- -r - f : ' ' i . : i: . .. v . -. - -0 ... . MISC'ELLANEP nTJESTJM ABOUT r Q i')WJl S 1 VOW : ftlUUJU' y m y . r:.ZJfL Bitters ANSWERED. ti-m has twobfhly been aked thousand Tb "3.l,,,c firo' Bittnrcure every f tiro. l,.1 j Bat it d- care any disease j.V.W physician would prexcs-ibe IttOS tSrw ii-u a tivu bt reeUiraUve ?yh,, ;.T,i nTTfe5vm. Td wauiry or any H1"' mil Vi'ii ch ' ,r-i Litis cu" iron tiiau ut an t:" :r:"nbni'''. This show, con- - Vn'Un V 1 VI HON IJlf TKHSno perfect- U-fJ nTrBCdow th injure D!,u -ii other iron t" rntt-v I HON IIITTEUM IntliKlao, Blliou-netw, WrakBM VnIa. llnlRria, Chills and Ferrr, K rfcin.;enc.ra!IebiIUy,PaIn in tee j. . ftacU Limb i, JIaIarhr and Nrornl ' : . til these ailments Iron is prescribed dflr. j : .m iMfc. B RG WK ' S I RO H B ITTER S .5 Tike all fthr thorena n?edii .....iiiiirtiniTTrn h.-rtrTr r1rxa not cure id edioin it nctt l ..r, .km the tint KyrnDtom rt Ml'it m rwn-'i ennty. The miwcieu theq beonrie til duration impr-s. the bowl! re t. trr-itb'ff ti3nrtr.IlinreriiP!'i and nirke.t ibin it.nce t- briLten: th km cl-sni u-jw fjali roal drnjrTnert become rc:i- "l.-,.H.J-r. Ti.:1J 1 J t .araiu-d th child. Rnimbnr Brown'. It w B 't- wtb OM.Y irn inlicire that w nX u- Tjrf 0f-i-'- Tr-di Vvl nd crwd rd l:n i;i.V's CatahhH rntMU H ALMrT-T llll""'" I'mS. HK.AP. l-l'v HE ill' " " J S SMKLL,IUH1. 5Cfi A QCILK It L tK A Positive i kf. ftMI "T Ba V C. a nTt'rle 14 sku IciI !ut ei. li rotril and I ,lsJ,!7 j n..ii. rnri-iiere.l ce C in-u:ard lie, BKO.. ItuU:?. Mvvcgo. N V apl 9 l c dw IV Stooped PA EiTSI j QuaitX and strengthened. Fall parti (a:eJ) free. BIK IfED. CO., Buffalo, K. wtyti dJtwro-l ly iJH2f! f,?n1 VhikerIIab. 1 A 3: il i? :rs r -retl ,a Dl"n witb v?" C iS t i-ntn. Book of rr 6 S 2 fi 3 8 ?. m: woolly, m. d INTEOEST -to --HEB ManlyVifor. Wea'Knosfj or Loss of Memory 'per . j i au cuiuciy iivv" ?r-vThf Verba Santa from Spain, Span I hTrmb never fail. Our illnwtrt.l !,, n era Knr.li I hi.! winior.iais, (ut heedV Every inaaehonli W Park Mace, aewlork. Tfef eb 2! d eol Aw ly I RESTORED. R(ma rf I ree. A victim of youthful lznpruaenoecaasmff Prem ture Decay. Nerveua Lelih. " c,r'i tumru remedy, naa nirwerml a .JTff'"'' w.h;Va he wm send. TREK to hi U J. MasuX. l-ot office Box 3179, New York City. ;t:eol ilAw ly Workicg Classes' MJHPMi viryvnn ia mmm, aU- cia8cea with employ am at home, the whoJo of tho time or for .7t Vre "oroccts. Business tew. light ntuuuie. rereona oi eitner ex easiry -..u. 10 per eve un gvand a Iu?&1 6nm by devoting all their time .. - l. "-ym sou Kins Rarn near it "h."n- That all who see thla niy Ik7Mr h,y-Kts: P8t tho buslucs, wc Ur. ,, r J " 8 Jcn are ro f at iii ,Z ? J: r pwriicuura bu out rwilana, Ma'.ne. uec l bmu lyw Removed. J UATX THE PLKASURE OF ANNOUNO ig n my frienls and the pfcbne that I have I morM Into the Urpe and coamodlins Sta- i ertned br n e or tbe comer Tof Vrtnces- j "''TiWitrcsuiwhe I have ample room f'Hall the licmandb of the l ivery and aie UilrtH- 1 kI'crn6untly on hand horses! Oh Wsk for h!rc an(1 wi lH),rd hor8e8by &Sir.?l?nlhthw'nit- A ca" v,W"u 'r soil.-lte-t. V He Sush. Sash. He fi. paints. varnishes." Oils. TUf 1 v and Builder's .At Hardware, 9 tOOojj AT Ly WEST PKICES. Oh JACOBIN HDW. DtPOT, ,.- 10 So. Front 8t Crop Cuba Molasses. I Pi 15 New ARGO. 554 HogsLeads. One 66 Tierces, But No "tfS fe coner -.Traa. For ,aie very low by ' ' ' Oh VoitTH & WOU. H He Oil Bat SSnei'aVw0? make more For tt ork' all ,ree- a f- eirDiiV; f Jne 1o He 'Wfl' ani .r ,rmiheQrt iy- irmtirL nJ erms tree. u.M. SYriwS TXF to you, To Trne. 'Ul Uanboo The D a i fy.Review. nothing but a soldibb n he 8 Dotbing but a s i . comingherefo.ni For I saw him pass this soldier, bat he's pass this tuormoer in his ontfoim so hnVht . He was coming in from picket, whilst np 9Uog a sweet retrain. Aod he kisseU his band at .some one ' " peeping iho' the window pane. Ab, be r-de no dashing charter with a black and flowing mane' But his bayou i glistened brigMly as the son lit up the plain; No waring plume or leather fluhed i.s crimson in the Aula Ile belongs, to th Light lotantrj, ao'd came to war to light. Oh 'he's nothing but a soldier, bis trust is in his sword To car his way to glory through the yast opposing horde. Mo pi mrons pageant heralds him, no 'sycophants attend In his belt you see hU body-guard hi tried and trusted friend. Oh he's nothing hut a soldier, aud stranger in our land. a Mis home is in tne Sunny South by the DlUP CiuTs guidon straru! But 1 wish I knew n s people, sm Utile of his past. For father's always telhug me about , our "social caste." Oh he's notbinir hut a soldier, but hi- eyea are yery tine And I sometimes think whvn passing Ihey are peirciit into mine. "Pshaw, he's ntthing hut h soldir, 'Come, let ine le discreet" But; really fora soldier, his toilet's very neat. Oh ht's nothing but a soldier, but last night he came to tea. What an interesting soldier! but then he's rather tree, ,'Tw'as two o'clock ihh morning before he took his leave He has my ring the fellow but what's the use to grieve? He has been again to see us, the gentle Ho Cttiis t sen us often our house is on his way. , At times he sadly seeks the shade ri i w ionder erivu if trres atched him once this soldier I saw him ou his knees. Ode day last week I a9ked him to tell me of his home it ... . .. ne answerea,. pointtoe to bis camp iim v nere e er inese oravo ones roam" . iaskeJ.him once to tell me of bis mother, sisters dear. A funeral cortege passed alon?, said he "You have them nere." Oh he's nothing but a soldier, but thisl know full well, tie has 't heart t nottness where tender Virtues dwell: For once when we were talking, and no one else was near I saw him very plainly trv to hide starting tear. We were speaking of Manasses, of that hrt. great, bloody day When a handful of our loved ones held the mighty host at bay. Twas there he lost his aged sire, white bgbting by his side. Fie sleeps beneath the crimson end, where rolled that bloody tide. Oh he's nothing a soldier, but within that eye so clear There lurks no craven spirit, no timid glance of fear. For though at pity's pleading it can melt with tender liaht. I've seen it flash like lightning across tbe brow of nuht. Oh he's nothing but a soldier, such as pass ns everv dav He calls tb?era:raggl devils", but you know that's just his way And one thjng's very lunny, one thing I can t explain, That when this soldier goes away. 1 wish him back again. Oh he 9 nothing but a soldier and a stranger yet to fame. But they tell me in the army "the boys all know bis name." The enemy too has heard it, they dread bis battle-snout, ihy hayo no wih to . meet him this famous Southern Scout. he's nothing but a soldier. Yet you'd call bi3teatur33 good. That cut he got at West l'oiut, while bghting under Hood has a hailing in bis gak, a trifle in the knee. brought it back from Sharpsburg, where he went with General Lee Oh he's nothing but a soldier, but his triumpsare not few. Ho has seen our gloriou battle flag in - fl all its trials through. At Seven I'ines ha followed it, on the 8 height at Malvern Hill. Williaiusbu. at West Point, in the smoke at Urines' Alia. he's nothing but a soldiers, but then its vewt queer. feel somehow when absent. I'd rather . have bimincar He's gone to meajL tbe foeman to stay tbe invading track. O! Heaven shield this soldier, O! God, let him come back. He is back again; this soldier, with his eye so deep aud clear. And his voice like falling waters mak ng music in mv ear. empty coat sleeve dangles where once a stout arm grew. this soldier says, in bugging be has no use lor two. - he's nothing but a soldier, and I kntiw tnat on bis form. bears the scars of conflict and many a batile-storm: I would not give this soldier in his simple, humble home. all the perfumed dandies, thai strut . arcana oar town. is back-again this soldier, he is sit tine bv my side. morrow, .Q for Texas, with his ' ywung Virginia bride: "he's nothing but a soldier." but .I'm cow his tovin? wife. . - Pledged thr good report or evil, to .dwell with, hita through life. Jackson's Duel with Dickinson In a paper in the Southern Bivouac the following conversation between General Harding and General Jackson, relative to Jackson's dul with Pickin son. is given: "In conversation with General Jack son one day I said; 'General, is a brave man ever inghtened? " " I don't know that I am competent to answer that question.' said be. I res plied: The world accords you as much orajery as is possessed by any man." "If that be so. sir, said the General 1 would eav I have hepn as badlv frightened as a eentleman ouht ever io oe.' I said. ' presume that was in some oi your Indian fights?' saul be. it was when I went on the field with Dickinson. I knew him to be a cool, brave, determine man. anu me oesi $nt i ever saw. and I never expected to leave the field alive, l owe my life to the fashion of -the day the fu.l-nreastf d coat. This and the peculiar conformation of my much-sunken chest wre all that saved me. Dickinson's bullet struck what appeared to be the centre of my body under the rightarm, and the ball grazed my nre:isib'ne. I had eone upon the held determined not to fire at Dickin son. but to discharge my pistol in the air, having no ground of quarrel with him. and not wishing to hurl a hair of bis head My quarrel was with his lather in-law. -Lrvin ; but when I fnlt myseir snot, utwier the impression that I had received a mortal wound, and saiartingurdr this belie! and the phys icI pain. I fired the fatal shot, and no act of my iife have I ever regretted so mud-. -" 'Under the conditions ol the meet- trig we had a right to reserve the fire, because I knew that Dickinson could shoot so much more auieklv than F could It has been asserted in thu nnh. ic prf.its.' said Old Hiekorv. 'that I advanced on Dickinson to deliver in v shot and that he gave back, both of which statements are false, sir. f stoad in mv nlace when T flrnd an.! nickinson remained in his, receiving my shot like a cool, brave mnn as he was," General Harding said that at this ?ame interview, which was the last he fiver had with General Jarfc tter said tf him " The world is creatlv mistaken auoui mv having an unrroverniriln emper. I never gave an exhibition of temper without my judgment appi oved x somen wes lonnu it uecessarv even to prevent the shedding of blood."' : . Nervous Debility, in either sex. however induced, speedily. thor oughly and permanently cured. Ad dress, with 10 cents in stamps for reply and biok oi particulars. World's Dis pensary Medical Association. 663 Main Street. Buffalo. N Y Listen to YiMir Wifo The Marcheter Guabdian, June 8th, , oavc. A one r f ihe "Windows" Looking on the woodland ways witn clumps of rhododendrons and great masses of May blossoms ! ! "There was an interesting group. It included one who had been a'Cot- ton spinner." but was now so Paralyzed ! ! ! That he could only bear to lie in a reclining position. This refers to my case. X Z a. a.. t -a a x was nrsi AiiacKcu twelve years ago with 'Loeotuoter Ataxy" (A paralytic disease of nerve fibre rarely ever emeu.; and was tor several years barely able to get about And tor tho last hve years not able o attend to my business, although May thlnss have been done for mo. The la at experiment belli Nerve stretching. Two years agj 1 was voted into the Home lor Incurables! Near Mao- ch'-eter, in May, 1882. I am po advocate;" "For anything n the shape of patent 'Medicines? And ni'ide many objections to mv dear wilt?'; o'-nstant urging to try Hop outers, bu' finally to pacify her tJnnsented ! ! I had rot quite finished the Hi st bot tlo when I telt a change come over me. This was Saturday. Nov. 3d. On Sun day morning I felt so strong j sauj tQ my room companions ' could was sure I "Walk! So started across the 11 or and back. -1 hardly knew h w to contaii myself 1 was a' I over the hou 1 am gain ng strength cat-.h da- and tan walk muic dale wis out any rupport f I am n -w t my own houte, andoie soon tooehbis to rani my-own ilvi g again. 1 have been a member of Uic Manchester , "Koyal Kxchangc" For nearly lliirtv y-art. and was most Iteart- lly curgrtulate?l on g Am In ihc room on lhursday last. Vciy grattf ul! v yours. JviiN Black hurn. MASCIltSTEit, (fc.n ) Dc 24.-1 Nil Two i cra laU-r am ierfectly we-1 One Kxpcrince of Ilaii3 . Having experienced a great deal of "Trouble!" from indigestion, so much so that I came near losing my My trouble alwajs came after eating any food However Uglit A id digestible, For two or three hours at a time I bad to go through the most Excruciating pains. "And the ouly way I ever got" 'Relief !V Was by throwing up all my stomach contained!! No one can conceive the pains that 1 had to go through, until "Atlast?" I was taken! "So that for three weeks I lay in bed and Could eat nothing ! ! ! My sufferings were so that I called two doctors to give me something that would stop tbe pain. 'Their efforts were no good to me. At last I heard a good deal "About your Hop Bitters ! And determined tt try them " Got a bottle ;n four hours I took the contents nf One,' NVxt day I was out of bed, and have not seen a . "Sick!" r Hour, from the same cause since. , I have recommended it to hundreds of others. You have no such " Advocate s I am M Gso, Kksdaix, AlUtoa, Boston, Mas, mays dcr vYiitJI.EttAl.E PWTI"T?fc . .- I whwTi- foUowlxig ouomion repreaea IrfiT? Prtoca generally, in makhu up amall ordera blgher prlcea hare to be nhaxsi BAOQINQ ' Onnny.. ........... 8 A aianrtard . " Hm. r Shoulders, V side, r fb.:....:.: : WESTERN SMOKED n.J .. Sides. 1p tb ... Shoulders, ft, " D&T 3ALTED- Side. V ft Shoulders, V !b BSliKs?!ri" Turpentlile Second Hand, each...:.... . New City each beeswax : 12 8 10 a a o WAG 5 & o a 0 00 a 0 a a o 10 1 so 1 ss 24 9 00 23 a oo o oo orviojvr;. Wilmington r M Northern BUTTEH, V JS North Carolina Northern........ CANDLES, f to- "" 8oflrrn. Adamantlae CHEESB., y 1 " Dairy, Cream.... 014 (O co a is 18 & 25 no 12 8 0 3 15 'a lb 23 & 45 r o & ti a -6u CO i 62V4 & 00 5 6 ot a do COFFEE, V lb- Java.... ......... tAgayra ".. ""..""." '." I'lr. COKN MEA'CV V:;inaV"i Virginia MmI COTTON TIES. V Ttn,ii domestics ' rrsij Sheeting, 4-4, f yd t xrcb, if bunih. ....... ...... doten 81 m 20 'iacaerei, No. 1, bbi 20 uo 012 00 02C C:( 018 u 0 9 10 012 CC 0 4 50 Ol2 0 0 4 0 0 7 Hackerel, No. 1, r half bbl..ll 00 Mackerel, No. Z, r bbl if 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. S 00 Hackerel, No. S. y bbl 11 (0 Mullets, bbl o 60 Mullets, Pork bbls 00 N. C. Roe Herrlnn-. ir kesr s oo 6 Dry Cod. F ... FLOUR, r bbl northern Super............... " Extra. " Family City Mills Super Farallv 3 25 4 (0 4 50 4 90 4 M 1lA O 0 0 0 0 3 re 4 25 4 75 4 10 5 . 10 OLUE ft ft GRAIN. r bushel- uorn, from store, baga,whlt. Corn, cargo. In bulk, white.. Corn, cargo. In bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. Oats, from store... a Cow' Peas " mi 0 0 0 O 0 0 60 471 65 12 HIDES, rib ureen. ......... ............... 5 Drv in 0 0 01 HAridoib. " saacern. ....... ........ ....... 1 10 Western....................... ( 0 North River ftt 13 0 SO uuur lliU. f ft 2K 2 V Northern 7 North Carolina 8 LIME. barrel. 1 40 LUMBER, City Sawed, r M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Carcroes.accordln 0 0 0 021 01' CO 00 oo to quality...... u CO dl. co Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 02' 00 Scantling and Board. conan..li X) 015 00 MOLASSES, gallon- ew Urop Cuba, In hhda..... 24 in bbls 26 Porto Rico, in Pads.......... " It tfbla.... -26 Sugar House. In hhda....... " lr.bh)3 Svrup. th bbla 22 NAILS, V Keg.Cut.10d oasia.. 2 2.1 OILS. gallon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 : 26 30 20 28 18 35 Kerosene. ...... ............ Lard..:. Linseed i3&ln. ...................... far Deck and Spar............. POULTRY Chickens, live, grown... .. " Spring fixxicojrd PEANUTS r bushel 22 fcfl.. POTATOES, V bnshel -)weet 10 lb 90 15 00 00 2o 15 75 60 f0 50 11 45 CO 18 20 22 'a co 80 0 70 0 2 75 Irish, V bbl PORK, r barrel . . . ... a rnty Mess M....i oc Oil 00 Prime .........13 50 014 00 Bump 00 013 50 auugu, uuAaei; upianu;.... su 0 1 10 Do. do (Lowland).. 1 00 0 1 50 ka3, r tb country n City l & rope, r a 14UA 1V 1 22 75 '65 01 SALT, V sack. Alum 70 0 Jjiverpooi .................... . a Lisbon 00 0 American..................... 00 0 76 SUGAR, r tb Standard 7V40 standard A................... by White Ex C & Ex C, Golden & c Yellow , 0 5 0 (1m 0 7 OD 0 2 & 0 6 0 0 7 5C oOAP, V ib Northern. 'HINGLKS, 7 Lu.rM... 5 5 CO 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 Common.... . Cypress Saps 'jVDrees Hearts........ 8TAVES. M-W. O. Barrel.. 014 (X 01C M 0 6 014 01 013 (X 0 8 51 K. O. Hogshead .00 00 I'AJLlWJW, r lb- 6 TIMBER, t M feet Shipping. 12 00 nne uui- ................ ....u 25 MU1 Prime 7 50 Mill Fair.. 6 000 6 K 6 00 030 01 Common Mill.. inferior to Ordinary.......... 0 CO 0 4 0t WULISK.EY, tr 5i Northern. .1 00 O 00 Nortn Carolina .........1 00 A 2 v WOOL. r lb Washed 18 O 20 Unwashed 15 0 2C 'turrv ... 10 0 15 After Forty years experience in the. P reparat ion of more han Ona IfnndriHl Thousand applications for patents in the United Htates and Foreign coun tries, the publishers of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trad -marks, cow- rights, etc. for the United States, and to obtain patents in Uanads England, J ranee. Germany, and all other countries. Their experi ence is un equaled and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patents obtained through Mnnn ACo.ar noticed in tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has tbe largest circulation and is tbe most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee DJHierstanaa. This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, enzineerinz works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub- nsoea in any country, it contains tne names or all patentees and title of every invention patented eacn weet Try it tour montos lor one aoiiar. Sold bv all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Mann x uo., puniisners oi bcientinc American. 3til Broadway. .New ork. Handbook about patents mailed free. ADVERTISERS Can learn tbe exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rbwell ; & :Co.f . , Newspaper Advertising Dureau, - IO Spruce St, Hew York. . Send lO cts. for lOO-pase Pamphlet. wmM 1 - MISCELLANEOUS. 100 A WEEK. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN DESIBING pltaaant DroOtahlA emnIavmiPt wrttA at once. We want yo- to handle an article 9 15 H 11 5 uviucvuc one mat recommends Itself to every t ljrht. bTAPLK AH FL"UK Pells like not -akcs. Pro flu 300 per rent. Fami lies wishing to practlrse cfoomnv should for their own tnefll write for particulars. Used every day the year roim ' irr every household Price ithtn reach of all rirrulars free Agents receive SAMPLE FREE Address DOMF-STIC M'FVi ci i .. 2o eo! d Aw m Marwn, hk. PENNYROYAL PILLS.! "CIJICHESTEU'.S ENGLISH.1 xa uuimsAL AND ONLY GKNU t-are ana always Reliable. Beware of worth- icss imitationa. IndUnensahl to t.AHiKS .nr wojrarlst for Chichester's oliIbh and Uke ro other, or inclose laiainpsj io us ior particulars in letter bv turn man. nahk P - pk.k ( ii hvstvd ' uai , su Madison Souare Phil fa At Drugrls's. frad supplied bv a oiioemakgb, r tniadeiphia. Fa dec 23 dftw ly The National Life AND - Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D C. -o- HORATIO BROWNING, President. -o GEO. D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Manager and Actuary. Lite Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An locontestible Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeftable Alter Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D., Medical Director. W. H. GIBSON. Special Agent. Home Office, 1.215 F Street. N. W men 31 ly Something UJewI -AND VEKY 2STIOE 1 SARATOGA CHIPS FRESH AND CRISP. IT IS ONLY NECESSARY TO TRY THEM. TO ARRIVE BY STEAMER TO-DAY FROM NEW YORE, THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING BUTTER OF THE SEASON. Jno. L. Boatwriglit. men 29 15 A 17 So. Front Street COME SEE US! HENEVER YOU ARE IN NEED I OF nam mihg mum, come and see us. We have the most complete establishment In the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at- prices that we can live at. TG1 ve us your orders. TACKSON A BELL. HARDWARE . a Stoves. Plows. o A SASH, DOORS, etc. Paints. Glass. And a com pie t assortment of Farm" ing Implements. JACOBI'8 HDW. DEPOT, dec I 10 So.ont Street. Change of 'Base. jyjy FBI ENDS AND THE PUBLIC ABE respectfully notified that I have removed my shops to Chestnut street, between Front and Water. All orders for work In myllne. Un. nlnpr, repairing, Ac., will be done promptly and faithfully. B. F. RISING. Chestnut, between Fro at and Water sta. Ian 51 tf lOc.FOR A SHAVE, "Oc. FOR A HAIH OUT. GOc. FOR A HAIR CUT.SH AVE ANDSIIAMPOON. HAIR DYEINGSOc and upward. At JOHN WEUNKB'4. Tbe German Barber and Perfumer, jan a Market at .The Sutton House, VJAKKET 6TKKKT. SOUTH. &IDK, BB twren Front ad econd. Board by the-Day. i Week or Month, clean Cooms, Comfortable Beds. orwt Attendance and kthe; best the I UA.I L ICOAUB. AC Wilmington & We!donR. R. AND DUANcnno;, of i CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING HQUTI1 - , ti , . o ?3, .27 DaBv?' Dated 'ay 1, ;d7. Dally: Dally. except - Senear. Leave Weldon.... pm ftv3St.n'.V. Ar. R cky Mount 3.21 " . J........ Arrive T arboro...j4 fto pm ......... ... Leave rarboro.v..lQ 5 'am .' Arrive Wll: on S 58 pm 6 58 ptu .....'.! Leave W-lson..... ! 15pm l7... Arrive -elma....:. 5 24 pm ......... ........ Arrtverayettevllle 7 V pm j. Leave Goldsboro.. 4.'0pm 7.40 pm Leave Warsaw.. .V.. .27,pm Tcoln. Ar. Wilmington... 7 5)pm 9.15 pn 10. J - , . . " f f NE. Kr 4c re EOL TRAINS O 1NG N'RTU. No. 14, Dally NO.78, Dally. Leave WUmlnrton 11.4. pm 12 52 t m 1.- 8 an l.NS am 8 St i eave Magnolia. Arrive Warsaw.. Arrive Goldsboro loJta am 10 49 am Leave ryettevli.et 8 3am " Arrjvoelms. 10 50am Arrive Wilson . ........ n 59 am w. av Wi son h 2.43 am 12 Sa pm It Tam Ar.Rocky Mount.. i.. 1 12 pm 1.27 am Arrive larboro. .. so rm I lave Tarboro. 10S n Arrive Weklon.. 4 8 am 2 4j pro I &5 smv Train on Scotland NmV rm lUllfax for Scotland Neck at 3.W) P1L R. turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9Jfl m: dally except Sunday. a Raticrh rT' C- vU Albermarle ," Raleign R. R. Dally except undav nn p : - M .Sunday .6.00 P. V. arVlv " WlTiJStot n. c. 8.11 p. m.. An p. , r" -"l - WUliamston. N. DaIIt rM..t n.H.. r ?l ' " Train rn Midland N. boro. N. C. Dal v exvnt MtmH.v tm. u arrive Smithfleid. N. c'smI ii" JZtZLit' X leaves SmlthUeld. n ii" oha a i Goldsboro. N. C..10 30 A.M. rram on Nashville Branch leaves Rock v Mount tor Naihvlllrt im w o-.... leaves Naahvllla lT.ia a a,' "4;.fr't"5 8unday - rram on Clinton branch leaves Waisaw for Clliiton, Daily, except ttundav. at 7.20 P. M . - eiurnmg it avea .Untou at7.(0 . M. Southbound Train nn W lain Jft na.A4a4l1 Branch la No.51. Northbound!. N vl .ITuL except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only atWllaor . Goldsboro and Magnolia. 7 Train No. 78 makes close connection at W .. ' don for all BOlnta North natl. an o" T' Richmond, and daflv J vrw uiukw; , Im 4ir - Trains make close connecUon fot all point North via Richmond and Waahlngton All trains run solid between Wi'mlngttn anc -Washington, and have Pullman mw.. era attached. JOHN r. DIVINE,' r v.l. ou aransportauon ; i n . apl 29 Wilmingtona Columbia & Augusta R. K, Co. - r - , ii' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOOTH. I NO. 67, : i I Daily! j - - Dated.Mayl.lssi.sSy. Sall Dally7' Leave Wilmington. 8.15 pm 10.10pm Lv. IWaccamaw $.30 pm 11 15pm Iave Marlon 11.24 pm 123 Jam !7e Iorencc 6 20 pm 2 40im 2.40am -frrlve Sumter 7 45 pm 4.24 am 4 24am Arrive ColumbU.. . 9 25 pm 6.20 am 6.2Ja TRAINS GCING NORTH. lN.o- M' I aiir. No. 78, except No. 62, Daily. i'aiiy, Sunday. Leave Columbia... 10.25 Dm 7.15 am Arrive Sumter.... 11.52 pm 8 48am Leave Florence.. Leave Marlon..... o3 am 5.28 am 7.06 am 8.30 am 10 15 am 8.10 -pm j 8.44 pm . , lo.it Dm Lv. L. Waccamaw Arrive Wllmingt'n 11.25 pm ...... d1!?8; 3? 78 ,t0P W Stations except' in3dfmma?benezer' c8TaniuUi,witeVee . P"nj?ersfor points on C. G. Bl B. a. ' Pn f RLR' au"on. Aiken JunOonT anJ -all points beyond, should take No. 23. PulK man Sleeper for Augusta on this trite.. - Trains 57 and 56 make close connection at " Florence with Trains oni.4D. K. K. JOILN jr. DiVilfX, J u irirviv a Q??Al Supcrlnteiidfflrt. J Vm' -S21T 8ud 1 Transportation. . aPllj UW,Mr1 WAlceni. ' Carolina Central B. B. Company. Orncn or kvbxai. SurKnurrxvoxvT, Wilmington, N. C, J n 24, I7. Change of Schedule. ID (J AND AJTEfi THI8 DATE, TJli torgix:heuje wiil be operand on No. 1, Dally except Sundaya. Leave Wilmington at e 00 A Leave Shoe Heel in la Leave Charlotte........ 3.42 B rneiUT... m urn nSrlB S3ESE Arrive Butberfordton.... ...... ... 8.40 . i No. 2 Dally except Sunday. ' 1 "" i 1 Leave Butberfordton 6 00 A If e t ' Leave Shelby ! v Leave Clarlotte u w Leave Sboe Heel... 3 &6 P 14 Arrive Wilmington... - . No. 3 Dally except Sunday. ' . t fa... ariii . w" " ikuiiUK iUJJ.. .. . ......... 4t P lf' Leave Batelgh.. .V.V.....; IS - Arrl ye Charlotte rWL . ., no. 4 Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlotte.... ......... 11 Arrive kalehjb 8X3 fit Arrive Wilmington ........ . Van m nS?.,1 2 make conneetioa at - Heel mtb trains on c. F. A V. v Hr Traina No. 3 Mo: maae close Muwrtwn OamletwlthTraln. to1idS5fSrl! K TakiSS? Vtoftott and Balelga. . : WMSnWpp0.1 SUteaylBeTetttlons, ,v N C B B, Aihevllle and poinu Weal. : . i5 1 S4. joints Southws. t J?e!f ht So' J 6 tri weekly be , i tween Wilmington and Uamleu - lo y"lgb Nee 7 and 8 triweekly be ' tween Hamlet and beiby. , WT t. Mo. &, c, 7 and 8 will not take passengers - L. C. JOMS, Ho. ea. Dally, except Sunday. Silpm 6.46 pm 7. o pm y 1 1 - t. $ 1