MISCELLANEOUS. HUM1 II KEYS' HOMEOPATHIC VE7E2I1TAEY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 PAGE BO OK on Treat ment of Animals and Chart Sent Free.. crura Fevers, 4'oniretdlona, Inflammation. A.A.-Sinal Meningitis, Milk Fever, it. it. Strains, I,anienefi. Kbeumaf iin. i:. C. Distemper. Nasal Discharges. . I). Hot or Grab. rm. E. E.-Consht Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F. CjAlieor tripe, Kellyache. i. J. .iliHcarrlase, IleinorrbaKet. II. II.-i:rinary and Kidney Idseaseii. I. I. Eruptive Dixeawf., Mange. J. K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with Specifics. Manual. Witch Hazel Oil and Meilieator. 87. OO, Price Single Boctle (over SO doses! - .CO Sold by DraggNtwjor Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys Med. Co.. 109 Fulton SL. N. Y. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC Q ft SPECIFIC No.fiO In itaa 30 Tears. The ontv Mjcceswfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from owr work or other causes f 1 per vial, or & vials and large vial owde r. tor $5. SOLD B if Drcgqi?-ts or sent postpaid oi receipt ol Dries. HuaparcjV HeUcU I v., 10'J t ulloa St., A. I. tet ii col w. v" nrm IThe Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY. JUNE 30. 187 Hum ! itf Postoflkvc at Wllmlngton.N- C. second-class matter. If - .- r-S I ZATUSVIllE, OHIO, BUSINESS CQLLLCF, PARSONS SL KENrilSQK, 1'iopr.eiora. Bo k kct-iiiii'. rciirii.tn-liii. leh-grailiv. Shorthand. I 'yH'-wilfingniid l ri'v'nK loung men fltie.l for t.u-l m tudentri run enter at nv lime r u term iwjrins .-ctcmi.cr 'n. lrculara sent tree. june i. iliw4wr TO CLARK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE ERIE, PA., for circular-". The lct school in America. Fall term begins Ang. SU. Mention this papier. IIIRES,IMpRDVEDltoot lierr. Package 25 cents, makes r gallons of a deli cious, sparkling, temp ranee leverafe Strengthens and purines the blood. Its purliy and delicacy commend It to all Sold by aU druggists and storeKeenera. june 13 DT? A 1? VCUVS Ha causes, and a new JCi AI 11 JOO and successful CUKR at your own home, by one ho wa deai twenty-eight years. Treated by moM of the noted specialists without benefit Cured h imself In three months, and since then bun dreds of others. Full particulars sent on ap plication. T. S. PAGE. No 41 WestSlst 8t New York Cltv, juncl3 4w CURE for the D EAF Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums PERFECTLY RESTOEK THE HEARING, no matter whether deafness Is caused by colds fevers, or Injuries to the natural 'drums, a 1 ways In position, but Invisible to others and comfortable to wear Mtudc. c0t, vernation even whispers heard distinctly AVe refer t t hope using them. Send for Illustrated bo.k of proofs free. Address r IIISCOX. SW Broadwav. N Y. june 13 Wnnrrl la dies and gentlemen if 1A II LCll who wish steady emp oyment to take nice light work at your home and make easily from $1.00 to f 3 00 a dav. You should address with stamp, CROWN MF'U CO , '294 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. june 13 4 life PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM 1 the pislar favorite for dressing tho hair, liestoriiur color . when pray, and preventing pynt'.ruiT. It Jlcaucs the scalp, stops the hair failing, and is sure to plcfuc. fur. and St. nt Drupjrists. HINDERCORNS. Thennfesr. sursc anil best enre for Corns, Bunions, t toi. ail p-nn. t:nsT!re. eoiwoi 1 10 mi- icci. f.uriai: o cure. I j centd at l'ruirju. llUseoi & Co., N. IT STOPS THE PAIN o IN ONE minute. J JJt Aching hack?, lups, and fides, kidnej f I uhu un'rum paiii?, wuuiue3 anu miiuut mation, rheumatic, neuralgic, t-ciatic. mdden, tharp and ncrous pains anc strains relieved in one minute bi iiat new, elegant and iidxilliblc antidote to pain arx nnammatiou, the Cutjcurn. Anti-Pain Plaster. 6 cents; 6 for fi; at all dniieta or Fottei )RCO and Chemical Co. , Boston. IV l. Thft Nh York Hera d lurnisho the fMl;vvinr pen-picture d the noted Ken tucky ou'law. Craig Toliver, who was k 1 1 td Iat week : Crhijj Tflivf-r. iho story ol whose life will b U und ftlsewhre. wntiUI have insiie a magnificent soldier, tint ns it was he becatUH a desperado and ruf . litn. wa six (eel tall weighed nearly to hundred p und ami was hi strong :is a cTHnt He had a oast irn const i liui'di. e'u!d hear any ainriuot ol ta Hint? ar.d was the most reckless dare dtvil that ever irinh'encd the people ol K'dii( kv. Hi- 1 1 lluenc over men was ?nme thing wi.nderful. He won thnir admir nliuii hv ' reat" ol strength which made them -eem like children in c miarison tiid had xo many narmw escapes and carried in his body 8 many bullets that h nppearel to them to bear a i hnrmed lil. The pistol and Winchester rifle were his tools of trade, nnd he knew how to ;i!-e them b'th On ope occasion, when tie wa unier unrd ol sixteen men. he watched his oppoi tnnity, snatched a tMin and compelled the whole posse in throw down tbeir arms and surrender Murder whs bis ptirue. and he kill ed a man with as little c rapunction ws he would kill n dog. Only thirty-live earsbf see, he had committed crimes enough to fill a dozen dime novels. At last, however, his o n time came. An ounce of lead crashed through his ribs, and Craicr Toliver's leign of terror came to an ignominious nnd tragic end. In Belf. And To The Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nsftire. . The human ' digestive apparatm. i3 one of the m"Sl complicated and won. dertul things in existence. It is easily lu out f order. Greay t vx1. tough food, sloppy otd. bad c okery. mental worry, late hour?, irretruhr'hnbits. am! many other things which ought iiot to be. have made the American peAple a nation of dy peptics. But Green'i August Flower has done n wonderful iwork in reforming this satl hu-inessand making the Amet'c in people so healthy that l hei' can en.i y their malj and be happy ReiUHinher : No happiness without health. Hut Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the. dys peptic. Ask otir druggist lor a bottle Seventy five cents. .JUNI5 JOKKB. STREET NAMES, NUMBERS, and all Municipal Requisites a specialty. THE PATENT ENAMEL. CO. I', i:. .1IAIt.sl,ANI, .Slv Aftent. special AgcnU wanted. S-l . Dcoadwat, N. Y. PARTS in UNDEVELOPED of the body enlarged and strengthened. Full part icu Blarj (sealeJ) Tree. ERIE MEU. CO., Buffalo, N. Y may 6 dw cod ly Manhood: RESTORED, llemedi Free. A victim of Touthfii impnuU ncecauHinK Prcnia " turn lecay. Nervous Debili. ied in vain every known remedy, has diecovered a mple selfure, which he will send FREE to hit Uow-sufferers. Address JC J. MASON, Iost Office Box 3179, New York City, oct 2 eod dAw ly PENNYROYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY tifcNG NE Safe and always Reliable. Bcwarorof worth less Imitations. Indlapensable Xo LADIES Ask your Druggist for Chichestkk'b En OLiah" and take no other, or Inclose 4c. (stamps) to us for particulars in letter by re turn mall. NAME PAl'KR. ClHCHESTEK Chemical Co., 31S Madison Square. Fhlla , Pa. At Druggists. Tradn supplied by KOL LKB& Siiokmakkr, l hlladclphla. Pa- dec 23 Jw ly 'rTfATTTTTtobemade. Cut ihls out 11 II I irV J and return to us, and we " III I l Vj I wllsen'' yo frco, some Jill i I thlnn or areat value and Importance to you, that will start you in business which will brine you in more money riht . away than anything else In this world. nv one can do their work and live at home. Kiln, er sex; all ages. Something nw, that just coins money for all workers. Wo will start yon; capital not needed. This Is one of the genuine, important chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address Tktjk A Co., Augusta, Maine, dec 1 6md lvw lOc. FOR A SHAVE. 20e FOR A HAIR CUT. 50c. FOR A II AIR CUT.SH AVE ANDSHAMPOON HAIR DYEING i2Uc. and upward, At JOHN WERNER'S, The German Barber and Perfumer, Jan 25 d Market St W inTEBEST to im Kanlr Viffor. Weaknesa or Los8 of Memorr Tx-r nanenUj restored by the use of an cutirelr n"V emedr. Ttie Verba Santa fronfSmin. Simn eh Trochees never fail. OurUlutratedaipage 1joo . tnd testimonials, (sent sea Jedl. Ererv manshouk tad 1U VOV CRAEP UtOCll CO., W Park Place. xew York. rrei , et.2i d eod A w It . The Raleigh correspondent of the Petersburg Ind x-Appeal foreshadows a revival of interest in the Blair bill next Winter. He says: Pursuing the object of education, so la as it relates to our common schools. it can well be asserted that it is one in which our people take a deeper interest than any other, and although aid in this direction trom the general goeru- ment is a matter that has been Ire- quently discussed, both pro anil con, yet it is conceded tha all parties wili be in harmony in" tb next campaign, and that either the Jilair Educational bill, r one similar, will be urgtd tor favor able congressional acti d. It wtil be impossible lor the State of North Caro lina, in its present financial condition. to meet the needs ot the people without onerous burdens, and it is sale to say that no mere technical objections, based on a squeamish idea of state's rights. will cause the rejection ol a law so pro duciive of good to all classes The general assembly now levies a tax of lv-i cents on every $100 of property and 37A cents on each poll, and, at leaai 75 per cent of all other poll taxes whether levied in tbd revenue law, or hv the county commissioners, must be tppropriated tor the schools. If the fund accumulated in each county is not sufficient to maintain schools for tour months, the statute requires the county commissioners, in ac cordance with the provisions of the con stitution, to lew a special tax for that purpose. Our Supreme Court ha de cided, however, that this requirement 15 constitutional only within the limits of (57 cents on property and $2 on the poll, that special taxes tor special pur- puses under special acis ot assembly are not to beiocluded. Last year the en tire amount raised tor public schools was $b7L000. Thus it will be seen that although the Stato has a uniform and well appointed system, yet the support of schools for even tour months is a serious burden when all the funds necessary are to be (raised by direct taxation. Another Idrawback arrses Irom the fact that thelsalaries paid to teachers are necessarily inadequate to secure such talent as is desirable. But the State will continue under the sanc tion of ail political parties to do the best, under the circumstances, locking forward to the time vhen Congress will open the dfors ot the treasury and extent aid. It is hoped, however, that when Federal aid shall come it may not be hampered with restrictions, but that North Carolina, as well as all ot her Southern sisters, may be allowed to manage it in such manner'as their best interests may require. Surely this much should be unuceiled after a lapse of twenty two years since civil strife. We accidently overheard be follow ing dialogue on the street yesterday: Jones Smith, why don't yoti stop that disgusting hawking and spitting? Smith How can I? You know I am a martyr to catarrh. J Do as I did. I had the disease in its worst form but lam well now. S What did you do fr it? J I used Dr. Sago's Caiarrb Reme dy. It cured me and it will cure you. S I've heard of it, and by Jove I'll try it. - - J Do so. You'll find it at all the drug stores in town. In Garfield County, Col., there are 1.100 unmarried men, and only twenty- eight unmarried women. We Caution All Against Tbem. The unprecedented success and merit of Ely's Cream Balm a real cure lor catarrh, hay lever and cold in head has induced many adventurers to place catarrh medicines bearing some resem blance in appearance, style or name upon the market, in order to trade up on the reputation of Eiv's Cream Balm. Don't be deceived. Buy only Ely's Cream Balm. Many in your immedi ate locality will testify in highest com n endation of it. A particle is applied into each nostril; no pain; agreeable to use. Price 50c - A CAKO. To ail who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. &c. I will send a recipn that will cure you. fkke of charge. This great remedy was' discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. . eod d&w 1? It will bf a cld flay when the North Pole is disci. vt red. Tid Bits. What the State most iiet:d is an anti Le isUture society. -The Judge. Thrt A. B. C of socialistic disturb ance Anarcny, Beer and Clamor -Lowell Courier. A 1-irge head is a sign of brains, but a big head is a !ign ot loll v. Pila. C i I. A man is seldom very much hated until he is successful ViVa. Aorlh American. A sailboat capsized of! Hull. Mass.. and one of the papers rlerred to it as an off Hull accident Exchange. If some men knew as much as they talked there wouldn't oe any sale, lor the ency clopedia. Somerville Journal. In hot weather cfeam puff should be fil e 1 only with icecream, as a guarau tee of tieshness. Vhila Inquirtr. The unusual aumber of picnics this wek is the only plausible explanation of the continued rains. Ph.ta. North American. A Wisconsin Norwegian sold his wite for a bog weiehing 154 pounds, but after six weeks b ugbt her back fr a calf and two shoals. lie had to lese her to learn her value. Dttroil Free Press. Down in Revere they use water drawn from artesian wells, and a dis couraged mother says it is so hard that the neighbors can hear it squeak when sh us-- it to wash the baby. Som.r ville Jt urnat. We wurii tte Southern States that if these unfriendly acts continue there wili be another war. They cattnot go : J mm I - j on lorever sending U3 s'.rawuernes more dangerous ihan bu lets and about as hard Boston Globe. At the graduation exercises of th New England Conservatory a young lady opentd the programme with Hugo'd "Tormentum lielli." Seems as though green apples would render that piece pretty well. -Lowell Cilizzn. 4 m- An Excellent Medicine. "My wife and myself were in bad health tor some fifteen years. I chanct d to be looking over one of Simmons Llv er Regulator Almanacs and saw A. II. Stevens' and Bishop Pierce's names to testimonials. I then obtained some of the Regulator and can heartily reeom mend the Liver Regulator to my friends as an excellent medicine." Z E. Harrison. M. D.. - Gordonsville, Va. New York & Wilmingtoii Steamship Co. THOU PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YOliE Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. , At ao'ClOCK. P. M. BE VE FACTOR REGULATOR BEN K FACTO tt Rh.GULi.TOR ..Saturday, July 2 ..Saturday. Ju y 9 ..Saturday, duly 1 ..Saturday, July 1i FEOM WILMINGTON REGULATOR ..Saturday, July 2 BENEFAOTOR Saturday, July 9 REGULATOR Saturday. July IK BENEFACTOR fcaiurday, July -.3 T Through Bills La Sing and -Lowast Through Ratea guaranteed to and from Point la North and South Carolina, For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington. N. C TIIEO. G. EGER, Traffic Uanager New oris . TH. P. CLYDK Jfc CO.. Gansra. Atrents, 5ft Broadway. New Vera. j une 25 COME SEE US! JHENEVER YOU ARE IN NEED Of F?.!!iIIK5, RDLINS or SIKSINB , come and see us. We have the most complete establishment in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work protnptly and satisfactorily, and at prices thai we can live at. Give us your orders. IACKSON BELL. 1 Valuable Lands for Sale. QNE TRACT OF UND, LYING ONE mile from Lincoln ton, N. C, consisting of 83 acres, 53 acre's cleared; Is best for cotton, but gives good crops for all grains. Has a branch running through It and a fine spring; a few acres of bottom land on the branch and ?0 acres In wood, oak aad hickory well tlm be red. Another tract lying 2t miles lrom Lineoln ton. mile from c. c. R. R., no acres. 25 cleared, fine spring of delicious water, about six acres of bottom land near it an to a brarch; !,or t050,. but grows other crops well ; 75 acres in yellow pine and oak For price and terms apply to CRONLY a MORRIS. men 16 tf Auct'ra & Real Estate Brokers SUPERIOR COURT8. Pall Terms 1887.1 FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Currituck September 5 1 week. CarndenSept 12. 1 week. I Pasquotank Sept 19. 1 week. Perquimans- ejjt 26, 1 week. Chowan Oct 3. 1 week. Gates-Oct 10 1 week Hertford Oct 17. 1 week. Washington Oct 24. l week. Tyrreij Oct .31,. 1 week. D;ire4 -Nov 7. I week. HydeNov 14. I week. Pamlico Nov 2 1. week. Beaufort Nov 8, 2 weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Warrfti Sept 19 2 wh'Jcs Northampton Oct 3. 2 weeks. Edgecombe- Oct 17.-2 weeks. Bertie-().-t 31, 2 week 3. H.nlitax N"V 14 2 weeks. Craven Nov 2H. 2 weeks. THIRD DISTKJCT JUDGE SHIPP. Franklin Aug 15, 1 wetk. Mai tin Sept 5. 2 weeks. ' Pitt Sept h). 2 weeks, (irei-ne Ocf 3 2 weeks. Vance 0;t 17. 2 weeks. Wilson .Ot:i 31. 2 weeks. Nash -Nov 212 weeks. Mart if: D e. 5. 2 wpi ks FOURTH niSTl.'IUT JUDUK MERRIMON. Wfiki duly 11 2 weeks. Harnett Aug 8. 1 week. Johnston Aug 24. 2 weeks. W-tkef Aug 29 2 weeks. Wavn Sep; Vi 2 eeks. Wakfc Aug 29. 2 weeKs. Wayne Oct 17. I week. Wakef-O.-t 24 3 weeks ? , J ohnston Nov 14, 2 weeks. Harnett Nov 28, 1 week. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Orange Aug 8. 1 week- Caswell Aug 15. 1 week. Person Aug 22, 1 week. Cailtord Aug 29. 2 weeks. Granville Sept 12. 2 weeks. Alamance Sept 26. 1 week. Chatham- Oct 3, 2 weeks Durnam Oct l. 2 weeks. Orangv Nov 7, 1 week. Caswell Nv 14. 1 week. Person Nov 21 1 week Granville Nov 28.2 weeks. Guilford- Dec 12, 2 weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Lenoir Aug 22. 2 weeks. Duplin Sept. 5. 1 week Pender Sept 12. 1 week. New Hanoverf Sept 26, 2 weeks. Sampson Oct 10. 2 weeks. Carteret Oc 24. 1 week. Joues Oct 31. 1 week. Onslow Nov 7. 1 week Len.ir Nov 14 2 weeks. Duplin Nov 28, 2 weeks. Sampson Drc 12, 1 week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Cumberland July 25. 1 week Columbus Aug 1 1 week. Moore Aug 15. 1 week. Robeson Aug 22, 2 weeks. Anson Sept 5. 1 week. Brunswickr-Sept 12 1 week. Richmond Sept 19, 2 weeks. Robeson Oct 3. 2 weeks. Bladen- Oct 17, 1 week. -Moon? Oct 24 2 weeks. Cumberlandt Nov 14. 2 weeks. Ansont Nov 28. I week. Richmond Deo 5, 1 week. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLARK, Iredell Aug 8 2 weeks. Rowan Aug 22. 2 weeks. Davidson Sepi 5, 2 weeks. Randolph fcept 19. 2 weeks. Montgomery Oct 3. 2 weeks. Stanly Oi-t 17 1 week Cabarrus Oct 31. 1 week. Rowan Nov 7, 2 weeks. Tredell Nov 21 2 weeks. Davidson Dec 5, 1 week. NINTH DISTRICT -JUDGE GILMER. Rockingham July 25, 2 weeks. Stokes Aug 8, 2 weeks Surry Aug 22 2 weeks. Alleghany Sept 5 1 week. , Wilkes Sept 12 2 weeks i Yadkin Sept 26, 2 weeks. ' Davie Ot 10 2 weeks. . Forsyth- Oc 21, 2 weeks. Rockingham Nov 7, 1 week. Stokes Nov 14, 1 week. Surry Nov 21, 1 week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE BOYKIN. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke Aug 8.2 weeks. Ashe Aug 22. 1 week. Watauga Aug 29, 1 week. Caldwell Sept 5, 1 week. Mitcheil Sept 12,2 weeks, Yancey Sept 26. 2 "weeks. McDowell Oct 10. 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander Aug 1. I week. Cleveland Aug 8, 2 weeks, Mecklenburgf Aug 29. 3 weeks Union Sept 19, 1 week. Unionf Sept 26, 1 week. Lincoln Oct 3, 1 week. Gaston Oct 10,2 weeks. Cleveland Oct 24, 1 week. Rutherford Oct 31. 2 weeks. Polk Nov 14, 1 week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GOMERY. Madison Aug 1. 2 weeks. Buncombe Aug 15. 3 weeks. Transylvania Sept 5, 1 week Haywood Sept 12, 2 weeks. Jackson Sept 26, 1 weeic. Macon Oct 3. I week. Clay Oct 10, 1 week. Cherokee Oct 17, 2 veeksV Graham Oct 31. 1 week Swain Nov 7. 2 weeks. Madisonf -Nov 21. 2 weeks. Buncombe Dec 19. 2 weeks. MONT" Criminal causes only. ICivil causes only Civil causes only, except jail cases. SHORT-HAND & TYPE-WRITING SITUATIONS pay both young men and ladies much bett-r salaries than most commercial positions, and the de.nand Is greater. Mudents can be tit ted for office short-hand posIUons In Three Months' Time by Haven's system No previous knowledge of either art required. CoUeges open all the year, ftudents can enter any time, all tulUon bolng lmlividnat. Superior facilit es for pro curing situations, for which aid we make no charge. CoUege pamphlets with fnlleet self teaching leseons in either art sent to Kny ad- ress tor 10 cents. botli arte. 20 cents' o stamps accepted Adnress either of Haven's Colleges: New York, N Y; Phi alelphla. Pa; Chicago, 111 ; Cincinnati. O; San Franclsco'Cai. june 8 eod 3m MISCELLANEOUS I : - ; ' sv mil, "1 mm m : f " it '.- f.i L. m In retnrrdne thanks to you for my miracu lous cm e of eczm o salt rheum. deem it ad visa be to give you a detailed account of mv case, an.l as there Is. and alway- win be a prejudice against a tverdsed remedies sou havemv consent to onbiHn mis le&ii omai. ana ail lnqutrte. by letter r in person. I ill cheerfully answer. I do this that people who go on year after year pTic' out la ge suns nt moucy to I r competent vdiyslcWns and re celve no cure, cr even relief, or end in fill nir a fremaiure grave, as was neany 'y mbc, way xt induced to make trial of the wonderful CUTICOR A f EMKDIES . At the age f three months a rash made it appearance on my face. A physician was call ed he said teething wss the cause, he pro scribed some cooling medicine, but the Bores s pre -id to my eara and head.. Another M, U. waactlled He professed to know all about the cae. called it "King's Kv:l" and pre scribed gunpowder, brimstone, and lard mix. ed Into a salve, but the d tease continued. They could not do anything with It. Another prescribed bor ix water and flour; an-1 her, llnnesd poultices. None of them did roe any good at all, but ae me worse The disease continued unabated ; it spread to my artr s and legs, till I was laid up entirely, nd from con tinual sitting on the floor on a pillow my limbs contracte l so that t lost ali c iDtrol of them, and was utterly helpless My mother would have to lift m out and into bed. I could get around the houre on my bands and feet, but I could not gt my lothes on at all, and had to wear a sort ot dressing gown My hair had all matted dow or lalien ff, and my bead, face' ad ears were one tcib, and 1 hid to have a towel on my h ad ail tue tim in the summer to keep the fl ea off. y pareutacon Bii I ted a promiuent physician and surjreon hrre in Chicago (the othr phsleUns. .eforcn-en tloiu d were of I unda-i and .i ton , Cana dt "he iuhe could do nothing fir me, that he chance" were that I would grow out fit or that it would nt. t-e inwardly and kill uie In time He v ant- i to cut tne sinews of my !& so tiat I cou.d wllc. but I would not let iiinr, for if l did fet hotter 1 wouid have no c mrol uf them. ' he disea&e continued in this manner until 1 ws teventeen wars o d, and one day in Jan u ry 1-79, lrf the hlcago Tribune, I read an ac-. 'tint f your meidcinob. 'Jhcy tescrlbed m y CH-e o exac ly that I th ugLt. as. a last reort. to ivj them a trial. When I llr t applied the Cut.c'KA, I was nil nw and bh edlng from scra'chtf g myself, but when J appih d it 1 went asleep ainioat lua media el'-, sou.ethlngl had not done for years, tin effect was so toothing. ; ii'J.. The first morning frO till.- mM - t' bad ni ekfa only on the end of mlb aplukcolor. Next day it wi, kliS ' and I could pla.-e my handi on thiJi.1 out it being paintuL in could e and etra'g.t. but aotwi'k i11 weak, but my tores were nearly wJ 1 commenced the-uie of the CTrcrtl vurr, and In three-data 1 wiSt ever; I was one mass of nimplet troil1 of wj h. ad to the soica of mfSSSS: were gainful would o do liioa.S?8 In from two to four dtya they bSmL a small cale. which hvppedf uaZL pt pure and the skin wbl, nAuJzl cm Judge I was cured la tont JiT. weeks, and up t ihl date (I i f eaTii 1879 to January. 1887)1 bare M k u any wsy, or have had the km Jnrt. disease reappe trtng t,n me I knu lent appetite, have the very bwaf JS My Im os are straight, wipp e ui u have beeii exposed to allortt,iL without the least Blgna ot the timmnLn only difference I find in myielf ktkt iji is fioerofttr, and net so liable M ped aa Is otber persons . i No doubt many persons will aotkttmi almost improbable story nury win Uiu grossly exaggerated. I doa't Uia ot bit If they ao. but to satlsfr tuemielffc.s cin rail or wrl te t6 me ata flad out 1 n have written above is true or not Then manv persous who fin testify to ful enre I have receive 1 br ru t etc RtMEDI 8. - . ' j Gentlemen, let me again thank roi W cure . vr. J. McO 'In. Dearborn St. Chicago, Itt, Ju I Nothing 1h known to science at all eat; ble to the Cuticctka Ukkidiks la tbetrt vellous properties of eleaoalBg.; purlfjtaj beaunfylDg tbe skin and In cuniftgrtit disfiguring, itcbi"g, acalyand plmpf pf tli- skin, scalp and blood, wliauiitk uticdka. the reat Hkla n , a4 U CUka oap, an exquisite Skht Bnatiittj parrt . from it externallv. aod CrTiccu solvent, the nevr BlSotl Pnrliler, taum are a positive cure lor en rrorm m blood c'isease. from plmpleato rrofaU-1 ?oid everywhere. (Trice, cwnccu. Soap, 25o ; itKSoLV kt. $t. rrern thel'OTriK DKDO ANDtHKlUCAttO, ton, , ass. '''' - r end for "How to Cure 8kta DVh 64 pagps. K illustrations, and lOOUJftaa'- i. apnlS0.4wd&w - - i4 KM L.'.nt and Kyi MHIRED thOWUHW. - ' Orer Ten Thonsand Trial 2TtPe43kages mailed to t JLAIi.of whom took a f all treat I wero rofjtoroa to neaitn by use ox A KAflinft! OnTfnrNnrroaaDfibilitr.Orirfttitn tVaslmmM ftndPhTnl ftl Deenv in Yonni? or Mid lilA Arad Mail "fnr.fAd for Kioht Yttftra in TnsnT noosanci cases taoy suwiuieiTrwww vaaawimr witixl an) nutting tKmwM.w "Z: A ifred and broken down men to the fall enjoyment of becomet r tvrrft Tl npilri&'m perfect nnd full Manly Strenfith and VigorotM Health. ...... M titllZ. To those who suffer from tho many obscure diseases TBEATEEMT- CM K8Stt.3. mfc Srooght about by Indiscretion. Ex-osure, Orcr-Braia - r-t Work, or too free Indulgence, we ask that yoa send as MAORIS REMEDY Cw -ri rour name with, statement of yourtrouble, and oecure " vViT.,, . BtresLSTaTTT URIAL PACKAGE FREE, with lllust'd ramphlet.io. 8Q6K W. TsnO ZtjrZjg ,. BED I , UteonvaiMM if m I eientiM fanHktai of th bniBM lipi" 4 mav 17 d&wlv 5 lr V M Change of Base. Y FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARST respectfully notified that I have removed my shops to Chetnu,. street, between Front and Water. All orders for work In my line, tin ning, repairing, &c. will be done. promptly and faithfully. R. F. RISING. Chestnut, between Front and Water sts. ian 31 tf 1887. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED; Habpeb's Magazine during 1? 7 IH con tain a novel of Intense political, social, and romantic lntert st, entitled "Narsa" a story of ttusfdan life by Kathileen O'Meara; a new novel, entitled "April Hopes, by W How ells; "Soinhern Stetches,' by t.haites Oudlty Warner and Bebecca Hardinsr Iavi. Illustra ted by Wildam Hamilton Gibson; "Great American Industries" continued; "St cial ftudles." by r. R. 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Index" to Harper" Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for volumes 1 to:70, Inclusive, from June, 1550, to June, lbsa one vol., Svo, Cloth, $4 00. Kemittancea should be made dt roat-umc Money Order or Draft, to avod chance of loss. iretarpapcr are not ta com Okie tutvertisemtmS uHUwHt the express order of Harfkr A Baoa. Aaareax ilABFSB BROTHERS. sot 28 gew-York. I) Ai t hm this remedy .tr: ttaacnan ltl gtininl onatorj- ior w BTTLZiar - m . z.w speedily loatnin; ties. T.. on rtVZn w r mil i nil nil u w . .i trw m ... l -rTmVs. Tberlarnfpup ient by .nail. Ltipbt A j m i rrrii .ui nt. -- m mil " arrrT, wSfTTTAnilA! Th rreat secret ot t?Lv,Tcen of theHartz WKngof Soqd condition IPult the season oi l-inttsc- cases carry i - , s oi .ritirainerioluitli'''' ifj ,taPV nail onreceitt oi yWr ease menxwu, - sent 9 tutu t T HAVE THE fASCaaaI! removed Into bias erected by e tW for all the dem"!? i keep Tfi.. to get good nt r.