itt cases o Cure. ?ERRYJ)aviS-Y j)1bhti'd,i'75' and fore inn Htr3iriIUKYS HjiTZCrATHIC VSTSSnTAST SPECIFICS For Horses, cattle, -neep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. USED BY U. S. GOVST. Th o O a i I y Rev i ov - . ' AN KASTER KGU. A'rnan. like fggs. is ' ft." t hey 'say. And when he is. he writes n "'lay M His " yolk"' i always ' bard" t hear. Arid he is sometimes erusbeii" with caro When he i fresh" bis '-y.Ika are - ...stale; , , , He's ""addlei!" when eg-gnos prevail A broken egg will w! aiyJ ni- in?; A man thai'd broke.'1 too. stands J" - . nlon Yon "beal" a man when he is "bad." Dot tul an otfs 1 yon il b .al. An esr'is n rest ; man is no; And rx.lh qmtcntten o t. "p.t." Both, fo. nave an va-etat. Kggs will hatch low!-; men foul things hatch. ; ' 5 - -' An ege wi I "poach ;' s will a man Ai.d Iheri ho vscrambls" all h'fan. In howl f egg some men wi'l pride. Arrl yet th'-ir bowl egs they Wili hlL-. Both egs arid men have ."boils" and they' Are el upon"' and "laid" away. StiiDe iimn sell egvrs and ome eass ' selr. And some, when' egged, eeii hen weil " smeii And some who are egir-sa-tfd high Asbd oif2 sample- l"'-ti (!: .Bnl man is like an in tact V hen' h i henr,f H' and is "cracked" Thi refers to nipn who do rwd p.y for their newspaper. Wt'sou M r? or. lhr: on Rulers. " Book St J'rr. -.-Z7i-r onse-tiona. Inflnmniatlon- V ;,,jnal lriiwi-ii. 1UK fever. tV 11 -f V i,ai"c'i.nhcumati.mi.. . T " - m"r!..r. ,f Discharges. li'l-lfomrCnli. Worms. K '- ...i.Im. Ilea Pneumonia. i;;.l:rri.iue. Ilemorrase... -J II -1 rin.irv and Kidney Diseases. l"l K.ruiiie IHxpnsC!. flange. . 4 . J.'lk. - Pi-raxe ol bisestiou... - -iitihle ,ner.';t:i Alanaal. (ofX) paw jvith .f.arf l:tl - t;lt-j'i ihcs. boltlaof VV tch Hu.'-I il ' MJioator, ' t SjfH.OO Price, Hot tie .'over 50 doses), x- - - . .75 Hrn Free on Receipt of Price. -Humphreys Med. Co , 103 Fulton St.. H. Y. HOMEOPATHIC .ftf SPECIFIC F10.&O The onlr snceessfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, - Vital Weakness, an I i'rnration, from over-work or other oansfls. l pr vial, or a vials and large vial powder, for $5. !.D bv DavrsGKra. or aent post paid on receiptor lr.t c lliuupbwja' BedkiB ., 109 nKca SC, S. JC. fell (o'l & wiy nrm " In -e :W yrsrs. vou ran live at home. &od make moje money a work t"x na, tbn at any itilc e f la i he world Capital nr,i nccled; V"ii are Ftsred 1 'ee. Bo h sexes; all aaes Any one can no liwrk. lrac c irnlma eure frotnthefirtt :taM ost'y utll' and terma free. Better i ot .it-lav totit you noinlDit to send ra your ; d'tret-A'and tinl out; if jou are wiee jou wl) tioMat.ome H. Hallktt A Co JIV.rtlantf V!n. -. 1cc I 6md lyw a TT f TTT T 1 IIllli M 111 V H I 'o Ik; made. Cut h'a out sind re'iirn to ua, and we will send sou free, some hl-ir of creat value and lpioortn,ce .to jou; that will hA t you In nnainp which will bring you in more morey riht away than anything else In this world. ni n r;si no their work and live, at hoTC Eitb-rM-;all a?ip. Something. n- w. thnt iust coils Riorey tot all workers. Wc will start jou; cq.lui not needed. Th's'la one el the 5t loe important chaacea of a llfetlrae. h-e wno are aajbit ous and enterprising lltoteUy Grand da fit fe. Addreso Tkvk A i o , Augusta, Malne. 1 ;ri.i 1 1 v w . , WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS Jf th Imk1 t'lilartfod an trfjtcthenei. r nil inrticn rwnt frF.UIF. MKl.X..44rFyALO.N.' 1 RESTORED; Itemed) Free. A victim of youthful in i rinnnnnr iniprndencecaueiiiir Prema I ture Decay, Nervwus Debiii- l'' 1U va'.n I'wrr tnnum rnort- hail riinrovered a lui le Kiu :;m-, v.-hioh ha win send i'UEE to lut ;:.)nff-ror. Address " " V. I- XI st poet C)pjce rjox Sl, Xev York City. Oct 2eo,l il&w ly Worfeii p Class. sC"I'Si ixTpared i firnlsh ,all clasC9 with etip'oy n ent at home, the who'.e- of the lime or fur ttu-'r fpare niometts. Pueines new, light ad pn litabk. Tcrtonaof cither tex easily t arn fmni f ) cent to $j. ) i cr evtnb g, and a prvwortiona! sum hy devoting all their tlnn to the bujlncaa Hoy ard girla earn near 1 1 a ruucb a men. That all who see tui aaj aerd their address, and teat the tmslnes. we wake this offer To uoh a are rot well t laoed we wpl icwi one doila- to py . ir the iroul!e of wiH 114 Full nartlculira and out ft iree. Arjdreas GtoRWK -MIKfos lo, fr;lind. Matne. dee 1 invl lyw 0F INTERESTS C3EK sirYior , w.-akne5S orLosof Jfrmory per a:i:i!y nund iv the rise of an eutirelvncv ti i - "T 0- ,10V0r 'ail- Our illustrated. S2p.go boot - - ...n..i,iai. isient f:erit. Kverr TnanenouM ad iu tX (illAKF TltOCIIEfiCO., C Park l'lace, Avw York. Ci -". l tod Aw ly For the, reiiet ami uf the ndlam DJ:t.tiou and congestion calied "a co-d in "the heail" tliere i more p. teocy in Eiy's Cream Iilm than in anything else it is ptsib;e to prescribe. This preparation hr years past been making a brilliant success as a remedy for cdl in the-head, catarrh anil hay lever. .U-ed in ihn initial iaues ot theje complaiuts Cream IJaim prevents any serious, development ol the symptoms. whle nliuost. number less cas s are on nerd id iadira! cure of chronic catarrh and hay lever alter all o:her modes ot treatment have prov ed of no avdil Tomatoes. The toma o ha- a cuiious history. Nati ve of South America like the t o lat. it is said to have i een introifuctil into England a: -arly a 15l.;(5 Many years elapsed b- fore- it ws ued as loud, anil the botanical name given io it was significant ol the estimation in which it was held oy ur lortdathers Il was eiUed Lycoper3icum a cum pounl term meaning olt and pech. indicating that, not withstamin.g its beauty," it was regarded .is a iori "t "Dead Sea fiuit" The Italians tir-t dared use it Ireely, be P'rench followed and alter eyeing it askance as a nove'iy t r unknown years, John Bull ventured to taste, and having survived, began to eat wiih increa ing gusio To o.ii I grandmothers in this land the ruby J fruit was given as "love-apples, and aaorning quaint oia bureaus, were gu voured ry dreamy eyes long belore canning factories were within the ken ot even a A'ankee's vision. Now, to matoes vie with the potato a9 a general article of fotal, and one can scarcely visit a quarter of the globe so remote but be will find that the tomato can has been there belore him. Its culture is So easy that one ear t had nushels it the finest Iruit from plants that grew here and there by chance. Skill is re quired only in producing an early crop, and tn; secure this end the earlier the piants'are started in the spring-thc better. Tnose who have glass will ex perierce no dilllculty whatever. Tne seed may b sown in a greenhouse as early as Jauary, and the plants potted when three inches high, trans ferred to larger pots iroin time to time a ttey grow, and, by the middle ol May put in!o the 'open ground, lull ot blossoms and immature truit. Indeed, plants started early in the 1 all wiil give in a greenhouse a good supply all win ter. Thes also grow readily in hot buds-; cold frames, and sunny windows We usually can buy well-forwarded plants from those who raise them for said. If these.pIahTs are set out early io May on a sunny slope theymature rapidly and give an early yield. The tomato is Very sensitive to frost, and should not be in ttin open ground ba fore danger from il is over. Through out May we find plants lor sale every where, If we desire to try distinct kinds with the least trouble, we can sow the seed about May and in our climate enjoy an aha dant yield in September or betoic. In the cool, bu id climate ol "England tre tomato is usually grown c ispaier, like the peach, along sunny walls and fences, receiving as careful a summer pruning as i he grape vine With us they are usually leltto sprawl over the ground at-will. By traiuing th vines over various kinds of supports, however, they can be made as ornamental as they are usetul. The ground on which they grow; should be only moderately fertile, or else there is too great a growth f v:ne at the expense of truit This is especially true it we wish an early yield, and in that case the warm est, driest soil is necessary. K. V. Roc. in Harper1 s Maya MISCELLANEOUS I SI 00 A WEEK. A OIKS OR GKSTLEMKN DBSIBING j pleasaut profitable eroDlo- meet Write at ei e. He vtntyo to handle an article of -lomc Mic ne that recommends ltaelf to every t fright. feTAPls. Aa rLtiUK fed "We hot eakea. Profits 0 per rent, f ami nt. waning to rractlce ei onom thou Id for their own insect WTlte for particulars. Lsed 'very day ttc year noun' 4n every houel ol- rf w Uhtn reach- f U c ireahirs free Atents receive saMPLK rREK Address ' " ' " iniMiuvrie mf ttj . .Jeo d w Cm ManontDn?Ov PENSYliOYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S. ENGLISn.' THE ORIUINAL. ANU OSLYOVNU NE -vate and aJwaya Cellable Beware of worth ia ImlU'lona. L.AD'K3 Ask your PrugjrUt for -Chichrsteu's tLISH' and taka , i n nlher nr Inrln.e Ar UUippa) to ns for partlcu'ara n letter by Te- AAUK rKB. . CU ClltSTEK fa. At L)njftrlsti.-Trade eupptled by KoL- ciioilmakek, fhiladeiphla. I'a., , A Terrible Firo. What a thrill ol terror passes over us when we read the record ol some tearful devastation by fire and yci it is a tact that thousands are daify beiog consumed by the inward tire id lever, caused by consumption of the luffs. which could be subdued by Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery." Cardinal Manning has becomes vice president of the London Newspaper Press Fund. , i . Alore Facts. Stekmxo. III.. Aug. 22. 'SS. .We feel we must .write somrthinjr of the success of Hop Bitters. Their sale is thribble that of any other article of medicine. Hence we feel it but justice to you aod your Bitters to say that it is a medicine ot real merit and virtue, and doing much good and effecting great cures Yours, J. F & H. B. UTLEY - .WllOLRKAI.F. FRItJES. Mat. Toe following qnotrUona reprasas wholesale -prlees - generally, in maJUag ui amaJl orders higher prices have to ebarW Hayesville. O . Feb. 11, 1684. I am very glad to say I have Tied Hop Biters, and never took anything that did me as much good. I only took two bottles and won id not take $100 for the good they did me. I reconi mend ihem t my patients and get the best of results lroi their us... C B. MERCER. M D New Haven. Conn.. Sept. 15. 8r. We take, pleasure in givinrr yi;ii a notice and a nice, strong one, as it (Hop Bitters) deserves it We use it. and we know it deserves if. The lieu isler. 12 8 10 Greenwich Feb 11, 188f. .Hoi Bittkii Co : Sirs I was given up by the doctors to die d scrofula consumption T n tile of your Bi'leis eimd me. They h re having a l.trge sale here. LEIIOY BREWER. Gkeenwich, N Y , Feb. 12, "85. , Hop Bitters are she most valuable medicine I ever knew I shou d not haveany mother now hot t- r them HENRY KNAPP. Lone Jack. Mo . Sept 14. 1885. I have h -en lining Hod Bitters, and have received great benefit from them tor liver c.ompiaint and malarial fever. They are superior to all other medi cines. P. M BARNES. Advice to Mothers. : Mrs. Wikslow's Soothing Syklt; ihould always bo used when chil:rcn are catling teeth. It relieves the little! sufferer at ence; it produces natural, j quiet sleep by relieving the child trom pain, and the little cherub awa&es as "bright a3 a button." It is very pleas int to taste. ' It sootbe3 the child,vsott ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves ind.' regulates the toweis, and is the bevt known remedy- for diarrhoea, bether arising from teething or other onuses. - Twenty.five cents a bottle r ily f "deod & wlj v Kai.amazoh. Mich., Feb. 2, "8('. flop BitteksMk;. Ct. : I know Hop Bitters will bear recom mendation honestly. All- who use i hem confer upon them the highest en comiums and give them .credit tor mak ing cures mII the proprietors claim for them I hnve kept them since they were firt ff-red to the public. -They Look high rank trom the first, and maintained ir. and are more calied lor than all others combined. So long as they keep up their high rcpu'alion for punt, and ustlulneas I shall continue to recommend them something I have never done before wiih any patent medicine. J. J. BIBCOCK, Physician and Druggist Kauoka. Mo , 1'eb !), lf8i. I purchased live bottles of your II -p Bitter of Bishop & Co . last fall, for my daughter, and am well pleased with the Bitters. They did her more irood than ali the medicine she has taken for six years. WM T M.cCLURE. The above is from a very reliable I'-irmer. whose daughter was in poor health lor seven or eight vears, and c uid obtain no relief until she ased Hop Bitters. She is now in as good health as any person in this country. We have large sales, and they are making remarkable cures W. H. BISHOP & CO ELY'S CLEANSES THr HEAD. ALLAYS INFLAMMATION HEALS the Sores. RESTORES TH SENSES of TASTE SMELL, IlKAKINO. A Quick Ktn F. A Positive r uue. CatarrH CREAM HAL. Ml A ma. "V r m HAY-FEVER A part'cle il applied Into each nostril and la aarccable. Prie 5' cents at rririlais; by mill, registered, 6.! cc- p Circu'ara liee. ELY BliiX., Imgs:l8r8, 'Jwego, N Y api 9 ly cod dw :THE REVIEW: -' Si t; $ e: e. 1, JOB 0F.FI6E, 7 J J". it .'. - A'fc Jl. f t - ,C iT 'W MAKKET STKEET. NO. 112 J, (CI TIUS) iVMFl.J-'lJ A ETXItY ?APAC2 AND WR ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF SOU i mi MOT i Mrtnnnij iillEa WHEN YOU WANT PROORAMMES. CIRCULARS. CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, CILL-HE.DS, IOSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, PA M I'll LET PRINTING. TAGS, LAND DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS" DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS. CHAT TEL MORTGAGES. AC, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS- Addrcs REVIEW JOB OFFICE, MLMIHGTON. M. C. Douglas & Yarburotigh. JASFIIONABLK HAIR DRESSERS AND II A REEKS, 13 Market 5L. Wilnjlrjrton, N V Stop fuly eiaii!ped with all the latest Im provement. . . . v Courteous and polite barbers alwaj a ready to erve cuetome a. - r W J . w . y srnoroar , urmer ly wUh Joan W rner, wouU be a 11 to serve hia old pat rons. - UbZi c. 0 00' c 23 8 00 0 00 Gunny.... Standard... . BACON North Caronna Hams, V lb Shoulders, y ft SMea, y !b WESTERN 8MOKED Hams, V Ib.......M......M. Shoulders, y ft-DRY- SALTISU sides, - m. Shoulders. V fS. BARRELS Subrlta Tcrpenttee Second Hand, ech Sew Ne York. eaen.. N e w CI ty ,ear.b .... BKICSWA1. - !t ... BRICKS, W llmlarton T M Northem ................... BUTTER. T w N jrth Carolina.............. Northern........ .... CANDLES, y Jtv Sperm.................... riiow. ...... . Adamaotbie . CHEESE, f tb Northern Factory..-. ...... Dairy, Cream.... ............ State..... COFFEE, rib Java.......................... Laguyra Elo. A C RN MEAL, r bna.. In sacks VlnrfMa Meal COTTON TIES. bundle . domestics fish- Sheeting, 4-4, f yd.... . i arcs, f bun 'in-. ...... .... . K "T doxen .... ... . Hacierei, no. i, f bbi vO yo sdackerel. No. 1, f haH bbl-11 00 , Mar kerel. No. C, V bbL... .. f 00 Mackerel, No. 2, f half bbL 8 00 Mackere.1, No. 3, r. bbL 11 1 0 Mallets, V bbl 0 00 Mullets, Pork bbls.... ...... 11 00 N. O. Roe HcrrlBg, " keg.... ? 00 Dry Coa, fib fi FLOUR, V bbu. - Northern Suocr Extra ramlly City Mills Super Faroily LUE tb GRAIN. T bushel Corn, from atore, tags,wlilt. Com. cargo. In bulk, white.. Corn, cargo. In bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, la bags . Oata, from atore............. Cow Peas ......... , HlDES.rib- jJrccu...... ........ .......... Dry hay, r ioo n Eastern, ....... ........ ....... Western. ....................... North River HOOP IRON. T ft LAUD.f tfc- Northern. ................ ..... Sorth Carolina.. 8 O a a 0 5 0 o a S4 9 15 15 s T4 5 MISCELLANEOUS - By S. VanAMIUKOE & Co.. ' AUCriONKKRS. Commissioner's Sale . OF . Valuable Heal Estate. Y VIhITJE OF TWO CERTAIM DE- B ttAiucoAXia, at. Wilmington A Weldon R. R. AND BItANClinS. CONDtKSKD SCHEDULK. 1 so 1 sc 1 88 24 a 9 on st4 OC o a n 6 co a is 18 ? 25 1140 12 8 a. 9 nm 4 15 'SB Ki 8 ffi 0 23 IB) 5 f0 B 134 A CO a a H 1 00 0 81 3 IS 4 t0 4 50 I 60 4 N 6 -0 20 012 0 Ofin cets i coo i2 ' C O 4 5C 0.2 0 All) a 7 a 3 w 042 a 4 ?5 4 10 10 6J 43 .0 5 10 1 10 (0 85 a a a a o a a o eft 12J4 6 1 15 7 8 40 24 28 26 LIME.r barrel-.... 1 LUMBER. City Sawed, r M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed. 18 00 Rough Edge Plans 15 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality ..13 CO Dressed Flooring, reasoned .At 00 Scautling and Board. comn..ll )0 MOLASSES. gallon- New Crop Cuba, in hhda.... In bbls Porto Rico, in hnds.. ....... " " Jr. bblB Sugar House. in hhds " lr. bbla., Srup, in bbla........ 22 NAILS, V Keg.Cnt.lOdbmaia.. 2 2S OILS. gallon Kerosene...................... 10 Lard in jlnaeed 90 :eln..... .'. 15 r&r 00 Deck and Spur ........... 00 POULTRY- Chickens, live, grown... .... 2 ' Spring 15 Turaeya 76 PEANUTS y bushel 22 ftH.... 60 ptJTATOES, r bushel Sweet t(i Irish, r bbl 2 50 PORK, r barrel City Mess., .fet.. It (X Prime 13 51 66 tt 06 a o to 2i 111 a o oo ar& oo Ol 02 CO 00 4115 00 a o a a a o o o a n a o o o .26 30 2t 28 IS 35 i 1 1 45 1 CO 18 20 22 25 0 1 CO 80 o 70 3 75 Ramp RICE Carolina, f tb- 00 Oil 00 014 00 Z13 50 Do. do (Low laid) CAGS, f lb Country City KOPE, f tb 3ALT, T sack. Alum......... Liverpool ................... Lisbon American 00 SUGAR, r fc Standard Standard A Whit-) f x C Ex C, ''olden t; Yellow sOAP, "f tb Northern. ... ... SHINGLES. 7 In. fM. Common .. Cypress Saps Jyprees Hearts............. STAVES, t M W. O. Barrel B. O. Hogshead TALLOW. tb TIMBER, t M feet Shipping. 12 00 fine Mill- 11 25 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fan-.. Common Mill.. SO O 1 10 00 (0 L '0 - o , IV 1 O lk 1440 22 70 O 75 J O 05 00 O v wan 7V4 71 64 5 SD 514 S 5 5 & U a 1 00 025 o 5 r o 7 5( 014 ot oir m a 6 014 Ot 013 ot O BSt 6 00O 6 5 CO O O Oi 5 (0 2 00 4 50 0 CO 8 00 00 00 6 ' inferior to Ordinary.......... 0 CO O 4 0 WHISKEY, If gal Northern..! 00 O Ot North Carolina 1 00 O 2 WOOL. tb Washed Is O .20 Unwashed 15 a 2( Buttv ......... ...... 10 o " 1 , After Forty yeart eiperience in tne preparation of mora than Ono Hundred Thonsand applications for patents in tha United States and Foreicn conn tries, the publishers of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-murks, copy rights, etc.. for the United Nttfs. and j liin TMtfnts in rinads. Enslsnd. Franco. Germnnr, nd ll other conntrie . Their experi ence is unequalcd and their facilities are nnsur ed. . . . , . DrawincR and specifications prepared and nlcl in the len Office on short notice. Terms xr-ry reasonable. No clmrce for eiamination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patent oMatnd t hronch Mnnn .vC'' noticed in the SCI BTJ"IC AJIKltICAN. which has the largest circnlation and is the mot, intlnentinl newspaper of its kind publisher in the world. Th dvittges of snch a notice every patentee understand. This large and plendidly illnstratex. neTOpaper is published WKKKLY at fiOUa year, and is admitted to le the best paper oewited to ceace. mechanic, inventions engineer-in works, and f iber departments of industrial progress, pub-i-ihed in any oonntrj-, H oomaina the names of all patentee, and title of every invention patented each week- Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. . If you have an invention to patent vrrtte to Munn A Co.. publisher ot Scientific American. 1 Broadway, New York. Handbook a boat patents mailed free. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo.- P. r Howell Co., Newspaper, Adyertisi rQ Bureau, VI IO Spnaee St., New York. Snd IOCI9. for !OCpa PmxnplUt. cieea of the i;perlor Court of Ne - Ha over ounty, m de at Its letiuary lerm, l. Ire7. the ui ilrra'jrned ommtf-slorer jppo nt ed in aril oy aid de i ect will on Mocdtv the ISth day of april. '8S?r l 2 H: on a Id dy. at the. - mrt House d.Kr In tte City f v?ii mbton. expose to eale, by public auction, for ea-h- th- following lots or parcels of land, situa e and ltetng fn the itv ot limlnKton, Mate of Nerti arol a, as followa: bt Lot No. 6 in B ook 98 2nd Wen half of Io: No 3 In Bloc 71 3r . lot bed nlnj at tve - inu-rsec tlh of Wrigt -nd feijfhrhs'Teets, thence N. with - Hoe of Eighth street, 26l teet. hen E SI feel, ihenre :(A lect to Wright street, ard tbenc.f W. to the Lc.l- nioir, tclng jaria o kts.1 4, . and tiln Block 3 4 h v I- t lee Inning in n. w of Queen street ISO f . e K. of K I lie oT eixth street, then - "JS 'cet, thence . VM feet, thence W 881 fee-, them e t. .0 the leginuiog. betrg prt?S. 4. ft ana 6 in Block 78 5 h A lt beclening in W line of Mxtb etreet. 2.2 fee-. . of hurch street, thenre VV. 10 feet, thence. N. 28 Let, thence E- 1 5 feet, thence to tli! begtunlug, lelng parts of lots 3 an 1 4 in Bloc a 91 Will. A lot bckl ting at hi N. E. intereec tionof Math and lavlur atreta. tbence N lift icet, tht nee K. 75 fret, tbence f. ft) feet, thence W to the beginning; being part of lot 5. Block 349. , 7th . A lot beginning in the F . line of fcirhl h street, C6 feet . of I'tsruon street, the.occ r . 8 J fees thence r. (JH feet, 1 hence W S1U et, !. fi feet to the teginnlng; beli g part . f let 2. r.tock 3S. 8t. A lot bolmilng at S K. Intcrre3li;n of Ninth and vt 003 or streets, llieocc K. 2iU feet, thence ft. 31-6 feet, ihen e W. to the EasT line of loth a rert. ar.d thence ti the begin nin; lie'ngpait of lota 1. 2,'S, 4, 5 and ; In I: lock .'fci Oh . lot bcrlnn'ng at S. W. intersection or !inth Miid I'awhon suci-'g, running thn;rc S. 70 feet, thence vv . in; feet, Ibfim: N II feet. thcnc W. 116 f. ci. thence . iSileut. thence E. to hs beginning; being parte of 1H I, 2 and Sin III c.k .fc. Huh A lot liegtiiiiug In the K. line of Kljthlh atrcct 1-t ftct ti. of Wright street, thence N. 7 j lect tbence Si feel: thence 1H fi et, thenc s to the bcjibuilnp; being parts of i"is 1 ani 2 In I'lock :i 11th Ad of b'l 5 hi iMock (( 12ih. All of iot ." hi li ;s. ; 1 13th K. b;ilf of lotsl. -'and Sin I'.l.ick 'tfl. 14th. A I t b'gdiii'i)g at a hL;tk: In M;ny.l .1 allies' line Ut iu-c N with her line 7 iegrees W '32 feci, thence N. r.i degree K. & 1 leet, thence 7 Hegri-ca E. 2:il fee', ih' iice with (iruiin line N MM - lcgree W, to the begin-1 nli-g. i.Llt. Allot lots in Block 51- 1 th A 11 of lixicks Sn, 1 1 ;i,id ::; and all ! lots 1. 1 .land i in Block the K half of lot liiii Bloc k. C8; all of I'.iocka 14. JJ, 1 and 28; all or to'a 1, 2 and S in lP.o k .VJ2; lot i in Block 36; !o'8 4. .Mi)ili:in I'.bica 5 ; ihc W hair of lotal. 2. 4 A ami'! in BIim-.Ij .Vii ; ttie w . half of lota 4, .'1 it'td 6 In Block '.. 17th A lot beginning at Ihc N W. lnterc -tion of i4cd i r h aul eighth atreetB. tlico-,c. n. 1.12 feet, vV l'.w feet, to the Canr.p bell Htm, thence . E. with .said Hoc I4n lect. to It d Cron street, thence ltO fcot to the be ginning ; being parts of lots 1 and 5 in Block V3H. lKth. All of Jots 4, 5 and 6 In Bio k 8i. lOtu. a lot beginning ir the v ml Uneot Smr slrfcct, 6 fcf t N. of tiucen atieet run ning thence W. to he Channel of ihc River, ih. xice N. up the Rivt r to southern line of Castle street. 1 hence f. with said line of Castle street about 130 fect to the West; lire ' of Was Houkc lot, thetcc S. wiih said Hn'jf said lot 6 i fect, thcocuj!'. about 200 feet to t e VV. line of Suirv atrcct thence S. 2(t fect to the beginning ; 1 ciusr part of 1 t No. 1 ard. .all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 71. 1 20th. A lot beginning at the S. E. lnicrecc tionot Nun nd -econd streets, and running thence S. with econd street 1S2 feet, thence E r65 feet, thence N. 32 feet, thence W. .m feet, thence N. 100 feet to Nun treet. thence with Nun strett W. 110 fect, to the beginning; being part of lots 1 and In Block 101. 2itt. A lot West half of lot 4 la Block 72. 22nd Also a tract of land and cu aimer Residence on the Sound m New Hanover co., beglunicg 200 feet from the intersection of two lanes Oieetuidc, which separate the lands formerly belonging to e.. J. Lutterlon on the N. from the lot of land sold by U. 51. Bryant to II Burkhimer, and tha land of Elliot's on the W. at Burkhlmer's S. corner, tbence S. 2(h) feet, thence E. to he Sound, thence along the Sound to Burkhlmer's line, thence wan his Hue to the begiuning; excepting 20 feet above high water mark for a right or way. 3rd. A tract of land In New Hanover co , in Mt. Misery Neck, adjoining lands lately owned by O. J. McBee and beginning on the N. VV branch of the cape Fear River at the mouth ef the ML Misery Creek, and thence up paid Crtek ti a stake, tbence along the db vision banks between the McRee aod Hill tracts 8. Si egrees Uast 116 poles, thence . 154 poles to a pine, on old road, thence along salu road N . 40 degree v. 78 poles to a rice field bank, thence name coarse along said bank 79 poles to Mt. Misery creek, thence down - the Creek i7 poles to a stake, thence along a ricefleld btnk a. 23 decrees W 67 pdlesto the N. W. Branch of Cape If ear River, tbence down the River to the beginning. 24th. Another tract adjoining last tract, and land formerly owned by A D: aioore.anu beginning on N. W. Branch Cape Fear River, at lower md of ML M if cry Bluff, thence down the River, 107 poles, to the division bans between this tract and the land of R H Cowan, tbence along sid bank a. 1 degree West 130 poles to the Rlvi r; thence down the River 49 poles to division bank between tela. and the tract juat described, tbence along sst'd division baDk .. 23 degrees v 67 poles to a Uooti. gate, on t MUery Creek, tbence up Bai'i Crtek, 37 poles to a stake on K side of said Creek, on a rice fit Id bank, tbence N . 41 degrees c 157 po'e to a stake in tbeol lroad. thence with aid roart N. 40 degrees W.73 poles to a stake, thence S. 73 degrees W.i lKlea to the bcgl n"ng. 25th. Also tne fUIowinz descrilcd lands In Brunswick rointy: Bcgiiiniog t a t take on the W. side of the Cape Fear Kiver uu Cagle li Und, opiosi:e the centre of the scond bank, running W. on ln-) eonveei by .lames VV. to Julius Walker, on Dec. 20th, 18i8,then e along centre of bank 10 where It atr.kcs the f-ec n i seilioiial tiank near a, tide gate, tlK iicc along a bank rnnnlng by tlic side of a canal to A lligator' creek, thence down said Crcs to the beginning; containing 741 acres. 20ih. Another tiaci containing 25 acre, ailuaicd also oir aai't Kagl8 itiand. aojolnlpg the last above dtwrlleu tract, and being part ot the land conveyed by James . Walter to Julius Walfaer. 27th. Hafct iwrt of lots 5 a'd 6 in Block Vi. 2 h. Ah of lota 5 and Gin Block 17 .U.n. A Jl of lot 5 in Block iWih. Allot lot 3 in Block.o . 31 g u Part of hair of lot Tin Block 51. MateDEN BlL.LAMY. Commissioner Ht s-iai,L. Jk Kicat'i. PlaintlfTs Attornevs. mch 14 tl 1887. New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. . " trains qoino soirrn. - " i-' -,-. 1, sft .it ' . 11 1 o- 3, I Vo . T. I No. 15. V Dally. Daily. DaJlv. Dated A pi. 2. M (oil 1 (nd (Md y-o VJ No- 4ft,, Ko, it leave Weiuoa....) -t ..s umt A 58 pnt 1 a ai Ar. R.cky Mount ' Xti " I 2 g.a ,, Leave ' arboro. ill - m i Arrive WU-on..... 3 58 pm 58 p&i s.l am leave W laon,....4 10 pm... Arrive 'elma j 5 4rt pro ..i AriveFavettevl'tel 8 30 pm... Leave t4oldabor. . Icave Magnolia.. Leave Burmtw.... Ar. Wllmtneton... fift unt 9.J0 nir 4 ."0 pra K 19 pm 7 00 pm fiftum 7.40 pre fl.Stf pm 4 00 am 5.18 am U3 a a 7 o -n TRAINS "ING NRTH. Leave Wflmlneton Leave Burgaw o 62, Dailv old ; o 4S. 1 .o. 78, 1 Na. to, I Jally. Dally. old ih old- No. 47, I No.4S, 11.49 ptn Ieave Mnoli;i... 11 Arrive Goldalo--o. I 1 lave Fayeueville Amve ?clma...... arriveWHsoh.... t.5! art 55 r.m A 5 ' am .3 am 10 M am II.4.Vam 8 50 pm 9.4vS pra": 10 4i pm 1' 58 pm Iieave Wl'son.... Ar. Rocky Mottnt. Arrive iarloro. ,.. lave Tarboro. ..1. 18 tma-nl 10 47 am 1K5'.I ami I 2.43 am li 8;tpinli il am n i pmf i.n, am ....... v 50 pm,.... ... 111 o am ........ Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal is the United Mates. Always Bright and Bella hie. tvery Number an KpiUme of the News of the World. Tbe Foreign lepartment la wnciuatlenl. latest aud mtKt accurate cable peeials by the t oaimeieiat Lab'es. i ' Kul lee 1 le egrrpblc Reports of all.Cuirent Eventa. rEclAU Fevtlkls Practical . Farming; articles on trctenre. Art, Literature. the Drama, Musk-. c'i!glon, Faaliiona and Chee. Information on all subiccts. . Addresa, JAM1U UOUDON BKNNK1T, ' New Totk Ileraid, - DOV30 .Z--- ; York City ; The cheapest placet" byy Your school book- and school niaiiooery Is at Heins- 1 -A Arrive Wcldon... j 4 t5 aDil2 4ptu i.Vi am Dally ej-ecpt lln'av. . , .c-- Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. 11. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck a,t M. dally eiecpt Sunday. ..- . ; ; Tritn leavciO, N. c, via A lbcrmarle Raleigh K. R Dally except "unday, .0,J', M , MimHy .Vih; P M arrive Wllllamaloti. N. C , s I I. M., r, 40 P. M. Ilcturnlnc leave Wlillanistoii, N. i,.. Dally except Huray,8.lK A. at ., .-iuday . 5i A. M , Arrive lafbvro. N. C, 10fi A. M.. I1.S0A.M i j 'I rain -n Midland N V,. Branch IcaveaOot Is boro, N, C, Dally except Sunday, 7.00,A. M., arrive, siiailhileld, N. C, SI A.M. weturntni leaveH HniUhiiehl. N i; , i " no jy. M.iarrive Moldaborn, N. C.. 10 .'0 A. At. - v " Train on nmhIivU'c Branch leaves HwCkv Mount for Nanhville 4 00 P. M. . KcturnlBg leave Nashville 11.25 A.M., dally except " Sunday. - - J Train on Clinton brain h lea tea WarVaw fr li'iton, Dnlly. except cMiiii'ar. at 4 10 P 1 etnrntng Icavo llnlcn at!' 4( a. M - , vii.thlM.iit.d Train 011 WMboii A Favettcvilb Branch Ih No. 51. Norlliltouiil m No 50.-t)alI, exempt Mpnlay. . , Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wllaoe. Uoldnboroand Mhgnolla. i- Train No. 78 make clone connection at Wei don tor all points North Dally. All rail vl Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Ba; Line. Train make clone connection for all points North via Richmond an Washington. -. . All tralnp run solid between Wl'ulngton aae Waahlngton, and have Pullman Palace Sieep ers attached. ,, . f . JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. -J. RKKNLY. Sup't Transportation . . 1. M. KM KRSON. Genera' Passenger Attat apl 5 - - . .,', c '.. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta it. It, Co, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS ttOlNU MJUTH. 1 Dited Feb. 13, 1387 ' No 15. Leave Wilmington. Lv. LWaccatnaw . Iieave Marlon ArrtveaJTlorence A rrlve Sumter Arrive Columbia.. 7.20 am 8 41 am 10 28am 11.15 am 1.12 pm 3.uu pm No. ?3, DaJlj. i.15pm 9.30 pm 11.24 pm 12.15 am 4.24 am 6.20 am No n; rally 10.10pm II 15pm i2-3)am 1 20am 4.24am .20a TRAINS GUI NO NORTH. Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter.... Leave Florence.. Leave Marion.... Lv L. Waccamaw Arrive Wtlmlngt'n No. 78, Daily. 10.25 pm 11 52 pm 4 45 am 5.28 am 7.06 am 8.30 am No. 66, Dally. 1.1C pm S44pm 4.30 pm 5.12 pm 6.56 pm 8.30 pm No. 62, Dally. 8 j"6 pin a 41! nm pm 11.25 pm Mos. 23 and 7S stop at all stations except Registers, Kiienezer, cane savannah, Watered -and Slmrns'.' . N - Passengers for points oa C. Q. XL R. C.. C.4A.E.B. SUtlonj, Alkeo Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 23, Pull man steeper, for Augusta on this train. - , JOHN r. biVIWI. e . Uiinvi t fl 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 suit il ii 1 . J, R. KENLY, Sup't TransporUtlon. T.M.KMERSOM. General Passenger Agttat feb!3 ;, Carolina Central B, II; Company - OVFICB OF aXMKBAt. &VTlVTWXDVn, Wilmington. N. C, J n 24, l7, Change of SchedulB, f P AND AFTER THIS DATE. T. will be peraWd oa Hi O following tKbeaais Railroad: No. 1, Dally except Sundays. " Leave Wilmington at.. .WA M l eave Shoe Heel..... .........10.14 Leave Charlotte 3.42 T II Lavc t helby -.......... ......... .52, . Arrive Ruthcrfordion.........."?.4, t " No. 2 Daily except Sunday. p ' Let ve Ru therf ord ton. ............... 6 tu A If lcavc Shelby. '7 53 . Leave Clarlotte ...............11 uu ' Leave Shoe Heel .....3 56 P la Ari-ltre Mr 1 1 ml n. t.n . w in ...... .... "fg M.... ............. V,V No. 3 Dally except Sunday Leave Wilmington 64jtF Id Leave Raleigh 7.00 Arrive Charlotte . - 7. 5 A'M No. 4 I aliy except Sunday. 5 lcave Charhitle. 8 15 I Arrive l-ak.-1h 8 33 Ail Arrive Wilmington.......... 8.40 'I rains Nos. 1 and 2 make connection at Heel with trains on C. F. A V. V.Ry. Traina No. 3 and 4 make eloae coueetleqft Hamlet with Trains to and from R eli. Through Sleeping Cars between Wllmtngtas and Charlotte and Charlotte and Bale!. Take Train No. 1 for SUtesvUls. buccaa Western NCliK, Aebevllle and poUU West. Also, for Spartanburg, Uree-rvlll, Atas-a. AtUntaand polnU Southweau : - l ocal Freights Nos. a and li trl-wteklyb twecn Itmlnguin and Hjmlet. . k : ' i ' Ixiral Fielgbt No 7 and S tri treeklj b iwcen ItamlrtaodMielby. No. 5,;, 7 and a will not take pasee seers V ftoperlatcadeai. -r. vr. CLARE, GBrsl PasacBger Agent - l an Ti . - , v in - i . i i ii 1 - i in ii Job Printing, '1MIE RKV1EW JOli PRINTING tifTlilX "X la prepared la do ail kinds of Jet Prlztlrz as neatiy. aa c&eapiy ana as ej pe-Ltlously as it Can be done el ennere. seed in jtiur wars absii be dome ptotafpUj. u

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