cms papjeh n ,varf .vento. Suadaysfex- eepted "try jUSH T. JAMES, iditob w rnorxmo. ' MOO 3U months. --nrw li-CO: One month, S5 cents. $ Jr will t delivered by carrier, free nr iecsats per week. -T r'vf their paper reguiarly. "Tv Ssro Small u'wc.rn ot "by over and "1 take ma' rest. There rM iil "ara o? 4 71 railway rfentfrdyinthe United .States Taring tbe montb bry ' v ,m ihf tirt book ever printed, was JoiJinh-ndon a nborfiime ago for 1 I i sairl that in th- event of a Euro wit Italy could Place an army ot i (niO men ia the held. , Kuswa has jj"wi.w.Micrathrcflnainud. Thhrt w'-'i-vt,r made fr',m a linei- p!'.k belongs t - tbe Il.iuois Club ofr.hicuro Tn pldc is titteen feet loni,Rn,jw x wide, and was cut from a California re-lw-.-d tree ; (Jen (i A Sheridan recently lecmri-d a' V"insn in reply to the Ant'i-Cnristiiii utterances ot Col. Iner snf' riiiifw . i-h- times as" much g:),.w . u? "f it a C; Ine-soii made out his rsl !4't,,ri- v Mr IViru. 11 h lik" 'he loks of tbe Irba siluition. "The arbitrary action of the (J .vernrnent in closing the debate, when my amendment t the firt readui2-"f the coercion bill bad only been under discussion for one evi-niujr'i.e td-Js, "has produced a mrinnr Idling snfsjpMiMiii t tbe measure thri.ukou? (Jreat lri:ian." - Tli" only pici-e d groiiud possessd by the United States f America, else whpre t:an m America itselt. is the liitle plo'.ot land on which the Ameri can Jpffati n is built in the town of Tarieu-r. Thi was given to the Amer ican nation by tbe Sultan ot Mon ceo. The legation in all other countries rand on ground rented, but owned by tbe American Government. . Mr Libouchere continues to-be very saacy toward the Queen, id hrs paper. In receiving the Russian minister not lonzasothe Queen arrayed herself in the Bulgarian Red Cross Order, an act which Truth "lakes leave to denounce as an execrable piece of b&d taste under tbe peculiar, circumstances; and it is hard." the paper goes on to say. "that the country should beheld responsible for such a hare-brained, belise" The letter which appeared in tbe Ijondon Times, alleged to have been written in 1882 to Mr Egau.Japoloizing tor having denounced the Phoenix Park murders, has been pronounced by Mr. Ejan "unmitigated - and wilful alan ders." He turther says that Mr. Parre j did not write to him any such letter and that "toe whole thing a ba9e fabrica tion.1'' A suit against the Times wil probably be the outcome. An attempt has been made to assas sinate (Jen. Bazaiue. the ex Marshal of France, now an exile in Madrid. A special cablegram in the New York Slar, Iroaj tbh. city. .says : General Bazaine. ex-Marshal ol r rance, who bad for several years re sided in exile here, was attacked today by Frenchman, who exclaiming: "J'ai avenge - uia patrie." plunze ! a pom ml into the side of hi head. Gen eral Bazaine's wound is considered dangtrous. JUs assailant is believed to nave been acting here as correspondent lor a certain Paris newspaper. More than $11 000000 are at stake in Muit in New Jersev, A special to the New York Siar says : ' Counselor John 11. Fort of Camden, on behalf of some ot the stockholders, Jjust filed a bill in the Court ol Chancery of New Jersey against the lenn3ylyauia. Slatington and -New England Railroad, lor the purpose of settine aside a consolidated mortgage i JiSU.700.000. under which tho road is! to 03 sold on Wednesday next. I . IV3 a leilcd o the bill that the con oiidanon of the road with tbe Dela .re aud Slatington Railroad of Penn pivania was accomplished by an illegal U8of stock, and therefore the njort ffe was unlawfully given. Applica tion has also been made lo the Attor-ney-benerals of Pennsylvania and f ew Jersey for writs of quo warranto annul the charters ot. both of these corporations. despise Not the Day ot Small Thins. v Little things may help a man to rise i bent pin io an ea chair for in- r n , Dr fierce' "Pleasant Purea "ve Pellets" ara gma,, tning- pieasant w take, and they cur sick-headaches. relieve torpid livers and do wonders. Keing purely vegetable they cannot narm any one. All druggists. 1- Shrier reports that he is doing the largest Spring trade in clothing and gents' furnishing goods 'he has- bad for several years: The cause is that be wis cheaper than any one else. He u a line of Percale Mru worth $l 50. which he will tell at cents, be sure and call and get a htrt. , - t VOL. XL An I5nd to Bonn Scrapnr. ! Fatal Kxpionloii. Edward SheDherd, of HarrisburerJ A friend at -Point Caswell, Pender III . says: Having received 'so much county. informs us that the boiler of benefit from Electric Bitters. I teehti,. f n ,. T ,r M mv dutviolf.t snftWino-h.imnitv irr : lhe steamer De'bi. Capt J D. Kerr, it. Have had a running s re on mv le2 for eight yi-ars; my doctor? told me I would have to have the bone scraped or lejr amputated I usetl instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters nnd seven boxs Bucklen's Arnica Salve and my leg is now sound and well" Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Beoklen's Arnica Salve at '25c. per rox by W H (Jrern & Co. Ih ConfiiUnip ion Incurable ? Read the foliowintf: Mr. C. H. Mffrferrwtwwuamaii not givgjaajuirxilj ' .:u..t t .u, n ri, Nnvark. Aik.. says: "Was down with Abcess of Luns aud friends and physicians pronouncpd me an Incura hle Copsump'ive. Began taking Dr King's New Discovery f;r Consump tion, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the wort mimy farm. It i th finest medicme nver made." Jesse Middleware Deca'ur. Oliio. Had it not been for Dr. Kin' New Discoverv for ('onsuroption 1 would have died ot Lung Troubles Was given up by. the doctors. Am now io the best of health Try it. Sample bottles free nt W. H. Green & Co' Drug Store LOCAL NEWS. JUDEX TO SEW AnVJRTISJ WESTS. Bank of riaren'lon Muxds Bros PcJid ?T t: hilLLEK Garden Sect (Jff Y VTBS A Splendhl pesch Hkinsbkkgeu's Language Tablets, Ac Geo 11 Fresch oss-Sj Neat anl Dura bio Tilestox iioo.M ShskcBpcrian Kntertaln mcnt MlLLKE & Discovery NIE81LIE lvencedy'8 Medical For other locals sec fourth page. Only 3 bales of cotton received here to-day. Wire cloth for your windows and doors can be found at Jacoiu's Hdw. Depot. f Steam boatmen report about five feet of water on the shoals in tbe Cape Fear. The cheapest place to buy your school books and school stationery is at Hcins bergerV t The railroad celebration at Clinton will be on tbe 27th inst. ; one week from to day. To-day the weather has been raw and chilly, and fires have been neces sary to make rooms comfortable. The interior of tbe City Court Room needs a good coat of whitowash and in several places there is need ot new pias tering. Catawba milk shakes arc the rage now at Messrs, Mund's Bro3 ' Brooklyn drug store. It is, we believe, their fi st introduction here. Mary Barnes, colored, was brought be!ore...t he Mayor this morning, charg ed with disorderly conduct, for which she was required lo pay a fine of $10 or go below for 20 days. The attention now of the ladies is called very generally lo the styles of Spring and Summer dress goods and milinery. and the stores that dea! in (hose articles an1 pretty well crowded at all hours' of the day. A very pleasant Sbakesperian Enter tainment will be given by the pupils ot Tileston Normal School, in the Tilestn Upper Room, on Friday even- Icg. It promises lo be sometning uns usually unique and interesting and it is confidently expected that the attend ance will ba a iarge one. j We have received from the publish" er, Mr. C. W. Yates a cpy oi the ad dress delivered to the graduating class of tho Medical College of Virginia, aj. Richmond, on March 31st, by Hon. A. M. Wadded, of this. city. Like all the literary efforts of Coi Waddell it is rich in Tjumor and elegant in diction, being instructive and entertaining. Hank of Clarendon. .- As will be seen by advertisement elsewhere Messrs. A. J. DeRosset. R. J.Jones aud Won. Calder, the Corns mitteeoo behalf of tbe Corporators, haye opened at tbe banks in this city boots of subscription lo the capital stock of the Bank ot Clarendon The objects and purposes ot this institution are clearly set forth in the notice. It will combine the features of a bank for deposits, a savings back and a trust company' and the charter is an excep tionally 6road oufi. We have no hesi tation in saying to those who have funds lying idle that it ia an excellent oppor tnnity for their investment. Tne names ot the gentlemen who appear as .cor porators is a sufficient guarantee in itselt of tbe enterprise and the honora ble and economical conduct --of : its affair.--. . ' DlIL WILMINGTON N C, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20 exploded at tkbout o'clock on tbe morning ot the 19th inst., near Sher man's Landing, about four miles above Point Caswell, on Black River. The fireman, Lloyd, was ki'led out right, having been terribly burned and muitfatpd. Frank Anders was injured on the shoulder and arm serionsiy. Capt. Kerr was bruised about the legs and body, but not seriously. One oth ed in tne lace very seriously. jo great wfs the force of tbe explosion that it blew t he boiler from one end of the craft to the other, making a general wreck of the boat and freight. The wonder is that any of the crew escaped with their lives. Drs. Thompson and Kerr were stjon in attendance and gave such medical and surgical assistance as the occasion demanded. - Take care of your eyes. An agency tor the LcMare'a celeorated Rock Crys tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses isestab iished in this place at IIeiusberger'3.t Not Funny, A story is told of a couple of Congress men who were on a Southern bound train of the Atlantic Coast Line a few days since. They both had "passes," which the conductor duiy honored, and they inquired ot hiui concerning the effect d tne Inter Slate commerce law and how il was iiked by railroad men Ac. to which the conductor replied that, so tar as be was concerned it was all right, and that he had heard no fault found with it by other railroad men. This rather pleased the Congressmen and they congratulated eacn other upon having voted for the measure, which, they were sure, would be quite popular. In fact, they were quite jubilant over the matter until tbe train reached Fair Bluff, which is the last station in this State, before reaching South Carolina, when tbe conductor politely informed them that, by the provisions and res trictions of the Interstate Commerce law the''pass" would be no longeravail- able and they would have to pay their fare to Charleston, or any other point to which tbey desired to go. This, as a sailor would say, "took them all aback,"' but thev paid their fare, as they were b'und to proceed on their journey. They, however, suddenly became con verted to the idea that tbe law is not sucii a wholesale blessing after all, and expressed themselves treely and em phatically in opposition to it, with many and expressive regrets that tbey had voted for its enactment. Tlie Clinton Schedule. The schedule on the new line of rail way from Clinton to Warsaw is net only ot no benclV to tbe people ot this city, but is a positive disadvantage. Any one can so from Wilmington to New York, spend a day there, and re turn here in just the time it will require to go to Clintonsspend a day there, and return to Wihifington. For instance you leave here on Mooday morning for Clinton, arriving at Warsaw about li o'clock; as the train does not leave for C.ioton until 0:10 p. m. there being but one train a day you remain all day in Warsaw. You get to , Clinton Monday nigLt, too late, ot course, for business, and as the train leaves Clinton at 8 a. m. you are compelled to slop over there all day to transact your busi ness. and then all night to wait tor your train. This orings you t,o Wednesday morning. You leave Clinton at 8 a. m. on that day. arriving at Warsaw hours after tbe morn'ug train coming South has pass ed thai point You are therefore com pelled to spend the entire day at War saw, waiting for the uight train, and .on this you embark, reaching Wilmington on Wednesday night. And it is just about the same way from Clintou lo Wilmington and return. A Clintonian can go to Gotdsboro and spend the day and return home tbe same night, but it requires threw days' absence from home to cpend one day in Wilmington. It will thus be readily seen bow the schedule works against ua., Il is plain ly to the interest of our merchants to make an attempt to haye tbe schedule corrected and we believe that it will be readily done by the railroad authori ties, if it is possible for it to be djne, if tbe matter is presented to their atten tion by the Produce Exchange. Superior Court. The case ot Henderson Davis vs. the City ot Wilmington occupied the attention of the Court op to lb boor of closing our report, and will hardly : be concluded to day. . M- Bellamy and E. 8. Martin for plaintiff and DnBrotz Cutlar lor defendant. ; : Retiev, Pender Boy. It always affords us pleasure to re5 cord tbe success of deserving yonng men Mr. Cbailes W. Rivenbaik. born and raided in Pender, is a young gen tleman who, self-made and self reliant, has carved out tor himself an honora ble name and a successful business career. He left the piney woods ot Long Creek a fw years after the war. a poor boy, and went to Monroe where his industry. and energy enabled birn to rise in the world. Five years ago be located in Charlotte and is now a useful sive city. Drinking? Water. We clip the following interesting item from Sunday's issue ot the Charlotte Observer: It seems that the State Board ot Health is giving more attention to this matter. It was considered by the Board at the recent meelintr ot tbe State Mtdical Society in this city. Dr. S. S. Satchwell, of Pender county, former president ot tbe Board, read a paper on the ' Drinking Waters ot Eastern Caro ima,"thal was highly complimented by the physicians who heard it. as a very able aud useful production. He strikes tor improvement and reform in tbe water supply of Eastern Noith Caro lina. We are told that it is to be pub 'ished by the Board and scattered broadcast over tho State. Good drink ing water is very necessary to good health- See J acoui's large and fine assort ment of fishiug tackle. He can surely please any fisherman with his assort ment. . f Produce Exchange. Tbe first meeting of the new Board of Managers of the Produce Exchange was held yesterday. Mr. J. II Currie, the retiring presidentjof the Exchange, congratulated the new board, and ex pressed the best wishes for a prosper ous and pleasant official term. Col. John L Cant well was elected Secre tary and Treasurer, and the following committees were appointed : FinanceH. G- Smallbones, R. G. Rankin, John L Cantwell. Law B. F. Hall. G H. Smith. Information and Statistics C. H. Robinson, W. R. Kenan, James Sprunt. Marine C. P. Mebane, B. F. Mitch ell. E. Pefchau. Inspection D. G. Worth, W. H. Sprunt, John D. Woody Classification of Cotton B. F. Hall, A. H Greene, E. Lilly. Cotton Quotations Wm. Calder, John H. Daniel. S. P. McNair. Naval Stores Quotations R. W. Hicks. I). G Worth, Roger Moore Grain J. M Forsee. R. E. Calder, J. I. Metts. O. Pearsall. G.'J. Boney. Membership J. H. Currie, M. S. Wiilard, J. R Turrentine. Telegraph Quotations Wm. H Sprunt, D. L Gore. J. R Turrentine. Railroad Freights W Calder. D. G. Worth, James Sprunt. Wm. Gilchrist, M J. Corbitt. Smithville Reports C. P. Mebaue. Buy yourself an oil stove if yon want comfort during tbe Summer months. Their cheapness will surprise you at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. f riEi. BU KB N K Wednesday, 10th Inet., MART JO-sKPH NE, ecflonU dauvli-er of lr. T and xtaxy L. Bnrbank. aged 15 months. Funeral from St. James' Church. Thursday at It a m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kead ! WE AUK IMSPKN.SING ATOUU BKUOK lyn Store ' CATAWIU" Mtlk .Shakes, mmu tiling cmlr .ly original a welt dclizht ftti. TMi Is the firt Urns this delightful bev erage ha.- he a introduced in the dir. and we wlD all to try and 1m ronv;nccd. ill UN L BUO I'll EI W. a pi 20 North Fourth bt . lirooklyu A Splendid Speech. -O-f I UAVE SECURED THE K1UIIT TO PUB Ush HON A. M WADDELL'3 FAMOUS ADDRESS at Richmond, Va., on March 31. A limited number. Call and examine copy at once. Only 10 cen ts. apl23 C. W. YATES. Go to J-JICK MEARES OVL KVEBTTHLNO La Gentlemen's Furnishtag Goods, where you will tad .tock to -elect from that you n t find elsewhere ulta to meisure from $li50lSPlT -rinOHU 8PeClItT - " J - - ' ' - I T4Mn.rtr for hn hull annnlip I Headquarters lor case oau aappiies is at Heinsberger'a. ,t- NO. 94. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tileston Normal Room. SHARESPECIAX KftTEKTAISMDiT Y PUPILS OF TILESTON NORMAL B SOMO'M , FBID Y F.VENI VG, April! 2!l, at 8 o'clock . Admission 25 t eots. apl 2 J -2t Language Tablets. LL NUMBERS. SUCH AS ARK. U9ED in the Public and Private Schools of the city, as well as all other & hool Books. Arc always f ,-r tale at HEIN-BKKGER'S. Pianos and Organs. gO LP FOR C ASH, OR ON THE POPU lar Monthly Installment Plan, at HEIN'SBERGER'S The Camp Fires of Gen Lee jpEOM THE PENINSULA TO APPOMaT lOX COURr HOUtfE. Wi'h Reminiscences of the March, the Camp, the Bivouac and of Personal Adventure, by Edwards Kills. A large vol. of 4U piges, hanlsomcly Illustra ted, bound in cloth. Price $1 5!. Sent t any addrcsB on receipt of price, postage paid from HEINSBERGER'S. apl 20 Cash Book and Music Store Bank of Clarendon. WILMGT N INSTITUTION AS A favlnga Bank, and ir'afe icposit und Trust Company. Share Fifty Dollars each. The u derai) ned, bavins' been appointed by the Corporators to open Books for subscrip tion to the Capital Stock of the abjye corpo ration, beg leave to call the attention of the public to the following abstract from the Charter, and ta a3k for prompt subscriptions. la order that so desirable an institution may be put in operation with as little delay as pos sible Books of Subscription may be found at the First National Bank and at the bank of New Hanover, or names may be given to either of the undersigned at any time. Payments ot stock, to extant of Twenty-fit e thousand dollars, are required by the Charter to be made to the Corporators before the meeting of Stockholders for organization and any farther amounts subscribed will be called for subsequently, by the Directors of the Company. A. J. DEROSSET, RICH'D J. JONES, WM. CALDER, Committee of the Corporators. Abstract from the Charter of the Bank of Clarendon, ratified Fetf. 26M, 18s7. Section 1. AppcirU the following thirteen corporators, viz: John W Atkinson, Wm Cal der, w k cnaaoourn, A J ueaosset, Clayton Giles, W I Gore, Gabriel Holmes, Pembroke Jones, R J Jones, Wm Latimer, E s Martin, GH Smith and Jas C Stevenson, who. with tnelr associates, successors ana assigns ate constituted a body politic by the name or 'I ne Bank or clarendon", to be located, in the city of Wilmington, and have a continued succession lor ninety years. Section 2 Prescribes that the capital stock shall not te lees than $5,000 in shares of $50 each; givas power to increase it from time to time to a sum not exceeding f 0,0j0. Sections 3 and 4. Authorize the corpora tors to open books for subscription and when $25,000 shall have been subscribed and paid, to call a meeting of stockholders for tho or ganization of the corporation, with owcr, at that or any future time, to charge the name of the Institution to "The Wilmlncton Savings and TruBt Company." Sections 0 to 10. Provide for all the rights, powers and privileges usually conferred upon Corporations and Banks under tbe general laws of the Sial, with the addition in -tcction 8 authorizing the payment to minor and feme covert of deposits made by thcaa, and making their receipts valid In law for mch payments. Section 11 Authorizes the corporation to act as a Hafe Dcp sit Company whli power to receive for pafc keeping valuables of any and every description, and to charge such com mtssiorsor compeasatlon therefor as may be agreed uiron. Section 12 Gives power to the corporation to act as a Trust Company, with authority to accept and exercise truet of any ant every description which may bs committed or trans ferred to it oy any person or persons, by any bodies corporate or publlr, or by any Court of the State or cf the tniied Slate-, orany one of the states of the United states. lo to ac eept tbe appoluimcntand office of cxe utor. admin istrator, or irustC'., or assignee cf any kind, made by any person orptronsor by any Court of competent jurisdiction of tb s or any ott er S'ate, or l the united M ucs. it also author izes any Court, upon application, t appoint the Corporation to act as trustee, adruinuv ra ter, assignee, guardian of any minor, or com mlttce ot a lunatic It provides that tbe capi tal stock snail be taken and considered as tne security required by law for lht faithful per frmancc ot ail soch trusts, aud shall be flabie for any default, i t elves power to tbe Court toieaulre additional security when deemed expedient, and to examlte the officers of the company unaer oatn or smrmauon as to in sufliclency of tbe capital tltck. as such securi ty. a.11 account of suett trusts to be sliust- o.l aiut au.tUtrl lif.fnm tti tVtnrW whUh shall ?x lis care and management of the inula. Section IX Authorizes receivers. executors, guardians, or otner fiduciary agent to deposit 'n V money, bond-, or valuables ttia, may ut0 posgewiaa pi 1887 " rutAB warn- j ;V. we will he glad to rsesrts eoxusamiaaoaa boa oxur frtsndaon any sad all sahjssu troarallntarttt but Tasnamsof the writer most always f . uad to UaaViitor. COMmunJcatlona must b wrttui oa aa oas aide of the paper. Personalities must be avoided.; . ' " " Utd it is especially and particularly n& tooj that tbe Editor doe not always tado! tbe views of correspon-Jsnu nalaat so tat in the editorial columns. NEW A.OVEKTI8KMEVT8. Mortgage Sale. JJY VIRTUE OF AND IN PURSUANCE of the power of cale contained In a renaln mrUrage deed made by John T. Flowers to W . it. McKoy. and duly recorded In the coon, ty of Nt w Hanover. In it t k M , i7I-74 the nntr6lji ned will cxp' e for falc ai the Court ll-.ttiisc door of the rounty of ew Hanover, for caah, on Thursday, the SOth day of June, SS7. a lo of land on Myrtle Grove Sound in said couniv, and f nllv deecriled la the said naortt?"gp, and the rqulty of redemption now bclongtog to the htirs of IlaUle .X, holar W. B. MCKY,V mch :l aw Hw w Mortgagee Vcniiard's Porfumery. A FULL STOCK JUST RECKIVED.V 50. 75c and $1 per bottle. VENNaRD'S ha UKT POWDEit In bulk and In 10 and 20c packets VENNAKD'tt FLORIDA WATER, exceptionally One. price only 5 -c, at JAS. D. NUTl-, the Drugaiet ""takter" f the original and only genu, lne Krt-fctEN Kemclics. spll Festival. 'J11IE LADIES' All) SOC1ETY.OF THE Brooklyn Baptist Church wilt hold a Fea tlval?t Itrooklyn Hall, on Wednesday eve d---g. the 20th lmt.. at o'clock, for the bene fit of the Church, at which Jcc Crcm, Coffee aud other u freshmen Is will be fervcJ at city prices. - apl 19 t Experience Teaclios, -o- After thirty years experience ihNew York in tho Milliucry business, I may think myself capable of selecting and designing that which is bound to . suit all styles and ; v - . tastes. ' . vVe now have on hand a well selected stock of Millinery and Fandy:G6ods, Hats, Ribbons, Featberi, PJowers and Trimmings of every de- scription, every desirable shape and color, at prices which de fy competition. . t -There is only one way fo be convinced, and that is to call and see for yourself, at - - Taylor's Bazar, ' US Market St. N. B. A liberal discount to all mil liners and dealers in our line, apl 18 tf Solomon Bear OFFERS VERY LOW FOR CASH. Qflfl DOZ.GAUSE, ECRU AND 8ILK, OUU UNDER3UIRTS,' inn DZ BLEACHED 1UU DRILL DRAWERS, 100 DOZ. PERCALE SHIRTS, Cfn Dz- MALAGA, CANTON, AND 3UU MANILLA STRAW HAT8, . - - . KHn OZ. WHITE LAWN AND tJUU CRETONE TIES AND BOWS, 300 SEERSUCKER COATS AND VESTS. V O " MY ENTIRE STOCK OF Mens' and Boyh' Suits 14 ON THE MARKET . . .. r FOB CASH HEOAoDLESS OF mill. Call and Examine. We take pleasure in showing goods. apl is Attention Ladioo I MIIE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES IS Invited t) my elegant stock ol BRESS TRIM MINGS. CORSETS, BUTTONS, LACES. GLOVES AND MITTS. HOSIERY. IK- FA NTS' CAPS. UtlCHINMa irANHITKR. CHIEFS, PARASOLS all styles and prices. An elezant Hoe of IlI.Af :fT nRKKA MIT.KA at Mew York prices. . J P.1TED LACES and PASSEMENTERIES. BEST SILK IMPORTED AKASENE, at xSc per dozen skelse. FANCY WORK MATEKIALSr EMBROID ERY SILKS. Call and examine. . - MllS. U. U. WIGGlNa.ICt3 lis Market 8 tree t, WUmlogtco, N. C. apl '15 r; .'V . , - -, Th8 Beview Jor Office is the plica to cct c-cd work tx n:cr-r"t3 friers,

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