MISCELLANEOUS ioMOs BLOOD. Quickens 1S"SBI17.2 USS cTesrsth. .aUxto. i.4Jaf he, or prod ate eon- pt,,-1 "Txinrfan. Mass., m: "I l a V IrT-rlU7. i.n Bitters in case of 1 1' irbd Bl8Jrrif ben a tonic was lSit h gTI St.. Nw Orleans. I. TTsy.f'iTed me ma case " "-liiSrS Tneartilr commend it to tl0a JThUri end crossed red lines fe rJKo rSSer. d only by jgScaKlfi- BALTIMORE. Mft " h.v ATA R&H BV-f " F lit iMri--"" I USA. t 01 l k S'H. ' .11,. tt i .i hi i jii"ris t y nrri,?rH..C. KLY riM'.:. rfi It: -. i.-i:-'-''. .! .1 V-v IUEAE if vmmmv TJ I st'fiu-thcnod. Full parti AltlK 5i!.I. CO., Buffalo, 2, PAR INTEREST to EHI yn'rYo-. TT. orLc?3Cf S!c!Tory per ii.n.u itrtor.il ( .. t;.i- i: of an entirely r.?v -Jr. The Verba Santa from Spain. 8pan ! T"-,J"-' i-rt-r fi.il. ( fir iliiirrutcd, S2p.jje bool iti-i :;. (nt .,'uivfiK tverv man enouu it. 0 OU i :V 'i KOCilKXS CO., ttPsrkl'Iuu', Aviv York. Fref Hood RESTORED. TlemH rw. A victim of youthful iiu)rudencefau8inif Prena ture Decay, Nervmis Debili. tv.TjOtManhood.&e .ha-ina Jia vi s every known remedy. has discovered a aj' . tfu-v, wbi.-h ha will Bend FUK to hii C i. Mason, Iw offioe Box 3179. Sew York City. The Daily Review. Worfeirj: Classt s WS?!fi prepirt-l in furnish all clAife3 with cnploy mi t tome, the whole of the time or for at ipare nromci.t!i. Bu&inefs tew. light uiimBUibic. FcTToca of ejtner sex easny nn treat K cent to $5 i er eTtul g, and a pr-.tMTtlonnl (;uui by de oUng all their time toilK buslcws. l6v ard prirla earn nearly Situci 13 ruen. Tiiitall who see this nay (PitrelraiMrvss. and test thf huglnes", we Kite this offer To &'.cli a-i are r ot welt eat Wfiiie will fen-l one dollar to pay lor the trocUof ?rri' nz Fall partlculirs and out ft tree. Ac!dre,8 geobge niijsfon A Co , Pmiu'i, Maine. decl6mdlyw can live at home, and make more money at work tnr us. than at any thloz c bc In the world Capital not needed; vou are started free. . Bo h i. . sexes; ail ages. Any one can no ''Tork. Large carnlnsa eure from the fire t ":t 'ostly outfit and terms free. Better ' lol!!"- 1:0818 yu nothinic to send ua your 'O'Twird find out; If you are wlae yov wll owatence. H. 1!allett & to. 1'orfland ' rtec 1 6md ly w fa 1. 1 1 -5,s wdloi Square fr.a4.li,ru"':. Trad supplied Til,! 1 "EMAlit. hiladeiphia. PEHYROYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." THX CR1G15AL AND ONLY QtNU NE. Se ud always Reliable. Beware of wortb "iBiUilons. Indlsins-ible f G4DES fit.Sar ""Kis for ' Chichester's tv .tM ,nd uke r, other, or lnclote 4c ItQVttAiifa a 7flaM 1a t VA. iSJ?1 NAMK APhK. CHiCHFSlER by KOL- Pa Removed. J THE PLKASURK OF ANNOUNC 10 r Irten 18 and the publie that i have ond h, toe large and . con.modloua,'su eretel by n e or tbe corner !of Princes '"'H the demamlk .f k. tu... ...i c.i w v. ii v u. icij nuu . iw tllBS4- .1 kee cnt.tutly on hand horses U Ttkkie lor hire and will board horses by 1wS0r,?,onthatw rates.' A call 0 J "v:vi. Sash. Sash. Pais. Varnishes. Oils. Elding and .Builder's Hardware, K1J l,nls AT LUWKST PRICES JAtour. mw. DRPtrr. Crop Cuba Molasses; ' 554 HogsLeads. . 566 Tierces: ' s farSi?te.rin keener VUra- fcb24 oirru & wbicru D8TKlCr N D;1I HER ONE.' "" ? The follow iojf poem from the pen of tbp callant and accomplished Capt, lanes Randolph.. who 1ii in Baltimore & few !ays-agf.WA published shortly afer the close of the late civil war. and naturally attracted a great deal of at tention atlh? ih timo. Capi. Randolph w also the author of v The Good Old Rebel. another indtenant protest in versa agaiost the treatment of the South by the Federal Government after the war, and his. fame as & poet safely rest) noon the merila of these two effu sions: . . . ON TUB ERKCTION OK THE STATUE OK - CniEK JUSTICE MARSHAL To t the-' Fourth Pednlnl around Iht E uezlrui'i Slalue f Washington, on the C'ip lot Square. Itichmond. We are glad to bee yti, John Marshall, my by. So tresb from the chisel of Rogers. So take your stand oh the monument ".."there.""""" Along with the other old codger!. With Washington, Jefferson. Mason .'"and such." Who sinned villi a great !ransgre--Bion. In their old fashioned notions of Frce : 'dorur and R ght. And thnir hatred oi WroiTg and Op pression. Bat jou've come rather late to your pedestal. Join-! Thine are much chanted since youve been here Fr the vo ucae you hold is no longer the Law., And this is no longer Virginia! The old Marshal Liw you expounded of yore. Ts no longer at all tothe. purpose! And the Martial Law ot the new Brig adier Is stronger than Habeas Corpus! So shut tip the volume you hold with such cate. . For the days fine Liw are over; And It needs all your brass to be hold ing it there. With "Justice" inscribed on the cover. Cuild L fe awake in thelintb of bronze And blazp in the burnished eye. Whht would ye do with a moment of life, 'Ye men "of the dnys gone by ? Would ye chide u" or pity us. b'.usb or weep. Ye mep of the days gone by ? Would Jefferson- tear op the scroll ho - holds. That Time has proven a lie? .Would Marshall shut up the volume of Law, And lay it down with a sigh? Would Mason roll up the Bill of Rights. From a race unworthy to scan it? And Henry dash dash down the Patri ot's sword, And clang it against the grani e? And Washington, seated in massy ' strength On his charger that paws in the air, Could he'see his sons in their deep dis grace. Would he ride so proudly there? lie wou'd get him down from his big brass horse. And coves his face with shame, F'r tholand ot his birth is now DU trict One." Virginia was once tne name! "Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur ot mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of en joyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health ; but how olten do the majority of people feel like giv ing it up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion tor this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that Green's August Slower. w;il make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the . direct causes of- seventy Ave per cent! of such maladies as Billions r.e8. Indigestion, SickHead.icbc. Cos tiveoess. Nervous Prostration, Dizzi ness of the Head, Palpitation ot the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doeses of Attyust Flower will prove its wonderful effect Sample bottles, 10 cents Try it. v.- A Perfect Match. In an English tramcar, a few days ago. a gentleman said o a young lady of his acquaintance, in her teens, on seeing that she had a deep scientific book in her hands: Why. you select very deep literature for your reading I bad no idea you were so studious " She answered: "Oh', is it a deep book? I did not know what to get at the library, so took-this, as the cover compared so beautifully with my hat. Did you ever see a Hi ore perfect match V'Ntw York Bun. . . The Weaker Sex are immensely strengthened by the use ot Dr. R, V. Pierced "Favorite Pre scnplion," which cures all female de rangements, and gives tone to the sys tem. Sold by druggists. Work at a Medicine. Yoo have nothing to dc how easily yon yield to indisposition. You have an encagement, yon have an article to write, a dress to make, a field t till, a harvest to gather, a horpe to groom, a store to open, and occupa tion of some sort or other whose call is peremptory. and mast be. obeyed what a 8ttffe.ner of nerve and muscles an engagement is. How infinitely less prone one is to yield to an indisposi tion. kiain or a suggestion of idleness and ease Work is the best medicine. Exercise is it right hand man. Qccu paiion is what mankind needs, and just as rooo as we retire from life we may begin to prepare lor death for life is a qnick imitator, and will retire from us. act j eg on the hint given, : that we are weary of the humen and wis,h lo shake I't. Howard? Letter. . -When everything else fait! Dr-Sage Catarrh Remedy cures. .-."-. The Coaetifntr Habit. Coughing is often under control of the will and the result of habit. There are many people -who consume a small por tion ot a lifetime in unnecessary couth ing At first a little irritation is felt, a cough is set up, and habit keeps it go ing until the irritation provoked be comes a real and serioas disease Through force of sympathy coughing otteu becomes contagious. This cao bo well illustrated in a schoolroom of restless boys and girls on a cld win ter's day. Let one child set the ball rolling, when the teacher addresses the school another child takes up the ruu sical note, then another and ftill anoth er, until the teaeher? v.ice s as, pow erk.' a if he wer in ifcdin ot artillery The teacher brings the ruler to the desk. tui d coiumand.H this nn to slop. Then tor an instant an eloquent silence prevail. In church We may some ttniH9 observe the same itrng when some old lady, who has had a pet cough lor years, strik s up a C'u. hing strain, which is so'in followed, as if in chorus, by many other members. The pwr preacher then wages an unequal coo test, and uiay as welt slop preaching fheso tacts should be ample evidence that coughing in an act under coniroi of the will in very many ea-t s In such canes n little application ot mind cure' can be m ad m effective The taiuily phy sician can ulten cur chronic coughs, not by a prescription, but a"impeoMni uiand to stop them . allh and Home ., Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sykup ithould always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child trom pain, and the little cherub awafces as "bright as a button." It is very pleas ant to tasto. It soothe3 the child, soft ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves ind, regulates the -bowels, and is the bCi.t known remedy for diarrhtea, whether nrising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle ily deod & wly .d l t j 1 j a Hi U b I Owe Mv Life. C1IAPTKU I. "I wu taki-n nick a yes,r aaro Vithbb;ou3 U ver M 'Mv doctor pronounced me cured, but I got sick anain with terrible pains in my back and sides, and I got so bad I C uid not move ! I shrunk ! From-228 lbs to 120! I had been doc toring for my-liver.biu it d d no good, I dil not exneci to live more than three months I begau to use Hop Bitters. Directly my appotlte retnrned, my pains lei t me. my ent're syptern eeemed renewed as If by magic, and after uslLg several bot ie, I am not only ai sound as a sovereign, but weiirh mor than l did before ToHop Bl' ters I owe ra? Ufo " li. Fl zqekalo Dublin, June 6, '86 CHAriEBII. 'Maiden, Mass, Keb 1, 'S Genliemen I suQ'credwith a tacks of sick headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, tor years in the most terrible and excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure, until I used Hop Bitters. -The first bottle Nearly cured me;" The second made me as well and strong as when a child. "And I have been so lo this day." My husband was an invalid for twen ty year with a serious 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint "Pronounced by Boston's best physi cians 'Incurable!" Seven bottles of your Bitters cured him and I know ot the "Lives of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters. And many more are using them with groat benefit. "Thev almost d' mira cles?" Mrs E D Slack. How to Get Sick Expo e yourself day and night; eat too much without exercise, work too hard without rest, dacto all the tlm -; take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to. know How to GUT ffKLL-which Is answired In three words - Take Hop Bi'.teis. Hardened Liver. Five years ago I .broke d'wn with kidney and iiver complaint and rbeu mat ism . Since then I have been unable to be about at all. My liver became hard like word; my limbs were puffed up and fil!ed with water. All the best physicians asrreed that nothing could cure uie, I resolved to try Hop Bitters; I have used seven bot tles; the hardness has ail gone from my liver, the swelling trom my limbs and it has worked a miracle in my case; otherwise I would have ben now in my grave J. W. Mokey. Buffalo. Oct. 1, 1884 r I Write This Token of the great appreciation I have of your it'ets I was afflicted With Inflammatory rheumatism!!! For netrly Seven years, and no medicine seem to do me any Good!!! Until I tried two bottles. of your Hop Bitters, aod to my suprise I am as well to-day as ever I was. I hope You may have abundabt success" In this great and" Valuable medicine: Anyone wishing to know more about my cure? Can learn bv addressing me. E. M. Williams. 1103 lbth street, Wasb.DC. Baggage "Transfer. pOR PBOSIPT CALLS AND D ELITES Y ot Baggage leave your orders atT. J. SOUTH- RELANIV3 Livery Mable, North Seconds t. Orders' for Carriages promptly lied. T. J . SOUTHEBLAND. . Livery acd Sale Stables, iulv28 tf No. 103 110 North Second S; lOcFOR A SHAVE. 20c. FQR A HAIR CUT. SOc. FOR A HAtRUUT.SHAYE "" AND SHAMPOON. H AIR DYEING 2tc and upward. " At JOHN WEBXEIi'5, The German. Bartier nt: Perfumer, z jan25 . tlarkctCSi SO SI 80 9 no is 10 a it UVjO 15 T& 8 0 0 61 b4& b O n a a 1150 1 80 1 Si 24 U) WHOLESALE -PRICES. Tne following quotrUoaa repi wholesale prieea generally. Ia making ut small orders higher prlcea have to be eaaiw BAGGINO Gunny.... .................... Standard.... ... ... ... BACON North Carottaa Hams. t Bv .............. .. Shoulders, fb. ....... ....... Sides, f ft WRSTEBN SafOKKD Hams, y ih. . .............. ... Sides, if lb-M Shoulders. lb.. .... DRY SALTED Sides, r tb Shoulders, lb.... .......... B ARRKLS SrjlrtU Turpentine Second Hand, each........... New N" York, each.... .... New CltT.each BRK8WAI. 1ft.... ..i ... BRICKS, Wilmington V M- " Northern BUTTER, 4T 5b North Carolina.... ........... Northern.. ...... .........,.-. OANDLSS. r !b Sperm.. ............... ...... Taitow.... ...... ...... .... . . . Ailamantlae .. CtLEESK-, r lb Northern Factory............ Dairy, Cream state COFFEE, r lb Java.......................... Laguyra ...... Elo CORN MEAL, tos.,la sacks Vlrsrlnla Meal COTTON TIES, r bundle.... Domestics fisd- - Sheeting, 4-4, f yd aarns, f bunch.. ...... ...... V doen Hackerei, No. i, f bbJ 50 oo Mackerel, No. I, f half bbl.-ll 00 Mackerel, No. 2, f bbl.... ..'f 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl. 8 00 Mackerel. No. 3, bbl 11 0 0 0 00 o 23 a oo o oo oo o 18 & 8 & 23 .......... f 0 20 i2'a 15 St & & a o is 25 12 9 4 6 0 5 22 C2; 1 to 50 a. 81 .. 4 .. 4 25 10 50 80 W O a o a 1H a 49 n a n o o a a a a c 021' Mullets, r bbl C 00 Mullets, Pork bbls 11 00 N. C. Roe Herring. IT keg.... 3 00 Dry Cod, lb... 6 FLOUR, Y bl" Northern Super... " Extra... Family City Mills Super Family OLUK r tb ....... GRAIN, r bushel- Corn, from store, baffs,whlU. Corn, cargo. In bulk, whUe.. Corn, cargo. In bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. Oats, from store.............. 45 Cow Peas..................... 0 HIDES, r lb- Green......................... 6 try 10 HAY, V lOOtba- Eastern 1 10 Western (0 North River 85 HOOP IRON, r lb 2lA& LARD.- lb Northern 7 North Carolina 8 LIME, tf- barrel 1 40 LUMBER, City Sawed, f Mft. 3hlj Staff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edxe Plank 15 00 West India Cargoes,accordlng to quality..., IS CO Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 1? 00 Scautllng and Board. eom'n..l) MOLASSES, V gallon - New Crop Cuba, In hods 24 " In bbls 26 Porto Rico, In rinds in bbls v'6 Sugar House, in bhds.. ....... " 1c bbls. Syrup, In bbls........ ........ 22 NAILS, V Keg, Cut, lOd basis.. 2 25 OILS, y gallon Kerosene.... ........ .......... 10 Lard lb Linseed...... 90 Sxln 15 far 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, lire, grown... 2" " Spring 15 Turxeys 75 PEANUTS bushel 22 lbs.... 60 POTATOES, bnshel Sweet ro Irish, t bbl. ... ............... 2 50 PORK, r barrel City Mess .............It cc Prime IS 50 Runu 00 RICE Carolina. lb Rough, busnei) Upland).... Do. do (Lowland).- 1 RAGS, tb Country ...... City. ROPE, r ft- " SALT, sack. Alum...... Liverpool . 6 n so 012 0 020 018 0 t 0 012 CC 0 4 50 012 0 0 4 0 0 7 25 75 lo 5 o 10 60 65 5 1254 0 L IS 0 . 0 go 1' 00 00 00 01 CO 02 00 015 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 26 30 26 28 18 35 11 45 00 18 20 22 S3V 25 CO 80 70 75 4V0 80 0 00 0 0 1 0 14fc0 70 0 0 Lisbon 00 0 American. ............. ....... 00 0 SUGAR, lb Standard 70 Standard A 6V40 White Ex C & Ex C, olden 0 C Yellow 80AP, lb Northern SHINGLES, 7 ln.M Common.... .................. Cypress Saps................. Oyprees Hearts... ATAVVa 1 M W O RrrAl. R. O. Hogshead . --00 00 TALLOW, tb 5 TIMBER, M feet Shipping. 12 00 Fine Mill 11 25 Mill Prime 7 50 011 00 014 00 013 50 60 m IV 22 75 65 Ot 75 7Vi 5 5 CO 2 00 4 50 0 CO 8 00 0 0 0 0 O 5H 6 00 5'. Mill Fair... 7 2 5X 7 50 014 rx 01c ot O 6 014 01 013 00 0 8 6C Common Mill - 5 CO J inferior to Ordinary 0 CO WHISKEY, gal Northern.. 1 00 North Carolina 1 00 . WOOL, tt Washed. ........ 18 Unwashed.... 15 Burr v ........ .... ........ .... 10 6 000 6 6C 0?) Ot O 4 Ot 00 2 V 20 0 0 0 0 0 ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of aiiy proposed line of advertising in American Papers "by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., - M Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Sprue St., New York. Send lOcts. for 100-pg Pamphlet. 11 i After toerienc in the preparation of mort Thonund applicaUoaa for patent in the United b la tea and Foreurn ooun tries, the publishers of ths- Scientinc American continue to set as solicitors for patents, csve-ts, trademarks, eopy- mmmmmm rums, CKnivr rZZl te obtain patents in tjanaaa, msijwh Germsnr. and all other coantnes Their experi ence is aneqaaled aa4 their facilities axe anjar- awines and apeeifieaUons prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice.. Terms very rsamnsble. No charge for examination of models 0r drawing. Ad rice by mail ta Iza Patent obtained throoirh Monn Carsieea in the SCIKCTIFIO AAS,which n nepapeT of its kuod Jl ?Jt The advantages of such notice every paieauee is pablhed WKKitLY JZJft'J"? admitted U be ibe beaS per dieted JJI other depart laeata of indaatrial PWjwn. Iwhed in any conn try. it ootataa Ue all patentees and title of every mvejttws) peleetea 5wt Try it few month, lor one dolls. So'd bt all newsdealer. - - . Hyea fcave an invention- to paent wrttl U ilaan Oo, T?b:iiher of Scientinn American, 3tl Broadway. New York-' .- . iiaaiok soout patents mitarrta k, ; ; Vilminon, Colombia 6 Aucmsta II. B. Co. BAILROAOS, .SO. CONDENSED SCHEDULE TRAINS GOINO iOUTH. Dated May 1, 1SS7 No lalry. except Sunday Leave Wilmington. Lv. i-.Waccamaw . lave Marlon... .. 1 eave Florence. . arrive burn er . Arrive Columbia No. tt, Dall . if i-u pm ! .3f'ini ..jH 4 pm r pm 2 4 am 7 4 ptnf 4.24 am ft 25 i m 6 2-1 am No Vt, ally Wi I m i ngton 4 YVeldon R. R. AND BRANCHBS, CONDENSED SCHEDULED 10 U'pm 11 15pm 12 S'am i.4 am 4.24im .2 i TRAINS uiiNn NOKI H Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter.... ieave Florence.. Leave Marlon.... Lv L. Wnccamaw Arrive W'lrolnrt'n No. 78, Daily ir.25 pm ia) aiu . 06 am .au am No. 66, ally, except Sunday 7.15 am 8 4g a n. lo 15 am No. 62, Dally. 8.10 pm 8.44 pm tO It Dm 11 25 pm Nos. and 78 stop at all Stations except Register's, Ebeaezer. Cane Savannah, Watetee and Plains' Passengers for points osC.Su.IL R., C. C. 4 A. R. R. Stations, AUen JaDtlon, and all points beyond, shouli take No 23. Pull man Sleeper fo Angusta on tlrs trait. i rains 57 and f 6 make clcse c nr ectlon at Florence with Trains on .AD. U. it. JOHN . Da VINE, General Superintendent. . J, R. KENLY, 8up'i Transportation. r M. EMERSON. Genera) Passenger Agen apl 2J The National Life AND Maturity A ssociatioii , OF WASHINGTON, D. C. o HORATIO BROWNING, President. o GEO. D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary. Manager and Actuary. ' o Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestable Policy. Maturity Valuein Cash atFixed Aee. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D., Medical Director. W. H. GIBSON. Special Agent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street, N. W. mch 31 ly r - - - -i i TRAINS GOING .SOUTH. o No. 15, Dated May 15. V 7 f Dally. Dally. " - ' wn y. Ar. Rocky Mount 1 3.21 j j.... ... . Arrive 1 arboro . . 50 pmi Leave Tarhoro jlo 5 ' ami........ !. arrive Wll on t K pm ft 5S pai leave W'lsoo..... 15pm ..) Arrive -eluia I 5 24 pm J. ArrlvFaTettevllle 7 iipta Leave Goldsbom..t 4 Nl pn I 7.40 pm Leave Wareaw... 5 4 yjo no am Leave Marco)!.. 6 0im RSSpm fiilS ara Ar. Wilmington... 7 40 pm !U5 pu lo.oO a TRAINS G INQ NORTH... f ! - 1 No. 66. No. 14, No. 78, Dally? Dally Dally, escrpt , r- " r , 8aday. Leave Wllmlnrton ll.44 pro 8 5 arn ftJOpm Leave agnolU.. t 03 i m 14 S2 am 6.46 pni Arrive Wrasw... 10 49 am 7. 0 pro Arrive Goldahoo.i 2. ? am n.j o am Leave riyeucvll)ej ........ . jTsTani... ...... A rrive J-elms. .............. f 10 M ami Arrive Wilson.... ).. jii 59 am: l eave Wl'son 2JS' am il!J 38 pa! Ar .Rocky Mount. . 1 1 12 prnj Arrive Tarboro. .. 4 50 pmi..!.. .... lave Tarboro ....... .J io 5 at. Arrive Weldon.. ) 4 25 ami 2Jr) pm ....T7. Dally exccDt Sunrtav "aln on Scotland Neck Branch Road ii . . ijaurax for Scotland Nock at 3.00 P. M Rs turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally eiccpt Sunday. . RaT1 1 wCVrvfi5?ro K- c: vl Albemarle" A Raleigh R. R. Dally excent "undav no f M .,nlyB.oo P. M.. arrive Wlillamston. wi I.;" ,,r5? V64?.,'.-.M- Returning leavw Wlillamston, N. ... Islly except Miiftay.7,43 Train n Midland N. C. P.rnch IcavesWoMs boro. N. C, Dally ex wpt Rndav, 7.00 A. M.. ' arrlvo Sm thfle d. N 1:. x -tn a x ' V . leaves SmUhiield, N c, 1HW A. M.. arrive Gol.lslMjro, N. q.. 10 -M A. M. rr,v Train 011 Najdivi lie Branch leaves Rokv ----- " " ' ivuiiiruinic - . simdav dally except Train .n Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for"' 4'Hntou. DMIy. cxeept Sunday, at 7.20 P. M. Kctunilncr r.ivm linion .1:11. . u oi.thlwmnd Train ou WUsou A Faycttevllle Branch Is No. 51. NorthlKJun.ils No. 50. aJallv except Sunday. a T,,n No' "l?utn wiU "91onIy atWllsot, Goldsboro and Magnolia, 1 Tnln Nn m miliu . . don for all points North Dally. All rail vt s Richmond, and daily except Sunday vl Ba? Line. ' Trains make close connection for all polaU ""f b via Richmond and Washington. . All trains run solid between Wilmington aaC Washington, and have Pullman Palaoe Sleep- a 4VrUVJlA. . " ' ' (JonAMl QllVWkvIn faawlall -w- - vMarvaaMWSSiaSMiaf " 'vm saa car wm U UQt sVWM b .KLllt' Sup'tTransporUtlon T. M. EMERSON . Genera Passengi may it . Passenger A cant Something New ! -AND VERT nsriaE 1 SARATOGA CHIPS. FRESH AND CRISP. IT IS ONLY NECESSARY TO TRY THEM. TO ARRIVE BY STEAMER TO-DAY FROM NEW YORK, THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING BUTTER OF THE SEASON. JaOe L. Boatw right. Carolina Central B. B. Company, Change of Schedule; vl WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 3. May 16, 1887. dallv ex dally ex ' Sunday. Sunday ' ' x lieaye Wilmington 7 25 am 8(0 pm Leave Max ton .... 1130 am .... Leave H&mlet. ... i2 50 pm 2 3 am " ' Leave Wadeaboro 215 pm... , Leave charlotte.. 4 31 pm 6 55 am arrive.- ' Leave Llncoloton. 617 pm Leave 8helby..'... 7 40 pm ArRutherfordton 910 pm l E ASTBO UN D TRAIN8. May 16, 1887. Lv. Rutherfordton Leave Shelby Leave Lincoln ton. Leave Charlotte.. Leave Wadeaboro. Leave Hamlet.... Leave Max ton.... Arrive Wilmington No. 2. dally ex Sunday. 7 15 am 8 4S arc 10 07 a.m 12 02 pm A A.. pm 3 38 pm o at pm 9 05 pm No. 4. dally ex Sunday. 8 45 pm 1 55 am 800am mch 29 15 A 17 So. Front Street HARDWA RE . Stoves. Flows. SASH, DOORS, etc. o Paints, Class. And a complet assortment of Farm ing Implements. JACOB 18 HOW. DEPOT, dee I 10 So. Front Street. WFA1TTTTT mum to be made. Cut this out and return to us, and we will send you free, some thing of great value and Importance to you, that will suit yon In business which will bring you In more money right away than anything else In this world, a ny one can do their work and live at bone. Eith er sex; all agrs. Something n-w. that lust coins money for all workers. We will start you; capital not needed. This Is one of the genuine- important ebances of a lifetime. Those wno are amblt'ous and enterprising OTi-1 not delay. Grand outfit free. Address Tkce A to., Angusta, Maine. , dee 1 fcmd lyw . 8100 AJWEEK. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN DESIRING pleasant profitable employment write at once. We want yen to handle an article of domestic use that recossmenUs Itself to every one at sight. STAPLE A FLUR. Sells tike bot cakes. Profit 300 per rent, t ami ne wishing U pracUce economy should for their own ienoflt write for particulars. . l;sed every day the year roun In every house hoU Prbie wUhba reach of all tlrenlars free. A rents receive SAMPLE rRE.K. Address. . DOS1L3TIC ifF-O CO.. :r-:r-,.'i.2ie6d d ca-r - Ulrica, Ct!. - Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at ' Maxton to and from Fnvrtvitia n.... and other points onC.F. A Y.V.tt. At Wades, bo ro with trains to and from Cheraw,Florence and Charleston. At Lincoln ton to and from Hickory, Lenoir and points on C. A L. Nar- Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection at wua a.rsuia to ana rrom BsJeigh. Through Sleeping Cars between WUnungton and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. - Take Train No. 1 for SUtesvUle.and buttons on W N C R R and points West Take train No 3 for Spartanburg. Green, vllle, Athena AtlanU and all point South west. Also, for Ashe vllle yla Spartanburg. No. 3 connects at Wilmington with W AW B R No. 23. Local Freight Nos. 5 and tri weekly be tween Wilmington and Laurlnburg. , , Loral Freight Nos. 7 and 8 tri weekly be tween Laurlnburg and Charlotte. Local Freight Noa. 9 and 10 tri weekly be tween Charlotte and Rutherfordton- A Noe. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will not take passen gers. . . L. C. JONES, SuperlntenatBt. F. W. CLARK, Ganeral Passenger Anal may 14 The Sutton House, jyjABKET STREET, SOUTH SIDE,' BE- tween Front and Pecond. Board by the Day. Week or Month. Clean Roome, ComforUble Beds, Good Attendance and if he! best the market affords. Bates low.-; fan 24 Jy Shingles ! Shingles! piFTY THOUSAND FOUR AND F1YF. inch Cypress Shingles. Most be sold at enee). Those in beed oukl do well to call and get a bargain. . - CHA8. F. BROWNE. ?h Coram 1 slon Merchant. No. 11" N. Water at., rnchw Wilmington. S.C- Let There Be More Light I T OFFER TO THE TRADE A LARGE and ijeautiful assortment of Stand, Suspension and Student's Lamps. In all the late and "nana some designs, which I will sell at actual cost In order to make room for other, goods com ing In store. I also hare the celebrated -cbnelder and Bocbestet? Lamps In Brass am- Mekel imperlsl ttrgulator and other improved burners, .with chimneys and other auachtnenU. x . - . r- - If you want l!?ht these snrtiis acy larao" ever orered er invented -p Call and examine ny etj'k l -'-re 1 '"!' e!iewi.i-re, at lil - I r- t r-" - - a rtay 3 - L.-c. 1 -?