J i , " - nuiTiuK rAlf- I - II II II II M I 1 1 II II M i ' U7 U 4E . - 1 " W I ff. JAMES, iSO r" , OPTION ?to Thrt ..am' mourns. month. 35 cent. .'it: .. Iwm frM llvercd Dy 1 " - li Atti l'-.u report any Ml .-,.rreulriy. i VOL XL WILMINGTON N. C, MONDAY. AUGUST 8. 1887 NO 187 Wt will be clad to ncaivt eomnnmieUo from oar fries di on uy ud aU Ktuniutanattrat " "i - : That bjuso ot tat wrttar anal always alahad to taa Editor. . CtrarounlcaUonj unit be wrtttaa o -on aide of the papa. r Pttnonalltlea must bo avoidant: -- And It Is especially and particularly aia ' tood that the Editor does not always tadot the Ylewi ot correspondent nist ti th the editorial coram. their jf.fir?e . .h,. remark li.r vol ""Kt of an American Mass I tion and the issue are authorized by the rhere! Constitution while the act creating tho Every I Board ot Aoait ana finance is mereiy a legislative enactment. Orr It is reported that Prince Ferdinand ofSixevCobarg liotba has arrived at furnseverein, and will go from tbence oath ot ofliee a be administer- tho members of m . " l I .. J . I . n f?iiU''3 ,Kal riovn Turnseverein. and will M('r,8! M i',,nn thftt U I t.-TirnovA. where the r '.HtM.n ho wisoat and pfic of Bnlaria will vi'jrrn ,aJ' "n,.0,.rtt cn do.' and ed lo him. It is said th ,t-''h" 1 ' ,t Mr 8pakr the Sobraije have asset with you. Ct'll"' 1 welcome him and to witness the taking ot the oath IK" ur: I K"t85MT8ii in- Mooney, the djnamiter whoattempt -. : 1 1 f rouorAf! I . . . - r ... i . (...opnciuaiu led to blow - ud tne unnsn sieamr . :on Sin hsiii i Arc I . -r ' i i , -.1 ' f" lu . Maeen ID Siew x"T& narunr me oiuci i:, brunch fr ndrnitjH B;am 0 ka miitn a celebrity in his in.u :,.fr nftW tlDiQ 2rors' . nipr the Entlish the D.' " u i Hon Bays: Thomas'J. Mooney, the dynamiter undfr arrest in New York tor Htteuipt LOCAL NEWS. tl : : I t J L. : u t TRIBUTE OF KESPECT. IROEX TO MEW ADVERTUEtatMTl. Tt's Concerns Yoa T S Paob Deafness Parkcr'd Hair Balsam Knxvi'.le FuniUnre Co A LIEHMANK Patents Exitunlon Carolina Beach Roof Zilk lew Seed Wheat C W Y atkj Lovers of Good M uslc Heiwbkkgkk8 Do" You Know It ? Dick Mb abbs The Monarch Shirt Gilks A Murciiison Season's Goods J as DNUTT Pineapple ' a la ode" Dividend oUce Kank of Sw llanavr AIDKRMA.N, FliANXER At O NOW eAdy VV K Sprisoek A Co raln CratUes. Ac in it. ber. Oysters will be good in Septem-i - At a caUed'meetlng of th Hibernian Be" nevolect Association held on July 'ift h8 un" derslnel commUl c passed the fonowtnsr res NEW AOVI3ITI8EMENT8. A I JCl ll A Washlnattn D. C aK 8 lw end for circular The game tor the championship play "fKlf. Qotnnlftv Rfornrwrn hwihpfitv Rovs 1 WherkS: ? t has picaseauou io rerarvc uy i en bataruay alter noon by tne vuy uoys iuhAr mpmiwr. Geoe p. VtVMU WM T-w w..w- - - l- New Seea w,leatl Of Fine Quality. ?cnd lor descriptive List and Prices. ante $ 4w - EOUP A 21121. Westmlceter. Maryland. line of basiness. A special from Ln- l J .-..-M Cerisiresser. a mem nir tn blow ud the s en ner lbeUuw, Ul it muld lo i n i . c i . ... l - : v . .. Hironov hrm.Ha wpll-known to the police hen- a nit"1" . -ui.i t. Kia I ,vivtihKid Hb wasilifl prime mover nI,.f..itn. v R.,Kprt i"lh explosion which wreckod a T.r- kor ... u M Denew. Ho VirZ .rrJa.M ot torruer years i i n '.i u i . i r r - ' i w i i'h iiia raaau lxj avi- --w--- i it mill j " " Canteloupes have ab ut entirely dis appeared from the -narket and Atlantics was won by the City Lamb, who departed thia life on the evtnlng Boys, in a score of 31 to 10. The game of4nKKKA8 fit l? emlntnU pioper that we. wos umpired by Mr Sheetze. - f!-H? ffiSnycffiM . - ! . . . 1 III. as..-. nrlon i irivic:i x-ot Jinnrtt Tttfr.ljH We want to sto a big hotel, with frmj expreS8i ngo ur re-ret "at the loss of one T-ei "a pvi?CC It causes, and a new first class appointments put up this who through long association has ent area -xax u uoo and successful CDRlfl - , . , - liimc:f to us by his many noble qnadties of X at yonr own home, by one v ho wa deaf ' Winter at Carolina Keach. the fame bead and bca t . twenty-eight years. Treated by most , fuia m'.nnliir rosnrt hud irnnp all nspr Urt was :ienimet wuii mi assocuuioii -1 of the noted specialists without beneni vurta OI tUlS popular reSOri naS gHlt? ail YCr 1 , . ln,ntion and bo'.d som Of the I 4..;1n th mnntha .nii ttiiM thM twin the State and everybody wants to get! highest offices wtthlc Its gift Asagent'eman I dreds ot others. Full particulars sent on ap; , r. u, ..a , he emljodlcd those principles worthy ot the I plication. T S. PAGE. No 41 Wtlst St tnvre. it wouiu kuwi uib " ' name. Manly li all things, yet gentle a a I Sew Y ork City. ' au;8w u . i.: i . : p,m (l. honest UBrienianu ceicrous- a mnwre Binreurau.utt.uuivu. .hrtattan hata.Utimeientoavoreil t under-' rr 7Tm " " i tand acd follow the te colnsr of his Divine tt'V -onri. .;. Matar Ilia hand and heart were lways Of en PARKEII'O i HAIR BALSAM .. . ' a-a 1 to the ne 'dv, and to aid the sick and bury the Toe tolloving cases were disposed oi deadvere iuties which he freey assamedio fhe thormomeur ot up to 82 degrees by the Mayor to-day : S&J I . - - -Innn 1 1 7 . " . ! . . m -1 1 it 3 oY'.ck to day and that was the Kliva Anderson, a. u , tu oi ur. n0 was a kmu anu aiief uonaie nuoaim auu Reada Kdwards. Sarah Edwards and tiVth ofurottor Matrie Edwards, eharged with an as- member. George P Lamb, the Hibernian 15c- m " B ' ., nevolcni Association has lostone of its oldest, sault on David Hawkins, were sen- most etii(viK11t and most esteemed members, . . i iu ,ntn I wliof-e loss we deeniv denlore tenced 10 to u m .u..VJi - , . rt!S1,t t the mem- David Huggins. found asleep on the ory or our deceased Brother Ujat a W f lnA Tllfin;: in our rceorfi ue mscriuen hhu mo uam ff i aiv t a w . v u.va ,Aii iiate r .loath. Also, that wc teuacr to n.e . . g an j family of deceased our sympathy on this sol- -jUgT RKOh.1 VKD, A PINK ASOBTMKT ' em uucamuii' . , i mg . ' Wftterinelons are still plentiful but the quality doHs not sceui equal to that the popular fAvorU tor dreeftlnsr the hair, Itertorinfr color wbpu j prav, and prernUnpf IBdmff. ' It cleaues tho scalp, stop th! hair falling, and la mr to ploftM. i , bi amlSl 0tIrMglrttg. - HiraDERCORNS. ThecAfest. sarwi and bestenro for Corn. Bunion. ItcrmaUiwin. I .nyirw eonuort ig i n n. nersr f o cure, li cents at I'ruiXta. lliM.xi A CO., t ; f' Mr CariHtsays he is glad theland imprisoned. ?md als participaied jt rained here yesterday afternoon street, $20 or 30 days. V: . ,i..h! collapsed The in Loal Government office and Times . . th(, besl part o! Q t charged with keepin fc"'.' h.Bffirn. sought ofltce explosions, when ms 'nipi.re though, unlicensed dog. was fined $5, of V. i hpi'urc"1 1 .. . I aicuermoit. was apfiieueuucu tniwx. - I . . i, ihum H ial ! u. iit.. ornt t:9 a to be remitted w ii ,iij not 1 "v senienceu to prison iui mc. , 0. rtf M(. w- p l ' HhMlWltimore&Ohio - Mooney escaped to America and took The Directors ot the Bank of New fe purcnased. -tL-iJ"' . part in the blowing op of the Oitawa Hanover have declared a semi-annual - ,riipertya- b.M ;,l"f-"lhrnk. Parliament building, for the purpose ot di-idena Qf four per cent.,' payable on On to AshevUle. U'tfobQYS.- 1;V.".";: carrying out whicbschfeiue ne uscu n u a;d that orders have been i L ,. ronz yndicat wi.i ne ioudu i Unney collected by U'Donovan noasa - - . - - ... nt Wn .... ... v. Ohi,. .ill h ftt inr A nimikr wnrk in Euirland After XT . , , int. Christen- front headquarters to begin at MlbeU" the Ottawa ontrage Mooney got into ! fftr Hamhnrir. with the work ot extending the Ca I . I. ,1 . . I - J I Li1, n -i n Ot n I !M" 11 . J.IPiXl i v l. j wr I which hen' a Resolved: That a ropy ot tnes? resoiuu n i of fche )atesj mU8lc be seDt to the family ot aeceasca, aim w ei'V paiKjrs for publication. JOnX L. CANT WELL JOHN McBXTEE, TIMOTHY DONLtN. Committee. tractive 4 ui.. m:.u P.noian Voninna n.i A sen, Cieuieo tn-uajr ,lo.,KJnnnUniinhl,. nnihfl Annrft statue 2 904 barrels rosin, vaiueu ai, &o. , Tae record of the loua-mooio oeftr New York. He has since, it s 8hipPed by Messrs. DeRosset & Co. tiitt'e bj l0UU . - i unaersiooa, uevoiuu uis nmo i ca.-i V -l not fit l M3'ciate wuh the (irand iraenting with explosives in and about It rained and it iw sesienmy at I fillD.ibl'c ingrowing worse New Yo k. He is an adept at the in Soalnport. It was a' disagreeable day sanity uouo. yumraer ViS tors to mat pieas a i orodTTTrr letter in iho St. ant little towo kept safely housed. x a Mirn - j . ofthflU'P'i )thii wlV-n speculations, wuue -au ,r .. ,n,ai informsition that broiv 0ID,t""l-3 r n jj76. he irn'aed by a waicnez Ulo.in-kefper lo recover .Diooa-uiuj Ldsonsw been exacted .DJ Dim Tattle) whiie ia command at Nat- i . c .ui tka otiii c n its mpnts" 0a no! lie plead the statute tno United Slates, who resides at aania iii limitations. ssued once rolina Central R. R. from Rutherfordton to Asheville. This is really a glorious piece of news lor our people. The ex tension of this road will place Wil mington within 15 or 16 hours' ride ot and refreshments Asheville, and on a direct line, the dis , pHJB BIEEuTOUS f kainn ma (hint rt m p.t.h i n c morel A 111 LI VO UIU, Vt y l"Min ' w ----- D the railroad than 300 miles. It is bound to be a NEW AOVKKTlBJSJttlfiNTe Excursion. COWMITIKE OF YOUNG MEN WILL give an Excursion to Carolina Beach to-mor row, August 9th, on Steamer PASSPOaT. itnot loauAa at. ) a. m and 3 tj. m music - - a ... IX)U1S Uiooe Utinocrai very maveiy Lot those who oppose narrates the history ot a colored citizen sub5cr,ption register and vote, as well great deal ot benefit to the business m wbo it claims is now 135 years ot age.- a9 lhose who taVor it. This is the best terests of the people of Wilmington. It is interesting enough to find a place wuy to 8bow your opposition to the ANew Elixir. here. The. letter says: scheme. Messrs. Richard S. Love. Charles T.. ... nn n nmiT-i-k nnrl oi I'Aon ( OF TIIK BNK OI" NEW HANOVKE have declared a semi an nual dividend of Four Per Cent . payable to Stockholders of record of this date on and at terthellthlnst. WALLACK CasMer. Wilmington. N C. Aug. b, isyj aug 8 t . Yesterday was extremely sultry and s. Love. R. W. Hicks and George Ran Mpifio. is Drobablv the oldest uncomfortable but to-day the wind has f Love, of this c'ty, and A. H. Mor man'on earth. He was born near t aroQOd to the East and there is a ris. ot Teachev's. have formed, a com- This Concerns You. riniBJ 'EUXIR OF LIfE" IS THE BEST In a bath .i has Dorchester. S. C, in 1752, and while of equinoctrial weather in pany for the manufacture and sale ot a Tonic ever introduced. Taken liai U0 I r 4. rand V- m rl7.1 A tn M1 WaV I OU"- I ..rw, T-ll I 1 npw irame. called " KlUgoal al . r. ramMVnJ tr MmlvvflV ..w - P . - laillUIBUb n . . v I . . , T" I .1 ikiii onmln. I vnn t ho t I I h RtmOJDQSre. oie into lavor iu rugiauv tu4a a" i Kiver. tja., iu iub oaiuo jwi i ' Ber and forms an addition to tennis Franklin brought down electricity iroru ti;ril,n purtic, and .asbiooable out- ;bef I? iSScT" i . 'f i rrn 11 1 r pa I ... . v tr ea nei ri25. i ins m"0 ' "i no anri nis maiser. uaiues uujf. i.u,-i:s iu the shaoe ot nets. "BOULANGER'S MABCIW r, Gay, spirited and pretty and played with great Bucress all over the country. . '.' Price 30 cents. Send in your names and let us a all you Hat of latest music as Eoon aa published. - ,; C. W. TATKS, aug 8 Wholesale and Retail Stationer Capital Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works. JADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S GOODS of every description Cleaned or Dyed in ate most Fashionable Color j. Blankets and 1 ace Curtains Cleaned and Bleached. No 18 South Second St., aug 1 m t w 2w Wllmlogton N. C. Marvin Safe Company TyTANUFACTUBE SAFES THAT AR NEVER DAMP ! The only 8afe havlngth uew bath tonic known as "The Elixir it wm cure all Pulmonary Disordere, Kidney I Tone and UrcgKyVt ! of Life." At present it is manufactured Disea8et Llver complaint. Piles, Dypepsia, j merit. its. grass ffrom whom he takes his name), mov- topsaod sticks The hoop is hro,n y to ind fw between the ptayers, the Jiwa numo & ihn.wer scoring one point each lime . ritish fleet, under Sir Peter Par- . . i; . I l,nnn . b i 1 . IY flk.rlacfnn Thfl P.ltl lutl uR SUCCHJUS iu ctuw.w. I &C1. t mir.l .... l:, .,,.,t inln the 0OJl! The registration for the approaching election on me . H. i . ;. ,a kn.ti ttnil ndck, Wi uui.F-w-. rw . , - s . j I ko witi,A,it thia ifficicnt Medicine ai leacneys auu su.cu ,.u - Ha. .r.nii lo women. No apl 2 2t am ly m A. A. WILLARD, Wilmington. N. days lett now there ma that will carry it up to 2 000 The opening of Carolina Beach as a kidneys, etc.. for several years, with Summer resort nas oeeu oi iuuiC th0 moBt grauiymg reui.. 1 n V I ItU IT two days lett now mere may u a n thorouhlv tested as - a after the third bath. 1JV 11 ( W V v - 0 r remedy for the complaints of the liver, ELIXIR M'F'G CO., has f nice Piincess, bet Second and Front St mr "5 It that he succeeds in seud.ng the aoop ker arnved f)tt unan , - mmpial intereaU of Wi!- i i Thin .nno horl orePtP.fl ft DB menu wu'u t." v" UB su" l on: a Tionri with 26 ?qiij. 1 ,ini nn than ativ enterprise that . i a rn iiiiivnuz .sit.kjv.. - - . j ' i in uciii 1 . nmnani nviuu wv.. ... . t . l l - - ikn !-rv nn nnn nr hoth a-.icks.and it he ia successful he throws made an attack by land and water, auu A blg exCarsiou itback at his opponent, in order, if were compelled to withdraw ator ton from GoMgboro tomorrow week. It possible, to get it into hi. goal. SSuhaTSeV anl Jasper diSih. i- to be under the charge ot Messrs. J. w.ir hfmself by re'placin the flag. whi. b r. Smith and B. H. Hatch and the are UU announced that Prince William beenJBhol -ftWav upon the bastion, .g ()nJy l for tue round trip. Carolina ol Prussia U to be at Gastein with bil on a Dew slaff. His mailer. James objective point. f rudfaUier during the visit of the Em- James, manned one ot w itu. - momBnt. There is always a de- WK have removed FROM THE OLD lUo t pnm nilLLrU tI )UUK B,"-""'1-'"" 1 Meteoric. remember the name : A distinguished scientist savs that on p- pfllp fa Mode' the 10th inst. the earth will phinge rilieappie a ia. JU.uuc, headlong into the August meteor zone. (The new Beverage and on the 10th. llth and 12th tha care- telterBf BharkJ8. &c. Prepared only at the ful observer will be sure to see a large Soda ouawaoi n the DrnM,8tt . . 4 tLn I n O 11 IHAnt CI number of tbem radiating irooi tuc ang 8 j constellation Perseus, for there may be an unusnal display at the most unex Look for tne Horse. XT 15 uTTderfeVrrtK ,t.HYuOWT 12 ITT. L ness or Saddlery Goods. Try a can of Caator-. ine, the beft Axle Oil n use Kepalrlog of all kinds neatly, promptly and cheaply done. 4 FKNNKLL & DANIKL, -Horse Ml liners and Clothiers, 1 aug6 10 8. Front at For Rent.. rjlHAT DESIRABLE DWELLING Jioufic, No. Trio Market Street, corner 2i8 N. Front St. of 8lxth. Apply to 1 aug 1 6t Bl J. L. CANTWELL. Now Ready peror of Austria. This ' has caused fisnt. and Jim w Pianos. ikoF." E. VAN LAER DESIRES TO AN- sketch, and tour other slaves wereem- excursion to mor- lightful uncertainty about comeis uuu st'4'd and are n0w ready to wait on all whe ninvfto nrouuu iuo mm - i - . u R.nr i mutonro aa wen as a uiuac ioo w. , .. , . c,n i tn nnmnnA or twrannaiiv aeieciinar inairu- m, s'raiood relations baye exUU.1 be 5S. Jim followed bis m er low to Carol... . - " . snd lhere's lots of fan Ufffl'i!a.UM .. Pri. Willi, nrt ihn Cmwd tbroaihont the war. ana w. Th(. proceeis are 10 u . - . flta to .it OD Houee FainUhtoiGojiaMiowpnce.. .. v--. - i . . .m l . M. n I'rt k nvn l r. t.j.1 htna mni. I inmni ill KB iui iuujw 1 -i : u ri Liiunu I iuiwuuw ... . t- . o n I ' i i iinnitria f I'nri, rLOvai. o. v , i . ... h wo .... . .. ..!, llCQCritl JUiuu"-' . , i ! diinftnlK DUri)"o " rnnce oi Austria since tne visu u iuw 1779 wnen RUmltrie oeieaieu - oftndance Re former to Vienna, when they bad a vio fheebcoVbined British forces of Provost there will be a good nooe lent quarrel Prince Bismarck is most and Campeli. His master was aur freshments andmuBieon .the boat, anxiou, that a reconciliation should rendered by Gen ij'" Viu C mpl ain't is made ot the crowd Ukeplao. It is lor this reason that he j'jorand this ends Jim's mi'itaiy tnal c -ngregate at the dock whenever hHnri'Viiii-! tirw.n iho Rmberor Wil- ' . u r,,c arrives, making it actually r -... - 1 LVi :llllv; ' ilmw" - liim lo command his grar.doo's pres ence at (hsuin in order that he may have an opportunity ot recovering his P'we in the good opinion of the Em peror of Austria. . Some ol the colored people of the Santa often mix up names in the most incongruous style Lily is the favorite Me for the blackest pickaninny awojthem. An old washerwoman imed her only child Mary Mandy Q0W 63 years of age. became the prop nd look tor tbem. In tact, juozmg oy I our own experience, there is more fun in looking tor them than in boding! them- North Front 'ai rtir.RM AN. PLANNER & CO. , augSdAw , IU N. ITontSt. nounce that ho will soon go to New York tor , the purpose of personally selecting tnatru- ments for customers. m consisnviy wwiw ins orders attest as to tho great surxesa of this plan oi . obuuniag iD8iramenin. nu ie n vantages gained are apparent to all thinking "people '. T I The manufacturers carry the largest stock Lnnvuillo Flirnitlirft 1,0. UtthUaeaaonof the year, and by our carefjl IMlOXVIlie rUIIHlUlO UUi 4 I njctnod of testing Instruments, we c&n make urE VV mtmu- I perfect selecUons and consequently alveen ARE 'HERE YET, WITH THE I Batlsfactlon. Ord. ra solid ted. - ; Address au communications ana aena iur Carolina Beacb. Keep cool and re- finest, and cheapest Turniture another house clxcular8 to ,a dhu. - -to ,ound ln the cfty that the headquarters for batht WeVe receiving new goods daily from. tM He remembers oi me rrj.m,... . kio nd ditlicult sometimes to member VW&i&ZVitJLtL r .o..e U,r..ortU,.crowd: Tb. ,Bg . I. at tbe WilmioSton bbir M Irenes h ttafi WofTb years of .mcers ol .he boat have tried to keep it Faolorv. Suits made too ae .-ua... JS !S Ibil i, ear his Br master died, cannot. a policeman prob- a specialty. J. Elsbacii. Prop .87 . . . lim than honROlfi v,,c"1 . . . . tf. TV. AltO. lull Ul rJ K. H. SNEED. Manager aug 1 mws iw E. VAN LAKR, 4(9 Bed Cross Street, Wilmington. N.C. aged aooui ou v 7 " hl v could. a i itcui v111" 1 ' I LUO UIUIvivj - James), owning iarKe Jr about thirty slaves, near Charleston On account of having raised Marse Henry" Jim was a special favorite witn his joaster and was allowed to.do as he chose. His second master, nenry, i t r: nno a iw a h.i ii i ua . in ibid, aouut i jit liiclicaiion t.v.- w.tu rRrnlina. Ucal rains. and staioaary temperature, except in :he interior, and fHightly warmer. SUeli Sidewalks. Our good neighbors at Soutbport are Feraonai . . iua Uc,4c. All at the lowest prices .l r I dram h and tamiiVhavei nHa -nr the nrlces. ooi. v. mj. : I o ,7,, nprHian- Season's Goods. f EFRIGERATORS, JCE CREAM FREE- zers, Water Coolers, Jiy ana, All at the lowest prices. Call and Soi;.. tv. . . i I fc f r,moQ .lames. Heurv s second i leasant ueiigntiuu a uu- tfr.u, - - imam n -. i.iik nil v j i-M m w idant of Ham ie r; . nmhvrff. S. C was completed, oll iitniown : Piceaiathe name ot Shadrach Me thtJ thB ion2est road in the world, and tuof . fh5 i : I1 V,:. 7.K Kl. ,o0tr took a tr D OVer pOSdlUi-, auw aujw t ------ . I - ... . rnnHarmrr Id 1833 the railroad irom ouanw- awaktng to tne necessn-v f .. as attractive as anri in view "modsu. aiouq yuuug uiu puB : .f L!a .. nn si .Tin ifi s I , nnd in the neiaDDor an.U . . . ... . I -n ,ivnnnL lit uib ks. . I n ik was uUk ueciae wnat 10 can uer . -irv arra a hi .saia her dilemma a loglady. who told her a taLner s i . . .... . u.... onH will .... . dames " j , - noou hi ius wui pplied to a . .h d wben he became of age in- " wiftr.w. This is to call him baited large estates, s aves, etc . pusneu u. . ... o d Uncle Jim aten in tbe rignt airectiou auu aiupos. me name u" 7. "TT.. i.r..o. .Imea lived in "cy.aadoowWillipas W.U.pas -1 when be IS ftiMa.1 It .l . L.ir :4t I u " ... ii K!a olatioa ""wiiu me list. a naiiwinw moved to Texas wiiu an u Bero in Atabama has named three of James desired that his slavea Leonid be t before his oeam. tjaui -T.-r o ""V ,r the United States and died in Texas. w.PayerMasks ra the Mtacngtr- ftQ(Hn iscs alter there were no longer lhli: tlaves in 'the Unitad States. Untie r Should a majority ot the qualified Jim's children and grand-children re ers voleforiubriptInn to the On- turned to the United States - Y fc Railroad, will it bind the city un- years ago, at the age of 130, Jim i con d approve1 by the Board ot Audit do Hgnt cnores, out iuwiu f I - a & a a v Ail imiflQ fail I be a be gone to Cleveland Springs. Mr. Archie R. Campbell is in the citv on a visit to his family. Mr. Thos. A. AV right, oi tne varonun Central, accompanied by his family. has gone to Lincolnton. " . r r u ti;n Mr Fred. H. Lmooo. aw ""t S.C, with his family, is in tHe city oi a visit lo relatives here. Mr. Horace M. Emerson, who went . u ,.,1nluina a IfiW WlvkS at( tor au. s Grain Cradles, Grass Blades and Snaths, yAWN MOWERS, 4c. Full stock at bottom pricee. ,m W. K. SPRINGER & CO., 1, -l, 33 aiaraei oi. Valuable Real Estate, (Corner of Princess and Fourth ata.) At Auction , pN WEDNESDAY. AUG. 10th, U87,atl2 o'clock, M, at the Court House door, tre will offer for sale that desirable House and' Lot on the Southeast corner of Princess and Fourth Streets; lot 80 feet on Prince a atreet and 2 feet on Fourth atreet. TERMS CASH. 8. VAN AM RING E A CO.. aug . Auctioneers and Real F state Brokers. aug 6 St 'V THE gare to besttended with good results. Mtxtaku Identity. The Review has no desire to do an where he has been summering in tne mouiiwaiua v" -. e ii i the benefit of His health, has returned "Monarch" Shift Ahead I much improved. . . Rnt v. agents fob the city, Mr. John Werner has returned to tne Tio city from Soutbport and the Rocks. PICK & ME ARES , Do You Know It ? it for niustice te anyone. In stating in Salur several weeks past. d-s Usutba5, the man who died ol Mr. A, M 'ZlTZ iin at theOit Hospital was known port, is m charge of tbe -iouue. during aug 8 Gentlemen's Furnishers, 12 N. Front t For Rent. EOM OCTOBER 1ST, THAT nd Finance? Thia question ia a seri- by contributions from the citizens, but U3onp .n, , ni ,r t- tha r.xi two vears. not being aoie Plainly defined Will not the friends of to walk, ho remains for the most part the measure explain P i ii a littla iacal. his wants being sup a M mm ra Certaioi, u wi. Tber8 is Bowbere PlW byenerons ne, .o- ine &ct creating a board of audit and from walkios. but yet be has sufiicient oQince for the citv of Wilmington anv- atnrth in his arms to drag himself a ftrz givicg authority to the Board to short distance-fifty yards or .more ls QDon m. :K . and readily took. position on the raw IOIII UI9 WWI , . . t. n(,anctionor the popular vole, and if I Democrat Jct respondent to ,uch a thing should be found there it j photograph Laredo T.x.) take his LeIUr to Dutch Charley, we were in error as Capt. SnellV absence n takes air- Mr. David S. Cowan and famiiy left F1ftB streets, no occupied ly Mx ... . .1 A .-w ''Mi. W aim's DWCe OD Hie M Dutch Chaney a.pp reu - :t . - . l.iiuiii Dwellina: corner Dock and as ir thn name in his own person in this office looay irassfri. r ,u nAnlrarv. HlS I Mr. Dfl U convince u to v.ic , i - - . . t. .rtrn Dart . ... ' nersnasiveano we i here tnis momma xnos. u. uonuBg. l rnttirn .win mm jfcumuuv- r - ,. I ... if. r.,on . tKr kM did'at u o loitne otaie- """'i much like a dead man. It was simp. j in afaW. weeks nut nis auio, a case of mistaken: identity on the parMabsent until October, a at a rn i m - t a crirrit w hkl ltdi . - aug5 3t K. PESCHAU. Carolina Beach. ' : mrr . aw V V & W ' Vrt 1. of our informant Of course. i iwaj. roswi - irpaE pasiokx nn -' v" marks as to diasipation tall to x hag no ditease oi tne uu., Arouna BAi:H every weekday at 9 1 .be troupie u It is thought this isaipauou - ,u - , nior !n hoi CAROLINA BKAt.H erery weesuay a . 1L..1.D ia I i iL.lw.nkla IS Hn nicer in lUC I . ... I o.in.iir whpn Wf nlnoT eround also, so far as Datcn w" - posea. out iuB . e c rttni V.v :T concerned. . . . . ; - , Doc Collars. Large assor received. Can bay a nice -collar 25 cents op, a4 Jaoobi's Hdw I atom ash wilt yield J boat leavea at t 3. Train reiurntnar leaves at 1, an- o . ... . ,k nr..nir treatment and we .tn -umUTa Louise ksayes at 9 30 a, ra. and f rom nopevo - ' -r- - " , " 1 6lf General Ma-ger. THAT YOU CAN BBY Pianos, Organs, Hovels, Blank Books, Paper, Envelope, Inka, Pens, Penclla, Slates, , ; Mucilage, Gold Pena, , - ' Fpectaclea, A lntuna, Bibles, ; Testaments, Looking Glasres, Fancy Goods, Base Ball Supplies. Franoea, School Booka, very chapat HEINSBERGEIt'S. ittlr 29 . . -' ' Casta Book and lluaic Store W0Qid be unconstitutional. The elec-1 Qlobc-Democrat.t