fiiia paw; OTM.a wiUMda4 to netm omaaaicaCoi tVoai oar tnaada oa say sad aU safc3S capiat DT JOSH T. JAMES, of tms wussv i iiul artrsTsU aiiaaU aotaaEdUn. BDlTO DoftauaioaOona mast tm wrltua 51' aw months. f4-00. ossatdeof tat papst. . mm mm a - r II 1 . T . ' V 1 A-W i H . W II II IV W IV . M J J 1 L I h J v 1 II J V V i - - . ' . - - ru pt w" th? "-ty. at we t. A1ve n anT ana their paper r. ItMW fti lcu l ' i lb Standard DUUl rkfaly prnt ,orC"r a row o inital ol ' ' '.".V ri m 3fl- ...m. in. r .aB r that (Jn! Custer eTy iak-,here 11,0.1 .Itiuppoed lhat i Ued ciu,1,,u " . krMl' ivedfrnm Charles Mr4 ' ,nr 33.381 53. ftS 3.38 ,M'" "ut" S...h..ha.r. f '1 ua-e, CSmnrt .bo- ii if ir;:;:;,1er. c. ot Ireland . .. i!n.l dtirinz !he J l.t. lias a. bet. H i - . . . ,-m. mi- tmr :j .wmjit (riling on c-uiJ 1 .1 D0 up very l..n without re duciDt ber to a practically srt con d.t"n. . tbcrorai.'.riiby'-ran. swirips 4yf mi;4 in twnty f..ur hou?, and thui betiiiiKih'f K'niria'- tier per lorninnce by rlJ-n milm. Tni i- an average rf 3)i Saii-'es an li-ur. lor twenty-lour b,.uri. anl in certiiaiy a wonderlul chie'uent. Which steamship will bdtnflirst one t turn the 500 mile corner? - Mrs. Ovehri'l ha succeeded in e Mb!:nin fio custom in Waabiritoo wbifh i rigidly lollwed out by soeiety. B.f.wtot? prespDt Administration came in lilies invariably rRnioyed tbeir ',..a dt Jinner That bas all been charp.l by thw present njitresa Ol the While H'iDse. Shu goes through ihe courses, with her glove on, and."" of conre e?erybrdy else present in oblig ed t lil(W. It is thought that the immigration thisjearwill exceed 100.000 Tno cSancter ot the immigration bas great ly chinM of late years. Germany oo gends us about onel bird as many iettlcrsas she did six wr seven years izn.tnJ Irish imiuigation is falling off Ireland and Germany hve diposd of their surplus population for the present.' Rauia. Austria, Hungary aud Italy ihovan imoieose increase. Of the sow comers the Russians present rath er the best appearance, being tall, vig orj aud with an , air of resolution. Tbfj are chiefly trom the, grainsgrow m regions of the Black Sea. - Gould has perfected the purchase w m acres of land near St. Louis, ' for SS50OO. The land was bought for an xtens;ve maaufacturing site, where the machine shop9 ot both the Missouri Pacific ami Iron Mountain ana South - " railroads are to be consolidated. I' is said that i i will not be long before Mr. Gould will commenco to iarry out bplan tor an industrial tc wo and machine shops, where at ' lenat 4.C00 aenwiu be employed. : Thuse em ployees are to be furniihed wit i pleas nt dwellings, that . will .be frprlded ith ail kinds of conveniences essential l homes for Q rat-class mechanicSi Brace, Up. ' J UQ WTiW IppI i n or rtnnMaeo ' vnntQnna tite It , r' JUU Bit) IAJIUCICU OSClache. von iiro firfiToi tv . nrrworts poor, you are bothered with generally out of sorts, and want to 're op. Brace up. but not with stim Ms, spring niedicioes." or bitters. 6ichhave for tbeir basis very bad. whiskey. and which stimulate r - aD Dour then leave you in ton CORdiUon lhan before. What h'Janl ,a an alterative to purity your .fart healtny action of Liver " Kidneys, restore your vitality, and - T renewed health and strength. Such ip it,? onlv 50 cents a bottle at Green & Co'3. Drug Store. Heir Business Boo mine:, ftobably no one thing has caused; II rJienfral reviv of trade at W ttiStT & Cu,i- 1)r2 Store as their nitbv u"aT .lo ,he,r customers of so K rf u,al boUle3 of Dr. King's Their i;i,5COVei-y for Consumption eri .i t,IS8lmply enormous in this ital.;U4ble articl f"on the lact that CoiVhV n r,e tQd nexer disappoinU Cfoop mWSVk Aslhma. Bronchitis. ioicL!, aJ' lhroat &nd Jane diseases C size rng Vrial 601116 frefl Every bottle warranted. J.? JAC0CIS Mg7nd" fine assort lcf fishing tackle. He can'snrelv jeany fisherman with hit ssQrt4 uJj4amrtersfor base ball supplies iDsbergera. ' VOL. XL iLOCAJ.NEWS. JBDEI TD HEW AOVERTISIMEMTI. r liiLLBV Uulen Seed P IfErssBEROKK Excursion Lawn Partt Cliy HU Park Tatlob1 Bazar Ma-lna Hat C v t aTK Base Ball Suiplies OllEKA Kouse Coia Van assel Geo tt FrbCH 0X8 'w Foaon Fravk W King Weatbrook'sStrawbvriers aIillbb A HlEarLiE Kenrely'fi Mtrdical . For other locals see fourth pa?e. Morning. Prater, and celebration ol the Holy-Communion, in Si Jobns Church, at II o'clock oo Thursday, A ceusiSo Day. . Wesajv yesterday at Messrs Hays & O-lum'a vegetable store, rear the Ntw Market, the largest cabbage "f the sea son thu3far. It was grown at Capt. Sou: herland'ft place, about thre miles East of the rity Mr F. W. King, in Front street market building, receives the lainous Westbrook (strawberries twice each dav His stori is oren at all hours ot r the day aud orders left there will be p-omptly filled. The Vastport will probably take down a large crowd to-morrow to Car ollna Beach. It is the first trip she will make to the new resort and there are many who are anxious to g down there and spy out the land. The steamer will return here in plenty time lor dintwr and the yacht race in the afternoon. Onr thanks are returned lor an invi tation, with the couiDlinfenis ol the Principal, to attend the Annual Com mencement ot Thomasvillo Female College, on the2t)ih, 30th and 31 inst. The annual sermon and the annual ad dress will be delivered by Rev. W. Henry Strickland. HwrHonai 'Mr. George Harris3, Jr., arrive'd in the city from Philadelphia, wheie he has recently located, and will remain herd a lew davs. Capt. F. T Atkins, of Clinton, Quar termaster Second Regiment N. C. S. G . arrived in the city last night, and has been busy during the day in the various duties ot hi3 position. Masonic. Tho Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons ot North Carolina will hold its next annual Convocation at Charlotte on Tuesday, the 24th inst. High Prie?t. M. M. Katz. Excellent King -W. A Williams, and Excellent Scribe A. J Howell, by virtue of their official posi tions, are the delegates trom Concord Chapter No. 1. of this city. v "" CitV Court. ' Amos Washington, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with cnrsiDg on the public streets. He was lound guilty and a One of $5 was imposed tor the ofiense. Sam Wilkin8. also colored, for noisy drunkenness and disorderly conduct was required to pay a fine of $20 or go below for 30 days. . 'Two parlies, for failure to pay the license tax required to conduct their business. were fined $25. The Graded. Schools. Oo next Tuesday the present term of the graded sohools will close The .public is invited to visit the Peabody School from 10 to 12 o'clock in the tore- noon. Oo Friday at the same hours the Williston School' will receive visi tors. Notice in regard to the Heraeo way and Union will be given later. Exports Foroisro. Nor barque 7&ra. Jorgensen. cleared to-day for Stettin, with 3,510 barrels rosin, valued at $3,908.- shipped by Messrs. Patorson. Downing & Co. Nor. barque Alftii, Egeness. cleared lor Hamburg with 660 casks spirits I turpentine and 1.938 barrels rosin, val ued at $13,078. shipped by Messrs E G Barker Co., making a total of ex ports foreign amounting to $16,086 Bed Hot Was the man who paid $3 more for his suit at : , than his employer paid for. his, tbeidentical in every respect, at Shriek's . This is poly one of the many daily occurrences where hard earned money is thrown away or wasted Why' will men work hard all day for $150. $2 or $3, then throw it away when that stjm could be saved in from 10 to 30 minutes by trading with I. Sfirjek. whom we can recommend and who will deal honorably with you in uverv resccct. t Take care of your eyes. An agency lor the LeMare's celeorated Rock Crys tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses is 3tab listed in this place at Heiosbefger's.t. WfLMINGTOS N 0 , WEDNESDAY. MAY 18 Forethought. Watchmen haveeeii employed for several ays to guard he properly at Camp William MacRe. so that tbt camp equipage, as well as Ibe personal effects of the officers which have ben put there have been eared for. Alter to night the camp will be placed under military discipline and probably the private guard will be re nj'ived ' Opera Home. The Western romantic drama en titled "Gyp" was presented by the Cra Van Tassell Cnifany at the Opera House last night, and. althr-ngh the attendance was not quite as large as on the previous night, all present were delighted. The play was welf mounted, the characters remarkably well impersonated, and the play, in every particular, was a pronounc ed success, in lact it was a decided hit, which added to the already excellent reputation of the company. To night 'Ksmeralda." a ii mington lavonte. will be presented, and a lar 'e audience will undoubtedly be in attendance Olliciala Fined. Yesterday afternoon Mayor Fowler fined Justice J. C. Millis and Deputy Sheriff W H Brewington and Richard Holmes $50 each tor resistiuz a police ollicer and attempting to rescue a prisoner Alt the defendants appealed to the Criminal Court, and gava the re quired bonds for their appearan c be tore the laiter tribunal. The case grew out ol an unfortunate occurrence last Saturday evening in which several of our good citizen.5 were engaged and in which there occurred a conflict ol authority between the magistrate and deputies and the police officers. Criminal Court. The following have been the proceed ings to-day before this tribunal up to the hour of closing our report: Slate vs. S. Sanders, assault and bat tery. Not guilty and deteudent ois. charged. Slate vs. J. C.- Millis, resisting an officer Continued tor delendaut. Siate vs. R F. Holmes, resisting an officer. Continued for defeudant -State V3. Henry Brewington, resist ing an officer. Contined for delendant. State vs.' Gus Brown, Thomas Jeffer son and Joe Jones, malicious mischief. Guilty and sentenced to 60 days each in tho County House of Correction. State vs. Randall Mayo, assault and battery. Defendant submitted and judgment for $1 and co3ts. - State vs. Henry Simmons, assault and battery. Guilty. Judgment not yet pronounced. Tho Line of March. The Wilmington Light Infantry. preceded by the Cornet Concert Club, will march to the Carolina Central Railroad Depot to .night, arriving there in season to receive the Maxton Guards, who will roach here on to night's train. The Infantry will then escort the Guards down Nutt street to Rod Cross up Red Cross to Front, and down Front to Princess, where they wiil be joined by the Fayetteyille Inde pendent L'ght Infantry, which will, have then arrived by the steamer Cape Fear. The line of march wilt then be continued down Front street to Market and up Market street to Camp William McRae, where they will go iuto quar ters for the nighi To-morrow morn ing ibe three companies will meet the Sampson Light Infantry at the Front Sireet Depot upon arrival. The reg iment will then be formed, after which it will march to the City Hall where the reception ceremonies will take place. It is hoped thai oar own company will turn out with lull ranks, and that employes will give members who are in their employ an opportunity by which its entire strength may be shown The visitors will be in fact the guests ot the Light Infamy and it is important that the latter should be fully represent ed in uniform for their own pride as well as tor ibe honor and credit of the city. It has also been suggested- and the idea is a good one that the residents along the line ot march to be taken to night should illuminate their houses and grounds, as a cordial welcome to the visiting military and the many friends who will undoubtedly accoui pany tbem. If the illumination should be general, it would be an imposing sight, which would most tayorably ini press our guests. The individual ex pense woutd t a mere trifle and the effect would be magnificent. The Review Jon Opfick is the place tj get good work at moderate prices. Par Washington The High Teat. Independent Order of Rcbabites, will hold its regular an nual session this year at Washington. It. C . commencing on Tuesday, the 24th inst. The dslegataa tram ibis city are Mr C L Cwles representing Unity Tent No; 60 Mr. W L. Jaecbs. Junior Ten l No. . and Mr J. T. J'ratt. representing Harmony Tent No. 139 and North Slate Tent. -Female branch. No. 19. 1 ' Lawn Parts . The Ladies' Memorial Association met yesterday afternoon and concluded try give a Lawn Party, in the City .Hall Park, Mayor Fowler having granted permission for its use. The ladies wili occupy that part of the park West of toe entrance lo the Opera House. They will provide ice cream, strawberries and other refreshments tor the occa sion and only a small sura will be charged tor odmission. Their object is to raise lunds for their nearly depleted treasury. Thure is no thought of self in their work and they have reason, we think, to look for a generous support at the hands of our people. The Kegalta The Regatta Committee of the Caro lina -Yacht Club have decided upon Ihe programme and course for the race tak pt.ace to-morrow afternoon. The first gun. notifying-the. yachts to pre par o lor the race, will be fired at hall'past 2 p. m. The second gun will be fired at 3 p. m., at which time the first yacht must start, to be followed by the other yachts in order at each successive blast of the whistle from the Commodore's boat. The course will be from the Custom House wh.rf to the first black buoy below the "Dram Tree." rounding the buoy from West to Etst. tbvnce up the river to slake ooal anchored opposite the Champion Omipress. rounding stake boat Irom East to West, and Ihence to Market dock. The first yacht to pass the Northern edge of Market dock, alter rounding the stake boat, will be the winner. The distance to be sailed is eight miles. The Commodore's steamer, after taking aboard bis guets, will take position by 2:45 p. m., on the West side of the river, opposite the Custom House, and. after starting, th yachts will, if practicable. steam to the buoy in order to take the timeof the yachts as they round it. and then proceed to the wharf at the foot of Market street North side in order to take the time at the finish. The Marie will take position on the West side of the river, astern of ths Commodore's boat, and astern of the Mar e will be the Navatsa and Vertner. The Passport will follow trom her wharf at the South side of Market dock and the Cape Fear will follow from her wharf at the foot ot Dock street. All steamers, except the Commo dore's boat, following the contesting yachts will keep asterq of the Marie. and when passing yachts will run under one-bell. - Ai Fireman's Exhibition. The white firemen of the city have made arrangements to give an exhibi tion on the 20th inst, for the benefit of the visitiug military and other strangers who may be here. It will not be, as some have imagined, a competitive trial, but will be an exhibition showing the excellent workings of our fire de partment, and the efficiency ot our fire men. Tne following programme has been. arranged lor ihe occasion The members of the Wilmington S F. E. Co.. No 1. Howard Relief F. E Co, No. 1. and Hook & ladder Company No. 1 will be at their respective houses, and ihe alarm will be sent out from box 24 ai the foot ot Market street at 11 a m. on the 20th inst.' At the sound of the alarm tqo diflerent companies will start with their engines and truck to Market street The Howard Reliefs will atuch their hose to the hvdrant . at" the corner ot Front and Market, and play up the latter street ; the W. S F. E. C wilt draw their water from the river at Market Dock, and also play up Market street: The latter will also attach a hose to the hydrant at the corner of Front and Princess and play up the la ter street. The Hook & Lad der boys will be take a ladder from their carriage, erect it against some building, send a man to the top and re urn and then reload the ladder on the oarrUge. The object will to show the visitors how quickly and effectively these things may be done in the hand of sk llul and athletic men. There may posibly be souie very slight changes ia ( the pro gramme, bqt they will n'4 be important 'enough to iiOcf lbs general plaoi . r. : ;. ,.' . 1887 NO 117 " U. H. Coast Hurv'fy. Th steamship B!alt Cooimabder Piilsbury. of the U S. Coast Survey.! arrived here this aitcrooon, and will remain in theae waters about a week white engaged n some necessary work outside of New Inlet. This beiog com pleted she will proceed to tM vicinity of Cape Halteras to iovestigata the iean currents tho.B waters. The Uowiur Kaco. The judses in the rowing race are re quested to cueel promptly at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon at the New York steamer's wharf, which wilt be the starting point of the race, instead of at Market dock, as stated by us yesterday to make the necessary arrangements for the contest. The boats that have entered are also-expected to be at the same place at the same hour, each with a small flag in her bow. so that she may b easily designated by the judges. The iudges selected lor the occasion are Capt. Joseph Price. Harbor Master. Capt. J. B.' Moore. U. S. steamer Colfax Capt. Ingram steamship Ileyulntor. and Mr. H C. Mc-Queeu, President of the Produce Exchange. HeAiuiiicly Eradicated With repealed and' powerfni doses of qidulnc c.billH acd fever, in soiuo one of Ilu various forms, springs luto a the existence ajtaiu. often without the Blisblesl ainwreul provra tlon. To extinguish llic smouteriitjt rroiiers oi this obtitlnate and recondite inaladr. iu lee ihau io moHhc it wlnn H raitca tiercel? Id the Ky.s'em, Uostctter'i loui&cb Bit era is all buI- ncicnt. whencverv resource er uieviiaima oopela lias been exhausted against H In vatn. the Bitters conquer it win remove every nn irirc vet-Use of it Nay. more the Hitters win protect those oroiunt wiinin me mini ence ol tne ainjospirerm poison iuai ipjieui naiarUi dlncase. from Us attacks I 'Iorlrrs ot Ibe stomach, liver awl boweJs am anions; the complaints to mr apprciicouco irom luc use of mltsraa talnico water- i here arc ioin cared and prevented by the Bitters Illicit malum, constipation ami rcnai compiaittu, yield to Us action. NEW ADVKKTISEMBVTH OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT COiiA VAN TA88EL, AND HElt EXCELLENT COMPANY will present the char mi ns: Society Dram an tne greatest ox an ido aiamaon Square successes, ESMERALDA. OB, LIFE IN OLD NOBTII CAROLINA Complete MIse-en Scene.Eletrant Costumes Appropriate Music. People's Popular Prices, 10, 20 and 80c. No Extra. No Higher Eeserved seats now on sale n t Helnsberget ' id ay 1 7 Westbrook's Strawberries JONE LIKE THEM. GROWN NEAR THE city and brought in fresh twice each day. Orders received at any hour of the day, and promptly ailed on arrival of the berries. In this way you get the best and get them fresh. IBANK. W. KING, N. E. Corner Front St. Market may 1811 Lawn Party. rjriHE LADIES' MEMORIAL ASSOCIA TION will give a LAWN PARTY in the OITY HALL PABK, on THURSDAY NIGfHT, on which occasion Ice Cream, Strawberrle and oiher Refreshments will be served. En trance fee 10 cents. The Refreshments will be served at lowest prices. mayl8 2t fJA HAT. JOST RECEIVED THE NEW SUM MER HAT. jo the most nobby and exquisite styles, for Ladies and Misses, and just think, for the small sum of 45c. A new lot of Gause and Surah Silk Trimmings in every desirable shade at prices that defy competition. ' o A new lot of Ribbons. Flowers and Feathers, decidedly cheaper than any other bouse in the city. o Still the run for Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts is kept np and all because the price tells the tory At Toyloir'o Bazar, Its Market St., Wilmington, N. C. cay 13 - jmI tt la eapocsUUy mad ' panteolaifr xx.zli - tood taattas Kditoraoa boi always sadcx , -'V . th vtowsof correcpoadaatt. nates ia titi" ADVERTISE31CNTB. t; BUY THE INJURE IN THE TRAVELERS, OFHABTrOBD, CONN.., J THE I ARGENT AND STRONG ES'f a6cI v1 DENT COM PANT IN THE WOULD. It tesuea Aoctdeat Policies for I GIVING 0 000 Io eveBt ' tat $ 0 000 For ,o8so' iwo'cet o'oOO For los of two nan!l 0000 ?or 1om of ote tmn1 am1 one 3 333 33 or losij of ef00' . 3 333 33 $0U UU mi wry. PKOPOKllONATK UhNKFlTSTOE .POU CIES OK ANY AMOUNT. Accident 'MckclH Issued for i3 cents per day. Call on or address, r OKTIltl1lP, JJODGEK . TAYLOB. Fire, Life and Accident Ira. Agents, . Corner utt and Walnut fctroet ' Asstts of Urc Inmra'cc Coiniianles alone . amounUiK lo over $iCi,0tH.i,("f0. ' may 17 at . tf IVlust Close Out -o- M X ENTIRE STXJK OF LAU1KS MIL- LINERY AND FANCY GOODS and Notions together wit i the Store Fixtures, omit be, j el ;cd out by the first of July. I have ibers fore MARKED DOWN everything, and as! am determined toell, my CMtomers will -, find some good bargains by calling early, r - '.. . ! .3 1 To any one desirous of going lntobusineM. This is a good chance, for it is known to h the largest stock of the kind In the State and (l is well established Will , make satisfactory terms. t . " '' .V- Must be Sold ! Everything, including at 1 of the latest styles. In Millinery and all new goodg-lllau'and Bonnets, Feathers an.d Flower, Laces, Vel- vets. Gauze and other Trimmings. A very large lot of Ribbons, Staple an4 Novelties; Hdkfs, Silk and Linen; Gloves, Silk and Lisle; Hos'ery Ladles and Chlldrena ; ' Neckwear, Lisle and Line d; Corsets. 8us tie a. Tabic Linen and many other useful and fancy articles : n Agency for the Royal St John few lug Machine. . Respectfully, mav 16 MISS K. KARREK, Excursion ta Washington Oity; ; .Qy: QVKR FIFTY NAMK8 HAVE ALREADY been secured, and many more are promised. For the benefit of those who desire io go with me I would state that I will start two trains. The first will leave on Saturday, May Hat at 8:50 A M; the second on the same day at 11: 4d P M ; and will return from Washington, Sat urday, the ?sth, at 11 a M. I am now In a prsltlon that I can carry all who desire to go under my arrangement. $7.CV the round trip. Persons living along the Wilmington A Wei don R R. can come on the 8 53 A M train at bay: onjy. . may ;6 P. HEIN8 BERG KB ? . Qr; : Carolina Beach. QN AND AFTER THURSDAY, 19TU last., the STEAMER PASSPORT will begin to make regular trip to Harper's Pier, eon necUng with the train for Carolina Beach. - a on Thnrsday boat will leave wharf at 9 o'clock, and return at 1 3v, In time for the Re gatta. on Friday and Saturday boat will laave at and & o'clock, and returning, will leave the Ocean Beach House at 1 and 6 o'clock - Faro from the city to ocean' and return 50 cents. Children under fifteen zSesnta. Passe ngers will avoid delay by puxchlg tickets before leaving the boat. J. W. HARPER. mayl7 4t General Manager OUR QATAWBA MILK SHAKES (Patented) are growing in favor each day; try them, they are delicious ' MUND8 JBHOTHCR8. Brooklyn N. B. (We will prosecute ay onelBfrlag lng on our patented CATAWBA MILK shakes.) may 1 ' The Passport H A3 BEEN C II ABTXRKD BY THS CAR OLINA YACHT CLUB, to accompany .the contesting Yacht daring the rac Thursday afternoon, 19 ;h inst. i f f A limited number of passenger will be carried. I -.-? 1 Tickets can be obtained from Yates", Ka prowlci and Eegatta Committee. -. . S9T titart promptly at 3 JP M. mayl6 3t ; Surocpy - fr " Wire cloth lr yonrwlndow amL doors can be found &t Jacobi's lldtr. the principal stopping stations, bat they most send roe the money, 7 65, by Friday, so I can Include tbem in the ticket 1 have to bay here ? i . t -.4 "