, i T 4 - . .1 U - f ? i ; 1 I V i . ' . V., ! S r. t-: - - ... "-' '"I Kj - 4 mi- i ; . i 4 I ' - I ' 1 MISCELLANEOUS HUMPHREYS' DR. ETTitPHEEYS' 002 Cloth & Cold Binding 144 Pagta, wiU tcl tugrhrlrngt HULKD FREE. AiMrrot. P. O. Pot 1 SIO. X. T. LIST OF PKINC1PAL. K03. CCRtS I 1 Feyers, Congestion, Inrtanunations. .. .25 Worms, Worm fever. Vor:n ;olic 25 C'ryinc Colic, or Tcethinft of Infants. iiiarrnea. or Children or Adults.. . Dysentery. Gripinr. Bilious Colic. Cholera Mnrbnst, Vomitins .25 onahs, Cki1, Bronchitis 25 .enralKla. lootnscne. tacrarre x. Headaches. Kick Hendache, Vercigo .25 HOMEOPATH I G I DyHpepHiri. Bil-ous .Stonmch... 1 1 fMiitprescd or I'ninfnl Periods 12 Whites, tw l'rf use Periods 13 Croun, C'ouh, Difficnlt Breatliin?.... 1-1 alt lUienni. Krysipelas. Krapti'jns.. 15 Mheuntatiiii. Kiiemnntic Pjnzis 16 Fever nd A sue. rinils. .Malaria 17 Piles. Blind or Bi"uduijr IS (Tntarrh. Influenza. I 'mi) inthcHciJ .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 .5 .50 20lVlioopinc Cnnuh. Violent lonehs.. .TiH 2 4lfe?icral leMIity,t liy-icii .;aiiiio3 2?lKidney IMseoc r .. iMVerTOiis Helnlity I.if5 32iiMcneH i.f t!e Mn?:r. I. S P c 5 I r 4 Sold by Irijrrists, r ent jiotjfn'il tut receipt cf price. ULXi iiiii-ia a.iiiJt- I'miionx. n. i. feb2'io'J . v!y nrn DES J2i. 1EzL , S51 UNDEVELOPED If of the body enlarged tindetrentlienr-d. l!lparticu V'.ars fsoa!. i) r"r ( . YAWY. MEI. f '., BnffaU., N' V rnaj' ft J&w tol ly RESTORED. IJrniedi 'ri e. A victim f yonthfii iiii;'r;;liiifefautfiiiK' iTenia 'tun- Iet:ay, Ncrvur Ji-biji. tv.T.o-"tMaTilioid..ti .luivina led in vain every known remedy, has discovered a niple Peif-cure, which ho will send I'liEE to nil ellow-RNffererB. Address C. J. MASON, Post Oiiice Box 31TP, New York City oct 2 eol l&w ly YOU! can live at home, and make mort money at work f -'t us, than at anv thlncr e so In the world Capital n. needed; vou are started free. IJ h sexes; all uses Any one can d Itwork. Ivire earnln?B sure from th; firi-t Hart, i-ostly outlit and tcrm3 free. Iiette. r.ot delay. CoBts ycu nothing to send lis your fcddrcfcs ard lind out; If you arc wise you wi: lOBoatonce. II. Hauktt & ( o. 1'ortlat' Maine. dee 1 f!md w WEAK UNDEVELOPED PARTS 3fth body enlarged an1 streriLrtbened. Fnll tmrticn l rs sent sealed free.KUlK MKb.CO.. BTTFFAUl.N.V Working CJassrs WK'SfJ prepared to furnish all elates with employ mcnt at home, the whole of the tlmo or fur their spare moments. IJusincts i:ew. llht and proli table. Persons ot cither hex easiij earn from 60 cents to f.YiM ver evcnlrg, and proportional sum by devoting all their tlnn Lo the business Boys and girls earn nearb an ranch as rcen. That all who see thla nu aeml their addrees. and test tho busincs13, vr make this offer To such a are r.ot well pat tailed we will f end one do;!ar lo pay mr the trouble of WTlt?nsr Full particulars and ou? lit free. Address tiEosci: minson s o l'ortland. Maine. m f dec 1 emd lyw 100 A WEEK LAOIES OP. (JKNTLKMEN DESU.'IN). pleasant proiitablc employment Avrlte at once. We want yo i to handle an article of domestic use that recommends Itself to every one at sight. STAPLE AS KL UU i-cll like hot cakes. Profits 300 percent. Fam! lion wishing to practice economv should for their own benellt write for particulars. Used every day the year rouni In every lioutoho!' Price within reach of all Circulars fre AgentB receive SAMPLE FREE Address DOMESTIC MT'H CO., 25 cod d &w bm Marlon, Ohio- wess ss 3" INTEREST HflEK Manly Vicor, "tVea'cnrr-.i r- T.o-s c.l Jicr.nry r r.anrnny reftorc-.t i.y M:o u.: "X Ki miirvlvi emedy. Tlic Verba Snnla fi:n Srviin. S; fli TncheeiT.ev r fall. h;r iib;?t r;. -,rv ! mil testimonials, (cent M-asV d. i", , rv ip.au tt.indc Vad U. J KAKF TKOC-ilKlS 'Om VJ Paris I'lacts Aew cb 21 d eotl &w ly Fref If so. Bond for II04J HITVEU r . IJIPE containiiu; colored "platesf luo cucravjnfs of dilierent breeds. T&&t& 'tiytaeia. Uirectiona for Trutninff 'rS!,? DcffsitndBreedinjr Ferrets. Mailed VrfffiTrw for !." f 'ii1m. AloAf'ntanf lino Th:i Kn4 for IrHctIcal POITI- iTlJY JJOOiv. lCOiuijres; beaa JtiJ'al cIurvd pTn.to; crcruvinfrs I of v.cir. ly U Lii3 ci fowls; &jrcrj ' U'-.v.a t.-f U-o tn ecl.i; ho'.r to cr.pcnie; tor tovitry honjc::; iafomatioa r.) i.-i.l ipcalai rn, ai:d v. fiero lo buy fto; Ijc- t stccil ni Sl.oD i:cr tv.Ut:c. ri-Mt for la Cents. 6 -:vl J r "' Ki fac HOOK. OF CAGE V; V ',' lt() ?nr. laO lllns f -.r. bii;iwr Bea ?t ?;d colored nl.-Ue. ' . vzi l-r. aciingof all kinds Uoro ;y t-- 1. r t !A-jari tnd ;ro.;r. Lisjaea vJ-iV Jbov '-r.ra Horv t bciid and Block VT'.f "n A AU obo-i larrot&. lricaot .St:i'l ..itiV c-t . etc. AlAtied for I j I fi.i... Tbc 'i'ieo Uo.-ks, dU t-'U. . g AC.OCJATEO FAKCIER3, -rJ71:;uu': Li-in?i :trt.iliiidrlphia, Pa. j -r" r- in it m w ii w sis , may 20 d&w If KgS5S3?nI Whisker tfnh- i dyiSt! !r.in, Bk .f i.iT 1 rsrfflt'ctu-'.i.. !.! ! i!KF. ELY'S ATAR R H CREAM BALM CLEANSES THE HEAD. Al.LA.Ys INFLAMMATION HEALS the Stmts RESTORE i TUH SENSES of TASTE SMELL, 1IEAKI2JG. A Quick relief. mYFEVERp A Positive Cuke f Ax " r &V Ci Tt A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 5') cents at 1 rusrfilsts; ljr mall, registered, HO ccrta. Circulars free. ELY liROS., Umgarlsts. 'Jwcgo. N V apl 9 ly cod d&w Dpnglas & Yarborough. lASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSERS AND BARBERS, 1(3 Market St. Wilmington, N. C 8hop fully equipped with all the latest Im provements. Courteous and polite barbers always ready rorve customers. J. W. YarborouKb, formerly with John Werner, Srould be glad to serve hia old pat roira. ' teb 22 .. Dog Collars. . Iarire assortment just received. Can bay o nice collar from 5 cents up, at Jacobus Hdw. Depotf. W HE 1C The Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prot WILMINGTON. N. C V E D ES I A Y ." J ULY 27. I8s7 ifcirn .. v iiit; iosuih-;e at Wilmington. S. t6 ecoii1-cii.d laatter t)fVi5L.ANi,S SKCONU T lilt M Tn our uiirid tfaerc is as Utile doubt f Cleveland's reelet:tiou as of his re uorninuUon. aod tbe laUer seems al- ruuy nit assuni laci. iX'oeu.wii Tburmau, ho was nct'ntly iutcrview- Mi ov a iHev tors a.rtiiu iuuui, .seems to re pretcy much of this opinion. II- thinks that ibe only possible mis- carri iyc abed may bo in the ou come t the labor uiovemoaL in New York cud rhat m man ean be elected wiib ut th vo;.u ot that State lie does not ipi.'i'fir, however, to seriously appre m nil tioubio Irom that source. The 0 d tft iiiieui iM, by the vvay, tloes not ap pear to mink ot the possibility some w-uulcaii it the probability ot Cl've- 1 -ii.tl bt-iiii elected without the vote ot New York. Apropos of the subject of Air. Cleve .aud's reelection, we publish the fol mjaiiij;, which we find in the shape of a -pecial dispatch trom Washington City t the New York SCar: The pension agents and political demagi'irui'.s, who rcaily are at the 'iOtt"tu of the movement having for its object the converting of the G. A U into a machine with which to fight the Presidents seem utterly oblivious of tbe uudetiiable record, which shows that very tar from being an enemy of the soldier Mr. Cleveland has, since as--ujiing tbe reins of ;overnment, been ins great and tirm friend. The record, indeed, isoueot the brightest made by any president. To bein with, ho approved the act f Mareb 11) 1886, which increased rom S8 to 12 per month the pen-ion d T'J.'Jbl) widows and dependents. He approved ihe aeL of Atiir 4. 1886. in jreasiug the pension of 10.030 maimed veterans from 24 lo $34. 30 to 36. and from $37.50 to $45 per month He approved th act of Jan. 29. 1887 benefiting over 30,000 survivors and -odiers' widows of the Mexican war. Mr. Cleveland has arppoiuicd more "XUnion soldiers or their kindred lo dliee than any predecessor During he two ears ol his administration 139 ISO more certificates were issued ;han during ihe preceding two years ot Republican rule, or over double the number. During1 the same period over $10. 617.000 was disbursed lor 'pensions more than the preceding two years. During the last two year of Repub lican rule there were 303 (558 pension j n the rolls. On July 1, 1887. there vere ab-ut 402.000 a net gain to the! rolls during the fipsi two years of the present administration of 100,000 or 33 percent , and this, loo, in the laca d the fact that death israp'dly thinoiug the ranks of the veterans. During the lifcal year just ended 5.017 more certi- bcates were issued than in any one ear since, the organization ot the Pen sion Bureau. President Cleveland has appointed fikeeo distinguished ex-Union soldiers to the great agencies throughout tLe country. Civilians who were active politicians in the Republican party for oicrly hold the places, for their party's advantage. Two wounded soldiers still hold over from the previous ad ministration, one at Washings ton, the other at Syracuse". One of the ppniutte3 by President Cleveland is the widow of the gallant Irish soldier. Col James A, Mulligan, ot the Twenty third Illinois. The remaining fifteen appointees have all been Federal soldiers: John I) Anderson of Augusta, Me.; Benja min F. Peach ot Boston, Mass., the first volunteer soldier from that State m the rebellion ; Robert McKm3trey of Detroit. Mich., who lost a leg iu the Amry ot the Potomac: Thurman II Allen, the Alameda blacksmith, ot Al ameda. Cal.; General William H. Davis ot Philadelphia, Franz Siel of New York, the foremost German sol dier ot the war: General Buell of Kon- tucky, Charles A Zollinger of Indiana polis, a splendid specimen of the Ger an-Atnericau soldier, and so on through the entire list. The same care has been manifested for the interest ol the soldier in the bomeolliee, at the head of which was placed General John C. Black. He entered the army as a privato soldier. passed up through the grades, serving throughout the entire, war from tho tiring at Fort Sumter to the surrender at Appomattox. He was thrice severe ly wounded, and dangerously so at the battle of Pea Ridge. Formerly two civilians occjpitd tho poritions of deputy commissioners, uow two distinguished ex federal offi- cers. Ueueral WHliam E. McLean ot the Forty-third Iudiana and Joseph P. i;iit!u:t ot the Army ot the Potomac. nil these positions The great medical boa ds throughout tbe cotrntrv are o Ulcc red almost entirely by ex-army surgeons By actual count President Cleveland has approved in two years 863 private peusion acts. 378 uioro than Grant. 560 more thau Hayes, or seventy-five mure taau Grant and Hayes together, and Vii more than Garfield and Arthur. As a matter ot tact, therefore, the claims of the'soidiers have been most carefully considered and wiost gener ously recognized by Mr Cleveland, and it is this record upon which he will stand next year, and not the dishonest perversions ot paid attorneys and creedy howlers 1 Had a Oreadlul Coufjli.i and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter; besides. I waVvety thin, and so weak I could scarcely go about tbe bouse. This was tbe case of a man with consumption arising from liver complaint. He recovered his health fompletily by the use of Dr Pierce's "'Golden Medical Discovery." Thousands of others bear similar tes timony.. ; Tbe Review Job Office is the place to get good work at moderate prices. .TULiY JUMBLED. Pt.ient fd?s?atisfjtd ' with dietary 1 re'nctiriB) Say. Doc. I'ni blamed I'm ,inr to starve umearn just lor mt sake"t Irving a little longer. : Tf e onlv rtason the world tolerates a fl Idler i because' cat has to b kill ed to lumi-h the strings A cat. dead or alive, is b'und to make a noise Did you hpar ol the accident to June-?" Wuy. io; what happened io hici?" Wdl. he fell from his lady's tavr and broke his engagement." A young man is apt to stammer and stutter when he declares his passion. Soun ims the pitying girl help-, him out, and s diitimes it is her pitiless father Young wife I took geat pains with tLaf cucumber salad. John, and I hope ou ei joved it. Husband (anxiously) -I'm afraid, my dear, that I took great pa:ns with it. too It is said that in" Portland, Me . there i a man' with a false nose, a glass eye, but three ringtirs at.d one thumb, one ear, false tteth, lalse hair and cork leg. He was formerly a base ball unpire. A Vassar graduate out in tbe coun try went into the stable of a farm houe. 'Dear me now close tne poor cows a'-e cr. wd-d together." she n- marked 'Ye? nm am. but we. have to do it." VVhyso?" Toet con densed niiik." In Urief, And To Tho Point. Dyspepsia is dreadtul. Disordered liver Is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good noture. The human digestive apparatm is one of the most complicated and won. dertul things in existence. It is easily pu out of order. Gteasy tood. tough food sloppy food. bad c okery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made tbe American people a nation of dyf-peptics. But Green's August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the American peopln so healthy that ther can enjoy their meals and be happy Remember.: No happiness without health But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dys peptic. Ask vour druggist for a bottle Seventy five cents A man is made great or little by wn will. his For the Ladies. Laughter is the poor uiaVs plaster. Making every buiden light; Turning sadness into gladness. Darkest hour to May dawn bright. 'Tis the dppest and the cheapest Cure for ills of this dascription. But for ihoe that woman's heir to, "Use Dr Pierce's "Favorite Pre scription." Curos all weakness and irregulari ties, "bearing down" sensation, "in ternal fever." bloating;, displacements. inflammation, morning sickness and tendency to cancerous disease Price reduced to one dollar. Bv druggists. New York & WiimingtoD Steamship Co, FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt Btfi. At 3 o'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday, July 30 REGULATOR. Saturday. Au 6 B EN H FACTOR Saturday, Aue 13 UhHULVrOR Saturday, Aug SO FROM WILMlNGTO REGULATOR BENEFA'l'OR REGULATOR BENEFACTOR .. ....Saturdav, July 30 Saturday, Aug r ..... .Saturday. An 13 featurday, Aug 2o 8T Tnrough Bills Lading and Lowest Torough Rases guaranteed to and from TolntF 1 1 North and South Carolina. For Freight or Fisaaffc apply H. G. SMALL BONES, Superintendent. Wilmington. N. i. T1IEO. G. EGER, Traffic aSanajccr. New Ycr. VM. p. CLYDB CrO.. Genera,. Arn' 35 Broadway. New York. july 23 Excelsior Lime. QUE MANUFACTURES II 4. VIC TAKEN a hlh Ftmdard We have on hand : BUILDING LIME, " AGRICULTURAL LlilE, ' N C. PHOSPHATE, PHOSPlIATic LIME, COPROLITE MANURE. These are the best and cheapest on the mar ket. fcend for circular. . FRENCH BROS., . Manufacturerfl. Rocky P hn. N O. R. W. HICKS, Wilmington, N. C.. june23 tf Agents The New and Old Pnrcell House Combined J GRAND OPENING' ROOMS FOR ALL I STHE NEW PURCELL HOUSE HAS oeeir overrun ever Blnce I opened, I saw I nad to have more room and to make It pleaa ant for all, have this day leased the entire bulldlnsr, which makes the bouse second to none. No pains will be pared on the part of the Proprietor to make this Home first c ass In every respect. New furnliuie from bot tom to top. Buss and Baggage Wagon at ar rival of aU trains . . , M. rKEDEBlCK. Proprietor Xeb It , . I SUPERIOR COURTS. Fall Terms 18871 . FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Currituck September 5, I week. if ! Camden Sept 12, 1 week. Pasquotank Sept 19, 1 week. Perquimans .Sept 26, 1 week. Cnowan Oct 3. 1 week. Gates Oct 10. I week. Hertford Oct 17. I week. Washington Oct 24. 1 week. Tyrrell Oct 31, 1 week.. Dare Nov 7.1 week. Hyde Nov 14, I week. Pamlico Nov 21. week. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE AVERT. Warren Sept. 19. 2 weeks Northampton Oct 3. 2 weeks. Edgecombe Oct 17.2 weeks. Bertie Oct 31. 2 weeks. Halifax Nov 14. 2 weeks. Craven Nov 28, 2 weeks. THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE SHIPP. Franklin Aug 15, 1 week. Martin Sept 5, 2 weeks. -Pitt Sept 19. 2 weeks. Greene Oct 3 2 weeks. Vance Oct 17. 2 weeks. Wilson Oct 31. 2 weeks. Nash Nov 21 2 weeks. Martit.J Dec 5. 2 werks FOURTH DISTRICT JUDGE MERRIMON. Wake July 11 2 weeks. Harnett Aug 8. I wc-k Johnston Auir 242 weeks. Wnkef Aug 29 2 weeks. Wayne Sept 12 2 weeks. Wake Aug 29. 2 weess. Wavne Oct 17, 1 week. Wakef-Oft 24 3 weeks Johnston Nov 14, 2 weeks. Harnett Nov 28. I week FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Orange Ang 8. 1 week- Caswell Au2 15. 1 week. Person Aug 22, 1 week. Guilford Aug 29, 2 weeks. Granville Sept 12, 2 weeks? Alamance Sj pt 26. I week. Chatham Oct 3. 2 weeks. Durnam Oct l. 2 weeks. Orangi Nov 7, 1 week. Caswell Nov 14. 1 week. Person Nov 211 week Granville Nov 28.2 weeks. Guilf.rd Dec 12,2 week9. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS, Lenoir Aug 22. 2 weeks. Duplin Sept. 5. 1 week P ndr Sept 12. I week. New Hanoveif Sept 26. 2 weeks. Sampson Oct 10. 2 weeks. Carteret Oct 24. 1 week. Jones Oct 31. 1 week. Onflow Nov 7. 1 week L noir Nov 14. 2 weeks. Duplin Nov 28. 2 weeks. Sampson Dc 12, 1 week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Cumberland July 25, 1 wek Columbus Any 1 I week. Moore Aug 15. 1 wek. Robeson Aug 22. 2 weeks. Anson Sept 5, 1 week. Brunswick Sept 12 I week. Richmond Sept 19. 2 weeks. Robeson Oct 3. 2 weeks. Bladen- Oct 17, I week. Moore Oct 24,2 weeks. Cumberland"! Nov 14. 2 weeks. Ansont Nov 28. 1 week. Richmond Dec 5, 1 week EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLARK. Iredell Aug 8 2 weeks. Rowan Aug 22. 2 weeks. Davidson Sept 5, 2 weeks. Randolph iSept 19. 2 weeks. Montgomery Oct 3. 2 weeks. . Stanly Oct 17. 1 week. Cabarrus Oct 31. 1 week. Rowan Nov 7, 2 weeks. Tredell Nov 21 2 weeks. Davidson Dec 5, 1 week. NINTH DISTRICT -JUDG GILMER. Rockingham July 25, 2 weeks. Stokes Aug 8. 2 weeks Surry Aug: 22 2 weeks. Alieehany Sept 5. 1 week. Wilkes Sept 12.2 weeks Yadkin Sept 26, 2 weeks. Davie Oct 10. 2 weeks. Forsyth- Oct 24, 2 weeks. Rockingham Nov 7. 1 week. Stokes Nov 14, 1 week Surry Nov 21, 1 week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE BOYKIN. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke Aug 8, 2 weeks. Ashe Aug 22, 1 week. Watauga Aug 29, 1 week. Caldwell Sept 5, 1 week. Mitcheil Sept 12, 2 weeks. Yancey Sept 26. 2 weeks. McDowell Oct 10, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander Aug 1. 1 week. Cleveland Aug 8, 2 weeks. Mecklenburg.! Aug 29, 3 weeks Union Sept 19, 1 week. Unionf Sept 26, 1 week. Lincoln Oct 3, I week. Gaston Oct 10,2 weeks. Cleveland Oct 24, 1 week. Rutherford Oct 31, 2 weeks. Polk Nov 14, 1 week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONT GOMERY. Madisou Aug 1. 2 weeks. Buncombe Aug 15, 3 weeks. Transylvania Sept 5, 1 week Haywood Sept 12, 2 weeks. Jackson Sept 26, 1 week. Macon Oct 3. 1 week. Clay Oct 10, 1 week. Cherokee Oct 17, 2 weeks Graham Oct 31. 1 week-Swain-r-Nov 7-. 2 weeks. Madis. nf Nov 21. 2 weeks. Buncombe Dec 19. 2 weeks. Criminal causes only. tCivil causes only JCivil causes ooly, except jail cases. SHORT-HAN o & TYPE-WRITING SITUATIONS pay both young men and ladles much bett r talaries than most commercial populous, and In Three Months' Time by Haven'a eystem. No rrevlous knowledge of either art required., t ollcges open all the year.- tudents can enter any time, all mUion nolpg individual. Superior facllit ea for pro curing - situations, for which aid we make no charge. College pamphlets with fnUset elf teaching leaf ops in either ait tent to anad- ress for 10 cents.; both arts. 20 eents m stamps accepted Address eitho nf College: New York. N Y"; Ptiittdetohla Pa" MISCELLANEOUS ; , ; - ; ; : J In returning thanks to vou for my miracu lous cure of eczema or salt rheum, deem It advisable to give you a detailed account of my case, and as there is. and always will be a prejudice against advertised remedies xou nave mv consent toputuian wis lesu ociai. and all inquiries, by letter f-r In person. I r 111 cheerfully answer. I do this that people who eo on vear after tear tv in ir out iage putcs of money to Incompetent physlcHns and re. ceive no cure, or even reiiei, or enn in nu n: a premature grave, as was neany ray case, may le induced to make trial of the wonderful CUTICOKA r.EMEDIKS At the age of thr e months a raeh mado its apiearance on mv face. A physician was ca.'l- ed. he sala teethlne was the cause, he pie scribed some cooling medicine, but the sors spread to my ears and head. Another M - D. was c tiled He profesBed to know atl about the case, called it "King's Kyll", and pre scribed gunpowder, brimstone, and lard mix ed into a salve, but the d sease continued: They could not do anything with It. Another prescrioea oor&x water ana nonr; an wier, linseed poultices. None of them did me any good at all, but ae me worse The dbeaie continned unabated; it spread to my artrs and tegs, tw i was ;ald ui entirely, sna irom con- tinu il sitting on the floor on a plPow ray limbs contracte t so that l lost all c itrol of them. and was utterly helpless My mother would have to lift mo out and into Ixd. , 1 could cret around the houte nn mv bands and feet, but I could not get my lothes on at all. and had to wear a sort of dressing gown my nair naa all matted dow or lalin oflf. atid my hepd. tace and ears were one scib, and 1 hn to have a towel on my h ad ail tbe time In tbe summer to keep tbe fl'es off. y parentscon- suiten a prominent pnysician anu surgeon re in t. bicago (tbe other phvslcins r efore t en tlonedwereof t uudaa and Iliidilon Cana da he shIu he could do nothing for me, that 'he chance were that 1 would irrow O'U f It or thai it would trle inwardly and kill me In time. He v anted to cut the sinews of my less so tnat I r.ouid w-tlk, but I would not let him. for if Jdid get hotter I would have no c ntrol of them. - '. he disease continued in this manner until I was seventeen ytarso'd, and one day In Jan- u -ry. l"79. in the hlcago Tribune, x reaa an account of your medicine They described my ca?e o exacly tbat I th uglt, as a last re.-ort, to give them a trial. when I iir.t applied tbe cuticoka, i was aU raw and blteding from scratching myself. but when I applied it I went asleep almost lm media el'-, something I had cot done for yearSj the effect was so toothing. t nr m.u..j 'iu. ,VLS4PM:kage0 nailed to pu- m-rr-mmit tlsDt0 a lSXKO DTOOOrtlon , I iljfci " r 'OCA XUdUMUlU tf. ZAbAtyfAaofwhomtookafalltreat i!iit end were restored to health by nao of M?g& SEMIHAL PASTILLES. A. Radical Curs for NrvonsDebilit7. Chvasio Wa&knem nndPhrsI rnl loon-r In YnnTiu nr Mid. aiaAeedMen. Tsstd for F.ieht Years In ttimit thooeand esses they absolutely restore prematura!? aged ana broken down men tome ran enjormentor perfect and full Manly Strength and Visoroes Health. To those who Buffer from the many obscure diseases Sroaght about by Indiaoretion. KzrKxmra, Ovor-liraia Work, or too free Indulgence, we aek that yoa send us roar name with statement of your trouble and secure UUAijrAC&AUis 2TKKU,witn luust'd x'ampnJot.fta. PICTURED PERSONS can have FREE may 17 d&wlv HARD WAR E . Manufacturer's Agents for Stoves. Stoves. Iron. Nails. Gill and Seine Twine, and a complete stock of Agricultural Tools. JACOBIAS HOW. DEPOT 10 So.. - Sasli, Sasli. iSash. Points. Varnishes Oils. Moulding and Builders Hardware, 1 BKST GOODS AT LOWKST Pi ICRS. JACOBPS HDW. PKPOT. 10 So. Front t apl15 1887. 1887. $4 50 A YEAR FOIC V . The Daily Whig. The cheapest daily paper In the South. THli WEEKLY baa been enlarge and he price reduced to 1 cents a year. - The cheap est weekly paper published. : The -unday issue and Weekly trillion hot h for one jear, for $rtt0.The two are cheaper and better than a aeml-weeklv as you grt one dxily issue tnd a weekly for 50 cents leas than any semi weekly paper Dally ser t free two weeks and Weekly one month f rea- Spend one cent for a postal card ana order one or the other on trial - A ddress .. :, ... f Richmond, Ya. : I -..M Terror . MISCELLANEOUS Tho first moraing after using It mr nn bad no tk'n only on the end of mv tomo a pink color. Next day It ws kind of hi and 1 could plaee my hand& on the sores ih out It bPinBTH'ainful. In about two wti could ranl straight, but not wa k, l wean, bu: my ores were nearly well rLi 1 commenced the me of the i uticuha Rsam vknt, and in three da-s 1 wb wor tfii ever. ; I was one mass of pimples from th of my htad to the solos of mr ft;tiiMb were palnlul woutd no do Itutlce o the cam In from two to'four dy they bunt and 1p a small . cale, wnich dr. pped off nj left t Fpn pure and the skin white, anaune&Ttai cm judge I was cured i.i a ont six toeiiht weeks, and up t thf- date i t f:omanuiirr 1879 to January, lss7 1 have not be a tfctii ny wy, or havo had tho least sljnwot u dlfcease nappe -ring on mo I have au ejeej. loot appetite, have the very best of beaito. My imbs are straight, sunpio and s tott. I hawe beeii exposed to all torts of veaihw without the least signs of tho dlc&se jet. rtx only difference I find in my i-elf Is that my jtu is finer, t-olter, and not so liable to getcbin. ped as is other persons . . : - , No doubt many persons wll not believe thlt . almost improbable story, many will think it grossly exiggerated. -I dou't blam- tbemi bit If they tio. but to satisfy tnemselver, tbn cm caU or write to me and find nut tf what! have written above Is irae or not. There ta manpereous-who can terabyte the wonder ful cure 1 have rcelet by y iur .:cticuiu RkMEDI' 8.; Gentlemen, 15t me again thank yon for bit cure - W. J. McD NAll .3,732 Dearborn St. Chicago, Ul.4 Jan. 'Si Nothlcg Is known to science at all compart ble to the Cuticoka Remedies in their mar vellous i ropertles of cleauBbig. purifying sod beautifying the skin and In curing tortu lnc dlf-flguring. Itching, calyand pimply dUauH of tin- skin, scalp and blood, ltb loss of Uilr. "i uticuha, the .treat Hkin u e, and CDTl cuaA oaf, as-exquisite Skin lauilfier, pre para i f rom It, externallv. and CrTicoR Hi solvent, the new Blood Purifier, Inter naUy, are a positive cure tor every form of bkin and blood disease, from pimples to scrofula. - told everywhere. Price, Cuticuka. 5 c.; Soap, 25c ; kiSoi.vnt, $1 irepred by the Potx&k Dbuo and chemical to., Hot ton, 4. ass. - , , : r end for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 6 Illustrations, and ICOtestinnnUtt. . apxil 30 4wd&w VAvoid tM iaipotkn ot pnUaXk nm A dkw for Umm trouble!, and all Ouut whose only aim u to btesd uitorn ClJREO tlioocaod. duc not bitcrii with aUantioa to buiroeM. or etiue Mi or inconrenienca la try irtT. F n acientlfia medical prinelpitaBriM implication to the seat o f trmrWtrm nt thfl hmnui nmniim reaorn. u waKeu animatine eiemenu ot ine are ritch r-z TBEATKEKT.Caa KoatX 3. Tto ta.XL Ttott H ASiniS REF1EDY CO., ttn CscsS SOGX H. Tenth Otrcei, ST.IaTUIS. al of our Appliance. Ask for Terms? Trial of our Appliance My8terioo j Xf I I K Itsaction. yaio CCiieu as wiy purifier. Jlaf velons as teratire in i stimulant cn on a torpid brl (f A sovereign presslon ' wantofappcO Headache vanish uiJll PiniplV lZ tins mvpt. . ' ;,f laT.kn. Theri; speeuuy wneu rnuny "T: iunrt " no more effectual relief rfitf&A3 -loathing of food due to IWhXVtg; than thfs article, Put P 5fSl ties. Sample packages m voDfBw by mail to any address on recewtoii in stamps. The regplarlinublformra sent by mail MEXICAN MKgIcl 400 IVortn :idt., i"niiancn'ui-. IIANNA! ilanna wi 1 1 restore tbe song of cag K;r nitminiji and restof I1 L 1 . iroxl CO tbe season eases carry uicniu " , rn" r"'.VS cri t leal pe riod witbut I s of . jjitj nal 1 on receipt of 15 off. .gS. OOD CO., 400 N.- 3rd St. I nilauw . .ease uicniion witfv ' sept D tu th sat Valuable Lands for nNK TRACT OF LVNP. mUe fromXlncolp'toa. K C. consi- acres. 53 acres cleared; 1 ,or - : - V i nr &11 grali. butgivfa goou crvp- -ipelprMi branch running throngh It ard . - a of bottom Und on the b .. SO wrcVin wood. ofc ton, -4 Y f df iiclo w" iraTCB' mchJBtf -AuctTB9 . .. f rwar' . r i m r'a e t i- a. iav . w a "T- JTP-W " a. a iai a a ;- i . t be fri bb .e i 01 b - I

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