5 . ltAs 90TIUI . v . . ... .j wuitwciaa t near I&1 oeptad trom oar trtaitaa a amy aikd all tststa v ralttrsttmt $ :-.Tr Taa aaxM of tat witter wast arzj3 M thfeM to tfce SdttOT.'. ' .-' ' :y.l mauueatkaa most be" wrltUa , a X3 oftocidoof tte paper. irsonantlea must be avol& ' - f Md it u ttpeesslry apd p&mcalaxrj a tood taat tho Editor doe mot always eatfc tae views ol oorretpoa float trirses to tits la the editorial Timii T. fBOFMllTTOB. ,DlTSJNa POSTAGE PAID: ..m k' ,rttha- ri.00. Thro 8' i UU. 3L w ,v - one month. S cents. "'n delist by carrier, free rrMr , ,.f the cut. at the above -.e many - luceaw per weei. VOL. XI. WfLMINGTOlS N C, WEDNESDAY. MAY 11. 1887 NO 111 iatierr'.trs ..-1ve Iff" y-t fiETIEW. E k V' .:iv tiH artist. w S"P p(;rihe J in the ili-lated . . I, a VM H" . ..rr,vP,1 at Cnin. sas ..n 'tfi" Kir..pean i risonera a til1 sm" ..trmt mat: wilh l 4 H 1 " Thri .laJlnnl. w- t !it this nun is V,r-teiiy " s---- Iowa m spn law. In L,kuk there nr6liys..n.n wh.ch h b"r- wioe am1 lher PFOtV i.qa.r re "P"11' 'Id- Tbe o kppr PV in'" lhe ciy lrea,," " ru.l revenue ol $'20.00(1. which i,f,pri..Wnn th-streets and public Henry I-b b.rf. n h special letter beS" VorkJVorld. says: "The q.mmi holds op' " otl lhH CWioC.npb-,lM..am! I hear that ber MHv de'-tores that Lady Col.n haibwnshauieluily treated, and 'that be will be Plw to rec"' her al Cart. - Her Mj-ty has very decided I, condemned Ue- wtnle conduct of the Campbell family in respect to Lady Colin; and particularly blame9 the Ddeof Arzyll ami Lord Colin." The general estimate of the Chinese character is very l"W, but a spirit of ae!f sacrifice and regard f jr their fel lows mm t- b uvirknd trats. Tnis appears from th action of the Chines iu Near York. wb bave raided $13 000 tor the defence f fpur of toeir C'untr Diea who are to be tried at St. Louis ou the ebare or murdering a Chinese decretive two years azo. J he prose cution U beiniT urced by a Chinese bene?olent association of New Yorfc, whi h alio raised several thousand dollars fr the purpose.- Rishop H M. Turner, of the African m'iciii ijjic ''i uuuiuii nun uua ui Ibn most'prnaiineDt colored ruen ol tb h'ath. in a recent -nterview with a re srter cf tbj New York Star said that it colored people of the South were fj faTorably disposed toward . trie rrt dent, and that their friendship for ia wonij undoubtedly be manifested eryiubstantially in 1888. Thefcnlored wp:aoi me ?outh naa urea lung: ago M Republican promises, misase and f pocrigy. and that intelligence was ptumstbeiu tu break .from party con rol. - . ' It has recently been computed by an Hiper of the ordnance department in V'uhintfoQ that the weight carried by I icldicr flipped with rod bayonet. fl and cntridjie belt, three days' wked rations and 100 round of ball anrirtces and complete kit" of cloth- ni 11 U O CO t.l- pringfield rifle, bayonet scabbard. ftridn boxes and leather belt;- cloth c and aamanition, etc., is '54 pounds oanceijwiti, Springfield rifle, bay- " -c&ibard. cartridge belttcUthin. nwmaoa, etc.. is 53 pounds . 15 06 Faces. , - ' Tij9 EtE upreS3 j:JQnte. says a nd delicate beauty, almost ren- er age a mvaterv. Slender. PWdwith tnnn.k K U- . lo be recognizod as a grando ae- er bright and T7i;. t L ldfascinatioa' and the epi- he iaaioncU in the forest of !tSSLJr '. rosy complex 3oKbIy,preAerve,i- and is per newLlt0klhe miId cI,mftte whicb , Elciterueul Id Texas. &tZn ,Tex.. bv the re ow eof Mr. J. E Corley. . or rl PIS3 be c0" l torn 11 oott "of K't -f c?nsaroptioa. A U Jo L Plll3;bythe time he two l ! sor tho : ,t,s mui bad ; ' 'i;rj. he was well Qds. -'""m nesa .thirty-six ""PHOn Irprt of IV II 5 The VerTnrT..:!. Ffies: Bippos. Ind.. "MthoiL k end Electric edy. Every . i van . - - - "J IfllXI In . .u every case. maium and w3 cur u. "i3tn olio j Uaveev" JAW""!"? xPrience ib I? my 20 "foS; !! fjnc Bitters," th p,'?l tbe verdict is nnni- lhdo!n::r- Kjde,sor Wood & CnCV " bottle at W; H. - - "fug store. r'rn LOCAL NEWS. IflDI. TO NEW AOVlRTISEMfiTX &1CND8 BEOS Our J AS D Nutt Blood Taylor's Bazau Nodes f C Miullk (ianten 8ec1 C w YATKa Latest la Stationery Opera IT0U8E Cora Van Taascl Ufe.u K FKt;cu & sows in Ureal Variety Annual Council ot the DlMXtc of K?ut Caro lina Uillkr & NlESrUE Kenredy'a Medical lUcovcry WC Craft, Sect i Attention Mcmbcrj W 5 f K Co No 1 Tbje city was again visited by copious showers last night. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 34 bales. Brig Edith, Turnr. from 1J ston for this port, was spoken May 7th in lat. 37 20, Ion. Mocking bird cages of all sizes arc sold very cheap at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. The Ashing party which went to the Bocks on Monday night returned to tbe city at a latte hour last night, alter a pleasant andlsuccessful trip. Norwegian barque Liv, Ballarcs, cleared to-lay for Cronstadt, Russia, with 2.164 barrels rosin, valued at $2.- 800. shipped by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co. Copo Eear Lodge No 2. 1 O O F,. will make an excursion over the new railroad to Myrtle Grove Sound on the 7tb ol June next. Particulars by ad vertisement will be given in due season. It was in contemplation, we under stand, by the Marshals, to give Mr. 11. A London, the Memorial Orator, a Sound party to-day, but that gentleman was compelled to return to Pittsbon last night. I O. O. F. The North Carolina Grauor Lodge of Odd Fellows convened in annual ses sion at Charlotte last night. Mr R. J. Jones, Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge, has gone to Charlotte to attend (ho convention, and Mr. Oscar Pear sall , of Capa Fear Lodge No. 2, and Mr. VV J. Penny, of Orion Lodge, are also in attendance as delegates from their respective lodges. Citv Court. Lily Elliot, whose front name belies ber color, was before the Mayor this morping charged wiih being drunk and disorderly last night in tbe Hollow. The charge was clearly established and 8he plead for mercy, but His Honor thought the citizens were entitled to mercy and imposed a fine of $20. with the alternative of 30 days in tbe city prison. . one now tanguisnes in a dungeon cell," There were two parties charged with keeping their bar rooms open on Sun day.oaeof whom submitted and a fine of $10 was imposed. Tbe other party stood tral and was fined $'20 for tbe offense From this judgment the de feodant appealed. Tiie Memorial Address. In speaking of Mr. H. A. London's address yesterday, we can express our selves in no more fitting terms than to say that it was just what it should have been. It was in every sense of the word a memorial address, carefully and thoughtfully prepared, in honor of those heroic North Carolinians who gave their lives for their country. It was statistical and Noith Carolina can well afford to go into statistics. . It was historic, and North Carolina can well afford to go into history. It contained solid, substantial truths, which cannot be gainsaid, and such as should cause a throb of pride in the hearts of all true North Carolinians. It was a rec" ord, in epitome, of the most daring and heroic deeds of a gallant and self-sacrificing host of North Carolina soldiers. The language ot the address was aptly chosen terse, logical and forcible and ii made a deep and lasting impres sion upon all who bad tbe good fortune to listen to it Seldom have we heard a speech of like character receive such unanimous and hearty encomiums as have been given to that of yesterday. Its praise is upon the toueues of all who heard it. as well as of those who have read it as it appears in the col umns of the press' Mr. London is a highly gifted speaker, with a pure enun ciation ol every syllable, and a strong clear voice, so that he could be distinct' ly beard at a much greater distance than some other speakers. He has just reason to be proud of yesterday's effort. Buyyourself an oil stove if you wan. "m.ton - "durl" the Summer, moptb M ne,r - cnea-pness wui surprise you at J Jacobi's Hdw, Depot. . I ; t- Yeatorday'H Incidents. Connected with yesterdav's memo rial exerrwes were quite a number of incidents which we think are eminently proper to mention. In the first place, the day was as delightful as 6uld well be imagined. The rains of the morn- ing and preceding night had cooled the atmosphere and laid the dust, so that those who took part in the exercises, as weli as tbo9e who attended as specta tors, were not inconvenienced by in tolerable heat or dusty 'streets, as has generally been the case in previous years The floral offering were beautiful and in profusion. To one unacquaint ed with our citys floral resources it would seeru as if every garden and bush had been depleted for the occa sion, but our streets our fragrant with the aroma of numberless blossoms this morning, l he display ot flowers at the Cemetery was not only profuse, but their arrangement was unique and ex quisitely attractive. It is the opinion of all whom we have heard speak of the matter, that the floral display was far superior to that of any previous year. The tattered battle flag which was placed on the statue of the Confeder ate soldier has a history which should be dear to every North Carolinian, h belonged to Latham's Light Artillery. of which tbe late Dr. Henry G. Planner was captain. This battery, it is claim ed, fired the last shot at Appomattox. firing once or twice after the surrender had been made, not Knowing of that fact. When the sad news was an nounced Capt. Planner tore the flag fr- m its staff, and divesting hiuuelf of a portion of his clothing, wrapped it around him. next to his body, where he kept it until he reached Wilmington It had been in many a hard-fought and hotly contested field, and its battle scarred folds speak volumes for tbe gallantry with which it was ever de fended. The vocal selections were given with much taste: Tbe voices were well selected, the music and words were. of a high order ot merit, and the vocalists showed that they had given careful at tention and thorough training to their respective parts, one of the beanties ot which was that they were evenly bal anced. The vocal exercises were con ducted by Mr. A. G. Conoley, assisted by Miss. L. Belle Anderson, who pre sided at the organ. The instrnmental music by the Cor net Concert Club, under the direction ot Mr James E Wills n, was superb. The Club is composed ot thorough mus sicians who take a laudable pride in its proficiency, and will not be satisfied with anything which is not excellent It is an honor to the city. The Wilmineton Light Infantry, un der the command of Capt. John H. Daniel, turned out with fifty men, and presented a genuine military appear once. Every movement, whether in the marching or in the manual of arms, was executed with the precision of vet erans. They deservedly received much attention and their fine military ap pearance and soldierly bearing were tbe subject ot much commendation.- This is one of tbe best if not the very best military organizations in tbe State. Every member feels a pride in its sue cess, and we are glad to note its con ticued prosperity and its constantly increasing proficiency in military evo lutions. There was neither accident nor mishap to mar the solemn exercises, although tbe number in attendance was unusuaily large. Every feature of tbe exercises was interesting, and tbe lm pressive ceremonies carried many s war-worn veteran iu imagination back to those days when in the tearful crush of arms be stood shoulder to shoulder with heroes whose remains are now mouldering in the hallowed Confederate lot at Oikdale; and many a young heart thrilled with glorious pride at the thcught of tbe courage, patriotism, devotion and self-sacrifice of heroic relatives or friends whose life blood was shed for the hnor and glory of North Carolina and the Sunny South. It in Your Loss, When you neglect to take advantage of the extraordinary big value for littie money al Shriek's When you can save $2, $3, $5, and frequently $10 on a suit ol clothes. It certainly pays people to investigate, and those who fail to trade with Shriek are certainly not doing justice to their families. U hy then be so foolish throwing your money away elsewhere that you can quickly save by trading with the Old hELiABLE? And with such savings porchase olher necessaries tor yourself and family. Just think of it and trade with I. Subjes.' - . - v.. t Quick Work. Pender County Superior Court ad journal fast night tor the term, havio completed all of its business. The most important criminal case was thj trial of Andrew Sloan, colored, for set ting fire to the gin house of Dr. S. S. Satchwell. He was lound guilty and was sentenced to years imprison ment in the State penitentiary Purtli Street Bridge. The special committee of the Board Aldermen and tbe Board cf Audit and Finance met in called session at the City Hall at 3 o'clock this afternoon to outer with tbe representatives of sev eral iron bridge companies with refer etca to a bridge across the railroad at Fourth street.' They had not concluded their labors at tbe time of closing our report. The following gentlemen rep resented tbe several bridee companies: George H. Crafts, of Atlanta. Ga. ; the Smith Bridge Co. ; I. . W, Shipman New York, the Penh Bridge Co., T. M. Nelson, Cbambersburg. Pa.; the Pitts burgh Bricge Co.. A. M. Rawn.Day ton. Ohio; the Columbia Bridge Co, and C. E Hamlin. Chattanooga. Tenn. the King Brideo Co A Popular Star. Cora Van Tassul had a boom all over tbe South. Tbe following from a Knoxville (Term ) paper tells of her success in that city : 'Yesterday morning at 7 o'clock when Liener brothers opened their store a crowd of men were waiting at the door to secure reserved seats for the Cora Van Tassel Dramatic Com pany's performance-at Straub's Theatre last nijiht. In half an hour one hundred seam were sold, and one man kept busy alt day selling reserved seats At 6 p. ru. every reserved seat in the house had been sold and the boxes all taken. Long before tbe performance began last night ever; seat remaining in the bal cony and gallery had bfen sold, and crowds were admitted to standing room i nly. About two hundred people were turned away at the ticket ofiice. be cause no more seals could be obtained. Reserved seats for the mat'nee Satur day are selling rapidly. The above will likely repeat itself here and we advise all wanting good seats to secure them at once, as the prices are small and tbe city will be filled with strangers and good seats will be at a premium. The sale ot seats for Monday evening is now open and on Monday tbe diagrams for the entire week will be opened for tbe balance of tbe week and seats can be secured for any evening's performance. Take care of your eyes. An agency t or the Le Mare's celebrated Rock Crys- al Spectacles and Eye Glasses is estab lished in this place at Heinsberger's.f A Feative Occasion, Mr. J. G. Oldenbuttel. Chief of the Wilmington Fire Department, was treated to another serenade last night and it was a tiptop affair, which plain ly showed the hieh estimation of the Fire Department for their Chief. At about hall past 9 o'clock tbe Wilming ton Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1 marched in a body to the hall ot Howard Relief Fire Engine Company No. 1. where they found the members of tbe latter Company in waiting for them. Here tbe two companies were Joined by the Germania Cornet Band and several ot the members of tbe Board of Aldermen, and at about 10 o'clock tbey took up their line of march for Chief Oldenbuttel's residence the band leading and followed by the Alder men and these, followed by the firemen. Arriving at Chief OtdeubuttelV the band played two of their best pieces in fine style, when tbe Chief appeared and cordially invited them into the house where, up on entering. he greeted tbera with a short but cordial speech ot welcome. A most superb lnnch of tempting viands, with champagne accompaniments, was immediately served, to which ample justice was done. At tbe conclusion of the interesting and life-giving exer cises at the table. Capt W. P. Oldham of W. S F. E. Co No. 1. addressed the Chiel in an appropriate speech, assur ing tbe latter of the hearty good-will of the company represented by tbe speak erand giving tbe assurance of their earnest support and hearty co-operation. He was followed by Mr. John Haar. Jr., who spoke in a similar strain in bebair ol the Howard Keiiets. to both of these Chief Oldenbuttel re-j sponded in felicitious remarks. Other j brief speeches were made by mem bers nf the Boars! of Aldermen and others i present, suitable to the occasmn Tbe ' band then piayed several well seiectea j pieces. The festivities were' kept up t ontii . iie boor. : . j The cheapest place to buy your school book and school stationery i at Heins- barker's. ' - t,. Mr. M. Bellamy will leave here to night tor New York, on a business visit, to be absent several weeks Mr E W- Kerr. o Clinton, Samp ion Count?, wa in the city to-day. but left on this evening's train for borne. We were pleased to receive a call t da? from our good friend, Mr. W A. Johnson, ot Clinton, who has been in the city on a brief visit. R. Rev. A. A., Watson, D. O., Buh O f the Diocese of East Carolina, will leaye here next Tuesday night tor Ede .ton. where he will preside at th( Anoual Council of the Diocese He will go to Norfolk and from thence to Edenton, arriving there ou Wednesday m irning. The most direct route, how ever, is via Rocky Mount and Wil liamston. and arrancements baye been made tor a steamer to meet tbe train at, Williamston at 8 P- m- on Tuesday which the delegates will boaid dirtctly on i heir arrival there, reaching Eden ton the same night or early on Wed nesday morning. The Corner Stone. The corner stone of Grace M. E. Church, corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets, will be laid at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon with appropriate relig ious and, Mtsonic ceremonies. The following is the programme of exercises which will be held: Prayer by Rev. C. W (ioodwin, Anthem "Make a j ylul noise unto the Lord,'.' by the Choirunder the direction ot J. W. King, E?q., with Miss Mattie Murray as organist and Mr James E. Wtllsmi as Cornet ac companist. Laying the corner stone by Mr. C. H. Robinson, Grand Master of tbe Masonic Grand Lodge of North Caro lina. . Music by the Germania Cornet Band. Address by Eugene S. Martin, Esq. Anthen O praise God in His holiness, by the Choir, with cornet and organ occompaoiment. Address by Rev. E. A. Yates. D. D. Doxoloey Benediction. Soa Jacobi's large and fine assort ment of fishing tackle. He can surely please any fisherman with his assort meet- t Agony is Courted By persona who, attacked by a mild form of rheumatism, neglect to seek prompt relief Subsequent torture Is prevented by an Imme diate resort to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Slight exposure, an occasional draught, will beget this painful malady, where there is a predisposition to it In the blood. It Is not difficult to arrest the trouble at the outset, but well nigh Impossible to eradicate It when matured. No evidence in relation to this su perb blood depurent is more positive than that which establishes its efficacy as a pre ventive and revedy for rheumatism. Not only is it thorough, but safe, which the vege table ana mineral poisons, often taken as cu ratlvesof the disease, are not. Besides ex pelling the rheumatic -virus from the eye tern. It overcomes fever and ague, bullous nesa, constipation and dyspepsia. The Review Job Office is the place to eet good work at moderate prices. NEW ADVJEBTI8EMISNT8. Attention Members W. 8. F. E. Gi. Nt. 1. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ABOVE Company will be held this (Wednesday) eve ning, at 7 30 o'clock. Full attendance desired. By order ot the President, may 11 It W. C. CRAFT. Sect'y Annul Council of th Diocese of fast Carolina. A STEAMER MAT BE EXPECTED TO meet the train from Rocky Mount which reaches Williamston at 8 p: m., on Tuesday, May 17. to start Immediately for Edenton. may 11 It Blood. Blood. Blood. TER'3 SARSAPARILLA, HOOD'S Sars- aparillA. ScoTille's Sarsaparilla, B, B, B, 8, 8, S. Rosadalls. uUcura, Hyatt's ife Balsam, l ucus Alterans, Kennedy' Med. Discovery. And many ether remedies ALL for the BLOOD J AS. D. NUTT. the Dragxlst, may 10. 28 N. Froat St. OPERA HOUSE, Betnrn of tne Fayorite ! ONE WEIK A9D SATUEDAY IATIIEE ! COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, May lltftb. The bright and charming soubrette, . COICA VAN TASSEL, a ner ou,ru - - " pertoire of pronounced success. OS -MONDAY evening. May isth, wm be presented a dramatization of Mrs. K. D. E. ouinworcn s lamoas wr gw story, . "The Hidden Hand?' - pomlar Price as naval, to, to and soe. : , te4erTe4 .eau now on sale at neinaberger's without extra charge. - - . n&yil OUR QATAWBA MILE SIIAKIS. (PmteatCd) are- jrrowmjc in favor each Uv; 'trv them, they ate deUcloaa . -r A1UNOH BKOTHKIt8. ; Brookhn n. B (We will i-rcaeeute any nelnfiing lag on our patented CATAWBA AllLK iHAKt.) . y mart Season's Goods. lKFKIG ERATO US, ICR CRKAU TB$l zera. Water Cooleis, Fly Fans. Fly Trapa. Ao.Ac. All at the towewt prlnei call ana examine tbe iroods n he prices. OlUCS A MUBCHiaON. may 9 , - It Pays Tou rjK) BUY.TUK BEST COOK STOVE. Tluf the kind we keep. In prices and quality we cha Hence com peUtlon Examine and tee for yourself. Icecream Freezer. Water Coolers, Rcfrlfferatora. ' hy not keep coot ? ' PABKKR A TATLOIL PURE WHITE OIL. may 9 Knoxyille. Furniture Co, yyK ABE HERE YET, WITH ;TI1E finest acl cheapest furniture and other house hold goods to be found In tbe city. - We are receiving new goods dally from the ' Factory. Al.o a full line of Baby Carrlares. ' may 9 E. H. mNEED, Maaar Garden Geed, JJRUGR, CHEMICALS. PATENT sfBOl- etnes and Fancy Articles In full supply at' .'V. r. c. MiLL&Uve. may 9 Corner Fourth and Mod fta KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, ; glMMONS REGULATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum and M allien. '! Bud's i-ough Byrap, Prescrtptlons compoamied day and aibt.- . ANlxht Beu. . . . - - ; MILLER A NIETLIE, ' " may 9 Cor. 8Uttaand Mulberry - STRAW HATG I AT DICK & MEARES', - RENTS' may 9 FURNISHING HOU8E. 12 North Front 8t. " , Hazard Powder t - WE NOW HAVK THE AGENCY FOR this celebrated Powder which la un doubtedly the best sold in this country. N magazine built down the river (oat of city limits). Full assortment of all the sixes at the . lowest prices. - . , WM. K. 8PRINGSR CO., V T Successors to John Dawson A Co., v 19, 21 and 23 Market street. ' ! ; may 9 Wilmington N. C- i Let there Be More Light I ' " J OFFER TO THS'TRADE A LARGE and 1 beautiful assortment of Stand, Suspension and . Student's Lamps. In all the late and hand',. some designs, whjph I will sell at actual 'cost ; 4 in order to make room for other goods com -ing in store. . I also have the celebrated "Schneider and Rochester" Lamp la Brass' v. anc Nickel, . imperial Regulator and other i improved burners, with chimneys and other - '4 attachments. If you want light these surpass any Lamp v ever offered or Invented. - J v" Call and examine sy stock before buying , elsewtere, at 117 South Front street.1 -' . - may D . L. C. LINKBKRBT. In Great Variety; 5 : TTTE OFFER TO OUB PATRONS 'AND the public, BOOTS AND SHOES In every style and finish. Ladles' Kid and Goat Bat-. ton Boots, Misses' and Children's Shoes, Soft , bottoms and uppers for the tender footed and sufferers of corns and bunions. Gents and Roys' Laced and Congress. Slippers and ... Pumps, and almost any thing-yon can lma f .v inev Best of all and sold at such reasonable prices. Call on - GEO. B. FRENCH & BONO, may 9 108 N. Front Street Tremendous Bush I THE RUSH LAST WEEK, WAS Immense and Why ? ; Because tbe prices tell and our ens to ra ers advertiso the prices. ' A lot more of those Summer Hats at - - , A lot more ot those Berlin Gloves at ' lo cents. A lot more of those Silk Gloves at 48c, . ; A lot more of those elegant Parasols. A lot of new and elegant Ribbons. A lot of new and elegant Summer ..." shapes. . .-- ''j A lot of new and elegant Flowers and Feathers. A new Corset, tbe Bazar Corset, 50c. This Corset equals any Dollar Corset in the city, and has been tried by com peteot lady judges, who bare cbeerfnt- ly recommended It; come and convince, r yourself.; None urged TO Eur at , Taylbp'd Dazara 118 Market Sl, V7iIalntcn.lL C. 5 I

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