a bottle OT . ; TO 0 MiiatP raaAy to ottadf uLun. li U3IIMIU YS HCicrAinia ve:z:::ai;t specifics For Horses, Cattle,. Sneep, Doss, Hogo, Poultry. lSED HVtj j'. UOVXT. h'jrt on Wii'i'-i. "' Book Sfnt t'rv. " t .;;..Ta Inflftmmatlnn, f..,i,in Iiiiii';ii-. Milk fever. H -!raiiM. Laiin-in-H-4. II iit-unintiam, . :."-li-t-in: r, An.il flbcliarges. I)' !"- Hon r li'iilw. H orni.i. ' cousin. Ii-fiM's. i'tietimoma r;". ." olirp riM-". lb;llyaohe. i;.;.-Mirarri. llMiiorr:is-s. II II -I rinnry mi l KiJnry Ill-rases. I 1.- Kruiiiht" IM-ii-aae. .Mnnxe. , .1. K.Ui. asrs !' lis:ioi. HaMe witli .M.-mua!, (Zi.S) pases with ( !.-.- HdiPi.- Sj..M-iin--5. bottle of WiUsh Price. Bottle v.-r Z d-es " - .75 hrr.t l'rer on RooHpt of Price. Humphreys' lied. Co , 109 Fulton St., It. Y. HUMPHREYS' 1 HOMEOPATHIC tfj$ lonrnirffi 11 " jorcbinu no. lu u! jU ii'bih. The only successful remedy for Nervous De&iiity, Vital Weakness, nl rYoetration. from over -work or other caifseo. $ 1 jr Till. .r 5 vials aid large rial powder, for $5. S.'LD by DiUf.oi-TS, or sent postpaid on receipt of pnce.-HMpkrrjs' JltKUcia . 1K ui 8U, S. X. feb S co'l Jt w;y nrm ELY'S Catarrh CRKAMHALM? tLr.ANbfc.) Till ilKAD. ALLAY." INrLAM M ATlONg THPAfl HEALS the Sokis. EaT0KKi THr sr. . - ry 4 sKo!TA,Tr:f sMli LL, Hkakinu. A gtU K I1FIIF. A Pinitivk (.tub. HAY-FEVER a pwt rle ii applied into eth nostril and Is a!?iauU!. 1'il.c 5 - cents at Y rrgglsls; by ms i .rrRisicrcil .f. irc' K Circulars tics. 12LY ai'!3 1yoix,l4w Removed. J UAVK TI1K i'LV ASUKE OF ANNOUM3 n to my frier u ant the prtblie that I have "novel into the larpc and coammllous SU tlfscreru.j !iy c OP ttu CC1CT rof irlncc8W anUtiri Mre. Uj. whe I hayo ample roooi lra the .ii'inantU, uf the U very and ale "ir.cR. i keep cr-nUMiy oa hand horses e1 vehicle for hire and will Loard horcby Srel''.v 'that.low rates. A call - - " yni;Ki.iE sasli. Sash. jSash. Paints. Varnishes Oils. -o- Moulding and Builder's HardvTare, r'T tu)us AJ LOWEST PKICES. UCOB1M HOW. DEPOT. , 10 So. Front St New Crop Cuba" Molasses. 554 Hogsheads." 66 Tierces, 5 j&r,s ?chconw t or ta.c very low'by ion A SUAVE, ' , Hc Fou a hair cur . i,uun v ij IUtn AND SHAMPOOS; "AI& DYEING LOc and opward; or so M. ju a and I'erfuiuer, aiarfcet St - N" - ... - . ', .. T h o D a i I y R e v I ew A BKD TiaiE SONG. Sway to and fro in th twilight gray. This is the terry for Shmlowtown; It always ssfls nvth enl of Jay. Just aa the darkness is cloin down. Re3t: little head, on my Phnulrier, so; A fcepy kisi is the only fare; Drifting awuv fron ilin w .rid we eo, IJaby and I in the rocking -chair. -- . , Seei where the ffr-logs glow and ' spark, - Gliter4!v- litrbts ot th Shadowlar.d ; The winter rain on the win.iotf iark! Are rippie lapping up:n its strand. There, where the mirror ii? glancing diai." A lak lies shioiraering, cool ?;nd still; Blo.'soni- arn waving abovp irs brim Those over there oi the window sill Rock slow,: more slow. ..it. thn duskv light; r Silently lower the anchor down. Dear littlc'passenger say. "Good night." We've reached the harbor o! Sbadow town. 2 Lilian Dimcvor Rice. " . BuCKIul l.-iHCii Uve. The Bilst Salve in ti- worl fur Cuts, Bruisos,- s.re. Uic-rs. Sal? Rheum. Fevtr Sores., IV't'-r. OhappiM HahdM. Chiibl-iiris, Corns. fi?"i ail Skii Eruptions, and lVs?ii ve-iv curr- Pilo, or no pay required, ft is guaranteed ' give perl' c Siii iia i.n. r ujo..t refunded Price 25 ',n?? t.er box. For -vie by VV II. tiw A: Co Spontaitt-oiis Coiiilitisti ii. Sfne bervas ions niadu in Frai ci by M. C fr-t;( may throw light up r, many niytr:oin rires In onn instance spontaneous f ; r i n ir suose Iroui kii nir current haed tu 77 tUare only The wood slowly crb'niz'-d at tli'if tein perature, anf being thu rendered ex tremely porou. a rapul aborplioi .l oxygen resnhed. and -nflicifnt heat was then pr luirel to it Il'nne th dry materiat. In an-.thr cis;; (he warmth from i ne air-hole in 11 siove door was snflicient to st fire to wood work. Ii.'t lhat Mrs ff. lines? Ihiilizht iier up. ."she looks the doctors well nnw." rave 9 "Site is well after the doctors gave up her e.ts she tried I Jr. Pierce's Fa vorite " Prescription1 and began to grt t-e ter right, away i heard iier Si not iong ajio, that she hf-dn't felt so -veil" in twenty years. She d ea her own work and says that life seems wotth living, at Inst, '"Why," s:tid sbe. T teel as if I had been raised from the ded. almost Thus do thiuands :v testtbe m.'irveious ettic'iey, I ti.'is God -s:iven remeily b-r tain ale weikf'e.s-. prrilapsus. 'ulceration. leuc rrl av tT morning sieknes, weakness of stom neh, tfcndenc .to cane.erous c'.iseaye, nervous prostration, general debility and kindred affeetions Tribute to a Wife Robert J. Burdetfe publishes in I.ippincott's a paper of reruiniseeticc-s entitled; "Conies-ions of a Reformeii .Humorist," full of the gentle pathos which has always tempered and puri fied his work, and breathing the fondest love lor his dead wite, to whom he pays the tnl.owing tribute in closing: "As I closj this paper I mis3 the loving collaboration that with so much arace and delicacy would have better prepared these paes for the reader. The first throb of literary ambition, my earliestjind later succe.-ses. so far as I have been snccefsful, wba'ever words of ni ne men may be p. eased to remem ber most pleasantly, whatever of earnestness and high purpose theie is in my lite, whatever ins' irntion I ever hail or have lhat enters inlo my wmk and makes itmro worthy of acceptance 1 owe to the greatest. bet and widest jni critics and collaborators a loving. devoted wile. And if ever I should win one of the" prizes which men sometimes give to those who amuse th'sm. the wreath should not bj piaced on the jester who laughs and sings, but on the j brow of her who inspired the mirth aud the song." A8toni8liiiio; vSuccess. It is the duty ol every person who has used Lt scliecs German SrupKo let its wonderful qualities ne known to thefr friends in curing C-.msurr ption, 8?vere Coughs. Croup. Asthma, Pneu monia, and in fact all tnroat, and lung diseases Ni person can use it without immedintc relief. Three docs will relieve any case, and . we consider it the duty ot ail Druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive. at least to try one bottle, a 80,000 dcz- en bottles were old last year, and no one case when it failed was reported Such a medicine as the German tigrvp known A-sk Sample bottles Regular size, Drusrgists and cannot be loo widely 5 our druggist about it. to try, sold at 10 cents. i5 cents. Sold by all Dealers, in the United States aud Can ada. How Men arc Hat On. A little Sixteetith street girl was in terviewing the preacher. "Ain't God good? he assed earn estly. VOf course He is, my child, said the pastor "And it'isn'i wrong to say so, it?" eho fntinued "Certainly not "TbaiVwbat I told mamma." "Why.'ruy child." said the pastor, in amazement, ' jour mammadid not say llo was ntit gtHl, l!d she?" "No. sir. not exactly; but t breaks fast this morning wnn papa took a mouthful "of cofjfce, he said 'gooxl GjmI. anil mamma told him there was no use in swearing, even if the coHVp wasn't i the best itf the world" Washington Critic ' AUAKDL To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions ot youth, ner vous weakness. early decay, loss of manhood, &c.t I will send a recip? that will cure yn, fkee of ciiakgk This great remedy was discovered by a mis sion&ry in South America.'"" Send asell- knddrcsed envelope to the Rev. Joseph r. - in man. Station DNew lork CVy. r cod U&w 1? ; . What a Baby Can Do, It can beat any alarm clock eyer in vented, waking a family up in the morning Give it i fair show and it can smash more dishes than the most industrious servant girl in the country. It can fall down oftener and with le?s provocation than the mosr expert tum bler in the circus ring. It can make more genuine loss over a simple brass pin than its mother would over a broken bicz. It can choke rself black in the face with creater ease than th most accom plished wretch lhat ever was executed Ii can keep a family in a constant turmoil from morning till night and nigh' till morning without once vary irtr its tune-' 1 1 can be relied upon to sleep peace" tolly all day when i s father is down town and cry persistently at night when h is particularly sleepy. It may be the naughtiest, dirtiest, ugliest, most fretful baby in all the world, but you can never make its mother belieye it. and yon had better not try it. It can be a Wiarmine and model in fant when no one is around but when viyitors are pre cot it can exhit-it more bad temper than both of its parents to yether. It can brighten up a house better than all ihe lurnilure ever made ; raike sweeter music than the finest orchi-slra oraan'Z'Ml ; fi la larger piace in its pa rents' breasts than they knew they had. and when it iroes away it can caue a greater veancy and leave a t;retter b:ank ihan ail the rest of the world put tfgeiher. There Shall l no Alpx. When Napoleon talked of invading I'aly one of his flieers said: B it, sire, rem ember the Alps To an ordi nary man these would have seemed simply insurmountable, but Napoleon responded eauerlv: "There shall be no Alps " So the famous Sunplon pa9s was made Disease, like a mountain, stands in the way of fame, fortune and honor to many who by Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" might be healed a d ho the mountain would dis appear I:. is specific; for all blood, chronic lung arid liver diseases, 5-uch as C jnsiiMp! ion (which is scrofula ot the lunifs), pimples, blotches, eruptions, tumors, swellings, fever-sores and kin dred complaints. Wonderful Popularity of ihe Lwcncwued Medicine. THE GREATEST CURATIVE SUCCESS OF THE AGE A VOICE FROM THE PEOPLE. No medicine introduced to the public has ever me: with the success accorded to Hop Bitters. It stands to day the host known curative article in the world. Its marvelous renown is not flue to the advertising it ha- received. It is famous by rea-on of its inherent virtues. It does all lhat is claimed for it It is the most powerful, speedy and effective aent known for the building up t debilitated systems. The follow ing witnesses are offered to prove this: WHAT IT DID FOR AN OLD LADY. Coshocton Station. N Y D.c 28 '84. Gents A number of people had been us in your Bitters here, and with mark ed effect. In fact, one cse. a lady over seventy years, had been sick for years, and for the past ten years I have known her she has not been able to be around half the lime About six months ago she trot so feeble she was helpless. Her old remedies, or physicians, being of no avail. I sent to Deposit, forty-five miles, and tot a Bottle of Hop Bitters It had such a verv beneficial effect on her that oDe bottle improved her so she was able to dress herself" and walk about the house. When she had taken the second bottle she was able to take care of her own room and walk out to her neighbor's and has improved all the lime since. My wife and children als- have derived great benefit from their use. W. B HATHAWAY. Agt. U S. Ex Co. AN ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT. Gouiiam, N- H., July 15, 1880 Gents: Whoever you are, I don't know, but I thank the Lord and led grateful to you to "know that in this world of adulterated medicinee there is one compound that proves and does ail it advertises to do. and more. Foul years ago. I had a slight shock of palsy which unnerved me to such an extent that the least excitement would make n e shake like the auue. Last May I was induced lo try Hop B iters. I used one bottle, but did not see any chance another did so change my nerves that they are now -as steady as they ever were. It used to take both hands lo write, but now my good right hand writes this. Now, if you continue to manufacture as honest and good an ar tide. as you do, you will accumulate an ho test fortune, and confer the greatest blessings on your fellow men that was ever conferred on mankind TIM BURCH. A HUSBAND'S TESTIMONY. My wife was troubled for years with blotches, moth patches and pimple- on her face, which nearly annoved the life out of her. She pent many dollars on the thousand infallible (?) cures, with nothing but injurious effects. A ladv friend, of Syracuse, N. Y . who had had -similar experience and had been cured with Hop Bitters, induced her to try it. Oe bottle has made her lace as smooth, fair and soft as a chuu s anil given her. such health that it seem.9 almost rairc!e. A Membrk of Canadian Parliament A RICH LADT'S EXPERIENCE. I traveled ali over Europe and other foreign countries at a cost of thousands ot dollars, in search of health and found it not. I returned discouraged ami disheartened, and was restored to real vouthful health and spirits with less Ihan two bottles ot Hop Bitters I hope others may proflt bv my experi ence and stay at home. A Ladv, Augusta. Me ap IS dw - Hot Weather - CALLS FO KEFfUG IS BATOB' WATER Cooler and summer O'ood generally. Pack nvrar your winter cl -thing ana in daing &otmy the'TAU FAPclU from u to kiUout moth. .ioolC'oK -ToVKis alwass In de maud We keep the C5fcT. - - - f AKKUt & TAYLOK. . tUUE WHITKOIL.- - p!23 WHOLESALE. PRICED. The following quoirtlona repreaen wholesale prlee generally. In maSdng up email orders higher prices have to h charred BAGQINO - - ttunny - 8 G Slfc Standard............. ...,. 9 BACON North CuroUn Uxma, tt 12 O 15 Shoulders, y 8 a SV Sldea, Vtb io O 11 WESTERN SMOKED Hams, lb... 13V49 15 Sides, V ft) Tfll 8V4 Shoulder, y ft...... ........ 5 & 5U Day SALTED- Sides, V & 0 6 shoulders, T .......... 5 B V ERKLS Sxlrlto Turpentine 3eooad Hand, each C O 150 Maw New York, each 0 00 O 1 SO New Clty.each. ....... ........ p 1 S3 BERSWAX.Vtf. 23 & 24 BKICKS, Wilmington Y M I 00 a 9 00 Northern 0 00 U CO BtTTTEK, V5 North Carolina.. ...... ....... 00 15 Northern ...... & CANDLES, r tb 5prra 18 & 25 Tattlow . n 12 A"l&zr;anae........ ...... .. 8 & 9 CaEKSB., lb Northern Factory.. itti 14 Dairy, Cream.... ............ 15 '& 16 State s & 10 COFFEE. r lb ava 23 & 15 Lafruyra oo Ccti fi tiio. 13 -Ay, CO KN MEAL, bus.; In sacks O fii'i Vrlrrlnla Meal 00 ttiKi COTTON TIES, r bundle & 1 00 " DOMESTICS FISD Sheeting, 4, f yd........... 5 6 larnu, bunch.... .......... 0 a 0 KGS.r dozen..... 81 O 20 tt&c&erel, No. i, bbJ 20 oo 12 03 rfackercl. No. 1, V half bbl-11 00 02Q no VCackerel, No. 2, y bbl !t 00 9 IS it slackerel, No. 2, half bbl.- 8 00 fl CO rf&ckerel, No. 3, v bbl 11(0 Ol 2 CC bullets, y bbl C 00 4 50 Mullets, Pork bbls ..11 00 12 0 V. C. Uoe aerrlng, .keg.... 3 00 4 0; ury ww, T io-........... .... o UV t FLOUR, iff bbl- Northern Super 3 23 O 3 50 Extra 4 10 4 2 Family 4 50 O 4 75 City Mills Super 490 41o Family iff a b t OLCE T A VA & 10 GRAIN, f bushel Corn, from s to re i bags,whlta. 0 60 Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. O Jorn, cargo, li bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. a Data, from store 45 47V jow Peas , ......... to O 65 HtDES.Vib frccu 5 b4 Dry . 10 0 12 HAY. V 100 ma Eastern 1 10 1 16 Western (0 ; . 0 Sorth lUver 85 SO HOOP IP.ON. V ft 2S 2 LAUD, if !r Northern.-... 7 7V4 North Carolina... 8 10 LIME, tf- barrel 1 0 0 CO LUMIiEB. Clt7 Sawed, V M ft. Shlj Stuff, re-jawed 18 00 . Or2i 00 Itougb Ed?e Plank, 15 00 1' 00 'V st India CargocB.accordlng to quality... 13 00 1; CO Jressed F'.oorlnz, easoDSd..l 00 2 00 Soautlinz and Board. comn..lal "Ki G15 00 MOLASSES, gallon Naw Croe Cuba, in hads 24 & 26 "X" ln bbls 26 30 Porto atto, lahuds 2 " In bbls 26 28 Sugar Uouae.ln hhds.. ....... It bbla.... IS Syrup. In bbls ; 22 O 35 AILS, r Keg, Cat, lOd basis.. 2 2S 'MLS, gallor Kerosene...................... 10 11 Lard lb 1 45 Vaued 90 1 CO i:sln. .... 15 a 18 Tar 00 O 20 Deck and Spar. ............. M 00 O 22 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown... .... 2 ; 53Vh ... - Spring 15 0 25 Turkeys..- . 75 1 CO PEANUTS t bushel 22 fes.... 60 80 POTATOES, y bnshel Sweet . f0 70 Irish, y bbl 2 50 2 75 PORK, y barrel- Olty Mess.. It 00 11 00 Prime 13 50 14 00 liump 00 13 50 RICE Carolina, V ft.. 44 Rough, Y bushei) Upland).... SO 110 Do. do (Lowland).- J 00 & 1 to UAOS, tbCountry IV City 1 1V4 dOPE, V tb 14-4 224 SALT, V sack, Alum 70 .75 Liverpool. ....... .............. O 65 Lisbon 00 Ot American..................... 00 tt 5UAR, Y ft Standard...... 7V4 7V4 Staodanl A................... bVi White Ex C S 54 Kx C, Golden 6Vi o Yellow 8 5 SOAP tb Northern. ........ 5 (8 tA 5JIlNiLES,71n.VM 5 00 O 7 00 Common - 2 00 2 5 Cypress Saps.... 4 50 5 0 Oyprees Hearts 0 00 7 5C 8TAVES. f M W. O. Barrel.. 8 00 14 0C U. O. Hogshead 00 00 1C 10 TALLOW, tb 5 6 TIMBER, V M feet Shlpplng.12 00 14 Ot Fine Mill 11 25 13 0G Mill Prime 7 50 8 5C Mill Fair ..... 6 00 6 50 Oommon Mill 6 00 ;0 00 J Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 4 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 00 00 North Carolina 1 00 2 V WOOL, V -Br Washed......... 18 20 Unwashed 15 20 Burr7.. .. 10 15 ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send. lO ets. for lOO-page Pamphlet After Forty years experience in the preparat ion of more Th on sand applications for patents in the United States and Foreign coun tries, the publishers of the Scientino American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caTeata. trade-aiarks, copy- . - - . X A V. 11wimA Kt . tsv Anil . v. . -: j f.,- Fnirlttd- France. Germany, and all other conntnes Their experi ence ia oneqaaled and their facilities are unsar- PDrawin8 and Jtpecificationa prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice.. Terms Tery reasonable. No charge for examination of motteia or drawings. Advice by mail free . . ' Patents obtained throaghJlnnnACo.ar noticed in the SCIK.VTIFIC AaffiRICANwhh has the larpert circulation and is the most lo1 news p per of its kind published - i The advantages of such noUco erery patentee hisiarpaT4 pplendidly illnrtrated newsp!' Ispnblbhed WKBIO-YaiJM.00re.andw admitted to be the best paper deoted to jcienoa. mechanics. inTentions, engineering worts, ana other departments of industrial PJ?-?; lisbed in any coantry. It ofJ iASS0! all patentees and title of every inretit ion pBt eachwe-k. Try it four month for no dollar. Sold by all newsdealer- ..f wrtt Ln If you have aa invention, to Pn T" Sal Broadway. New York. .. . . Uaadbook about patents mailed iroa. Hll MISCELLANEOUS. S100 A WEEK. I A DIES OR GENTLEMEN DESIRING j pleasant profitable employment write at once. We wsntTO' to hndk an article of domestic nae that recom mentis lfelf to every 6ns at flirhi. fiTAPLF, AH KLUK fells like hot eaaea. Profits 30rt percent. Faml lie wishing to practice conomT should fur their own benefit write for prttcnlars Used every day the year ror?n In every houseoM Price within reach of all Ircnlars frfce Agents receive SAMPLE PREF. Address nOMKPTIU MTa CO. 25eodd &wf.m Mar'on. Ohio. PENNYROYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER' ENGLISH." THE ORIGINAL AN O ONLY GVNU NF. 'afe and always Reliable. Bevaie of worth 1CS3. Imlta'Ions. Indlpensnb'e to LD'S sky-ur IrugRlst for "OlilCHE&TKR's rs glish" and take. r othir or ln-We 4c. (sta-pptOto ris for phritcu'a in letter bv r' liirn mail. NMK P PE (hcuistek Ciiem cai, Co , 2313 sdls)n Square. Ph'U . Pa. At Drugela-s. Trj d supi lel bv I'OL lek Shoemaker, i hlladclphla. Pa dec2Sdw ly and Whisker ITnb- ita curel at liwne with out paiu. H'Mtk of n.tr tioniaiu win FI5EU. B. M. WOOLLEY, H. D Atlanta, fia.. '(.tluv Cj'j u'Ulitfhaii Slree: INTEREST Mi Manly Yioxr, Weakness or Loss of Memory pef .aneutly reetored by the use of an entirely new jmedy. Tlie Verba Santa from Spain. Span sh Trochees never fail. Our illustratod, SJpnge looli urn it-uiiioniais, tsem seaiwn. i-.verv maushonl tad it. VOX GRAEP TltOCIIEK CO., r- , WParkPIate, Aew York. rref feb 2' d eod &w ly Vlanhoodi RESTORED. 1?n-Ai1. Frp. A -ictimof vonthfii' imprudence causing Preuia " ture Decay. Nervema Debili. tv.I-atMiinhnrMl.fcn harins led in vain every known remedy, has discovered a mple self-cure, which he will eend I'KEE to hii illowuffcrers. Address C. J. MASON, Post Office Box 3179, New York City ct 2 eod ilAw ly Workir-g Cltwst s WWSfi preparel to furnish all clasfes with employ ment t home, the whole of the time or for their ppare moments. liusinefs new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily cam from .0 cent- to 5.o:j rer evtnlog, and a pronorilonal sum by devoting all their tlm to the biwiness Boy and girls earn nearly much as men. That all who see this u.ay be d their -addrees. and test the buslnes", we make this offer To such as are r.ot well tat iafied we will fend one dollar -to py lor the trouble of wik ng Full particulars and out lit irec. Address Geobge missos Co., Portland, Maine. dec 1 Omd lyw The National Life AND VI" i.. .. A J.' iii a Liin i v a ssuuia no j i , OF WASHINGTON, 1). C. o HORATIO BROWNING, President. o GEO. D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Manager and Actuary. o - Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestible Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Tbree Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. I)., Medical Director. W.H.GIBSON. Special Aeent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street, N. W men 31 ly COME SEE US! HENEVER YOU ARE IN NEED OF t PRINTING, RULING or BINDING, come and see us. We have the most complete establish men t in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices that we can live at. TGi ve us your orders. JACKSON 4 BELL. The New and Old Purcell House Combined GRAND OPENING I ROOMS FOR ALL I AST THE NEVY PURCELL HOUSE II AS been overrun ever since I opened, I saw I had to have more room and to make It pleas ant for all, have this day leased the entire bulldlnir, which makes the bouse second to none. No pains will be pared on the part of the Proprietor to make this Iloute flrat c'ass in every respect. New furniture from bot tom to top. Buss and Baggage Wagon at ar rival of all trains N. FREDERICK, Proprietor feb 1 tt - HA RD WARE. Stoves. Plows. SASH, DOORS, etc. Paints, Class. And a complete assortment of Farm ing Implements. j iTACOBi'S HDW: DEPOT,; dec 1 r 10 So. Frnt Street. The cheapest placet buy sour school book arkl school stationery is at lieins berger'i.". T- . -, t ' mav 1 lvdweo 55 I UAIIuKOAJJO, dSo. Wilmington & We!don R. R AND BBANCHK8; ; 'ff "r ii. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. : . TRAINS GOING SOUTH. I No., No. 27, 1 No. 111. I Oally. J Dally Dally. Dated A pi. 17. 'cTl (old I (old (oki ' :. - I ro Ko. 40.) No. At. Leave Weluon....i 4 05 pm b S8 pml I lft am Ar. Rocky Mount. 3.21 1 23 am Arrive Tarboro...i4 5Jpm I... , Leave T arboro 1 10 5 ' ami - - Arrive Wl on...) -58 pm 6 28 pca S.11 aa Leave W lson.. .T. 4 o pm . TT 77 . ... T.. .T. Arrive -clraa j 5 40 pro ..!... ArrlveFayettevlilel 8 3o pro .. Leave Ooldeboro.. 4 -0 pm 3.40 pmi 4 00 am leave Magnolia.. 6 (9 pm J.S6 pmj 4.1 am Leave Bura-aw 7 00 pm J S.1S am Ar. vyilmlngton... " SO pm fl.fOpyt? CO am TRAINS GitlNG NORTH. So. 62, Ho. "S, No. tfo, Dally Dally. Dally. Old old ' Old -": fo 4 No. 47, No.4V Ieave Wllmlngtou 11.4" pro RSHm 8V pm Leave Rurgaw 9.SA tm 9.48 pm Leave Minolta... 12 Man 10 am 10.4 i pm Arrive GolrtebQi-p. !..; am II 4sm V M pm Leave r'HvettevllU- s 0i am Arr.ve Solma io 47am Arrlv Wilson II Mam... Leave Wison.... Ar. Rocky Mount. 2.43 am I i .vt pm it Ol 1.27 am am 1 1'7 pm Arrive Tarboro. .. .j4 AO'pm Leave Tarboro. .. 10 .V am Arrive We ldon.. 4 f am 2 4opm 2 55 am Daily except un"ay. ;! " Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leans Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. it. Ra- turnlng leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally except Sunday. a. o'V1 uac!,Trtro- c- vl Albermarle A Raleigh R. R Daily except -"unday. 6.0" JT. M , Sunday 5 00 P. M arrive Wuhamston. . NO, 8.M P.M., 6 40 P. m. Returning leaves WHUamston, N. c, Dally except f uniay, 7 43 A. M ., -Minday 9.50 A. M , Arrive Tarboro. N. C. ! 45 A. M., 11.M0 A. M 'J rain r n Midland N. U. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, Dally except Sunday, 7.00 A. M.. arrive Smlthlicld, N. C, 8 3) A. to. Heturnlng leaves inlthflcld, N c , 9 00 A. M.. arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 10 30 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville 4 00 . M. Returning -loaves Nashville II 15 A. M., dally except; "Sunday. Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for . Ulh ton, Dhlly. except Sunday, at 6 10 P. M. - eturnlng loaves Union ats (OA. M. Soi.ihUouLd Train on Wilson & Favettevllle Branch is No. 51. Northbound la No. 50. ially ext-cpt Minday- Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wllsoa ' Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at W -don for all points North Dally. All rail tU Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bat Line. ' Trains make close connection for all point North via Richmond and Washington. . . - All trains run solid between Wi'mlngton anC Washington, and bav8 Pullman Palace Sisep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. ' J. R KENLY. Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON. Genera' Passenger Axtti . apl 18 Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. II. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 23, Da!)i. DUed Feb. 13, 1887. No 15, Dally. NO 27, Leave Wilmington. Lv. L.Waccamaw . Ieave Marlon Arrive Florence .. Arrive Sumter ..... Arrive Columbia.. . 7.20 a ru 8 41 ;i in 15 pro V.'AU nm 10.10pm 11 15pm 12-5 9am 1.20am 4.24am 6.20a i, 10 28 a in 11.24 pm r a a II. IS am 1.12 pm 3.00 pm 12.13 am 4.24 am 6.20 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78, No. CO, No. 62, Dally. Dally. 1C25 pm 11 52 pro 4 45 am 5.28 am 7.06 am 8.30 am oaiiy. Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter.... Leave Florence.. Leave Marlon..... Lv. L. Waccamaw Arrive Wllrolngt'n 1.10 pm 2 44 pm 4.30 pm 8."l6pm 8.4A nm a. 16 pin 0.56 pm 10.1 1 nm . a.au pm 11.25 pm Nob. 23 and 78 stop at all stations except . Register's, Ebcnezcr, Cane Savannah, Wateree . and SlmmB. Passengers for points on C.A8.R, R., C.. C. A A. R. R. Stations, Alkcn Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 23, . Pall man Sleeper for Augusta on this train. JOHN r. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J, R. KENLY, Sup't TransporUUon. -T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agea U feb 13 . - Carolina Central R. B. Comimny. OFFXCa OF dOfKBAL SUFMIilTMJUMI, ' WllmlngtoB, N. C. J n 24, 17. 1 i if, y.v. ,aAj . r Change of Schedule; 4,. ytf AND AFTER THIS DATE, TZZS . ' fnllowlnir HAhaaiLl. will ttm tmtm.tMtS n tht Railroad: No. 1, Dally except Sundays. Leave Wilmington at....... ...6 00 Av U Leave Shoe Heel . .....M10.14 Leave Charlotte 3.42 P if ly.ave Shelby tt.&i Arrive Rutherlordton. ...... ...... S.4A No. 2 Daily except Sunday. ' ' Leave Rutherford ton. 6 00 a M - Leave Shelby 7 5.1 " ' Leave Charlotte 11.00 Leave Shoe Heel... 3.56 fli , Arrive Wilmington...... 8.U0 - Ko. S Dal ly except Sunday 7 Leave Wilmington 6 4.1 P if Leave Raleigh 7.00 Arrive Charlotte 7.5 A at No. 4 Dally except Sunday. ..-O" Leave Charlotte .... 8.15 P ' Arrive fcalelgh 8.34 a at " Arrive Wilmington....... S.40 - Heel with trains on C. F. St Y. V. ton -.- Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection Hamlet with Traiis to andfrom Ra elf h ' , Through Sleepu g C irs between Wtlausgtoe and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. . Take Train No. 1 for Suteavllle, buttons Western N C R R, Ashevllle and points West. . Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athena. - '-: Atlanta and point SouthwesL . : 1 ocal Frelghu Noe. 6 and 6 tri-wcekJy be -tween Wilmington and Hamlet. Lo-al Fi eight Noa 7 and 8 triweekly be V tween Hamlet and Shelby. - , oe. 5, 6, 7 Bd 8 will not take passengers L. C. JOKE&, SuperlBtcnae ax F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Ageat Job Printing. rjHJE REVIEW JOB PRINTING .OFFICE la prepared u do all kinds of Job Prtnttse as neaOv. as cheaply ana as expeditiously as it -can be done elsewhere. Send Is. your woik sad It shall be done pictapUy. , Wit ' :

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