THIS PAP Sundays x- 40 eeptad W josh; imd riur- HP PBOrKlKTO. m POSTAGE PAJ ' . .me month, so ceawu i tu . - . hr eimen xrwo avci--' st the above report any and ail 111 rpaT regularly. ..1-York " TV.""" niinll n IITCl - . . - 9R . f.-viin 5 ' ""TrQ- fcVn n.rt says UI - WinTl ....,aunr all over the ..ifterira- - aalofne into near. y Pliant fiiy. I 5 mV ; I .cit a garter the yz of "tl,eed nirniow Or Mc- kUbr raa.l- Hei' cut ofl from .mnoim. t be churcn ironi u 14,10 n,, and irlwiimllon hi iU -i.h ..i!.! he nerseverein his -.ra &I1U cm-'-- . - after y- about $75," Urates owns ' h ,.f huiMina. r.nd has not ias nl them. I ).' """" o Of it I'H ilia 4" v" u firnroot ,.t hel eves that it is 10 rrv its own insur- ... ... nor a in Uomt Tort aetoa the same policy. . ' . .i ...... i hu firm nt HenrT 1 weli-uniicr u - ir,a,t fVntre. Now York, at a depth of twiny loei, siruon . .4urini 'Plie water ispr.ngoi wuiiu-i - . .4 .u .r.ifl!i vard and uelud OTBTttOwea vuo , - and the atrem winr.S a largo oui let from lha earth, with tm diminntion Arnlnme It see to be similar to tbelnmoosMIeP. well in Iowa Mu lV'f7 ia the richest Jew in New York, bi.4 figure beingj estimated at $x.0iX).iW). Following him are forty other oiiliit'naires oi the iame race. The Hebrew' capital in the Cotton Ex chMga ii over $6,000,000. and of city reii estate they hold at least $10000y too An estimate ot tne annual trans- iiMmoiof the wholesale trade of New York done by Hebrews puts the figures it $32.000.000. Jalej Verne ii?es at Amiens It was is custom to go to FarU once a month for i day or two unt'rW year ago. when btwt woan?ed by a putnl shot in thu Hf.siill limps, cannot bend ij!ejindii deprived ot all exercise. RjdnvN a good deal. Verue does not pek English. He is a great reader of hf.ih literature, but has to make use bilnnslatioDi. John Willard Young is: the youngest 'sod ot 'he late Brigham Young's first wife. Hi is about forty-three years of 2e and has ten sons and ten daughters, ilesayairs father left an estate wortb about $2,500,000. He willed $22,000 toeiahomof his children. . Brighaoi Toonghasai yet no monument. He buried near what was called 'the Iroolbuse." in Salt Lake City, and bis family have not been able to decide on a fitting design to mark bis grave: James Brown Potter, who has been reposed as being estranged from bis wfe since her adoption of the stage as 'profession, denies the report, and Jthat the relations between tbem tMoost loving and cordial. I be Jwhe adds, "that sho is on tbe stage hrgood. Her father .and mother a,re wiLh ner in England, and she has all Protection (that could be desired, ie likes her work sn wn that T think 'ii Will PeriU&nentlw PAnllnna in it ' I -j suru wuu uar career w i ftonnern poriioo. local rains in ine I WOaiii o,x t lo .i : i . a my business ties me to ray desk berio New York." A . Electric Bitters. known Td 13 becoming so well ipwinii. - - PPur as to .need no &;i0- All who have used PrV A rs 8iniJ the oaZ of ist tod it purer me1icine does not ex "clismii '"ranteed to do.aB that "AfclSnf??1 BiUer8 WiU CUre wili n0f lh Llver and Kidneys. Pam?n?e,. Pimiw. Boils. Salt spbS J Ler Rff(ctins caused by Will drive Malaria W, '. rc,rc Bitters Entire satis t!v .ft61118 ancl S 00 perbot- U,reen & Co.'s Drug Store. 4C,"SUlulli Incurablo? fi,.wartril,WiDe: Mr- C- H- "or AbcV, ' r rrk-" say8: "Was down 9Iaos.Lan and friend8 and aiD.'. v mP.t,VB- Besan Hiking nr mg b now Jr Consump ib:ftlooverlKmy th;,rd bottle, and l5th8r;!lsfe lhe work on mv farm. 1 r ? or Consumption I !M 'en ooiK0' Troubles Store. H Oreen & Co's ruril n.i .atia Prevent as well as Mch? Mlal ftt?ers fr cure of 'i'Mtr. r' 'PH'Pi"" and Indiges- 1 -I VOL. XI. LOCAL NEWS. ' .; IV0EI TO MEW AOVIITISItlCaTS. -Hikes Boot Beer T 8 Paqe De&fne&s Parker Ginger Tonic Knoxrllle Fandtnre Co '': Jas O Nutt Zonwelss J H Dubham Dental Kooms F lIi8cox Core for the best ; J W Harpeb arollni Beach Lawn Pabtx City Hall Fark G v t atkh Country Merchants Dick Ukabes Fresh Invoice W H ALDBRUAK A Co -Now Eextiy Bkinsbekokk's Pianos anl Organs MM KATZ Vew Bargains thU Week Pkop. Lois kite Marvelous Memory Giles & Mukohisox Season's Goods Parkek & Taylor No IUcket Goods ; Fknnell a Daniel lgn of the Horse WE Springer a Co Grain Cradles, 4c LG Liakbarry Does It Pay to Advertise ; For other locals see fourth age. There was a fine electric display last iiight and at midnight there was a promise of rain, but none fell. ' At 12 o' clock to-day the thermometer in this office registered 90 degrees which was about the maximum. They do say that the fish are "biting lite dogs" at the IVcks now. We hear of several parties on the wing for that place this we'ek. The steam tug Monarcli left South port this ruorninig for Washington, N. C. with a si cam dredge and scow to be used at that place. There were a great many visitors at the Sound yesterday and the turn pike was fairly alive with vehicles throughout the day. Our South port correspondent informs us that there is quite a building boom in that town, and that some ot the dwellings are elegant in design. 9 Thero were confirmation services yee- terday afternoon ia St. John's Cnurcb, hen the Bishop administered the rite to one gentleman and two ladies. Dr. J 11. Durham has removed his dental :rooms to No. 114 Princess street, between Front and Second. where he has had the rooms nicely fitted up for bis business. The ladies are earnestly at work to day in making preparations for tbe lawn party which is to be given in the City Hall Park on Wednesday night for tbe benefit of the Wilmington Light In fantry. We understand that an entertain ment in aid of the Wilmington library Association is in projection for a date not yet made public It will consist of a representation in the Opera House and a lawn party in front at the same time. The Acme Manufacturing Company of this citr bare received an order from Hon. Theo. D. Jewey. Collector of tbe Fort of Charleston , S. C , and Custo dian of Public Building, for 120 yards of mat tin 2 (or the floor of the, United States Court Room of that city. The cotton bloom business has play ed out and we come to the front with a report of tw. cotton bolls, positively the first of the season, which were received by, a gentleman here this morning. They came from South Carolina and represented an average of a field of 100 acres. Indication For North Carolina, fair weather in perature. Personal JMr. E. P. Boatwrigbt has gone on a visit to Virginia. Miss Belle Anderson 13 acting as the organist at St. John's Church during bis absence. Mrs. M..E Cushing has accepted tbe position of organist of the First Baptist Church Choir. ... Mr. R. K. Bryan, of Scott's Hill, re cently ofhe Hickory Iress was in the city yesterday as the guest of Col. B. R. Moore. Mr. W. E. Springer has returned to the city from a visit to tbe Northern markets ' where he has been for the purchase of goods. Mr. J. G Barienline. after an ab sence of several days, returned i to tbe city this morning. While absent be has visited Jacksonyil'e, Fla., and 'several other cities and has highly enjoyed his trip. - Dr. S D.Brooks, of the U- S. Ma rine Hospital Service, arrived in this city last night to take charge of tbe Marine Hospital here, to supply the place made vacant by the removal of Dr. C. T. Peckbaro, who has been ordered to Memphis. Tenn.. for duty. Dr. Brooks was. last stationed at Evans ville. Ind.. lrom which place be came to this "city. yft-'- ' . WTLMINGTON N. C, MONDAY. JULY 11. 1887 Music at tli Park. The Lawn Party to be given in the City Hall Park on Wednesday night wili be enlivened by music by tbe Cor neec Concert Club, who will play a number of their best pieces on tbt oc casion. The next day the band will give an excursion to Waccarnaw Lake and we hope that there will be a great many to hear them at the Park and to accompany them to tbe Lake. Military I he Hornet's Nest Ki lie men. of Charlotte, will arrive in thi city on to morrow nieht's train fiver the Carolina Central Railroad, and will leave on the midnight train on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, for Goldsboro en route for the military encampment, at Morehead City Two members of the company were here a day or two since niakiug arrangements tor their accom luodaliou during their stay of a tew hours in the city. Keward ot Merit, At the last regular meeting of Howard Relief Fire Engine Company No 1, a handsome and appropriate gold iu'dal was presented lo Stephen Jones, colored, the driver of tbe hose reel, for eight years faithful and continuous service with the company. -The pre seutation was made by . the President of the company. Mr. J. G. Oldenbuttul. in a neat and appropriate speech, and it is needless to say that Jones is proud of the testimonial. At St. James' Yesterday.. Rev. F. A. DeRosset. Rector oi Trinity Church. Natchez. Miss., who is here on a visit to bis father. Dr. A J. DeRosset, preached yesterday morn ing in St. James' Church an eloquent and effective sermon from tbe text, (Matthew 548): Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Mr. DeRosset is a native ol Wilmington and was bap tized and confirmed in St. James' Church and these facts were feelingly alluded to in his sermon, which was heard with much interest by the large congregation present. Literary. "Aphorisms of tbe Three Threes" is the title of a little volume, now in its second edition which we have received from tbe publishers. Messrs Chas. 11. Kerr & Co. ot Chicago, through. Mr. C W. Yates of this city. It is edited by Edward Owens Towne. The Three Threes is a social club of nine Chicago gentlemen, who dine together at stated intervals in a down town restaurant. Meeting every ninth night after the first night of each and every of the nine months following the ninth month of the ye r. and sealed in threes at three three-legged tables, these nine wise men of Cnicago spend the evening in discussion. The drops which distil from their lips Mr. Towne has canght in his little book, to the number of one hundred and sixty two. Death of Air. Latimer Capt. Henry Savage received a tele gram from Asheviilo this forenoon which conveyed the sorrowful informa tion of the death of Mr. Herbert R Latimer at that place, at 1 o'clock this morning. Although his death had been almost hourly expected tor several weeks, and it had been painfully ap parent that his decease was-menly a question of days, hours or minutes yet the ad announcement was a shot k to all. 11 had been an invalid mon than 12 months, with a diease. which bad baiUdJ tbe best medical skill and the most devoted and untiring nursing. Changeofair, change of climate and change of scenery bad been unavailing ly resorted to. but the fell disease in sidiously and certainly did its. fatal work. Mr. L-itimer was a young man only 2fi vear ot aee with an abundant for- turn, a loving and devoted wife, two charming children abd a host of rela. ttyes and friends to make life full of hope promise and usefulness. He was a genial, kindly hearted com pan ion, the soul of integrity, of knightly honor, whose heart and band were ever unostentatiously open lo the cry ot distress aud whose hold upon human Iriendsnip was as extensive as his act quaintance. He was beloved by all wbokne him and the distressing news of his unlimeiv end will carry sorrowJ and grief to many a loving heart. His remains will reach here on Wednesday morning and the obsequies will be held at 6 o'clock on Wedresdav evening at St. Jamea Church Go to Sol. Bear's and bny a Gossa mer and some elegant ; Bath Towels, then goto Carolina Beach andr-take a 1 surf bath. - t City Court. Tberewas quite a formidable docket for the Mayor's consideration this morning-, which was disposed of as follows:. Gustav Karleson. a deserter from tbe Nor. barque Ar&o, was arrested for bathing within ihe city limits, after having been warned riot to It was through this arrest that ihe fact of his desertion became known, rie was fined $5 for the offense, which was paid by tbe captain of Ihe A rqo, who took the deserter back to the vessel, wherehe will probably be kept in confinement until the vessel is ready for sea. H. Oi Rusk in, for cursing on the streHtsfand abusing the i flicr who (-arrested him, was required to pay a fine of $25 or go below for-30 days The defendant plead earnestly for a re mission of tbe fine, promising to leave the city at once as an inducement, but the Mayor was properly inexorable, and he now languishes in a "dungeon cell." George Lewis, a colored boy, was found aslfeep under a school house His excuse was that be had been fifh ing and had caught no fish and was afraid to go home. Ten days in the city prison. . Bunnie Shaw, a little colored vaga bond who has been frequently arrested, was found a3ieep in a vacant lot. Ten days in the city prison Susan Ann Jones, colored, for havirg in her possession two unlicensed dogs, both of which were of Ihe feminine per suasion, was required to pay a fine of $5, of which amount $2 would be re mitted when she should obtain the necessary license. One case of disorderly conduct was continued. Carolina Beach. Keep coo land re member that the headquarters for batht ing suits is at the Wilmington bhirt factory. Suits made toorder. Ladies' a specialty. J. rULSBArn, rrop., a Market street. tf. AlAKtUED. GRAN T HO WL AN n in this city. June 29th, 18o7, at Firth street M. E. Church, by Rev. D. H. Tuttle, Mr. JOHN E. GKANT and Hiss EfFlfS HOWLAND. MEMORIAL. Mrs Jessie Olivia Craig, daughter of Mr. P. S.F. Bruce ard Mrs fc G. Bruce, was born Feb. 24th, It 06. fche mined the Presbyterian Church in April, 1880, was man led to Mr. John II. Craljr, Dec iHh, J8S3, was taken seriously ill in January last,, and after a raln ful illness of six months, died at her home In Elberton, tia., July 5th. 1?87, st 9..5 o'clock, a m , aged 21 years, 4 months and 11 days. With sad heart, but with Christian reslgna ti n, tie husband bows to the decree of Heav en that calls away his young wile In the bloom of womanhood, buoyaat with ho, e and bright with piomise. Grievous teems the calamity tht takes away from his besom a cbeery, loved and loving companion. With bleeding hearts the father and mother bid farewell to thei-only daughter, whoee merry, ringing voice made their home vocal with song. The elastic step that tripped & lightly in their home, has bounded tnrouh the i early gate; and th -.voice that rang out so merrily nere, now swells tbe anthems of praise with tlte bloodwashed throng. A trua and hopeful Christian, she did not fear death, but talked about it calmly and peacefully, '-readicg her tile clear to a man sion in the sky " a few weeks aga she pass ed a sleepless night and sag "The tareac Physician." her favorite song, almost all night, improvising where she did not rcmem ber the words; and told ner mother in the morning that the doctors could not relieve her, and that she trusted In the Great Physi cian The btesced Jesus, swee est name on mortal tongue and swecte t carol ever sunar " As sue consciously approached the dread hour, 6he sarg Nearer my God to Thee." She had de ightful reveries of Heaven, and thlnktag of the lo ed ones to follow, "Gath ering at tue Beautiful Klver" gaye appro priate expression to her feelings, and bid ding the dear ones mec her la Heaven, she fell asleep in Jesua, with no troubled dreams, no torturing pains to break the eternal rest Elberton, (Ga ) Leader. DIED. LATJMER At AshevllK N. C. July 11th, in the v7tn tear ot his age, Hfe.toJJfc.tiT Li 'Jlftti. Funeral from t JameV Church. Wt dues-: day, Jury t3tb,at Co'ciotk. p. m. friend and acquaintances o the fa illy r; Invl;eu t at teud NEW AOVElCriSEUENTS. r Dental Rooms. I HAVE MOVED MV DENTAL ROOMS to Between front and Sccou J, on ?ouih side, julylf 1m J. H.jUJRHAM. Carolina Beach. fjHE .PASSPORT WI.i, LEAVE FOR CAROLINA BSA H every weekday ft fl ml 3. Train re uri log leaves at I and 6 Ontun da j s leave t 2 ; J rain back 1 6 J . v JIAUPER. julylltfnae General Manager. Conntry Merchants. TE At HERS WILL SAVE MONEY by sending their or cr f r School 15oks, Pa pers. Envelopes, Pens. Ink, Blank Books and all kinds of Statloncy direct to us Pilcea low esough to tult the ekn ejt bujer C W. TATX8, July 1 'Wholeaale and ReUfl Stationer NO 163 N EW ADVE RT I S EM KJffs Grain Cradles, Grass Blades and Snaths, JTAWN J40WJ-RS, Ac. " Full stock, at bottom rr!cea. W. K. SPUIGKR & CO., nly 11 19. 22 23 Market it. - - - Season's Goods, fEFtilGERATOB. ICfe CREAM FRKK- zcrs, Water Coolers. Fly 'fans. Fly Traps, Ac , &c: All at the lowest prices call ana examine tbe goods n t the prices. Glues A MUKCHISON. jaly 11 Now Ready. I7K HAVE HEMOVED FROM THE OLl yw st md and are now read r to wait on allb win fav vr us with a call at our New etore. 14 North Kront st. Ilard-vare. , otoves an 1 lloutc i'umishhjjj Goods at low prices W. H. ALOfillltf A . A CO., ju'ylld&w lt4 N Front St Wo Racket Goods. "ysK KEEP TIIK EES T AISJKMP OY the hest of Workmen. If you need a nood C- ok -tove wc can suppiy you at a low fi ; ure. Fumps, Toilet Pets. Cash Bjxee, Light ning Ro s, Tubs, 1 in ware. f AKKER A TAYLOK. PlRK WHITK till, iuiy U Knoxviile Furniture Co. yE ARE HERE YET, WITH THE finest and cheapest Furniture and other house hold goods to be found In the city. vi e are receiving new goods daily from th3 Factory. Al o a full line of Ksby Carriages jiiiy 11 K. H: oKEED. Manager FRESH INVOICE tF Hosiery and Underwear, At DICK A ME ARES'- Gentlemen's Furnishing Houc. iuly 11 12 N. Front at Zonweiss gOMETHING NEW FOR THE TEETH. JAS. D. MUTl'S, the Druggist, jiUy 11 218 N. Front St. Sign of tlie Horse. WE HAVE NOW THE NEATEST, strorgest. cheapest and largest stock of Harness and Saddlery Goods ever before ebown in the city. One case of genuine army Saddles just received. TrunkB, Satchclsand repairing a specialty. FENNELL & DANIEL. Hofse Ml liners, iuly 11 10S. Frontst HIRES' Root Bepr. IMPROVED Package 25 cents, makes 5 gallons of a dell clous, sparkling, tempt ranee beverage. Strengthens and purifies the blood. Its purity and delicacy commend It to all Sold by all druggists and storekeepers. june 13 DJ A T?ri?ttC Its causes, and a new "Al! 11 EiOO and successful CUBE at yonrown home, by one ho wa deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists without benefit. Cured himself In three months, and since then bun dreds of others. Full particulars sent on ap plication. T. S. PAGE. No 41 West 31st St . New York City. junel3 4w CURE for the DEAF Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums PERFECTLY RESTORE THE HEARING, no matter whether deafness is caused by colds, fevers, or injuries to the natural drums. Al ways in position, but invisible to others and comfortable to wear. Music. .onver6ation, even whispers heard distinctly. We refer to ihoee using hem. Send for illustrated book of proofs free. Address F HISCOX, 849 Broadway. NY. june 13 the f!est Cure for Coughs, Weak Lungs, Asthma, Ind petition, Inward Pains, Exhaustion. Comoiniiurthe mot ral uable medicines with JaniaciaOinger, it exertMi cur. five power over disease unknown to other icmedie IVeak Lungs, libeurnatism. Female- Complaints, and tt listressin (fills of theStoiaach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowe tredratrjnn thousands to the tn-ave who would recori heir health uy the timely use of Takkku's Gikgkb Toxi tisnewitfeand rtrenirth to the aifed. 60c. at Lru ists, Uiscox & Co., 163 WiUiam Street, N. Y. MARVELOUS nn M DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike arttflclal systems. Any book learned in one reading Rccommemlcd by MaTk Twan. Richard Proctor, the Sclentl t. Hons. W. W. Astor, Judah F. Benjamin, Dr. Minor. Ac Class ot lcoc lumbla Law etideits; two classes of 200 each at Yale; 4' at University of Pcnn Ph la . and 40 j at Wclleslev Col!ce. Ac . and enraced at chautannua University. Pros pectus post free from Jf tlOF. IXitSETTB. july ! 4w 237 Fifth Ave., New York. For Sale BlULDlNG LOTS In deslrsble l-calUIes. tituitei on Cas lc. harch. nn, nn. Orange. Jock, Princess, fllulberry, watu. Bed cross Front, i hlrd. Fourth, FIithMxlb, 8vent, Wilson, ELrbtli Ninth Ten.h fnar loittf. rletenth, 'iwelftC and lhlrteentb sts.; also tn tie and lota for sale on the instal ment .plan. Money leaned on satlsfacmrj terms to hose vlfrhtng u hnl'd. Apply to july2w - JAMES WlLfcOh. Sash. Sash. Sash. -o- Paints. Varnishes Oils, - -. r- - MouldiDg and Builder's r Hardware. . RIlST GOODS AT LOWEST P ICES. . - JACOBIN U DW. DEPOT. ; row BUI? Wawnjbwflsd to rtealvs eoaiaiaaicaUf ' troa onr friandj oxraay .ad all sawsei . -gaasrs Interest hni Thm oau of taa wnur out always os ' atsaWi to th Editor. ; ,""i".'"-v.t OovmonloadOBBBittst bs wmtaa" o one side of tna papes. --r 1 PkrsonaHtloa nnst b avoldso ; Antf It is ospoclally snd'partlenUtly un tood that ta Editor dos aoi always aadM the views of correspondents Qalsv u ti tn the editorial olnmns. NKW ADVEItTlSBMEVTB. Cash House. I.I.E 116 fwlarket Qu9 WEW BARGAINS . , JTtJIS WEEK. A large variety different styles DRESS GOODS 5c per yard. v 30-Inch BATISE, 8c per yard. Best DHKSS GINGHAMS, 8c per yd. Good SATEENS, worth U5c for 1 - S i. WHITE GOODS, 8. lO, la. ID . and 18c per yard. LINEN TOWELS from lOc up. TABLE DAMASKS from U5c up. PABASOLS Sateens, from 40c up. A LPACA from 50c up. REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES - . and a large LINE OF LACES.which we have not bad room to far this season. At Very Low. Prices,' . GAUSE MERINO UNDERWEAR, besides a full assortment of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. - GLOVES. MITTS. HOSIERY, CORSETS.ROBES. & FLOUNCING8 At prices that will please everybody.? M. M. KatzV if 6 Market Street. T Does it Pay to Advestise?, OF COURSE IT DOES. JN ADDITION TO THE HANDSOMEST line of China, Glass, Queens ware, Lamps, Ac, which has ever been offered to the trade, I have Inst received a larsre and fine luort ; mnt of Wood and Willow Ware, ron&tailmr ' In part of fine Juniper Water and Paver M ache rang, xuoh, uowis, fttgar and Fiour Urns. Baskets of all kinds. Door Mats, Scrub and Blacking Brushes, and tho best quahty ol ' Brooms ever offered here. Call and examine. L. C L1NEBKURT, No. 117 South Fronttit iulv 11 Pianos & Organc. GRAND SUMMER SALE. -5. o ,l- FOR JUNE, JULY. AUGUST ANO. SEPTEMBER. v HOT MOSTI,S AUAD.FUEN MOST business houfes wilt down and rive nn all idea of trade. But we are not BUiLT that vit. Hence we offer dnrina the hot Summer month our vTy REST BARGAINS, and GREATEST INDUCEMENTS, with the reanltof rolilns: op TREMENDOUS SUM naR MALES. For this season we have 1,U0 Pianos sad Organs to c'ose ont by octotier 1st. Cash is scarce, and wc won't talk about it at aJL The Irulucemonts we offer and with which we shall carlurc bujers are: First, the Very Iwest Prices in the IL H. ; and tecond. OU& WONDERr.ULLY K4ST TERMS. See! PIANOS. 5 to !0 MCBthlT. ORGAN-, a to f 3 31onthJy.. This means that wc offer a I stj les of Vtsr Piauos, coatleg from tSM to $440. on payments of only f 25 cash and $10 Monthly thereafter, and very desirable Pianos (not new) worth from to tISJ, for from $10 to $-5 Cash and $5 Monthly. - t ... "-j - Alio New Orsan?, on payments of $168 1 $ Monthly until paid for. ; - ;,- , ; LUDDEN A BATES, bontbern Moalc llocsc. "' r. HKINSBERQEV, Soto Agent for Wlbaaingtoo . jnne Yi gNDAT AFTERNOON ON TBIBU 8T, " btwees Mulberry and Red Cross, part of a Gold Chain with Gold Cross attached. Finder . will be rewardet by leaving It at Mr. H uggln'i Jewelry tore - jane t7 Dog Collars. . Iarce assortmenf jost ' received. - Can buy a nice collar t roia' " 25 cents np, at Jacoei's Ildtr. Dcpctt.