...." ' I ' ' - THIS TArB 1d .myvenlnx. ' Sunday. win be glad ta reocm eoaaaaieatM trom trWads oa amy aad all sabjaa jOSH T.JAMES.; "rioss postage paid: -IPTI0;,. months. $2.00. ThreO fWrtHaurtbot The ut of Us wrltar tost always M tteCdlMr. OomaiOBteatloBs must ba wrlttaa -' 'a ' 4 -it- One monm. w - iw.'1-' bv carriers om aide of the papr. .'; I " Paraoaalltiaa Mast b aToldad.; i And lt Is especially and parttoalarly ood that tha Kdltor doea aot Unn " P:!iVPart of the city, .1 the abovt vj ' . per week. ' v vol: xi. WILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY. JULY 8. 1887 Vtn report any and all fa NO 161 the views of eoTreapoadaaty ttt tatbesditorta;, wlaniBa- ; C . ,i r a " 1 w . . - . ......... - f m -o fm -i' a ay mbnu bw - ; . 'i v r i j v . . w i i vv .. , fji1 : . Ime, of bia PienU and ; 11 , th extraolecl lor eacD 1 ' r German 3ays Ibat the-Cpn-1,'inci.lent w.ll not be fnr IS ..ori m it. lt i tcoPul thai ttitoh fc .r!r is nboat (7 a. mtnvle. 1 . : -a M r,.iliritP. 100 ihTlt' Ml- - ' . I. 1 Tse California Siate V.ucur hioihi irallbns. -. If, the F Malta lbee-'..ate. it will b, ThPRiTer,i.le.Cal,l're8aya: 'The n-Pchnii the real estate .Oascent Sunday oneof tbani. -..nthiitext from f.ot 4. Block tofMnih' JJilion to tbe New TestatueDt Mr Frtuk llugfc O'Uonnell, in bis . . t MnHnn Times forlibel B account of iU charges against bim l0di4het Irish leadvrs m iw .arucw. ...:.ii 'PrnPiiisui ami crime. will JUUlicu - , , - , , ;aiumonE3 witnesses Mr Parnwll. Mr. )i!!on and Mr. Sxtoa. . . , , The Kin of Saxony draws the color lilUD. " ir.nmhnito the roval supper table at jv-K'" ' , . Buckjojiiaai Palace the .tber evening, and was really protttrie when tbe pro idrttohiru In Saxony yjin"" the coIre'l Kinjrs and Queen 9 have to etit tbe second table. ", A carat of gold received its name rnuiih. carat seed, or seed of the Abyssinian coral flower. This was at one period raadd useful when gems of (old were to be weighed and so came ibout the peculiar and now general use oftherord. Twentjtwo carats fine m?ips that out of twentv-lour parts tec:j-two are gold and all tbe rest illoj. . . Gen. George S.- Batch ler, of Saraio- CV N. Y.. lias rne to London to assist in the fulvous Uwsuit involving tbe ws'H nt thn talc AbdeN Messiah Antoun Yusi'f. ao aged Syrian - usurer, who died in Egypt. Over $10,000,000 is at nake. and. the cootestants are . bis nephewa'and sisters. Thej 'are trying to have the estate divided' 'equally : be tween tile wife and themselves.-. Gen. Biicheiler's knowledge of 'Orental law makes bis services valuable in the case. ftoaews Her Youth Airs. PhtebeChesley. Peterson. Clay Co., Iowa, tells tbe following reuiarka bio story, the truth of which is yonched for by Ihe residents of the town: I am 73 years old, have 'been troubled tfith kidney complaint and lameness for many years ; could not dress myself without help. Now lam free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own .housework I owe my hanks to .Electric Bitters for having renewed. my youth, and removed em plelely all disease and pain.' Try a botile, only .50c.. For sale by W. H. Green & Co. "Wortti KtiowltifiT. :-Mr.'W. Ii. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla , was taken with a severe cid. attended with' a distressing Cough and running into Consumption in its first stages He tried many so called popular, cough remedies and steadily grew worse. . Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was un able to sleep. ' Finally tried Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption at tl found immediate relief, and after using about a half d- zen bottles tound him self well and has' had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so jrrand a record of cures, as Dr. King'sNew Discovery for Consumption Guaranteed to iojust 'what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at W H Green & Co's Drug Store . LOCAL NEWS. I IB DEI TO NEW AOyfRTISEMEITS. C W Yatks Couolry Merchants Usinsbkuokk's Pianos and Organs S Van Aibingk A Co Aucttoa Sale For other locals see fourth page. , , Paints and Varnish. Best in city at Jacobis. and at lower prices than you have to pay" elsewhere tor more com mon goods. Tbe crew of the Frying Pan Light Ship came up to tbe cit7 this morning on a sort of a holiday, while the vessel is lying at Southpon . Go to Sol. Bear's and buy a Gossa mer and some elegant Bath Towels', then goto Carolina Beach and take a surf bath. f Tbecnntrant for oarrvinir tha mail between TomD.a Fla nnd Havana hrta been Cflntirvnarl Q i V nntUn rAm flits 1 .... ' ' it loo old Qgurt's.i Recently when bids were advertised for this service only two were received, and tbe department considered both tr-o high. - '-The new oacfeoient, therrf re. ii .madeinlho hopeoi eeuinjj lerm, morc fayorable to eGoyernnimt' There will "be bi kly trips ninde betvreeo the two Points until OLiU.h.T i an diior ihn't we. remaining three months tri trips. . . . ; , Icebergs are anite nnmerous " thii aer in the path of Enrooean steam Jj.Mcording to the rpports . Vent: the ajarojraDhin nffi wnrioas yessels. . Since June 3 there wea 8;Sbted A many as thirty bergs. Capt Eakker. of the hi? -mer SchUer.saw one 300 feet and Udl3lanca of 8event3en mlles jusai within a mile and a half of 1ft) !Ofl2,0feet high, with two others Cant r succeeaing nays. 200 fep V miles long ana WT A Qthe m m latitude . 44, "dere'iM FUrteen W"' reuctsare reported this month. tn!Tmlha-Q dZen aPDlicatins lor ent ,n the signal service of the GrJiviVeCeiVed daily by General t CT6 frm radnaUs rMtB . a!l applicants General PraJnl vacances in the corps tot' Th Dne Kro hkely 8non to before h , 8,Rnal ofEcer now h" n wh01! 1 nearyone hundred fciainnfS"8 bcen emined and WN be mV Tf!lc&ncies ccur selections W 6fr0m lbU ll9t- There is a who formerI in the signal 'nn. V?,Wed l K0 inl Pte dL ? DOt meetin Meeeii precedence oyer all other appli- There is a washout near the seven mile post between here and Wrights ville Sound, which. makes the road at that place impassable, and renders necessary a circuit of about a mile to reach either the Sound or the city. The place will be at once repaired. The new drop harness for the horses of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Cpmpanr No. I, has been received and placed in, position. Tbe.horses are be ing broken by daily practice to its use ajod we are glad to learn that thus far it has given complete satisfaction. ." American flags, muslin - flags on sticks. Chinese lanterns, paper caps, pistols and caps for same, have just received, a large assortment. Every body who wants to make himself hap py on the Fourth of July can be sup plied at Heinsberger's. t Tbe Cornet Concert Club will make an excursion to .Waccamaw Lake on tbe 14th inst. Tbe indications are, that if the weather should prove favorable . m . ' a ft on tnat day. tne excursion win do iargely attended as a good many have signified their intention of joining the party. Tbe cultivation of the grape has prov ed very "profitable in North Carolina. and as Mr. S. Otho Wilson has given special attention to this branch of hor ticulture, tbe managers of tbe Grange Eocampmont have selected him to de liver an address on "The Grape and its Cultivation in North Carolina," at ML Holly. ; Carolina Beach. Keep coo land re member that the headquarters for batbt ing suits is at the Wilmington Shir tactprv. Suits made to order. Ladies' a specially. J. hlsbach, rrop., Market street. tf. No Excursion. A good deal of inquiry has been made upon tbe street' regarding a ru morett excursion party to- Washington and New York. We have been inform ed that steps were taken looking to an excursion on a grand scale to those citios. but that from some cause the arrangement was not . consummated, and that, consequently, there will be none, unless, sTs is barely possible, one may be gotten up considerably later in lhe season. ! Where can I go to' buy what I want ? V W hat do yon"; want ? Well, whatever yon want, whether. Matting. Towels. Trunks, Gossamers, Ham mocksl Straw Hats or Summer .ClothT ing. yoa can save money Ux bay at Sou Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met in called session yesterday afternoon. The chairman. Mr. R J. Jones, stated that h called the board together for tbe purpose of considering, as con tract between the Wilmington & Wei don Railroad Company and tbe city, in reference to the proposed bridge on Fourth street over the railroad cut. On motion, tbe chairman was au tborized to sign the agreement, which provides that in consideration of the railroad company building the abut ments. it shall be relieved of all farther responsibility in tbe matter, either for its t amtenance, repair or reconstruction. G-ettin&r Ready. When completed tbe Champion Compress will be a mammota struc ture, eclipsing in dimensions any other building in the city. There is an un broken iront wall on Nutt street of 330 feet, and the buildings extend back to tbe river, a distance of 318 feet. There are two buildings, with a court between l hern GO feet wide and also extending to the river. Both buildings, as well as the court, are enclosed within one set of walis. so that tbe plant iccupies the entire square embraced between Red Cross and Walnut streets, and Null street aud the river. The work is being pushed as rapidly as possible to com. pletinu. and will be in readiness for occupancy with the opening of the next cotton season. Bear's. Dog Collars. - Large, assortment just received. Can buy a nice; collar from 25 cents up, at Jacoei's Hdw. Depotf. City Court. John Williams, colored, was brought boloietbe Mayor this morning charged with tiring a pistol on tbe streets. He admitted tbe firing and was required to pay a tine of $10 or go below for 20 days for the offense. The same defend ant was charged with carrying con c.'aled weapons, bnt judgment wa suspended in that case. Jacob Thompson, colored, charged with disorderly conduct was required to pay a fine of $20 or go below for 30 days. From this judgment the defend ant appealed, when he was required to give a justified bond in the sum o: $100 to prosecute the appeal One case of drunk and down was re quired to pay a fine of $10 or go below tor 20 days. One man charged with an assualt and battery with a deadly weapon was bound over to tbe next term of tbe Criminal Court in the sum of $50. We Statu! Corrected. In speaking a few days since of Gen. James 11. Lane, we referred to him as a native of Alabama This was in deference to the opinion of some one else, which we found in print. Our impression then was that he was born in Virginia and we were right- Tbe article referred to has called forth tbe following communication from General Line to the Montgomery D.spulch, which we lake pleasure in republishing here: Aubukn Aua.JuI2 18S7 ' Editoks Dispatch: Many thanks for yoTrvery complimentary editorial notice ot myself in your issue of to day. I take it for granted that my gallant friend, Josb T. James, is still the edi tor ot the Wilmington. N. C , Review. and 1 cannot understand how be could have made such mistakes about my nativity and present ccupatioa I haTe been called , a Virginian, a North Carolinian, a Verruonter and have been taken for "Old Kansas Jim Lane." and now I am an Alabnmian. I was born, raised and educated in Vir gima under the immortal "Stonewall Jackson," out I do not object lo-j being called a sonot dearold North Caro iiia, who honored me so highly in tbe times that tried men's souls'; nor do I object to being considered a son of the dashing, glorious, pro gressiye State of Alabama; but. as a man intensely Southern in all my feel ings, I must protest against being cred ited to Veruiootir being considered even r mololy related to Old Kansas James 11. L ine. I stand almost alone iu this world I have but few relatives and they are all in Old Virginia, and like myself, are all Southern U tbe core. 1 have been compelled from pecuniary considerations, to change my abode so olten that it looks a though I am fat becoming like -that celebrated fl-a hard to loca'c. - I have, I think, a right to be proud ot my war record, as our grand old cbiettain, President Jefferson Davis, has recently penned . the following in my behalf: "I willingly bear witness to his character and g neral capacity. Endeared to me as he is by his services to tbe South when he was the youngest brigadier in the Confederate army. I admit that I feel a warm interest in his success, not for himself only, but also as a good example for the youth of the State I love so well." ! If 1 felt that I oould wield pen as; well as I fought tor our juat SfJuthjr j cause, I would nnl hcslilate to gtre to the public tnxscences Baae Ball. The Wilmington baft ballclub proved tbemselvos the v,io-ors in their contest with the Wilson club yesterday, on the grounds of the latter. The score stood a follows:" ' , Wilmington. 11 runs, 11 hits, 6 errors. Wilson. 3 runs, 4 hits. 11 errors. There will be another trial to-day and we hoper'jthat we may have ' tbe pleasure of recording an equally, gratify ing result for our home team. - '" - Persouai 4 . Mr. A G. Ricaud has gone to New York on a trip in which pleasure and business will be combined. Mr. Fab. H jBusbee. U. S Attorney for the Eastern 'District of North Caro Una, is slopping at tbe Orion House to day -.. Mr. Alex. Orr and wife will soon leave here fur tbe North, where they will spend considerable time in exam ining the latest'styles in photography f. r the benefit of their patrons when they return. W. Mr., H. Burton, formerly a resi dent of Wilmington, but for many years a resident of Sherman, Texas, re turned to the eity to-day and will pass the remainder of the Summer with his relatives here. He has been absent 36 years, and is at present the guest of his nephew, Mr. W.J. Penny.1 KuigjUts of Pythias. Stonewall Lodge No. 1, K. of P. and liermama uodge JNo 4, iv. ot f. baa a public installation, ot officers at Ger mania Hall last niffht, which was made interesting by the presence of a goodly number of ladies, by some tine vocal music and 6y an instructive address by Mr. J. I Macks. Mr. N. O Berry, ot Golds boro. Grand Chancellor of K. of P for North Carolina, assisted by Messrs J A. Bonilz. R, B. Clowe, T. D. Meares. H C. Prempert, B. F. While and II. C, Von Kampen. in stall d the following officers in ''ample form" to serve for the ensuing term : 8TONEWALL LODGE NO 1. C. C D. F Barnes. V. C C H. Ganzer. P.-E. B.King. M. at A G.'A. Peterson. I. G C. Ni Brewer. 0. G. W L Jacobs. GEKMANIA LODGE NO. 4. C. C H. Hutafi V. C J. A.Schro3der. P.-J. W, Duhls. . M. at A A. Ddnmelandt. 1. G. J. Haar, Sr. O G. J. Sauls. After the ceremonies attendanct upon the installation of tbe officers bad been concluded, Mr. J. I. Macks, the orator of tbe occasion, delivered an entertain ing and instructive address. Mr. Jt W. King then read the declaration of prin ciples, at the conclusion of which all present were invited to partake of re treshments that had been prepared, for tbe occasion and to which all did am ple justice. It was an interesting and enjoys Die occasion, iu uiu luub iook greater delight than did the ladies pres sent. , . Quarterly Meetings. Third round of Quarterly Meetings for tbe Wilmington District of the Methodist El Church. South : Fifth Street Station, July 9, 10. Brooklyn: July 9. 10. Grace Church Station, July 9. 10. Elizabeth at Union July 14, 15. Carver's Creek, at Way man, July 16. 17 . Duplin circuit- at Charity, July 22. Onslow circuit, at Jacksonville, July 23. 24. , . Topsail circuit, at Prospect. Ju'y 27, 28. Magnolia circuit. July 30, 31. Clinton circuit, at Clinton, (D C), Aug. 3, 7 . C 'kesbury circuit, at McNatts, Aug. 9. 10 Bladen circuit, at Center. July II. Stnithville Station, Aug 13 14. Brunswick circuit. Aug 17 f8. Waccamaw circuit. Auir 20. 21. Wbiteville circuit. Aug 33. 21. T. W. Gutiiuie. P. E. NEW ADVERTISEMKNTH "Removal. - - ., - WK WI-H T NNUCW TO THK pubi c that we have remoTcd t NO. 2T MARKKT-TKET, (tbe Store formerly oc cupied by W. II. Alderman A Co J and will be please I to see our customers at our cew stand. Respectfully, r - . Inly TSt BKUNHtLD, SIMON A CO For Sale. B1"LD1N LOTS In desirable lcalltleb. tltnitel on Castle. horch. un, nn. Orange. I'ock, Prt ress, Molberrj, Walaut, Ued cross Front. bird. Fourth . Vlith Mxtb. SeventH, Wilson. Eighth Ninth Ten.h U&ar J lotle, Ieenth. I welftb and 1 htrteenUi sts ; also be nse and lota : for sate on tbe Install ment plan. Money Uaned on satisfactory terms to those wishing to bulM. apply to ,july7 2w . JAMES WILSON. Sound Partieo. 'yyr agozjeitk wi ll leave ok UfLL'3 STABLE3 for the Sound at 9 a.m., dally. Round trip 50 cents. -Sound Parties can be bupplied with teams cn short notice and at cheap latcs. Special attention given to boarding horses. B. C. OBBELL, Livery and Sale Stables, July 7 tf ' Cor. Third and Princess sts NEW AVEKTIBE2IimTa. Auction Sale ! OF 1 iXlijo.b3E AND- Urn To the Ladies. Received this week per steamer a large invoice of Bustles in every style trom 15 cents, up. Belts in white, cream and lack for 10 cents each. Silk Mitts, black and colored, from 25 cents up. Fans from 5 cents up. Babies' Caps from 15 cents up. Bazar Corsets worth $1, selling at 50 cents a pair. Ribbons in every color. Feathers in all colors, three in a bunch for 39 cents Flowers. Roses, Buds, Montures, Liaises , &c. A new lot of Underwear, Chemises at 39 cents with Embroidery, 50 cents. Night Robes 98 cent. Trimmed with Embroid ery. Double Yoke, Pleated Back. $1.15. Hats for Ladies, Misses and Child ren , stylish and desirable shapes and lowest prices in tho city. A call will convince yon of the above at Taylor's Bazar, 118 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. iuly7tf By S. VanAMKINGE & Co.. "ACCriONEKttS. AT- Moonlight Excursion I STEAMER PASSPORT WILL LEAVE fer i ' Carolina Beach on WEDNESDAY and FRI DAT NIGHTS, at 8 o'clock. Train leaves Beach at 11 o'clock. Music for Danrlng. J. W. HARPER, jiily 6 tf nac General Manager. Wo Racket Goods. XXTE KEEP THE BEST. ALSO EMP. OY the best of Workmen. If you need a sood Cook stove we can supply you at a low &z ure. Pumps, Toilet Sets. Cash Boxes, Light ning Ro s. Tubs, Tinware. ' fAKKKK A TAx LOB. PURE WUITK OIL. . juiy 5 For the Sound. yyAGONEITa WILL LEAVE SOUTH. ERLAND'S STABLES f r the Sound daUy at 2.30 P.M. and 6 o'clock, P. M. BeturoiEg will leave Sound at 7 P. M. and 7 A. M. oand trip 3 cents. v - T. J. SOUTIIERLAND, . Livery and Sale Stables, junc28 Nos 108 A lio North Second St Minn fnAn No. 117 Front Street, X ; . " . . .. " ; A ' : Opposite New Market, will conrin- . i- ue to sell in Morning at 10 o'jDlopk, and at 5 o'clock. P. M until stock t closed out. "' S. VanAMRINGE & CO., Auctioneers. P. 8. Miis Karrcr requests as a par ticular favor that all indebted to her will call and settle bills by July 12. V7. iuly 8 Dissolution. JNTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THJt Arm of Wm. L.Smiih A Co., formerly consist -injrofWm. L Smith Wm I, ht. uk t. 1h - - "iu, mmiA Jos. D. Smith, is this day dlflsolred. The busi- ncss will, however, lie continued by Messrs. Smith Boat wrlght, and we ask for our' sue csssors the patronage given us. Parties hav log accounts against us will please present them at once to Jos. D. Smith July 1,1887. WM. L. SMITH A CO. July ft tf Dissolution. . JOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN 1 11 AT THE i;opartuer3hip heretofore cxistlnr between John W. Gordon and Jos. D. Smith, Is tnls day dissolved by Off withdrawal of Mr. Goi don, wbo has sold bis Interest to Mr. J. H. Boatwrlght The business will be continued by Messrs. Smith A Boatwrlght and we bespeak-for our succestfork the patronage be. stowed upon us. All Parties indebted to na are requested to pay amount due to Joa. I. Smith at once, and those having accounts against us will please present them to hm im mediately. -JNO. W. GORDON A SMITH. Julyl,J8&7. Julyfttf Partnerohip. , JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE have this day formed a copartsersblp uader th firm name nf Smith A Ttn.nrriK n ti,. - urpose of conducting the Insurance btuinesa n all Its branches. . v- as successors to Messrs. Jno. w. Gordon A Smith and Wm. L. Smith A Co.. we will look after the Interests of their former patrons, and would ask from said patrooa a contlnu snce of their favors, and to the insuring pub lic we will say that any bu tines entiuated to our care will be attended to promptly. . JOS.D SMITH, July 5 tf ! . J. H. BO AT WRIGHT. Pianobi Orgafib. GRAND SUMMEB SAtE, inlvS L. C lANEBERRr, No. 117 (oaih Front St Greatest Hacriflce tn Clotlitosr Kvr Known in Wilniintoii. Mr I. Shrier, desiring to close Put every dollar's worth ot clothing, gents' famishing goods ai d to , make quick work of it, will sell out his entire stock regardless of cost. The real cost or ac tual valne of the goods wiil have noth ing to do with the low prices; his main object is to open up in the large and handsome store in the Parcell building! t awn kowaKS, Ac. with one ol the largest and finest stocks Rtn-k .t-. .,r,. of custom made clothing, - All goods w. E. springer A CO.. on band will be slaughtered off Rad a :uly 5 J ; l. 22, 23 Market st. few of the slashing prjceaju .children is t t soils : For st worta 55j.. me at oiuuica i sl.50 worth $3rVvery bandsme suit' . .w. .w-- - . . Does it Pay to Advestise? OF COURSE IT DOES. N ADDITION TO THE HANDSOMEST line of Chlnar Glass, Queensware, Lamps, Ai , which has ever been offered to the trade. I 1 have jnst received a large and fine assort m nt of Wood and Willow Ware, consisting tn part of fine Juniper Water ad Pater Machn Palls, Tubs, Bowls, t ngar and Vjout Urns. Baskets of all kinds. Door Mats. Scrub and Blacking Brushes, and the best quality of Brooms ever offered here. Call and examine Grain Cradles. Grass Blades .- . - . , and Snaths, FOR JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SPPTPtlllPR O HOT MONTIIS AHEAD, WHEN MOST ouslnesa boiues wilt down and atre up sll idea of trade. But we are not BUiLT tnat war. Hence we offer during the hot Summer m on tns our very BEST BARGAINS, And GREATEST Fer this season we have 1. W0 PUnos aud i Organs to n'ose out by October 1st. Cash la scarce, and we won't talk about it at all. tbe lnducemonta we offer, and with which we shall cavtnre buyers are: first, th. Very wwni rnc 10 toe u. b. : ana eeCOWL OUti WONDEIirULLY MAST TERMS. ;TV Qoa f piajios, $5 1' $10 kMtihv OCD I ORGAN?, U to t5MnBthir.? This means that we offer a 1 stiles ot Sew of only 2i Cash aad $10 Monthly theifv.ter and very desirable f linos (not new) worth from $&i 1 to $1M. for from $10 to $. jeh sad aoatoitnly. , , m.ieo few vntu, on paymonta of ai.CS to LUDDEN A BATES, Southern Mu&Ic House P. nCISSBKBOCR. Sole Agent for Wilmlnsrtoo. some of. my many wartera-twill be reduced $.$5. -5 n siy Cy pre? 8bli.fks. Bloat be sold at -ucf. .particularly as lbava been an iurnisninggous ta. x muwih. . f . ' . - to do ao by friends and ; Remember tbla is no spnsattai iiuib nee-i wouw u we w ca ana ci a m North (Tnrnlina and I bttsT fcbeme. Don't nnss the ooporm. Iar'la fnuUw v often requested nf nam in Alahai Virginia. ; ' . Rospertfully. nity of getting a bargain or tne wen fr. mansion llerchaot. o n Waterst i: . - Jajies II. rAifE. - known l. Shrisr, in uargei si. . j mcars wu-;..:. gCNDAT AFTCBNOON ON THIRD ST., betweea If aiberry and Bed Croat, part of a Gold Chain with GoM Cross attached. Tinder will be rewarde J by leaving It atJIr. Unjla'a Jevve!ry t jre. ,' yzzt n

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