ii- i f ! 4 ! 1 .i 1 rj-f ! -1 ThoDailY Review "WEDNESDAY. MAY 18. 1S7 ,tjl Tbe malls follows : MISCELLANEOUS M ISCELLANEODS. close DAtLY. .10.00 P. M. i a Nil. Northern tnrouga "r.; - - qq a. M. Northern tliroufca uu " Y - . N C. and A. A X. C JlWla and rentes supplied -ttjjjj"; A. M. Eileh . .6-20 P. M. and J . vV , m.it.. fast 9 00 P.M.. MAKE Y0KWCHASES 0agfc H6US6. Char bourn, tar Marlon, Bluff. N C. ana and route a eup piled the.etrc........-.;..- 9.00 P.M. houlli rn wj Ami M. m nigton anui narcsion hurleston, Sava-nah. Jwtp- V.l craw A Darlington It Baa i point aupwUcu there,rp: M"and9.lOPt M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. to- n.RAllwavl. ...... .6.30 P. M. Favettevll'e. C. . & Y y R. K. nd K.iuts supplied therefr m....G.30 P. M. UaleUh Hainiet It. U. and points eup:'ed therefrom . Smhhvilie - t' o a m wricht-vjiic i;;::vJf TUK-DAYS AND FttlDAYS. Onslow C n. and intcrmedtato ofli- Liufe U iver. s! C. and iote'roredlate M offices ... t1, p u Cape t ear Ulver mail Iw 1 - OPEN FOR DELIVERY. i chom through and way mails.... AJr I .ithftrn ihroueh and way mails... 7.00 A. M. T. 9 Linttinwimil Tllft LlHllie XJIIIUUI al") 1 1 5 Market St.. AND SAVE MONEY. New Store ! New Styles ! New Goods! M ISCELL ANOUS. Season's Goods. TVEFRIGEBATOR8. ICE CREAU FRKK- zers. Water Cooteis. Fly Fana. Fly Trap. Ae. All At the lowest prices, Can ana examine tbe goodsneprk. may 9 - ' : MISCELLANEOUS 6 Market St., -n- At Lowest Prices in the City. Special Offerings this Week It Pays ToUs . rriO BUY THE BEST COOK bTOVE. That's Tn nrlcea and qallty we l iftne com netltlon Examine and, see f v enrsell. Ice Cream Freezers, water cooler. RcfrlKeratora. hv not ,eep co? PUKE WHITE OIL. may 10; JisiSairisbii, ' ':: ' 'i " v Grand Exhibit oheasoiu apiendjJesirable Absolutely Pure. i . t rhI, nowdcr rcvtr varlofi. A marvui ui Dnrltr Kngfb anf wholomcness. Merc purity. "e"f " tbe OT,iinary klfds, and can in wfth the multitude nnt k old In oomiK-tltion of low test, short weight 2ium rowders. Sold amy tn cans OWDtK Co . 10S Wall octttt dw ly tcnrra 4tlp or phosphate P.OYAL iiXKJt G !. Y. Goldiboro ArguTi The protracted meetine at St. John's Cburch. in tin city is increasing in tnUrest and in at tendanco Thirteen new members wer : a cnQv Th mectint: will be icuciTcu uuuj- continued during this week. Bobesonian: Too stand ot p.tton this jear it said to be tine. Corn, especially the March Dtanting. not so 2od. So far this month the season has been de- liebtful. The almost daily rains ot last week -ruld answer a tetter pur pose two months, henc. I boy make tbe crops grow now. to be sure. ya. they also give the grass an even stirt with the crops Winston Daily: A few minutes bev f-wntto to press, th-s evening we heard the sharp report o two pisf. shots; upon en.iniry we learned that the case ot Mr W A Whitak-r and southern. WcEt or r wrence Car.iin Osnirfti rtiilroatt. 9.S0 A. Ji. .. 9.00 A. M. M Muht mall airiiDR previous to lr.f -opened an i diRirlbuied Into Lck Boxes -1T1 Ol Mails collected from street boxesln business ..;ir ui k a m ii-uo A.M. and 5.xi i M. and from other olnU of the city at ft P-JS,cSJdcflW Crom 7A M. to P.M. i - , ...a fwvm ! ft! tn 10.00 A. H. . .ir h-iivitw onen en Sunday from uu 10 Jfr Ittr mien from 7.S0 A. M. to 6 P.M. Uoney Order and Register Department open from 8 A. U to 5 P. M.. conunuous. ItaUroad time 75th meridian . r W T --WmT J V f Y K O m:iii WRY N )T1JS. l iniil uuu L'O AND'FIE DRitSS GOODi. Miiiinvry, nta linnnets w Styles iuat in. Fiow- ... oi klihnni (lrni. p TBL HI DO II 3. TC9 1UC1S ments, AC. . - Drf ss Trimmings. T, Trlmmlnira all ptvlp9 Rnd BTiceS in b-Hrra l.i-at-finnieriert. li ivi l : -3 in ii ii.o. tinn for Irioirn'rit: Tailor Braid? Ki.,im rtl.,r made dre8C?. fcitK Paee Ui&Uvv - ments. Dress Buttons, and Tailor linifch d Orn i- COftlfllJKUClAli NUiVr?- S Hay was to be tna ior mu thst occuried some weeks past While witnesses anu n a-semoieu m iu3hw ...tiro waiting. vir v r the attorneys Whitaker were HpMiran'a ntriCP. Ill Hay! one of the partis t.. the case i :niha n.nd nred twice - Mr Whitakc. The tirst ...,ioinir i rather bad Wound. a. h. fir..d ihe second time Mr .J Buxton jamped up and caught hmi. but too late to stop uw firms ot his p.si.d ball tu k abovo the which went ofl; ihe-mmei w.-. i- ine near Mr Buxton's head, but other wise doing no damage. Charlotte Chronicle: Mr. W K Hmson. of the Johnston mine, brought " ,ir-KiT7 firiR snecimens oi some icujaittw.j i eold ore to the city yesterday. The or was fairly studded with the preeuoj metal and was examined with a good deal of interest to thb mining men- Mr. Hinson shipped a portion ot the .re f Boston, to show some interested parties in tLt city what sort of atutt corn s the mines of Mecklenburg. Alfred Rowland, congressman elect from this district, arrived m the city on the Carolina Central train last even. ing, on his way to St. Louis He spent tho ftlternoon at the Central Hotel wb(re he was met by a number t his Charlotte friends. We were plcasedt.. geeCol. Rowland looking so well, lie was ro the be3t or apiru auu i3 . trim io enter upon his duties as Uon ra3sroan when the time comes. - -Mr J. Duncan.. an old and h.shly esteemed citizen ot this place, died vury luddenly at his home last Sunday morning, from :t malignant attar. ot dysentery. Mr. Duncau as m hi tore Saturday uight until a late hour casting up the business ot the diy. and went home feeling unwell. Sunday morning', when his symptoms became alarming, bis sou . was.dipatrhod lor a physician and lr. Wilder, w ,s sum !.r,i k.,i h dird bcloru lliJ doctor could reach him We are rchabl intormed by those who have rcaJ the opinions in Gotorth vs. the Commis ianers ol Cleveland, and U- Lt,l:' Howell ys. the Commissioners ol Luln arlord counties, that the buprcuic Court has not tlecided that the honda are illegal or invalid, but expressly say they gave no decision on thai point. All that the court does dncidc is that tU? judge below should have continued the injunction to tho .hearing, while the :ii-..littf ..f dtu-Lion w:Ts being 1- II1C(IIJ TMligated and thorebiro there was error. No tormer u'ecii'o d iUeeurt is doubted or overruled. No b-mdhoMcr. or purchaser ot bonls without notice, is in the least affected tv the decision and if they are non-residents can easily enforce their rights in thn Federal courts it they choose to seicel that i.;k..nt! All tneso bondn aie now owned by such bondholders It is not decided, either, that the eonimsiouors were guilty ot contempt tor issuing the bonds pending the suit. lu iact. no rights are adjudicated. " ' . v BucKlou's Aruica Salve. The BtST Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, bait Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or do pay required. It is guaranteed to five perfect satisfaction, or moey refunded Price 25 cents per box. For aale by W. H. Green & Co. -- Boston, girls, they say. are not usually anocessful as telegraph operators. They are so easily shocked. WILMINGTON MARKKT May 184 P. M spirits TURPENTINE Steady at 3-2A o.ents. Sales of 200 casks at these. hornrpa. "ri 1SIN Firm at 85 cents for strain ed and 00 cents tor good strained. TAT! Ouiet at CRUDL TURPENTINE Steady at Sl.2'1 for hard ard $2.00 for yellow an ond -t-2 Mrt for vircrin. rn rTfiKFirm. The following .m ih nfiioial ouotatious: Ordinary t t - ' trtvul ordinarv 92: low mid dl:ng 10', ; middling lOj: good middling 105 No sales reported, kecaipts todav: Spirit-. 220; rosin, 21K); tar, 87; crude, 53 Provision Cottou. r'uminn Mav 18 2:30 p. m kAThnt morirpt nnpncd at oos ana i,i at w t. for July. Corn opened at 41and closed at 41 tor July t.v-b- nnnn inntPil. NTvvt' York. Mf.V 18 2:30 p m Cot 10 82 and closed at -iii fti for Mav. OneruHl at 10.8 and iad ot 10 R0 for June. Opened at 10.89 and closed at 10 89 for Jo ty nnu.,a.l ot 10 90 and closel at 10 91 tor August. Upeneu at i ami uiwc 10.51 for September. MAKLNJB NEW.S ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison. Smith, Fay etteville. Williams & Murchison. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, AI aster. , ... CLEARED. - Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville. Williams & Murchison. Steamer, passport, Harper, omun ville. Master , Nor barque Esra. Jorgensen. Stettin, Paj,erson. D.wning & to Nor barque Alfew. Eeness, burg E G Barker & Co. EXPORTS KORKIQN SLcttin Nor barque bbls rosiu. Hamburg Nor barque Metil. Pearl. teel. Ivory Buttons, a great variety. i.ou.i 1 IKI rtt all ilftfrlOt'ODS. ?c r io At-.. Whalebonef. . ewing i ii. Twist, Ac. lawns. Cambrics, Yckings.Tusinsa.Muna Naitsook6 anew n e jusi leceiveu Embroideries. Nainsook, Hamburg and Multall wid.hs, A rail li-e feinbrouiered Kobes A large van ety . alt style, wldtba and prices. LACE FLOUNCING; Bead i aces. Chan tlllv. Spanish, Guipure. Oriental, flatte, Y ai encinceB. S6 U t 4-2 loch, All over Laces to m.Uch. KUCHINGS Novelties just received Jn Crepe l isse, l.aco and hibbon touching, Uiacs Creie Kichintf llaudkcrcliiefs. Ladles' and Children's Gentlemen's Silk Handkerchiefs. ( OLLAU- AND i:i r F Ladi a d ' liil aren's all ty 1 Chenostf.ea Ui nil siy lea GTfoves. Kid J-loe . Chdiben's l'tp. Ll-le 'l bread aud ilk vlh :tPd hlorts, 2Tc l 1 1' fciik Mitts lorcrerdiiK wear Iad'e.H and Children's Summer Gauze Un derwear Hosiery. A full line of J.auies' - hiidrea' ml Tr-fnts Hctlery. C ton. Fa'birgun lls'e Threuu and 811 k CnKbKTS, BUSTLK- A now asfcoriment matin. TliJinuaoii's Hlove Kit inj(U Away, Uroit'iway anj other ni.ikes, at luwen vkvs ftllatei l or.-ets, 1 IMren's voriet Vaist3 nil II te Mipoorters DRESS SILK: F,cn3h Faille Surah and t.ros GraiH i bargain la the above Ad. x-ABASOLS. FANCY GOODS Ma erialsfor Fancy Work of all description. Araaenne, K booe e, Ch.na bilks, stamped aea Trays, L'ojhes ami 1 Idles 1 INFANTS' CAPS at i reatiy rednced pTices A large varlet? to choe lrom. Agency f r Uemo-eat Keliable raltcrns. June styles inst re elved. Very licapectfully, MltS.-K. U. WIGGINS, may 15 SUMMER DRESS (iOUDS at oc, Oc and Su per yard. 3G-Incu Fancy Colored BATISE.lOc. 31 -inch good. SAT JfiJiiJN. J3C A Job in WOOL NUN'S VEILING, lii-ic JAVA CANVAS IN COMBIN ATION All these are worth double the price ALBATKOSB,- BERGES, NUN'S VEILING. BLACK GOODS. TRICOTINES. &c. Jusf Received. r-HOICK LOT OF TRUNKS,' FBOtt tb A cheapest Packer to the flneat aratga; SATCHfcbsand VAi.ISfcS, liom the cbeap est split leather to the finest Imported Eagnaa. Kxamine our goods before buTiog FfcNNKLL & DANIMj, may 16 Mall xd'& old Stand, 10 S. front at Bock Spring Hotel. TEWLY FUKN SHlLD AND RENOVATED throughout No. 10 chestnut, between rront i tho ;t- valine- iiii h lie arc re specfuMyrt quested to c b and they w U te ,-n .w.mm.KiMi il me of the let K"a- STRAW HATS! at- . . - : DICK & ME ARES', -a- 1TE GOODS. EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY VERY LOW- FLOUNCINGS. ALL-OVERS, YOLKING EDGINGS. INSERTTNGS. ROBS. At manutacturer's prices. LACES, VEILINGS, DAMASKS. TOWELS, NAPKINS, LINENS, CORSETS. GLOVES. MITTS. HOSIERY. HANDKERCHIEFS LADIES' AND GENTS' GAUSE UNDERWEAR. RENTS' nay 9 FUKSlbHlNG-UOUSE. ... 1J North Front St. oy's ien's and Wear. Ever so many articles marked at the Lowest Cash Prices, and an inspection will certainly bean intlticruenl to my kind patrons to spend their cash at M. MEatz . Ham- Esra 3.510 A! few -000 casks spts turpt, 1 D83 bbls roMn, WKKKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND MAY 14 1887. Clut tiT ftsliortv I 8811. Snirits ashore, 840; aQ't, 915; total. 1 7S5 Rosin ashore, 83 815; atioat. 5,i07; total, 8U.O-22; Tar ashore, 11.102; aUoat. 10; total, 11.112. Crude ashore, 1 ,005 . RECEIPTS FOR WEEK KNDKD MAY 14llL Cotton. 156; spirits. 1.511 ; rosin 0 530 tar, 2,112; crude, 540 s-.Yrnirrs Knli WEEK ENDED MAY 14TII. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 310; spirits. 835; rosin 700 tar, 021; crude. 110. . FOREIGN. Rusin, 10.070. Hazard Powder. ittr T3fIW HAVK TUB AGENCY TOR W tua oiAhrn.iAl Powder which ta un- V fell V-wv- ni.iaiii7 tho ipat tso'.d Jn this country. Nef hniit HAn thft river foul of city limits). . Full assortment of all the sizes at the loweat prices. fc SPRINGER A CO.. ' Successors to John Pawson A Co., 19, 21 and 23 Market ''treet. may -9 Wilmington N. C KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, , I M.MONS' REGULATOR, . -. S Taylor's Sweet Gum and Malrlen, Bull's ougn oyrup, . Prescriptions compounded day ana mgni. Night Ben. MILLER & NIBSTWEf Cor. Sixth and Mulberry Wo bavlbein ta eyert den.- '' OarV whola .establishment T i. ? Ihem. v All the, Khveliiw VBJf of Go-ids." In SUk. In V:. I.ac. In EmbrrideriM iS . In Gloves. In Orseit l. vW ' In Linen. Io White 54: inch AU Wrw, Laaw n.vt 40 inch wide Imported Diagonil ' -. - . ' ' ". 40 inch Stripe Albfttnss. ill Woo 40 inch ln?i, Sriped. all wnrti 40 inch Serges. All the new Sprit, : shades 40 Inch Camel Ilair, Spiinj ibaden, Full line Lupin's Gold" Modi! R! " Paris Ca-hmeres. lWk rnestley'a celebrated Silk lud Woof Henriettas that canaot be ttSi , led. . . . Black-Drf ss Silks.! Black and all shades iD Sarah'DrtM Silks. . - . , Black Spanish Lace. Flouncing 40 inches' widel Ail ttsr" , ' Black Lace to match. Ecrue Lace FlouncitiK. Cream Lace Flounung. Moll Embroideries. " " ' may 9 Nainsook' Embroideries. - ; Colored Embroideries. All the Solid Goods to match In Fwnch ? Chambray. Parasols and Silk Umbiellas. BY VIRTUE OF AND IN ruaa,unv;B wiujcMii" in imrrj snu U10TW, . Ladies Handkercbiels. of the power of tale contained in a. cer am a nl 8Handk er i hi lets t's: t - mortgage deed m Mortgage Sale. ade by John T. Flowers to Children's Handkerchief,' W. B. McKoy. and duly recorded lnthcoun ty of New Hanover, in B ok , l71- il the .inHo.aionf.il win exn'se for fale at the Couft llcu5 door of tbe county of ew itanover; for cath. on Thursday, the SOth ilayf une. 1S87 a lo- of lad on Myrtle Grove Sound In said county, and lully ieoriDed In h said moriT ge, and the quity of redemption now belouffluu to the heirs ef Ha tic J. r holat W. B. McK Y. men 31 aw 14w w Mortgagee Oar new stock baa just been reoeir ed and we have e!ecrcd it with creat care. We would ask the Lndiei it particular to call and examine ibi stock before making their purchase. Julius Samson, 11G Market Street, may 0 Knoxviile Furniture Go. 17E ARK HEBE YET, WITH THE finest acd cheapest furniture and other house hold uoods to be round in me city. We are receiving new ftooiu uaiiy irom .ue Factory. Al.o a f-dl line or KJuy carriages Notice. . - - , . - -, w v T Ml m 1 mJCCfeSS ALWAIS IP 11AINLJ-av J.Jir BEST GOODS, and n ore especially in my line of grous. 1 he roanulacturmg oi mineral and arlionalcd drlcks. havlnsc roaac u a a study for two. years and upwards I can safe ly warrant all nooua carneu out oi mv uuubc Anlwhy do I warrant them? tirst. alter being a hard r.tudent m tnc uusidcsb lor on;i years, 1 have fulJy equipped myseil with ma chlnery of Die Jatebt iniprocmer ts lor the manufacturing of said goods; -fccondly, I hantHcihe bci exiract3 put up bi ihe United States; thirdly, 1 spare no pains in manufac turing my Roods idcr, Ginger ic and Brardy A lea specialty. Orders from ihe countr promptly filled. A. F. IJCA.S?, mch 20 2a Do;k. bet. Front & Second t ts THE STAR, A cwspaacr supporting the l'rlnclples of a Dc m ocr a tic Admin 1a tra lion . Published in the City of cw York. L eason. OSV SHOES-A FINE ASSOUTM 99 may 9 111 MAUKET 8T. anl Beauti'ui Stvles Slippers and Ties For Ladles oraething Neat and Pretty. Call and examine. & SONS, Front -Street WILLIAM DAILT. WEKKLr DORSHKIMEK. Kd. SUNDAY AND O- & Prop'r. Editions. A CAKD. To all who are sufferinc from the er rors tvnd indiscretions ot youth, oer oas weakness, early decay, -.loss of Manhood. &o.. I will send a rectp that 111 wire von. FKKfi OFCHAKGR ThlS ereat remedy was discovered by a mis ESSEL8 IN THE PORT OF WILM1NGT0 N. K.C May IT, tS87. No vesfc! under 60 lonn icwrtcd In this list. BAKQUICS.. Nor Chapman. tons. La recti. Held & Co Nor Lufra 4J7 tons, Kvcnscn, Hcl'Jo & Co Nor President Hulbltz, S U tons, NctUon, HeMc A Co P.r Cieorgc ' avis, HI tons, Pitts. a lex prup t A fun Uusslan Otto, 3:utons, Granlt, Ucide A Co ier Krna. ;S-i tous, Niejhar, E G P.arker A Co BUlti-. Kdlth, 1S1 tons. Turner. K li Barker & Co i:.-rrio itoiio..' 27:1 tons. Seavcy. K u Barker A Co t-ira Hall !l J. I Inns ( nmltA. KG Barker & Co I'.r Frr'and LIS titns. McWlnnlC. KA Barker A Cn Ynrv K Rarnn. 1S1 tons. Eskrldee. tieo Harrisa Co RARnhim S15 tons Avis. - Geo Harriss A Co FranroniA. 227 tons. F&lkner. E G Barker A Co Anl.1. and AmelLi. 2ZS tons. WlHanl. Ueo H arriss A Co N&varlno. 321 tors. Foes. K G Barker Co jnhn a urtui'h. tons. Norberrr. George Harriss A Co Rnth narllrr. 19) tons. Lowe L RQ Backer A Co n:hl. 25.1 tons. Harrimn. E G Barker Co it v k f ih&AA. 434 tons. Piokham. K G Barker A Co Km ma Cotton. 3G4 tons. Ayres. , i JC Q Barker A Co ! FinnlA F. Wolaton. 282 tona. Dunton. Bt u irer m ui V Aronl.rlna tt tone. StTOUt. . . m r t A . . sionary iu ouum un,iiw. iddreed envelope to the Rkv. Joskph T. I:h:an. FUtion D; RewJork City. Addle Henry, 99 tons. Hill, B G Barker Co Garden: Seed WrUQ. caKXIICALS. PATENT MEDI j , . "7 - , ' -'-' clnej and Fanej Artlclea'lnT fullianpnly at - . t F. C llILLKli a. . rn iy 9 - . Cofaer Fourta and Nun Sta THE WEEKLY STAR,- v IB-page Nc xspapcr Issued every W cdncstlay A Clean, Pure, llright. and imereetlng ramlly Paper. .. it contains the latest news, down to the hour of going to press: Agricultural, MarKci, Fashion. Household. Political. Financial and. Cnmmcrr.ial. Poetical. Humorous and- ICdlto- rial. l-cpar ment. all unuer tte nirection ot trained jounahsls of the highest ability. Its Rlxtccn l.ases win ic rounu crowurti wnn koo1 thlnes from beginning to end Orlfflcal stories bv distinguished American and for eign writers of fiction THE DAILY STAR. The Daily Stab contains all the sews of the day In an attractive fo m . Its special cor rcsuondence by cable from London. Paris BerUn. Vienna and Dublin, Is a commendable feature. . ' At Washington. Albany, and other news centres ihe ablest correspondents, specially retained by The stab, furnish the latest news by telegraph. - - Its literary features are unsurpassed. , The financial and Market lie view a are unu eualy full and complete. t-pedal terms and extraordinary Induce ments to agents and canvassers, tend for Circulars Terms of the Weekly 8tr to Subscribers. Free of Postage In the Untied States and Can ada, outal J the limits of N. Y. City. Per Tear Clubs of Ten. io Clubs ot Fifteen (ami one extra to or ganizer of Club)....... 15 Terms of the Dally Star to Subscribers. Kvery Iay , for one Tear (lncludicg - Sunday) .....t 7 Dairy, without Sunday , one year.... 6 0C Every Day, six months... 3 Dally, without Sunday, six months.... 3 trf - - Thk STAR. 2tf 23 North William St., Ian IS . New York mHE MOST POPULAR BOOK OF THE 1 aee. She, Jees. Pawn. He, It. Tbe Witch's Head. King Solomon's M'nes, by IL Wider Haggard, 20 cents each. SprlDghaven. by Slackmorc; tiit- riri t Hjiv oved and Loved. In one Town, A Wrecked Girl. ThP. iw York Paoers. Masrazines. and all late works, you will find on the counters at HEIN BEttGEB'S. UtiO. R. FKENCH r,7-U 108 N I-1 K- J " :THE EE7IEW: JP tS fi f5 S s 5 jJi' i". JOB OPFIGE, 9f Plush Dressing Cases. pLULH WORK BOXES, FINE MOR0C0O ALBUMS. A large assortment of fine Guittrs, Ac. ' -Just received ard for sale cheap at IIEINSBERGER'S. apl27 Cash Book and Music Store Solomon Bear OFFERS VERY LOW FOB CASH 300 100noz nh DOZ. PERCALE SHIRTS, 500 wiS dcz.gause.eceu a jnanA B LEAGUED , DRILL DSAWEBi 300 SEERSUCKER COATS AMD TO MARKET STREET, NO. H2Jtf, Ui Truwj LOMFLJ 'lt ViV KVJCRY RhbPECl AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF lo b pr inting 1 M IB! B H1IBP1 -V7HEN YOU WANT PKOGBAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, MOKTU AGE DEEDS, SH EK IFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WABRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, AC, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVTNG YOUR ORDERS 1887. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. if a RPKJt's Bazar combines the choicest lit crature and the finest art illustrations with tbe latest fashions and the most useiui iamiryi rcAdmir. Its stories, poems, and eBsaya are bv the best wtiters, and Its humorous sketcn- sira iinsurDasBea a is rausnvuwcuucu ouette, decorative art, nousexeeping in au its branches, cookery, eic , make it malspensa IiIa in ftVi-nr household. Its beautiful fashion- plates and pattern-sheet cupplements enable ladles to save many times me coat ox suuscnp- tion by being their own dressmakers. ot . line is admitted to its colums that could shock the most fastldlonB. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: Harpers Bazar .' CO Uakpek'8 Magazine 4 00 habfee'8 webklt... 4 co Hisrsa's Young, People.. t CO Harper's Franklin qoare library, one Year (52 Number?. 10 00 Harper's andi Series, One Sear (52 Numbers; , 15 00 Postage Free toad subscribers in the United Ttatet or Canada. MY ENTIRE STOCK OF ; . ft .u and Boys' - 13 ON THEMARalT "For CASH EECABBLESS H .FK. Call and ExaciiiH We takeplearore iaiboW .nllS ThAfinwaiidOldfWcell JLUV mv House Coml)Ii"i! GRAND L- lTT.1 ROOMS t'Utt A THE HEW JTUiw- , address ; ,Tbe cheapest place to buy yonr school bopks arid school stationery is at Heins berner'a". ;t REVIEW JOB OFFIGE, WILMINGTON. H. C. B Base Ball Supplies. ALLS, BATS, CAPS, BELTS, GLOVES, CATCHER'S GLOVES, Ac. ' Southern League-and American Asaocla. tion Balls, mailed to any address on receipt of price, $1 25-each. v , '. C.W.YATES, -? rS -'7'; .i '.. V.:i ..'."' r'-v-";- Books A Stationery, may IC 1 r . Wilmington, N C The Volumes of the Botox .begin, with the first Number for January of eaeb year.' 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