f -if .wrf vanm. Sundays X' 3- V - AAtitwl bV - " ' v w wiu begtad io rtscrve esaat tn a otur maada oa amy aad' all nausea -iraaaial latereat bv ' ' v aaa ol the writer sansi arwaya C ed to the Editor. - . OQMamieatVmaauat be wxHUa o jj oaeaideot the paper. . v femrnamieajnjutoe avoldea ; . . : .t' 'r " Aad li is especUlIy mad partlonUri 4 oou that the Kditor doe aot sJway. oe the views 04 eorreapondmi ! M iw : josh t. jabot, y.; .v gpi f8 0ne month. 35 cents. "" 'in be delivered by carrier. tree 1 J - .s. - fWrp:.,,nsrtofthcc.iry At the above wee. -Mi.'1 nr VOI XI WILMINGTON. N C , SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1887 SO; 132 'laxly. w (BeeaitorlaJ oonims. - m Specific for Lim Disease. .-nC3C Bitter or bad taste 4 n ifMPTOWlS! mouth; tongue coated 5' ftir ivriHl with a brown fur; pain in "SeT OTjoints-aften mistaken IW jWfaf?!aVT stomach; loss ot relations ; ji"l0M of memory; with, IAX :,dc '0f havlixg railed to do tuncthiEf jT. a inick, yellow ap- l-We&lrtSSne-j tie urine to SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) - Sdliv" to a healthy action . . -ik ..raolinar efficacy or ths . It- Kicn Wim b-. . - Kidneys,' and BOWELS- an EfFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOB ; w.i.Ha. Bowel Complaints. -M .nl. Sik Headache. "ffiSfcl". lUUousnes . : Mental Depression, - Colic rAd by the'u of 1 Millions of Bottles, at THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE fc-Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. ONLY GENUINE ' 7 ki 6ui Z Stamp w red on front of-Wrapper. . . f " J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., " "ou'ruonusifus. Price, 81.00. j,r 2 ddod ivtcly , - " - The Richmond State figures ut the smoont paid in bounties by the people ot Virginia under the present tanfj law "to a lew protected producer" to be 113.668.618 Such is the amount of the tsx ibpy pa? yearly in enhanced prices ol articles they consume. . 1 A good cooling note for this, weather comes from arvobseryer in Connecticut. vhoayi that a careful examination ot the New England Meteorological Society's bulletin. November to April taclinire. siwws that the snowfall . of NsV England the past winter was bea?iwt at Stafford. Vt.. 220 inches, at Jsckionville, Vt.. it' was 175 2 loobei, tt Rawe 162 inches and at Marl boro'. Vt.. 158 inches! A letter from Rome received in New Yorksajs it is. rumored in church eirclehere that the Pot e wilt bestow. LbaGoIdea Rose upon Miss Caldwell, who gave $300,000 far" the Catholio tfuiTersitj. The Golden Rose-is a tttrk tf distinction conferred - by . the Popeapon the woman who has.fhder diomecreat service to :lhe" Cbarch, vMn. Vf.T. Sherman id the only Amer- fculady who op to this time ii.as ro" iTi the Golden Rose . - r , ' , j-... , Tbe late Texas drought isu sa id ; to Undisposed of the last Tew 'sarviying ba5bes ia that State. ' la the wild of Crwkett County a misera bl re m nan t of Ui once- coaotless herds bad been flowed to eke oat an existence, with ontmolestatioa from the cowboys or eujrs. Bat when Jh'e drought had tetrojed crops and ; stocks. 1 necessity JR)f the people to slaughter the buffas snd they are nowpo more. ' There wa3 a shower' of 4 stones near orei, in the volcanic ifegioa of the Ajtentiue Republic, a fetf weeks ago Jh laated for more than, a minute. m "tones fell as thick as hail, and in siza from a pebble.to a . Wy WpecUbls boulder; 'Great 'damage Jjona to trees, while barns and out 7 were demolished .and many rfiic Mlsand large: numbers aceese and-hawksoa tikuied. the wing JbT? Pmident William A.AVheei. he may hTa several days, bis any moment woutd not be on "lcud. Mr cb ' 4 has oeen an. inval d for Hi many u .-w wiib s ueain. cariv aem . be Decame despondent and 1STR As anttctDate.aiv rl rf.th as tvaaninxion Halnl! he rered to his. home in PQb-iclife H. 1 ureiy irora "icto. HehM been suffering from ysaTInr a a aieMM for' ow HtMllo uf lal8 hM fftiled 8dil' Waf - been nottnIy bnt VV k BlHousnB8. .taoni Ilwrp , rmeliea befor them iT-UTer Regulator, hot nnn f riiA V." Jones. Ed. T1a- weisengor, Macon. Ga-: 1 ansea ana water- ipP.tiM; JEiiEtibn flatulency and acid SLL or lndiesiioo , pnJ.tfv costi vo : A letter from Alaska says that while men are constantly migrating to tbat country, and its condition is rapidly improving as to civiliZHt ion and trade Many inducements, in the way of fish ing. stock raising, gardening, for hant ine and miniojr. are-offered to hardy and industrious settlers ; So low wefe the londs in the public treasnryoll the United States at the close of 178? i hat the . attorney general and several Congressmen were in(ebt pd to lhe; private 'credit of Alexander Hanjilionrtbe secretary of Stale, for lim means to '.discharge their personal obli gations." President Washington was obliged Io pass a nolo to Tobias Iveer, his private secretary, to meet his house hold expenses, the note beine discouni ed at the. rate ot 2 per cent, pr un nth. Members oftmsrress. were paid in due bills; , . Mr. I'eter Mallett Hale died in Fay otteville onThursday. His death was not unexpected, as he bad long been a sufferer from a patnlul and tatal dis ease He was born in Fayetteville in the year 1828 and graduated at Chapel Hill in the class of 1849 Ho was long connected with the editorial interests ol his natfve Stale, and was one of the most brilliant.' forcelul and accomplish d writers in its borders The Raleigh News and Obscrcct says of his abilities in this line: The great' prosperity and advance ment and progress-we today witness across, the mountains is largely due: to the untiring efforts ot Mr. Hale to se cure for the poeple of thai section those adequate facilities of transportation which are the basis of their present activities. Asa political writer, he was no less sound and energetic than when seek ing-the development of our material resources He was always true to conviction and to principle, and hia leadership was largely acknowledged by the press of the state. His Style .was easy, clear and forcible. He was an omnivorous reader, was classical in his tastes and a fine belle lettre scholar. So well equipped, and early trained to lourcalism under the eye of one of the best editors of the older generation, he never failed to elucidate every subject he discussed, and in his argumentation be brought to bear the lull armament ct his unusual powers. LOCAL NEWS. I1DEI TO N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dies Ueares Just In W C Miller Garden'Seed Heihsbekoeh's New Goods J W Harper Carolina Beach -, C W Yates Seasonable GooiU -FiCNNELt & Daniel Horse Milliners ZJase Ball Charleston vs Wilmington 4 W W HIRRISS, Chm'n Annual Meeting kT M 2MERSON7 G P A-Summer xcurelons . -Miller ' Niestlie Kennedy's Medlca1 Discovery Only two bales of cotton were reeeiv ed at this port to-day. 'Thero were two interments, in Eelle vue Cemetery this week; both children. "There .were two interments both adults io;Oakdale Cemetery this week. ' There were three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week; two adults and one child. The force of street bands are doing some excellent work on the different thoroughfares of the city. The Register of Deeds issued two marriage licences this week ; one to a white and one to a colored couple. The crops in the Country are growing finely, and the farmers are hard at work trying to kill the grass in the co -ton and corn. There will be no services in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church to mor row on accoant of the pastor's absence from the city. iRev. Dr. Pritchard is absent from the city, in consequence of which there will be no services at the First Baptist Church to-morrow night. Rev. Peyton H Hoge returned to the city last niht and' will conduct- the services at the 'First Presbyterian Church to morrow" both in the morn ing and at night. John Pearsall. colored., was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with committing a nuisance on the street. He was adjudged guilty and was required to pay a fine ot $10 or go below for 20 days. . . "Take care of your eyes. -An agency for the LeMare's celebrated Rock Crys tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses is estab lisbed In this place at Heinsberger's.t .Some of the- small boys make nui sances ot themselves by playing mar bies nn thesidewalks and failing to move wheff people desire to pass., ; We bate seen numerous instances" of this! kind within the past fe w days Day's length 14 hours and 31 minutes. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 13 minutes past 7 o'clock. Full moon to morrow afternoon at 24 minutes post 5 o'clock. To-morrow is known in the Church calender as Trinity Sunday. The annual meeting of the Board ol Magistrates of New Hanover county will be held at the Court House oh Montlay next, tt 10 a. ui. The excursion lo Carolina Beach, whien wk? to have been tfiven by Cape Ff-ar Lodge No 2. I. O. O. F.. on Tuesday next, has been postponed until early in July. The Passport will make a trip to Car olina Beach to-morrow a'lernoon. leav inr her wharf at 2 o'clock. Returning the train will leave the Beach promptly at 0 o'clock. Personal. Messrs J D Bellamy. Jr., 2nd. son ot Mr. Marsden Bellamy, and A. J. Marshall, son of Mr. J. R Marshall, arrived home on last night's train from Chapel Hill, to spend their College vacation with their parents and Iriends iu this city. Suiiimor KxcursioiiB. Summer excursion tickets have been p'aced on sale at the offices of the At lantic Coast Line. The season began on the 1st inst. Round trip, tickets will be sold to all of the popular resoits in the Carolinas and Virginia, good tore turn until October 31st. thus making a season ot five months Rates, fched.. u!ef, sleeping: car accommodations &c wiil be supplied upon application to ticket agents or to Capt T. M. Emer son. General Passenger Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line. A Day Off. Yesterday we attended the closing exercises of Rocky Point High School, which during its last session, has been uuder he charge ot Rev. S R Trawick, a veteran teacher. The exercises in the morning consisted ot- declamations, dialogues and the reading of composi tions, which were quite interesting and developed the tact that the pupils had been trained."with a marked thorough ness in every department. The exer cises will interspersed with vocal music under the direction of Mrs. Rhodes, who presided at the organ. Dr.B F. Dixon, Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, delivered the address, which was certainly the very best for such an occasion lo wVicb we have ever listened. Aside from his scholarly attainments. Dr. Dixon is an earnest, practical man, v who sees the urgent needs of the hour and in a most impressive and. at times, impassioned way, fixed them upon the minds of his attentive and interested hearers. While eminently practical and instructive, his subject did not forbid the speaker from culling beautiful and fragrant flowers from the rich garden of rhetoric, and we wish tbat every father and mother, son and daughter, brother and sister in North Carolina, with all their "cous ins, and their uncles and their aunt," could have heard that address. At the conclusion of Dr. Dixon' address. Rev. Dr. Yates, ot Grace M. E. Church, was called upon and made a sport speech which was in rich humor and good prac tical common sense, and was a decided hit. Others were called upon who made brief remarks, at the conclusion of which the assemblage ruse and sang the doxology, when the benediction was pronounced and the people, with their guests, dispersed to partake of dinner, of which they all stood in need. It is needless to describe a Rocky Point dinner, for all who have partaken of the cordial hospitality ot its people know' that in delicacy of viands and skill in preparation it can hardly be excelled. At night there was an ice cream and strawberry festival and an address by Rev. Dr. Yates on the subject of "Shams." but we were compelled to return home, and were thus denied the pleasure of tbee festivities. True Estimate ot Value. Remember that when we assert the value of Brandeetii's Pills we at the same time refer you to the thousand of testimonials we have published sup porting alt and even more than we claim. The best evidence of their value lies io these testimonials. The Pills have been in use in this country tor over flay years and in tbat time have su rely been well tested. We never heard com plaint ot .them. They are harmless, being vegetable, and always do their work rail. The County Commissioners will meet at their room hi, the Court House building at io a. m nn Monday next tor the purpose of teyying the county tax.- Rev. G M. Toisoh will preach at the F:rst Baptist Cbnrcbr to-morrow morn ing, in consequence of which there will be no mornings services at Brooklyn Hall Thftnijrht services at! the latter place will be at the usual hour and will be conducted by the paator. . V . ' More Kailroads. ' ' : ' iTbe officers f the At'antic Coast Line fast wevk made a contract for the con struction of a railroad from Sumter. S C , to Santee River, S. C, a distance ot 20 miles, and the work will be push" ed as rapidly as possible to completion. TUeston School.' The exercises of the graduating' class last night at Tileston Upper Room were interesting, and were witnessed by a lance and delighted audience. The programme was varied and was most judiciously selected, and the efforts the class reflected . much credit upon themselves as well as upon the pains taking and thoroughgoing principal of the school. Miss Amy kV; Bradley, and her able corps of assistants. AMu8lcale. The Acme Singing Association, a colored organization of this city, assist ed by the Asaph Club, will give a grand musical entertainment at the Opera House on the night of the 9th inst., for the benefit of Grace M. E Church. The best colored musical talent of the city will appear, and some good music may be expected The entertainment will be conducted by Prof. H. M. Shepherd, who has had the benefit of a thorough musical training,, and will undoubtedly pro ye a success. The Last HI tea. - Tre obsequies of t he late -CoK ?W. L. Smith were held at St. James1 Church, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The building was thronged with . th? .rela tives and friends of the deceased and the Odd Fellows of the city, of "which the deceased was an honored member. Tne impressive funeral ceremonies of the Episcopal Church were.. conducted by Rev. W. H. Lewis, the rector.' at the conclusion ot which the remains, escorted by the Odd Fellows, and fol lowed by a long line "ot carriages con taintng mourning relatives, were con veyed to Oakdale Cemetery for inter ment. The pall bearers were Messrs: R.. J! Jones, Oscar Pearsall W. J. Yopp. J. G. Burr. DuBrutz Collar. J. J. Hedriek. C. W- Bradley and Samuel Northrop, . isase Ball. This season bids fair to prove an im portant epoch in the history of the great national game ot base ball ib this city. The "Seasides" have not been in haste to rush into thediamond without proper preparation, but they have now eompleted their arrangements, perfect ed their organization, and have gone to work in earnest. They have seeured three professionals, who have a good record, and with these and a careful se lection of the best material of their own team, they expect to. and undoubtedly will, do, some good work On MoDday and Tuesday next .they wjll opeo the campaign by match games with the Charleston. S. C, team, which is com posed of prcfessionals,' and which will be the first, exclusively professional team tbat has ever played in Wilrumg ton. The game will be called promptly at half past 4 p. m., on each day. and the price of admittance . wilt be as usual. Although, in these games, tfie Seasides will hive to contend with a nine tbat has been several weeks in constant practice and has made a good record in the Southern 'League, of which it is a member, they do not propose to flinch in the work, nor gi?e up a game until is fairly won. This is the fight sort of pluck, and we like it. The prospects are all in favor of the Charleston boys, bat we do not believe that they will have a the struggle. walk-over" itf Oar Advice to Yon In buying clothing for men. boys or children, do not allow yourself to be guided by glaring advertisements which promises to sell clothing lower than the Old Reliable. It is simply to draw your attention in hopes of selling you something at a larger profit Why will men work hard all day for $1 50. $2 or $3. then tbrowr it away when that sum could be saved in from 10 to 20 minutes by: trading with I; Shriek, whom we can recommend I and who will deal honorably with you . ia every frespecU-w -v-- - T j You will find hoes, forks, shovels, spades, scythes.' swaths ' and farm in tools of all kinds at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot ' :' ' '' V ' f DiMftatffM ami DHtli Force their way into many a household that rntftht be protected from their laroad . by Me simple precaution of keeping ia the noose tint be tgu family medicine and (c guard of health. Hoste tier's stomach Bitters Partlc u'arly where ihre are child. en nhool it lie kept on hnd, as prompt remedy' for l'aiaot lie row f taints, fa lb ir oaUet easltr conquer. ab e. hut which, if allow d to enrraft tbecn seive on the llfcate childish organlHai. are nut sily dislodge t. tni speeillly wik trier -oua mischief Jrrrg.iliilty of ttie ItoveU, In digestion and 'bllllou ne , are ailment " .f common occurrence In the house hod , Child ren. Jvlng in malarious reg ons, are more 1 a- e to ui at'acKea with chius ana fever than adults, and the ravages of tbat fell dleeise in tneir system are sieedlr ana m- re serious In remote localities far from professional aid, it U especially deslrab e Pianos and organs can be bought cheaper at Heinsbergcr's than at any other house in the State t SEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Horse Milliners. FULL' NIGKKL MOUNTED SET OF IIrnces"for $11.50. We 'can not bo 'b-atou hand made Harness, as we manufacture all hind work ourselves. When, in need of i ruoks or fcatchela try us. FJNNBLL & DANJH.L, iune4 10 S. Front st Just In. JpLANNEL AND JKUEY SUIUT8 FOli SUMMEB WEAK AT iune 4 DICK A HEAUEV UMWn MEDICAL DISCOVERT, JIMMON8' REGULATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum" and Mnllien, . Bud's Cough Syrup, Prescriptions compounded day and night. t- Night Bell. MILLER & NIESTL1E, may 30 Cor Sixth and Mulberry Garden Seed. JJRUGA, CHEMICALS, PATENT- M EDI' clnea and Fancy Articles In full supply at F. C. MILLER'S. Corner Fourth and Nun Sts may SO Aunuai Meeting. rjlHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Board of Magistrates with the County Commission ers will be held at the court House, Monday, June 6th. at 10 o'clock, a. m. It Is earnestly requested that all Magistrates be present as important business Is to bs transacted. . W.W.HARRIS, jttceilt Chairman Caro I i n a Beach. THE PASSPORT WILL LEAVE ON . Sunday at 2 o'clock, QAHOLIN A BEACH Train will leave Beach' at SIX O'CLOCK promptly. June 4 it J.W.HARPER. General Manager BASE BALL. Charleston vs. Wilmington. QNLY PROFESSIONAL BASE BALL C UB EVES IN WILMINGTON. AIouda3 June 6th. AND Tuesday. Jane 7 th. Great exhibition of ball-playing by the finest Club in the Southern League. Game called at 4 .30 p. M. Admission as usual. , iune 4 It . Summer Excursion! VIA THE - Atlantic Coast Line - TO THE Springs & Summer'Resorts OF- THE CAROLINAS Virginia! rpiICKETS ON SALE JUNE 1ST TO 8EP- TEMBER 33th. Good to return until Oeto- . -- ber 31st, 187. . For Rates. Seheduk s, Sleeping Car A ceo m modaboas, Ac,, write to or caU cm Ticket Agenta or the nsdersigned, i T. M. EMKRS'N, '-x-'' Gen'l FaaseBger Agent. IL 'WALTERS. 'euI Managerj J 'June 4 St tat, wed, frt t S KW A D VCRTISEM ENT8. For Piney Bluff. STEAM K CAPE PKAR WILL RUN - - . . ii curstoM parties from this clly to Piney Bhiff f ()aoi. Mating ti rounds on Hundaynext leav " tag here at ri A. M an I S P. M. Fare for the round trip SA cents. . fZ - ' o , . R. II. TOMLIN OV, LITTLE INSIGNIFICANT WEED K - volutlonizlng the habits of . the worU. The-i wild period of dissipation. 4v-r ork. neatal exhsostlon and broken root tttu Hons Hods a check M'XIK to the front Weakly. neA' us women d tkuble wurk with less fatUue -n Ave cents wort h a 1av On draught t ' o JA' lK NU. UrugvUt. i ' maySS - 4 8 N. Froat et. ' Feather Dusters, Bl 03' TIN TOILET 8E1S. B VTIl! Tnb. ater oolers. Ice C ream Frev- ters sn.l Refrlgerstors, which we are selling' tow down Full line of the best Cooking Stores lo the market. Lightning Rods cut ud; ssi-Matr" ",w " u.,tt" The RockG. r I WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE u ray friends aad the nubile generally, that' the hotel at the Uocks is now open Sot Sum-' mcr guests. Numerous alterations and tm- provements have teen made since last season . The lablo will be furnished with the 6est that can be procured. Good RontuH. C of well trained servants. . I he best pal line- and liniilnr.. tw. .k North Carolina coast.- - The feteanicr Lnnlipstmnit ih u.k. ' day, eacli way. For terms, Ac, address - may 281m MR3 W. E. MAIO.1 '"' Wild Cats ! TJNDER THE;pRE91CNT INSURANCE Mw M North , Carolina, any ootxern calllug Itself an Insurance Company that la -able to nay a -vy vviiduuiuiii 10 soiicib ouainess in thC StatC. Um rnapnunnxii fa IV.. w.... is tilled with bollcitors of so-called insurance Ccmnanles that hw nn can not pass an examinations - U OOn SBnllcSLIrtn th nnriMlma.l 1lf ' n. nlsh a Firn Insurance Index glvlnt the stand-, Ing and condition of insurance Companies doir g business In the United States avery uici auuum iHjseiiii bucu 'an index Dfiore acceptlnv the Policy of any Company that he Is not familiar with, - .. . v M.S. WILLARD, 2U North Water 8C may 23 Summer ReobftJ 4 ' J WISH TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT l am now prepared to furnish meals at, aU hours at the Hotel on caroUna BeachT Fish, Qysters and Clains . prepared in all styles and are a pedalty. ICE CREAM and other refreshment to 4 v order, nmay 26 tf Respectfully, C. BACIIE. Seasonable Goods. : "gASE BALLS, BATS, CAPS, "BELTS. Gloves, Masks, Ac. Pic Nic, Luncfi and Mar ket.Biaketfl, Croquet, Hammocks, Ac. C. W. YATES, " Books A Stationery, may 39 Wilmington. M C H ARD W A U2 G ... Manufacturer's Agents for ' . . Stoves. Ctovob. Iron. Nails GUI and Seine Twino, and a complete stock of A gricult oral -Tools. JAGUISl'S HOW. DEPOT, may 26 10 So. Front St rjErj good mm - . JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORT ment of Blank Books of all kinds, sixes and prices. -' Paper. Enyelopea, Shipping' tags, all klnde of Memorandum Books. Invotee Books, Note,' Draft and Receipt Books. Fine Box Paper, all the latest styles. V Inks of all colors " . Also, a large lot of plaln'and fancy Basket. Baskets for, every day use as weU as fancy Parlor Baskets. These goods hays been bought for sp;t cash, which em&bles us to offer you bargains. .? " t" . , " . .:;."(rv Our eyes arr wjde open every itT 1a? the year, and the duller the times the barOer we work. Call at "' ;: . HEINSBERGEK'S. CiJth Il2ok til llzlz tora GarolinaBeac