fillS FA FEB " ninr. Sundays X' jOSH T.JAMES. tvTlOS POSTAGE PAID: F&S 3i months, r-oo Tare. month. 3-1 cento. One i be tlellvere.1 by carriers rre ...t of the city. at r. ner wee. C-tfWfr3lc" V. all fU- regularly. city ber. the railicg Specinc for Livsr Disease. f Hitter or bad taste in nMPTOwS! month; tongue coatwj fbr. mistaken year bill ,'r r.Uf .,., and water- '" . ...... ...... i ni u I'll I it mONS LIVER REGULATOR ( (PURELY VEGETABLE) r'.iy t ...11... n'hATV his Haci5rtnxir"'u " J TIVER, &f IDNEYS, . and ROWELS. on M E'r f -Tl'- CPEClfX FOR Inta. ot ri Iv the .f 1 Million of Dottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE fc-Children, f Adults, an j tor .ac AB. ONLY GENUINE . i ... f...i-f W'ranner. h cur Z. Mjhi;. t.i J H Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., I tr olb ,.,iHruKS. rnce, i.uu. v.r nov .i.'if.Hi ..... I ... 1 a. ... ..l 1 It rT . j ... itro RiBir 1 Kir ir.t' nrM uuit fi' K. -" ------- 1 Si. nJsy obferytd hs a holiday in , I ear 1 A ruitrail.fu-e i ie;n irieu iu iuc 1 ..r.ix . A.utrim snuv wiucii win una i.uw , 11 c tcr will li NMrfricd'bvsonjp that (iov. Fiz will tie chosen Commandant f the aiiiit&r? rncampnient. at W ashington I'd y. by virtue oi his seniority. There was ore 1 it tie inaccuracy in vwtenlav'j hsi?e which we wish to cor rert AldVrman Fishblate did not intro inNt rd DriinoPAtio rniP.U3 the resolations we published, 3 stated by n. TWri nresented bv Mayor w.mpmbfirnfihe caucus, and : nA,.ntnA uric uiiiiuiuuuiij . - I It i now understood atf New. York I that stiil another yacht Is being built j there to compete with tba Mayflower lortha honor of defending the America J cud tins year. ine x'riscuia anu i Atlantic bih proved unequal to "the Uk of beating the Boston models: but still the spirit of the metropolis is un- subdaed Edward Burgess, who de- .:.. .h. M.5floer. ,. tb.t tbe Thstle, which the Scotchmen . are building; for the America's ccp race, J rrnmio tn h iho efpt rnttfir in I Rriti.h o,-c T. , jo- . i? , 1 TheCoertand Society Review re-1 maristuat Mrs .lerome. ljaay tian dclph Churchill' mother, ought to be a firm believer m the proverb that it's an ill wind tbat blows nobody good. "Alter suffurinit from paralysis for orue jears and being quite bed-ridden. tbeporold iady was so terrified by tbe firit shock f,f the earthquake at Cannes thai she sprang out of bed, tied down stair, and instead ot delivering up the fbost then and ihere, as her amazed ni terrified triends and attendants fa'.ly cxi'ttted, she has. been .able to walk ever since!" ifhe newly devised apparatus for working the ramie plant has thus" tat proved so successful as to create great confidence in its utility." as compared "Hb other contrivances- brought, for rd tor this purpose, The green stems ire introduced between rollers al one ad of the machine, and after passing between various others, which hackle. tretcb, scrape, and beat them the bo!e process being aided by a flowingJ iet of water, which acta as, a; cushion, lubricant, and flux the' fibre passes out at the other end in tbe most satis factory condition, being thus effectually cleaned at one operation. , , Tne Russian ministry of finance has submitted to the Government a scheme for ibeiaxing of passports for journeys abroad The scheme in yolves a tax .of 30 gold rubles for a three months' ab- ence from Russia and 15 gold rubles for every month's continuation of the absence bevond thre months ub to a year, and a gold ruble a day alter thai, or 360 gold rubles for a whole second year. A ruble is worth about eighty Pent a T ; - . . i . i . ! ,w n . ."ia iw uiruuiii'ui, ; the Baltic provinces the teaching of the ftUMian tangaag. tn primary schools is being enforced and that the German ?njDaaiom9 have been converted iuto Kuiia tQstituUons. . j- - -4..U.,,r!" , y . ilurnHiciy cosme as yuv otai ui ueiuicueui, wniyu uu t iij como ofUn; bui is acintUlantly briiliaot ra-h'hi'.'h'oii-zi.t . :;l"'f been done; and beautiful when it dtes put in an ap- jife0,;';:1 In'aS 'VVdry parance, is looked tor the prescntyear 1r:Vo-tr"(: Knedto it Was seen in 1572 257 and 942. "and VOL. XI. An Atlanta" dispatch., claims that' President Clevetand has definitely ae ; cpted an invitation to attend the Pit d , raont fair, which will be held in that ; during the first two weeks of Oco-iQ. , T , f, - ; , ' v I ir Governor Ros ot Texas, has vetoed tax bill -which postponed tor ot)i ; the collection- ff taxes in the i drought district, embracing ; some seventy counties . "Hn declares that the violates the Federal Constitution The wonderful periodic star, known due about every 315 year.. The name derived from the well known Bible ncident familiar to ail. The (iermao Wiijins. except tbat predictions are said to be verified with painful accuracy, is Prof. Rudolph Falb. who recently lectured io Ber;in the late earthquakes in toe Riviera. He attributes earthquakes and other violent disturbances to tbe influences the sun and moon on tbe earth, and is reported to have named these dates t those upon which more or less serious results of that kind will occur: April 8. May 5. 6 and 7. June 3 4, 5. 21 and 2 July 20 24 aud 25 August 3 19 and 20, September 17 and 18, Octo- 16. Nov. 6. 14 and 15 and Decerns 10. 13 anti 14 . Qf toe toretfoint. be lays special siresa upon iue oKpiemuei .1 -B k... ana uctoDer aaies. ine aisiui nances alluded to. however, are not necessarily tnquaRes, duc may manliest, '.oem- i t-L 1 selves simpiy in very uiku wuius auu unusually heavy rain talis . . ... R. E. Lee Camp, of" Richmond Va . proposes May 30ih as a universal Me an tal Day throughout the South. The proposition has Gov. Lce endorses mnt. It wouldn't do at all. May 30tn is Decoration Day tor tbe Federal d ad .and the two would conflict. Besides, climatic conditions, which mu3t in reality regulate the matter, interpose to forbid it. On May 10th Summer I m f W e 9 n twl1 'a3 m eour gia and the (,ulf Males. It would be- too hot then and the fatigue for the I Ul . . lauies anu cnuoreu wwum ue luu gn-m ana too oppressive, auu oesiuea. u very important consideration, the flowers niost desired become scarce at that time. We find that May lOih is sufli ciently late here and if any change is to kb mada at alt we susarest it oo io an earlier day Horses, Cattle and ClncKens. For colic and grubs, for lung lever, ?ougb or M.ho.n-.1 Y "nd it to every one having stock as the best medicine known for the above complaint?. In using it wth my chickens, for cholera anu trauma. 1 uj a. it nau uwun uuu teea u io mem onc u u una . . , , iioxrt . nrinM whprA ihft . , . . . . .4 T t U I r- Regulator was given promptly and re' niiarly. l . - K. T. Taylor. Agt. lor grangers o Ga LOCAL NEWS. '0X TO NEW ADVeRHSEWUKTS. Jxo D Taylor For Iteut r C Milleb Garden Stcl MUNUS Bkos We Arc Ofl'er ng UfclSSUfcKGli.K'S 1-a'CSt iiOOk.9 C W Yatks We Take Orders V r MR) B Wiooins Attention Ladles Mii.lkk & Niestlib Keuredy'a Medical Discovery Uto It Tkesuii A.oss-So Neat and Dura ble Day's length 13 hours and 11 minutes. Headquarters for base ball supplies is at Heinsberger's. t The receipts of cottop at this port to day foot up 12 bales. There were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. Sunset to morrow afternoon minutes past 6 o'clock. at 35 Wire cloth for your windows and doors can be found at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t Mocking bird cages of all sizes are sold very cheap at Jaoori's -Hdw. De pot. ' t There were three interments in Oak dale Cemetery this week, one adult and two children. 4 People are beginning to don lighter fruits, but it is not best to be in a hurry in the matter. There were six interments, three adults and three children, iurPine For p-mflr this wpfik 631 nietery this wees. Pianos and organs can be bought cheaper' at Heinsberger's than al any other house in the State- - -1 Mill WILMINGTON. N C, SATURDAY. APRIL 16 There have been no exports foreign from this port within the last week. which is an unusual occurrence. , "T - I .. tj iiwui tui. . w 'iojr.ntiu uwt i i uui p t . i mesars. meter o jray, as we uouei stood it. New Hanover County Superior Court Judge Connor presiding, will convene at the Court Luse in this city on Mon day next. The Register ot Deed issued three mnrrias? licences this week : two for white couples and one lor a colored J couple. People are on their good behavior aafi the City Curt seems to be falling into "innocuous disuetude." Ih'ise heavy fines draw rather too hard on tbe pickets. Schr. John H. Wyinan, Rum ill, clear ed today tor Port-au-Prince. Hayii wifh 161.050 let-t lumber and 30.000 shingles, valued at $2,320.63, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder's Son. Fine showers last night, accompa nied by thunder and lightning, were welcome to our people. They were an ncalculable blessing to the parched efirth and the dry and dusty streets, and this morning th atmosphere was clearer7 purer and healthier in conse quence. Shuieu reports that he is doing tbe largest Spring trade in clothing and gents' furnishing goods he has had for several years. The cause is inai ne sells cheaper than any one else He has received a large line of Percale shirts worth $1 50. which he will sell at 75 cents, be sure and call and get a shirt. t Musical lunf ertunmiftiit . There will be a grand musical enters ment at St. Stephen's A M. E. Church, corner ot Fifth and Red Cross streets, n Monday night, the 18 b inst.. under he direction ot Prof H. M. Shepherd, of New Haven. Cnn. Aside from the musical portion of the programme. Rev. F. VV. E. Peschau. of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will deliver an ap propriate address. The eeas will be fre. President Cleveland. Gv. Scales. Lieut. Gov. Stedman, Bishop John M. Brown, of the District of Co.umbia. Prof. John M. Langf ton. ex-Minisler to Hayti. and Prof. J. C. Price, of North Carolina, have been invited to be press ent. Wee iiijr of Iitrict Stewards. A meeting of the Stewards represent ing the pastoral charges of Wilmington District, M. E. Church South, was held at the Front Street parsonage yes terday. Rev. T. VV. Guthrie, Presiding Elder of the District, was in the Chair and Mr. J. C. Davis was elected Sec retary. The following assessments for the District were made for the year 1887: For the Presiding Elder.. $1,412-50; foreign missions $1 451); domestic mis siou. $615; conference claimants, $585; church extension, 347; Trinity Col lege. $398.66; bishop', $137; making a total assessment of &4.55 16 A Frightened Bvii. A frightened steer, attached to an ordinary cart, created some excitement and no little aniiisejiicut at the loot o Princess street this afternoon. He started up North Water street, aud notwithstanding the efforts of two colored men, managed o run into the wheels of a burrgy. but fortunately without dninir anv damage to the vehicle, aud thence he ran into a hen coop which was smashed so a to liberate the poultry, one of which flew up into the window of Messrs. James H Chadbouru & Cos oflicu in his Irigbl Alter crossing the street several times in a vain attempt to get away from those who had him in charge, the steer quietly subsided and was led oft'. Using Them for Fifty Yean Aukaksaw. Pep in Co., Wis.. Dec 2. 1885. For onward o f fiftv vears I have used Brandreth's Piles. I am no nearly eighty years old and in good health That my faculties are stil intact is due to this tact, and thi only that 1 have almost relied on Brand I ijetii's Pills to tbo exclusion ol strong er medicines to restore me to -health whenever either seriously indisposed or in great suflertng from col s, back ache. &c, and am deeply grateful, next Mbpr tnihn h leased man who originated and placed within reach o his fellow-beings so simple and effica cious a remedy. For bilious derange ments and kidney disturbances their usefulness, in my experience,, is psr- -ttcuiariy ocniceaijie. Mrs. Fayette Dixon. t Review,- Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ended April 16 h, 1887. toot up 193 bales, as a gainst 984 bales tor the corresponding week last year; a decrease of 791 bales The receipts for tbe crop year to date ft ap 132 836 biles, as against 97.973 bales for the c irrespondwiff time last year;' an in crease of 34 863 bales. Bank of Clarnitdou, The corporators of t he Bank of Claren donMessrs J W Atkinson, V7 H Chadb'.Ufn Clayton Giles Gabriel j fllmt3, R J Jonea, E S Martin. Jaa C Stevenson, O H "Smith. VVm Latirner. Pembroke Jones. VV I Goie. A ' J DeRosset and Win Calder met in the Director's room ol the First National Bank yesterday, when Messrs A J DeRosset, R J Jones and VVm Calder were appointed commissioners to open books of subscription to tbe capital stock. fersouai Mr. C. T. Askew, of the paper bouse or A. G Eiliot & Co , ot Philadelphia, is in the city and favored us with a visit to-day. - - - -. - Hon. O. P. Meares returned to the city this morning from Charlotte, where he has been holding Criminal Court this week-. . Prof. A. Bellezzs, after a sojourn of several months in our city, where ne has made a host of triends by his gen tlemanly character, will leave on to night's train for Tarboro. where be will locate for tbe present. His brother will accompany him. Mr W H Gibson. Special Agent of the National Life & Maturity Associa tion has returned from Washington City where he was called by tbe serious illness of one of his children, now happily much better. The National Life & Maturity plans have Decern e very popuUr here and Mr. Gibson and Dr. liddelte are doing a large business with our people. Ifailroad Changes. Capt. A. H. Cutis, for many years a welKknown and popular conductor on the Wilmington & VVeldon Railroad, but ior several months tbe gate-keeper at the Front street depovhas been ap ¬ pointed -conductor on the Clinton & Warsaw branch, and entered upon those duties when the road was opened ortraflicon the 3d inst. Mr. M. P. Muse, formerly a baggage - master on he Wilson & Fayelteville branch, has been at pointed gatekeeper at Front street depot, to fill the place made vacant by the appointment of Capt. Cutts. The latter contemplates remov ing his family to Clinton sometime during the coming Fall. See Jacobi's large and fine assort ment rf fishing tackle. He can surely olease any fisherman with his assort ment, t NEW ADVERTISC&1ENTS. For Rent. UNTIL THE 1ST DAY OF OCTO BER NEXT, the dwelling on the cor ncr of Eighth and Market street?, now occupied by Hie undersigned R11 1 u INO. It. TAYLOB. We Take Orders for , HECK BOOKS, M DE TO OKDEB. Blank Books . Notes, 1 'raft and Receipt Fooks. " ' .ccl8, Checks, Dies, Monograms. " Ku'ber tami, " ' Engraved Visiting iarU?, eddlng ftatlonery, lnvltallon3, " " l'lctu-e Frames. all size anl fcinls We guarantee lowest prices and salUfae Hod apl 16 YATES BOOK &10UE Attention Ladies ! rjHE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES IS invited ti my elegant 'stock of BBESi TRIM MINGS. CORSETS, BUTTONS, LACES, nmv isn MITT?. HOSIERY. IN PANTS CAPS. kUOHlNOS. HANDKER CHIEFS, PARASOLS all aylcs and prices An elegant Hue of BLACK DRESS 81LKS at New 1 ork prices. J&TTED LACES and PASSEMENTERIES BEST 8ILC IMPORTED AKASESE, at 25c per dozen skeins- FANCY WORK MATERIALS, EMBROID ERY SILKS. Call and examine. At ItS. E. B. WICGIN8. 113 Market Street. Wilmington, N. C. apl 16 Marviu Safe Company f ANCFACTUVE 8AFES THAT. AM 1 JfrER DAMr j The only safe having the Tongue and utoove improv went. 1 w r r uaR 111 ArA. WILLAKD, anl i 2t aw ly a ifiaac Wiunlnitoa, a 1887. NO 91. NEW AOVBTI8EMINTS. By 8. It I KGB & Co., AUCnOSEEK3. Commissioner's Sale OF Valuable Eeal Estate. JgY VIRTUE OF TWO CERTAIN DE- ciees of the Superior Court of Ne- Hanover i ountv, mde at Its January Term, D. 1S7, tbe undersigned. Commissioner appo'nt ed In ad by -ald deiee?, will on Monday tbe 18th day of April. 1SS7, .,1 2 M. on s Id-day. at the .nurt House door In the Cityf Wll mlrtnon. expose to sale, by public auction. for caan. tht folio wins lots or.natcels of land. situate and being In the city of Wilmington. state or uTth aroima, as louows: let Lot NO. 6 in Block 38. 2od West half of Jot No -3 la Bloc. 72 3ri. lot bculanlDff at the N. Interecc tlon of Wrignt and fitebih streets, thence N. with K lire of Eisrbth street. 264 leet. henre E Si feet, thence 8. 264 feet to Wright street, and thenc-t w. to ine oe-titnmg, ueing parts o lets 6. t .a ana u in uiock 4h A lot be&innlnjr ia N.llne Of Queen street 130 fee E. of E line ot Sixth street. thence . 2V, feet, thence n. x&v feet, thence W 384 fee, ihenre S. to the beginning, being parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 78 .V.h. A lot beginning In W line of Sixth street. 2U2 feet of church street, thence W. 164 feet, thenre N. 38 ftet, thence E- lt5 feet, thence . to tha beginning, being parts of tots 3 and 4 in Blocks 91 . 6th. A lot beelMiiog at the N. E. Intersec tion of Sixth and Taylor stroets, thence N 60 tcetthencelfi. 7o reet, thence j. wj reel, t ne nee w to the beginning; ocing partoi lot o. jbiocb 349 - 7th. A lot beginning in the E . line of Eighth street, 66 feet . of oawson street, thence E. Hi feet thence 66 feet, thence W 8-2 feet. thence N. t6 feet to the beginning; belogpart of lot 2. BIOCIC33. 8th. A lot beginning at S K. interception of Ninth and Woos'er streets, thence E. 2i7Mi feet, thence S. 3S6 feet, thence W. to the East line of Mntk street. atU theuce to the begin ning; being part of lots 1, -2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 53 9ih A lot beginning at , S. W. intersection of Ninth ud UawBon stients, running thence 3. 76 feet. theno w. 116 reet, thence N 44 feet, thene W. 116 feet, thence N. I3i feet. thence E. to 'ha beginning; being parts of 1 js 1,2 and 3 in Blck 3S. loth A lot begln'ing in the E. line of Eighth street 7s ftet a. of Wright street. theDce N. 7i leet thence w.. 83 feet, thence t. no feet, thence to the beginning; being parts of i"ts l ana 2 m isjock . 11th Ail of lnt5in Block 66 12ih. All of iot o in BlocR 65 13th. fc. half of lota 1, 2 and 3 in Block 82. Hili. A 1- t bpgflinlne at a stake in Mary J James' line, thunce N, with her line 7 degrees w '32 feet, thence N. e3 uegreei K. bi leet. thence . 7 degrees E. 231 feet, thence with Hartman line N f-H'a degrees w, to the begin luth Allot lots in niocK oi lcth All of Blocks 3. 4 aud 55; and all of lots 1.2 5 and 6 In Block 56; the E. half of lot 6 in Block 68; all of Blocks 14. 21, 20, 21 ana 28; all of lots 1, 2 and 3 in B!o"k 522 ; lot 1 in Block 3(5: lots 4. o na e m kiock &j; tue w. half of lots 1. 2. 4. 5 and 6 in Block 523; the w . half ol lots 4, it and 6 in Block ;iy. 17th . A lot beginning at the N . w . mtersec tion of Bed Cross and it ighth streets, thence . 132 feet, thence w lao feet, to tnc uamp ben line, thence J. ci. witn saiu line iw reet, to Red Cross street, tbenco 160 feet to the be ginning ; being parts of lots 4 aivl 5 in Block 18th. All of lots 4. 5 and 6 in II lock 83 19th. A lot beginning ir the West line of Surry street, 66 feet S. of Queen street run ning thence W. to she Channel or the uiver. thevce N. up the lover to Southern. line of Castle street. 1 hence E with Bald line of Castle street about 13 feet to the West line of Oas House lot, thence S. with said line of said lot 6$ feet, thence E. about 200 feet to tee W. line of Surry street thenc e S. 26t feet to the beginning; Lcing part of lot No. 1 and all ot lots 2, i, 4 ana 5 in Block 71. 20tn. A lot beginning at the h. E. interacc lionot Nun nd t-ccond streets, and running thence S. with Second street 132 feet, thence E. 165 feet, thence N. 33 feet, I hence W. 55 feet, thence JN. joo leet to run Mrect, tnence with Nun street W. 110 fect. to the beginning; being part of lots 1 and t in Block 101. 2J&U A lot west nan 01 iot 4 in jhock 22nd. Also a tract Of land and summer Residence on the Sound iu New Hanover co.. beginning 200 feet from the Intersection of two lanes o leet wutc, wnicn separate tnc laims formerly belonging to E. J. Lutlerlon on the N. from the lot of lana som uy u. i. uryant toll Burkhimcr, aud the laud of Elliot's on the W. at Borkhimer'a S. corner, thence a. 2h) feet, thenec E. to 1 he Sound, thence along the Sound to UutKlimcr o anc. tnence wiin his line to the beginning; excepting 20 fect above high water mark for a right of way. 23rd. A tract of laud in New Banovcr co , in Mt. Misery Ne'.k. adjoining lands lately owned by G. J. Mi-.Bcc and t;cgiuning 011 the N. W. branch of the ac Fear Rtvcr at the mouth f tbe Mt. Misery Creek, aud then; up said Crick t) a stake, tbcuce along the di vision banks between the McKce and Hill tracts 8. 8 cegveca East lis poles, thence t. 151 poles to a piur, un old road, t hence along said road N . 40 degree 78 ilcs to a rice field banc, thence same course alon,r said iank 70 poles to Ml. Misery t reek, thence down the Creek :7 poles to a stake, thence along a rice field bin k. . 23 degrees W 07 poles to the N. W. Branch of tape tear River, tbenex; down tbo River to Iheboglnolog. 24th. Another tract adjoining last trac-.l, and land formerly owned by A D. iwrc.aii beginning ou N. W. Branch Cape Four Klver, at lower end of Mt. Micry Bluff, tttcucc down the Klvcr, 107 ik1cb, to the division bans between this tract and tbe laud of it II Cowan, thence along sid bank a. 1 degree West I3'J poles Io the lilvcr; thence down the River 43 poles to Ulvuion bant uciwccn tola and the tract just described, thence along said division bank N. 2t degrees b. 67 poles to a Hood gate, on a t Misery Creek, thcoqeup said Creek, 37 poles to a stake on E side of said Creek, onarlcifield bank, thence N. 41 degree. &. 157 polei to a stake in tbe old road, thence with said road M. 40 degrees W. 75 poles to a stake, thence S. 73 degrees W.8 poles to tbe bcgl nlng. 25th. Also tbe following described lands lu Brunswick couity: Beginning at a fctake on tbe W. side of the cape Fear aiver on Eagle Inland, opposite the centre of the .fcond bank, running W. on land convened by James W . to Julius Walker, on Dec 20tb; 1318,then e along centre of said bank. to where it - strikes the second sectional bank near a tide gate, thence along a bank running by the side of a canal to Alligator Creek, thence down said Cirei to the beginning; containing 741. acres. -26th. Another tract containing 25 acres, situated also on said fcagl Itisnd, adjoining tha but above described tract, and being part or the land conveyed by James W. Walter to Julius Walker. 21th. Eatprtof lota 5 a 'd S In Block 06. 23:n. Ah of lots 5 and 6 In Block 97 29th. All of lot 5 in Block 9s. ' 30th. All of lot 3 in Block.3 . 31u Part of hair of lot! In Block si. MAUSDEN BELLAMY. Commissioner Busseu. A HicACD. PlaintifT. Attorneys. men U ti Garden Sets. A NOTnER LOT JUST RECEIVED AND rOK SALE AT LOW PBJCfc. , GILES ft MURCH1HON. apl U V PLEASE XOTII I ; . W Will bUMl 10 YMStT MIW'M"M from our trtanOa o any and all atttaoie -ttaraltatartbtu ' Taa uu of the writer mast always t ' ttfcedtotfetKdltor. Cottan&lcattOBsniut be wrltm ci on. side of the paper. ParaonaJltle. most be avoKted.; And ISU especially and particular iy njt tood tbat the Editor doe not always an dot ine vlaws of correspondeata ! to tat in tha editorial cotumas. - NEW ADVBUTISEMENT8. notice. IJMIE NEW PUBCKLL HOUSE nAS ONE of the finest BAB. BILLIARD and 8MOKK- 1 nh booms in tb9 sute. A One Lunch everr night from 6 to It 1. M. men 14 tf Jos, r- IIEBBpRT. Prop . Eureka ! ! yiNTI ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC DOOR AND CALL BELLS. - Sold and put up by . men 22 1m JAMES P. iOST. mmn medical discovery, glMMONS' REGULATOR, Taylor. Sweet Gum and Mulliea, " Butt's Cough Syrup, - Prescriptions componnded day and sight. 4V Night Bell. MILLER A NIESTL1E, apl 11 Cor 81xth and Mulberry jrJCMPHREYS Homceopatklc Specifics, pPMPII BEY'S Homoeopathic Simples, HUMPHREY'S Homoeopathic Veterinary ieclflcs. The only complete stock In the city. A fultnnecf Drugs, Ac, and plces that defy competition JAS. D. NCTT, Druggist. 118 N. Front tft apl 9 We Are 'Offering MIHE FINEST EGUSH TOOTn BKUSH Es to be found in this market.' Our CORN SOLVENT cures every time. M UN 138 BBOTH EBS. apl 11 li Jail at Last. I HAVE LEASED THE OLD JAIL BUILD ing and have converted it into a Carriage Shop. Have eniulojed a flrat flats Painter.. who cannot be beat. Also have the onlv llrt class '1 rlmmer in the city My Wood work men am Blacksmiths are second to none. 0 am prepared to build or repair ail kinds of Vehlo es in ths best manner, and will bo plead ed to serve all of my old fnenks and custom ers, come and see me, corner of Stcoud and S rinceaa streets. K. P. McDOUGaLL. Will have a stock of Baggies and Photons in a few days. apl II lw 1 Jik HE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF. the Stoceholdcrs of the Carolina Central Rail- rod Company will be held at the Ollice of the Old Dominion Steam Ship Co, corner of Beach and Wests Streets, io the city( of .Nej York, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the.. Mb day of May proximo, apl 4 Mm JOHN II. SHARP, Secretary and Treaaurer New Goods Keceiyed f 1 O FILL UP VACANCIES CAUSKD BY the good trade. we had last week, for 'which I thankrpy fri-tds and customers and ask them to come again and sec " our Increased stock of MILLINERY, FANCY GOOD 3, NOTIONS, A line line of Stamped Linen, plain and drawn work. Tray and Buffet Covert, Ac. A large line of Corsets, best makes, at low prices. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Rushing, Col lars and Cuffs and Hosiery for Ladles and Children. Respectfully, aplI12 . w , , E. Ji ARSES. 1 Commissioner's Sale.. N PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE I Sujtcrlor Court of New Hanover county, in an action therein pending between John 1 Wrscott as plaintiff, and C C. Morse as Le-fendant.- the Commissioner ap IKjli.tcd by -aid decree will sell at public auc tion, for cash, at the Court House door In w llmlngton. 00 Monday, the llb day of April, A. i. 1387, at 12 o'clock, the following describ ed lots of land: tt Lot Begins at the northeast corner of A tin and Fecoud streets and runs cast long A nu street !H feet, tjence north 44 foot, thence west 95 fret and thence south 44 feet to toe beginning: ind Lot Begins In tbceatt line Of Second street 41 fect north of Ann si reet and run. north loo fect, thence east 105 feet, thence south lu feci and thence west ICS feet to the beslnolog. s 3rd Lot Begins In the northern line of Ann direct, 95 feet cast of Kceood street and run. cast along Ann stret 67 fect, thence north 91 fect, mora or eas. to a stone wail, a dividing Hoc, thence west 57 fect, thence south 46 feet, thence west 10 fect and thence south. 15 feet to the beginning on Ann street. - - - SOU C. WEILL, men 18 td . . Commissioner . Latest Boolic -o- gl'RiNGUAVEK, by Blackmore Mrs t hurchill, by Reld. Don Miff, - Hilary Folly, by Braeme, Lady Walworth's Diamonds, She, by R lder Haggard, Jess, " " -' V King Solomon's Mines, He, A Com 1 aulo. to She, : V knight-Errant, by Ljali For sale at HEINSBXSQES'd rjiHE CONFEDERATE STATES NAVY, bl J Thomas Scharf , A. !.. LL. D. . '"- Service Afloat, or The Remarkable Career of the Confederate Cruisers, t nmter an t Ala bama, -by Admiral Raphael pemme. C. V Mavy. Fcr sale at r. ... .: .. HEINSBERGER'S. ... ' '- . apl It Caah Rook and' Mnate Store . : Tbe cB.ea.pest place lu buy your icbuut booUAntishai iUaiiQQery U it Hni- IlKMrger.V. ; . ; , t Notice. v ...... j . ; i

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