ThePaily Review. THURSDAY. APRIL 14. 1887. if ROYAL Ill -' 3! A nnr I IS Absolutely Pure. This powder rever varies. A marvel of pnrlty, strength' ani wholesomencss. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate mvden. Sold only in cans. Kotal. Bakikj POWDKK CO . 106 Wall t. N. Y. oct26 dAw ly tcnrm 4th y Wadesboro Metscrgcr: One of lh most intelligent and prosperous far mers of Anson says the crop prospect is better now than it has been iq uiteen years. Goldsboro Araus: The pea fields in this section are white with blooms and oar truckers now entertain the hope that they will yet be able, with favnra ble markets, to pay expenses, although at best there will! not be much margin for profits. Asheville Citizen: We were just a small' mite previous in our statement Yesterday that llev Mr. Harding had been called to the assistant rectorship of this (Episcopal) parish. The new estry. at their meeting on Monday, appointed a committee of three to can Tass the parish and ascertain if enough subscription could be secured to justify the calling of an assistant rector, which committe will report on the 25; h lost. The name of Rev Mr. Harding has ben proposed, but no call has as jet been made. Mr. Harrfinz will be ordained a deacon in June or July. 'Charlotte'. A .gar fish weighing 15 pounds and measuring 4 feet in length! was caught in the seine at Hilton & Erwin'a shad fishing, at Rock Island yesterday. The store of Mr J W Aus'in. in Monroe; was bro ken into and robbed lat Friday nTght, by some unknown parties. The thieves carried off goods amounting in value to 125. No clew has jet been obtained 71 . i . : 'PI, io vue jt u 11 y paincs. 1 uc mem bers and friends of St Peter's Episco pal Church, in (bis city, arc mak'ug nn effort to secure funds tor the erection - of a new and handsome church build ing, and we are glad to know that they are meeting with success. At a Church meeting held last Monday night, the sum of $2,000 was raised and other lib eral contributions have been made The sixth annual meeting of the stock holders of the Mutual Building and Loan Association was held at the may or's court room last night.- and the re port submitted by Capt A G Brenizer, the secretary and treasurer, made an excellent showing. The total number i okaMa in ot rolr nnxsr nmnnnla In 1,873 which at a par value of $100 each, gives a total of $178 300. The ''assets amount to $53,075.40, and the liabilities to $17,310 IK), leaving net capital at present $36,304. 50. composed of 392 shares of 2nd class at $44.85; 493 shares ot 3rd cfoss at $28.50:343 shares of 4th class at $13 60. The value of the shares is stated as follows; 2ad class, paid in $39; accu mulated profit $5 85. 3rd class paid in -XrccumQlaled P $2'50- 4th class paid in $13: accumulated profit 60 -cents, which is equivalent to 9 14 per .-cent.jnterest during the past year ' VIVl.uUQU v uuuuuu'u, ennui ui nit? PHAArn Ttorneftr riiofi ttt. hie hn.-no in that place, at 1 :30 o'clock yesterday afternoon.-from the effects of a strike of apoplexy," which he received at 2 o'clock ' yesterday morning. Capt. Woodhousa had been in bad health for some weeks past, but nothing serious was apprehended until he was stricken with apoplexy. He was speechless and unconscious from the time that he re ceived the stroke until the final hour of dissolution. The sudden closing of .bis career was unexpected and was a great shock to bis many friends. The de ceased leaves a wifo, daughter and two sons, one of whom. Mr. Harry Wood house, was in New York at the lima of hi fathar'a Ho'lth hut txrhn wna l nnro telegraphed for and is expected to reach borne to-day. Capt. Woodhouse was a native ot New Jersey and came couth at the close of the late war. In 1876 he took charge of the Concord Register, i and conducted that paper successfully until the time ot his death. A Gift for AIL In order to give all a chance to test it. and -thus be convinced of its wonderful curative powers. Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds will be, for a limited time, given away. This offer is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith in the mer its of this great. remedy. All who suf fer from Causes, Colds. Consumption. As!hma. Bronchitis, or any affic ion of throat, I hest,or Lungs, are espcia Iv requested to call at W. H. Green v Co's Drug Stoie, and get a trial Bottle Free, Large Bottles 1. - Beaews Her Youth Mrs. Phoebe Chesley. Peterson. Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarka ble story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town: ' I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework 1 owe my hanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed ray youth, and removed c ui' pletely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. For sale by W.H. Green & Co. Quarterly MeetinffS Second round of Quarterly Meetings for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South: Fifth Street, at Wilmington, April 16. 17 - Brooklyn Mission, at Wilmington, April 16 17. Elizabeth circuit, at Singletary's April 23. 24. First Church, at the Tern pie of Israel, Mav 2. Onslow circuit, at Gum Branch, May 6. Duplin circuital llichland. May 7,8 Carver's Creek circuit, at Carver's Creek. May 14. 15. Magnolia circuit, at Duplin Roads, May 21. 22. Smithvilie, May 28 . 29. Cokesbury Circuit, at Cokesbury, June 4, 5 unnton circuit, at uetnei. .June 4. a. Bladen circuit, at Antioch', June 11, 12. Topsail circuit, June 18, 19. Whitevillo circuit, June 25. 20. Waccarn aw. circuit. June 28. Brunswick circuit July 3'. T. W. GuTmtiE, P. E. THIS MAILiS. The mails close at tne City Postoffice as Hows: T . - DAILY. w. . Northern through malls, fast....... 10.00 P. il. ;y n llro; routes supplied Raleigh.. Northern through and wy malls.. ..8.10 A. 31. N. c. and A. & N. C Railroads and tbererrom 10.00 P M. and 8.00 A. M . G.30 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. tteuthern thmugn mane, xast......v w p. M. Char bourn, Fatr IJluff, N C. and -Martor, 8. t? . and routes sup plleil therttrom .....9.00 P.M. South rn way mall between WD- mtnsto i andf har'eston-- 6.00 A. 31. Charleston, cava- nab, Jackson ville, K la., nd intermediate points 0 to P M and 6.00 A.M. Cheraw A Darlington K K ani point supplied therefrom. 6 30 P. M. and 9.C0 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western malls (O.C. Railway) 6.30 P. al. Fajettevllle. C. F. A Y V R. u. and points supplied therefr m....6.30 P. M. Raleigh Hamlet R. K. and points sunpl'ed therefrom 6 30 P. M 8ml;hville 2,1 0 P. M Wrightsville 8.10 A. M TCKsDaYS AND FttlDAYS. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate oiB-. ces , 6.00 A. M, Little River, S. C .andintemredlatc offices. 2,00 P M. Cape Fear River mail........ 1.00 P. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls. . ; .7.30 A. M Southern hrdugh and way mails... .7.00 A. M. Southern, West of Florence 9.?0 A. M. Carolina Central Eallro&d 9.0a A. M. Night malls arriving previous to iO.fH) P. M. an opened and distributed into Lfck Boxes asi o.n as re"- ived. Malls collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.00 A.M. and 5.X) f. Al. ana irom otner poinu or uxe city ac s P. M and 5 A. 41. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P. M and on Sundays from 9. 00 to 10.0'J A. M. Carrier! delivery open en Sunday from 9 00 to 10.00 A. M. stamp Office open from 7.30 A.M. to 6 P.M., Money Order and Register Department open rrom 8 A.M. to or. Al.. continuous. Railroad time 75th meridian Cash House. -o- 116 Market St., Hliner's Spring: Daises. We have gathered a boquet ol daisy suits tor sma 1 boys and big boys, young and old, that will tickle the fan cy ot every mother and father in Wil cuington. In Confirmation suits our assortment ot diagonals, corkferew and cassicuere, in all qualifies, made up reliable and first clas in every re spect, is worthy of inspection and 'are as low. freauentl? from &1 to &3 low er than the like can be purchased for elsewhere aDd we guarantee that each and every article sold by us shall be ex actly as represented. I. Shriek, the Old Reliable Clothier and Merchant Tailor. 114 Market Street. Garden Sets. - coftiarKitciAi hkn WILMINGTON MARKET. April 144 P. M SriKlTS TUKr4Tl41& Mrm at 35 cents per gallon. Sales of 50 casks at these figures. ROSIN Firm at 85 cents for strain ed and 90 cents tor good strained. TAR Firm at SI-10. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1.00 for hard. $1.90 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Firm. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary. 7 ; good ordinary 8:; low mid citing. 9jj ; middling 10J; good middling 10$. Sojall sales at quotations. Receipts to dav : Cotton 51; spirits, !08; rosin. 811; tar 682; crude. 43. ProviHious and Cotton. Chicago. April 14. 2:30 p. m Wheal market opened at 8'M and c!op1 at 84 for Mcy. Corn opened at 33 J and closed at 385 for May. Prk opened at 21.00 and closed at 21 00 for May. New York, April 14 2:30 p m Cot ton opened at 10 55 and closed at 10.59 for April. Opened at 10 54 and closed at 10 54 for May. Opened at 10.56 and closed at 10 60 for June Opened at 10 63 and closed at 10.65 for July. Opened at 10 69 and closed at 10.71 for August. , Grand Opening miscellaneous: 1847. 1887. Julius Samson, o Grand Exhibit of Season able and Desirable Dry; Goods ! Wc have them in every department. Our whole establishment 'is full of them. All the Novelties in Dress Go-kJs. In Silks. In Velvets; In Laces. In Embroideries. In Hosiery. In Gloves. In Corsets In Notions. In Linen. In White G-iodg -T Z"M "5.1 . JUST and mot Hazarfl Po; nuw HIT. ff thla celebrated Pol5 AeftCT doubtedlv the best Jo a in, $x majraztne bniu riX con.,!1 .fc. r4: inch All Wool Ladies1 Beautiful New Spring Ulolb in Shades. mamutne buili dowa tta - w,l4aitor Valuable UndTfe mils from llncAint. w . but give good cr14 e. la wood. o.k. tnad 7 few acres of 70 acres berod Another tract 2u n,u. . -OF- Spring & Summer Goods ! AT- KATZS 116 Market St o- SUMMER SILKS. oOc. COLORED SATINS and MOIRE AN TIQUES, worth 75c for 50c. BLACK SILKS from G5cup. HEAVY COLORED SILKS, worth $1 25 for $1. EXTRA SURAH SILKS, all colors. SOc. 40 ton. Si mi: . V? ?.' rora 11. . de Imported DiagpnaJ Suit- itS&'ffiSfi UNo. Ifor tob-7bun'fi men wi ings. " . 40 inch Stripe Albatross, all wool. 40 inch Invis, Striped, all wool. 40 inch Serges. All the new shades. 40 inch Camel Hair, Spting shade, Full line Lupin's Gold Medal Black Paris Cahmeres. Priestley's celebrated Silk and Wool Henriettas that cannot ne excel led. mm wnn an,,!-, ' mch J6 tt Auel-n t .f,'. M0iR18. in Surah press tebistt A kvB. SALE AT LOW NOTIIER LOT JUST RECEIVED AND PRICES. GILES A MURCHISON. apl 11 Notice. fJ'HE NEW PUROELL HOUSE HAS ONE of the finest BAR, BILLIARD and SMOKE- M A KINK N12WS. ISG ROOMS In tha State, night from 6 to VI P. M. men 14 tt JOS. ,E. A fine Lunch every HERBERT, Prop Garden Seed. RUQB, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI D cinei and Fancy Articles in full supply at F. C. MILLAR'S, apl 11 Corner Fourth and Nun Sta KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCO VERY, IMMONS REGULATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum and Mullien, Bud's fkugh Syrup, Prescriptions compounded day and night. - Night Bell. MILLER & NIESTLIE, apl 11 Cor Sixth and Mulberry JJCM PUREY'S Homoeopathic Specifi s, TTUMPHREl'S Homoeopathic Simples, JLJL HUMPHREY'S Homccopathio Veterinary teciflcs. The oply complete stock in tha city. A full line cf Drugs, Ac, and pices that defy competition. JAS. D. NUTT, apl 9 Druggist, il8 N. Front St Iff Jail at Last. I HAVE LEASED THE OLD J AIL UILD ins: and have converted it Into a Carriage Stiop. HaveemolojeU a firdt clats Palmer who cannot bo beat. Also have the onlv first class Trimmer In the city Mv Wood ork men ana Blacksmiths are second to none. Ho i am prepared to build or repair ail kinds of Vehlc es in the best manner, and vill be pleas ed to serve ail of my old, frienks and custom era. .ome and see mc. corner of fetcond and Princess streets. K. P. McDOUGaLL.. Will have a stock of Buggies and Phaetons in a few days. apl 11 lw T7bat a Well-Known Kestaur- aut Keeper Says: 432 Broadway. Neav YoiiK. March 12, 1885. Some weeks ago I took a severe cold, which settled on my lungs. I suffered great paio, considerable lever, and worst ot all, found myself witn a rack ing cough. In the evening I went to my box of Allpoca's Porous Plasters, intending to use them on my throat, chsst, and back. Unfortunately my wifff had glyen all the Plasters away, and the consequence waa that I spent a sleepless night. -The ; next day I ap plied an Allcock' Porous Plaster to ca j throat, one to my chest and one between my . shoulder blades. By 12 o'clock'my breathing was much easier, cos;a almost stopped, while a gentle perspiration Indicated that the tever was almost gone. Jn two days I was cstircl? wep H J.L. Jones, f Howard Relief Cigar No. 1, JJ AS ARRIVED TO DAY. IT IS WITH out rival, the finest 5c. Cigar in the market. Made of Clear Havana Filler and salected stock. Ask your dealer for them. ALSO Large stock PURE N C. CORN and PURE RYE WHISKEY, Fleet Foot, Possum Hol low, River Mills, c. SOL BEAR & CO., men 2 ' " SOLE AGENTS.. Change of Base. jyY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ABE rtspetfully notified that I have removed my sbops to Chetn-ai street, between. Front and Water. All orders for work la my Use. tin ning, repairing, Ac., will be done promptly and faithfully. . . . .' v. jj B18IJ5G Cheat nut, between 'Froat and Water its. UaJl tf .'; -. - - - ;:- v ARRIVE Steamer Cape Fear, Toraiinson, Fay- etteviiie, U S love fe Co. Steamer Susie, Dolbow. Point Cas well. Master. 1 ? - w1 ti r- i ateam vacni iouise. ane l mitn ville. Master CLEARED Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinsbn, Fay etteville, C S Loye &Co. ; Steam yacht Ijjiuis, Snell, Smith-ville.Masier WKBKLY STATE MEN T STOCKS ON HAND APRIL 0 18&7. Cotton ashore. 2,239; afloat. 23; total, 2,262. Spirits ashore, 1,227. Rosin ashore, . 93,650; afloat, 500; total, 94,156 Tar ashore, 9,864; afloat, 1; total, 9.865. Crude ashore, 1.170. RECEIPTS FROM AP. 1ST TO AP. 9th. Cotton, 309; spirits, 649; rosin 7, 622; tar, 1,494; crude, 315. EXPORTS FROM AP. lSi' TO AP. 9TH. , DOMESTIC. Cotton. 306; spirits. 612; . rosin, 736; tar, 381; crude, 327. FOREIGN .. Spirits. 16.5r2; rosin. 2 625" VESSELS III THE PORT OF W1LMINBT0 N. fl.C April 11, 1887. No vessel under 60 tons reported In this list. BARQUES.. Nor Erjatcon, 420 tons. Weber, C P Mebane 6cr Lydla Peschau, 363 tons, SchuIUt, K Feschan eetcrraara Nor barque 8taut,'6 9 tons, Olsen, Heide A Co Br George I avis, 42 tons, Pitts, Alex prnnt&Son Ger Elsa. 495 tons, Fretwarat, Heide A Co Russian Otto, 320 tons, Granlt, Ueidc & Co Ger Krna, 582 tons, Nlejhar, E G Barker A Co SCBKjNKk Mary E Bacon, 182 tons, Eskridgc, Geo Harries A Co ( harles II Walston. 333 tons Hinc&ley. Geo Harrlss A Co Jennie F WUley, 364 tons, Chadwlci, Geo Hai-rJea A Co T Arriving Weekly. 1HOSE POPULAR COOK STOVES SO inoroughrv apprcciased by our customer. Refrigerators, Toilet Sots, Door Mats. Oil Stoves Lap Boards Full stock of all kinds of Goods PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. apl 11 1887. 1887. $4 50 A YEAH POU " The Daily Whig. The cheapest daily paper in the South. THE WEEKLY has been enlarge- ad he price reduced to 7 cents a year. The cheap est weekly paper published . Thebunday issue and Weekly edition both for one year, for $1U0 The two are cheaper and better than & semi-wecklv as you get one dally Issue and a weekly for 50 centa less than any semi weekly paper , . Dally sex t tree two weeks and Weekly one month free. Spend. one cent for a postal card and order one or the other on trial . . - . Address ' WHIG, " febft .."". -; BJcnmondtf Va, " Colored DRESS GOODS. ADBATRO ?S, ALMA CLOTH. TRI- COrjNES. NDNS VEILINGS c up. 3G-inch CUT CASHMERES, new 4 25c. DRESS GOODS, every va- sbades. BLACK riety. 54-inch Black Drts3 Silks. Black and all shades Silks. Black Spanish Lace. , Flouncing 40 inches wide. Black Lace to match. Ecrue Lace Flouncing. . .r ' Cream Iace Flouncing. Mull Embroideries. , Nainsook Embroideries. Colored Embroideries. All the Solid Goods to match in French Cbambray. Parasols and Silk Umbiellas. Complete stock of Hoisery and Gloves. Ladies' IJandkerchiels. Gents1 Handkerchiefs. Children's Handkerchiefs, Our new stock has just been receiv ed and we have selected it' with great j care. We would ask the Ladies in particular to call and examine the i stock before making their purchases. Spring BOY;CLIPPERPlO THE DAISY PLOW IS NOW FOR 8AU.' They are approved and tued bytube FariBerala Iorth f,rottBa. retaU by the Agent ? ' io 8o. rti - Commissioner's Sale, All OVer JN PURSUANCE OF A DKCUo?m Snnerlor Gnnrt f tr. I an action therein Dndinr JrW k Wi scort as piaintiir. .n-i u feodant.. the undershned romu?!.?, pobited by ald decree wlUsell at Uon, for cash, at the Court Boufe fit wiiminston. on Monday, tbe ISth daTJT A. t. 18S7. atiaoV.lork' th., V"JP: ed lots of land: Ann and Second streets and rtnu ewikw Ann street 95 feet t..enrn nrthJ5J?T west 95 feet and thenra .nnth n '. beglnninf: ind Lpt-Begins ln the ea t line of fectid north 100 feet, thence east 1W f"ffl sooth 10 fee? and thence wmi in teJnnin: - dm AH-rUetruus in the norther 11m of in street. So feet east of rcond trt rJZ east along: Ann sir et 67 feet, tnence north m feet, more or es. to a stone wwi, divwiat line, thence westf 57 feet, theace sooth K 1ml then e west 10 feet and th sooth 45f? to ihe beginning on Ann street. : tuouv. WWLL, mch :8 td Cooml4ilosVr TlieNewandOldPurU House Combim d! Julius Samson, grandopeningi in market r. T?.nnivrs vor at.t.i apl 0 AND LADIES' CLOTH TRICOT, Spring Shades CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS from lie up. PLAIN AND BROCADED JAVA . CANVASS, worth 12Ua for I'Jhc. 1OO0O Yards LAWNS to'r 5c. ; Inch FRENCH BATISE, lOc GINGHAMS. SEERS U CK ERS, S AT EENS, &c. ITE GOODS. NAINSOjK CHECKS from 7c up. VICTORIA LAWNS from 8c up. INDIA LINENS from lOc up. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, PERSIAN LAWNS, STRIPES, COLORED SOOKS, &c. &c. MULLS, REVERE NAIN" H A ROW A RE Stoves. Plows. SASH, DOORS, etc. Paints, Class. And a complete assortment of Farm ing Implements. JACOBI'S HOW. DEPOT, dec 1 10 So. Front Street. -o- FLOUIUCIPJC AND -' EMBROIDERIES The greatest variety at lower prices than ever before. VEILINGS, LACES, DAMASKS. TOWELS, NAPKINS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS, HAND KERCHIEFS, .fee, at astonishiDgly low prices. 1 ,000 Gross entirely new BUTTONS from 5c up. worth double the money. -o- :IUotice. gUCCESS ALWAYS IN HANDLING THE BEST GOODS, and more, especially In my Hue of goods. The manufacturing of Mineral and Carbonated drinks, having made It a a smdv for two years and upwards lean sate ly warrant all (roods carried out of mv bouse And why do I warrant them? First, after being a hard student in the business for over two years, i nave fully equipped myself with ma cmnery of the latest improvement. Iot the manufacturing of said goods; recondly. I nandJc the best extracts put up in the United states; tnlrdly, I spare no pains In manufac turing my goods Idcr, . Ginger Ale and israruy a ic a specialty, orders from the countr promptly filled. A. F. UCAS, mch 29 2 n Dock. bet. Front A Scond tts 8 TflR NEV7 PUKCKLL H0U8IHU been overran ever lnce I oreoed, I a I had to have mora room anil to msle tt plen ant for all, have this day leawd (be eatlrt bulldlnsr, wbicb makes the bouse stcooiu none. No pains will be tpared on tbe part of the Proprietor to make this Home AratCM Ltn every-respect". ew lurnUnie mm w- torn to toi. Buss and B tggage nagOD tt rival of all trains . N. FREDERICK, 1'ropneur febltf The National f Life & Maturity Associa'n 0 WA8HINUT0N.D.C. : . ' . President ' . ' ; : HOBATIO BBOWJIKG. Sec A Manager. TmsuRtj GEO. D. ELDEIBGE. 8AMDIL VOWSt OUR PILL AB OF STBESGTH: A Guaranteed Policy, An Incontestlble Policy, Maturity Value la Cash at tlxed If. Annual Cost Absolutely llmltA ' Only Four Paymeou per 7er: Non-Forfeitable After Ikret Ttf Docs the Insured wlU to know tlx the amount he can be called npos wp NFW FIIRMITIIRF HHIISF IZ tar one year? Po-N- to anow tne aaies oca - t , -f . . k. ...nnnel t"" . Corner Second and Market Streets E ABE HEBE TO STAY AND NO dl count. We keep the finest and cheapest Fur niture in the city, cur prices suit the rich and poor alike. Wc can sell cheap because wc manufacture our own aoods. Also a full line of Baby Carriages ' A call and inspection solicited KMOXVIJLK FUKN1TUBE CO.. mch 7 2m E. H. SNEED, Manager duo? Does he wwn : is case w k- ivut Af thu fntnnnrfi Will Doe. he wish an Incootevtlb'e fo i... n,.iht traae bis uv.nwu ud aw, tmi ranee cease, to wliuurw without loss of all that fce lia V- ne wisn to aroia aw ' p , r . w- l Premium !' TTw dcrfretbe benefit o' rait WfL-if. At hreat V Rp.niinP.ri PrinPC anyxaosebe discontinues 'StepladdeTS of all leneths can- be found at Jacotu's Xldw. Depct. rJIen's and Boy's Spring Wear. LADIES' AND GENTS' GAUSE UNDERWEAR. FANCY GOODS RIBBONS, CORSETS. BUSTLES. NOTIONS, &c. Ever so many articles so very low that uiy kind patrons mnst acknowl edge that the CASH will save them considerable at 116 Ilarlict Street, V JN UKLHEK TO MAKE BOOM FOR" NEW supplies, I offer to the trade a large and hand some line of Stand, Student and Extension ' amps. These goods are all new and beauti ful designs, and are offered at vervktw nrtr.: i also have some fine Tea, Dinner and Cham- oercmuareu tnget&er with a lanrc assort ment of in Toilet Sets Queens ware. Glass and elated Wares. -1 Invite the public to call and examine tnese goods Bespectfully. , L. C. LINEBEBBF. apl H No. 117 Somh front 8t. fnHi I ha mafnrllV date? : M.mrltf rW The National m w wV boW7 (am &ii nf the above la tne p an tees ail of tbe above P. S. EIDDELLE, U. D. Medical Director, mch Si fJptice. So Neat and So Durable. 1 TIlS BIGULAB ANNUAL ihe WcehoMert of the Caro " CO SAID A GENTLEMAN WHO WAS w ill be hM J wearing a pair of 8HOE3 bought of tu EIGHT old ' Dominion Bteam Ship jtet MONTHS AGO. That's not bad for service f Beach and Wests Street, 1 tbe CUT Is It? We hav more of the same kind, and I Xorkat 1 o'clock. F. f also other sty Irs for Ladies. Hit sea and Child ren; also, for the tjenUemen and Boys. u ana see oar many ptetty designs to make a homely foot shapely and a pxetty foot UMJ proaianp., , rfitaTT a"" apUtdm fereurj GCO. ' 4pi ii i .Mint W 7s I Wth ElxttlStree. :i t 103 w. rrcTitEtrt:V - T '

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