tUCCELLANEOUS Absolutely Pure. Tbla powder rever varies. A marvel ol purity, strength and wholeeomeneaa. More economical tfcan the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low teat, abort weight luia or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Eo VAL Baking rOWDXX Co.. 100 WaJl 8t. N. Y. oct 28 dw ly icnrm 4thp TheOaily Review. TUESDAY. MARCH 22. 187 Adfrer Huev. the ten-year old son of Mr. John Hue, who lives' a few miioo hR'nw Rfick Hill. Tf ceived ' a sliffht stroke of paralysis Wednesday ct lat week. His lace was badly at tected, aol fr a snortUme it was thonirht that Ibe stroke wnM prove rin:i!t. bui a physician was summon ed wb ror.dered medical aid. and at last accuur t ton b y. although not ful- i. rivr-rt was bevood dinser ol any seriou results.' Ureal ly Rxciifcl. Nt a lew of ihe citizens of Wilinine tun ha recently became jireatly t-x cited over the astounding facts, that Bt-ver&l ! their friends who had been nmnouneed by their phjsiciaos as in curable and b-v-'nd all hope suffering with that dreaded monster Consump tion have been completely cured by Dr. Kinij New D 9covery for Con sum mi'. n. the only remedy that does Dogitivelv cure at. ihr at and lunc dis -8nes Cuzha. Colds. 'Asthma and Iirorchitis Trial Bottles Jree at W. II. Green & "Go's Drugstore, large Dottles SI. World erf ill Cures W. D Hovt & Co. Wholesale and Retail Druffist3 of Rome. (5a . say We have bt on sellin? Dr. King's New LDiscovery, Electric Bitters and Buck- len's Arnica Salve for two sears. Have nn.vur handled remedies that pell as well or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonder ful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases ol pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by the use of a lew bottles o Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Hitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by W. H. Green & Co. Quarterly Meetiugfs First round of Quarterly .Meetings for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Cburch, South: Waccamaw station, at Bethel. Mr.rch 26. 27. Wbiteville station, at Whiteville, April 2, 3. Brunswick circuit, at Bethel, April 9, 10. T. W. GuTfiuiE. P. E. I'iiof. Loisette S system of improv ing the memory is attracting great at tention. It i highly endorsed by U ch ard Pr.ctor. the hs tonoroer, .Jtulab P. Benjamin. Dr. Wood. and Mark Twain. Address for particular Prof. Loisette. 237 Filth Ave , New York. lw Take earn of your eyes. An agency lor theLcMare's celenrated RotkCrv9. tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses is estab lished in this place at Heinsbergers.t I Commissioner Sale. N PURSUANCE OF A DECREtt F THK superio Court of Nw Hanover nniy, In an action therein pending betweeo .li-hu L. W. 8tm &4 p'atottff, an. I ;. c Mcvtje. as l e tendant. the umlerrlgi ed Commisslone-ap itoliitod l7 aid decree will:! at iuhll: auc tion, for cash, at the oxirt House do r In flTA.TJfi SE?8i Asheville Citizen : The peach bloom tbal we have seen lo'oks sorrowful enough. The petals look as if thev had been boiled. But the cold snap came in very dry weather, and a portion of the fruit crop may escape il nothing worse follows. Charlotte Chronicle: Charlotte now boasts of another enterprise in the shape of the incandescent electric light. Tnc system wa9 introduced yesterday by the Hoaiton-Thompson Company,, and U operated on the same circuit used by the arc electric light. Goldsboro Messetigeri The well knnwo firm of J C. Brewster & C .. Of Raleigh, has found it necessary to make an assignment. Assets $30 000; liabilities about $20 000. Toe poor boose of Wilson county, situated about one mile from Wilson, was destroyed by fire Friday evening about 4 o!clock Insured in German American Inurancn Company of New York for $1 500. Deputy Sheriff D. W. Rivenbark and J. . I Collins, of Pender county, on Thursday conyeyed three recrnits to Baleigb tor the penitentiary, viz: .lames Wasteu. W. H. Hansley and Cnas Hartley 5 years each. We were pleased to receive a visit from Elder .1 R Parker, of the Mount Olive sec tion, on Friday. Mr. l'arker is rrow ttt ?"m!"Kl4,a M.r"y i anayoiApm " ! u7.t M i j i ia ,n A. . ls7 at 12 o'clock, the ioilowingleBcrlb- years old, but we are glad to hear is in ed iota cf land: s - the euioyment of good health, and able m Lot -Begins at the northeast corner of n1 viirnrnna enough to Dreach occa- Ann and J-econd streets and runs east long .t1i hvincr fiprved the - Primitive Ann "J r en(0 north 44 fecMhcnce we3t v;ieci ana tnence sonlh 41 reettotne Baptist church tor over 30 jears. Of henmnxr 12 children Mr. l arker nas now eignt lot uegm in the ea t line of Second living, two died, and two sons were killed in the war. Charlotte Chronicle: The farmeis report that the recent freezing weather Jims .greatly injured the prospects lor a peach crop. Nearly al. the peaches are kliled. They also report that" chicken cholera is carrying off the chickens at a llyely rate. Jas G.-Blaine passed through this city last Friday for Aiken, S. C. He was accompanied by bis family. M. Blaine took, dinner at Greabam'a eating bouse, and his familv nurse, an elegantly dressed colored woman, sat at the table with him. The old Stewart mansion, located on the banks of the Catawba river, at tbe point where Sugar creek flows into that stream, was totally deUrojcd by fire last Thursday eyenine about dark. Tbe building was owned by Dr. J. B. Mack, ol Columbia, and was a fine old structure. Several out house were destroyed in the fire. The residence was occupied by Mr. W.T. Petters, a tenant, who lost all his household and kitchen furniture. The fire is believed to-have been incendiary. Mr. Ed ward R. Stitt. son of Capt. W. E. Stilt, of Charlotte, has just graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pbar ... i ii.. i C3&CJ Wltn nigu uoau. no srauuaieu in ft class of 300 and wi n the 'March cnedal. This is a great. distinction and oar youne friend is to be congratulated upon tbe honor which he has won. Oat ot the 300 in the class, only nine parsed the laU mark, and Mr. Stilt stood at the bead of the nine successful students Charlotte Observer: Mr. J. L Whit sett, who has been in charge of the shops and yard ot the Air Line RaiN road in tbis city for a p'eriod of nine years, has tendered bis resignation, to take effect on the 1st ot April. An interesting religious revival is in --' . gress at tbe Jecona aieinotv- rro on Churc JVW--'' fOst cburcb, Mr. FlnIit w irie" pastor. Rev. MjtjL.is. has been assisted by Rev. fiarindell. Strong interest has street 14 fret north of Arn ntrett and runs uortb MVJ feet, thence east 105 feet, thence sonth 10 fee and thence west il5 teet to the beginning. 3rd ixn Bclna In the northern line of Ann street '.5 feet east o' second street ami runs east along Ann sir et 7 feet, thence north id feet, more or 'eas. to a stone wad, dividing Hue, thence west 57 fen, thence so ith 40 feet. then-ewfstlO feet and. th nee south 45 feet to ihe beginning on Ann stiect. C. WKJLI., mcb 18 td CommiSHtoner ft XilCC JJ.UJ11U UilUtJo I J CAN'T HURT me so." WiCAK IHftM: THEV This was an exclamation of disgust we heard: "Where did you get them?" "I bought them of '." "Just tee the: I got at French & f-ons, they lit me beautifully just like my Glove, and vetaresocomf rtable Try i hem next time. They have a lovely stock of Shoes, ard piice3 are to reasonable." Come and sec us. GEO. K. PJECENCH & SONS. mch 21 los N. Front Street Christian Reid's New Book. MISS CHURCHILL, A STUDY. JgY CHRISTIAN REID. Author of Bjnny Kate, Morton Houe, The Land of the Skies Heart and Hands, Heart of Steel, Ac. In paper, 50 cents. For sale at fat . -Aft eTcl HEINSBERGER'S. "of n! s Biresi ne COfilSLBKCiAIi MCVTb. WILMINGTON MARKET. " " 2- March 22-4 P. M.; SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 35 cents per gallon. No sales rep med ROSIN Firm at 80 cents for strain ed and 85 cents tor good strained TAB Firm at $1.10. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1.00 for hard. $1 90 for yellow dtp and virgin. COTTON Firm. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary 61; good ordinary bi; low mid dling 9i; middling 9$; good middling 9 Small sales at quotations. Receipts todav: Cotton. 69; spirit . 87; rosin. I 003; tar, 44C; crude. 5 Provisions and Cottou. Chicago Wire down and no reports receiveil Nkw York, Mar 22.2:30 p m Cot ton opened at 10 00 bid and closed at 1 05 for March Opened at )0 0?ard closed at 10 10 for April. Opened at lO.lCand closed at 10 12 for May I Opened at 10 19 and closed at 10.20 tor June. Opened at 10 27 and closed at 10.23 asked for July. MISCELLANEOUS r i T i pprr sampmc tbeatiiknt lAI AUnu Yc mail enough to convince FEEE B. S. I AL'DEKBACH CO... mch 21 lw v Broad at , Newark. N J. WANTED (samples f red for 0 R-SfiOTTS bwntifni LECTRIG GORSETSvBRUSfltS.BUTS, (TC. rwj, oiuck ssies. trruor en, aaufli&cuon ganr Iflteed. Ml SCOTT, 841 Broadway, N Y jp J MD1ES TO WORK FOU US 3niC0 at their homes. $7 10 $!0 per week can be quietly made.. No phi t pal t. Insc: no canvaesi'g. ror. full rarticulars, rlease address, at once, CKS8CENT AET CO , 1 central -t., Boston, lasj- Box 5170. men 21 4w . - . - D E AFN ESS iiVSSS MAItiNK Nii:W&. ARRIVED Stcauier A P Hurt. Robeson, Fay ettcvillo, Wo:dy-& Currie. . - Steam y&cnt Louise, Snell, Smith ville. Master CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robason, Fayette ville, Woody & Currie. Steam yaefcit iouis. Snell. Smith ville. Master Steamet Snsie. Dolbow, Point Cas well. Master Schr Uranus. Peters, Ponce, P R, E Kidder & Son. EXPORTS Ponce. P feet iumber. KOREION. R-Schr Uranus2G8 582 M O N T ULtY STATJK AUHNT. STOCKS ON HAND MAKCII 19 18S7. Cotton ashore. 2 430; afloat. 295; to tal, 2 725 Spirits ashore. 1.283. Rosin ashore. 100 915; afloat. 9.527; total, 110.442 Tar ashore, 9.217; afloat, 16; total. 9.263. Crude ashore. 944. RECEIPTS KROM MA It. 12 TO MAU 19. Cotton, 636; spirits, 417; rosin 14, 093 ; tar, 2,657 ; crude, 257 EXPORTS FROM MAR. 12 TO MAR. '19 DOMESTIC- Cotton. 524; spirits. 3t"7; fosin, 322; tar. 6.298; crude .134. (OKKH4N Spirits. 500; rosin 645; tar, 1.650. and anew and successful UBfc at yoir own home, by one ho vat deal twenty-elishl ytars. - Treated by ro8t of the noted sp cUJisis without benefit Cured himself In three months, -'and fince th n hnn d eds ot others Kali particulars sent on ap plication T. S. PAtiK. No 41 VPbt3l8t St New York City.. nr ch 21 4w Established 1866. FAY'S MflLA-EieOEW! Takes the lead: does not corrode like tin or iron, not decay like shingles or tar campotdtions ; easy to apply; etrong and durable ; at half the cost of tin. Is alio a .SUBSTITUTE for PI,ASTKR at Half the t'or. CA It PETS and ltUOS of same material, double the wear of Oil Cloths. Catalogue and eampiea FKE. W. II. FAY Si CO CAHDO A. A MISCELLANEOUS- LATENT And Author ) PROFESSOR IN THE PACIFIC SURGlCiu ISf mfrT of theNew and Most Successful Treatment f.'- T rilmihtonv n. CM Beautify Your Homes. HSTW READY FOR USE. SVhl & and choice colors. Cheaper and I iettei an w all paper or oil paint Purifies all sm facei ad kills geruis of.disease. Any one c use it IT IS THE BEST. Goid Uledal anI Hifirhest Awards I tx : imitations. If not for sale in yonr town .send r sample card and prices. ry Kalsomlue and Fresco Paint WA 25 & 27 John St Brooklyn, IT. Y.J t 1 VESSELS IM THE PORT OF WILK1IN6TQ N. K.C . March 21, I8S7. No veaeel under (U) lonn reported in thla list. tier Albatross, 3 0 tons. Dade, : K Feechau & wcBtcrmann Nor Leviathan. 3f; tons donassen. l'atereon. Downing Co Nor A r.ilat, 4M tons, Axelsen, Ileide & o Nor Candace, 3S3 tons, dohaoscn, Heide A Co RuBslan Otto, .120 tons, dranU, llci.lo & Co Ger Krna. r82 tons, Nlejhar, E Q Barker & Co BRKTs . Ger O Newman Garde, 349 tone, Gehn, Alex Sprnnt & Son Maria W Norwood,-4f3 tons, At wood C P Men an SCHOONERS . Schr R 8 Graham, 225 tons, Avis, Geo IlAriids & Co Cyrus Hall, SS4 tons, 'oombB, K G Barker & Co John A Gritlio, 2i0 ions, Korbnry. Geo Harrlss A. Co Bessie Brown, 2l7tons, I'hlliipR t.eo Harriss & Co .Jane Bright, 32 1 tons. Barter, ; Barker & ( o Julius Samson, 111 Market Street. MARVELOUS 11Y DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike Artificial Systems Cnre of Minrj fanderfner. Any book learnedin one reading. Grea) uducements to Correspondence Classes. Prospectus, f ith opinions in full ol Mr. kichard a. Jf roctok Ions., W. W. Astor, Judah P.Benjamin, Dr, flNOR, - 'WOOD, Ifev. F.SANCI3 B. Denio. I auk Twaix, and others, sent post free by PROF. LOISETTE, ?3 7. Fifth Avenue.. New York. . .. . ... : : . . ; r - : " -. Where Consultations' are -Free and Invited From persons su tTeri n z from any - - 1 0HK0NI0 0B SURGICAL APFEOTION - mciaaiDff tne Eye. Ear, Nasal, Catarrh, Deafoess and Disch from the Ears, Nerve and Blood Disease?. ALSO- Winter Fixponiire Coiirli, Caii8M - Cotds, Pleurisy, heumatlsm, PremoLi:t Neuralgia, sciatica, Lun-bago. Bickachn at i other ailmentb, for wh'ch enbon s C cire Plasters ari adm'ted to be th btst ren.edy known 'J hey r Ue e and ure ln.a ft w hours wnen ro other application s if Use Jeaet brn elit Kudors :d bv r 00 Ptij'sic ans and rog KipU Beware of imitations un-'tr s'mllar soundin t jtanjes, such as Capsicum," apu cin;" or "'Japsicine " ASK FOR HKS'os'g ani take no o hkrs Evanjice carofi-Hy when you b-ty. AB dru-sis! - ,l,Al'-iv A JOU SON Proprietors, vevr York, meh 21 All Deformities of the Body; such as Club or Reel Feet Curved or Crooked Spine, - And all Diseases of the Hip- and Knee and Paralysis Iii all its forms. '" '"j. ii O-;.... - HOME TREATMENT. lo rnoit cases, after a rarefu! mmmafnn interview patients cap be supplied wiih'a Fnll Coorse ot Medi.in a Jit m lor Delormities, Atomizers. Potters, Acc , and without loss ol timVnr t K i" men upuhi uwupanuus ouu Buuucusiuiiy carry OUl th re.inm.i Hours Irom 10 lo 4 P. M.; 7 to8 Eveajog. ae.reainjeot To Whom it May Concern : I have had a bad ear trouble lor some time, and had the best local niJi eal ekiir without reliel, until I applied to Dr Freeruao, now atihaOrlD MnaiT anil he reli ved me wit h his fim applications, and 1 got a good niehVg rei 1 would aJvise others bffl cted with any chrbnic trouble lo applj to him ' - m m. Parker 504 North Front Street, Wilaiioto, N. 0. Dr. Freeman i . . . . . '. -:-,,J Would ay to all persons interested That he is a regolar graduated patiiciM. and has !iplonias at the Orton House which b will lake pleasure in showing houah petty jealousies mv have caused some M. D.'s lo make inainuaiinoi to the cnlrary.nolwithatandiog,v:-.""';,'r':i, 'O- EMBROIDERY SALE I EMBROIDERY SALE I JUST RECEIVED. Mull Embroideries, Nainsook Embroideries, oiderv. " been manifested since the beginning ot the meeting week ago, and quite a number have professed conversion. Mr. Stephen Shuman, of Salisbu ry was the unfortunate victim of a verr painful accident day before yes lerdav. and one which cost him the toas of the fingers -on his right hand. While engaged in work as a . universal wood worker at Mr. Meroney's ma chine shop, in that-place. his band was accidentally caught in the machinery, and the result was as given above Yesterday. Monroe township, in Union county, voted on the question ot sub scribing the sum of $2o 000 to the cap ital ttockol tbe Georgia. Carolina & Northwestern Railroad. To carry the proposition it was necessary tor a ma joritv of the qualified voters of the vnm for it. A hard fight vras made by the opposition but the measure was carried by a majority of S votes. It is asserted that within a radios of two mile, including apor tioaofPaw Creek and Long Creek townships, this county, there are one Sndredwses of measles The epidem ?3 his invaded almost every family and la many instances -VeraL cases are X;uad -fal a singla; household. The cccrse is almost universal, and noth iz t Ufee H has eyer been known before. PERIODICALS, PAPERS, HARPER'S Magazine. The Century. Scribner's Magazine, and all the different Libiarya OKmi at o mollshed. can alwavs be ionii at our conniers as son as tne are published. A cordial Invitation is expended the citizens And strangers from H EINSBERGER'S, meh 5 Cash Book and Music Store Removed. I HAVE THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNC lng to my fiienls and the publie-that 1 have removed into the large and commodious Sta ble eretedlby me or the corner ;of Princess and Third streets, whe I have ample room for all the demand of tbe Livery and Pale Business. I keep constantly on had horses and vehlclea for hre and will board horses by the day, week or month atIow frates. A call U respectfully aollclted. dot 13 R. CIORRE1.1. Jacobi's.is headquarters for low prices on Sash. Doors.. Paints and BoUdor's Hardware. f !'ho Upst Cure for Coiipjin, Weak Luns?, Aathnia, Im; (-stioi. Inward Pains, Exhawstion. Coinbiiiin$;the mo ialuablonetlifine8vith.fainfl-iaOinper,itexertSftCUt! Jive over ovpi disease unkimwn to other lemwlio tv'tak I.uiifrfi, KheumatNin, Female Complaints, anrt U i istressinp illsof t he !Stomao), I,i ver, Kidneys and Eowo ;reurajiKi!iK- mousamis to mo trravo wno woilia reeovt Jieir heaird ly ihe tiutoly use of Parkek"sGixoerTon oi8iiew Jiloaitii ptrentrth to the aged. BOc. at Liu ist3. iliscos & Co., 163 William Street, N. V. J. & J. COl-M N, J OSHON, EUGLAN I. CONCENTRATED MUSTARD OIL A Positive "Cure for Rheumatism, Neura'gU, Colds and Muscu lar Pairs; outwar l application. Sold by all Drugg sts aiv; Grocers, if voir cannot obtain from vour Drugglet or Gro er tend io JAMRs P. SMITH, mcli 21 4w 45 Pat k Place, New York New Hazard Powder. WE NGW UAVttTHB AGENCY TOR this celebrated Powder which Is un doubtedly the best sold In this country. Ne-v magazine nnUY down the river (out of city limits). Knll assortment of all the sizes at the lowest prices. Wli. E. SPRINGER A CO., Successors to John Dawson & Co., 19, 21 and 23 Market t-treet. meh 21 Wilmington N. C D March Prices t URING THE MONTn OF MARCH I AND- Desirable Spring Goods ! Douglas. & Yarburonji, ASH ION A BLE HAIB DEE99ER8 " ' ' ' AND B4IEUJ, 1(3 Market 8 1, Wilmington, X V Shop lul y equipped with all toe ktett to proyemenu - t . . Courteous and polite barbert ahrjt mdj to ervecti6tomei. W J. W. Yaroorougb, f. rmerly wWiott W rner, wouKi be glad toaerre bUoUwi rons ttitj Valuable Lands for Sate, QNE TRACT OP LlND, LTIKu mile from l.Incolntou, N. C. coDBlBtfar of 6 acres, 63 acres cleared; Is best or ms but gives good crops for all araiu. amt branch running through it aid a flDCipiwfj a few acres of bottom land oa tae brfc w to acrea In wood, ok acd hickory, jreli Ua bercd. - w ' -- ' - . ' ' . Another tract lying 2 mllei Jrom Ibn ton 34 mile from a. V B aiM3' cleared, fine spring of df llcioni water, m air acrea of bottom land near it name wo. Is No. I for tobf ceo, but growl i oth "f well; 75 acres la yellow pin and ow. For price and terma apply jo -, meh J6 tf Auct'ra A Beat Ittatc Brrten Remember milE ' PLACE TO GET THE BEST J jT r m l 1 rrMlra Ar uies, Jiarness, iiuer, u-- - ; frr of Saddlery Goods for the least aionef. 17 our Seamleea Kip and Geowia cae" m lara, ,. . . BtrT.' 4 - FENNEL! w "Sri. Old Mallard Sttnd.WSo. !wei meh 21 tf ' Navy Blue, Pink, Light Blue, Cardinal, ; AND Red Embroidery, WITH THE Solid French Ohanibrav TO MATCH. These Roods were purchased direct 0 from the importer and will be sold at a bargain. We are receiving neV Spring goods on each steamer. V - JiQilis SajiiSoii, neb 21 111 MARKET 81V propose to seUL.OOD at tg-'v"-"T.farUalo-"'' --'Uill lower picea Ana make a specialty el SAWJfiO wooi, guaranteeing and proving beyond doubt that fall cord is in each load delivered. , meh 21 - J. A. tsPRINGER. RESMDY'-S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, glMMONS'.REGDLATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum and Mullien, Bud's Cough Syrup, Prescriptions confpounded day and night. tm- Night Bell. . MILLER & NIESTLIE, meh 21 Cor Sixth and Mulberry Country Produce. gWEET AND IBIS H POTATOES. Apples, Cabbages, Turnip, .Oranges, Onions, Eggs, Turkeys, Chicfecjis and all kinds of country Produce for sale by CHA8. P. BBOWNE. Commit slon Merchant, No 11 N Water St., meh 21 Wilmington, N C- I N Make no Mistake ORDERING' FISH AND f lV7oCorGell X" BY STEAMER AND RAIL This Week. AT- rflHE CHEAPEST JL - . v 8TOVE In this market. Callaaiata i PABKEEPLfl rden Coed ! OYSTERS. Guaranteed aonnd and solid when pacaea ror aenve y Term c o D V. H. YOPP, Ix)ck Box 415 or 106 fcoath Front 8L meh 21 Job Printing. rpHE REVIEW JOB PRINTING LOFMCEj j. ." - - - la prepared t do all kinds of Job Printing as geatiy. . aa cheaply and as expeditiously as it .an bo done elsewhere. Send in your work and It shall be done promptly v , teb 1 Moulding. wvDepot. Best in city, at Jacdei's WMmm: OASHHOTSE,; meh 21 WANTED General agent la handle Wil li ma's copper plate map of the United States, Mexico, etc.. size CC.xtiS laches ' K. W, SailTU a COy k 20 "oata Slxta.Street, Pblladelphla. P.r dec 31 tt ' , - PURS WHITE OIL. Co TBUG. CHEMICALS. fA ' clne andFancyArtleate t : men 21- Crftgj Garden Sets. A NOTHEB LOT JGST FOR SALE AT LOW PEIC. aacli 21 notice. . . - -rSt.rJ'T mtTE nilLVr PfJECELL of the finest B A B, BILLLABD 4 1 ...ji nnnua i k AtAtC A A" night from 6 to 1 Trifl Hntton VfoW itTREET. SOOTH Of Sken Front a.d 5s Week or Moatb. Cteaa 1 joon Beds. Good Attendance aw market aCordJ.Btet low. v laa 24 17 - fn-

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