THIS PAPER oCt,und svsry Snndays oepted' by t JOSHT. JAMES, EUITOB AUDflOrMXTOK. .nKSCKlPTlOSS POSTAGE PAID: ear 4 00. Six months, $2.00. Thro .aLitB, 81-00; Ow month. M cents. MpeT wUl be deHvereii by carrier, free ,.tn.4r 1 cents per week, 're.rate-low tod libera Ja-suhscrlbeTS will report any and all fall. are? , receive their paper regularly. There nrw 10 000 womenin Cincin nlli whaenrntbeir own living. . Tbpre are 400.000 unmarried men in Paris against SSO.oOO married men. Io Indii Ihere are f'ur female mis- gioosrie to every roil lion of women. Baseball pitchers ar practicing with iron balls in order lo obtain a nikher rie of if d. and umpires are opting bifli for arro.r Plate clolbing. . N- While New York is boasting of an -01'J Ioadnn Streete," London is point ing with pr'dH l'' "ye yane aod rfbft Ame rykanH dwbatante who trsei y :i - On of the cariosities ot Cavuga? coun ty. New Yrk. is a hotel built directly upuii the dividing lino between two townships- li ha b(M4n lhe custom fr mG5 vpars for tnft mana-er lw sn'ft '8 barr'xro irotn one end f the house to the other, just accordiog to the way the town went mi the excise question, and in that way he has manaKe(Tto obtain a licence. either in one town or the other, most of the time - The postoffice in India is regarded as so miraculous an agency by the more ig-mrant natives that in some out-of the-..ay places the very letter boxes are worshipped. In one case r man posted his letter in the box aod shouted out its destination to infouu the presiding spirit whom he supposed to be inside Anotuernative humbly took off his shoes as he approached the box, went through various devotions before and after posting his letter, and finally pot some coppers before the box as a propitiatory biferio. retiring in the same attitude ot humility The BidJie House, the largest, hotel iii Detroit, covers an acre of ground, has six acres ot floor, and is worth $jtH)iKX). Lather Beecher, who owns jt, has had trouble for twenty years in reniiof the property and now proposes to five it to the public. If he can sell it tie will nive $500,000 to a fund for a charitable institutions in the city. It be can rent it at $50,000 a year be will apply the rental to the same purpose. If he can Neither sell nor rent he will cat up the big building and devote it to charitable purposes. Prof. McGee has just enunciated a soul-disturbing theory. He personally visited Charleston and investigated the earthquake and its causes and his con clusions are summed op in a lecture delivered in Washington City on last .Wednesday night. He says that the area of the earthquake extended from Cuba to Canada, and from the Mississ ippi to the Bermudas, or, even if the most moderate estimate be made for its extent under the ocean, over nearly a million and a quarter ot square miles. "Few of the reliable recorded earth quakes of other countries," ha said, "have affected so great areas as those o! New Madrid and Charleston. That of Lisbon was. perhaps, felt over a much greater area, but the data are un certain." He added the prediction that "if. as seems evident, displacement and earthquakes go together, then the east em United States are In danger, for displacement is now in progress at a rate so astoiishiugly rapid aa to occa sion surprise that earthquakes are not tQore frequent, and in curious and un conscious defiance of the inevitable the chits of Pittsburg. Richmond, Fredef - . . , . - M-nonrg, Washington. Baltimore, rort Deposit, Wilmington, Philadelphia. Trenton and New York have been lo Cted on the very line of displacement.' ttxcttenieiit "in Texas. Great excitement has been caused in vicinity of Paris. Tex., bv the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley. was s helpless he could not turn bed, or raise bis Bead ; every body aid be was dying of Consumption. A wi bottle of Dr. Ki n g's New Dischv fJ was sent him. Finding relict, he ahta large bottle and a box of Dr. Kwga New Life PiUs; by the time he p laten two boxes of Pills and two boUtfs of the Discovery, he was well fjw gamed in flesh tbirty-six Pound. I , I Trial Bottle of this Great Discovery '.Consumption free at V. U. Green & Tiie Verdict Unanimous, t -1. Solt. Druggist, Bippua Ind., "liters as the very best remedy. Every r'tue ffirnn eatiof In nirurv stao neman took six bottles, and was cur- w Kheumatism ol 10 years' stand 2 Ahrthftm (7 ra rtrniriti.r ' Rail. e. Ohio, affirms: "The best selline peaicine I have ever handled in my 20 ars experience, is Electric Bitters." fOOUSands of nthara htuo mAAaA tKotr ptitnony, so that the rerdict is nnani-: ?r,os that Electric BitUra do core all : lni?s ol lhe IJ'er. Kidneygor Blood, j r-j uaua dollar a bottle at W. H. en& co's. Drug Store. ' VOL. XI. In the municipal election held in Wilmington on -Thursday the Demo crats elected a majority of the aldermen. The election in the county on the propo sition to pobscribe $100 000 to the Wii mington, Onslow 6V East Carolina Rail Road reftu!td in a defeat oi that m era sure Newborn Journal. That is hardly the right way to put iU The election may have been lost but the proposition wai not defeated. There were ten vrten Uone in its favor. And it is a question, even, alter all, it it was indeed lost. The charter of the road says: Sec. 14. That it the re- ult of said elec tion shall show tbnt the majority ot the qualified votara ot said county, town ship, city ;r towo tavr subscripiict to the capital' stock of the said railroad to the amount vnted for in such election, the said County Coo-missirners, or the proper authorities ot said city or town, shall immediately mnkn such subscrip tion to the capitol stock ot said rail road, &c. &c. Now. to our thinking, the result of said election lacked a great deal of showing that a majority of the qualified voters in this cunty did not favor the subscription. On the contrary, the evidence that a large majority do favor the subscription is unmistakable, and this is plainly shown by the vote. V was generally thought that the election would be carried without any special effort and hence more was made and there were many who did not vote tor the measure who deeply regretted that tact when the result was known. A canvass of the county to day would show that four-fifths of the people favored the measure. There has as yet been no official des claration of the result and we do not know it any further steps are contem plated, but the matter may be carried up to the Supreme Court to get its in terpretation ot the law. LOCAJ. NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVFRTISEMEITS. C W Yates "Don Miff" Geo M Ckapon a Card, r C Miller Garden Seed CHAS K Browne Shingles M M KATZ Grand Opening J A Sprtngkk March Prices W H Yopp Make no Mistake Fennell & Daniel Remember - Miss K Ka&rer 4rand Opening Mrs E B Wiogiss To the Ladles Giles A Murchisox Garden Sets HEiHsnERGER's Hurrah for the Boys Parker & Taylor We Can Sell You Monds Bros "Its English You Know" W E Springer & Co Hazard Powder Mas H B Jewett Commencing Tuesday To tfir Ladies Dress and Cloik Making The National Life and Maturity Assoclaiioa Geo B Fresch & soxs "These Pleasant Shoes" Miller A Niestlie Kennedy's Medical Discovery For other locals see fourth page. The Criminal Court was not in scs sion to-day. Only one bale ot cotton received at this port to-day. That is bringing it down to a fine point. Yon will save money and get the best .work-bv sending your clothes lor repairs to John Dyer and Son. t Pianos and organs can be bought cheaper at Ueinsberger's than at any other house in the State. t The electric bugs have put in their appearance again, alter au absence of several months, and they areas hideous as ever Seo new advertisement of Mrs. E. B. Wiggins in this issue. Iu addition to the slock ot. millinery recently pur chased by her in New York she dis plays also au elegant assortment of laces and embroideries. Miss E. Karrer will ou Thursday and Friday next display her new stock offspring and Summer millinery goods. Thee arc the opening days and the attention of the ladies is invited to this tact. The Mayor pro tcm had but one case at the City Court calling for bis atten tion this morning. Thomas Moore, charged with beiog drunk, was proven guilty and was required to pay a fine ot $5 or go below for 10 days. . Mrs. Branch, (formerly Miss Margaret Gardner) and Mrs. S T. Brice have opened a dress and cloakmaking establishment on North Front" street. Those ladies have heretofore given much satisfaction to their patrons and they invite all to call.and see specimens of their work. The ladies are invited, through adver tisement in this issue, to call at Mrs. H. B Je welt's, corner of Front and Princess streets, and inspect lhe bean- i tiful stock she has recently purchased in New Ymrk. Mrs.Je welt's selections have heretofore given much satisfaction to her lady customers. WILMINGTON. N. C, MON DAY. MARCH 28 election of Officer. At a meeting of the Board of. Dlrec tors of the First National Bank, held this torenooo, Mr. D. Gr. Worth was. elected a Director to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of7 Mr. F Burruss. The Board then proceeded u the election of a President to till tie vacancy and Mrs George Chadbouru was unanimously elected t Jbai posi lion. - I n ter ettti ngr Exercises. The exercises at Brooklyn Baptist Sunday . School yesterday afternoon were made of unuaual interest, by tbi format presentation to the church and 8cnooi or tne new organ recently pur chased tor tbem. lhe exercises were opened by an organ voluntary, trom Battman, by Mrs H. H. Foster, after which there was singing by the school, followed by a sweet song, of which the Lord's Prayer, chanted, was tbe con clusion. This was sung by little Mary, daughter of Mr. S. G. Hall, and Norma. daughter of Maj. H. H. Foster, aged respectively eight and six years, am: was given in pure, clear, and musical tones, with perfect precision and in ex act time and tnne Rev. Dr. Pritcbard. who was present, then made au inter esting and instructive address, taking as his subject the aots of Esau and Jacob. Mai. Foster then asked tbe church and school, through tbe pastor. Rev. G. M. Tolson, to accept of tbe or gan. The a graceful and grate ful speech, accepted tbe instrument, and the school then, upon motion ot the Superintendent. Mr, J. W. Taylor, thanked Maj. Foster tot his efforts in tneir benait by a unanimous rising vote. The report of tbe Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. N. Jenkins, showed tnat.tne school is in a prosperous con dition, both as to attendance and finances. Dust to Oust. The obsequies of the late Mr. E. E. Bnrruss were held at the First Presby terian Church, of which the deceased was a member, at halt past 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the remains having been conveyed from his late residence lor that purpose. Such was the promi nencs ot Mr. Burruss in the business world and such was the profound res pectin which he was held by the entire community that the gatbe-ing was one of the largest ever assembled in this city upon such a sad occasion. It was a tribute ot the great esteem in which tbe deceased was held, which must have afforded some consolation to his relatives and most intimate friends Tbe services were conducted by Rev. Peyton H. Hoge aud were deeply solemn and impressive. At the con elusion ot tne services, tbe remains were conveyed to Oakdale Cemetery for interment, followed by a long pro- cession ot relatives and friends, and the Chamber ot Commerce, of which he was a member, and by the members ot the Produce Exchange. Hon. George Davis. Ex-Judge D. L. Russell, Cols. John D. Taylor and F. W. Kerchner, Capt. E J. Pennypacker. and Messrs. D. G. Worth. George Chadbourn and Alfred Martin were tbe pall-bearers. IN MEW OKI AM. At .1 meeting t Hi Directors of the Firt National Bank, held this forenoon at their I'.ankins Rooms, the following Preamble and Resolution were unanimously adopted: Whereas, Almighty Gel, the Creator and Ruler 'over al! the wisdom f whose arte none mav question, and! to whoc decrees all must piihmil, however painful, has brought a great affliction upon ns, an afMletion fraught with more deep and abgorbioe Interest than any event that wr have ever been railed npon to consider By I hi dispensation, mir President ha" lecn suddenly stricken d -wn hi cha r is einpiy. no more to be tilled by him, wno ha so long and so ably occupied it, Wc shall mix-1 no more that kind and cordial greeting, that warm, friendly ami Miiccr-s' claip of the hand, the sure t kea of a kind and true heart Wc shall utterly fail, should wc aftcmpt at this lime, to estimate, or determine the extent of lhe loss that we have bitstiincd iri the sud den aud unexpected death of our fiiciid and t'.e President of this Institution. We shall doubtless realize something of this loss, daily. through the remainder ol our sojourn here, hoth in our social and business relations Be it therefore Res Ived, That in the death of Edwin fc. Bram s. the toundcr. and for more thac twenty years the President of this Bank this Board, and we believe the entire community, have sustained an irreparable loss He was ever con 111 and sincere, a kind and faithful friend, ever ready to aid the tds tressed to contribute Hlera!ly of his means when the cill of charity were presented, a trua friead and discreet counsellor of the vonnr And pntArnHein hnvirtoja nuin Ifo was among the foremost in every enterprise designed to Improve the interests and general prosiierity of this city In fact, we feel that , we are totally incapable of expressing or esti-1 mating the worth of such a man to any com i muniiy, or the extent and magnitude of the Sff:fcXhWL TSe'SSfi pure man, a irne man and a man of uncommon . ability. ' Kttolvtii. That, In token of our respect f w hi" memory, thli Banking Home be drupe d with the insignia of mourning, and that a memorial ptge io our Records ue duFy dedl-, cated to hia memory. r Reanteed, That to his bereaved family we de.dre to tender the adsurnnc of our tdacere ftrnuvitliv lit iWir mt kAti..ti.. -,. thev be uresented wfth a raiw of thu nm. ceeaiAg. ttar copy. KEIE. NE7 AJDVEBTI8EJR1EVT8. Hake no Mistake ! JN JJRDfcRING rjSH AN OY8T1SIW. Gaaranteftfi sound anl oni wneft pak-J for dellve y Iocs Box 415 r 106 fcouth Froat St mtHk 2$ .. . Can Sell You rp&.B4 tHBAPMT AND B1C8T COOK STOVJSln this market. Call and see "1 PARKER TAYLOR. PUB. WHITE OIL. inch 28 Garden Geed, BeAj", C&EMIOALS, . PATENT MSDI D clne and Fancy Articles in full supply at F. C. MILLER'S, men 23 Corner Fourth and Nun Sts Hazard Powder. WE NOW HAVk THE AGENCY FOR this celebrated Powder which Is un doubtedly the best sold In this country. Ne-v masazlne built down the river (out of ity limits). Full assortment of all the sizes at the lowest prices. W4i. E. SPRINGER A CO., Successors to John Dawson Ik Co., 19, 21 and 23 Market Street, nach 28 Wilmington N. C Shingles ! Shingles ! FMFTY THOUSAND FOUR AND FIVE r Inch Cypress Shingles Must be sold at once. Those In bargain. need would do well to call and get a CHAS. F. BROWNE. Commission Merchant, No 11' N. Water St., men 2S Wilmington, N. C- To the Ladies. a N INVITATION VRS. BRANCH (for r marly Mies Margaret Gariner) and MBS. S. T. BRICE have opened a DKE8S ANU CLOAK MAKING ESTABLISHMENT on N. Front Street. We extend an invitation to the Ladlea to call and examine our Work and Htvles. Wora guaranteed and prices mode ate. Country orders filled at the shortest notice mch.'5'it Commencing Tuesday, rpHE LADIES ARE INVITED TO CALL and see my elegant stock of Spring Goods, comprising TRIMMED HATS AND BON NETS, in the newest designs and shades. latest styles in VEILING and RIBBONS. A fine assortment of Parasols. Black Stock lngs warranted not to crock. Warner's Health Corsets. anAxrtner popular makes. Handker chiefs of every description. Newest styles In Ladles' mrses. iiusties, vans, jeweiry, c. MRS. 11. a. JBWJSTT, mch 23 lm m Cor. Front and Princess sts Opening Days ! AT MISS E. KARRER'S, MAjlICH 31st, APRIL 1st, '87, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Friends and customers cordially invited, mch 21 These Pleasant Shoes ! EE HOW NICELY THESE SHOES FIT me, and they are so comfortable. Those hor rid things I have been wearing just ruined my foot so the said and so say the sisters, cous ins and aunts, that the place to buy pleasant fitting Shoes, and desirable besides, is at EO. K. FKENCH & SONS, mch 28 108 N. Front Street THF NATIONAL LIFE AND HATUBITY ASSO N, OF WAtHINGTON, D. C. President. HORATIO BROWNING. Sec A Manager. Treasurer. GEO. U. ELDB1DGK. SAMUEL NORMENT OUR PILLOW OF STRENGTH: A Guaranteed Policy, An incorporated Policy, Matarity Value In Cash at fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Foot Payments per year. Non-f orfeitable After Three Years. Does the insured wish to know the limit of the amount he can be called upon to pay to the rompany In any one year? Does he wish to know the dates when his payments will fal due ? Does he wish assurance that only cost of the Insurance will be required of him? Does he wish an Incontestibe Polio? Does n wWl ,he nt , nto of iMU. ' " MC . . ranee cease, to withdraw from the contract without loss of all that he has paid lo? Doec he wish to avoid the burdensome acnmula. tion of the Level Premium Plan ? Does be desire the benefit o Past Payments. If for ho n.Ar.HnM ,i. nrin.P k-. any cause he Olscontinnes nla Insurance be- ton the maturity date? ' The National Life and Maturity Plan gnar- aateea ad of the above In the policy, 1 .j . ,,Jou P. 8. RIDDeLLK. H. 1. W. H.UIB30N. ' Medteai Direct -r. BpeeUl Attest men 2 . . z 1887. NO 74 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS House. -o- I.M.Eatz, 116 Market St., Grand Opening -OF- Spring & Summer Goods I AT I ! KATZ'S 116 Market St, SUMMER SILKS. oOc. COLORED SATINS and MOIRE AN TIQUES, worth 75c for-50c. BLACK SILKS from 65c up. HEAVY COLORED SILKS, worth $1 25 for $1, EXTRA SURAH SILK8, all colore, 80c. Colored DRESS GOODS. ADBATROaS, ALMA CLOTH, TRI- COTINES. NUN'S VEILINGS 6c up. 36-tnch CUT CASHMERES, new shades, 25c. BLACK DRESS GOODS, every va riety. 54inch LADIES' CLOTH AND TRICOT. Spring Shades. CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS from 6c up. PLAIN AND BROCADED JAVA CANVASS, worth 20c for 12dc. 10.000 Yards LAWNS tor 5c. 36-Inch FRENCH BATISE, lOc. GINGHAMS. SEERSUCKERS. SAT EENS, &c. o WHITE GOODS. r NAINSOOK CHECKS from 7c up. VICTORIA LAWNS from 8c up. INDIA LINENS from lOcup. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, MULLS, PERSIAN LAWNS, REVERE STRIPES, COLORED NAIN SOOKS, &c. &c. Q FLOUNCING AND EMBROIDERIES The greatest variety at lower prices than ever before. VEILINGS, LACES, DAMASKS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, GLOVES. HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS, HAND KERCHIEFS, &c , at astouishiogly low prices. 1 ,000 Gross entirely new BUTTONS from 5c up. worth double tbe money rJIen's and Boy's Spring Wear. LADIES' AND GENTS' GAUSE UNDERWEAR. FANCY GOODS, RIBBONS. CORSETS, BUSTLES. NOTIONS. &c. Ever so many articles so very low that my kind patrons must acknowl edge that the 'CASH will save them considerable at M. M. EatzV 116 Market Street. mch 28 - Cash wa wfli M (Hd ' to rtctm ecatuueaooa f torn our frtncu oa amy arnd til .tabiMtt asaaraltaMrMtbtti :. " '. :? , t ume of U wntn must always to tsaod to tto BtmoT. " ' -mmanlcaOonaiaturt to wrltua to to oossldsof ue papr. : traomailUea must to VUiL: j - ad 1 la aapeeUlrf aid paxttettlarry u ", tood that the Editor dosa to( alwayt nto the vlaws of correspoadsxta aaU o tat 4 rn the editorial oolaaaa. NEW ADVEUT4SEBIKMT8, Ti. "T 1 ? - l TT TT- It L8 JCiDgUSfl lou - iinow," )!AU'S SOAP, " ' liUIYD'S MJAK8IS. i , KKM'S TOTII BRUSIL (the best). EXTRACT VlOLETTB. Hcadiurtcr8 fee TOILET PREPARATION?. MUNIJH KKOTIIEU8. Ksl.ib'iKhed 1S74. moh oti To the Ladioc. THAVE RKTURNED FROM TUK ORTH ern cities tilth a fall assortmtnt of Goods la my llne;aso a eaBtlfnl assortment of LACI5 t and SMGROIDKKI KM of all descriptions. which I offer at lowest prices. ', 1 have secured at great exienie the services of a first-class French MiUIner. whose work will give entire satisfaction to all who give me orders. ... ; " My opening of Pattern Bonnets and Hats will take place next week. VFalt ind see my styles and p. Ices before purchasing. MK8.E. B. WIGGINS. 115 Market Street, WllouWtrn, N. C. mch 28 ' " Garden Sets. NOTIIKR LOT JUST RECEIVED AND Hilt SALE AT LOW PRICES. GILES A MURCHISON. mch 28 March Prices J jQURING THE MONTH OF MARCH I propose to sell WOOD at still' lower prices and make a specialty ef SAWED WOOD, guaranteeing and proving beyond doubt that full i cord is In each load delivered, mch 23 J. A. SPRINGER, KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, lMMONS REGULATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum and Mnlllen, Bull's ough Syrup, - Prescriptions compounded day and night. - Night Bell. ' MILLER A N I EST LIE, mch 28 Cor. Sixth and Mulberry Remember rpHE PLACE TO GET THE BEST SAD- dies. Harness. Leather. Trunks or anv kind of Saddlery Goods for the least money. Try our Seamless Kip and Georsla Seamless Col lars. FF.NNELL A DANIEL, Old Mallard 8tand. 10 So. Front St. mch 28 tf , Don Miff." NOTHER SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED at YATES BOOK STOKE. Orders by mall will meet with prompt attention. CROQUET, HAMMOCKS, BASE BALLS, MARBLES. TOPS, Ac. A full supply of BLANK BOOKS, STA TIONERY, Ac., always on hand. C. W. YATES. mch 23 119 Market St. Wilmington, N C A Card. J TAKE THIS METHOD OF INFORMING my friends and the public geneially that I have connected myself with the first-class Family Grocery of Messrs. HOLMES A FILL YAW, Corner Second and Market' streets, where I will be pleated to see snd serve them. Respectfully, Ac, mch 2; 2tnac GEO. M. CRAPON. Eureka ! ! NTI ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC DOOR AND CALL BELLS. Sold and put np by mch 22 1m JAMES F. POST. Hurrah for the Boys f UK BEAUTIFUL SPRING WEATHER has mneh to do with oicoing of the Base at Season; ss the westher has come so have the BA ball 8UPPLIKS, which have been opened In large quantities at , HEINSBERGER'S. mch 25 Cash Boot and Music Store o . - HrWARE OF IMITATIONS. " See that your pen ttsmped Ksntn fJJ da2offBS3 psrsnsnrri joj posg f4 rOR 8ALE AT ? HEINSBERGER'S. mch 23, . Cabhage Plants for Sale. 100,000 si,rasors : ftLT CABbAUls PLANTS, at 3 per Thousand. Apply to - T. J'SOirrnKKLAND, f or WVH. MILLS. ach24 1w At the Hopkins Place It raujuiy friggj. . . pj - ..:; -Jmmm 7