Sua til y ptd bT B AKO POFKIBTTO. . , - c months cent. dcSvercl by carriers tree nePnartoftbecny. aitheabove in rU-" r- tfJtM0 nrr reaalariy. litiArtll- ..-Mri13 5 . fill 1 wrrtrTAQI CT u. Minor Jinary efficacy on lh TlVER flDNEYS, . w EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR . Uinta nn 3 DMIi . . . t ... : '"- . I ' u .... - w lEYIEW, VOL. XI. WILMINGTON N. (;., THURSDAY. JUNE 30. 1887 win t chvl to receive comBai33 from out friends on any ad. " auujaei reaerallcterest but 1-1 Tb n of tb writer nut always te ' nurl io ibm editor. '' - '- Communications mui be wrltua oa ot'i os aide of the paper. . . " Prsonnries must bo avoldia: '-i.ditiBfwipftcii.lly and particularly o iood that tho Editor doe not aiwar eadot NTv fA I rc vievra of correspondent a !' to lata in the editorial column Blind" Patterson, the Elmira. N tero.i Y . pension Swindler, was arrested at! Mr Ilafus W. Hicks has relumed Gordonsvillc: Ya . on Tuesday and ! from a visit to tbe Western part, 01 iu taken to Washington wlienc he will be taken to Elruira for trial. 01 Hie. Rev. Daniel Morrelie will leave here lo-night or to-morrow morning for Maiiaroneck. Westchaater county. New York, on a visit to friends in that section. The Review wishes him a pleasant visit and a afe return. Tho Graii2 Encampment. At the GrangeEncampmen and Farm ers Institute at Mount Holly, Gast'-n county, wnieh is to be hwld August !0ih t. 13rh. there will be an interesting ad N12W ADVEKTISKMKNTS. NirVV, ADV 12 KT 1 8EMCNTH . Here is a pathetic incident of the un holy gambling craze which struck Chi ctt rr-cehtly : Robert. (J Lydaton aed 17 years, shot hiniselt dead because of the dis grace he brought on himself through speculation in the po 1 ro;.ms. He was employed a collector for a paper firm. A few riaysago a slight shortage was discovered in tb youiiir man' accum. and an investigasion showed that be A ..1 t'ot cl COnl nn.ra ikon hn ffftVR r . .ia itrorpfl hv Hon. K I'. H'ltllU swore out a warrant tor his aiet President of the State University. His After a hearing in a justice court, ti e ; 8ub;eCt Wln De : --The farmer raut be voui'K man wt'ui iu ma u'iuc. 1 pmied by a constable, ostet.fibly to se cure bail. His parents were absent. and, leaving the constable in ih hml. Schedule 8 Tax. I For the Sound. M ERUHANTS ANI DKALKRS AKE NtJ- U 'ed that thev are wqtilrert r?trtirs the (irot ten In Jiily to list ther purchases. uaic forward pro uptlv aad a vol I ieuaUie4 p re. rUed by 1 1 w K A M PS N , li&tf ster and U'erii xo . ommwiimiris jnn It sia. Sick HaclHcher """Tnn. Colic. 3itiu.11 he stepped int his rfn an t bred the latal shot." parents, who arc wealthy residents f tht We-t sidf. are prostrated with griel -m l$rae Up. You are ieeling depressed, your.anpe- tite is p(Kr, you are bothered' wiih b ... TTT ! ll L Ik I In United SnOUia DeHllUOUl ll, Headache you are uo-ctty, nervous 0 HOUSeUO uuuam ' Rnd tenerftiy out of sorts, and want to iail bybt-mskcpt Vrinl; "nJ race up. Brat-e up. but not with et.m ",vVisiT. t'it.i-- and doctors' bills. ulatls, spring medicines, or bitters, B-,,,ya l..o'c put one which bavc for their brtfis very bad. fflOHS UVEREE6UIAT0R cheap whiskey, and which stimulate tor an dour, then leave you m educated " There will aHo be other addresses by other dis-.inguUh gentle men Irom various purts ot the State. -Where can I go to buy what 1 want?". "What do you want? Well, whatever y u want, whether Matting uifMlM Trunks. Gossamers. Ham- m'cks. Straw Hats r Summer Cloth ing yoii can save money to buy at Sol. Bear's." "t Another sau iaii Killed. Two gentlemen driving to the Sound t getber yesterday aHernoon came ....r,.'. in 'alliiraior Umv feel hdig I'.iug Oar L 'cal Edttor is still confined Ui the houeand the Editor is sick enough to be there too. This will account, in part, for any shortcomings this week. As usual at this season of the year the regular weekly drills of the WiN mington Light Infantry have been sus pended (or the season, toi bo .resumed again in October. ' A Fourth ot Juiy excursion train will be run between this city at tl Charles ton by the railioad authorities, ample tima biing allowed on the tickets tor a i two days sojourn iu our sister city. A number ol charming young ladies have organ izv.d an archery club ant! meet nearly every afternoon for prac tice. The orae'icu with the bow is Rt nii arti now rcadv 10 watt on all h Removal. I tii 1 Mark t rei where he ia tirep.ired o tate O'dr.-j fr anythltiR la ids line junetlwk- . E O. P()LLK orma Ida frlecdi and the pubhc gensrallv t t-e ta -moveKl hi Tin shop to So. io -llGOSEITt!: WILL LK1VK SOUTH:-, ll 1 . - --v ' - 'I EKLA.NIVS STA1H.V8 f r the 8oiird ifally at 2..1 P. M. and fi o'clock, P. U , Herprclii)? ; ' will leave Sound at 7 P. M arid 7 A. ll: Bound trip " 3 ccuU. ; T. iune '.s !t. SOUTJKHLAND. Llvny nod bale Stable, Nob 108 110 North Second &t ... n nnntilinn til fin heloTO. W Il!ttl - . .. i .1 c A.,B!icit t-e genuine wm - wnac y""""'"" ; in th road near t'le neao ui n uicj , ll Wrapper. Prepared only by you wftnt is an alterative to punly jour . i ortnl(, drivoover ruVtLlN & CO. .Sole Proprietor., Jlood start hcaltuy. action of Liver Creek. As they could not dnjv-over rti!4ip muck. SLOO. an,, KidneyP restore your vitality, and ,,m onn c the gentlenu n got tu'. and rJs.iei 'utetp give renewed health and strength. Such altackcd him with a buggy w.ip and J-, ' ' ' a medicine jou will.iiud in h ec-tr sc. . driviing him "tTk John per ay h ha Bitters, and only 5u cents a bottle at succtu wi m iu.. vy 3 hirn "Sun do n.o,," W. H Green & Go's Drug Store. into a ditch where he was finally kill- preached wrm n. ' , .... pc We. do not know what became of w Wow Ready. V. HiVE REMOVED KlMMTItEOUt Important Announcement ! A198BS W" K 8PKlNGKK to- having i-urchMscd he well known Purcell Hoiue Dd ljnouiln to rebuild and lit ll for two of tte tbout as judicial and healthy an exer -mor with a u a our TrnsV cise as can betaken. At a meeting of tne standing committee i inn. e. Fumiihlnir Gooda at low prl es W. i. ALUfrUM i is a iu.. I have .ia.ctl from them tho uj'iK-r toie nU I will, tlereforc. cloc out my entire stock o t:hthinj; aL d t-cnts' IT urnlshtr-jr Goods reftsrd- lc' of cost. This Is no bumiMi, no tool usr of the Diocese of East Carolina, held at .JJj, 0f AcllliifliHtTation nS'S HCturg TiSSi fiiihUhoro vesterdav. tlliring the pro- n I not doing so Come and t -onvtnced. fcx- gres of tno Convocation in session tticre. c nseni wa t:iven to the election HAVING (QUALIFIED AS ADMINISXKA ainiue our gooU and priced. Kemember, t i will posiii.ey reiove and every . dolUr's t, r -.villi ttie will annexed of the lateiMr.- worth must be sold by the let of October, as iivcn toaiul I inuoid to oiK-n ui wit an entire ucwsuxk ... , , . i i i i 1"c, "..v- ... ... z ... .-i .r - ol lt!V Will. rruH, Alums. i. i'.. as perron- having claims against, ncr esvaiu n anu odk oi inc icruv mm uucci ! .u t r .c .f bao.M M.l ;inv lh re be, to present them to me on nr lo- io llml-gton BlStl(p of the Diocese of hstun, aid ff"; Vhe i "th ,Hy ot May, A. 1. is 8, or thU tJountry mcr hanls who wil ever bronprht The excursion lat nigul to Carolina hidrai tioe?. lie was onereu U"l $Mlo precb it i" London Tliolr Business Booming. Prohaldv no one thing has caused 1 of trade at V. hisiJ that man v society women , , n s a3 tneir is Chica heivily by tho break ol I gijng away to tueir customers of so that in some many tree trial Doilies oi ir ihjk ed to settle the New' Discovery for Consumptp n Their trade is simpiy euormuus ' very valuable article from the tact, mai i ..... . o r..i t-.3 and ttfrer ilisjiDOoint.H re c Coida Asthma, Bronchitis, CfHra into aoy iua.Nouii; iiunc troup, anu ail toroai miu iuhk uru - kou. either by initiation or affiliation, quickly cured. You can teat it beiore ,1. Grand Il.e at Huron having buyingy ge the carcass but presume that the hide at ieast will be saved. tbe wheat comer, and cavstbeirbasbanda refused Jnsei. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTIXEMEHTS r G Miller Garden Seed CW Y ates More New Hooks J K Samtsox Schedule B Tax IlEissBEnnER'8 Pianoa and Organs Millkb & NiESfLlE-Kcnrcdy's Medical Discovery Jane bids us a pltasant good-bye to- Beach, "by the light of tun moou" was may M law (iwth a vet y enj yable affair. The atru'os phere, albeit a little cool, wa3 "clear and calm, and the moon, now well on its second quarter, was bright enough to satisfy every body. i1j- will l tv'PAded in bar. NOEWOOU lLEi, Ailmr. c t. a. TIib W.L I, Flag. We ar- r-qcested to state that those ladies who take au interest in the mat ter of procuring a new flag for the Wilmington Light Infantry, and are willing to assist in the work, are in vited to meet in the Mayor's ollico on next Tuesday afternoon at 0 o'clock. A VKtabltt Curiosity. 'Sou ire Wazner. of Maaonboro - ' a -" Swiiuniing As there arc so many of our frieuds who bathe frequently t.ow at the Sounds or at Carolina Beach who can't swim. goun,it i,a3 jai,i before us k unique veg- we suggest that the easiest way tor them to learn to tie a strap loosely around the arms and body, keeping the A. A BKOWN J- V.-LE OKAKD. ; A. A. BKOWN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GENERAL PllODUtE DEALERS, 1231 North Water Street. AH kiudaof Country reduce- Col ton and. "'aval ytorca solicited ! - will attend to shipping ot Lumber to North ern Markets, jane 2'.i lwk A Summer Retreat. CAN ACCOMMODATE A FEW BOAUD Ih to buy Job Lola of clothlusr and If urnlshlng Goia will do well to call early. Stove natures will be s'iM very cheap. ; ' I. SHIUER. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOl HlKU. juue'is , 114 Market (Street Great Bargains I THIS WEEK AT -f' Taylor's Bazar "O- 1 Ladies1 Hals for 21 ccdIs and up. Long geuuino Ostrich Plumes. In all colors lormer price $3 and $4, now soiling at $1 each. bl'om. It is the first ot the kind we adopted a resolution to that effect. New Yorkers now speak of Henry S.Ive3a3thooiiiing financier ot their city. He oa jut purchased a pleasure yacht, for which he cave the neat little sum of $87,000. OJt oi his profit ot the -,m The United States Senate foi the en- ainj twelve tDonths will cost $330. 000 far salaries of members and $33,000 tor night. their mileage tees witn nearly as mucn Th Paaterlv winds this week have more UU 4922) lor Senatorial offi- h d deoressine eflect on the fish mar . . o ' ' - - I . cers. cierwa, uiHssencers etc.-, . - - I ket The total receipts from internal reve I -The Can't get-Aways are making one lor all bat one monlh of the , fiscal J preparations for a huge time -on the year are about a million and' a I Fourth lar.A L it i - AUa. n m k 1 ..... wBre n Collars. j,ttrse assortmeDtjnst ."r.. ".-Tri" Ueh Canbuyaoico collar from Thelncrease from tobacco has been The Atlantic Coast Line authorities tl.800 000; from fermented liquors, will run cheap excursion trains in van $2,000 000. and there has been about ous directions over their lines on tne SOO.OOO collected Ironx the oleomar-j Fourth. Ciriot tax Cloows nxeu iu me o;ou. auv. mc.. .. out into smooth water nearly shoulder deep and go to kicking with tho feet and lhe firgt becvergaw orhekrd'of. paddling with the bands An ordinary person so fixed cannot sink, and will soon establish that confidence which U alone the basis ot swimming. Won't some of our friends try the experiment and report progress? ers ut my place. Wcodsiie, l4 miles from I . . . -. -i .... ii... f nf Ihn etable curiosity. It is in the shape ot nuiW.oW. - - . . (qt , a lull grown squash, from which a ban jjiuc lddge The fcbusc is large, witn cooi, shoots :orth, jut ready to expand into comfortabie rooms and with a large, erassy. Parasols and Sunshades for &5c pr pair. v oil &ha2cd. lawn. Plenty of fruit, vegetables Silk Mitts reduced to 25c per palr. ever saw and squire wanner say a n i tinnti homc i,tj!fl Ties in all colors. 2 for 25 cents. aim iuiik. tui caikuv . ...... . , . tible board for $18 per month. Will be picas- ed to correspond with part'es desiring a Bazar Corset worth $1 for 50 cents . healthy retreat for the Summer months. , . . Address, Miis. a. lUCHARHSUN. wiowera and Ribbons in eyery. color juneS law 3m ta and style, remarkably low. iiynioneal. Fifth Street M. E Church was Foreiffn Exports. Ger. brig Clara. Voss, cleared to nay tor iiiasgow, wim i.uuu zzrz ... m 17 SDirits and 1.847 barrels rosin, valued I Ulf f I 1 fltS Y 1 1 IO- IU4 M Trimmings of every description for at $19,000, shipped by Messrs. Alex. 0 haU and dcesses. Sprunt & Son; Nor. barque Mtssei, xutu otftv.. 830 barrels rosin, valued at $4,uo, thronged last nint ai nan past o o aU;nnoA hv 1 hich uni ea air. " Nygaard, cleared for Fleetwood. Eng naington at 9 A. M., 2a P. M., a Inds :ln T P si f tie and. with 2.000 barrels rosin valued at EETURSING. leaving WHI .nds of matrimony, i p . $2 1)60. shipped by Messrs Paterson, r A M to witness the impressive ceremony urhinh imitid Mr. John E Grant and b church. RuY. D. H. Tultle. ofliciated, and as he pronounced the impressive words that made the loving couple man and wife the congregation seemed to unite in one great heart throb of con Downing .& Co., making exports at 7 P. M. and 7 A. M. i;n t rlv to amount of 26.011. Round trip to Sound aau lieacn auu retu, 'viviiw - 1 ia wiimnffton nn iv oo rcuw Parties of four or more will be carried to thfi iteMc.h for 15 cents each We have erected a tseacn Jiouse wiiu iu These figures, on the whole, sreak favorably "for the pros Perity of the country. 1 Aniwerstothe ciMulaVof the St. Pol, Minn., Glote. iiiauirinz as to the Presidential preference!.! "editors and Goto Sol. Bear's and buy a Gossa mer and some elegant Bath Towels, then goto Carolina Beach and take a surf bath. t Mosquitoes as yet are few and lar Kolwppn Hut 1USI wail a lew wcto..-. f - I Del ween, uuijusi r.n. .' aproroinen; politicians n MinnH and they will be on hand in force to Nihol.. cleared .of Hambure wiih 3 - vjeaSlde PlfiaSUrC & Comfort Vrtwt Site, Satms. UauMaU. tion. No one urged to buvv shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Down'mg Just opened a large stock'ofUnder- &';Co and Danish barque Nordsom, WAGONETTES WILL leave wil- ear. Chemise. Wight nooes. , , r. L-,:,m 'vntr W i. 'm Skirts and Corset Covers at as- tonishingly low prices WRIGUTSVILLE a. call will convinco you of the above at Taylor's Balar, 118 Market St., Wilmington. C. jane 28 tf . : . Carolina Beachi - - ii rjHE PASSPOUT WILL LEAVE FOR CAttOLINA BEACH every week day at 9 and i 3. Train returning leaves a til and 6. On Son- days Baat leaves 2 ; Train nac at o junc 13 3m nac General Manager For 30 Days WE GIVE A NICK TR' MK oTSar Witn each Trunk bouffht of us - JL ' choice stock of nickel and X C arnesa lust received which we guarantee to ell cheaper than any nno In t ho t:tv . A iob lot Of ClirrV CombS at Bncclal attention given to boarding horses, j yolir own price. Try us. W IT. 8TOKLEI. ED. WILSON MANNING to. -Wisconsin, 'Iowa.' Dakota and Montana, number 1.213. Of 662 Dem ocratic expresi m. 519 are tor Cleve ad.2tor Rill and 27 scatterine. T"r8are6i2 Republican expressions J-ine has 33 ; Sherman, 122; Allison. W, ami 120 are sfittprmtr ViUd antl . Incoln have a strong ieart for Vice "Wident. Vnas has 157 to 60 tor Car ''. the next highest, and Lincoln has' make up for lost time. The Postal convention which has acoucluded between this country Mexic practically extends ibe Ucilitiei oi eaeh country into the a roaihewme terms and with the me tJTantaes that aro enjoved by its citizen,. The principal value of MTisioLs will lie in the oppor ""J for freer and mor exoediti.His "haiercial intercourse This will ap Pr especially in the lacilities b.r 4U Parcels of merchtndise. not ex "tl'.urpouodaandax oances in ttX snhjt to no charge or delen aim - Pt SUoh 'lJ' li iQX 'le! n lhe ep,eMno,i of duties on such arti- ! JUS ra 'it duty Ordinary rt Jaooca'awimaJleaseasy and as HauuOU2hl ,0 exoetUtioaa Ptrti r a3 Detween th different runer country. Ill mnrM ttau" 1,epnd ou lhe Perfection of Mexican s . .. i Pji. w,ui acu inai is useiv J kuiproyed as one result of the io-UrcgotfarilitieS. The Board of Aldermen and Board of County Commissioners both meet in resular monthly session next Monday. The Board of Audit and Finance also meet on that day. The Board of Aldermen at their reg ular meeting on Monday next will probably order au election on the ques tion of a subscription by the city o tho proposed Onslow R..R American ilags. muslin flags on sticks.. Chinese lanterns, paper caps. pistols and caps f r same, have just monived a larife assortment. Every- body who wants to make himself hap py on the Fourth ol July can be sup j plied at Heinsberger's. T The tsorJ carried down this morn ing to Carolina Beach a happy crowd of excursionist?, all nnder charge rt the ladies of Grace M Fj. Church. They, have tad a delightful day for a viit to the, seashore Carolina Beach. Keep cool and re member that the headquarters for bath ing suit is at the .Wilmington Shirt A. Susrsrestion. Nw that the proposition to secure a - u;f",ill auDOiieci with Bath suits gralulation, in which was mingled earn n(JW flag for tbe Wi.mington Light In- Towels, f cesh water and other conveniences est wishes for the happiness anu pros antry is about to take a dehnite snape e i . . vy o rrmfl OTill rvln I a t s v nhn I hP periiy oi me dum i. , we nave a Susuuu ?ttne 2'J 3t w th s . i . .1 la ft-,.! At the conclusion oi tne ceremoujr mi. ODject being, aa we uuaersiauu ii, and Mrs. Grant, with their invited makG the flag here, we suggest that the SOUflCl PartlGSn guests, returned to the residence ot tbe eagje wbicb surmounted the old flag, lir qutte will leave or it. r...u Mr Knmiip7 Howland. I i ;n nraaorroH hn disnarded lor I W IN O. Ill i i ' 1 1 ti oc"'1"'" -T -i a e ICC nuiuu ciuuiKiw " i there were many perional congratula- proper degree of State pride. Let the daily. Round trip 50 cents. and whero tables were spreaa tI ()( the flag eUff be ornamenten wun sound rartlea can be surpiied witn teams - i i upon the lawn, upon which were dis- tnrHO elongated pine cones, as they aps ghort noUM ani at che&p ratMi near in tne Spring ot the year wun and useful testimonials of regard Irom lueir spears closed against the body of the hosts of friends of the happy pair. tne cone one to stand upright and the They have our earnest wishes for olDer two to be placed at an anulo with health, happiness, prosperity and all tQo first, just as we so often see them in the j"vs and blessings of conjugal life. lntir natural stato W think this with no jarring discords to mar tueir i3 tt ,uch pre tier idea, ana n mucn more appropriate die than the eagle or junc .b 3t R. C. ORRELL, Livery and Sale Stabies, Cor. Third and Princess sU iune 27 Iloree Milliners, 108. ITrotit st Pianos & Organs. beautiful harmonies By tl "'" Waves A few wee&s avo we put pencil to paper in announoJ that an end long dc sired was in view at last, which meant that negotiations had been comp'.eted and that the construction of a railroad stepped office HuiUon luvercars wnue fr.,m Wilmineton to hich tide on the tbey were iu motion. In trwng to save i.i.min K..b onooaite -WrichtsviUe mr3elt tr m a fearful fall I wp nenen . i- -. . ;.,at ak thp r..r ha.L- lorrihlr The next day 1 was an asu reo otui. wimu. t - i " . . j . - could not walk, aud I .-ulleno pain from iiiv ucck to my heels. Various application were made, but nothing which was done abtted my suffering. Being ai-x mis to get up and attendlo business. I determined to '-place three Allcock's I'okous Plasters, one RJore New Books. -i the spear. What say the ladies and the rjjiiE CRUISE OF A WOMAN IiATER, by I gentlPtuen-'d the W. L. 'L? icMontabau. GKAND SUMMER SALE. Wrenched II is Back Bellota's Husband, by nuaor uenonc. Lt-uonville, Oulkas Co., NY, Aorll 2, Mobby's War Reminiscences, by John 8. is.. i 1 About a year hsio. I imprudently Mosby. ln Ole Virginia, by Page. FOR JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. -o- ani.l nnnoil was noised in air and ready to da3h down upon the paper our hand was arrested with the gentle request: Not to-day. Wail untii to-morrow and we will tell Vou all about it; will give you full particulars. You see. al though the gentlemen who are to build the road are here and the paper are all abovtj the other, on my back. In about ..... i ...... or H forf. .t Bnprified. vet there an hour and n halt they causuu c.iu. is one slight obstacle m tho way and eranle itching The pain and toreoew that is the right of way at the Sound j sensibly decreased and I r std preliy terminus. This transaction is a little delicate and you will greatly oblige us by holding on until to morrow, when ill snrplv tie arranged and Ktctorv. Suits made toorder aiifMyou ihall havo ali of the pint,. Well, a a specialty. . J. Elskaoii. 1 rop . fo Oorrow9 havo pone down Market street. tf. 1 iid leaf imi For North Carolina, fair weal her. aud slight changes in temperature. into the voiceless pasl and our railroad friends have not vet come to time. vViUerooid h-8 broken for the road ihisSurauiert w wonder. rell thai night The m x luotn'mg the Also latest Periodicals. Paiers. e tatiorery ad Blank Book at pri'jts as low as the lowest HOT riv MONTHS AHEAD, WHEN MOST I'Uhinest hoye win, uown nu kc uh it.. w nlr. .lM-k. I f tr.iU- Itiit W(! AT" not liUIIr lllll taiiorery u.u i.- - " ""-- .ii, hotSummermontUt june 27 I C. W. YATE3. UneTiity of North Oar ol i n a , CHAPKL HILL, NJi V. riMlK SESSION IS DIVIDED INTO TWO 1 our vtry BKl' lJAUGAlhtt. and U BEATEST IMUCMENT, with the result of Tolling up TUKMKNDOL SUMMMR bALK. For this seaaon wo have 1, W0 Flanoa and Oran to r.'odo ouX by October IsL :aeh is acar. and we won't talk about It at all Tbe ioducemont we otfer. and with which we nail capture bujers are: first, the Very lwet Preen in the U. . ; and second, OOtf WONDER ULLY KuSY TUdiMS. See ! PIANOS. H U '. MontblT. ORGAN , f i to f 5 Monthly. ... .u- this means wnat we ouer i jca ui icw terms: me nm iwudidu . pUno9t nXhK from two to $440, on paymenta In August and et.diii at Christmas, the tee I ond beglJjnin? eaily Iu January ai d endiBR m the itching began to ii u nie ?eve- u u,-. . ur.t t hurBday iu June, iwiwc, the plasters. To ge. ?me reli f. I -ad : h r'rrroou rentand ecrvlcu. e vh-ipk wpI rubbed crosswaj stiver. iHjrtcim. Those unaoic o -y yoac we l ruooei ii , i J w .i u, Ktvo ihelr nous, eccuwJ II 3ible e Piasteis I wa surprise! itn TuUioil j,i the .'rnnart t.uw f ee Tlw rv- two nours afterward to find the pain X?llte""r " nd a,,rpne.s aim-.t gone. I stayed in : pArier 1- the i hoi - iy t' Hon. and sreue3 asm HpbP g. i;U For fauu f u - nvpiv hedihatdavj and the morning after- u w, y. fuc .nn.. 'msr. h-u.i Hill. N. wr rds I fii up and altered to busi-; C. rV iStlA5?L l L D . neas. ' O. Y. PETTMAN. t . janai5tkl lmw of only 2i Cash and $10 Monthly thereafter. aud very teslrab!e Pianos (sot new) woiih from f to $1 V), for from $10, to f .'5 cash and $5 Moathly. . AId New Orzaui, on payments of ta $j afirthiy unul paid fur. SUDDEN A BAIEjJ, boutbirn MuJ Honac juiic :"i r iiki var.RKwu. Sole Ajrcnc for Wilmington. You will find, hoes, forbf. shovela, spades, scythes, swaths and rmrc toota of all kinds at JacobPs Hdw.