" i his au .,. bit aveflln Soadsva. x ptod by - . jOSU T. JAMES. rvTlONS POSTAGE PAH yClT .i nc t w mooth M 5lf a'"3, Jii t d-avcred by carrier, free r'C "T'n nnV Part ( t rlrv. t the sbOVO '"w'rtBa per Tr?el--ie' Th ,1 rite low -T.d liberal- . wiil urn siM :w neam oomaiiOfc ttum otur fncttcu on amy aa4 all MUttM racraliaumt bat ;t rrjca ot wrrutr meat -arwiribe ' taaa t tbe Kcto. " " J - - . ; HnauouTcattojiB moat. ta 'wrtttt -. ldiof tsl papar. : . : yfjWtvaanai be aviif--r'! U,eclavljy aad WucUljf mm that tbe Editor doea mo ahrays tadot VOL: XI. W LMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. MAY, 5, 1887 NO. 106 cue views oz eorreapoBdaau mit au la tbe editorial oolnnuu MI?IEr iL 1 11 i! J Iff - - PURELY VEGETABLE. . . If acts with extraordinary efScacy on ths iver, Sidneys, : AND gOVELS, AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Ch. sick "rdacke- ..i..-- H,Hioni. Jaundice, nii" j Mental iJpprension, Colic Ko Kousebold Should be Without It, It " . . i. ... ...... 1,- feir lmniP'l!ntnsp. ianv dollar In tit.i.- :md dolors' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMONS LIVER REGULATOR e that voa get tf9 gsnuina with rd Z ' ' B. front of Wrpper. Prepared only by I u 2EIL1N 4. CO., Sole Proprietors, feMslst. Pa. FIUCB. l.OQ. nov: V.i-l w trip A n-w instrument has 'been 'invented for ih b iml. U is i prin'inev press whic will enabie the blind to ptint, tbe raise! letter now universally used by them. " :, A dispatch frui Rome to the London Chr- oiHe savs: -'The Rev. Dr. Mc- CJiynn. ot New York, has again in- funuedthe Vatican ibat ho refuses to 'coite to K iue.M Cardinal Manning has expanded into an article fr the Tablet bis recent let ter on the Knights 'f Labor. They repfient. he says, the rtirht o( labor. nd the rights of association for its de fence, and it is the church' ofllce to protect th poor and to Iprolect iheir labor, which has built op- tbe bunian commonwealth. A pretty n velty in "Washington en tertainments will be introduced by Mrs. Whitney this uiontii. when she will hold her Wednesday afternoon re' wpiiurjj in the farm home aL Grass lands," to which the callers will drive out, and have strawberries and -crearu served io the wide rooms of the hospi table farm hous. " ' Oreat precautions have been taken to lecureihe salety of tha'French crown Jewels while exhibiting before the sale. They rest in the showcase which was owl in the exhibition in 1878. This cm ispiaced on a trap-door, by which the whole thing can be lowered into a iroojr. room made of thick masoory. The sale is now in progress. . j Atalaocy dress airjn Paris the reat success or tho: evening; was ac corded to a group ol -eartbquakers," a prty ol young men who were attired overcoats, crush-hats and night? while each of them carried a Nck leather handbag.- The realism md appropriateness of the . disguise wiled forth much laughter and ap plause. " -; , - ; . , JHereo.on the southwest roast ot Norway, was formerly oneo'l the rich herring fijhing ground, but about 'wity lite jears ago the fish suddenly cd completely disappeared from tho Cul' lsl mouth, however, enormous the fish again appeared in "Told haunt, and the quality is just T Ume as t was before tbe exodus 1 juratory habits ot tbe herring - r-tt.c io nsoermen. . U - . r 'U&p.the great imn mur r.n j n" at work upon a gun of 131) loos! rh V 524 ,cet- and it calibre 157 felT' w5'l throw a steel shells Bou J l0CheS lon- Weighing I.fi30 ti , ; ' and aolber .heirs feet 2 inch- proi , he PenelrtinK power of I kT h" iocred tenfold.-Now ou T? WiM pierce an "oior plate the T' lhrce times V" ol p., un lhe tretment and Wata Tfi !? -nd k'ndred .corns lh infUmS m w nolhe nd heals offan1fwdamt,mbran d ren.oves lh discu 2 Kdo1; .lhat charafterize kcL?hh:?id th irWmation M Urtt Tti hrat USft the- Plaid " ' Oratly ICxciiI. Not a tew of the citizens Wiinjing lin hava recently becoruo greatly -x-cited over the 'astounding - facts', that several of their friends who had been pronounced by their physicians as in curable and beyond nil hope uuVring with that dreaded monster Conhump tion have bf-en cmpieteiy curetl by Pr. King New Discovery for Con sumption the only nmiedy that does positively enre al threat and !uny dis 'ises 0eghs. Colds. Asthma and Bror chilis. . Trial Bottles tree at W. H. (irsen & Co V-Drug Store, large btjttles Sl- WoudrTtil euros W. D. lioyt & Cit'. Wholesale and Retail Druggists 'f Rome, (ia . say: W have brcn selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buck len's Arbica Salvo for two years Have never bandied remedies that sell ms well or give such uui crsai satistVic lion. There have been some wondrr ful curs effected by the-se medicines in thiicily. Several ca;e ol prr:ounced Consumption have been entirely cured by the use of a tew bottles ot Dr. Kind's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Kitiers. W guarantee them always. Sold by W II. Green & Co LOCAL NEWS. 1MB EX TO HEW AnYERTISlMElT. II KIK8 CKKGEB& "I t" Mukds Beos attention f ' V MILLKK Garden See l Jonw R Mklton Tip T p C W Y ATSBLateatln Stationery Gto R Fkkcii "08 in wreat Variety MiLLMt A Niesflie Kentedy's Medical Discovery Th capital stock of tbe Carolina' Oil & Creosote Company is 500.000 in stead of $400,000 as we stated yester day. " Tho latest newc from young Mr James who was wounded at the rail road celebration at Clinton is thar he is gaining ia health aud is now able to sit up. It hardly seems possible that a quar ter of a century has elapsed since the battle of Williamsbureh, Va , was fought, yet such is the fact, as tbat action took place on May 5th. 1862 One ol the passenger cars for the rail road from the Cape Fear Riyer to Myrt.e Grove Sound was shipped to day. It was built by Messrs. Burr & Bailey, of this city, and is a neat and substantial, though plain, carriage. Mr. John R. Melton drove up Market stteet this forenoon with a lotof the iret tiest beef cattle seen here since the war. It attracted general attention along the line of the street. These beeves were raised in New Hanover and Pender counties Some of it will be sold to morrow at Mr. Melton's stalls in tbe Front street market. DofTMf Poultry and Cny;o isirtlH, From the Associated Fanciers, 237 South Eighth street, Philadelphia, we have - received three valuable little books, relative to the treatment, re spectively, of dogs, poultry and cage birds. They each contain a mass ol verv valuable matter and will be sent postpaid for 15 cents each. IteKiffned. r Capt. John II. Daniel, after a service of 11 years in tbe Hook & Ladder Com pany, three ot which were as its fore man, has resigned and is no longer a member of the Fire Depatment. tIIe has been a faithful, energetic and effi cient officer, who -by long and good service is justly entitled to his retire ment. Ciy Court. John Roan and Edward Dixon, both colored, were brought before the Mayor this morning charged with an affray. An investigation ot the case corro borated by the statements ot both de fendants, showed that tbey were not really' guilty of , an affray, but were guilty of disorderly conduct. lor which I they , were required to pay a fine of $5 each. . - . - Personal ' Capt. A. Garrasoa. for several years tbe commander of the-steamer D. MucJiison, and well-known to many oj our people, is In the city to-day. Mr. A. B Felgetnaker, senior mem ber of the Organ Manufacturing Com pany of A B. Felgemaker & Co . Erie, Pa , is in the city engaged in putting up the new pipe organ for St. Paul's Lutheran Church, which was built by that firm, Mr. F. E7 Morton, who has been several weeks in oar city engaged in nis profession ol a tuner ot pianos and organs, left last. ntgbt for Raleigh, and will oe absent about a. month. Mr. Morton is recommended as a reliable and careful worlmn. who baa learned all the intricacies of b.ts calliug at a first clasi'estalUhmeat." H A Farful Trasrerty. One of the most remarkable and in. comprehensible tragedies that ever oc curred'in this or any other city, by which three boys were instantly killed and two others were seriously wounded at one di?chrrge of a double barreled shot gun, took place at the upper com press at a few minutes altr 6 o'clock this morning. The parties were all colored, the youngest of whm was 12 and the oldest about 20 years of age If the shootinsr wa piemeditated it was odh of the most cruel, crafty and cun- ; nnrgiv devised murders t hut ever stain -ed the annals of crime; and if it was accidental, it wasue ot th most re nin kabic casualties ever recorded The person in whose bands the gun was held thai d;d the shooting is Graul Best, aooul 17 years of age. The boys shot fire'E iwnrd Smith, aged 13 years, killed; Cnirlus Baker. agd 13 years kiiied; Aleck Filyaw. aged 12 years, killed; Edward Filyaw (brother of named), aiced 19 years, supposed to be fnittily wounded, and Ben Cionly, aged 14 years, shot in the face, seriously. George Best, a brother of Grant was in the party, but was not injured,. Wc saw Gtaut Best at the guard house this morning, aud, in reply to our interrogatories, he stated, in substance, that he went to the Upper Compress this morning to go with the other boys across the river, to mind birds on th- rice fields; that is. to frighten them oil by firing blank car tridges at them. He had boi rowed a gun. upon which there was no cap and which he thought was not loaded, al though the tube was stopped up. When he reached the Compress there were five boys seated in a row upon a iog on the wharf. He told the boys that he had a gun, but that it was stopped up. upon saying which he raised the gun for the purpose ot blowing in the vent of the tube, and while in the act of putting his mouth to tbe vent, the hammer fell and the piece exploded. He saw the boys fail and he dropped , the gun and ran to them, but two were dead and the other died almost instantly, after making an iuetfVctual effort .o speak. Grant then ran as fast ns he could and called two physicians and then went to the guard house and told t he janitor that he had killed tbre boys and gave himself up. He said that he was friendly with all the boys, and ho seemed to deeply de plorc the shooting. It seems that the wounded boys ran immediately to their respective homes alter being shot, where they received surgical assistance. The weapon used was an ordinary doublo-barrelied fowl iog piece, which was loaded with buek shot. All t he boys were shot about the lace, head, shoulders and chest. There were some rumors but of course they were mere street rumors to the effect that Best bad had a quarrel yesterday with the other boys and bad declared his intention to set even with them. Tbe truth or lalsity ot this will be brought out at the inquest this afternoon. The Coroner was notified and a jury were summoned who beg'an to hold the inquest at 4 o'clock this afternoon. They had cot concluded their investi gations when we wont to press. Thin Morning' Fire. At about 3:15 o'clock this morning firo was discovered among tho outbuild.- Ings on tbe premises of Mr E. Peachau. Germau Vice Consul, ccrner of Fifth aud Mulberry streets The alarm was immediately sent out from box 10. lo cated on the corner of Seventh and Mulberry streets, and the firemen and many of our citizens rushed with all possible speed Io tho ficcne. but owing to the un3casoiable hour, the flames had gotten under such headway before their arrival that the stables and wash hod' c wore totally destroyed, and tbe kitehen was so badly damaeed that . it will have to b entirely rebuilt. Tho stable contained two ho:ses.a buggy, a family carriage and tho necessary har nesses, all of which were destroyed. Mr. Peschau's dwelling was considerably scorched on its Eastern end. The flames spread to the stable of Mr E P. Covington, which, together with a boggy it contained, was destroyed. U is hardly known in which ot Mr. Pe chau's ruildings the fire origi nated or what caused it. When discovered the fire was raging both in the stable and wash-house, and bad gotten, under such headway that it was impossible to save anything. Even the poor horses, which were a fine team and valuable, wete doomed The estimated loss will reach opt far from S1.0QQ. which is folly cov ered by insurance' - : ' Tbe Rkvikw Jon Okkick is tbe place o get good work; aj flapc$rate pripes- Pralaeworthy. At lUttfeting o( Uook & Ladder Company Hn. I. held last Tuesday niht. ?U - wai vnltd unttnknousl v to graiH a pension nl fcr 6onth to the widow of the lipiyk (;riffith, Ctpt. Griffith wfS orjxajiy years fore man ot tht Co4tpnny was a most efft cUwt fireman, and maintained a lively interest in the Welfare and efficiency of ! ! the organization' at long as' he lived, and this action of the Company is but a slight token of the esteem in which he was held. RlACttOti of Officer!. The Fifth Ward Hook & Ladder Company held a meeting last nigh' and elected the following officers to serve for the en?iunc year: President J P. O'Sullivan Vice President B R. King. Secretary J G. Swann. Treasurer W. F. Melton. Foreman Tony Destafener. First Assistant R. A. Biddle. . Second Assistant A. M. Williams Axemen Wm. F. F. Newton. J. L. Mann. J. E. Hewitt. Wm. T. Harker. Truck Matker J P. Quion. Kt. Mark's Vestry. At a meeting of the Vestry ot St Mark's Episc pal Church, colored, held last night, the following were elected officers to serve lor the ensuing year: Valentine Hwe, Senior Warden ; H D. Sampson. Junior Warden; Henry E. Green. Treasurer; Allen E. Jackson, Secretary. The delegates to the annual Conven tion elected are: J. G. Norwoord, A. E Jackson, John H. Davis, John T. H we. Alternates J. J. Geyer, Jas. II. Lane. Thos. Scott and Robert Mc Donoutfh Credit to Whom Credit. Wilmington, N. C May 4th 1887. Editor Review: - I hasten to thank you lor your kind words in your paper of to-day concerning the Carolina Oil and Creooote Works, and to do justice to Messrs. Ludwig Hansen and An drew Smith (patentees) to whom credit is due tor thj success of the .Creosote WorkV located in this city. These gentlemen have labored for years on this important matter and by the most energetic industry and intelligent work have constructed tbe plant up to its present proportions. Wilmington owes a debt to thesegentlemen which it will be very hard io pay tor locating these im portant works io this city. Very Truly Yours W. P Canada y. We cordially endorse Col. Canaday's remarks relative to Messrs. Hansen and Smith. The omission of their names from the article was an over sight, which we regret. An Act of Appreciatipn. Capt. H. C. Brock, Chief oi Police, was treated to a most agreeable sur prise last night by the members' of the force under his command, in tbe shape of a gold-headed ebony cane. Sergeant Pugh was entrusted with the selection of the cane, which was the best that oonld be found in the city, and upon the head of which be caused to be en graved the legend: "H. C. Brock. Chief of Police. From Wilmington Police Force, 1887 " Tbe presentation was made at 7.45 o'clock last night at the City Court Room, when all tho police were pres ent, through Mayor Fowler, who said that it was a testimonial of the es teem in which their Chief ' was held by the police force, and also of their appreciation f the fairness and courtesy with which be had always trea ed those under his command Tbe matter bad been kept entirely dark from Capt. Brock, and be was conse quently taken completely by surprise, but he was equal to the emergency and in a graceful maimer thanked the men for the present, which he should value as a testimonial of their kiudly feelings towards him. 1 Work at the ground for the encamp ment is progressing lav rab'y and everything will be in complete order tor the troops when tbey shall arrive. It ia Your Loss. When you neglect to. take advantage of the extraordinary big value for littie money al Shriek's When you can save $2. $3, $5. and frtquently $10 on a suit ol clothes. It certainly pays people to ' investigate, and those who fail to trade with Shriek are certainly not doing justice to their families. by then be so foolish, throwing your money away elsewhere that yon can quickly save by trading vfith the Old, Reliable? ' A nil with such savings purchase other necessaries tor yourself ) and family. .Just think of it ana iraae with I. Sijrier. - : t Pianos and organs can ' be bought cheaper - at H.einsbergra than at asy other buuie fa" be CUte- ? . t Prom tliH Iitrict Attorney of Weniclirster Co , New York White Plains, N Y. April 10. 80 I have received many letters in ref- erence to my testimonial, latelv pub lished crtmmendjng Ali.cook's Porous Plasters. I cannot spare tbe, time to answer them in writing, therefore would again say. through the press, that I have j found Allcock's Porous Plasters jiva.uable a- chest protectors aud j hields against coughs and colds. Fur- i tivftjrfO';re. I have found Ai.lcock s ! Pl8tkrs ancaqntled for pains tnsldti back aod chest. Neison Ii. Baker. NKW A t VlfiR riSriCM KNT8. Attention ! QUIt STORE HAS JUMT UCKN PUT IN thorough order for tus Sunmur ( umpHlKii, and wc are rea-ly witn nw goods and low urices t serve all our c-i'toiuera Weean't be und(-raod. Open from &.3 a. m. till 10 p m. M V N 1)8 15 KO I'll KHH.- UrNklvn ur Catawba Milk ShaKea are dc- iay 5 N. . Ughtful ! -o- 'MIAT IS WHAT EVKRY OUY SATS OF the RIG BEEVES I drove up Market street to-day. They were raised In New IIan-vcr and Pen der counties and ara the PRETTIEST REEF CATTLK reon here in five jears. That ia the unaulmous verdict- Some of It wld be on sale at my Stalls In Front 8treet Market to morrow. Leave orders early. VEAL, LAMB, MOTTON, PO K, Ac. Respectfully, may 5 It JOHN R. MELTON MAKE YOUR PURCHASES AT - The .Ladies' Emporium, 115 Market St., AND SAVE MONEY. o 3r -A. S i DRESS TRIMMINGS DEPARTMENT. Mohair Braids, Open Work Braids, Orna ment Braid and Passementerie Bralda in all olors. Jet Gimps, Passementeries, Pauels, Fronts, Vests. Laces. Oriental. Itaiien, Valenciennes, Dochesse, Fedora, and all varieties. SPECIAL ATTENTI ON is called to ray beautiful and cheap stock of Lace Flcunclngs and Lace Flschns, in Cbanttlly, Spanish Guip ure. Oriental, and Plate Valenciennes In 42 inch width, All-Over and narrow edge . to match. A SPECIAL BARGAIN in above thla week. The largest assortment of Laces in the city. Embroideries White Hamburg and Nainsook Flouncings, All Over rmbrolueries and Edcings to matcb. The low prices will surprise you. Gloves. An elegant assortment of,Ladiea and Child ren's Mltta and Gloves, from 38c to $1.25 each. Lisle Thread and Silk, ia all shades and col orsbeat makes and all qualities. Corsets, Bustles. Hoop Skirts. Thompson's Celebra ted Glove Fitting and Thompson's Abdominal, Ball's Health Corset, and other makes, from 50c to $2 each. An elegant Corset for 95c. Parasols. A large assortment o' Ladies' and Children's Parasols from 25e to $8, best materia), latest styles. Hosiery. Ladles Balbrlggan, Ladies' Lisle Thread, all colors. Ladles Cotton Hose, all colors, at 8c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 65c. 75c. each, worth twice tbe money. Infants' Hose and Socks, in cotton, lisle thread and 311k. Children's stock ings from 10c to 03c. Try t hem ; have all prl ces and am eelllag them fast. Handkerchiefs. For Ladies and Children from 3c each and upwards. A pure liuro U and kerchief for 10c, 1 keep McCut neon's celebrated make of Linen Handkerchiefs, warranted every thread pure linen, at low prices. INFANTS' CAPS AND 8lN BONNET?, I will sell Jbese at a great bargain, having marked them aown to uay. FINE ASSORTMENT JEWELRY. ROLLED GOLD Millinery, The handsomest and larger t assortment Cvr brooght t tbe city. A new lot of Children's and Ladies Hats an I Bonnets received to-day. Bargains In Feathers. Flowers. Gaoses, Tellings. hlbVons, aigrettes. Pom pons, e vet y th'nx lu the atlUintry Hoe, and a first c as lilqamer to fill order. Velvets, fcallns and Sarahs for dress trimming purpose. 8iFCIaL ATTENTION U directed to my elea-ant line of DCESH 81 K- in Freocb Faille, f urafa. ro Gialn and Jeraev JUls. oran; quailty at lowest prices. Call and examine. Host J'esiictful)y, - MRS. C U. WIGGINS. Cou.oj orders aoUcltod and promptly filled. N KW ADVEIiT18EJlIEWi. Hoiise. s . s J -o- 9 - , v- v i ' - w a tea i atVJl Arrt Special Offerings this Week SUMMER DRESS GOODS at So. 0c and 8c per yard. - t 30- Inch Fancy Colored BATISE,ioc. 31- inch good SATEEN, 121c.' . " A Job in WOOL NUN'S VEILING. JAVA CANVAS IN COMBINATION All these are worth double tbVprice. ALBATROiS, BERGES. NUN'S VEILING. . : BLACK GOO DS. TRICOTINES, Ac. -o- WHITE GOODC. EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY VERY LOW- FLOUNCINGS. ALL-OVERS, YOLKING. EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, ROBES. . , At manufacturer's prices. LACES, VEILINGS. DAM A8K8, TOWELS. NAPKIN8. LINEN8. CORSETS. GLOVES. MITTS. HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' AND GENTS' GAUSE UNDERWEAR. ; Men's and Boy'o Wear. Ever so many articles marked at tbe Lowest Cash Prices, and an Inspection will certalolj be an inducement to my kind patrons to spend their cash at i M. M.EatzV 116 Market Street. may 2 v Selling Out ! '.4 8 ODR PHYSICIAN BECOM MENDS A change of climate on accountof falling haaltb, L will sell out my entire stock of f ' " , MILLINERY, FANCY GOODb. NOTIONS, ALSO FIXTURES. V ' To any one desirous of going into business. This is a good chance, fer it la known to be the largest stock of the kind In the State and is well established Will make satisfactory terms. From MONDAY, April 25tu, I will five my customers the benefit of low 'prices, all goods being now marked down. All the latest styles in Millinery, and all new goods Hats and Bonnets, Feathers and Flowers. Lac s, Vel vets. Gauze and other Trimmings. A very large Jot ot Ribbons, Staple al Novelties; Hdkfs, 811k and LJnea; Gloves, 811k and Lisle; H os'ci 5 . Ladies and ChlWrens; Neckwear, Lisle and line ; Corset, Bnstles, Table Linen and many other useful aod faneyv articles. Resictf ully, , , ap! 25 yiME KABKgg, Wild Catol JJNDKB Til E;i'RE SENT INSURANCE LAW of North Carolina, any concern calHag lUelf an Insurance Company that Is able-to pay a fee of . Is authorize! ta solicit business la lh SLaXA ' Tfa pinitfonMW U that h s . is filled with ttoncltors ot so-called Insurance Comjtanles that he no standing aod which can not paas an examlaatlon, . Upon application tbe undersigmed will fur nUU-a rir Insurance Index glvlag tbe stand tux and ondttlon of Jnsuranee Coxspajttea dcwg buslucss In tbe L'stted State Every Insurer should eos suit such an laxtex before acceDtlna the Pollrv nt an iAm.. ,t.. . w la not faalllar with. M.S. WILULSD. 1 North Water St. mays Hazard Powder. WE NOW llAVft TU B AGENCY FOR this oelobraied Powder which Is na- -doubted I v the beat sold In ibis coontry. Ner magazine built down U river (out of city Kmita). Full assortment 0 all tie rlzes at the ' lowest prlceri. ' - . - ra. b. RPRircr!; n Co., -Successors to Jon Vt- x 3 Co. 13, tl and 2J i. 1 1 :r ?t. -- star . ... : -...a B. CO Cash