rms taper ; .biuaod tm'-vnaim. Sunday eeptad by JOSH T. JAMES, sUiiSCEIPTlO-SS POSTAGE -PAID: 'ear $4.00. JSlx month. 2.0Q, Tkm; Booths. L0G; One months cento. ' The paper will be delivered by carrier free rf charge. n part of tbe 6,t7 -" the .-tea. or 10 cent per week. - AdvesttaiD rate low ind HberaL . subscriber will report mj and all fall- aret to receive their papcT regularly, Now that the almot complete sub jection of Barman to British rule has been accomplished a movement has been aurtp-l to bring into extensive use theoiiell of the Irrawaddy valley. These wells have Ions been known, and to a small efnt oil. has been taken; irnm them U-r local consnrupiion Butj hev are capable o! such a development lhat the protnotera of if, expect to sup nlnnt American oil m Driiish India, where the ilemar.a ti nw uas hn steadily increasing. The inacbio- . for gome of ihesewelU has already been dipped f Borraah from Kogland. and tb roone? subscribed lor develop-. in their capacity. , . Kren the divinity ;hat doth hege a kin? yield to the power of th pres. The reporters who were . puzzling over the t'.ilets at a rfcent Court hnll at R.,me were takpn in tw by King Urn berto. to wh'm they frankly staled their fix. and introduced to .Queen Maruerita, wiih the suggestion that ihe sh-ul'l coach them. She - did this with a readiness and winning grace that completely captivate! the quill drivers, dictating o them a description ot the hands iineat dresses. She wound up with lb; injunction nt t forget her necktice of pearU, for these are the things thai especially interest yoorlady readers " Tbe London corespondent of the Manchester (iuardian writies: "It is intended to hold an international con gress on cremation, in September of tbe present year. The .place selected lor thii gathering of the savants ot various countries who are interested in crema tion and cemetery hygiene is Milan French will be the official language of the congress; but the speakers may. if they like, make use of any o'her lans ua?e. Reports will be submitted as to the progress made in tbe practice of cremation in different oouotries.and the formation of an international league will be proposed. An exhibition of nj oriels of crematories, urns and other objects connected with the campaign dow being conducted against the pres ent methods of disposing of the dead will be open during the congress." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISIMEITS. A A 3aowN Want! John- fl shabp Notice cw Yates Eastei Cards r C Miller Garden .Seed Mcnds Bsos Carbolcrysfal UBs II B JawETT Parasols W H Topp Make no Mistake J a srarxGEK Coal and Wood Heists bekqeb'8 Easter Carde Keh sends A Monroe Returned Giles A Mcrchisos Garden Seta Mrs B B Wiggins Special Notice -Knights op Hosor Regular Meeting W E Springer A Co Hazard Powder Parker A Tatlor Arriving Weekly Sociablc Hibernian Benevolent Society as K A L itmsdex Xew goods for Easter Geo R Frknch A Soxs Spring Time Sot let Stuamcnt National Life atd Maturity Asso ciate n Millek A NiEsrLre Kencedy's Medical Discovery , The streets are getting dry and dusty again. ' The receipts of spirits -turpentine are unusually light. Headquarters for base baltsupplies i at HeinsbergerV. t Tbe receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up .19 bales. Fruit and Vegetables.: There is now no question about the almost total destruction of tbe peach crop in this vicinity by the recent cold weather. Mr. L. W. Howard, who is the principal peach grower in this sec tion, says that his crop is ruined. There are yet a few pe&ghes hanging on the trees, but these have been so chilled by the cold that they wil soon drop off. Other orchards on the Sound present the same appearance. Beans, the ten derest and most susceptible to cold of tie early vegetables, are killed ; while Peag have suffered materially, but about half a crop will be realized. Other vegetables are not badly injured. Services tor Holy Week. The following order of services will he observed-in St John's Church dur ing Holy Week: Monday-7:30aod 11 A. M.;?5:30 1 M. Tbueaday 7:30 and It A. M.; 5:30 p.m. , v Wednesday-7:30and 11 A. M.; 5:30 I. M. 1 . '&mrsday-7:30 and 11 A. M.: 8:30 P.M. v - - .-j Good Friday 11 A. M.; 5:30 P. M. Saturday-7 :30 A. Mf : "l J J as. Caruichael, D. D, Rector.. nn 4 11 VOL. XL The Produce Exchange will be closed on the 8th inst. Good Friday. Nor: barque Vamidis. Tnonmiassen. hence, arrived at Buenos Ayres March lit. V r : The peaches in- the city are not all kil.ed We have examined several trees and did not find any indications of injury by the recent cold. Ihe regular annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Carolina Central II. It. Co. will be held in New York on May 5 h. Mrs. E A. Lumsden has returned from the North and tbe ladies are in vited to call tbfs week and examine the new 'and pretty goods sbe displays. Messrs. Behrends & Munroc have on exhibit now th handsome stock pur chased by tbe senior member of tbe firm on his recent trip to the North and West. A revival of religion is in progress at Kbenezer Baptist Church, colored, on Seventh street, between Orange and Aun. conducted by the pastor. Rev. J L. Fennell. The Hibernian Benevoleut Society will give a sociable at fier mania Hall on Easter Monday night. There will be relreshments,and music will be furnish ed by the Italian band. April appears incliued to become good natured. The month began in a most surly and disagreeable mood, but it has been growing belter since, and to-day tbe weather is delightful. There was a heavy frost and plenty ot ice in tee vicinity of Magnolia. Duplin county. Sunday morning. It snowed there last Friday night until the ground was covered, but it melted in the sunshine ot Saturday. Vegeta tion has been seriously damaged in that section. Nearly every Northern bound train has two or three cars, toaded with Italian laborers who have been employ ed in building railroads South of here. but who, having completed their con tracts, are hastening to tbe thickly settled North, where there are many of their countrymen. The attention of the ladiies is invited to the large and attractive advertise ment of Mrs. E B. Wiggios as it ap bears in tbte issue, there are more things enumerated there than we know the uses of.as there are mysteries in tbe scientiSc world which we do not wish to penetrate. Tbe ladies will find out all about it, however, by conning the advertisement ard inspecting the stock. Knlffhts of Honor. .Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this (Monday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Full attendance is desired. Easter Cards. A large and beautiful line of Easter Cards, plain, fringed and very fine ones in boxes have just been received and opened for iuspection at Heinsber gers. f Slight Fire. There was .an alarm ot fire at about 2 o'clock Sunday morning, caused by the burning of an" outhouse on the premises of Mr. Joseph McLauric. on Market street, between Eighth and Ninth. The alarm was sent out from box 35, corner oi Eighth and Market streets, and the firemen turned out promptly, but there was no. occasion lor their services, as the flames were extinguished belorc their arrival. , Almost a Iflro. A lamp which was suspended from the top of the first floor of Mr. R. C. OrrelTs stables exploded at about 6:30 o'clock this morning, and for a moment a serious fire was threatened. Capt. Ixsgg, who was present, had the pres ence of mind to throw a blanket upon the burning oil, and tbe llames were extinguished almost instantaneously, without doing any damage further than the breaking of tbe lamp. V brier's Spring liaises. We have gathered a boquet ot daisy suits for; sma 1 boys and big boys, young and old, that will tickle the fan cy ot every mpther and father in Wil mington. In Confirmation suits our assortment ot diagonals, corkscrew and cassimere, in ail qualities, made up reliable and first-class in every re spect, is worthy of inspection and are as low, frequently from SI to $3 low er than the like can be purchased for elsewhere and we guarantee that each and every article sold bv us shall be ex actly as' represented ' I. Siirixr, tbe Old Reliable Clothier and Merchant Tailor. 114 Market Street. t Stepladders of all lengths can be found at JAcoBi'a Hdw. Depot. . t WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. APRIL 4, 1887. A new weather vane has been placed on a staff on tbe roof of the Signal Office to day. The workmen who ad, justed it had a windy and uncomfort able job which was attended with con siderable peril. The National Lite & Maturity Asso ciation are so well satisfied with the exhibit they make in the oflicial state ment published in Saturday's Review, that they have concluded to keep iu at f the masthead for a week . It is. indeed; a good stowing, although it is a cne sided affair. It is alt assets and no liabilities and J here are none of thes latter for the simple reason that .all claims are paid as soon as they mature Cotton. The recepts of cotton ut this port for the month ended March 3Ut. 1H87, foot up 2,181 baled, as against 4.775 bales for the corresponding month last year; a decrease of 1.594 bales. The receipts for the crop year to March 3Ut. 1887, foot up 132 334 bales, as against 95,886 bales for the corresponding time fast year, an increase ot 36 449 bales. A Cruel Act. , Mr. James O. Ormsby, who lives on Swann street, between Fourth and Fifth, had the misfortune to have a valuable cow shot last Saturday morn ing. He milked the cow. as usual, on that morniug and turned her out of the lot, when the animal wandered as far as Fourth street, near Brunswick, where sbe was shot by some one through the neck with a pistol bullet, from the effects of which she died. It was a good cow, for which Mr. Orms by had recently paid $35. Magistrate's Court. Fred Hill, colored, charged with an assault and battery on Ben Williams, also colored, last Saturday night, had a hearing before Justice E. D. Hall this mornin?. The quarrel arose concern ing tbe payment of rent. Williams is the lessee of the house and he had sub let two rooms to the defendant on con dition that the latter should pay his rent monthly in advance. 1 his the de fendant had (ailed to-do; and in an al 'eication about the matter Saturday night, hash words were used which re sulted in tbe defendant strking Wil- iiams on the head with a stick. He was fined one cent and costs. Personal Mr. John Taylor has. returned from his visit to the Northern markets. Dr. Thomas B. Hill, of Goldsboro, arrived in the city last night. Maj. C. W. McClammy, Represen tative elect to Congress from the neighs boring district, was in the city to-day. Miss Cannie Chasten started on this morning's Northern bound train for Boston r where she will remain during the Summer to finish her studies at the New England Conservatory of Music. .Judge waiter uiarK, oi itateign. art- rived in tbe city yesterday and proceed ed to Smitbville. where he will preside atBrunswick Superior Court, which convened this morning and will coo tinue one week. City Court. Mayor Fowler presided for the first time at tbe session ot the City Court this morning- He presided with digni ty and disposed ot the business with firmness and dispatch . Thomas Leboo.jt colored boy, charg ed with last driving, was the first case The evidence was conclusive and the defendant was required to pay a fine of $2.50 or go below for five days. ' Robert Banks, colored, one of the nuisances who infest the Front street bridge upon the arrival of. trains, was arrested Saturday night for disorderly conduct. Ho was fined $10, with the alternative ot going below for twenty days. One case of assault and battery was transferred to Justice E. D. Hall for trial. State Medical Convention. The thirty-fourth annual meeting of the Medical Society of tbe State of North Carolina will be held in Char lotte. Wednesday, April 13th. 1887 Subjects for discussion: 1. Tbe ra tional treatment ot Ileo Colitis of child hood. 2. Our autumnal fever, its nature and treatment. 3. Are the dangers of high temperature in acute diseases over-estimated? Leader of debate. Dr. W P. Beal, of Greensboro. Besides this a great many papers will be submitted, the. annual essay, ora tion reports of sections, prize essay8 and voluntary reports. Many distio guised members of the profession from abrdad will be present. The meeting promise to be a large and enthusiastic one. Excursion rates on all- railroads.! lETIEW. The New Summer Kesort. A day or two since a small party of gentlemen, among whom. were the pro jectors of the New Hanover Transit Company, got aboard the Louise and left tor a visit of inspection f tbe new report at the head of the Sound near old Camp Wyatt, aud known as Caro lina Beach The new resort is situated directly on tbe beach, and within 15 miles of the city. -The trip is made by steamer and rail, by steamer to a long pier in tbe river just this side oi the. nigh bluff known. as Sugar L'at. and from thence l miles by rail to the very ,-spot where the ocean waves lap the beach. . The trip can be made from the dock here to the beach in une hour and & half aud it is intended to make three trips a day during the season. The Company own 150 acres ot land on the Sound and beach, much ot which is wooded land. which will be cleared up and laid off into groves and plcasuie resorts for the benefit of their guests. Creosoled pit h ... iugsare to bo driven into the sand and a good foundation secured aud on these a targe pavilion and a dining room will be erected tor the benefit of guests These two buildings will stand directly on the beach aud will give magnificent view on either hand and far out to sea. The dining room wil be 30x20 feet and the pavilion 70x30 of ampe dimensions to accommodate a large party. Neat, comfortable and cosy ;ottages will also dot the grounds and there will be all of the necessary conveniences for surt and still wattr bathing. Possibly there nay also be horses and vehicles kept there for hire but of this we are not informed. We only know that at low tide there is a magn'f icent beach for driving, both above and below the grounds. It is calculated that the new rescrt will be opened to the public by the middle of May and to this end every energy will be brought into play in the prosecution of the work. Tbe Passport it is said, will be placed on the line and will make three trips per day during the season morning, noon and even iog. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sociable B Y THE HIBERNIAN BENEVOLENT Society, at Germanla Hall, Easter Monday tsveninr, April iitn, iss. Masic bv the Italian Band Admission Lady and Gentlemen75 cents apl 4 3t m a m Wanted. A LIVE ENERGETIC MAN TO WORK J. the 8afety Fund System of tbe Hartford Life and Annuity insurance company, m tbe counties of Fender, Duplin, Wayne, Wilson and Edrecome. Address. A. A. BROWN, Gen'l Acent. . apl 4 It Wilmington, N. C New Goods'for Easter. O UR NEW EASTER OODS HAVE AR- rived and are now bcine opened. They will be on display this week. The Ladies are res nectfully Invited to call and examine them MRS E A. LUMSDEN. apl 4 lwk North Front at., near Chestnut Notice. rjMIE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF tbe stoceboldera of ibe Carolina Central Rail rod Company will be hold at tbe Oiiicc of the old Dominion Steam Ship (Jo . corner of Beach and Wests Streets, la the city of New York, at 1 o'clock, P. .M , on the 5th day of May proximo. JOHN . II. SHARP, apl 4 Mm Secretary and Treasurer Arriving Weekly. ntOSE POPULAR COOK STOVES thoroughly appreciated by our customer. Refrigerator, Toilet Set. Uoor Mats, oil Stores Lap Boards Full stock ef all kinds of Goods PARKER TAYLOR. POKE WHITE OIL. aplt Coal & Wood. LOWEST PRICES. mch 4 J. A. 8PKIMGER. ParaGolG. IJ1HE VERY LATEST STYLES IN Black Twill Silks, Helvetia, . Satin He Chine, Harvard. COACHING PARASOLS. These goods are the newest designs and the finest grades. Mv prices axe very low ix tne iajes want tne Dest. can lOB MUM. II. B. JEWETT. , apl 4 It Cor. Front and Princes tta ' Garden Sets A N OTHER LOT JUST RECEIVED AUD ? GILES h UUCCIUSOX. apl 4, NO 80 NKW A DVERTISKM ENTS. SPECIAL -o- TO THE LADIES ! MY OPENING OF SPRING BONNETS AND HATS rOB LADIES NO CHILDREN, WILL TAKE PLACE ON Tuesday, Wednesday and Th u rsd ay :o tta isWeeK At which the very latent styles will be dJa played. Ladies who are in the habit of buy ing their Hata "North -will please give me a call and see my style, as 1 will guarantee them New .York styles at leas than can be purchased in New York, and all orders wl)l be filled by a most competent Milliner whom I obtnincd from a Ji rat class bouse In cw York. ' I have made a speciality of Ladies' am! Children's Furnishing Goods, such as Corsets Bustles, Hosiery, Handkerchief, Collars and Cuffs. NOVELTIES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS Buttons, Rnchicgs and Infants' and Child ren's Cape and Sun Bonneta. , Elegant dealgna in fine JEWELRY. Boiled Plate Gold and Rhine 8 tone Jewelry; Child ren's Sold Gold Rings. A comnlete line of -LACES, VALENCIENNES, TA LI AN, CHANT ILLY, N SPAN18H GUIPURE,: FEDORA, DUCHESSE TORCHON, from U to 42 inches wide. ALL OVER LACES an I Flounciogs to match Nainsook and Hamburg Edgings and Inserting and Flounciogs. Crepe and fiilk Warp. Nuns Veiling for Veils a specialty The Latest Novelties in FANCY WORIC, FANS AND PARASOLS . An elegant assortment of FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS AND MILLINERY, Also, a fine selection of EASTER AND BIRTHDAY CAR D8, Very cheap. The Ladies are all respectfully invited to give me a call. MttS. B. i. WIGGINS, 113 Market Street, Wilmington. N. C. apl 4 Returned. MB. S. IRKN BEHREND3, OF THE FIRM OF NDS A MONROE, dealers In Fur nltnre. No 16 South Front Street. Wi'mlnc ion, nas just remrnca irom me Furniture manufacturing centres North and West, and they have received and now on exhibition tbe largest stock of Furniture, Carpet, Matting, Oil Cloths. Ac, Ac, Ac, ever seen in this city. Their goous excel m variety of style, e:cgance or new designs ana artistic work' manship. Call and examine he same. apl 4 it Make no Mistake t I N ORDERING FISH AND OVATEK3. Guarantee! sound aud solid wben packed for dellve y IiOck Box 415 or 10H South Front bt. apl 4 Garden Seed, TARUGR, CHEMICALS, PATENT M EDI cluei and Fancy Articles In full supply at F. C. MILLER'S; apl 4 Corner Fourth and Nun St Hazard Powder. WE NOW HAVr, TH E AGENCY TOII this celebrated Powder which Is un- doubtedlv tbe best sold In this country. Ne-v magazine built down the river (out of city limits). Full assortment of all the sizes at tbe lowest prices. WM. K. SPRINGER A CO-, Successors to John Dawson A Co., 19, 31 and S3 Market Mreet. ap i - Wilmington N. C KINSEDrS IED1CAL DISC9VERY. gIMMONS. REGULATOR, Taylor Sweet Gum and Mulllen, Bull's (ugh Syrup, Prescription compounded day and sight. 49" Might BelL - MILLER A NIESTL1E. apl 4 Cor. Sixth and Mulberry The Sutton House, , f ARKET 8TKEET. SOUTH 8IDK, BE ill twoen Front and Second. Board by the Day. 1 Week or Month.- Clean Roomr, comfortable Beds, Good Attendance and the beat the mar i ex atroraa. Kate tow. Ua2lJy . . 0 PJLBASX MOTl Wa will be glad to rtesivt eosxiuueaoaa troa our trUada oa any aad all tao)a meralbiurtatbiit . of tto writer at nil always bt . aiakad to U Editor. Cowwnnlcstioai meal bs wxlttta ea ea oss side of ths papor. . .ParBonantlesMnatbo aroldod, And It U eapoelaily and particularly uar ,. tood that tfco Editor doe sot always aadoa the views of correspond a ta ualatt so tati hi theedltortal oohimn. . . v NEW ADVEBTI8EMENT8. r Cards TE NOW HAVE TUKU.OPErED FOR lnctlon. r u and . make yonr select km r?y- express t day.aaotker lastalmeat lon Miir,l allBs i liHrchlll," by Cbrlatlan Held; "Shu" rd . iiUh. o.Ia. , 'y-v . iuv, VJ VA(CJ II UltU Wionlog.T.by Cameron, and! other popular Books." C: : ' -" : - " . .: " apl 4 . -YATES BOOK STORK Spring Time-rNot Yet JJUTL SRING JlIKEI SHOES ARE IN abrnTdance at French's for the "little Girls an Misses.. Wc have, moderately thick" Shoe just suited to this variable weather for grown folks and too little folks. Keep your t eat dry and warm to prcserre jour , health andprb long your life, Call oa us and, we will fit yonrisht. ; ' '' T- GEO. K. riCENCII- & SONS.' f . x. Krouiotrest - CarbolcryGtal. k PERFECT DISINFECTANT AND U' T1SEFTIC. Safe, Cheap and Convenient for ' household use. 25cests For sale by AIUNOS BUO THICKS, apl 2 EASTER CARDG "yE HAVK A FINE AND LARGE A3 aortment of Easter Cards now on exhibition. UEIJN SUlSKtiEK'S. "He" a Companion to "She" And all other wot ks by H. Rider Haggard, you will alwaya find, at our counters. "Don Miff,:' BY DABNEY. Third supply just received .";- . ... at : . - ,, ; -k. apl 1 Cash Book and Music Store - Statement OHO WING THE CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSO- CIATION, Co-operative, of Washington, D.C. aaaaio, -VCC 3lr, I9wt Value of real estate and ground rent owned by the Company (less the amount ef encumbrance thereon, a 4o.263.8l Loan on bond and mortgage (duly rewrueu hlu ueiag urei lien Qn the fee simple). - s.cos.oi) Account ot stocks and bonds of the Lnited mates, and of this and ott er State, a -so all other stocks and . bond absolutely ownetl by the Company. 142.787.73 Stocks, bonds and all other securities (except mortgage) hypothecated to the Company as collateral se curity for cash actnally loaned by Cash in Company's principal office ana Dciovgiog to tne company de posited In Bank ... " 42,146 " Total Assets. $24?,498,20 Total Income. ... .......... v. f 234,473. 28 Total IBxpendltureo. .. . ...... i .... . U0,6U.e 1 Nortli Carolina eBusiness In '80. Amount of Policies or certificates - issued... $389,500.00.. Amount of premiums assessment. annual or otner pay menu received &,znji HORATIO BROWNING, President, WM. E. CLARKE, Vice President. GEO. D. ELDBIDGE, IfecreUry. r. U. GIBSON, General Agent, Wilmington STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE, IN8URANCE DEPARTMENNT, : RALEIGH, N. C , April 1st, 1S87 , In compliance with See. 9 of "An Aet to consolidate . the Insurance 4 Laws of North Carolina, I certify that the above 1 a true x tract from the sworn sutement of the NA TIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSOCI ATION (cooperative), on December 3iit, 1S86. now on file in this Department. v ' '- ' W. li SAUNDERS, - apU6t .-. Seeretary of State. "Corneaiio." 1R ED BUD INTERCKPTIC TllE . ONLY j mug that will do the work, safely, qnlekly', and pleasantly. mce on it ice. . JAH. d. n UTT, ILe LrcLit, apll