2ilW I'AVEIT. tx- .nT!ONS POSTAGE PAID- Throe nrt SW . J ti 00- On month, S3 rents. rii be denvcred by arrler free afl iu w in report any d . far, 4755 their rare- Tgyninrly.:- " thi th yo purchase i act i f - MiV . or a - ;! 'JUS; k8- PHILADELPHIA- fff Tih- it- v0!ltihcC;euui. iff 'J . - T..Ju:M9r!f ami ihu full UUv IrC of Wrapper. " "s,r aniline Sm;taons Liver Ke-ulator A invite l(i':r run KxS crelary Iicrn'f.he first he has written for Linihs. rn npt-n recivfd by a Iriend bptter c iHiit)ii than at any iinif sine i a-.tark ' Mi.ntanH oIn.ifns to havn tho four rt-t,'! mine' in tin- w-rlfJ the Ana- jiit da Riuehirt). Granitu Mfunlain atid )ram Lu.imui.n Their c(iubinl, pro- uct Kirthrt prt-sent year v?ill apprjiXi- Minufacturern in tha New England ales aregiyinga jjomJ deai of aiten- no to the subject t profit sbrif- be- lase it is unl-ke oo-oppratiori and free roai most of its objectiooable features.. be if rem will oot.be satisfactory a to pe workers unless the mTUs under that Kstem allow higher wages than i.tbeis Unatina Donnelly denies vehemently pt hi famous Shakespeare Bacon pber has failed, and ho'ii" now bard tvurkopon his book devoted to the abject. I propose to stick! to my k," he sayi, "00111 I pat. it's, in' "the wijof the printer, and I. hope to .do Ft bj Jaly. Thn world ; will - never jB2St0ba R4tnniehor) nnl of rrin KrrL- at t in marvellous reyelations:. In i recent speech in Ne York Mr. !nrjGeor?o. discassinj a proposition mike tea hours a legal ' day s . work fcuei it was a disgrace and ,an in- rJlo'.he public for a people lo.work onjertime. He did not. however. ok thjt Bach a la v could efl.;ct any. jeroiaent benefit, and it was the duty orkiosmeo to bring about such a 'eof thine tht thesa reformisboald effected without tne aid of statute He urjfed workiogruen to devote Je!rej intelligently to poUtiCi.- v b'r Emerioo Tennet 16 nz a i"a called !eato the power of the eocoanu n ocMnduci ll.-btning. nnd the sub" Fife hundred ot theso trees ilrurk on a sinsle bUntalion :n' "accession if thunder storms APril. 1ST.D. Hut tha frPS iiirr F&l from the effects, for. however r TTy My bo louiohed ihey are f 'ei &ra ainsed. nmnil a rear i.r r - V w- ---j w- rned brown, the tree will ia the w,Wfr craduilly and, perish - ; I Anecdotes iKni .u v !rr Jl. Ninr . ,-iVwer are Jm (Jazettc "Ooe. which has J ea ia print.several ttmqs. 1 1 . uoiiovuis no suiaii rJia Oil in i err u r. :.! ... r lsbefortbewar of 1870 .King Bw,ndrine among tho groves Co Rdeo hd his 'fortune told uu was ouue isrno- nulv- She declared tbat t Qsoil a great (i.r e. iru- aitd ' that ha orntiM ) QJ.aa(1 to be 96. though i WQld ba ful1 "ftrouble L , lhal my $WJ later the Em- f.3 vm 1 vTVftr-rrr9-Cf- SlFdil rtoH l V Auslr countess who', hearl disease. , i " he would live to be 90 IaKe care o1 you e: Rivi - ;. " lor t he IxjMare's celeoi XI. WfljMINGTON lJ G., WEDNESDAY. APRIL Mr Secretary Whitney has included Work Resumed, in thn committee appointl to consider j -rhe work on ,he M E Church, cor nd report upon the deigns for the new j ner ol Fourth' and Mulberry streets tf OOOtoo cruisers. Mr Edward Ror-; which hi hflAn un, ,!0i-Mrf n gfe89. Jhe successful designer l the Mayflower and Puritan This recog nition of Mr. Burgess f.s a" caapetent HUihority upon marine architecture is particularly timely and appropriate." , - , A- Philadelphia-letter says that "the dial laces of tlio huge clock the second largest in the wiirhl which are in eo into the- tower of the public buildings in. Philadelphia, wiif be twenty-live feet in diameter and mnrp luAn seventy eitfhVf'Tee'ttiii ooumferfcnce. The minute: hands .will be twelve feet :n length, ar.d nt the expiration of every sixty seconds -will nive over thirteen mchps ' The hfiun hands, ooe f(wt "horter, will move mre tliansirand orte half feet every hour. Chimes bells will probably be connected with the eln borate mechanism, so that the quarters, halves and hours will be musically announred. - - . Don't Kxporinii'ii. Yu cannot affWrd tfi waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always' eerafi, hi firt. only a cdd. 'Do "not permit any dealer in impose upon vu with some cheap imitation of lr King's New Dis co very tor Consumption, C ughs and Cf hls, but bo sure you get. the genuine. Because be can o:ake uiore nrolu hf may iell yon he ba oraethinir just aa Vood, or just the mp. Don't bode ceived. but insist upon settmc I). King's New Discovery, which i' guar Vnteod to giv'ft reliei" in all Throat Lun2 and Chest affections. Trial bot tles free at W. H. Green & Cy.V Large bottles $1 . ' A. iS out Ml Leal Opin?ou. E Bainbridge Munrtay, Esq , County Atty.. Ciay county, Tex., pays: "Have ued E'ectric Bitters wtih mo t nappy results. My brother also was very low w.tVMalarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medt cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitter's saved his life.V , Mr. D I. Vilcox3on, ol Horse Cave. Ky.f r.dds a lko testimony, saving ; He positively believes he would have died, had it not been tor Electric Bit lers v .- The great remedy will ward off. as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and tot all Kidney. Liver and Stomach Dis rders stands unequaled. Price 50c. and $1. at W. U, Gften & Co LOCAL NEWS. IS0U TO HEWIOVEBTISEHESTS. ' City lionda for Sale Heissbekgeb's "It" Munds Bbos Our Store K C Millee Garden Stefl ? 'A A Hocstox Mltfc ;owd -.UW Yates Latest In Stationery . "Geo R Frkscii & soxs llaad-sewel UiLLRit & Niestlie Kenrely'a Medical Discovery The receipts of cotton at thi3 port to day foot up 15 bales. Headquarters for base ball supplies is at Heinsberger's. ' ; t I, i The wind has dried up the mud and the streets are quite dusty to-day. Mocking bird cagf-s of all sizes arc sold very cheap at Jacobi's 4lldw. Je p0t - .... ... " ' ? :. -J- - German barque Louise Wichtrda. iShrocko, hence for Stettin, passed Dungeness April 24th.' , Health OIBcer F. M. James is kept busy from morning till niht in looking after the sanitary condition ot the city. - The meetings of tbo Salvation Army still continue and we are glad that a fair amount of success is attending thorns " " - German birque3 "Medusa Kranse, Ferdinand Bliesmer. had A ezandrim, Rickclcs, hence arrived at Hamburg April 25lhU lit.', 9 ''" 'iJ i .:- The weather is dec dedly cool for the time of ycar.in conseqtrence of which the growth of tho crops will cortsidera bly retarded. v . v . fllr.'.A. 'AT Houston, of Matthew's. NC , has a fine lot of seven milch cw8 at Mr. H. C. OrreU's slabUs. which" lie will off.'r for sale to-morrow. See advertisement in another column. Uriitbd Stales District Court, Judge Seymour presiding, will convene jn this city on Monday next, although the preaencoot the jurors . and witnesses will not bo required until the day fol lowing. ! " - .J- . 4--4 " " , . - - Mrs. Sarah i widow of the late Mr Levi A Hart,, and. Bister of Mr. G." A. Peek: died - tit 1 her . residence. No. Ill South Third street,- this niorning alter an illness of several months ot your eyes. An agency lor t he Lo Mare's celebrated Rock Crys- . ork at moderate 'pricca. Itibed ia this place at Heinsberger'i.t BilLi count of the non arrival of somool the brick, has begun in eood earnest, and the structure ill be pushed as rapidly as circumstances will permit, to com pletion. Our townsman Mr. C. W. McClnrnmy, has the supervision of the brick-laying Superior Court. The following have been the pro ceedings before this tribunal to-day: Go. A. P-ck vs. S. H. Manning et al. Continued. JD. Bellamy, -JrV, f- plHintiff; Bussell & Bicaud for de feiidant.. i . .' ' S. V Bunting vs. Sphi i Bond. On trial.- McRae & Strange for plaintiff; M. Bellamy for defendant. Wrdflin Bells. Our young friend. VI r. W. L. Jacobs, and -Miss. Gusie Pugh, daughter of lbs late Mr. John H. Pugh. wer united in tho holy, bonds or matrimony last night at St James' Church, tho rector. Itev. W H. Lnwis. i tticiating. There wa- a large as-cnblage present to witness the impressive ceremony, at the conclusion of which a reception was held at the residet.ee ff the bride's motner, where many friends offered Uteir conratula- tionsr aod best wisoes to the bapty conple. The presents to the bride were numerous and elegant. The ushers at the church were ilessrs. J.hn Grant, T. II. Thompson, James Reilly and Jasper PratU Uewerved Uotiern. At tho permanent organization of the convention of the Southern Depart mert of tbe American Shipping and Industrial League, at Charleston on tho night of the 25ih inst., Hon A. M Wadclell was made its President, and Col. F. W. Kerchner was made Vice President, representing North Caro lina. An account of tho proceedings was sent us from Charleston on tba date, but, unfortunately, it did not reach us until this morning, or it wou.d have appeared in yesterday's issue. Both selections were gooi, and were a deserved honor to the gentlemen named as well as an honor to the city and State. represented by them. Pender Items. A friend at Burgaw wr.tes us, stating that notwithstanding the recent cold snaps there are indications now that gcod crops will be raised in that vicinity this season, although, as a matter of course, they are somewhat backward. Frnit will be scarce, al though there are some peaches and a good many apples. A A municipal convention, to nominate town officers for tho ensuing year, was held in the Court House on tbe evening ot the 25th inst , at which the following officers were nominated: For Mayor M.M. Moore. For Commissioners R M. Croonit E. McMoore. J. F. Croom, J. T. Col lins and D V. Rivenbark. For Marshal J. D Rivenbark. Last Nixui'g Concert. The concert at t.io Opera House by the Acme Society, colored, last night, was a complete and pronounced suc cess. The music was under the direc tion of Prof. Shepherd, of New Haven. Conn . and Was well rendered.. The houfte was filled to its utmost capacity. One side of the purquatte was reserved for the accommodation of white people, and every seat w3 taken. The cho ruses, solos and quartettes were wel' given and were alike creditable to thoie who participated and to Prot. Shep herd and his assistant, VV, II Nor wood - The Asaph Club were also prosent ai.il gavu some tine selections, among which the "Cuckoo Song" ,'vas especially notable. The concert was given for the benefit ot St. Mark's Episcopal Courch. colore!, and was a financial as well as musical success. I. Shriek reports that he is doing the largest Spring trade in clothing and gents' furnishing goods be has had for several years. The cause is that be sells cheaper than auy one else. He has received a large line of Percale shirts worth $1.50. which he will sell at 75 cents, be sure and call and get a shirt. f Ciy Court. Carrie Frank, colored, was brought before the Mayor this .norning charged with diord-rly conduct. Tha offense was trivial and she was discharged with a warning to behave herself to the future.- -. ' ,:.'. . Richard Herring, also colored, charg ed with disorderly conduct, was re- cordoned iu tho city ptisoa lor 2D days. Sliad-oway. The New York Herald com plat o9 tbat the sbad is a month behind time in repching northern waters and is at some loss to understand the cause. They are quite piestiful aod we presume en tirely comfortable in the waters, of the Cape Fear, and they are bound to aid in booming .southern industries, withs out the aid of northern capital. ' - , Invited. In accordance with the action ef the public meeting at the Produce Ex cbtnge yes'erdav the Committee ap pointed tor the purpose have - sent to Charleston no invitation toSecretaries Lamar and FaircUild and Postmaster General Vilas - to visit this city on their return to Washington. No an swer to the invitation has yet been re ceived. For Clinton. The Wilmington Light Infantry' Capt. J. II Daniels, with its drum corp3 and the Cornet Concert Club, left on this morning's train for Clinton to attend the railroad jubileo to be held thereto-day. The Infantry turned oul with unusually full ranks and presented a fine appearance as they marched to the depot to take the train, Quite a number r f our citizens availed them selves of the verv low excursion rates to take a day off" from the cares ot business and visit the beautiful and prosperous town of Clinton. . Tne weather has been, during tbo day, all that could be desired, and we doubt not tbat our military. musical and otner fellow citizens will have a good time with the cbivalric and hospitable people of Sampson county to-day. 1U21. HA.RT .n Welnesday, the 2. th hist., MRS. tiAUAti M. HAKT . funeral services wilt be held at her late res idenre Hi South Tuird street, at 10.30 o'clock, T hurt day morning. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Milk Cows. jyjR. A. A HOUSTON. OP MATTHEW'S, Mecklenburg County, J . C.t has a fine lot of fre; h milkers which he will put on the market for sale on Thursday m oral og, the 23th lost. They may be seen at Orred's tables. ayl271t 5jo City of Wilmington, N. Bonds. IDS ABB INVITED AT THE OFFICE of tbe .Mayor, until May ICth, 18S7, for the Fundlrg Bonds of the City of Wilmington, amounting ti $1'0,003, o be issued 1st July. 18s7, aud to run Hi yeirp, (with a provision thai the same may be calied In anl pa'dat an time alter the expiration of ten years from date of Issue), at d bearing interest at ths rate of 6 per cent, per anum. Interest payable semi annuaPy in January and July, in Wllmlogtonor New York, at the option of the puicbasers. B;ds for a whole' 'or a part may be made, bnt If for less than the whole the lteit will be made payable in Wilming ton The City reserves tha right to accept or re ject any or all bids Ho biis for less than par can bs considered These Bonds are issued by authority of an act of the General Assembly of North Caroli na, ratified March 5th, 18S5. which prohibits the proceeds from being tpp led to any otner purpose than lor the redemption of $13,C00 eight per cnt. bonds maturing in July. 1F87. fopulatlcn of Wilmington estimated to be fully 'As 01. Taxable resources, as per tax book?, $5, 420.0 0. . Kate of taxation, lv Bonded Deb'. $569 700. Making U'und, 74,ui0. JoliN J. FOWLER, Mayor, KICUAUD J. J;iNES (Jhalrwan Board f Audit and Finance apl 27 3t we th sat 'It,'? fJIHE MOST POPULAU BOOK OF THE age. , .- . . : .. " ; - She, Jess. Pawn, He, It, The Witch's Head" King Solomon M nes. by II Klder Haggard, 30 cents cch. Sprlnghavci. by 31ackmore; Ptpro CJol I Uave oved and Loved, In One Town, A Wrecked Girl. The New York Papera, Magazines, and all late works, you will find on the counters at HE.IN8BER9&&d. - Plusli Dressing Cases. DLULU VO&K B IBS, FINE MOROCCa ALBUMS. A large assortment of fine Guiturs, Ac. Jobt received at d for sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. apl S Cash Book and Moste store Change of Base. FaiENDS AND THS PUBLIC ARE w&nA tfnll7 nutlflGil tbat 1 have removed m anbp to Cbetna. fctreet, between Frot ot Water. All order for "wora ta my line. -u. nlng. xepairlng. Ac . will te cue prompti ana faithtaifr. - ' - . K. F. RISING.. " Chetnat. between FroAt aal Water au." 27 1887 NO. 99 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mortgage 8al e . JJY VIRTUE OF AND IN PURSUANCE of the power of" tale contalne I in a' cer aln m irtsage deed made by John T. Flowers to w . B. McKoyand duly recorded In th coun ty of w Hanover, in ti ek S i. 7l-i74 the endtif s!ine 1 will cxp se for ale at the ourt Houwdoorof the county of ew Hanover, for caeh, on Thursday, the iOth day f June. 18ST, a-lo of land on Myrtle Grove Sjund in said county, and fully described ia U14 eald morn? ge, and the f qutty of redeniitlo now belong! i-it to the heirs ef Ilaitle J. .-holar , - w. b. mck y. v mch 31 aw H w w Mortgagee 2 SODA FOUNTAIN and GENERATORS, li Trood order, and Fine Solid Sltvtr Mount- d Show case - 5 feci ong ,2$ feet broa 1. wilt be sold lw. ALo, ;i Candy Machine and a .andv Kettle Apply to , - Mtt?. F. M. AG03TINI, . apl 26 3t Corner Sixth and Dock ets C T Y JH A L L. Friday N iffli t, April UO, 1887. ; ENTERTAIN Ml! NT 1 XTBAOuDI NAlt Y FOR BENEFIT OF "..US ION iiRADEI) SCI1(H)L llIIEAliV. FEATURES : Bird Oncert, Cornet Conceit Club. Calls thcn.cs Drill and March. Reiivsbments " Admission 10 rents. i he doors will be opened sit A P M , for the benefit of the little one?, who cn tec "The Old Woman who Lived la a Shoe." apl 2U35 NEW FURNITURE HOUSE. Corner t ccond and Market Streets ' . w JS ARJB HERE TO STAY AMD NO dis count. Wo keep tbe finest and cheapest Fur niture in the eity- v ur prices fcnit the rich and poor alike. Wc can sell cheap because wo manufacture our own goods. Also a full ilne of Baby ( arrlagcs A call and Inspection solicited KNOXViLLK FURNITURE CO., mch 7 3m E. 11. 3EED. Manager Our gTORES ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE, why? Because we are attentive o our customers, and keep the purest' Drug j. Prescriptions prepared night and tay. MUND8 BROTH Kits. 104 North Front St, 621 orth Fourth bt . N. B. CATAWBA Milk shakes are all the rage. -, . apl 25 Co to JTICK ME A BUS FOR EVERYTHING in Gentlemen's Furnishing Geods, where you will find a stock to select from that you can not find elsewhere. Suits to me i sure from $15 50 up. Fine Hats a specialty, anl 25 ly Latest in Stationery. JJOLLY WOOD, MALACHITE.BULLION, Scraps of Paper, Hard Times, Seersuckers, Bartboldi, and other new styles of Fancy Writing Paper juat received. Col. Waddoll's address at Richmond; by mail, price 10 cents, apl 25 YATES BOOK STORE. Hand-Sewed. yE OFFER AN ELEGANT LINE F HAND-SEWED SHOES for Ladlea wear, very flexible and essy to weir.. SPRING-HEELS for Children. Superb line of GENTS BUTTON AND CONGRESS BOOT3. Full lines on every style of BOOTS and SHOES, at Lowest Prices, at GEO. K. FRENCH & SONS, apl 25 108 N. Front Street V US Market St.- The Ladies' Empbrinm Selling off at Cost to make room for new Spring and Summer stock. ' IJT STORE BEING TOO SMALL FOB proper display of my Jage stock, I will offer to the public the following articles AT COST for next ten' days: Corsets. Bustles,. Infanta ape. Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Parasols, Veilings, Btinnlnyg, Fans. I ace. Embroideries, i ilk and Lisle Thread Gl- ves and Ir lits for adles and Children, lress Trimmings, Braids, Bead cd Nets, and- other articles too numerous to mention. My Dress Trimmings wl:l be marke 1 (tme of hem) below cot Call early and a -old Hie rush Very Eespcctfully. MitS. B. IS. WIGGINS, 115 Market 8treet, Wilmington, N. C. apl 25 - . : - Hazard Powder. WE NOW HAVK THE AGENCY FOR this celebnitcd Powdet which la un doubtedly the brat sold in this country. Ner magazine jbnlli . down tbe river (oat of city limits). Fall assortment of all tne sizes at the lowest prices. Wat. K.JSPU1NGKB CO., Successors to John Dawson A Co., : ia, 21 and 3i Market MreeU ap 35. . Wllmlncton N. C ,Wire cloth tor yonr windows and doors can ba found at. JACOw's'IIdw. wwlTJbcuv4 'to rtcHUva atuaaawt:a from oar triad en any and U sntrtteti " StaonlUttorottbat v Tat manVf ol tao wrlnor bui arwayo bo slalMd to tho Editor. i:' "Ki- aHaiiiMaou onit m wrmrt , i ca on aide of tno papot ' - v - PraoBAlltlea must bo avoUta a.nd tt u apoeUlly and partlcalaxly vm .' stood that tno Bdltorslooa nofalwayooadot ' tho views of correspondent ela tai tn tha editorial eohtmu. NEW AOVERTISEHICWTa; Taylor's Bazar '";-:;J-'' r- " : V' Special attractions this week. Immeuta - stock ot Indies', Miises' and v Children's H ato and Bon n to The largest stock of the kind iu.. J .': "'"'' - tbe city ! ! ! V' ' Elegant asaortment of fine Flowers, ; . acid Feathers at low prices' 5 Laces, Ribbons and Gloves, Just received and opening this week a; fine line ot 4 " Umbrellas and Parasols for Ladies, Misses and Children, rang;- r ing in prico from 25o up. We don't v . ask the public to visit us before -going elsewhere; we aro much more gratified to have then inspect other establish rucnls first, aud ours last of all. for4he contrast cannot fail to point in our ' tavor. : '! ";" Taylor's Bazar, Wilmington, N. C. " - .' . r ' " r N. B. 4 liberal discount to milliners , and the trade. Orders by mail will eeive prompt attention, apl 25 tf Scason'n Goods. 3 EFRIGERATORS. ICE CREAM FR3B- zcrs. Water Coolers. Fly Fans,' Fly Traps, J j c , Ac All at tho lowest prices. Call and . t;au ana t ' examine the goods and tho prices. (amine apl 25 A MURCIIISON, Remember THAT ffE ST LL .HAVE THE HAND JL. . ... - SU)!Sf KHT. r.hp.inoat unit MnatromnlatalltnolF i of U A RN ESa. and SADDLERY GOODa la I too ct y. - - REPAIRING a specialty. X FENN1WL A, DANIEL, . I apl 25 . Mallard's old Stand, 10 8. Front sC ' ' i " - . . . . 1 it' Garden Coed, TEUQ. CHKaf ff'At J. PiTrnt xtvniJ. cines and Fancy Articles In full supply at . F. C. MILLER'S, apl 25 Corner Fourth and Nun S ts ' Constantly on Hand A LARGE AND VAKIED ASSORTMENT OF Paper Hangings, Fire Screens, Transparent Linen and Paper , . WINDOW SHADES. Office and Store Shades a specialty. Rooms In any part of the city or country papeted, with neatness and dispatch, by goo I , and experier cod workmen. . " w- Terms Cash. J. B. DSMP8EY, apl 221m 213 Market St . At Greatly Reduced PriccsA IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOB NEW applies, I offer to the trade a large asd hand some line of Stand, Student and Extension Lamps. These goods are all new and beauti ful designs, and are offered at very low pxlcciw.! I also have some fine Tea, Dinner end Cham- ber China Sets together with a largo artort .. ment of 1 in ToUet Sets. ' Qoeensware, GUsi i and Elated Wares. I Invite the jjublle to call and examine theso goods. . Kespectfully. ' v , L. C, LINXBCRRf, ' apl 25 No. 117 South Front 81. Selling Out ! js ouu ruysiciAN becoiiues nsi change of climate on account of failing health, I will sell out my entire stock of MILLINERY, FANCY GOODb, NOTIONS, ALSO FIXTURES, ; To any one desirous of going Into bnslnesa.- This is a good chance, for it is known to be the largest stock of tbe kind In the State asd ' la well established Will make satisfaetorjr terms. . . .. . . From MONDAY, April tb, I Will glvt mj';1 customers tbe benefit of low prices, all roods being now marked down. All the latest sty lea In Millinery, and all new goods Hats and Bonnets, Feathers an1 Flower, Laces, Yd vets, G.oze and other Trimmings-' T : L - A very large lot ot Ribbons, 8 tsple aut " -Novelties; Hdkfs, silk and Linen; Gloves.t Silk and Lisle; Ilos'eiy ; Ladles sndCblldxtnt;. f Neckwear, Lisle and Line; Corsets, Bus ties. ? " - - ' . ---w i Tab e Linen and many other useful and fancy articles. ' . apt 25. Kespectfully, ' - t MIS3 E, KAtLhzk, -Ch4rlotU.;tronlcIe and Coltsbcro II Csrcujyit i . .1