, .vanaig. Sunday" ax oepted by . , JOSH POSTAGE PAID: Vft; e month, 3JS cents. .rvcredby carriers free OffTir Pn cf the city, attbeebov. . ncr etc. . :u i. - , ym i . rurK I - l-V- t!!5 report aur Tttdr paper regularly. nn(cdhnt thrre arc mor in Won with ' ,ti eioh t 1ve in. 'e . ' M.vhiry - f a New York fCl -eacber receivers Jr Lnnprfsv been laidy two .".,1,"Viii..h-rbi,.L University. ' it beat the world' 3Tfl,T;U.kickiuu'. having succeed .'V'.'h uiark at the uoprece-I'rXnl0!lMe-t34 inches. The "pd'asiMO has ilimiuishcdvr lato years. .imB Binders .n. the American I iU . i,.,..H.k sounds much t r.iB mo mal library. at Copeu eiii: Jt;t'" ,l - - II -ui of hi sixty days' . .1 m imnnrtinl it-rsry work ..... f.i" imem:e n u . punt ' among tne Tl-Uc Willi"' t:i N Cn veland. the isjliBi!: Forestpott. is a Presby rian Preiser that rreache at mree tf.rcut ennrches. alternating betwecu hem and preaching ttn-e times every ihbatb--HischarSM are six mne? part. rh;rtv,fatreiundretJ crates of iorua- ?s 'rom thesfeaninr City'of Augusta's 1 Lreooffi.iW packages of Savannah nnlen truck" ero sent outside ol w York harbor last week and dump- j into the ea. Alerting ni weaioer rat hor ripe condition made them not orlhthe co.t of freight. - ... j The New York ConimtarciKl Adyer r cw.w.s io nave oiuciai . ugures .injr that the membership of ihe nihifot Labor hai fallen off from UW.OOOto less than 600 000 in the last jortefii months, while the Americriu i'eikstion ol Labor, organized by tne iifeuni- n nt Cilr4mbns. O.. lasi I)e- rtaiyr. already claims a memoersnip LjjiiO.fiOO. more than a third i of. these JTingcme out frrm the Knights. . Ocn. (Jrant once said to Harry Wat ins. the actor, on. the occasion of his m visit to Charleston, S. C; arter the kar.tbathe found ho could always nternizc with the men who bad done ae fighting, but he could not always et along with those who had nut gone o the field of battle, and who since the kar were inclined to be very demon tr&tiva in their t.Vk 0;d soldiers." be added, "always respect each other. though formerly antagonists, . and loon can understand each other." ' The fortress of Gibraltar 13 declared o be no longer impregnable The raiament of the famous stronghold ponsts almost entirely ot old time sooth-bore guns. There is not a shell 2n or a machine gun or quicji firing of any kind on the roctr-and only o torpedo boats of questionable value -r water service Any ironclad could :noct th.. face of tbe rock to pieces Mhout receiving a shot in. return, so irtho fortress is concerned. J0U are conuwnttlntinir ft. trin to exieo. fays the correspondent of the Times, the Sooner vou make "it better. Everything u in a transit 30 Kate. Old th'-ngs are fast pass 3?way. and not onlv the ancient wdmarks but customs and traditions fbichgive tho count rv ita trpfttpst , - i t - paarnj arad 28 mornnS 6iiu. This is 1 eaneciallv potice&blein picturesque costumes wiJ,wQicn are last being ais- arded fnr a L- .... American rasnions. feale8t a:riUco tu UlotUUiff er Khowu tn WilinluKton. r Shrier. l?sipini tn oifoVint IZ3 ?llar s wortQ of clothing, genu' ! rfk Ot It. Will eoll us-' garaiess of cost. The real cost or ac- ,tae f lb3 KOoda wiU have noth- .k: . T j Wllh he low prices: his main riSt.0 open up .q tbe larKCand !of l.n(neot lhe lar-est and finest stocks ft Jl. 1 be sla'J2htered off Read a iQiu pSlRshlnS Prices in children's tl50w rSl Wrlh S225' for ii $3; a very handsome suit iil' orln-$- On suits the price fnrni KredQCed 5- 8 and S10; in e;pfs,525and33perceut. bug K. lu,s l uo sensational hum ait , r Don,t 111188 lhe opporiu- known t J' S Daream ol the well wni.Sbner, U4 Market at. t r 1 1 VOL. XL W The Ohio Democrats had a very harH N monious eonvention yesterday. Thos E. PowelLwa' nomlnatfd for Governor add I). G. . Coleman for Lieutenant Governor. ' The platform strongly en dorses ClevelandVadministration. . . J3ouft Kxperimon . You cannot afford to waste time in experiment!:? when your lungs are in danger. : Consumption always seeraf, at first, only a cld. Do not permit anv dealer lo impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr King's Nw Dis eovery lor, Consumption, Coughs and U jidR, but be.Bure you get the genuine. tsecaufto c&a. maki -more prht he may tell you be has something: iusi as gocjd, or just the same. ' Don't be de chived.". but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which i' guar auteed to give reliei in all Throat Lung and "Chest affections. Trial bot tle free at W. H.Green & Co.'s. Large bottles $! A Sound Le-al Opinion. E. Bainbridge Munday, Esq . County Ally.. C!ay couoty, Tex. says : '"Have used E'ectric Bitters with mo t iiappv results. My brother also wa3 very low with Malarial Fever aud Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this tuedi cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved nis life." . Mr. D I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave. Ky.t r.dds a ljke testimony, saying ; He positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bit ters The great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and lor all Kidney. Liver and Sfomach Dis orders stands unequaled. Price 50c. and $Vat W. H. Green & Co 's LOCAL NEWS. . INDEX TO HEW ARVESTISEMEMTX. W K Worth & Co Ice Ciiaklks D Jacobs Notice C W V ATE8 Country Merchants J W" Harper m -uuday Morning. Heinsberger's For tlie t?ot Season Dick & Meajres CJose at l o'clock to mor row Bishop Watson will hold services at Lebanon Chapel, Wrigutsville Sound, on Sunday, next. The hotels at Southport are over crowded with guests, the most 1 1 whom are boarders for the season. Tbe steamer TjOtiise made the run from Smithville tb;s morning, including four stops, in 2 hours. Quick work. Go to Sol. Bear's and buy a Gbssa merand some elegant Bath Towels, then goto Carolina Beach and take a surf bath. t Owing to the extremely low stage ot water in the Cope Fear, no steamers arrived from, or cleared for, Fayette ville to-day. There will be an open air concert and lawn party at thoQtty Hall Park next Wednesday night, given by the Cornet. Concert Club. Some of those who own hogsrare very careful to haye them snugly pen' nsd during the day, but turn them on at night to act as scavengers for tbe streets. The Signal office affords very poor consolation this weather. '"'Stationary temperature," has been indicated for so many days that it has become monoton ous and tiresome. The dulcet tones ot Guy Wright's "tootinette" were inviting our people this afternoon to "Listen to tho mock ing bird." while two colored boys were furnishing a drum accompaniment. Tbe third and last gamo of base ball between the Henderson and Wilmjng ton nines is being played at tho Seaside Grounds this afternoon, and had uot been concluded at tho time of our going to press. - Messrs. W. E. Worth & Co., propri etors of the Wilmington Ice Factory, have opened an ice house on Dock street, between Front and Water, where they are now prepared to fill all orders ' Some of the ladies, who wished to do a little shopping, had a walk for noth ing this afternoon, as they failed to bear in mind that to-day is Friday and that the stores were closed at 1 o'clock We venture the assertion that they will not make a similar mistake next Friday afternoon. Cotton tr Has it been of any ad van taira to the' farming interest ot-the State?" This important Question wil be ably discussed at the Grange En campment & Farmers Institute in the morfth of August, at Mount Holly, by James T. LeGrand. Esq.. farmer and lawyer, of the Pee Dee section. V Where can I go to buy what I want?" "What do you want? Well, whatever you'want. whether Matting. Towels.. Trunks. Gossamers, Ilajn- mocks. Straw Hats or Summer Cloth inz. vou can save money to boy ai SoL Bear'a." . 1 . t . .Daili fLMINGTON N. C, FRIDAY. JULY 22. 1887 Ciiy Court. The first case for the Mayor's consid eratiou this morning was for disorder ly eonduct. in which the defendant sub mitted and judgment was suspended. Violet Hicks, colored, for keeping an unlicensed day. was required to pay a fine of $3,witb the understanding thai $1 would be reoii ted . upon her pro- curing the necessary licence. Antonio Mario, charged with va grancy and begging jjpon the streets. was sent below for teudays. He could speak neither English nor French, but claimed to be an Arab, ad was dress ed in th costume of tnat raee. Serious Accident. Mr. J. W. Westbrook, who lives at Wrightsville, had the misfortune yes - turday alternooa to meet with quite a seri- us accident. He was riding on-the turnpike in a buggy, with Miss Kale iteston. of this city, and when near the 'dam" the hotse took fright and ran away, throwing both parties out of the carnage. Miss f.eston, fortunately, escaped without harm while Mr. West brook sustained several severe injuries "on hi-i head and body from which ho uflered intense pain. Medical assis tance was soon present and the sufferer was made as comfortable as possible He was resting easily at 1 o'clock this afternoon, and the prospects are that ho will speedily recover. City and Country. It is an undeniable fact that the number of visitors to our city this SiHson has been greater than in any preceding year for a corresponding lime This is partly owing to tbe new attraction iff Carolina Beach and partly to the fact that the pleasures our city r t tan afford have become more generally known. It is now well known tha Wilmington is much cooler than the surrounding country; and tho old fogy idea, which for many years obtained, that our city was fearfully hot and un comfortable, has been effectually ex ploded. Several hundreds ot ex cursionists have visited the city within the past two weeks, and aeveral hundred more will arrive with in the next ten days. Those who have been here have been delighted with their visit; all have spent more or less money with our merchants, boarding house keepers, hotel keepers and livery stable men. and we have profiled by them, and at the same time faave had the satisfaction of knowing that the city has proven an attractive place for tbe visitors. Thus new acquaintances have been formed and a spirit of friend ship established between city and country which wifl prove'of lasting and mutual benefit. Literary. &:ribicrs Magazine, for August, bus ben rcceiv d. and its contents are un usually entertaining and attractive 'The Unpublished Letters of Thacke ray" are continued, with illustrations. The other continued papers are, "A Girl's Life Eighty Years Ago." ovith portraits and illustrations, and Seta's Brother's Wile" "The P.cturesque Quality of Holland." by George Hitch cock, is an interesting paper, as is also. "The Instability of the Atmos phere," by N. S. Shaler. The other prose articles are "The Lost Hem brandt," by T. II Sullivan; "A Peril ous Incoguito,"' by II H. Boyeson; "The Revival of Handiccaft." bv John F Weir; "Realism ami the Art of Fiction." by Arlo Batcf, and "Father Acacio's Little Game." by Lizzie Cbampney. Io poetry we have "Disillusion," by Mary W. Plum uicr; 'The Burden ol Time," by Charles Latin Hilbreth; "Midsummer Noon." by Charles Ed win Markham; A Song of Life," by May bury Fleming; "What Word." by Edith M. Thomas, and "Compensa- twiu." by Graham R. Tom son. Ail of the articles are of a high order of merit, and make Scribticr's Mayazint one of i i mo very nesi penouicais in the conn- try. Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, at S3 per annum or 25 cants a number. 1'ernouai We are glad to learn that Col. Al fred Rowlaud is now rapidly improving in health. air. John I), Bellamy. Jr., with his family, has gone to Granville county, on a visit to Mrs. Bellamy's relatives. Mr. H Cronenberg. lhe photograph er, with his wife, will leave on to-morrow night's train for Columbia. S. C, and will be absent several days; Mr II. W. McLaurin, a native WiU mingtonian. who has ben away for several years, h,aa returned here and wili aStn locat on the old sand hills. Ourclever young friend. Mr Charles D. Jamb.-baa purchased the family nf c.(, . grocery, corner oi beventn and Orange streets, recently occupied by Mr. dohn H. Hanby. and ; will , hereaiter keep a stock of new and fresh goods, which will be sold at low prices. On to Conway. The Wilmington. Chadbourn & Con way R. R. is rapidly pushing its way on towards Conway. It is now con structed 12 miles South of Loris. all ot which has been built since last Spring Conway is still'about 8 miles distant nnd the road wil' surely reach that town next Winter, by Ubristmas Day at tbe latest Criminal Court. The following have been the proceed ings before this tribunal tosday: . State vs. Lewis Whiting, larceny. Edward Hayes called and failed. Judgr. ment nisi. State vs- Mary Williamson, selling liquor on Sunday .Defendant submit ted. Judgment suspended upon pay ment ot costs. - The Heat. John King, colored, living on Church street, between Front and Surry, was overpowered by tbe heat at the Caro Una Central Railroad depot at about noon to-day, and had to be conveyed home. Capt. T. J. Southerland lost a valu able horse yesterday from the effects of last driving and the ex reme heat. The Carolina. A new and handsome barge, with a seating capacity for 159 persons. ha been built and placed on the river to convey passengers to Carolina Beach. This has been necessitated in order to accommodate the constantly increasing travel to that popular resort. The barge as bailt at Capt. Skinner's yard and has been named Carolina. She will be u.ed on Monday next for the first time. Fatal Accident. Mr. Biggs, trestle master on the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railrcai, was killed on ; Wednesday night, near Nichols, S. C, under dis tressing circumstances. As the mail and passenger train passed the station on the night in question tbe engineer saw a white object lying on tbe track, but it was impossible to stop the train in season to prevent passing over it. The train was stopped as quickly as possible, when the engineer ran back and found the bodjrnf Mr. Biggs in a fearfully mutilated condition It is supposed that Mr. Biggs, who is a young man and had the confidence of the railroad officials, after eating his supper, left his shanty car and sat down on the track to gel cool and that he fell asicep while thu3 enjoying the pleasant evening breeze, and thus met his death. . , , m . ! Carolina Beach. Keep coo land re member that the headquarters for batbt ing suits is at the Wilmington Shirt factory. Suits made to order. Laiies a specialty. J. Elsbach, Prop., 27 Market street. tf. Indication. For North Carolina, local rains and stationary temperature. The Great Tortilita Mines. - From New York Tribune May 21). '87 Ex-Governor Rodmau M. Price, ol New Jersey, the Ca'ilornia pioneer for whom the Legislature of that .State re cently appropriated $50 000 to erect a monument in re ognition of his public services, is in town. As a Lieutenant of tbe Navv. Governor Price took pos session of California in the uaine ot tbe United Slates. He has long beeu iden tified with the interests ol lhe Pacific slope. Asked his opinion of tho Tor tilita Mines in Arizoua, whose offices are at 57 Bioadway, this city, aud who.se shares are about to be listed, and are. attracting much attentiou. Gov ernor Price said: "I am familiar with tbe country in which the Tortili tas are located. They arelh the central and best part of the territory aud in an eoormously rich mining distric. The company ban twelve mires and owns a territory three miles long, with over 250 acrts of ricn ore deposits. The Tortilitas have already produced over 150.000 in bullion. I exxect to see a secona Virginia City established there and another Comstock in the cesults of tbe mines. The value of the Tortilitas is demonstrated ny the concentration of the ore below the water level in tbe two mines which are now being work ed, which is the absolute test ol per manency. They have a vein of ore al ready exposed 42 feet wide that assays $50 per tou, .and the supply is ioex hausttble. "Aui I atqoua ed wilb the management?" Ye.-. It is coin posed of reliable, competent business men; of the highest standing. The trsidnt U Mr. Josepb H.? ReaU, prei"nt of the . American Agricultural and Dairy Association, with whom I was for many months idntiQ dja pa-sage ..riKa Malmnal f I onm rr ri ft Wi and tbe vice preiont I Geo i J.,r oa King, ot Louisiana, a distinguished NO 173 ! officer in the. late war. and for nin - sessions, eight years, a member of Congress , The superintendent of the i- t -c . ... nn u . mines. 1) 1. L more, upon whom itQuch devolves, is nd..rcd by Senator j Sawyer, of Wisconsin, as one of t&e i b 9t mining men in America,' and of absolute integritv and capacity. There is a great future for this enterprise, in my judgment. I regard the Tortilitas as one t f the best propprties -ver plac ed on the New York market and expe rienced operators and mining men co incide in my opinion; I to rsee great acivity in tnmingjuoek this summer. Paint and Varnish. Best in city at Jacobi s. and at lower prices than you can buy elsewhere r f NEW AI VEKTISEM ENTS. Ice. Ice. Ice. IIA.VJB OPENED AN ICE HOUSE oa Dock, between Frot and waterStreets, where w will carry a STO&K Of- IGE, and any orders will have prompt Attention. ' iuly v2 It W M. E WORTH Jb CO. Notice. AVING BOUGHT TJHE i-TOCK OF H Groceries ani ood will of Mr John If. Han by, corner of Orafge and Seventh streetp, I am prepared to f urn!sh customers with fresh aud chejp goods. I shall carry a small stcc and replenish weekly, thus ensuring fresh goods for my customers julyL22t CHAKLES D. JACOBS. 0 a Suuday Morniu STEAMER LOUISE WIL.L. LEAVE FOR CAROLINA BSACII at 9.80 o'clock. Train foi Louise will leave Beach at 5 o'c k PASSPORT will leave at 2 o'clock as usual J. W. HARPER, july2l Gen'l Manager Shirts to Measure. C ITY REFERENCE FURNISHED. DICK & MEARES. Gentlemen's Furnishing Houe. july lft 12 N. Front Rt Fine Blooded Horses for Sale CAR LOAD OF FINE HORSES J ST arrived from Western North Carolina. Among them thrca pairs of fine driving horses, "one pair heavy draft harses . All well broken and good single drivers. Can be teen at Sou'h- crland's stablea. july 20 2t JOE H. STOCKTON. AND FANCY GOODS. AT- (IQiss E. Karrer's, No. 117 Front Street, Last Auction sale takes place Wednesdajjr, July 20th, Private sales continue through' the week. Saturday the last day to secure bargains. Lines, Crape, Ribbons, &c, below cost. ' Respectfully, july 20 E. KARRER. Royal St. John Machines at factory prices. Sign of the Horse. WE HAVE NOW THE NEATEST, strongest, cheapest and largest stock of Harness and Saddlery Goods ever before shown in the c!iy. One case of genuine army Saddles just received.. TrunkB, Satchels and repairing a specialty. FENNELL & DANIEL, Horse Milliners, iuly 11 103. Front at Knpxville Furniture Co. "yyE ARE HERE YET, WITH THE finest and cheapest Furniture and other house hold goods to be found in the city. We are receiving new goods dally from tin Factory. Ako, a full line of Baby Carriage, july 11 E. H. a NEED. Hanager Dental Rooms. HAVE MOVED MY DENTAL ROOMS to No. 114 Princess St., between Front and Second, on South side, julyllim J.H.DURHAM. No Racket Goods- yiy E KEEP THE BEST. ALSJ KMP. OY tbe beet of Workmen. If you need a good rok -love we can supply vou at a low lis ore.4-1 Tuns pa. Toilet Sets. Cash Boxes, Light ning Ro. a. Tube, Tinware. PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE Vf HITB OIL. july 18 - Douglas & Tfarborough. LjiASIUONABLE HAIR DRESSERS AND BARBERS, K3 Market St. Wilmington. N C. Shop fully equipped with all the latent Im provement" ' ' ' Coarteous and polite barbers always ready w-top- wod be sua to ervo hla old rm W. x aroorougb. lurmerly wlin Jobs roas. , . - j . - leb22 rLZASft nTIC:l'. w t wni b rUd k rsocrrs eomiauCa trom oui muds oa any and an tnbJM rstwzaibatersstbni -j r:r "r :';r Ti amot u wriur i t always M . ; alsbt to s(xUtor. "X ' 3ommunlcaUons must t wrmu ra aft ob tldsof taa papsr. : ; - . - ' . ,. PvrBonalltles mustbs STOldad W And It Is especially sad particularly tood that the Editor dot aot always aadoa , the views of eorreapoadeau u1m so " tats Is the editorial columns. i NKW AOVEUTISEaiENTO. -THE- Bazar JOorset! -O- .,4 . f A Dollar Cbrcdt u- :Cf or; 50c. Selling at reduced prices a fioe stock ' of Hats, Flowers. Feathers, Ribbons, - Trimmings, Mitts, Hosiery, Laces and Underwear at Taylor's Bazar, 118 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. july 19 tf FOR THE HOT SEASON. -O . : . ' rjiHERMOMETERS WHICH TELL HOW hot It is HAMMOCKS which tell you how cool you f can feel ' f SPECTACLES to preserve your eyes In the" hot sun. BASKETS to keep your lunch cool. BOOKS for the millions. READING MATTER for everybody and guaranteed to keep everybody cool. ,.. ' Having returned from my fishing expedition I will now devote the best of my time to make all happy and cool. For the above tor .; call at HEINSBERGER'S. jaly 19 Cash Book and Music Store SPECIALTIES. A PERFECTLY PURE CREAMERY BUTTER, A PERFECTLY PURE ARTICLE OF LARD, AMD A PURE FAMILY FLOUR. The BUTTER is of HIGHEST grade fully flavored, and la received FRESH EVERY1 " WEEK. . . ' ' The LARD Is the celebrated Caasard PURE I ' i . LAUD, equal to any N. C. Lard ever offered. I The FLOUR is tbe celebrated "PAROLE 1 ! ' - D'HONEUR" brand. . I I can GUARANTEE all the above as Per feotly Pure, of Excellent Flavor, and Healthy, and would recommend their uC In every famT ily In the City of Wilmington and vicinity. All orders promptly attended to. '.' Telephone No. 98. Jno. L. Boatwright. july 1G 15 A '17 So. Front Street Always Ready rjlO RECEIVE CUSTOMERS FOR SCHOOL 300KS, BLANK BOOKS, 4 INKS. TENS, PENCILS, WRAPPING PAPER, . GRAIN BAGS. BASEBALL SUPPLIES, PICTURE FRAMES, -HAMMOCKS, CROQUET, Ac, Ac C. W. YATES july 18 Wholesale and Retail Stationer Grain CradlesrGrass Blades L and Snaths, u yAWN MOWERS, Ac. v "J Foil stock at bottom prices. v W. JC SPRINGER A CO., inly 18 . 1. 22, 23 Market St. Season's Goods. tEFRIGERATORS, ICR CREAM FREE- , zcrs, .Water Coolers, Fly Fans, Fly Traps, Ac . Ac. All at the lowest nrle. fiall d . examine tbe goods and tbe prices. - - UlLJta A SlUUCnISON. Sly I. -',f t :For-Sialev;Vi??l. BUILDING LOTS in ileslrabie 'leeall'UMu ' titutled on Castle, Cbnrch. Nod,, Ann, (nrange. Lock. Prlacess, Mul berry. Wsloni, " Red Cross Frost, i hlnJ. Fourth , Fli th. fcixth, Seventh. Wllaon, Eighth. Ninth. Tent b fjtiar lotie, ftJea lb. 'twelfth sod Thirteenth ets. ; sieo houses end law for sale on the Install raent plan; Money Uatted ou saiUfaemry terms to those wishing lo tmllU. Apply to

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