riu wee ccpted by jOSn T. JAMES, ...M-TION'S POSTAGE PAIlfc jco six months. i-Z.06. Three je 'joo- one month. 3S centa. . rts. hc Jc:.7Cre,j by carrier free I5 r4rC.rTny part of tlw rJtv. the above Cr.;-V rste? lor- -n llbcxaL . '"T,..,. rrt rrport any and all fali- r?Cl tvx the p-r regularly. Specific for Liver Dlseasi 3 Hit tor or naa msie i; '''""m".0-w M-ir'.': a thick, yellou- ap of tl.- J-Uiai and eyes; a dry ir?a fvrr le-tle-sT.ess; the urine 13 f v:an l hiffhee d. "d. " allowed to , . " iieiwsiLs a pouiui.t. OjKONS LIVER REGULATOR ' " (pH-LY VEGETABLE) '. lv r-e:l i:i the South to arouso '; ' Vl-iv-r U healthy action. 'J"K-Vih er.i dir.sry efficacy or the riV2R, Sidneys, and Bowels. AM EffECTLR iPtClflC FOR t-.'-ria I'.owt l Complaints, . sit-k Headache, 'tSfcio... UiUousncss. Ki.t .. v Aff"t:-'is. Jaundice, ,i-.i.t;d ; r- iion. Colic. - iLuf 'I Millions cf Bottles "as TBE B?ST F&M5LY MEDICINE fvCUliirrn.f Adults, and for the Aged. ONLY GENUiNE froat of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., rrice, Sl.OO. nov-titeo-l wt l; KtiirJantI is siid to have one cow to eiifiit anil u halt persona, France one cn to three and one-third and Atner icsonccow in o .e and two-thirds per sons. America is ahsad on the c w. It is estimatd that the! amount ol npnpy expended ou new hnildings this ypsr throughout the Union will be more lha: $:00.000 000 while the conveyances m r-a! proport? will aggregate . &200, Orti.WK) A rccert election in Edinburgh, which elicited ton largest number Of To!eJcvi r I'b'ainhd from the citizens of thcSc-'tefi capital on any fjuestion, siiowt d -21 7f3 in tavor of thH people hwiii ; he entire control of the liquor tnffi.-. I 333 against and 1,547 neutral. There are still 2D.000.r00 acres of G vt-rnmi nt laD! in Dakota open In s.'U'.emt'iv. but it is being taken up so last that the whole will be cone within the new three years, it is aid and t he best of it within the next jcar or year and a half. The ancient and famous city of Da maca3, which was a place of impor tance 1,900 vear? B. C. is busy with plans for Invin? railroad lines through thf streets. Street cars in a city said to hava been founded by Abraham would I)? a startling novelty. The place has 120.000 inhabitants. A little nero lad. about seven years old. livirjr near Unioutown, Ga., is said to p jssess a wonderful talent for seizure. He can take lump ot tuud froiu the roadside and with his har.ds f.rui nny aniujal he ever saw. l be proportions being peritct. He re cently made, out of clay, a life size statue ot adr; that astonished every body who sa it biicanse of its extra ordinary fidelity t tiiV-. - There is an ami treating club in Boston composed mainly of members m the St. Botolph Club. The anti heaters are men who are models of Pitality in their owu homes, but wafrown upon the growing Ameri caa habit ot treating, upon any and Suasion. The members bind themselves not to treat one ot their number kr the space of a year, ar.d lhe call themselves 'The United ()r(er Uuie Brothers of St. Botolph." -m .Atnon2 the new Knights Gt thp 'Kumot Houor ol France is Mate urtado Heine. This lady, an liraelite. ,s ihus honored on account of her num erouj charities. She has immensb pvth and lives most luxuriously n e Rue Monceau in winter and at the chateau ot Uoguen Court, near Ver iiies. m suiuoier. Her salon and unday receptions nre celebratud ShH mke3 no distinctions of political shad es9, gives her kindest and best wel ae to artists and literary stars, and DearW all her lite is benevolently de u the capable direction and ntenanc of many hospitals and mes built and endowed entirely by efse11- Jean Beraud the realistic nterrf Court scenes, is another J 'he new chevaliers. j) "sCilars. Large assortment just C(-ved. Can buy a nice collar from ceDta up. at Jacobi's Hdw. Depotf. ? r,-'v. iv.! with a brown fur; pain li fJ'V ' ,,. joir.ts-ofttn mistaken f';l':",''1': sour oioiuiich; loss of ?I1U ,7vuzv,u.u; flatulency and acid bowels alternately vJBt ye ,ru,tuti": , l.sol memory, with .LllJi VOL. XI. The city authorities in Paris have j just tested an Anstrian invention lor : automatically loweriag coffins graves without ropps. A coffin was i pUcdon-a kind ot recta..KuIar plat i f.r .mi a j -.i . . v I t II ill I'l.l t drapery, which conceaipd th crave. vv nen a spring was pressed, tho plat form, wiih iu lugubrious burden, de scended slowly into iheWrth. 'I he price of th apparatus is 80, and the inventor state that it is U9ed in Vienna ITT I . at d Milan the rate payable h?inj.' 6 ! francs for each burial. The prefe cture of the Seine has ak-?d for some m(di- fications in the machinery before taki nil l it into use. Don't Kxperiniftii . You cannut afford to waste time in experimenting when your luns are in danger. Consumption always seoru?, hi Grst. only a cold. Do not permit any ealer to impose upon von with some cheap imitation of Dr King' New I lis overy tor Consumption, C-ughs atid C -Ids, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit h uay tell you he has something just as good, or just .the same. Don't "be de oeived. but insist upon uettini: Dr. King's New Discovery, which i j guar in teed to rive relieT iu all Throat Lunsr and Chest affections. Trial bot tles free at W.-H. Green & Co.'s. Large bottles $1 A. Sound Leal Opinion. E. Bainbridge Munday, Esq , County Any., C?ay county, Tex. Kays: "Have used E'ectric Bittcr with mo t happy results My brother also was very low w tb Malarial Fever and Jaundice, bill was cured by timely ucof this medi cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his lite." Mr. D I. Wilcox3on, ot Horse Cave. Ky., r,dds a lko testimouy. saying ; lie positively believes he would have died, had it not been tor Electric Bit ters The great remedy will wan! off. as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and tor all Kidney, I.verand S'omach Dis orders stands unequaled. Price 50c. and $1. at W. H. Green & Co 's LOCAL NEWS. IKGEI TO NEW ADVESTISEKE6ST3. Horace a Bago Notice Dick Meakes C.'osipg Out C w YATfcs Country Merchants Hein sberger's For the Hot Season Jas D.Nutt Pineapple ' a la Mode." Propo ala for Culldlne New Guard House Change of Sairng D?ya N Y A Wll S S-Co .For other locals sec fourth page. Day's length 14 hours and 11 minutes. Sunset to-morrow ulternoon minutes past 7 o'clock. at 11 There were two interment, both adnlts. fn Oakd ile Cemetery this week. At 2 o'clock this alternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 85 de grees. There were some nice-looking water melons and canteloupes in Market this morning. There were six interments n Pice Forest Cemetery this week, five adults aud one child. . There have been refreshing and muc h needed rains to-day but enough water has not yet fallen Thera were three interments iod Bellevue Cemetery tbi3 week one adult and two children. The Register of Deeds Issued three marriage licenses this week, two for white couples and one for a colored couple. Go to Sol. Bear's and buy a Gossa mer and some elegant Bath Towels, then go to Carolina Beach and take a surf bath. t Work on the abutments for the new iron bridge across the railroad at Fourth street is progressing very slowly. Tho Produce Exchange was clo3(d for business at 2 o'clock this alternoon and will remain closed until Monday morning. This closing busiuess is getting a lit tle mixed. Why not all olose on th Snie day and at tho same time, to avoid c tnfusion? Nor. barque Frida. Stevensen, clear ed to day for Antwerp with 3.368 bb!s rosin, valued at $3 174 9.). shipped by Messrs. S. P. Shotter & Co. We are clad to learn that the condi tion - of Mr. J. W. Westbrook. at Wrighlsyille, who w"as so severely in- jured on the evening of the 21st inst has 0acb improved, giving the assur anceof a speedy and complete recov ery. - - Yesterday was a "field day" in all of our departments. Before T.o'clock our iiont had .omred one ' new sub- scriber, one new advertisement and three small job. Tberais no lie about thisl; ' Daili WfLMINGTON N; C, SATURDAY. JULY 23. Wfare fflad to team that tho scamp - "al Ra.lroad. hve miles Wt3f of Monroe, on the Ilth inst.. has bHn arrested. nnl i. now in Jail at that town. Tho man- of identiticition are g-nd. gth(jro j n lair prospect of secur ing his conviction. TIieRivor. having been received from News Kayetteville yesterday afternoon that there had been a rie r-f. about four ffet in the (Jape Fear the steamer A. P. Hurt t'nk on her cargo and cleand for that plaoe fit abut 3 p. m. The steam er D Murchison arrived at about 3:30 p. m. e!erday and immediately dis charged aeil load, d ctrgues. leaving tor Faypltewilie at about 7 o'clock last night. Electric Shock. From the Atlanta (Ga ) Capital, of the 19 h inst.. we learn that Mrs. Walker Moore, who is bookkeeper for the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machino Company u that, city, was seriously shocked by light nintr while seated at the window ot her office, on tho even ingot the lS'.h inst. She was rendered uncop.sc'ous tor awhile, but was finally restored and is now able to attend to her duties. lia; Bail Thu third and last game of base ball between thu Henderson and Wilming ton teann was played at the Seaside Grounds yesterday alternoon. and re suited in a victory tor the home team in a core ot 10 to 14. It seems troru such a score that there must have been some rather loo e playing by both teams, but we are gratified that, after so many signal defeats', the horn" team has been enabled to secure a victorv. Ho Could Swim. A colored boy was engaged in clean ing tish at Market dock this morning when by some careless move he leli overboard into deep water. The little f llovv sunk out of sight, but rose again, when he showed that he was a good swimmer and master ot the situa tion by boldly and vigorously striking out for the ferry slip, where he scram bled ashore with no further injury than a good wetting. CltV Court. Charles McCartney, colored, charged with disorderly couduct, which the testimony showed to be an assault aud battery, was the first cae for the Mayor's consideration this morning. The evidence was conclusive of guilt, and the defendant was required to pay a fine ot $10. Ben Snaw, a colored boy who has j ist finished a ten days' term in the city prison, was disorderly last night, andjthis morning the judgment of the Court was that he be imprisouec. for 20 dnys. He is a hard case. Henderson Davis, colored,, for failure to pay the required stevedore's licence i'ix. whs fined $20, to be remitted, h wever providing the lax was forth coming within an hour. It seemed that in this case the defendant had paid the tax to his attorney, but that it had not been turned over to the city. Hence the remission of the fine. County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met in adj urned session yesterday at tenioon It was i rdered by the Board that Mr. Boutelle be appointed to survey the land? ot J. A. Hewlett, in Masou boro township. The Board adopted the follow ing res olution : H(ao ved. That the Chairman corres pond with Mr. Donald Bain. State Treasurer. ftaMntr tho facts relative to the sale cf the Bridgers and Coliier properties to the United States govern ment, and make enquiry whether or n i we are entitled to the t'xe9 on said property f r the year 1887; the said property not having been transferred untii afier the first day ot June. 18S7 Tne Board adj turned after consider ing a number ot complaints trom tax payers relative to assessments of prop erty. and will meet again in adjourned session on Monday next Carolina Beach. Keep cool and re member that the headquarters for batht ing suits is at the Wilmington Shirt tactory. Suits made toorder Laiies a specialty. V. Elsbacii. Prop t 27 Market street. ; f. "Where can I go to buy what I want?" "What do you want? Well, whatever y-'U want, whether Matting Towels. Trunks. Gtsamers, Ham m"cks. Straw Hats or Summer Cloth ing, voa can save monev to buy al Sol. Bear1." . . - t THE ONSLOW IC It. Fuels tn Fisriir and Piffiirr UK PrtCtt. . Mn Editok: A correspondent of the Ahssmgcr. who opposes tho city ?uberipl j..n t the Onslow Railroad, lurnisbe some figures in support t-, his pxbpion, wmcn li that the road H9 a business srbemo would mn $8 000 an nually behind the charges of operation to say tiothiDg ot interest on investment. He seems t- have proved his posiiion b suppressing several items i income, and greatly exaggerating the yearly expenses of the road, making the latter $20,000. There is nothing better to dissipate tear than a cnlm ard thorough exami nation of one's position. Courage and clearness in ascertaining the truth will of'en make that of which we are igno rant and afraid pleasant ai.d profitable on a pel feet acquaintance. This cor respondent, in his alarm le.stv the city should adopt an unprofitable enter prise, forgets many sources ol income and some tnat ho mentions in his (text he neglects to bring forward in his tab uiated statement of estimated earnings. He thus deprives the road ot the largest single hem of income that it possesses, according to bis inference, in order to prove its unnrofitableness. He is un nerved. Lapse of memory is no un Co tun o concomitant cf tar, but this Correspondent remembers and forgets in a fashion that wouid be laughable il it were not pitiable, and would be pit iably if. perhaps, his errors were not consistently, though perhaps unintcn. ti'Mialiy, in his own favor. A plain .statement of the all estimated earnings ot the road, and its estimated oxpuse?, will convince any impartial persou that the road is a must promis ing cue tor an investment, and a cou- sideration ot its development will con vince the same impartial person that it is a most desirable road for Wilmings ton. We will take the Messenocrs cor respondent's figures as jar as they go, tor having been evidently furuisued by some one acquainted with what he was talking ot they may be relied on to as great an extent as anv estimate can bo. We will use the enemy's artillery in our assault upou his woiks. The table is this: ESTIMATED EARNINGS. Passenger $4,400 C .rn 1.500 Peanuts 1.500 Cotton 3.G7G Spirits fcOO Rosin 1,800 Turpentine 800 Tar.'.... 200 This makes a total ot say $18,000 ac cording to the writer in the Messenger, t hat the road can be expected to earn at first The items which be mentioned in his text, but had omitted to bring tor- ward in his table, are, freight on mis cellaneous supplies shipped over the road Irom Wilmington to Pender and Onslow. $5,000, and freight on oysters from New River, which, though he mentions, he does not estimate, as he did the freight shipped from Wilming ton. Hence it must be done tor htm. The most exact information obtainable oh the oyster trade between New River and other places along the proposed line of railroad, with this city, shows that the equivalent ot 30,000 bushels (counting a gallon to the bushel) are fent here each year. At 15 cents a bushel, this would be $4,500, which makes $9,500 which the Messenger cor-, respondent once had in his mind. His poise having forsaken him, $9,500 of the road's earning- more than half of what he did allow it fled from his memory forever. Now tor sources of income which he never thought of at all. First, carrying United States Mail. $-2,500; freight on 1(0,000 crates of vegetables, fruits an! truck $3,000 ; 200.000 pound fish. $2. 000; eggs and poetry, say $500. Now we will place all t' e items in a table of estimated earnings: MESSENGER CORRESPONDENT'S ESTI MATE. Passengers $ 4.400 Corn - 4,500 Peanuts 1,5C0 Cotton 3 676 Spirits 800 Rosin 1.800 Turpentine 800 Tar 200 Freight from this city- 5 000 Oysters 4 500 OU1I OWN ESTIMATE U.S. Mail- 2 500 Truck 3,((K) Fib.. 2 000 Poultry aod. Egg . , , .... 5C0 Tolai , ....$35 176 Say a total of $3o,000 a year, as the gross earnings of the rot,d There is good authority for each f the above estimates, our own as well as the Messeny r's writer. railroad man of this city, one of the most eminent in the State, has mphatically stated that the country between this city and New River is unexcelled for trucking. An other prominent -railroad man of this city has endorsed the Onslow rad by saving that t all the schemes ot road building now discussed in the country, it is tho most promising The above table leaves out freights on limber, shingles, lumber and wood, items of considerable moran. xveitfc er is anything allowed t r lim nor anything tor the valuable deposit. f phosphates, nor anyih'iig fur the pro ducts of the fish scrap factories "wh'ch will come up at New River A leading man who operates a short line, ard is perfectly familiar with i ail road management. esiiinas the warlt expenses if th Onslow mad t. $1,000 a monih. $12,000 a year , Thi, sur trac'd from $35 000 of earnings, leaves $23 000 of profit?. Tac Meszthgti writer qssu mes the 1887. NO 174 j cost of building the mad at $300,000. j 1 ho n.ai wii c.Nt ni'n than tiiat mid'. ! h - ct S30(U0 1 over and atne Unelow fnd render. Thus it is evident that private perai ns are inking tw thin's ot t tie risk in this enterprise. Would they invest their monev when the chances are hazardous? Supposing thru the road cost $350,000 to complete n'-d quip; 6 per cent, interest fin this is 2 000. It has bceu demonstrated i hat the net earnings are $23 000. ihu showing that the toad would pav more than 6 per cent, interest on its cos: the very first year of hs work ..i . ul s(ippiie me man oops not pay one (loitnr over us operating expenses bonjfcbody will lose money. Wh wiil it be? WhyofcouiKe it will be the private capitalists who put over $200,- 000 of their owh money into it. N:t a dollar f interest, on their investment for them! But Will the city lose its investment? We say no. Why? Be CHuse. we get our money back, not di rccly in dividends on the stock, but in directly in the business which the road will bring to us. Take tho single arti cle ol cotton, whicn the Mtssevyer cor respondent vays will be 3.(500 bales: 3.000 f this will be from Onslow coun ty. If this road is not built iu les than two years every bale of this cotton will go toNewbern and Norfolk, Now, a bale ot cotton brought here tor export leaves in the city about one dollar and thirtysfive couts,wnieh goes to the lab r which handles it. to the stevedore who stows it in the vessel to the pre-s which compresses it. and this same money, in its countless turns, goes to the merchants, the bakers, the meat dealers aud into all th various branches ot trade and commerce A bale of cotton which is consigned to a merchant in the city leaves two dollars and a half in the city Call the averageoue dollar aud a halt. Then we have $4,500 a year made or saved for the city by this enterprise and this is about the amount of interest wo will pay on -the one hundred thousand subscription So the city on one single article gets its money back and all the other business which the road brings is profit to the city. So wo sec that if the road tails to earn anything over operating expenses tho private capital will bear all the loss while the city investment will pay a profit. m The development ot the various in dustries whicb the road would produce and promote must be the subject ot a separate paper. Yours. B. Criminal Court. The attention of the Court has been devated mainly to day to the hearing of arguments in the case ot the State vs. Lewis Whiting, the book agent, charged with larceny. The case was taken up yesterday afternoon, but as there were a great number ol witnesses to be examined, both (or the State and the defendant, the taking of testimony, which was entirely circumstantial, was not concluded until about half past 7 o'clock last night. The prisoner was ably defended by Mr. Marsden Bel lamy and Mr. C P. Lockey, while the interests of the State were carefully guarded by Solicitor B. R. Moore, as sisted by Mr. J. T. Elliott. When the testimony was all in Mr. C. P. Lockey opened in an argument for the defense, and was followed by Mr. J. T. Elliott tor the State. The latter concluded at 9 o'clock last night, when the Court took a recess until half past 9 o'clock this forenoon Upon the assembling of the Court this morning the arguments were resumed by Solicitor Moore for the Slate and by Mr. M. Bellamy, and these being concluded the case was given to the jury, who had not found Ja verdict at the time of- closing our re port. Indication. For North Carolina, fair weather and lower temperature. Paints and Varnish. Best in city at Jacop.i s. and at lower prices than you can buy elsewhere t NJBW ADVEKTI8EMJ5NTh. REMEMBER THE NAME : Pineapple "a la Mode' (The new Beverage ) Don't take anything else. Beware of coua terfeltrB, sharks. Sec. Prepared only at the Soda Fountain ol JAS. D. NUTT, the Drugitlst. ju'y -23 2S N. Front fet. Closing Out I I IKK ALL OUR FRIKND8, WE . AUK Billing off at cofet. DICK Jk ME ARES Gentlemen's Furntablog Uoue. 12 N. Front St july 23 Notice. T THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WILL belnfeeifl!oj Monday. July 25th. 1?S '. a; 2.20 o'clock, p m. , for the purpoe of hearing com phiiotsof ihe Taxpayers who destra rcduc tloo of aieessmenta on property Parties In terested will please take n tlce as thia will j be the 1 it opiortunlty they will fcaTe for hearing ia that ma.cer.. r - HORACE A. BVG, Chain Board Comniltaloners . july 2J it ui m ;d to r6!T tmaiatoatmnn ' rroa ear maacts on aay ma all aaiga '"r J hi MTttti bn . Tea ntn of ta wrltsr cnai aiwayt m uaatf o thm Kdttof . . ' nMnaWUoimQii m r1tta m na aldeot tb oa;er. : Vfcraooailtte must be avoid! ; nd it la especially and particular! c uod L&attbo Kdltonlcws alwra7 the views b?C4rrciipodaiiu u? tat- IrstheMttorlaVcAlnmns N IW A I V IIT I S ICR! ENTS. Proposals for Building New Guard House. JtlW yVII.I, . RR RKCKIVKD UP TO 12 o'clock, M, Atiffust 8th. 1SS7. for constructing a row Uuar.l Monee and repilrlnjc City Couit Room Plans ami spec' fltltns can bteen at C ity Clerk' oftV.e. - Comrr.Utce reserves tbe rlht to reject any ami all bids. .IAS W. KING. JNM. I.. UIJOLKY, ubo. yr. PRICK. C'omroli're ja'y-23 U Mew York & Wilmington , Steamship Do. . FROM PIER 2'J, EAST Rl VKR. NKW YORK Located between Chambers and Roaeveltata. t 8 o'clock, P. M. DKNKFACTOR. ..Saturday, July SO ; .Vatarday, Au 6 .Saturday, An 13 ."aturday, Ang 20 REGULATOR ., RSNK FACTOR. Re CiUL iTuK.. FROM WILMINGTON REGULATOR.., ...Saturday, July 0 Saturday, Aug .'Saturday, Auk IS Saturday, Ang to BKNEKAi'fOR. REGULATOR.., BENEFACTOR Through BlUa Lading and Loweat Through Rates guarai. teed to and from Polcta a North tad South Carolina. for Freight or Passage apply to U. G. SMALL BONES, Superintendent. Wilmington. N. C. TUEO. G. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York. WM. P. CLYDK A CO.. Qanar. AU, . S? Broadway. New York. j uly 23 On Snnday Ktorning QTEAMKU LOUISK WILL LEAVE FOB O CAROLINA BBACII at VtO o'clock. Train ioi Iau sa will le,ive Beach at 5 o'c k. PASSPORT vim leave at 2 o'clock as usual. J. W. HAKI'iCK july2l Gcn'l Manager fyotice, TTAVING BOUGHT TOE fcTOCK OF Groceries and Ld will of Mr John II. Ilan by, corner cf Orange and Seventh streets, I am prepared to furnish customer with freah and cheap goods. I shall carry a small stock and replenish weekly, thus ensuring fresh goods for my customers, july 22 lw CHARLES D. JACOBS. Horner School, Oxford, N. C. rjlHE FALL TEL'M OF 1SS7 WILL BEaSIN the 1st day of August. The price of board and tuition, exclusive . ef washing ani lights, Is only ninety dollars. The rooms for Cadets will he refitted and refurnished before the session opns. The School offers in all respects the best ad vantages, i Send for circular and catalogue. .T. II. HORNER, Pilnclpal Oxford, July, 1SS7 july 7 3taw 4w t th e -THE- Bazar Corset ! A Dollar Corset for 50c. Selling at reduced prices a fine sleek of IIats, Flowers. Feathers, Ribbons, Trimmings, Mitts, Hosiery, 'Laces and Underwear at Taylor's Bazar, 118 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. july 19 tf FOR THE HOT SEASON. rjHERMO METERS WHICH TELL UOW hot It Is HAMMOCKS which tcil yon how cool yon can feel. SPECTACLES to preserve your eycaln the hot sun. B kHK ETS to keep your lunch cool. BOOKS for the millions. READING MATTES for eTeryttodj- and guaranteed to keep everybody cool. Having retained from ray fishing expedUUB I will now derot3 the best of my time to make all happy and cool. For the abors eallal HEINSBERGER'S. jaJy 19' - Cash Book and UwtAa fctc.ro JTp