MISCELLANEOUS BROMNm IRON RITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE NDIGICSTION . - , BILIOUSNESS fvOuTl KOSTRATiON rnFRAL DI-BIOTY MIX in the BACK SIDES IMPURKBI0D ' - ' CONSTIPATION . . FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHKUMATISM KFURALGIA , . KIDNEY AND LIVER : TROUBLES - - MRS4IF. BY ALL DRUGGISTS FZ Lu Trade Mark and crod Re Lonwrr- nTHRR. ' jArvc it " - Beautify Your Homos. IJDHHSTOH'S " READY FOR USE.; ftTjf tad choice colore. "Cheaper and i'etti an i all pajxr or oil paint. Pu r III r r1 I at face 4 kill grrwn f diaeaie. Any one cat use it IT IS THE BEST.C Gi Medal and IIihri Award. 1 t imitations. If not for sale in yourtwr. .send r sample card and prku. . ijWsmM Fresco Paint -Wirk 25 & 27 John St., Brooklyn, U.X v rto be made. Cut he out and re i urn to us-, and we will send you free, some thing of great value and Importance to you, - that will ctait you In business wblrh will bring you In more rnoney right away than anything else In ibis world. . nv one can lo their work and live at home. Kttb rreei;all acfB. Something n w. that lust coin money for all workers We will, start you; cnpiui not needed. Th'.s Is one of the genuine imjKrtant chances of a lifetime. Ttxwe who are ambit ous and enterprising wl l not relay. Grand outfit free. Address Tkle to., Augusta, Maine. Amt 1 Cmd lyw . - i v7eak undeveloped parts jftha body anlm-irad fin utrvnttliAnM. Fall trnVtico r wnt waltxl free-FRTE MKD OO BTTFFALO.N.Il ELVS ' Catat?rH I'KKAM HALM CLEANSKS THE US AD. ALLAYS INFLAMMATION HEALS the Sores. EXaTOBKS Tilt SVSES of TASTE SMaLL, II EASING. A QCICK REL'IF. APiwjTIVBtLKK. 11 A part'ele Is applied Into each nostril and Is atreeable. Frlce 5 cents at l rngzlsts; by all. rej5Utercd,60ccits. Circulars lice. ELY Bsti., Urugjjlats, Owcgo, NT- p!9 lycoddAw . ' Remdved. J AVE THE PLKASUBK OF ANNOUNC laf to my frlenls and tbe public that I have removed lnt the huge and comraodlons Sta blea erected by me op tbe corner Jof Princes na Tblrutreets, whe I have ample room for all the demands of tbe livery and Sale wines. I keep constantly tn hand horses ad Tehlcles for hire and will board hones by wIT eek or month aXlow. rates. A call wapectfnilr aoUclted. - . R. C OERELL, Sash. '. Saslu Sash. Paints. Varnishes - Oils. Moulding and Builder's Hardware, BEST goods at lowest PRICKS. r : J A CO Bl" J HDW. DEPOT, 10 So. Front 8t New Crop Cuba Molasses. 554 Hogsheads. 66 Tierces,' For tale very tow by , , lOc. Fnp a en A ITU i -a WANTED mnlewfmrt . Irrniorv r ve. atwfs tion guar. 53 iHl. M'TT. H 1 1 D.mdwaj, N. a A ITT7T 1 Aa s A m A 0 U-S3U HA-FEVER OOc. iOH A 1 1 A I K CUT.S 1 1 AVE y "AIR DYEING 20c and upward kiarketEl The Daily Review. ' : liCNOKE. 2 "- ij - , , 4. K i ' & i - Ah. broken is the golden bowl. The spirit flown forever! Let: I he bell loli!, A saintly: soul floats on tbe -StjgiaD 1 : river! . And (Jay Dei Vere; linsl thoa no tear? - Weep nuw or nevermore! See! on yon drear and rigid bier, k. Low lies tbv love T - Ignore! Come! let the burial rite be read, Xhe funeral s-oir be tung! An anihern for th qufenlitsi drsad '"""That ever died h yonnjf. A dirge for her, tho doubly dead. 4 In that he died M vmiuj; YV retches !.$ loved her lor her wealth A"d htd lor her pride; And when sh fell in feeble health: Ye bles-ed her tliat ahH di-d! Unw stall i he riiualthen dh rnnd ! The rtquitQi how be mng' Bjryubv yours th evil . By ?ar'the sinntlerous tongue. That liw t death tht innneenee. ;f That dietl Rod tiled so y'tjnjr. I'ccavimu ! but rank nt thus. And It't ftSab!i"Uh sin G up"t God S' slaitdy " EThe dead may lel no wronj! The sweet Ignore hn "mne blore " A .VVilh h"pe tnat fl d beside. " Leavinir Ihfe wild f.r ino deir ehi.d That should nd be thv U-uv. For her the fair and debonair That uow so lowly lies. The IiIk upon her yellow hair Rut nt Within here-s; The life mill there within her hair, ;The death upon her eyes. Avaiinl! to-night my heart is light N direo will I upraise; Put waft tho nniiel on her flight, ;,Witr'iia; a ot old days!. l no bell toll, lest her sweet soul ."Amid its hallowed mirth, Should catch the notpns it should float Up from the damned earth To friends above, trom tle:ds below. The indignant earth is riven. From hell unto a huh etnaie. tar up . i within the Heaven. From crief and yroan to--a golden throne beside the Kin pr ol lleaten. ? . Eduar Allen 1 be Sick and billious headnche. and all derangements tA stomach and bowels, cured by Dr. Pierce's pellets" or aoti billiius cranules. 25 cents a vial. N cheap boxes to allow waste ot virtues. By druggists ' Lout: Tunnel. The total lencth of ihe Severn tunnel isfour miles 624 yards. The St Goih ard tunnel is .9 t 2 miles. Mom Cenis tunnel 7 1-8 miles. Aribertf tunnel (Austria), 0 12 miles. There is a tun nel in Massachusetts 4 3-4 miles; the Siandese tunnel, on the London and Northwestern, is three miles long and the Box tunnel rather less. But the special feature oi the Severn tunnei lies in the fact that 2 1-4 miles of it have been constructed from lorty-five to 100 fet below the bed of a rapid flowins tide estnary. iflvrio engineering diffi culties which make it the niot remark able luunel in" the world. Philadelphia CalL - BticfcttMj'fc Arnica Salvo. The B.st Salve in the vorh for Cuts,- Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Uheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions; and Positively cures Piles, or do pay- required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or moey relunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by VV. II. Green & Co. Incident' at Fredericksburg. Concerning incidents of the battle of Fredericksburg. Private Smith of the Second' Wisconsin thu3 writes: A round shot ripped open a soldier's knap sack and distributed his clothing and cards. But the boys could not forego their little joke; so when that column of cards was thrown somo twenty feet in the air, oh all sides could b heaid the cry. '"Oh. deal me a oncd!" Other shots in that, battle did queer work. Our brigade carue to a hast upon the river bank for a few moments before froing into position. We had been paid off that day, and tbe gamblers began to play at cards tbe moment we hailed. A man who was about to "'straddle" a "50-cent blind" had his knapsack knocked from under him by a solid shot, and he "straddled" half n dozen soldiers who were covered with a cart load of dirt;" Another shot struck a paymaster's tent. Tho struggle , be tween that-paymaster and tbe strag glers for possession of tho flying green- barks was both exciting and ridiculous. Daring a moment's bait behind a slight rise of ground, we lay doVn. A soldier facing to the reat was convert sing with a comrade. Suddenly he made a terrific leap in the air, and f rom te spot oCfround on which he had been sitting a solid shot scooped a wheel barrow load of dirt It was a clear case oj premonition, for the man could give bo reason for haying jumped. On tie evening of December 14 our regiment was on picsei amy: we naa not oeen in picket line more than twenty minutes before we made. a bargain with the "Rebs" and firing ceased, and neither they nor' ourselves pretended Lo keep under cover. Bat. at daylight, the Twenty fourth Michigan came'to re lieve us. Beforn they were fairly in liot they opened tire upon toe (Jon fed erates without tl.e warning we had agreed to give. We yelled lustily, but the, rattle f musketry drowned the sound, and matrv a confiding enemy was bit.. This irritated tbe Conteder ales, who opened a savage fire, and it was with difficulty a general engage, utent was prevented. All that day. until about 4, o'clock, the picket firing was intense, but was abrupt y endfd by a Confederate challenging a Sixth Wis consdn man to a 'fist encounter in the middteof the turnpike. Tbe combat anti got the attention of both picket lines, who declared the fight a "draw.'" They ended the matter, with a coffee and tobacco trade, and an agreement t do no more firing at picket lines unless an advance was ordered, Century. - ," Pianos and organs can be, bought cheaper at Heinsberger's than at any other house in tho State. 1 ' if rjateii to Your Wife. The Manchester Guabdian, June 2tb, laS3, says: . . , At onerf the Windows"' . looking on the woodland ways! 'with clumps of rhododendrons and great, masses of May blossoms!!! "There was an interesting group. It included one who had been a" Cot ton spinner," but was now so Paralyzed ! ! ! , . That he could only bear to lie in a reclining position. This refers to my case. I w3 first At tucked twelve years ago with Iocoinoter Ataxy" (A paralalia Olseate ot ne vu fitre rarely ever run ti ) and was lor sever i I years barely able to' get about And lor the last five years not able to attend to toy business, although Mat y Ullage have been done for me The last experiment belmr Nerve ftretchlnR. Two years g tr I wis votel lut the 'Home for Tncu rabies! Ne-ar Man ch' Kter, in May. 1882. I am vu 'advucaie;1' "For anything in the shape of patent 'Medicines? And made many obj cti-wis to my tlear Wit '. enstant urgiotr to try Hop Hitters, bu-finally t pacify her Consented ! ! I had pot quite finished tbe fitst bot tle when I full a change come over me. This was Saturday, Nov. 3 I On Sun day morning I fell so strong 1 sa-d to my room companions "I was sure I could "Waik! So sinned across the fl ur and back. I hardly knew h w to contain myself I was a I over ths liuu t a.m gio ng strength ea hda ant . aa walk quzie 4&ie wn ontaDV '..Ick!" or upport 1 am n w at my own house, an i tope soon to te alile to ram my own ilvl g again. 1 hav e leeii a mem her ut nc Maocnster 'Koyat xcllalge For nearly thirty year?, and was most heart ily curxr.UuUttMl on g inz In the room on ThnraUy last. Veiy graUfullv yours. J iin Hlackkurn. MANCIlt.STEK, (b.nj ) 1M -'4. 1SSJ Two jc-ara lat-r am perfectly we 1 Olio Kxperince ol IIanj. Having experienced a great deal of "Trouble!" troin indigestin,so much so ihai I came near ltxing my My trouble always came alter eating any food However iijfi t Anil diees'ible. For two or three hours at a time I bad to go through the most Excruciating pains. "And tbe only way I ever got" "Relief!" Was by throwiog up all my stomach contained!! No one can conceive the pains that I had to go through, until "At last?" I was taken! "So that for three weeks I lay in bed and Could eat nothing ! ! ! My sufferings were so that I called two doctors to give me something that would stop the pain. Their efforts were no good to me. At last I heard a good deal "About your Hop Bitters ! And determined to try them " Got a bottle ?n four hours I took the contents of One .' Next day I was out of bed, and have not seen a "Sickr Hour. Irom the same cause since. I have recommended it to hundreds ol others. You have no such 'Advocate as I am." Geo. Kesdau., Allaton, Boston, Mass. may 3 d&w Mysterious in itsaction. Quick in affording re lief, iuuuediate in its beneficial results. Unex celled as a blood purifier. Mar velous as an al terative in its stimulant effect on a torpid liver. A sovereign cur; for DYSPEPSIA Indigestion, Op pression anil magic after ta Kingaicwaoses. Pimples and Boils disappear speeduy wnen this remedy is taKen. mere is no more effectual relief for tbe nausea and loathing of food tine to iXTK.UI'ERANCK than this article. Put t:p in large 75 cent bot tles. Sample packages ia vowdeb form sent by mail to any address on receipt of 10 cents in stamps. The rerulartinuid form cannot be sent by mail. MEXICAN MEDICINE CO., 400 North 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. BIRD LIAMA! The great secret of the canary bird breeders of the JIartz Mountains in German v. Bird Manna wil 1 restore t he song of cage birds, will prevent their ailments and restore them to good condition. If given to a bird during the season fsheddingfeathers,itwillin most cases carry the little musician through this crit ical period without loss of song. Sent by nail on receipt of 15 cts. in stamps. BIRD ;OOD CO., 400 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, Pa. 'ease mention this paper. sept 9 tu ta sat Homes in North Carolina. Onlv 20 flours Ride from New York I W MilesSoiith of llalelgb on the Ualelh and AuusU Air-Line BR- o 1 500 ACUKS OF l4AND INrHK OD' leaf pine region For sale on xaa terms Id lots to ault purchasers, roar acre for - LArger tracts 5 per acre. In naOntbl pay ments ot 10. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently rstabilshed health re port (or sanitarium), "and la specially adapted for Fmlt Culture, aa -well as all tne cereaU A number of New England people have bought lots In the town of "Southern Pine, ami u Is the desire of tbe owners or this land to in duce small farmers, mechanics and other from the New England and Middle SUtea, as well as else r here, to locate here. So Stataw tbe Union offers greater Inducements to ee tlen than North Carolina Nowhere can a better farming country or as fine a climate oe found 1 his Is the opinion of Northern mea who have settled In North Carolina.- This ia a bona Jldt offer, and la limited . ror further partleulare write atne w ; - J lift T. PATiilCIt. Commlsr of Immtrratlon Baleljrh, , N. O . . . otB. A UlCUAUDoON, - jan 21 tt " .Chronlcl Ofice. Augusta, tia - Gi fiTisx&st C ft Headache and tkTmirife r IV Nervousness nTVUlJ At LI JTt vanish as if by vrtiui.KrtAi.K fRiCEa. uo (ouowug qnotruoiu nipmauii wholesale prleea generally. In maalng up amau orders higher prtcea have to be charged Gunny...., Standard.- SO 80 12 a 8 a 10 & 5 a 9 15 JP 15 5 BACON North CaroSlUt nama, W . Shoulders, if ft........ SUes, tb. ........... . WESTERN SMOKED xms, V lb sides. 4T ft. Shoulder. V ft . DBY SALTED Sides. 4f ft... 0 0 ihoniders, T ft... .- 50 oiuuuiij sxHiTts Turpennao. Second Sand, each...:.'. ; . C O 150 New New York, each 0 00 ,0 1 SO NewClty,eacu r 0 1 8t BEESWAX r . .. .... Z5T & 24 BRICKS, Wllmlnjton If M- i 00 0)i Northern o CO 014 00 BtrrTKit. r ft North Carolina.. .......... Northern........ ............ OANULES, ft Sperm... i. ... ...... Tatlow...., . Adamantlaa . CKEKSh., v ft Northern Factory.......... Dairy, Cream .......... 3tate...i.. .. OFPEE, rib Java ......... LAguyra.... ...... ............ mo... CORN MKAL, r buskin aaaia Vlrjrlnla Meal COTTON TIES. undto OiMESTlCS Tn CO 0) 15 18 & 2 8 "9 12 .4 15 tSD 16 8 0 10 23 & J5 CO & ti 130 i4 oo & -4 " & 1 00 59 6 00 & 80 81 0 20 Sheeting, 4-4, T yd i arns, t cuncn. KJGS. r dozen... ilacaerol. No. 1, T bbf 30 00 012 03 Mackerel, No. 1, r half bbl..ll 00 020 CO Mackerel, No. Y bbl ie 00 01S to Mackerel, No. 2. V half bbl.. 8 00 .0 9 CO Hackerel. No. 3. r bbl...... .11 (0 tfulleta, r bbl. M 0 00 Slullets, Pork bbls. 11 00 v. c Roe Herring. r keg.... 3 00 012 0 4 012 0 4 0- 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 4 CO 50 0 0-1 7 CO 25 75 10 Dry Cod, ft 6 25 CO 60 00 V ILOUK. V bbl Northern Super............... " Extra...... " Family City Mills Super " Family . GLUE r ft . QltAIN. f bushel Corn, from store, Uags,whlU. Corn, cargo. In bulk, white.. Corn, cargo. In bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mlxeu. In hags., lata, from store.............. Cow Peas. -...-. .......... tniKs, rib irccu iry ....... HAY.riOOfta Saatcrn. ....... WesUrn.P... .................. Sortb River................... a in 10 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 to 6 10 10 (0 85- 7Va 65 0 0 0 0 a 5K 12J4 1 IS 0 80 2 7V4 10 00 HOOP IRON. JgJb V.fib LAKU.rtb- Northern 7 ,0 North Carolina 8 0 LIME, r barrel 1 10 0 LUMBER. City Sawed, r M ft. Ship Stuff, rcaawed. 18 00 02t Bough Edge Plank.' 16 00 01 00 00 West IndlaCargoes.accordlng ta quality 13 00 01. CO Oressed Flooring, seasoned.. 1? 00 02' 00 Scautling and Board. com'n..l2 50 015 00 MOLASSES, r gallon- New Crop Cuba, In hhds... " In bbls Prto Rico. In bads........ - In bbls Sugar House. In hhds....... " Ie bbls. Syrup. In bbls........ ....... NAILS, r Keg, Cut. lOd basis OILS, r gallon . Kerosene.... ................ Lard .' 'jlnseed d3Bln Tar Deck and Spar............. POULTRY Chickens, live, growa...... " Spring........ .... Turkeys.... ................. PEANUTS T bushel 22 fta.. 24 26 '.6 0 a 0 o 0 0 O o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 26 30 26 28 18 35 22 25 10 10 90 15 00 00 24 15 75 60 fO 50 n 45 CO 13 20 22 33Vi, 25 CO POTATOES, r bnshel Sweet fO 0 70 Irish, r bbl .............. 2 90 0 2 79 PORK, r barrel 011 00 014 00 013 50 Prime. ....13 50 Ranru... 00 RICE-Carollna. r lb 40 Rouh, r bushei) Upland).... 80 0 Do. do (Lowland).. 1 00 0 HAGS, r ft Country 0 City --- 1 0 . 10 50 M lfc 22 ?75 "65 Ol ,b 7 5 5 liOPK, r tt. ..... 14l0 SALT, r sack, Alum 70 0 LJverpooi.... ........ ........ Lisbon........ ............... American SUttAR, r ft?-Standard..... Standard A.................. White fcx C Ex C, -Jolden , C Yellow , SOAP, r ft Northern.. SHINGLES. 7 In.r M Common.... ................. Cypress Sapa ......... Jvprees Hearts.............. 0 00 0 00 0 7V40 & 5 5 CO 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 0 o 0 7 00 5 0 6t 2 5 0 7 STAVES, r M W. O. Barrel. 014 01 01C K 0 6 014 0L 013 Ot 0 8 51 B. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW, rib- 5 TIMBER, V M foot Shipping. 12 00 Tine Mill 11 25 UU11 Prime... 7 50 Mill Fair 6 000 6 5C Common Mill...... 5 00 0C A inferior to Ordinary 0 CO VHISKEY, r gal Northern.. 1 00 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL, r ft Washed ... 18 Unwashed . ................ 15 Bnrrv. 10 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 oo 2 v 20 20 16 ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers "b addressing Geo. P. Howell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New "York. Send 1 0 cts. for 1 00-pa5 Pamphlet years" experience ia the preparation oi mure K . n rtna Hnndnd Thousand applications for patents in the United States and Forwrn coun tries, the pablihers of the Scienune American continue to act as solicitors forpatenU, eare. tracapy- CmiIl kne la na. rrtnee. Germsnr.and all other coanmes jlwtf experi ence is aneqaaled and their facilities are nnsar- Pto!iriags and speeifications prepared land filed in the Patent Office on short svotice. Tenasverr reasonable. No cliarge for examination of models or drawings. Adrice by mail tree Patents oMaiT,d t hroah Mann ACo.ar-not ia in the SCIENTIFIC AMEMCM. wh ich ha. tbe largest circolation and "tiMjafc h newspaper of its kind published The advantage of such, a notice every patentee niisrreaM fplfwdidlr iTlnstrated newspaper admitted to be the bert VVtSl Mchanio. i.3,?BStMn other departmente of ?iastr?.?SJf lisbed iaVany counter. H oon4,"tl lftl all paUntM and title ot each week. Try it four month for one tKMiar. Sold by ail ewdealera, wrtte to . If roa have an inenUon to paten wrrte u Mnr Coubli.hrr. of Sentic Amencaa, Sol Broadway. Sew York. ,rir.2 - Haadbook aoout patents mailed rrta, . . f AffrFortr w a m mm. UISCELLA1IEOUB. 100 A WEEK. tA Dl ES OB - GENTLEMEN ' DESI INol pleasant profitable employment wrMu at once. t wnt yo to handle an article of UoBiestlc nse that recommends Itself to every one at fight. TPLK Art FLUK fells like hot ckes. Pmflta 300 per rent. FamV lte wishing to practice' eonomv should for their own benefit write for particulars - Iaed every day tbe year rotm tn every honseboit Price lthln reach of all lrcnlars free Agents receive 8 AMPLE FREE Address DOMESTIC M'P4 CO.. ' 25 eod d Aw Cm Mar on, Ohio. PENNYROYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY Of NUtNF. Safe and always Reliable. Beware of worth ies lat'k.n-4. Indl nnsb to i..liKM ask your Druiritbit for Chiciiestkk's In glisu" and Hka no -thtr. or luelne 4c. IfctHmpsl to os ftr parttctOars in letter hv n--turn ninil. NAM P'Prw. Oh cltrsTKH 4 hem cai. a . 2313 "adlson Sqiwre, PhlK , Pa .t DruiiFls's. Trad supolled by KoL lkr A SiioEMAKKK, Miiladelobla. Pa. dec H dJtw ly and Wnlsker TTab- its cured at liotne with. out pain. Book of par ticuUrs sent PltKK. B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D. A I Inn in. 4 i sl. Otlio C5'5 vvhltehall Street. mav b lvdAweo INTEREST to ,p Manly Vigor,' Weakness or Loss of Memory per anently restored by the use of an entirely nev medy. Xlio Verba Santa from Spain, ypsa eh Trochees never fail. Onr illustrated, 3p?ge booi ind Testimonials, sent sculedV Every manehonlc Vad it. VON GRAKP TttOCHKE CO. t- VJ Parle ark Plate, Aew York. ref cb 2' d eol Aw ly RESTORED. ItrmAt Free." A victim of outhf u imprudence causing1 Prema " ture Decay. Nervua Debili. tv.Tatf anhnn1.Jk( .liavina ied in Vain every known remedy, has discovered a . mple eeWcure, which he will send PltEK to hit illow-sufferers. Artaresn C. J. MASON, Poet Office Box 3179, New fork City oct2eol dAw ly Working Class, s JS?!!l preparetl to furnish all clashes with cnploy utent t home, the whole of-the time or for their spare moments. Ruslness r.cw. light and pn ll table. Persons of cither sex easily earn from W ceut-i to $5.uy icr evening, and a prtiKrllinal sum by 4evoHng all their time to the business Roys and girls earn- neatly ns much as tneu. That all who see this may serd their address, and test the buslncs", we make this offer To such a are not well sat Isllcd u will tend one dollar to pay for the trouble of writ n Full particulars and out Ot free. Address (jfcORGE minsonACo., Portland, Maine. dec 1 Cmd lyw The National Life - AND Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, I). C. -o- HORATIO BUOWNIn' President. GEO. D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Manager and Actuary. o - Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestible Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely-Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable Alter Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D., - " Medical Director. W. H. GIBSON. Special Agent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street. N. W. mch 31 ly . COME SEE US ! HENEVER YOU ARE IN NEED OF m&im, mm w sinoiks, come and see us. We have the most complete establish ment in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices that we can live at. Give us your orders. JACKSON A BELL. HA R D.WAR E . L C eamnnwaJ MMaM Stoves. Plows. SASH, .DOORS., etc. Paints, Glass. And a com pie t assortment of Farm ing Implements. JACOBl'S HOW. DEPOT, - dec 1 10 So. Front Street. The New and Old Purcell V House Combined ! GRAND OPENING ' ROOMS FOR ALL! THJt NEW PURCELL HOUSE HAS been overrun ever since I oi ened, I saw 1 had to have more room and to make It .pleas ant for all, have thU day leas d the entire bnlldlna-, which makes the boose second to none. No pains will be pared on the part of the Proprietor to make this Ileote first e as In every rbspcet. New lurnl:ue from bot tom to top. Bus and Baggage Wagon at ar rival of all trains , w. FREDERICK, Proprietor r. febtl tt - - i - WANTED General agent to handle Wil llama's copper plate map of the t'-ntte-. States, Mexico, etc, size 66x65 locbes K. W, SHITH A CO.. ; 20 soaii Slxtttreet, Ptlladelplila, Pa, cUc Sl tt . . - nnnn n . I Wil 1 1 III II I u u ! Wilmington & Weldon Rl R. AND ORANCnCO.. ru CONDENSED SCIIEDUI TRAINS GOIip 80UTH NO. 15! zoett No. 13, Dslly. NctT. Dally: Dated Pay 1, s7. Sun -ay. Ieave Weldon....! . 05 prat feSspai Xr. R.M?ky Moant-j 3.2t X. .... .... Arrive Tarboro.. . 4 no prai.. ....... i, Leave t'arboro. ....I0 5 am j......... ' Leave W laon..... 21 15 pmf Arrive -elma 5 24 pm ArtlveFayettevllle 7 th pm ....... l4avetToldslKro..t 4 ro pm ,7.40 pm i ' . Ieave War aw ....... S.27 pm .oom J - Leave Manolia.. 6 10 pm 838 pm 8.13 am Ar. Wilmington... 7 5)pm 9.f ptti0..0 a v,; "" " ii ii i i i ' i . i mm- fi r ini in "" - TRAINS U ilNG NORTH. -t . ' .-.-(No 66, No. 14, Nw. 78, DaUy. Dally Dally, except Sunday. Leave Wrlmlna-tonll.4i pm 8fli am ftiOpm 1 eave Vagnolla,. 12 52 tnld Si-am A,8 pm arrive Warsaw... l.8ao 10 4a am 7 u pro Arrive Gotdabp-o. 1.55 am II.; 0 am ;.; Leave r'ayetteTillel 530am AmyePelma 10 50am rrlve Wilson.... 11 69am ......... eave Wi son.... Ar.Kock y Monn t . 2.43 amjlXSspm ... 1 12ptn It M am 1.27 am Arrive I arboro. ....... AO ma lave Tartioro. ..j..... J10 5 am Arrive Weldon..' 4 ft. ami 2 4pm am laily except sunay; ' Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leawa Halifax tor Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Be turning leaves Scotland Neck at 0.30 A. M, dally eiccpt Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle A Raleigh R. R Dally except "unday, 8.0 P. M , Sunday 5.otr p. m . arrive Wlinamstou. N. ;., s.h P. M., 40 p. n. Returning leaves WlUlamslon, N. (.., ally except f-uniay, 7 40 , A. M . -uniiay O.fto A. M , Arrive Tarboro, N. C , 0 4 . M., 11.30 A. M ' Train 'n Midland N C. Rranvh tcavesColla loro. N. C, Dally except Sunday, 7.00 A. M., arrive SmUiiilcId, N. C, 8 3 A. M. Keturnlng ' leaves SfuIthHelil. N i: mi a m Uoidshoro. N.-C. 1030 A. M. iraiu on nssuuhc Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville 4 on P. M. Returning leaves Nashville 11-15 A. M., dally except Sunday . Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for dii.ion. Dally. e-cpt eiiudav. at 7.WP. M. ctuniing leaves Union at 7.(H A. tl. . ' "oi. lb hound Train on WUson A Fayettevtlle ' Branch Is No. 51. Northbotind is No. 50. uatly except buutav. . ..... Train No. n South will itAnmil at Wt). Qoldsboro and Magnolia. . Train No. 78 makes close connection, at Ws.- don for all points North Dally. All rail via luuuuiuim, au'j uaiiy eicepi ounuay Via timV Line. Trains make close connection for all point North via Richmond and Washington. Ali train run anllrt Imtwun If llmln.rna am Washington, and have Pullman Palace Biaap- ' ers attached. - - - JOHN F. DIVINE, Weneral Buperuttendest.' J. R KENLY, S up' t Transportation .... P. M . EMERSON . (ienera Passenger Anat apl 29 i ' - Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta 11. 11. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDUIE. . - TRAINS GOING SOUTH. NOr f7, I ; I s , - : ' Dally. J - j , t, jm, except No. ?S.iNo 17, Dated May 1, 1887. Sunday. Dallj t. Dally Leave Wilmington 0.15 pm 10.10pm ; Lv. L.Waccamaw . 0.30 pm 11 15pm Ieave Marion. 11.24 pm 12-3 7am I-eave Florence 6 20 pm 2 40 am 2.40am" Arrive Sumter 7 45 pm 4.24 am 4.24am - Arrive Columbia... 9 25 pm 6.20 am 6.20a TRAINS GOING NORTH. "' . . , - NoT"e6,"i " iallv, I No. 78, except No. 62, Dally. Sunday. Dally. Leave Columbia... 10.25 pm 7.15 am Arrive Sumter.... 11.52 pra 8 48am V Leave Florence... 4 35 am 10 15 am 8.10 pm ' Leave Marlon..... 5.28 am 844 pm Lv. L. Waccamaw 7.06 am 10.li pm Arrive Wllmlngt'n 8.80 am 11.25 pm Nos. 23 and 78 stop at all 8tatlons except Register's. Kbenezer. Can Havannah Watm-a and 81mm s'. -. . - Passengers for polnU on C A 6. R. R., C, C. A A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and an puinw ueyouu, snouia taxe KO. 23, roil man 81eeper for Augusta on this train. Trains 57 and 60 make close connection at Florence with Trains on c;. A D. R. R. JOHN JT. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J, R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. . . . T. M. EMERSON, General Passes AgaaU apl 2) Carolina Central B. B. Company. : Oiriaa of Gnrxxax 8rxaDrrx3rriX3rT( i . WllmuigtOB. N. C J n S4, 1S7. I Change of Schedule, ' QN AND AFTER THIS DATE, TBI following ncheauia will be oneratad as iki Railroad: . No. 1, Dally except Snadaya. Leave Wilmington at ...if CO a ' a. . Leave Shoe Heel..... M......U0.14 , , Leave Charlotte 3.42 P M Leave hhelbv rja - Arrive Rutberfordton 8.40 - ' . No. 2 Daily except Sunday. " : Leave Rutherfordton.... 6 00 A 11 Leave Shelby... 1 6.1 - - " Leave Charlotte ; Leave onoe iieei. ........ ......... zjBa P U Arrive Wilmington.... ............. Sju) No. 3 Daily except 8asday ; .. Leave Wilmington. ...... .......... 45 P at Leave Raleigh.. 7.00 arnTO(aarMnw.........,..A.,.,,7M5a, at No. 4 Daltv exceot Snndav. ' . . Leave Charlotte............... ....XlS P " Arrive aalelgh...... 8 35 Ail Arrive Wilmington 8.40 Trains Noa. I and 2 make connection at Heel with trains on C. F. A T. V.J. y. - ". . Train No. 3 and 4 mate etc, eoiiaeetloa Hamlet with Trains to and from Jia ea. - Thronrh ttieetinr f.ar niu. wni.. . sad Charlotte and Charlotte and Ealdrh. e iTaia wo, 1 for sutesvlile, btattont Westers N C R R, Ashevllle and polnU West. A la, a a . Ta a . a &a Atlanta and points Southwest. . - . : . I val Krcl-rhf a a anf t tv.imc.Sm Ka.' tween Wilmington and liamleL ' Lo-al Freight Noa land & trlvreexly be twees ilamlei and fcnelby. , : . . r moc. a, o, 7 anas wiu not take y - -""rgera .; .'- " ' L. C Jo.w, F. W. CLACTI.Crrrrtl 1 r - :zz