Th pa Mortis ramps olie . iarrhoev complaints fI7 f)rjos 1 ieaspoonful of in a Wtle Afcor Sugar and Water Druggists SellIt. j Th e O ail y Review.1 Slumber has stilled the note In the thrush's tender throat ; : Rat "chirp" the cricket eings. And tbamotb'j dark wings Flatter along thf ntkht Through the pale starlight Soft may thine eyiida meet; Sleep on, O sweet! t :' .' Never a stir 'mid lh stars , Ol th jgmine at the; bars Of her CA3imient, looking away . . Toward Hie unburn-day. . Alonnt. and an ntranoo win. ; Steal in, my song, stnnl in! " Solt-may thine eyelid inert; Sleep on. O sweet! Steal in. but breathe not above inn lowest whi'per cflovo; tioer around her there In that holy air; GHdft into her dreams, and be A nie rnory of tne S'ift may thine eyelids meet ; Sleep on. O 8wit! , Clinton S o lard ? Homes in North Carolina Onto 20 Hours Ride from New York I (S) yWesSmtW of Kalcigli On the Kaie!?t and Augusta AlrrLlne K R 1 Al-Kt- ok I-A.NI -INTHK on UDUU leaf pin' re'ioc sale on easy , terms ti li:t.i io taJt iuriliR.H'is. our a crew for i-J5 Ismr trscu vr acre In monthly pay raeuoof!i Tiila land adjoins the South rrn Jlwv", s m craJ rstahitahed health re urtfoi BsnJiarhim), ami la socially adapted lor rrult Culture, a well as all me cereals A ci;mw r of New Kngland ieoplehave bought Ule tn tite town of 'Southern Pine, and It U the lr're ot the owners of this laud to In tture email farmers, mechanics and other from the N-w Kngland and Middle Statua, a well aaeittftvhere. to locate here. No State In the Union oflVra greater Inducement to set twrs tt.n North Carolina Nowhere can a kiuT tannine country or as fir a climate. be jouivt. hk is th- oniulon of Northern men hrtitirwttUsi n Ninth Carolina, This Is ' k u viffer, and b Umlted f jr further particulars write at once lo J.:lIN T. VAT KICK, I'ommtVr of Immigration, Raleigh, N. C or B. A RICUARD:tN. ir. '1 tf Chronleln Office. Augusta. I'iVeryMenthep of the Family. Father. rather. an! ear.h ol th children rntv b h"lnrf of (Uck in ie .famous Tprtil'ta' G .tl and Silver Mining Co without much ot an ouilav. (share arp bu two dollars each. no?i assessable") ami wi-h ,tho ceniintv t trxHi re'tircis- Twelve d-vei pf,d niii-.s owned by the Company ; "v r S1M 000 in bullion already taken ii! ; clivitlend. begin in September; st ck .n l ex priss C O. I) so yu do not pay lor ti until vu receive r. Merubt-rs of the New York Mining Exchange protioucr it the Fiundpt ami best mininir .pro perty over offered . in the N'' Yrk market. Wi ite t iliy t the C jmpany a! 57 Btoadway, New York, lor pros pectu?, etc. s - ' Is Tiicrti a Cure iur CotiHiiiup tion.? Wo answer unreservedly, ves! It 1 the patient commences iu ttiue the usfj i of lr. Pierc G Id -n Medical Discov ery." and exercises proper care I allowidto run i's course too lnog ail medicine is powerless to say it l)r Pietco never deceives a patient by hold ing out a false hopt; for the sake of pe cuniary gain. The ' Golden Medical Discovery" has cured thousands of pt tients when, nothing ele seemed io avail. Your drusruist has it. Sen'i two stamps lor Dr. Pierce's complete treat ise on consumption with numerous tes timonials Address World's Dispen sary Medical Association, liuQ&lo.N.Y. UtKiHAMA, HANKERS AMD MANUKA CTUR KKS SHOULD READ BR AD STREET'S a wekkly Journal, of TAtF, iisanck and PCblic economy. A Famous Phrase. I know how it was ihat Horace Greeley's lam' us advice: 'Young oian, go Ve.U 'cam t be written," says Orange Judd, formerly publisher ol the American Agriculturist. I was connected with the New York Tribune then, and Mr. Greeley and I In-quently went out to dinner toft' her. One day while we were at the table, be took a letter from bis pocket and read it tome. It was from a young man asking advice as to the best course to take in locating; himself. 'Tell him to go out Wes. stake oat a claim somewhere and cul tivate it,' sard I; 'there is where the opportunity tor young men exif ts now.'' Greeloy did not say mucn in response to my suggestion, but 'the next day ap peared in the paper an editorial article the refrain of which va3 the expies sion, since so often quoted: ''Young man, go West.'' Sixteen paoes evtyy Saturday Oftentiwiet Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose of BRADSTBKET5 1 t if of practical service to business men Iu .i.m trade and Industrial reports and its i.tiFrsot nvent iesjal dectstons aveexceed niciy valuable as commercial transactions, in the wVer s en? e, are t omlng to be more and "' eou.hii-ed on a statirtilcal basis, th!n Imatloa omtalnc 1 1 nUADdlKKfcT'S Is of I'M ImwHUnre tn all lllM.KSKKAi.lti mnk.s SITUATION TIIBOUOH ol T 1 11 IM l 'p ST.TtS AND CANADA 19 l:H:;iKi i;y TtLKGIiAFH TO BRAD . Si UK I I's IT io THE HOUR OK VV r.UCATION - " - SIXliLE (JopjE- CENTS. THE BRADSTKEET COMPANY. -T -, -1 Broadway, Sb I f..r saap'.e opv New York'Citv Irl 3 . 1887.. Harper's Weekly ILLUSTRATED. sHtr.ritR.,s wkeklt maintain) Ita position m11 n l,luf bated newspaper In Amcr anr 1501,1 utv n Phllc esteem and con r.t Was n,ver stronger than at the pres 'ekir " ,:cs'l'C8 ihe plctnres, IIarier's txtil . a,',Waya contalnr lnstalmen'a of one, a? ly of tw. f the bett novels of the lms i "'"siraiea, wiin snort stonev, "urrm . . I es ana papers on m Tbe cTrJ ,ll l,y lhe moat popular Thonsands of women bless the day on which Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Pre scription" was made known .to tbem In all those derangemeots causing backache, d ragging-down sensations, nervous and general debility, it is a sovereign remedy. Its soothing aod healing properties render it of the ut most value lo ladies suffering from in tor"nal fever," congestion, inllamma Hon, or ulceration. By druggist3. "urn-ni t ,trhes ai papers on Important in ihfT: ,at has hen successfuUy exercised a wen e tiarpera weeaiy a eait hohi a welfomc vbltor to every house wid net be rplaxed In the future. Harper's Periodicals;' Per Year: HAU -K I AZAK 4 00 aupVkL'nW PEOPLE 3 00 iir, i- . uyuAan LiisAAnk. roBL. ., t- (V- NmlKira 10 00 5uWs rie to H subscribers In the United irs or tacada - tt ui5ume of the begin with th- tlmp T for Januskry of each year. When with ihP v. raeiJt,oDed, Fubscrlptlon will begla Mer. M!mler 'urrtnt at time of receipt of l&UvlrfUI?e8 Barper' Weekly for ' sent if Y;k' ln Bea blmllng, will tree of el, l' K)8lafe pald.or by exprets, ex Jin?8 PrOTldel the freight do fvolIuSi :. Ur per volume). tor 7 JO ,or ech " olumc. auiuble for fi; t ui't i il, nt by ma". postpaid, on re- S IS?'08 9h.ou,,l e malc by Post-Oftici-rM r. or 1raft lo avo'dchaneeof loa. niwl i An,".' no to copy thla adTertla 1 ll,ecpreHaonIcr of Harper ue Addresa v - v ao OAUPF.R- BfiOTUERS. . . Mew York The ExpresHive Bye. "The eye," sajs Bull'ou, "is the great exponent of character." Buffon is correct When a blue eye ta encircled half way down the cheeks with a ring of ebon hue, puffed up like a uew laid muffin, il is an indication that the character ol the man who owns that eye. and who would give $10 if he could see with it, is no purer than the eye. And when the eyes are red as to drooping lids, and prolific in unemo tional tears, and have a general burct- hoie-in a-blanket expression, it is a sign that tbey see through a glass lightly about once every fifleeu minutes and that they keep open as long as the man's mouth dues, lo see Doth eyes shut and the mouth wide open is a sign that lile's short dream is snore. When a manVeycs try to look at each other over the lop of his nose it is a sign that be has to have his spectacles cut bias Dancing eyes are of cuttrse. indica tions of eye-balls. A fondness lor "greens is indicated by I browfe. A cross eye lens an Xtra expression of benevolence to the I. thus giving ita B-IX appearance? C? Spectacles have a miraculous power, enabling a man lo see with his mica, or eyes in glaas, as you please. nigh lor an eye" was probably written ol near- sighted men. A blind man is apt to be magnanimous, as he always hits a man of his eyes. The eye appears to be one solid globe, but it built in tears. But yon bet it has the nerve. San Fran cisco Argonaut. BucKletrs Arnica Salve. The Bilst Salve in the worl for Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed lo give perfect satisfaction, or mo.ey relanded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.. II. Green & Co. . , A CAKU. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions ol youth, ner vous weakness, early decay, toss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will enro you. fkke of charge. This great remedy was ditcYvemi by a mis sionary in South America. Send a sell addressed envelope to the REV.'oSErn T. Inman. Station D, Nctc Tort City, rlt eodd&wlv ' ' - " Hot on Uis Travels. BiitMLNGUAM, ALiCfJury 20? 1887. . EDiTbit ,REvlEiY:'Despise out the day of small things." says thu jjood book, and whit better authority do w want? A case in point: A young man here a lew 'year ago began business with a capital of $10. He bought a jigger saw and made fancy brackets and such like to adorn ladies rooms and parlors : He was diligent and punc tual in his business, "and succeeded so well that in a lew years he was able lo purchase a planing mill; and to-day be i worth $100,000- Tbi shows what energy, pluck and perseverance will do. Si it may do with your railroad s,s tein. I see that a writer in the Mesaen g .r. on the Onslow road, bas proved to - -ft.!. k m mina mat saiu road win not pay. W'ns not that written by Kome raiiroad oflioial? Sound like ne 'who had an axe io erind, bv the way of Kenans ville. Duplin county, to Jaeksonville. Onslow count v. Ou the oiher hand. I see B." in your alutbic paper, gofs on to prove by GjjurHS that it will pay and leave a smail surplus in hand. Tuh great question ir, how long will it taKe such a surplus to p;iy divilunl to the stockholders by said road! D u in orese the nun. ber of inhabitants ol Wilmington? I trow i.t! Why not let said nnd il"ne for ihn rent and build the Cace Far & Yn.lkin Val ey Rt.ilrttad? Troit wili bruii t' vu- ei" v la fj'innt iti (ti tr-'ii r, foal &e It Pit-nbura. Pa, can carry ores Irom Ohio to niakp tig :i id..thr irons, why cannot VV'ilnnnti'Oii bring if, frtxn th ? Cra.ib"rr mines fort-melting and other jrn mttiul.ttoi it which you ouhi urni nui start to build up your city? it is the stun!! industries which help the niot. Chattanoofa,.Te'nn.. carries the iron Irom the Cranberry mines to her lurmuices find makes steel of it, and it is taid to bu the bvrl iron in the South. Yet it is carried right irom your doors io enrich other cities and build them up That is what built up Birmingham, uuil the Messetiyer. in its article, might have reterrt-.d to the Magic City and not gone s tar from homo to refer to Birmingham, Eng., when there is such goinl argument a its doer Yis, why not have your knit tiug. wooden w.ire, barrel factories, iron furnace, rol!in: mills and glaa tactiru? They are all within jour reach Theu. when you Lave reach ed them. vni build up your city with operatives who will consume the products, of your trick larmp, and there will b a greater demand foi the products ot Ohl Onsiov's oysters, lish, and truck gardens! You will then create a market lor them! You cannot imagine what a revolution would be produced in your good old city, by the erection ol one or two iro furnaces; a rollinir mill which could supply all your hardware merchants with iron of different bind cheaper than they could import it; a stove foundry that would upp!y the stove merchants cheaper than they buy eUe wherr and so with all the rest. I hone yourmonied and business men who wish the welfare of your city, not only tor the present, but for the future for the benefit of their children and future generations, will take bold of this matter and put it through. If tbey would take the time and pains to read the history of Jefferson county.. Ala. and Birmingham, nnd their Representa tive men. and go and do likewise, I wili then have accomplished what I have desired. Such a work can be found at Messrs Worth & Worth's. f your city, which was left there by a friend Yours. Dot. - Quarterly Meetings. Third round of Quarterly Meetings for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South: Duplin circuit at Charity, July 22. Onslow circuit, at Jacksonville, July 23. 21 Topsail circuit, at Prospect, July 27, 28. Magnolia circuit. July 30, 31. Clinmn circuit, at Clinton, (I). C). Aug. 3. 7 (J kesbury circuit, at McNatts. Aug. 9. 10 Bladen circuit, at Center. July 11. Smithville Station, Aug 13 14. Brunswick circuit. Aug 17 18. Waccamaw circuit. Auz 20. 21. Whitcville circuit. Aug 23. 21 T. W. Guthrie. P. E. Advice to ftl otliers. M us. W ins low's Sooth inq Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pan, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a, button." It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, solt ens the gums, allay's all pain, relieves ind, regulates the towels, anil is the be:t known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other '5usc3. Twenty-five cents a bottle iiy 0 dexwl & wly You will find hoes, forks, shovels spades, scythes, swaths and farming tools of all kinds ot-. Jaco's Hdw. Depot. i The Sew and Old Pnrcell House Combined ! GRAND OPENING' ROOMS FOR ALL I S.TIlK NKW PURCELL HOUSE HAS ueen overrun ever- alnce I o;-enel, 1 taw I nad to have more room and to make It plea ant lor nil, have tht day leased the entire bulldlnsr, which makea the house second to iioco. So pain will be f pared on the part of the Proprietor to make this Houte lirat c ass ln every resiiect. New furnluce from bot tom to ton. buss and Rietraire Wjrnon at ar- prUal of all trains N. FREDERICK. Proprl-tor feb l tf Job Printing. flMIK EWVIEW JOB PRINTING OFfl : 1 la prepared to do all klmla of .lob Prlntln j as neatly, aa cbeaplv and aa expeditiously as It can be done el-ewhere.. Xnd in your work and done promptly. fa' n 8 61 84 12 a 15 3 3 10 0 . 11 13148 15 5 m fcfer The follomnj5 'luotruona rcpreaea wholeaalo prleca generally. In making ut apian orucrs higher prlcea have to hr charge! BAGGINCt n Gunny.... .................... Standard............ . BACON North Carolina"""" dams, If tb.. ... -mmm Shoulders, f & . .." Sides, rtb....... WESTERN SMOKED flams, V !b . Sides. V tfc.--. Shoulder, y DRY SALTEO Sides, V tt...... Shoulders, V ft, BARRELS Snlrlta Tarpcsttoe Second Hand, each New New York, each .J. New City .each..... .. . beeswax, m..;. .. URICKS, Wilmington M Northern ........ . BUTTER, North Carolina............... Northern........ ........ CANOLES. V Sperm...... Tatlow damantln?. ....... ........ Northern Factory........... tJalry. Cream.... ........... State J COFFEE. ft- -iva... Lafirnyra ,..... CORN MEAL. V-crii'to aac'it Virginia Meal , COTTON TIES. bundle TnME3TlC3 FI'H- Shootliig, 4-4, f yd. i arr.H, bunsii........ E!G5. V dozor,-.. .Hacfeerei, No. l, T tbJ.... WHming-ton; (joluinbis & AnsmstD K. R. Co. ltAJL,UOAlr m CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS OOINO SOUTH. I OaPy. sm C 150 0 00 tl 1 tC r, 0) 24 or et ' 0 00 G14 CO 00 ffb IS 13 Gb 25 ilCi 12 -8 ft 9 25 & i(. $61 JO 23 25 (0 ((is e 2S Cct 2 O 62"..-, 0 fit V2 at, ?v o Dted Jnne 19.1SS7 6 ill C12 0 Mackerel. No. 1. ? halt bbl .11 0i Mackerel, No. -2, bbl t 00 aiS tfackercl, Ko. 2, half bbl. SOL' a 9 C Mackerel, No. 8, f bbl il 0 ni2 U- Mullets, f bbl C 00 0 4 0 Mullets, Pork bbla tl 00 012 0 N. C. Roe HerrlnR, y kejj... Dry Cod, V FLOUR, r bbl Northern Sniper Extra Fauiliy City M1U& Super Family 4 ULUE-HT ifc tjRAlN, if bushel Corn, freie store, baa.whlta. Gjrn, cargo, In bulk, white Cjrn, carKo, In bass, white Corn, car?o, mlxcl, tn bagB ata, from store.............. Oow Peas HIDES, if lb 4rccu . .... Dry a ay, if tooaa - EaatciTi Western. VortU lilver; .. HOOP IRON, f fc . - LAKD.r ih iorthcrn North Carolina . ....... LIME, if tmrrel LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. Ship Stuff, rcaawed. lis 00 2 Rouh Edge Plank 15 00 Ob West India Car soos,accordlns to quality... ..13 ou ttl Dressed F'oorln, seecaec! . . 1 2 00 Oi 10 n O. Jfc A- R. R. Stations, Aiken Juiu Uon, and 0 uu 3 00 ff 4 IX 0 1 S 25 O 3 W 4(0 fl 4 4 50 O A 75 ' 4 00 a 4 lQ 4 N ft t llA & 11. a ro a a a 45 a n -Q a 65 10 0 12iS 1 10 0 1 15 (0 0 -. ( 0 35 iit -AO PA 2& 7 0 1VA a a io l to oc oo 'cautiiiiif and Hoard, com 'n . HOLASSES, gallou- 00 00 00 oo .12 015 (iO New Croj Oui;a, ln hhd .. 24 0 Zb " " tn bbla 2t a 20 Porte Rloo. inrndd 0 2'i Ir bbls i'6 2S Sugar House, In hhila ft " r. bbla..... a 18 Syrup, ln bbls 22 0 35 NAILS, if Keg, Cut.iOd baste.. 2 25 Ofl-s. f jralior Ker'senc to O ;1 Hrd i th 1 45 LTnseed H'1 Q 1 LO osXd.... v... 15 (i 18 i'ar - 00 a 2d Deck and Spar-,.. ...... ...... 00 (S 22 POULTRY Chickens, live, Krowr... .... 2s s &lis Spring 15 ft 2- rurkeya 75 a 1 CO PKANUTS T bushel 22 lbs..-. 60 0 SO POTATOES, if bushel Sweet 00 70 Irish, if bbl .... 2 50 0 2 75 except f No. ?3, jSunday J DalH. Ijeave Wilmington. Lv J.. Waccamaw . I Cave Marlon...... I nave Florence. . a rrtve Sumter .... -1 rrlve Columbia : 0: pm l 25 urn Nn ally Palmetto Kailroad Co. tssm II ftratikas to 10pm 11 ISpn. I , Ill V4 intll2?.:au 0 40 pml 2 4 " am 1. 4 aui s s pmj 4.24 am 4.2-lati ft.5 i m, 6."0 ami ;.lom TRAINS Girl tit NORTH. txave Columbia. Arrive Sumter.. ' eave Florence.. Ieave Marlon . Lv L wco.amaw Arrive WtlmlnKt'nl No. 78. Dally b .25 pm 11 5-2 pm :V am. 5 15 H 7 H2 am k2 am So f6, ally, except Sunday. 6 vim S .22 a t. 9 0 a m No. 14, Dally. s : pm 9.04 pm pm 10 34 HiMLRT. N. C, STATION, Jnne.'tS. '37 QN AD AFTER JUNE 2JTO, TRAINS . on the PALMETTO R. R will run between the I'ee Dee River. . C, and Hamlet, N. C, No. 1 leave Pee Pea Elver.. ........ll is a m j 1 arrive Han let ,12 15 P M No. 2 leave JUmlet. s 45 P M No. arrive l ee I'ee hlver........ 4 45 F 1 incmw t vu meet xiaina at terminus of Read at Pee Dee Hirer. WM. MONCURF, june29tf Superintendent Wilmington A'Weldqn R. R- AND niCAN (llIICS, ? " . . . . -.d " ...... 1 1.4. Noa. 23 and 78 stop at all station exeep Cano. Savannah. and Sim ms PaMseners tor jKJints. on C. A t. R. R.. C. pomic oevonu. snonui tate no ts. Pan man Slceir fo AuarnTa on ih!s tralr. rains 57 nnd .'6 make close c nrectlon at F lorence with Trains on . A I. R. K. " JOHN 1. orvi&, " General Superlntondoa; J, R. KENLY, Suu't Transportation, . r. M.. KMKRSON.feonora: Passenjrer Arod june x9 HIHESMPRQY-rrjRoot Befr. Package 2 cnts makes 5 gallons of a dell clous, sparkllrgv temp-rance leverase Strengthens and purllies the blood, its purity and delicacy commend It to all Sold by ad druggists and storekeepers. June 13 new RE T" FAPIV rt eauses, and a r I I UilJL il JjniJ unit anrxnasfnl i JL at yotir own home, by one ho was deal twenty-eight years. Treated by moel of the noted specialists without benefit Cured himself In three months, and tincc thn huu dieds ot others. Full particulars sent on ap plication T. S. PAGE. No 41 Wt :tlsi St New York Citv. june 13 4w . CURE for the DEAF Peck's Paten1-. Improved Cushioned Ear Drums PEUFECTLV RESTORE THE niCARING. no matter whether deafnerslscaufed by colda, levers, or inj'irie to the natural dnims. Al ways In position, but Invisible to ethers and ;omfortble to wear MuMo. -oivtrration. even whispers heard distinctly We refer t- ho.ue using be m. Send 1 or Illustrated book of iroofs frtc. Address r IIlst.:oX, r19 iSroadwav, N Y. junn 13 i G 'CIS. H fl . v 9 Ch 11 I n Jt .ft 1 restion. Inward Pain, Exhaustion. CombLningahe ma raluahle meaicmes with Jfimacta Omgrer, it f xerts a cur. tfve power over dife;uie unknown to other remdii IVeak Limps, Klienmatism, Fcmalo Complaint, and tt SL--trcssir2rillof theStomach, Liver, Kidnevmnd Howe .re (li-aupirwr thoiusands to tl yrave who w wtild rtioovt heir health by the timely use of Parker"s GfsokrTom t is uew lifeand strength to the atred. 60c. at Pra L;t& Uiscox 5c Co., 1G3 William Street, N. Y. MARVELOUS PORK; if barrel Jlty Mess It to Prime 13 50 Rump RICE Carolina,, if th Rough, if bushex) Upland).. Do. do (Lowland). RAGS, if lb Country City ROPE, If ft SALT, if sack. Alum Liverpool ....-. . Lisbon........ ............... American.......... UQAR, if tb Standard Standard A.................. White Ex C . Oil 00 fil4 00 Ex C, Golden. C Yellow SOAP, if m Northern.. 00 13 50 . SO Ol 10 J 00 0 1 to it li 10 IM, 70 O 75 a 65 oo a ot oo a lb 7V4a 7ft 6i4 0 a &!4 0 614 0 5 5 0 tVi SHINGLES, 7 In. f M.. Common Cypress Saps Cypree Hearts... ... 8TAVES. if M W. O. Barrel 5 CO 2 00 4 50 0 CO 8 00 a a a a 00 5 CM 5( 7 5 7 ah ru R. O. Hogshead 00 00 OIC K a o CSU Ok 13 0( OS5C 6 00O 6 5C 5 00 00 Cb. TALLOW, if ft TIMBER, if M fect Shipping. 12 00 Fine Mill 11 25 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair Common Mill an RY DISCOVERY. Ell Wholly unlike artllicial sye terns. Any book learned in one reading ' Recommended uy Mark Twain. Richard Proctor, the Scientist. Hons. W. W. Astor, Judah P. Benjamin, Dr. Minor, Ac. Class of 100 C lumbla Law students; two classes of 200 each at Yale; 4f0 at University of Jcnn Ph'.la . and 40 ) at Wellcsley Collore. Ac . and engaged at Chautauqua University. Pros pectus post free from PKOF. LOISETTE, july 11 4w 237 Fifth Ave., New York. r. MILLER. JOHN L. MICHAEL Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 WHISKEY, r gai Northern.. 1 00 North Carollnar.. 1 00 WOOL, if lb Washed 18 Unwashed: 15 Buttv . ...... 10 a 0 0 n a 4ZM 2 S 20 2C It ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Howell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., r-Jew York. Send lOcts. for lOO-page Parnphle IB After Forty years experience in the preparation of mora timrf Ana T T 1 m 1 1 r , 1 Thonsand applications-for patents in the United States and Foreign conn tries, the publishers of the Scientiiic American continue to act as plicitors for patents, caveats, trade-mark, copy rights, etc. forth United Mates, ana t nht&in natents in Canada. England, trance. Gennaay, and all other countries Their experi ence is nnequaled and their facilities are nn jur- P lravring8 and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawinf-s. Advice by mail free , . , Patent obtained thronjrh Mnnn.tC0.ar7 noticed in the SCllfiXTIFIO A3rEIUCA. which has the larjrest escalation and is the most influent a. news-paper ot its tina puDiisue-j " 1 The advantages of such a notice every patentee j IUThi?sUree anH pplendidly illnstrated newspaper j mechanieH. invention, etHnneering w D other departments of industrial ProKjs. pnb lisaed in any coantry. U eonUiMthoramM or all patentees and title of every invention paten ed each week. Try it fonr months for one dollar. Sold bv ail newsdealers. .. -. tn If yoa have an mvention to patent write U Mnna & Co.. publishers of Scennfic American. 3a itroadway. New York- - . Handbook about patents mailed rreft. - RIiller & Co., CONTRACTORS FOR DRILLING AND EQUIPPING ARTESIAN WELLS OF ANY REQUIRED DEPTH. JLORING OLD WELLS WITHOUT RE- movlng walls. Drilling new Wells from the Surface and inserting cement or Iron Pipes, exclndingall foul or surface waters. Have all the Improved Ftcam Appliances lor Drill ing and Reaming In hard or soft rock, from lour to eighteen inches in diameter. Agents for Pumps for Pumping W ter. Address, Frederick City. Md. - O ; KFERE5!CES : J. F. Wesener, Baltimore, MU. Louis Muth, .. .. Bait. -stock Yard Company. Gettysburg Water Company. Westminister Water Company, Md. H. C. Stofler, Frederick, itd. Hiram Grove and Chas. Cronlse. Frederick, Md. C. R. Paxtan, i eesburg Loudon co., Va amuel Lutz. Wallace George, " A. J. Souder, Taylortowu, " Scott Norrison, Bcnderevlile. apt. GrefT, Frederick, Md. John W. trowm. Fredericlc, Md , and hundreds of Farmers everywhere. We are prepared to 00 work from one hun dred to two thousand feet 3 Satisfaction guaranteed mck 1 ' lwd 6mw New Crop Cuba Molasses. gECOND CARGO, 554 HogsLcads. ' 66 Tierces, Now ltnding ex Araeiican Schooner "Uran 179," direct irorn Matsnzas. For ta?e very low by WORTH & WOKl II -b it f 1 Oc FOR ASH A V K. 2c FOR A HAIR CUT. SOc. FOR A IIAIRCUT.SII AVE ANDoIlAMPOOX HAIR DYEING SiOe. and upward. At JOHN WKENER'S, 1 be German Barber and Perfumer, ?an . JSfaarketSt M The Sutton House. AKKBT ."TRFET, bOUTIl tlHlS. Hfc iM n Front a-tl 'ccon t Ioard by the fay, i-ak or Month. Clean voomrt xmtorta.'e iieds, Gooti AUendanri and fhe best the ntariei atforda. , bM&t tow.a - 5 I L. f. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS UOtG fOltTH. 1 No ?3, Dated June 19, V7. j Dally. Leave Weloon....J 2 06 pm Ar. Rocky Mount. I 3.24 K'stMail Drily. No 15. Ditly, except lln ay. ft. 88 pml......... Arrive Tarboro.. Leave I'arboro. . . Arrive Wilson.... 4 50 pm 10 5 am 57 pm Icave Wilson Arrive .celma A rrlve Fayette vi lie leave 4oldsboro. . Leave Warsaw... Leave Magnolia.. Ar. Wilmington.. - 4 15 pm 5 24 pm 7 55 pm 4 45 pm 5 40 pm f 00 Dm 7 40 pm fi 5 pGJj... , 7.40 pm 8 38 pro 9.f5 prr JJO.OO -n r.W am 8. IS am TRAINS G"ING NORTH. No. 14, Dally. Ijeave Wllmlnjrtonil pm leave Magnolia..! 1 10 1 m Arrive Warsaw... I Arrive Goldsboro . I 2.Hara leave Fsyelteville Arrive .'eirn Arrive Wilson. . .. No. 7S, Daily. 8 5 am Ui.A-2 am 10 49 am H.fOam No. Wi, Dally. ejRcpt Snndav. jlin pm r.,i pm U rj pm S 3)ainj...i. 10 53 am It 5'Jaml Leave Wi'son Ar. Rocky Mount.. 2.57 am 12 38 pm 1 .12 pm Arrive i'arboro. .. ,4 50 pm lave Tarboro. .. 1 10 5atp Arrtve WeMon. . 4 25 ami 2 4fpml leaves Kockv M Returning , dally except . Dally except Sunday. , j Train on Scotlaud Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at ..) A." M. dally except Sunday. , Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via A lbcrmarle Raleigh R. R. Daily except "unday, G.0 P. M , Sunday 5 (t P. M.. arrive Wrllllamston, y l" i' 40 P.M. Returning lea ve Wimamston, N. c.. Daily except Minday, 7.40 A. M ., Sunday 9.5u A. M , Arrive Tarboro. N. C. 0 45 A. M ., 1 1.30 A. Ml I rain on. Midland N. C. Branch lcaveGold boro, N :., Dally except Snndav, 7.00 A. M., arrive SmlthHeld, N. C, S Stn a. M . Hcturninp leaves SmlthQekl, N c , . 00 A. M., arrive Train on Nashville Branch Mount for Nashville 4 (hi y. leaves Nashville li.15 A. M. Sundav. Train on Cllntor. branch leitcs Warsaw for Jllnton, Diiily. except -imdav. at 7.20 P hi.. Rut 11 vi nrr Iff 'L u It! r t j. a ftot.lhbo.uud Tralu on vvlbon & Favettevllte Branch Is No . 51. Northbound is No. 5ft. ally except Sundav. - Truln No. 27 South wllJ atop only at Wllaor , - " ...... Train No. 7S makes close connection at We don for all points North Dally. AU fail vU Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Biv Line. Trains make close connection for all point North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington an! Washington, and have Pullman Palace Simeon ere attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, rrvT. General Superlnten4enL- J. R KENLY, Sup't Transportation T. M. KMERSON, Genora.. Passenger A june 19 . Carolina Central II. Company. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. Z. May 1C, 1S&7. dally ex dally ex (Sunday. Sunday Lavc Wilmington 7 25 am 8(0 pm Leave Maxton .... 11 30 am Leave Hamlet.... 12 50 pm '.' r.3 am Leave Wades boro 2 15 pm Leave Charlotte.. 4 32 pm 6 55 am arrive. Leave Lin coin ton. 617 pm 1 eave Shelby 7 40 pm Ar Ruthcrfordtou. 0 10 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS No 2 Ho. 4. " May 16, 1S37. daily ex dally ex Sunday. Sundav. Lv. RutlKrfordton' 715 am Leave Shelby 3 4S a t Leave Lincoln ton. 10 07 am Leave Charlotte.. 12 02 pm 8 45 pm Leave Wadesboro. 2 i pm Leave Hamlet.... 3.18 pm 1 55 am Leae Maxton.... 520 pm Arrive Wilmington 0 05 pml 8 OO" attij Tfalns Nos. 1 and 2 mute elr.c nts " - " wuum,uuu m k Maxton to and from Favetteviiie ijnAn.h.A and other points on C F. A Y.V. a. At Wades boro with trains to and from Chcraw, Florence and Charleston. At Lincoln ton to and from Hickory, : Lenoir and point on C-A L. Nar row oauge R H. Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Ra elgh. - Through Sleeping Cars between Wllniinrtc 11 and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh TweJ,ailn.?0'ifor SUtesvllle.and htatlom on W N C R R and points West Take train No 3 for Spmtanbnrg, Green, vllle. Athena Atlanta and all potau South wejft. Also, for Ashevillc via Siartacburg. o 3 connecu at Wilmington with W Y R R No. 23. I ocal Freight Noa. ft and 6 tri weekly lie twoen Wilmington and Lanrinburcr. Local Freight Nos 1 and 8 tri weekly be twecn l aurinburg and Charlotte. Loral Freight os. 9 and 10 trl-weekly be tween Charlotte and Botherfordton.' v No?. 5. 6, 7, 8. and 10 will not take passen gers. , L. C. JONE3, " r w . Scperlntcndcnt. . vt. ti.A KB, tacnrral Piaaeuxer Attct may 14 lo be made. Cut I hi nnr aud return to m, and we will sind you free. some. thing of creat v&fiui n.t Importance to you. that . . , will t4t yoa la baeiness "-nlcii will bring you ln more morcy right away than any thine else ln thlff world. Ativ ne can do their work and live at home. Kith ct rex; all ages. Something nw, thtt luat coins money .tor U workers. We will -sun yoa; capital not needed. This la one of the genuldc- important changes of a lifetime. Those wno are aiiMctau and enterprising win tot celay. Grand outfit free. Add res Tbuk & t o., Augusta, Maine, ucc 1 trad lrir TT?TnTTTT7 V H KV 11111 V 11 I

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