Each Play - wit. be product d with Illstorl call? t;orect .-cenery alagnidceit Coitnmss aud rmors and iiandaon e eneral Appoiat mens carried by tbe. Warde 11 anagement. - men -2 it . . ' WILMINGTON WEL. R. R. CO., ' SECRETARY TRiCaSURER'S OFFICE. Wilmington, N C, March 51; '87. HREE AND A HALF PER CENT,. IN tertst on the Certificates' of Indebtedeess of, the Wiimlnst n A Weldon Batlruid Co. has been declared by the Directors, payable on and after April l?t. 1387, to all owners of Cer tificates of record on the books cf the Com n.inv on that . il.iip. Tc 1 rans'er lljoks will stand closed, from Marca -'.iin to :tst inc usire. .) W. THOMPSON, inch 22 U Secretary A Treasarer CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, V ''" ' MARCH 22,1 ProclamatioD. WIIKREAS. BY THESjAWS OF NORTH Carollnt, Section 2740, ll Is made indict aole to fell or aivc away any In toxical ln liquors within ll v miles of any polling place, witbln twelve hours nexi preceding or suc ceeding any election, notice is hereby, lvet, that all places ln the City of Wilmington where intoxicating liquors are sold, shall he closed at o o'clock, r. M., on Wednesday. March 23d, and remain dosed until o'clock, A. M. on Friday, March 2."th. -- . The foregoing law will he rlgl Hy enforced. E. 1). HALL, mchS2 2t Mayor ' TJy New Goods. gl'RING MILLINERY AND OTHER Alt ticics in mf line are coming in and will be pen for Inspection after to-day- - MISS BUE1NALL (my Milliner) who took charge of my Trimming Department last sea son, and who give such general satisfaction, Wfllrctarnou tbe 2lrd, Wednesday . Will be pleased to hare my frlenils and cai toruers come io and look at mv stock. Respectfully, . , MISS K. KARBttk. mch 2i Vollcrs Itulidlng. Opposite Market, Our Howard Relief No. 1, Cigar tTAS ARRIVED TO-DAY. IT IS WITH JLA out rival, tbe finest 5c Cilgar in ibe market. Made of Clear Havana Filler and sslected, -st?ck. Ask your dealervfor them. p " -also - ' :''; Large stock PURE X. C. CORN and PURE RYE WHISKEY. Fleet Possum Hollow, ' River Mills, c k l-. V . SOL BEAR & GO., mch 2' SOLE AGENTS. Jii8t"lif ceivca: A FINE ASSORTMENT OF JEWELRY, VMLING AND RUCHING. - V The Latest styles tn De mores t's PatteTM.I9 ' Kiw GckkIs received on every Steamer fcj -the next two weeks. I will return from the North tbe last of the v week with my French. Milliner. ' ."' . MK8. B. U. WIOGINS, 115 Market Street. Wllmlagton, M. C. i mch 21 . ' , Lovers of Art! 1 ,000 Worth pf Fin o JPIctures ! V 3 Oi tXHIEITlON AT - ; YATES' BOOK. STORE, FOR A FAW DATs' ON LY t' ' 5 . i. ,

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