V PAP wiu m atan u taesm oomaamicauoa Croa our trtada n ami 4 all anjM Mraltatensttrnt . TNuMot tte wrttar stusi always M ' alaaltotk(tttot.. oraTAToa. aim r ooBiiuOeatkAa stasi be wiltta n nl oaesldaet tarn paper. -nsSC'" months. B tb. cents. Ptwofianoea tart ba afoldad.; 4t l wpMlaUy aaa particularly a ' Taa.fLtfi ""IT" .trr carrier e tood that Um Cdiuir Um mot alway aadci WILMINGTON N C, FRIDAY. JUNE 10. 1887 NO 137 th views of norfeaprtiwlAa u ) ae tall VOL. XI ta tha editorial eohuaaa. FT i .Review. E I - II I M Whaler leaves i . . ,i i if uj - - - fanni1 lla ' , .,n hv the people. (of canines who have Vu ffr ,n H ars t g3 in requisite-badges for the same would lo n'1" ,.,rt t.a V ce 1 rei"-i b iweirto atiena io me matter wuuum The city ordinance regarding dogs went intotffecl loday, and ali owners not secured the irt'.e Duchess ol f,ttrnnM.o Wales ..,h1 . nresiorrd. The phisina" WS Uieir restrictions and tb; delay,- The only degree conferred by Wake Forest College was that otLL. P.. up on Mr. Woodruff Wilson, sou of Ilev. J. R. Wilson. P. P.. formerly pas-or of the First IVesJbyterian Church in this ci t y . , . . ," ' . ' North lvT-nf a iaw months. The utter pa Market street Maw ceo! Que- side, between Front and Second, needs ThePr'i'rof,b8 ! r n intprview some attention: It is overgrown with hMi?.i thi-nLia; erasa and choked with mud. A weak oiotcoQuu.u .. attempt was made-to clean it yesterday .anL can the rsui""" charter ret wntlyj where" tbey yet lie. Healthj! .h.toou.. - monthg and tour piles ol mud were mrown up, -1 i toenm ,.rH r Manito- Prenaratorv to making some changes FoW4,bl?. nrooosed road from 1 io bis bosineaa before the Fall spason. ;.1hBb .umlry -lllb.com Kailrac1 AnecrtiHos. r. noun We recently heard two railroad an- Th people of Goldsboro evi-ienuy frdoiea. which, as thev were genuine part with Mr. Bonitz with a great neal occurrences and can be vouched for. lot regret. And no wonder we think are too good to be lost, espe- twen y years he has been bne ol tue oiallv a both ware live North Uaroii- vitalizing eiemenis oi me pisuu. pnwn . . i, vr k rvmiinfi men I nnnt in uverv ?ood word ana wors ir luuiucuiSt nun Him -.. r 0 as the actors in the dramas: the upbuilding and prosperity ol the town. This sentiment is welt evinced in the following, adopted at the meeting of the Wayne Ooonty B.ard of Educa tion on Ifomtay last : Resolved rThat it ia with deep regret that we part with Mr -J. A. Boniiz. as a member of (he iVard of-Bducation of By hi unuorm smu NUMKEU ;ONE. A well-known and lppHlar cmtiac- tor on one cf" the roads of this State. who bad grown gray in the service, but who shall he liameles. had been some what noud for his many encounters . 1-1 .IF ...... ' Willi nirviruv I ' , ., .nh.Ta tnrVinP AS . m a as mm mm m - - itnmins strength, ureat activity anu. t ;A-rp. he has endeared himself to -i.i i. nr.i;t -rrt r'tu rtfous to the! nd ftrtin? wedded, as he is. totheeh- deserv,02. hU d,SMsitio0 b 4r,V"yS SZZ . ... I.. - I 1I1U7I1KJIIL- w.. allowed htm U suhnia to insuu , auu - heloed no little to when he was fairly roused be was con- inslii n0W ure into the public schools 1.4 i 1 lrm awno II n Ul i , ..nr fulintV. InQrOOV UiaCHUt lUBUimi 1Umt ' i rtf neafn rAaa and Iftt Mr. Sol. Bear advertises in this issue crcek Recently, nowevcr. no oeouie - - hert,Vfir it m.v. his At about half past I Vlock this after noon, during the prevalence ol the! thunder storm, the honse ol Mrs. C. L. Bush corner of Sixth a:d Oranire stree's. was stricken by lightning, and ab'-ut 15 feet on the Southeast corner was torn out and a large portion ot the plastering in the house was torn down. Th boards from the house were neat- Loat. 'MU!4 MOkMNti. SOUKWIia&ltK NKAB the corner of Market acd Front atreets, a pklr of KYEOI.ASSKSIq slorroeeocaM Reward at t til i office Jons 10St . Notice. 1K WHOM ir MAY CONCKBN TheTan tered in every direction about ber vard tab Bamue NORDSOKN. ( at J.Nyholm, la Ol I i.nV ilnv ta mmmMice on the Oth Inst I'f r. the expiraiKn ibat some lines of his large stock which he conVerted, and since then in an uno8, Lfforljl for the education of the children A? it has oeen ready . . were t it m y be that Manitoba will :icoo)p,.in2 road io-spite rf!beCndiD Pacific'pposition. . announced aiures us he has decided to close out to do the! Examine his advertisement and you tetitious way ho has made it apparen Dr oar county will be held in gratelul .1.-. c,..Q .inanra.untnble manner it membrance" and w but y4ce the lUItl IU 0IU'3 u I ' . and even into the adjoining yard Mr A S fltfidc- Mrs. Rush was the only person in the house at the time, and she, fortunately, escaped uninjured A boy and a gpat were under the house and the latter was slightly crippled The electric fluid then entered athe yard nf Mr. A ft Heide and tore up bi9 flower garden, injured his cistern and burnt the tin gutters to u part of his; bouse, bat did no further damage. It I was fortunate that no one was injured oi thpr wpr several nersons in the immediate vicinity at the lime will find for sale some article you need . tf "...a i - ;i r-.-.o.t BRntimenu 18 possin.e io u i1mrriea with hi to bis new t Cl V Court. Alfred Turpin, colored, not supposed ir l knv relative ot the famous Dick Th.M.oniclrsirnitv ol Missouri is . a h a decree- prom ulga "iU,!' i,-.j Mter. netting forth Turpin. was brought belore the Mayor i t iLu.eevinzol -.be (; rand I'idieH- this morning, charged with fighting in ba it ideci.W that tl. busing the street. Judgment was suspended !5 ll're liquor it unmasonic and in his case upon a promise of good be- rtoJuwt b i'''Tfe( The docre havior in the future. toiaM oswooare in any wa Oood FisUinjr. corifrtciwiiaino iuwi .wt .The wreck of the blcckade runner of our people in saying . III LL lie bill company faithfully at one ana me same M oar best wishes lor his prosperity time. Not long since the sincerity ot and nappiness. bis christian li'e was put to a severe ,,,.,.,, test, but he came out victoru-iH as usu- Ureo8otd limber. al. A passenger at one of the stations Col. W. P. Canaday, President ol the gt on to bis train with some hshtns Carolina Oil aud Creosote Works, was poles, which he placed by the iu New York a lew oays ago anu wuuu side of the car ou the top ot the there was luterviewea Dy a repieaeui ao.a ui.fi then irot off for a few tjVe of the Mail and Express, to whom " " . .i . . . . d ratted ha m dim gnme verv lnierestinu In Meiuorlam. At the last meeting of Local Board ol - Fire Undr writers of this city the foi mlimla m a a it t a n 1111 1 til ad aud it was resolved that a copy be 1 J. NYHOLM. Master June S St IIEIDK A AX) , Conalsaees Pine Apple a la Mode. rpUK NKWE3T, LATEST AD MOST retresblng drink yet known, 5c only. JAS. D. NUTT. the Drurjclflt, June's 218 N. Front St. Feather D listers; v BIHD C AGKS, TIN TOILKT 81VI 8. B 1TK Tub. vatcr oolcrs. Ice Cream Free zers and lie frlgera tors, wnlch we are selllna; lovrdown Full line of the heat tkofclnx Stoves In the market. Lightning ittxJs put up awl lrlve Well Tumps put down. at bottom ligurs. Call and ace ua. PARKER ft TAYLOR. PUUK WHITE OIL. juueB no nuuiiui WO014 RESFltCTrUL'.Y ANNOUNCE .... - a . I L III V lriCUtlB'alllU bHG PUUIIU KVUVI caat T lurnished to each ol the aauy pap s lic hotel at the itocka la now uran for Sum- rtnnoci that it ha nuhlished I mcr cueBU. . merous nlterattons and lm with a request that it oe puunsneo , . d last season. also, that a copy be lorwarded to the tamily ol tho late Col Smith, and that i a blank page in the records be inscrib ed with his name and dates of his birth noinr - itii ki'.lcu i wc ra i u luii xi iiiin v ci v DJomHOis. i.u v M...r" - tu: UnilHnath: .. iKa r i IlltO tUC rulahVP. to thH CreOSOllQS prOCfJBB. uP " me punei k - - . .. T.r i u o MINUTE baggage car. which was done, ana has never yet oeen puDi..uu tbf, are lisbl-to emulsion or suspen- Iie8 ia8t outs.de when the owner returned just as the full, as it is described m our contemn c--d TDd moiirSfaldut, upon Scrersl-men wno nave okcu hrfiau-rq nt Carolina Beach, and a train started, and louna wnai uu porary ana we uiereiore K.vD u. thc occasion ot the lamenteci neam, on muw w.w . I niinrlnt) ! . , . J : . ..c ....c rfiii rr iillionr : nM couple of our piacatorial friends went been done with them, he oecame ,y , ers the oenent on, a4. nJ--- fihinir estrdavtothat olacfl where angry and indulged in an a.irw ui a.. 8aiu. L.Jirdrir unnnimous testimony to his ' " I 'IKa I fhaf Had I ra flfl 11HPI1 I ... iwo who have u.ifnr manv yesrs.-it is stated. .iro.itv hnn aasoended. and g D ..itv. Btojiniirs iupenslons will jollow. Tba nattiT seems not tohayetieen gen .niif known until recently, and only The tablo will be furnished with the beat that can bs procure-!. (jooil Rooms, Comfortable Beda.aaU a corpe of well trained eervanta. The best Bailing and boating ground on the North Carolina coast. ; Tho fc uamer Loult estops at the Rocks every day, each way. For terms, Ac, address ' maySSlm MRS W. K. MAYO. Notice. Y V1KTLE OF A DBCltBK OF TUB 8u where angry and indulged in all s;rts ol I . .1. Imiiln no I1HOI1 I ... r . , i Ihey were remarkably successful In a language against tno conuucior. . yeoso"""? Tmmbod to exuellent judgment and his laitniui ano . .. .. 1 . ,.i i u. .n,ii Hiinnrr nil n h LirUB u i r- - . innniniRnLiuun euiuioiiui iu iuouimy"-' shorttiraetneycau?pf OOBepii.i.. - oresirve it from-the decaviue enectsoi aun on i TnHr writer and as nerior Court of New Hanover Coanty, I will K.Mps hrpm. nifiahand hlackfish. was in the baggage car anu mu u, insidious attacks ol the "V""' r1""; .;a A00nia. sell at ihe Curt House door ln Wilmlnajton, ooSonday was the general public made d lhel w lll4d they want bear it. Arriving at his destination . Creosote is a g t have their Iriends know of the place the man got off the car ana went u name appueo twtomlT bearing in .IT D.. ;-d An old wreck is an excellent place for his fishing poles wh.cn were other . carbon.8 Ua. with Til nTh7rsof ffi.; ffi t fishing him lie ais. wenu v 7 uV. iue s. after the -emperaiure nas rsu lty nI wbich he has been rcaVhofe. ihenoe along the rcaahore to Joseph who was standing oy ine siuc 01 vuo aDoVe -juo or ;wo aegrees ramciiucn. - alued and useful member ; Nw.ou'a land, thence wtm bis lane west to n,r. noon whom he heaped alhmannor The oil thus obtained is termed creo- long a .most Va oMano u siWaS tS" visit this 'J,. orw, .n.ification. The latter tote oil and is an.exce teni preMryv. - benevolence of his dUposi Huadred a MtTHSUnsV ot www. iuo jiuu.wuK-j ,Y . Iimrr- his firm suDDOrtot right ana lear- l less, saving ana excepting a irecioiwenun . : . M KMsnraaiiva 1 nnilllHR ih hi ill - . . - - . n irireol this impTtaut act! n. The appointees Irom those States which have more than their quota' in tin treasury department are likely eoon to mffur official decapitation. During the put week a strike was made at Virjiiaos. aud the numbr on the roll of the department reduced by five. It it uted that - the policy ol Assistant ScreUrj Thompson, which is indorsed hi the President, is .to let no State km more than its share of places in the treasury. Ha would have made re dactioni some tiun ago but the people ippoioted from Maryland. Virginia ' ud the Dinrict nl Columbia were so iarotai We. were glad to receive a visit mis , . d vinification . . I . III WUUU. tUD MUll"'J - morning iroui uu. stood caituiy iook.uiS aepl,c ana preservative quun? . Condemnation of wrong in every- area acn Wiley T. Johnson, tormerly of this sebeer wilhout uttering a word-some- pa. Tbe oil chokes up the pores of the Sd?above to the evidence oltvbntnowof Winston. He repre" what to lh8 astonishment of those who wcMd. making it so.id ana PfVf 8 wbich he uniformly eave of his respect ruun,Dara Xr. Rrnthers of that town. . , hot hn Id have done nwaw - knew what be would have done in B.I laro tobacco ruauuiaciuivio, ' former limes unaer mucu w iiv- here in the mte ests of his house. tion until the passenger had complete- .Rey. Dr. Pritchard returned from jy exhausted his vocabulary ot ause. VVakeVorest College on this morns wben he asked in a smooth and pleas- n'a tr4?n. find W ill occupy the pulpit Lnt tone (f voice, "Well, have you got lB0vsa-" - UiailUIE tUU ttlUUWiMvu v. . I t.M M..s-a hisl tyfllllAfilA UTA- AL IB. Af the. First 6aDtist Church as usual on ,brough?" to wbich the man replied ing elements of green sappy or unsea- therefrtre emineDUy fii.and proper that . fs.: K!a ft,ano he attend- ,har h had. The conductor, men. sonea wck.. .1...J.1... .l S..M ni ha rnito.hcu I ouuua) . wuuunui .- I . j I Frnm nine!" WPII. UBojf iXwri'dfr oil. You see the oil contains inso uu - tfae firgt presi(iet 0 tar acids, not only antiseptic in i . . .r , . atitgor eanization in 1866. nature, but all possess trie i powei ui and -a held the same positiou for the rulating the ainummuus or rgt len years of hig valuable life. It is. made dred acres heretofore conveyed- by Joaeon nd wife to John Taylor Alto, a tract beclnnin at a Cedar on the Main Boad an cast course o a eoarautao in ua follow in the Ouster's line. nxxe to the toe begin nlng. containing three acres, more or Jesa. R. II. McKOY, may 201aw4w fri Commissioner coag The conductor, then, sonea wooo. r": this expression of oar sorrow lor no .r . - l3 f nhonni Hill 0h no nf the tram hands, ana "" V 1" j .nk; to - iom. ana oi our pprwsinwu it ia nrobame mat toe i c" . . . . . ..tx7n , - A . r Anim,nMii: iat and Wake Forest, b ftekwilliow be continued until the in-each of those mstitnttons of learning inmhar of emnlowes is- reduced tOI " .. ... . .. - -. - ' X, I inM Illll'tlCniUi 1 J ; I.Alnl tUUUuw.." - r sole oil, suitable for the preservation oi jrery well. he heinj? a trustee in the same mild tone saiu, hb ! from 3W io ou oetfteea i ---- within tbe limits ot the quoiaS, LOCAL NEWS. Silas, pull tho bell." the train as it moved irate passenger more Ha than treit nnnn L'-hi-nhoit. within closed iron cytin- tau v u w m fcj " - r I A nun -t.t - . nft leavine bis ders. y elds Dy aistmanuu uu ott. teaviqg Dls n Tfiailent wood creo discomfited ana . anjuhia inr the oi , and of our appreciation of bis vr-0 -rx ' . shall be spread upon the records 811111161 HiXClirSlOIl I nf this Association W. W. Hodges. Vice President. M. S Will ard. Secretary pro tern. There was quite a good audience at demorallzed tban the worst whipping-. wood. ' Vhen this oil is analyzed it is I the Opera House last night, althougn, wh-cn the conductor was eniirely able fooasd to contain about 5 per ceni. oi nndoubtedly. a great many were Kept . him woQld haye m9Ae bim. lar MWi aoouv a I " w? m . L'vnAftialina NUSIliEU TWO away by the fearfully hot weather. The AfMYiaSiaeinsr Association, who gave hrackish or salt water, experience Kt nrwanrvation of timber 18 uwww- r I . ia nnivw i.fiMi. ... Da vs. w w . . . i . . . i . l . nna rvr l n a arm i .uu - , t i nn. ... J .1 fina-l I Ine flftv 1?VSL WcrK, b "uo mw I . . ,n lkri orananta Ollll walCD I'l'v the concert, acquiueu iueuisoivv: xx- mainiy uuo . r : 1 i Tho nondTiPtor Prof Shepherd, t ons on -the wiimmgioa ov reqrre over 4U0 aegrees anreuucn. ftu1 ly. The conductor, rroi. ..u.w, hif .L?: i.(;i;,.hnn .nt thm the DurelvH . ;A -And rxj nn n r i t ruisuui a a i inwir vutiaisiii.uwtw M 1 - . . a KtmooU ontirptv romoeipni as a iiituu aww - urjwni iiiujouii I1DEX TD MEW ADVWTIIEUEITX. Lmt ETeglaaaes ' F C kULLXB Garden Seed BrorssKBotia's New Goods CW TaTKS-',In Ole Virginia" X 8 Wxlulzd Loea by Lightning w uiaPKB-Carouna Beacnounuay . i- ia BKn,n he has rxcrsaos-St. Thomas' Congregatio i director, andthe pupils whom he has UnxUA NixsrUBKenredy's Medical taught gave eviue.. u. i.. .inHninr noon findinsthat r-"? Klr-nlin nreasure ing. The solos, duos. tnos. qoaneue s - ; ifae mufaltort -ml nhnrjses were well rendered and tne man uuu . verv irreat. There is acar- M" - n.V.inHi&aa Ml lP M I M 1 DH UBI kCI I ' -w . . . .. 1 .-m (.... mnfthen oiswemr wuivu - - hnnired nrocess which taKes oruioarj W U ts id Liai v vvv - " m a 1 . mktAh a til ari hv themioieraoie neat. Wu.u. . t, tr. make NEW ADVEBTISEMEHTH. Excursion THE CAROLINA BEA H, UNDER the drunken, coarse colored the train without having DUeorery pices of 8t Thomit' Contregauon. on IiRMnAY. JUNK 16th. Boat leaves foot :,u too. .Aid. and with I of Market rstreet at a. m. anu a p. m. man got on creosuic. jv- -" tiuaic by the Italian Baal, vnoieess u.aA less light oils, giyes the best results. fre8hmnt June 10 2t m w i ii inroiii in n me wuuu u VyI cusuvo - - . - A (la uu "IN OLE VIRGINIA, VIA THE . j Atlantic Coast , Lino TO THE' ' Springs & Summer Resorts OF THE CAR0LINA8 AND Virginia! Mattings, hammocks, bath rowels, wamer onderwear and straw hats at .Soi tar1. tf The Editor thanks Messrs. "A. A Brown&Co-.of thisertv! for.a bag of . -. - - i - - Puchei. the largest and finest we have The nine base ball pro! esslbnals ' wh" tore beeo travelling -ai a' Charleston Vbbl wil' play in Charlotte on Satnr dQ4 Monday.; " the numerous gas jets, made the entire building nearly a3 hot as an oyen Pender Countj. At the joint meeting of the Board of Magistrates and Koara oi oimu..-. sioners of Pender county, beia on ftion- h.o .ut at Barcaw. it was orderea Tha, dRrtew nr' cess are very itreat. mere i w GR . , . nrrJM1.a ohlnh tAkea - I nilIllZ.CU UIVWPW m a - - I n-rww I declared that it was only a cents, ana l,'. 'ine(t Dme timber and subjects I marse COAX and otubb siumw, . aa - aa r . ... ai a i. n . Arm. radiant heat, within suitaoi an w I that thnnnnductor wanted to v., AriAr tniindricai surfaces, in sucn a uiuuci nickel to put in u s owu -- n tf lhtJ Umi,er mostot its some coarse growling, at which ine . . -ibuminorlg matter. dry conductor preserved his temper, while L the i08ide of the timber, charring - K;i;nrv toith inMitr . i :.. mitain a.no le&vinir me -vi the passengers wem uuns " in '- -- . . nation, the p.68enE.r p.id75ceoU .nd i.b . pore. w,d. ow. HUH w V J . . By Thomas Kelson Page. Richard Feveral by Geo. Meredith To Call Her Mine." by Began t. Don Miff. Bea Hur and other popular books. Also, tbe latest Magazines, Pictorial Papers, after much abuse of the conductor, ne ... nrrinama Afa nt render the timber I v n.ot. a? - Ac at --'- , I 1119 t --"w . . ii. . . . - naid tbe other five cents, ine cononc brittje. How mUcn oil is requirir r ... I . , 1 minima wlttnL June 10 YATES BOOK STORK. .. ,. -si i I !... u: kn.irma with. I c.aroH lnmhftr onlv reauires eigni that a special tax tor suuuiu. - ,or lo. ;eu nounds ner cubic foot. In logs used for I " DAQh levied. - out the-least appearand - Himrtw elve nounds ol creosote oil per earUllllO fc-wBB" Mf.W.L. Smith .nd Tamil will The old Board of Education, consist per, followed by kabusive epithets iron, t jg ftU iUb1 s necessary lor "Won to-mnrrftr mAfnina train to I tn nf Messrs. L. H. McClam PQd the Rnmmoi t fllovolanil I Armatrnn? and Edwin Fennell Sjrtnri. . ? loia.td tinanunously. r. : ri . I L u.,r in ntii mt against M There hanpened to be in me lAw.nan. diainfectant.. The progress ryant. the colored boy wno i iDerewBuu.. . :' ..r., w.ai" who ITJ' 7 timber, within the m w . I U.2 IU v , ... . sreab it IHrsBriant. the mitred hov who There were but 10 votes cast against able tsc&DAd t - r l.h oi-.l tar -which would seem to same car a genuine 'a ua UfJUCO low uaja i auw 0 - at?. -. . I . rtf s-Faa n a aw my. T. J. the passenger, who included me wmw ilg preseryation. Liunng tne mnuu- w race ecnerally io bis remarks, until tne nactare 01 creosote -r at--rC Kopm intoler- cia iscouaenseo hi vu . . T - j sw a j - coarseness i mo ;n mH. Am undiluted state u u IrplCKKTS ON 8 ALE JUNK 1ST TO SEP- i TEMBBR SOth. Goad to return uatll Octo- ber 31st. 18i7. , For Bates, ScbeduUs, Sleeping Car Aecom modatiODB, Ac,, write to or call on Ticket Agents or the uaderalgned, T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Paaaasger Agent, si. WALTERS, GenU Manager. June 4 3t sat, wed, fri TUST RECEIVED A LARGS ASSORT ment of Blank Books of all kinds, sizes sad " .... t I - u a. 0 ro m r. 1 "MUdlo ib; gad Udiclte ..tta. tbe people of . Fend,r ,,. bHss(ul ,JI.p.w. '". Wcptnredtbii mornioz .nd coanly iare tirod of .boarding tbe.r ebri.ty that wonld actio anjlbinf or Unl be Mrried. Wood , I b locked up. nm.. nnnnttes and that anvbodv upon small proyocau. pnsonw .u . .u- ' ...,u.'. Rhnslve I I,, in ine future uiej i alter iisteuiuK n iu vimj - . :- 1 iui.i - 1 & . . 1 nd board at the language for awhile, tbe former went, w Our Advice to You the latter aud t old bim to shut up or Ki;r mhle for meu. boys or would pitch him out of the Ddow; chitdren. do not allow yourself to be T thia an abusive reply was .... . , .:..M.nt. .hirh Base I:."-...-,.. n9ht him and guiaea oy giann -v- ? v : they propose that shall "live al same place.1 ThataT o.t - u : -:i . bai t;ma ,u- . .T . I shall live at home a y urns this week, as those whojBUB . "tsproparty to list seem - more in .ied thsa usual to get that important uiy rm k-: 1 . . i ...... urn.n u.eo ... t: B,r "na. Tt isexDecteainat tnu when the "Tar Heel" caugnt mu - 1 ....u: than ih Parties wTol t Ball Club will be here early next week Dad nearlv 9ncceedod in throwing bim pntmi w aeiiB . vi w ww I .:!. ,ui ..t iha u u uauic ""ekiayiti. just soleodid .therolto indnjge in a fnonaiy crtutesi w,lu u jont of the window when some V ---I .utinn ;n h6neS of filing am. m ' -' a a u i v I . a tmmA.mwmmrm km i auut Kaanwwv " - -'lor bathing, sailing and Gshirjs Seasides, at the grounas 01 tne other passengers came to tne - at a laiger profit -nnderstand that a large party from Probably two or .more games w ... u The lellow struggled witn au w ork hard all day for 'wiwi raHn.ihAK.Vi w nUv.d. It is aiso expend. . atreneth. but ne was a piaj I . 1 . hi rhrlntta in the lat- 1 1 r ...!. rt-Tr Heel Seasiaes wm v umu ui iubbwi.i - WILL LEAVE FOR CAROLINA BEACH made more lasting rban any building OTT JTT) A Y at 2 0 OlOCK. I of Memorandum Booka. Invoice Books. Note material." r r 1 I o. v. Uaual acbedule duriaglhe week. be prices. Paper. Ent elope. Shipping Tags, all klnda June. 10 2t J. W. HARPER. General Manager Loss by Lightning IW, BE COVEBKU IS POLICIES Ul w Draft and Receipt Booka. Fine Box Paper, all the latest styles. Inks of all colors.' Also, a large lot of plaJnnd fancy BaakeU. Baaketa forevery day use as well as f an 7 Parlor .Baskets. These goods have been . . n . u ikrnur it aWftV n.nH. SI W. r 1 ... 1 : r.m the when that, sum cruld oe savi iu For v-. nicl,on.V " ... r the week to play two or three ,hotra5n wa. rhRhine along at Rt TT I ine regaruing ei.uc4 woum iq a momrm u. 1 will honorablV Woyes. Oar Iinot c i. 1 K " . . :.i..-tii hot there arek u tiAiv inter- and who will deal nonoramv - . ww .wis. 1 ont hMit aennncur axmuio ueatu uui iui .u -- i . . - - . variety of standard pattern. -racing the very latest imorove T w will not only satisfy but monej to etery customer who fair indicatious thai ine aoai'u"- ference of the passengers . . . . . A.ntf. fnin IU ue piiriko w .i.u.v. with a SIIR1ER. inte I ... M.niM.I bo came to j j for both series w a few days. to 30 minutes by trading with I. whom we can recommenn with yon t forks 4 shovels . . lkniiii..nflM,li Bh(ih.nhlMn, tA nffpr inaurance laaued by tbe uodersignea wnea re- . you bargains - quest U made to have such loea coTered, wltb- I ouf extra charge. M. S. W1LLARD, AgtBl- Headquarters Tor base ball sopplies .. . i" I xr . stt iRnl hnM u: n i..n.n.aitAi&Tinitior inn wui,utm " uis iw;uD it i MW.IW- m . . 1 . t . v ... if-, the remainder of hi. ride the man was entirely quiet and well be toots ot ail smu. Tele plon No. ft. North Water 8t-janeli Our eyes are wide opeto every day la the year, at I the duller the itioes the hjrder we work. Call at HEINSBEBQER'S. jane 1 Cash Book and tfuala Store " Pianos and organs ran be bought Tbe ttKYiEW Job Office the plate I cheaper at , Ifeinsberger's than at any t4 get good wort at moderate pnees. ether house ia the Stato. t tC: . tOTe from n- Jacobus f Id w. jhaved. , npo. is at Heinaberger's.,

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