-TiTiI KEYS' rattle. Sheep, Fcr Hoars, roumj. raeni H'.'ToverSOd. . t I Ti i.:l ana Receipt ef Price. nq Fulton SL, II. 1. .tfigl 1 HOMEOPATHIC SFECIFiy?; WuB. vihl Weakness, fanrnnS UBUIUiJf 'other V.eV i'iirttK fr?nl..1 Urge vial powlr. for 5 ,to D Zt "i.id -i receipt ol fl -.iiveat home, imj.m"-' ,lve b t n tosu at an? A At-h m AHA , pit I TKt ud tree. Co b hrR .fir and terms . ,,fti''and terms free. Better 1 f, yroihlnr to 1 r. yoir li , t- if iou are wlfo you 1I riTTT ' o rrtl-.d u" .?. ! frf l-w !TL v- . rm:ilF.STEIM ISSBIJSH.r -CHICH , ia viiiir I'plhible Re are 01 worm .fe inu ; t- . . i . " , like i-'r " 6LI,! u;.f .rVrtlc..!ar mirpoto'' jmpki: ch;ci turti mil'. - ,3 v.iijn Square. 6LIM! ! '; .,,iartlrii!;ir in letter hy re- iCHt-SIEK lu l;nt.. Iff All 1 L,..It.. urn to XU-. an1 wc llVllLi 1 Hiprlaa:-.c 'to jou, that !lu t you Ii biKin.-P9 , . .in lir'nff v-u In mor rnorcy rljiht V- .w ti work .ml live at ho-re. KUS er ei. f5 rbpra w will RArt Mint mone y J 101 a . - .w 1 n's is one vi ifctluu. terptlslnff Aaarcs Atf 1 fcml ir 100 A WEEK t "jiiies" OK GKVTLKMEJT DKSIKINC-i Jipleajsnt profltsble empto meet write at once. H'euto- to hmdle an article of nao ihHt rprnmmenda l?elf to every Mf. ii .kp i-roiita 300 ir rent. Fami ne irtliii t practice economy ehould for Mir own Knefit write for particulars. Used tftrr Jay the year roun In every bonsehoM; rrW UMn reach of all Mrcajara free iifcts receive a AMPLE FREK Address IXJMKfcTIC MT6 Co.. 25 eod d & w Cm - M anon . Ohio . I -RESTORED. Itenuflj I f ree, a victim or joumiu. I Imprudence cauai n f? Prem rare Xccay .ervrun ueum tv TatM&nbnod.&C.UaviDfl Winnin vcry known remedy, lias difcorered upie ielKuro, which lie Mill send FKEJitP'nU lk"irufferrs. Address , j f. i. 1US0X, PoBt Omoa Box 8179, New York City. tctleoddJtwly ' U Workirg Classes Vll2ZlWl HtprtM to furnish all elastes with employ nitl home, the uho'e of the time orfoT tie tpare momenta. . 'Buslues cew. llgfct Hdpruiuble. fereonsof eliher sex easily em irom 5C cent to $5 eo per. evenii and FrowjrtloBBl Birrn ty dexo;ing all thtir time the business Boya ard girls earn nearly u nuchas men. That all who see thlaniay wa their address, and teat the luslnew.we Bile tMa offer To such as are not well eat Medewill tend one dollar to pay lor the ftmble ot wru ng Full particulars and out fit tree. Address JORGB birasoN A Co., fsnlaad, Maine. dec 1 6md lyw The New aiid Old iPurcell llousD Combined ! GRAND OPENING ! KUUMS FOR. ALL I jS THK NEW PUECCli. HOUSE HAS orerrun ever since I opened I taw I w to ha?e more room and to make H pleas JJfor all, have thla day. leased the entire tmiwine, which makes the bouse second to No pains will be spared on the part id JM rroprSeior to make tats lloute first c ass J ry respect. New furniture from bot- to lioss and BagsagQ Wagon at ar alotall trains ' teb I U N rREDKRTCK Proprietor New. Crop Cuba Molasses. ftttOND CARGO, . , 1. 554 HogsLeads. - - - - . , 66 Tierces, a?i? ex American Fchooner ,Ura- for sale very low by AVOKTU & WORTH ; Removed.! 1 HAVR Tl,K I'LrASUKK OF ANNOUSO hi tn m. . "nas ana the publle that I have rtO0Veaintolbe large and commodioua Sta rer ed l,y tte or the comer Jof Princes ' Th-4 8lreeu whe , hJkYe amp ro(Jm the demand,, f the Livery and Vale 1 IeP enBtntly on hand horses 4 YMU. iqt nire and will board horseay u,?.nAhw rates. A call Bov U - """tueo. " ' " " 2. C. ORRKLL al . ches'P8t pl&Ce to bu V von r siihno and school stationery ii at Hciris- Til tinn. Con"..- m ilk r ev" Fi 5iBiV5, A" ed aiat ism. I. N liiSrW0 s Marfual. .00 .....irt nn: iitTiL-M. . 1 .m...,n.i!ii chances of a ui,) arc ambit on and en . t...t.iv (irniul ou'fit free. II I 1 lannnnn IIUIIIIUUU The Daily Review, i . i 'How to Write It. . - Now bring rae a maiI that is' plamp and dark. Anc! bring me a maid that is tall and -fair; - - . One must ba gay as a mVadow lark, r One with a grave and queenly air. And a sort "t bigh-lonecl. Rtalely siare A man. Tld. rich and a perfect triht; A' man that i9yoaog ami debonair; And IoHhestorv that I will write. Bring me a summery Bring me a bouse moonlight park, in a handsome RquarH. One iu thi country, a kind of ark Of refuse for lovi?r-; 8'un mad des pair.. Duty, iiimatior and trrief and rare. To late tl ede :fl' love's d-lifht. A tew'od pffipln tr"!!i here a"t there And Jn! the story thai I will write Bring me a trip' in a tn achermis bark, A wreck in the und-eax uryuwrn-re Bring me a "duel. beav-nsave tbn mack, A reunitc-d and hippy t-air. A giwn from Worth's for the bride t wear. 'And brinu nan n laie as dark a liight. F"ra!I fce bold, bftl onet fh:ire; And lo! the slot v lint I will write. ENVOY Bring ink and pen to rny easy chair. Or paper a ream ail lair and while A pubtisher readv to do and dare. And lo! the story that 1 will writ'. Curlolla I'crry. Sturm rtriiiiis. As The'comirfgof a t;reai storm is her aided by the display of cauti narv sig nals, so is the approach fd thaf dread anl fathl disease. Consumviion ot the Lunes, usually annoum-ed in advanc by pimpleg. niotehe. r-r upturns, ulcer-8, glandular fwellinss, and kindred oul ward manifestations of the internal blood poisou. which if not promptly Expelled Ironi the system, attacks the delicate -tissues of the lungs, causing hern to ulcerate arsd lreak down. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery " is thegreat remedy tor this, as for all diseases having their uigin in bd b'eod. It -improves the appetite and digestion, increases nutrition and builds up tlio wasted system. A. It hk' lctil. A stranger went into an Austiu res taurant and ordered a dinner. lie run de. oue or tjvo attempts to eat it bui was badly defeated. ' Tren he called the pVoprietor of the caravansary, asked how ranch the tuneral expense asgrej:ated. and watold lilty cents." lie handed over a fiyo-dollar bill, but when the proprietor was about to re turn the ch nge he refused to accept it. 'No. sir." he said magnanimously, just jou take that money and see il ou can "hire a right hungry man with "it to eat that diuner. It he strikes for higher wages just draw on me. If he dies I'll pay the funeral expenses." The proprietor of the caravausary now says that he put up a job on him. Ttxas Stflinas. " For cleansing and healing foul and indolent Ulcers, Snres and Abscesses nd removinir this bad odors arisini: therefrom, and for si uahing. contused and lacerated wounds, Darbjs Prophy lactic Fluid is unequalled" r have osedDarbys Propbylact.c Fluid in hospital, and private practice tor ten years tfnd know of nothing bet ter for slotrghing. contused and lacera ted wound, foul and indolent ulcers and as a disinfectant." J. F, IlEUsris. Professor Mobile Med. College. . The Gum.Stioe Mysterj. WhaLmakes rubbers wear ut so fast nowadays?" was asked of a leather (Jc&aGr. . tOb, you needn't wonder at their wearing out. Ttiey arc made of old robbers ground up and mixed .with a trifle of crude gum." HHow extensively is that carried "on?" k ''Well a dea'er told me of one manu facturer who last year ground up L0,-. 000 tons of old rubber shoes to make -new ones. -Tney pay three or fou r .cents per pound for them. I remomber -the time when you could get what were then Called gums, made on a bUck in Africa, that would last a man longer thsn a' box of the frauds of to-day. Still you can go to a trustworthy dealer and for $1 get a pair of rubbers that will last a year." A large number of factories have been built iust tor the purpose of grind ing up old rubbers, New York Sun. PJttsboro as a Summer Kesort. .Pittsbort can-be made a very pleas ant nd popular summer refri ir health and pleasure seekers. 1 he con- 8truction of the railroad to this place has removed the greatest obstaclo hith erto presenting itself, and now that we are connected ty railway ana teie ranhic communication with the rest ot the world we may reasonably expect to see many visitors coming here dur ing the ensuing summer. r r one hundred years our fid town has been noted for the .salubrity of its climate. Before the beginning of this century it became the summer resort or many wealthy rice planters and others troru Wilmington and tbe lower Cape Fear country, iney mini summer resilien ces bore, and about the first of every June would come here, at er a lone and .fatiguing journey through tie country, arnl remain uniu irosi in toe aatumn. They continued ibis every surnmer until the late war began. Since tbe war other towns farther West have hppn reached bv railroads and have be- nmet fashionable summer resorts. But .1 Pittsboro had no railroad, and the journey here over a very rough high way was exceedingly lauguiug. many nortnns. who otherwise would have spent thetr summers here have been 1ptprred from taking such a journer and have gone to other towns. Now, however, this obstaclo having been re moved. and our town bavins been placed in such easy and quick commu nicatior with the eastern sections of the State, we may expect Pittsboro to regain its former position as an attract tire Summer resort. Chathxm Record. Young and middle-agtd men suffer ing from nervaus debilitv. 01 kindred affections, should address with 10 cents in stamps for large, treatise. World a Dispensary Medical Association Bat-la!o,N.y. Ore at AuiiuaUon Ships. A Calcutta letter tbus describe how elephants go to sea: They were lashed with strong ropes, slang a9 far as practi cable in slings, hoisted up with cranes and threefold tackle and lowered inio the steamer's hold like bales of cotton. When in the hold they were . placed in pens built of strong teak timber baulks, boited to the ship's side to prevent them from breaking loose. The lear the animals goffered was the only pain they 'underwent, and by watching th eyes of the poor blasts their terror was verv "manifest; Tears trickled down their frees and they roar ed with dread, more especially when be itig lowered into the h!d. the bottom of which was sanded lr them to stand upon. -We are told that one timid fe male elephant actually faintpd and was brought to with a fan and manv ga'lons of water. At sea it, appears tha 'he animals got into a curious habit of occasionally evidently at a preconcerted signal set ting to work rocking the ship Irom side to side hy giving themsl ves, einiul'a nouslv. a swinging morion as they stood H'hwait he. slant, the vessel roll ing hen vily a il in a eaway , liuciclfii'! Arnica salve. The lif.ST Salve in the worH for Cots, Bruises, More. Ulcers. ?aU Itl'.rnru. Fever S're. IVitt-r. (JhaptH'd Hnntlrf, Chilblains, C,ms, and ail Skin Kroptions. atd Positively" cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect safiffa-'lion. or mo.iey refunded Price 5 cents per box. For -ale by W H. Green & Co . - ' C2uartrly Meeting: Second round of Quarterly Meetings for the . Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South: Bladen circuit, at Antioch, June 11, 12 Magnolia circuit, at Duplin Roads, June 18. 10. Whiteville circuit, June 25. 2o. Waccamaw circuit. June 23. Brunswick circuit. July 3. T. W. GrjTimiE. V K. V- MISCELLANEOUS - Itcliinjr Fi.vo Liontr Years. New lilooailicld, Ulsa., Jan. 2, 1886. Hop BiTriiits Co : I wi h tosAv t you tii -i 1 1 h ive been Biifler- luic for the lust n e years 'Willi a Bcveie ncn inn all over. 1 have heard of Hop Bitter ana iave irled it 1 have us-ed up four bottles, and it han done roc more j?o:d "hau ad the iloclors and medicines that they ou d use on or wlih me. an old and po r but feel to bles you for each relief fro - your medicine and torment of the do tiB. 1 Invc had iif reen ioctors at me One gave mc sevcu ounces of solution of arteulc; another took four quarts of blood from me 11 they could tell was that It was skin sickness -ow, after these four llottles or jour medicine, I am well and my skin ia well, cle tnaiulraootbftBevcr MEN KY .KOCIIK Good' Words-vrom Good Autiioritv: . u confers that v;c are perfectly amazed at the run of your IIop Bitters We never had anything like It, and never hcrd of theliic. The writer t-Benon) has been -cl!in? drugs here nearly thirty ycara.and has s en the r'.sc of HosteUer's, Vinegar an-l all other bitters and patent medicines but never did any of them, in their best days, begin to have the run that Hop Eltters have we cti.'t get euough of them. From letter to Hon Bitters Co , from Benton, Mykbs Co , Wholesale lrugiiists, CI vcland i. Good i'ok Bauiks. "Wc are pleased to 6ay that our baby wa permanent y cured of a serious prolractdl irregularity of the bowels by the use of r'oe BiUerB by its rnotner, which at the same time reafiieu nerto pcrieci health and strength." I'iik Parents. M1SERABLENESS. The most wonderful and marvelous success, in cases where pereona are sick or pining away from a condition of miserablenes3 that no one knows what alls ihem (profitable pa-tl-nt for doctors), is obtained by the use of Hop Bitters. They begin to cure from the iirat dor e and keep It until perfect health and sticngth is restored WICKED FOR CLERGYMEN. I belleye It lo be all wrong and even wlci ed lor clerevrnen or other public men to be led U-togivinz testimonials to quack doctors or vile stuffs ealleJ pa ent medicines, but when a really meritorlous'artlcle is made up ot common valuable remedies known to all. ar.d that nil nhvalclans us and trust In duty, we should freely commerd it. I therefore heerfullv and heartily commend Hop Bitters f v the cood thev have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have 1.0 equal for famllv use 1 will n ot be without them." :02V E B Warbes, fcclpio.'N Y; A G000 Account "To sum it up, six long vfi.ra cjf iiedridden sickness and suflerlng. co ilnsr 200 nor Year, total $1.20 i.all of which - as stopped bv three bottles of Hop Bitt ers taken bv m? wife, who hs done her own houtework tor a year since without the loss or a ilav. and 1 want everybody to know it for - heir benefit "-.Puis Wkeks, Uutler NEVER FORCET THIS. If you arc lick Hop Bitters wld aure aid Natnrn in mak'.nir vou well hen all else fail'. If yoii are costive or dyspeptic, or are suf feringtrom any olher of the numerous diseas es ot tnc sio racu or uuc. n juumwu fault If vtu rdmain ill. for Hon Bitters Is a sovereign rirujdy in all euch complaints If you are wasting away with an form Kidney dlicas, stop tcmptli g I'cath this mo ment, and tunj fur a cure to Hop mtte s If you are 1 drvous use Hep Bitters If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system agdr'st the scourge of all countries mai rial epidemic, bllllous and Intermittent fevers by the use of Hop Bitters. If you have tough, j lmp'y or sallow Bkln, bad breath, pains and aches, ana reel misera ble eeneralJy, Hop Bitters will'glye you fair kln. rich blood, and swe3tcst breath and hcahh. That poor, bedridden. Invalid wife, sister, m ther. or diuzhtcr. can be male ine picture of healtnItb Hop Bitt- rs, costing but a trine Will jou let thm suffer r In short, they cure all Disease of the stom ach. Bowels, Blcod, Liver. erve, aiurwyd. Hrlght's Disease ?l,0 0 will be pali lor lltey vlll rot cure or help. ru:.v30dw Sash, Sash. Sash. -0- Paints. Varnishes. Oils. Moulding and Builder's Hardware, BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. -JACOBIM HDW. DEPOT. ap I5 . 10 So. Front St The Sutton House, Iff 'ARRET STREET. SOUTH SIDE, tween V ront ard .-econd Board by the Day, Week or Month, uiean Roomr, txmfortable Beds. Good Attendance and ithej best the market affurda. Ratea low.j ' iaa24ly,. WHOLES A1E PBK3ES. - ler JPtae f oilowiag . quotrtlona reproaea wnoieeara pnees generally. In matins ut small orders hlf her prtcas have to be r-harv . 1 . Gonoy. g 0 Standard.... 8t& BACON North Carolina Hama. V B... 12 t Shoulders, V lb 8 0 Sides, f fb 10 15 11 15 WKSTEKN SMOKED Hanw, lb Sides. y ft..... Shouklera, lb DltY 3ALTKD Sides, y Snonldcra, Y" tb .......... B V R SK I $ SDlrlts Ti r noutlnc 13 5 a 0 a V4 S"nd Hand, eaeu........ - 0 Sw N" York. each.... .... 0 00 Sew Wty.eaeh... c BKKSWAX. V It..... 23 KKKMiS, Wilmington f M i 00 Notthern .. j 0 00 J I so it 1 8C r I sa & 24 N?rth Carolina............ Northern.. v.... . .......... CANULES.r fc- c,o et is 18 & 25 n& 12 8 & 9 l'O 4 15 - fc 6 0 2. et .5 CO (3y K 23 & 24 A 6:, fO Ob H 6t iSO Sperm.............. Tadow Adamantine .., Nortltern Factory. Dairy. Oream.... . State . COFFEE, y a Iva LAguyra. ... ao C tN MEAL, V t .ia., In i-.kB Virginia Meal.. ............. . COTTiiN TIK3. V bnndle.... D MESTiCS Shoeting, 4-4, f yd... f 6 l arns, f tsano.rc O KGG3. dozen ,.. 10 ilackerei. No. 1, bbr ?0 U"J Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl.-ll 00 Mackerel, Ko. 2, t hbL f 00 aiackarel, So. 2, f half bbi. S 0C Uackcrel. No. i. bid 11 (0 MtUlets, bbl...'..l 0 00 Mullets, Pork bbia 11 00 S. O- Boe Herring, teg S on. Dry Cod. B 6 12 0 ?0 f t: a 9 0 12 ur O 4 , 0 012 0 n 4 a - ? FLOUR, V bbl Northern Super.'....--...... 8 25 03M " Extra 0- 4 25 Family 4 60 O 4 75 City Mills Super.' .4 00 H4 1o Family 4f - 0.1 9LUK f fb . GRAIN, buahcl Corn, from store, baga,whlts. Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. Com, cargo, v bag9, white Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. Oats, from store Cow Peas..................... HIDES. V tt 'irocu Orj UAY, V 100 Sa Raa tern .......... ....... 1 Vcstcm... ............... ..... ta a 10 O 60 o - a a 45 O 47V (0 O 65 5 a 10 a 12J4 10 a 1 15 to & i o .Vorth Klver.. 85 t 90 HOOP IRON, r 2 l.Aliir t it Northern 1 tib North Carolina O n LIME. V barrel 1 40 O 0 CO LUMBEH, City. Sawed, f MfU Ship Stuff, resawea w wa w Hoagh Kdje Plank.... .......lfi 00 .Ol' 00 Weal India Cargoes,accordins - to quality .....13 CO Ol- CC Dressed Flooring, seaaonecU.lS 00 O 00 icautllmr and Board. coro'n..ia 50 015 00 MOLASSBS. gallon Now Crop Cuba, in aaoa u a In bbla...... 26 O 30 Porto Rico, inhnds O 2G " " lc bbls.. ........ :8 O 28 0 a a a a a a o 0 o a o o a 0 a a Suirar House. in hhda.. ........ " lr. bbls O 18 Mvrim. In bbls 22 O 35 VAILS. V K-eg.cut.ioa Dams., -i -sn OILS, V gallon KerODcno iu . Lard - 1 unseed 90 -tosln. ............. ............ 15 tar.... - 00 Deck and Spar ... . 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown.---.- 2-s Spring.............. 15 Turkeys.... 75 PEANUTS v bushel 22 lbs.... 60 POTATOES, r bnshei- Sweet f0 Irish, r bbl. 2 50 )i 45 00 18 20 22 33 Vs 25 CO 80 70 75 & PORK, r barrel- , nix City Alesa.. ........... vu . 0x1 w Prlxce.. -IS 50 OH 00 h 00 CIS 50 KICK Carolina, r lb 40 . &A Pnno-h ir buahei) Unlandl.... SO a 1 10 Do. do (Lowland).- 1 00 O 10 RAGS, y ft. Country ft 1 IU wm City tiOPE, t lb SALT, e sack. Alum Liverpool.....--..---------' Lisbon.-.... American... ......... . UGAR, f tb Standard...... Standard A 1 & 140 70 a a oo a oo a 714 6V4O 22 '75 "65 OL 'it 7V4 White KxC i fcx C, Golden C Yellow SOAP. V fc -Northern -. . 5 SHINGLES, 7 In. fM 5 L0 Common...... 00 Cypress Saps.... 80 Oypreea Hearts 0 CO STAVES, y M W. O. Barrel- 8 00 R. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW, r tb 5 TIMBER, f M foet Shlpping.12 00 Fine Mill 11 25 Mill Prime 7 50 & & a 5 7 00 0 2 6 a a 5 0t 7 5( 014 01 OIC 1( O 6 014 01 015 (X a s 5t Mill VaIt ..... ........ ..... 6 00O 6 5 Common Mill.....------ 5 00 " Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 vvHISKET, V gal Northern.. 1 00 worth Carolina 1 00 rno 0 o 4 Ot 0 a a a a oc 20 ir tYOOL, f lb Washed . Unwashed. ... ........... iJnrrv. - 18 15 10 " After Fortv years experience in the preparation of more than One Hundred ThnnanTil mnl ications for uatenta in the United States and Foreign coun tries, tha publishers of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy--"tTV!rX..,. tVi TTnited States. and to obtain patent taJO'Kllr1 ecTis uneqoaled and their facdiUes are uniur- PDrawings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice.. reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawinrft. Advice by mail free PateoMined throMonnCo.arnoticed in the SCIE VTIFIC AMERICAN,. wbich has Ihe last cireSlati.n and Uthemost ,,a!5I newsSper of its kind publwbod uv the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee ThuWand lndidly illustrated newspaper is pob'.Ufd AVEEKLY at $3.00 admitted to be the best paper devoted e5 mechanics, inventions, . enpnngworu, ana other departments of 1 n d ast r 1 a l J t lisned in any country. It con tma the all patentees and title of every invenU each week. Try it four months for one aoiiar. Sold by all newsdealers. - ,tnt wr1t4) to If yoa have an invention to patent w"" Mann A Co publishers of Scientific American. 361 Broadway. New York. . Handbook about patents mailed tree. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers "byl addressing ?Geo pIlowell &;$Q., :: evvpaper Aavertiing-Bixreu, ' toSnruceSt. New York. . end ippta. for.lOO-pB PMnphlet MRU m MISCKLLANEOim Wnmlnmon. Columbia & Auimsta B. It. Co. CONnENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No 7 I . ,.. iKl'y. I " except 1 Nn. ?3, No n. Par'e1 May l.lSST .nndy DalL . r ally Ieave Wilmington. 1....' ? 15 pro lf 10pm Lv; U Waccamaw .3i1pui 11 15pm l.eavd Marlon H H pra l--t7an, 1 eave Florence. .. 6? pm 2 4 am 'i.4 van Arrive sanir..... 7 4 p 4.24 am 4 24mm Arrlvft Colutulda , . Si'n ni 62i m .2u "TttAlNs GlMNH NOKTI1," No 56. ally, . . o. 78, 'except No. fi, Dally, -iunday. Dally. Leave Columbia... lf-.is pm 7.1arn Arrive Sumter.... 11. 52 pra 8?aw!... lavi Klorem.. :" an; la 15 am S 10 pm Lav Marion . 5 2S tv; S.44 pm l.v 1. vvaucamavr .06 am.... ... 10 It pm Arrive W ltnlngfn .30aBi 11.25 vai Sos. 23 and 7S b(od at all stations excen Keglt ter's. fclenezer. Cane Savannah , W ateree and Mrums Paasencers for iKlnts on C. . it; K...C. C. A A. K. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all pointe.leyond. ahonld take No 23, Pall man Sleeper fo Augnsia on this tralr. 1 rains 57 and 50 make close c nrection at Florence with Train on . A i. K. K. JOHN r. DiVlN. General Superintendent. J, R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. i M. KMKivoO(i , Genera; rassenger Agent. apl2J J The National Life AND- Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, D. C. -O- HORATIO BBOWNING, President. -o- GEO. Secretary, D. ELDR1DGE, Manager and Actuary.. Lite Insurance at Absolute Coat. A Guaranteed Policy. , An Incontestible Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Ago. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Tbree Years. 1 P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D.t Medical Director. W. H. GIBSON. Special Agent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street. N. W mch 31 ly Something New I -AND VEKV 3STIOE I SARATOGA CHIPS. FRESH AND CRISP. IX IS ONLY NECESSABY TO TBY THEM .TO ABB1VE BY STEAMER TO-DAY FBOM NEW YORK, THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF NEW SPUING BUTTEH OF THE 8EASON. Jno. L. BoatwrJglit. mch 29 15 I7 So. Front Street ' the review; ? ? ? ? A 000 JOB oppigi; 000 00 00 MARKET STREET. NO. lllJ-. (Dl TIRS) COH PL. J EVXY RPC1 AND WB ARM PMMPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OP WE WILL SOT EE PIMM -WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES. CIRCULARS, CARDS, LET-TER-nEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS. ENVELOPES, NOTE-ilEADS, PAMPHLET PRINTING. ; TAGS, LAND DEEDS. MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER- IFFS DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JCDG- M KNTS. JTSTICES' KX FCTJTIONS, CHAT TEL MOIMG AGES, iC. . . Mob printing ' ' - -- : , CALL ON US a'ND, OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE . GIVING YOUR ORDERS. . . 1 Addreet REVIEW JOB OFHCE, RAUilUAD8f AO. Wilmington & Weldon Rr.Rr AND BKANCUE8.' u CONDENSED SCHEDUTJ: V; TRI5S GOING 80UTn. . : I No. 53, No.l 15, Dated Vay 15, I Dally. . Dally, ? t "un.- ay. Leave Weiaon....) t t in( 6 38 pu Ar. Rocky Monst. 3.2t"'l.. Arrive 1 arhro...j4 SOpmj I a vei arDortK .. 1.0 5 'ami... ......... A rrtre Wtl:on..r77jaT&7 pm 58 pju I cve Wlson..... 4 15 pmj..l. It ;-.... Arrive clnja 5 24 m Arrive r'ayettevllle 7 55 pm Ie avc Goldsloro.. 4 W pin 7740 pm leavc Warraw... 5 4d pm .w. h.OO am Ijeavc Marnolii.. onro 8S8 pen 8.14 am Ar. Wilmington... 7 40 pro 'J..'5prr '0.0 am 'TRAINS U-'ING NRTl ;.' .'.. f-"'- '-'i , 'f N. 66, - i No. 14, f No. 78, Dally. - " "1 pally Dally ' except Snnday. Ijcave Wilmington 11. 44t pm 8 5 am 5.(0 pm Leave t agioltt.. t 03 m l S2 am 646 pm Ar1ve Wnmaw... ." 10 49 am t7f 0 pm Arrive CoMsboo. t 9 am 11..-0 am Leave Favettevtllc ..I...T8sTarof Arrtveelma...... ......... 10.5lam i.;....,. Arrive Wllaon.... , . ... U 59am l eave WPaoo f 2.5i amil2 S8 pm Ar.RockyMount..l ... 1 12 pra ......... Arrive rarboro. . . ( .4"60rrn ...v..... Iavc Tarboro. ..j .- 105 am ..'...... Arrive Weldon.. 1 4 2 am 2 40pm'.; Dally except Sunday. - .'..' Train on Scotland Neck Branch Eoad leavt Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. 11. Be turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally eicept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro..N. c, via Albermarle A Raleigh R. R Dally except unday, 6.0 P. M , Sunday 5.00 P. M . arrive Wllllamslon. N. c, 8.Ui P. M., 6 40 P.m. Returning leaves Wllllamston, N. C. Dally except uuisy. 7.40 A. M ., sunday 9.50 A.M. Arrive Tarboro. N. C 9 45 A. M., 11.30 A. 'Ms , r Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, Dally except Snndny, 7.00 A. M., arrive Smlthfleld, N. C, 8 30 A. M. Returning leaves Smlthfleld, N C, 9 00 A. M.. arrive Goll?lxro, N. C".. 10 30 A. M. . . Train ou NhbIi IHc Branch leaves Rocky Mount for 'Nashville 4 00 P. M. - Returning leaves Nathvllle 11.15 A. M., daily. except Sunday. ' Tralp on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton. Dally, except enndav. at 7.201. M. Returning Ifavee llntcn at7.(d . M. ' "' Houtttbound Train on Wilson A ravcttevllle Branch is No. 51 Northbound Is No. 50. Dallv except untlay . Train No. 27 8outh will atop only si Wlleof , Ooldsboro and Magnolia. Train No-78 makes close connection stWe don lor aU points' North Daily. All rail vU Richmond, and dally except Sundty vis Bat Line. . - , Trains make close connection focal) point North via Richmond and Washington. '. All tramp run solid between Wi'mlngten aaC Washington, and have Pullman- Palaee Sleep' era attached. , JOHN F. DIVIKit, General Superintendeat. r 14 nfcii Li i . sup t Transportation T. M. EMKKSON. Genera Paasenger Agent jn ay 14 - ' , , - "i Carolina Central B. U. Company. r - Change of Schedule. WE8TBODND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 3. f: May 16, 1S87. dally ex dally ex s , Sunday. Sunday Lave Wilmington 7 25 am 8(0 pm Leave Maxton .... 11 3d am .... ... . Leave Hamlet.... 2 50 pm 2 S3 am Leave Wadee boro 2 15 pm ....... A Leave Charlotte.. 4 3ipm 6 03 am arrive. Leave Lin cole ton. 617 pm Leave Shelby 7 40 pm ArButherfordton 910 pm ' EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. 4. May 1, 1887. ' dally ex dally ex Sunday. Sunday. Lv. Butherfordton 7 15 am ' Leave Shelbv 3 48 Leave Lincoln ton. 10 07 am ' Leave Charlotte.. 12 (2 pm , 8 45 pm Leave Wadesboro. 2 3u pm Leave Hamlet.. 3 38 pm 165 am Leave Maxton... .- 5 20 pm ......... Arrive Wilmington 9 05 pm 8 00 amj Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make clcse connection at -Maxton to and from FayettevlileUreensboro and other points on C. F. Y. V. tt. At Wades boro with trains to and from Cberaw.Florenoe and Charleston. At Llncolntoq to and from Hickory, Lenoir and point on C. 4t L. Nar row Gauge BK. Trains No. 3 and 4 make close oonnectloa at Hamlet with Trains to and from KaJelgh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No, 1 for Statesvllle.and Sutloat on W NCBlt and point Wo Take train No 3 for Spartanburg, Green villa. "Athena Atlanta and all points South west. Also, for Ashevllle via 8partanlurg. o. 3 connecU at Wilmington with W W R U No. 23. Local Freight Nos. 0 and 6 tri weekly be tween Wilmington and 1-Aurlnburg; Loral Freight Nos 7 and 8 Ixl weekly be tween Lattrln burg and charlotte. Loral Freight Nos. 9 and lo tri weekly be- ivrcfD onarioive aim nuiiKngmion. Sot. 5, 6, 7, , 9 and 10 will not. take passen gers. - L. C. JONES, Supertatcudeat. F. W.CLARK, etaersl Faaeecger AgtBt may 14 ... i '-v COME SEE-TS ! THENEVKR VOTJ ARB IN NEED OK . nmm, imfii imiw come and we nx. I We have the most complete establishment In the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work: promptly jtnd satisfactorily, and at nriee thai we can liVe uxS ' Give 0s your orders. ,. "jH - . IACKBON sY BELL. Shingles ! Shingles ! F IFTY THOUSAND. FOUR AND FIVK lACb Cypres Sblsglec. Mast be sold at once. ffiMLA In Yksswl WAtiVI Ira wall ffra 11 i nrl sat sa BVW 111 MV- VtlWS W W V W SSMa S W barcaln. . . ; " CHAS. F. BROWSE. veraiDiHion sxercnant, ro. tifi. water St., mch 28 WUmington, N. f , lOc FOR A SHAVE.. iSOc FOR A HAIR CUT, GOc. FOR A HAIR CUT.8H AVE ANUtJUAMI'OON. HAIR DYEING "Oc and upward, - At It' JOJI WEUNTCIfS. h The German I5arberand;prf umer. joa - a iitrtet st