. " . ' r . ' ..... ctELLANEOUS ;-.. lerdMorbus ramps olie iarrhoe. - Qompiaimts" MCured bra itaspoonfulof rJ)dyisPm tffcr in a tittle ilcar. u.gar and Water " ll Druggists Sell It. Harper's Magazine. ima;stkate. Utni's Magazine during 1VH ,vlll con tra ixtel of nit n.- political, social and JoJe Intcn fct. cai ltlctl -Merita" story i V.fc-bv Kath lecn O'lUani; IT new Mtel tcttrtil -April H pes." by W How ,l!r 's-ute:nci'-li. by hat lea Uudley Wiri-r snJtc'ea Hardlnar llavl-. lllusira-- ti hr Viilio Hamilton : Gibson; ''Great Br-esn juduilrJe.-' continued; ; clal .t''r-" br T R 1" K!y ; luTther Alleles on tt. t iilwtr rrii)!ora by competent writers: a wrio? of II nitrations by a bbey ana jHfrrdrircousjanlc'cs by K P Roe; and otb frt:rsctlous. --' ? ; Harper's Periodicals. ' Per Year; Ritm'S M AGA7IKS 4 CC IirtS'K W7EKLT 4 t IllSrrS'S P.AZAR .4 00 HiSfXX'8 YOUHQ PSOPI.. .......... i(X HaCTB'S FttAKXUN SQUARB LlRRARY. Umic(.v: Numbers) lu ou Ast3c i'rfe .o ainubscribers in fa Vniteo iiUiht Canada. CaT-iiUuies of th? fr"?asine begin with the Probers for Jur.u ami December of each year. rc. co time Is specified, cibscrlpliona will j(?B:;h the N'ncib-sr current at time of re !vtoior'U'r Bourn! Volumes ct Harper's Alagaziru, roi Cut years back, in neat cloth binding, HD be aent by mail, postpaid, on recelp oi t ir volume Cloth Cases, for binding, crate each by mall, postpaid. bkt to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, iaityttcal. ami Classified, for Volumes 1 to70. fcf!ive from June, 1850, to Jane, 1885, one w:.,svu, Cloth, t-4 DO. Kcsi'.ttauccB should be made by Poet-Office Koney Orlcr or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Ntuspepert ere not to copy this advertisement Vovtthttxprta order of aJarpep Bros. Addrwf KAFFEB A BE OTHERS, -.was New York 1887. 1887. S-U50A YEAB POli The Daily Whig. The cheapest dally paper in the South. :' "JHK WEEKLY has been enlarge ad ke pri'Tr.siuocilto7 cents a vear. The cheap fty paier published. lumciiayissne and Weekly edition both 2rf?;,ear:Ior1"0- The two are cheaper lhan ecmi-wecklv as you get one r:T. . e "ntl & weekly for 50 cents lesa than n?,h,'f8al,TCC wo weeks anl Weekly one u. ir. L 3 l1 or,e cent for a postal card w fMer oi.e ur the other cn trial stress THE WHIG, Richmond, Va. THE STAR. Cputru.p.i-Uig the Principle of a rub. L'.M,Tttllc mlnUtraaon. HbBiaeU .n the city of Aew York. 'aUAM 1X)RSJEK. Ed. A PropT. Bia-T, WUKLIAKD SUSDAT EDITIONS y WEEKLY STAB, Vaaally Paper. " oitln3 ,lhe latC8t news, down tp the !on:utoJc.88: Agrlcnltural. Market, aKhoJd1,oll"',,. financial anJ rill Poetical. IlnniomnA and Wltn. oae,nt? a11 cder the ilirectlon of tixte,-roZ:ot the hljrhest abllitv. Its thWf!1.11 be found crowd d with b, d bInnlK to end Origluil T1r9n'u,li,h0, American and for- DAILY. STAR. tUtnri at ur .h. .K;Vln: bahy. and other news 1,5 : thk s, r7pondents, fcially h. K furDlab the laical new iJficli5na V? are DnunJaased. T,nrtl,Varket "evieweare unu LU to S AV. estraoHnary induce t ..... '"'ence ,l TC r m lt8 special cor- nna :uid Dublin, la n mmtna...i.Kii 'CVosu CCkly SUrto rlbera ear.. lhe Umlt of N. Y Wty. JP'rof iL.?.' onc etra to or bU 06 'y... oar (InclndiBg- . Car 15 ' bt;u,,r sMay, .17. ?lx months": 13 -JKorth WIlllAmSt , , New York .i one y ar.... Mx months...:! 7 to 3 C The Daily ggeyiew . ; A Southern Girl. Her dimpled cheeks art? pale; Sho'a a lil? of lh vale. " " Not a rose. Id a muslin ora lawn She is fairer than the dawo ; To faer beau x . Her booU art siiui nnd neat Sho ia warm about her feet, SlwaiDpntates hpr-r'a, . Hut her eyes arc like the ptars . Overhead. On a balcony a night With a flsecy cloud of white Round her hair Htr i; rate. ah. whn enuld nnint P She would lascinaiu a saint, I declare. 1 VU a mailer of resret. Siirt a bit of a coquet! c." " Whom I sidc- On her cru! path shoVoes W ith a half a (li-z.-ti feaux But lt all Thai ptfs bv. A hor, maiden nionipn'.s fiy. .".-'. Dewr empo tiled. When t h fnarriis on fay life. She will make the draieai wife In lhe world. catarrh thai ! becomes Uttto ul I TlIE I1RETII of a chronic patint i& oI'.ho ho offjn.?ivc Cnnnol jfo inio society ant! he. an tbject of disgust. Alter a ceratitn sels in, the pponsry bone-arc atLhckfd. and fr qtimlv , nntirHv de stroyed. A constant source !" tlicotu forr is lhe dripping of the purulent m cretion. tnto fhe throat, sometimes pro ducinir irivcterwl" hr nchiti?. which in iU turn has been thn csctlinir cause of pulrui'nary disease. Th brilliant re sults which have nttcndetl its u- for years past properly designate Ely's Crcaui Balm as by far lhe Kst. it not ihecnly real cure for hay fever, rose cold and catarrh. He Wat Iiistuv . . A certain manager of a menagerie died, and word was sent U his native village, that his remains would be brought home for interment, and that they would be accompanied by a mem ber of the troupe When the box ar rived, however, tdej friend noticed that it wa8Very laree as large as a table and exceedingly heavy ; sn they thought an investigation ought to te made, and they opened the box. Great was their amazement lo discover tbe carcass of a huge lion. They called to the man having it in charge and asked : "How is this? We received word that the body of the mauager was coming, and instead of that we find the carer. m of i his great lion .He answered: "Well, tba'.'s just it. Him 'a the leliew what ate up the" manager. Tbe matia gers inside." A Prize in the Lottery of life which Js usually unappreciated until it is lost, perhaps never to return, is health .What a priceless boon it is. and how we ought to cherish it, that lite may not be a worthless blank to us. Many of the dieeases that flesh is heir to. and which make life burden some, such as consumption (scrofula of the lungs), and other scrofulous and blood diseases, are completely cured by Dr. R. V Tierce's ' Golden Medical Discovery" after all other remedies bavo failed. Dr PierceV treatise on consumption mailed tor 10 cents in stamps.- Address. World's Dispensary Medical ARS--ciation, (553 Main Street. Buffalo, N Y. ConkliUK Making Money. Roscoe Conkling's pfesent money earning capacity as a lawyer was indi cated by a remark which ho himself let drop while here He was au indorser on $60,000 of the paper of that untor tunate lawytr, Johnson of Utica. whom everybody supposed very rich until alter his death two years ago be wa3 found to be terribiy embarrassed. Mr. Conkling said that every penny ot that $80 000 had been paid by himsalf since. Iu tbe course ot the conversa tion of which this was a part, Mr. Conkling said that in investing money either for himself or others, especially if the investment vere to be real estate, be would rather take the judgment of an intelligent Catholic priest than ot anybody else. He had seen in his ex Deriencelhat tbe heads ot the large Catholic parishes almost invariably make judicious and profitable invest ment of clerical money. His theory wa that their mingling so much with so many people made tbem exception ally good men of affairs and excellent worldly advisers. Chicago Heralds New York Ladies. The New York lady of fashion com mences the day much like the Paris ienne, only, instead ot chocolate,, she ua3 coffee and crackers (biscuits) in bed. Sbfi does not take much interest in the newspapers, but languidly turns over the piles of correspondence of all descriptions which await her perusal and. selects the most interesting. A picture of her at tbi3 moment would be most charming a tiuall. oval, spirit uelle lace, large, luminous eyes and well marked eyebrow?, clear complex ion, and intelligent ing you at ones the. being capable ot mobile mouth, giv- idea that there is a understanding most things and of taking-her part in the world's work. Her hair, too, coiffure a la directoire,' hardly tossed or tum bled, and her pretty pink silk night Wrapper areas carefully considered b her as if she were going to receive her friend; in thftt guise The American ladyloves to have all her. surroundings Iteautitul. and she takes srreat pride in wearing ciegaut ucdercothine ol all descriptions, some times of pink pale blue' or maize col ored silk, trimmed with Valenciennes or fine torchon lace, and sometimes of the finest and softest linen, merely tuck ed and gathered, but always elegant and always of the newest design In no city of the world is the -subject of tbe toilet studied to such an extent as in New York:. The American society lady, as a rule, is not an early riser, and appears at a rather late breakfast in a pretty and .elaborately trimmed it-orntng gown. ' This is a moje van d repast than with us. one of its chief coo sttlutuents in all seasons being fruit in prolusion.- Sho then prepares herself ' : I - " '. " - ,-.., .i '' ", ' for the nrnmftnudo rr fnr an "nnwear red round of shopping, spending as much time and energy on the. latter as if it were the the ebief object of her life. ...S . " ' ' Unto about 4 o'clock the upper part, of Broadway and Fifth avenue are crowded with elegantly dressed ladiess A notable tact about these morning costumes is that they afo composed ol silk, satin -or velvet, or a mixture there of, elaborately trimmed, and. in tact, equivalent o the afternoon costumes of British ladies Lady's-World- Th mat:s close and arrive at the City Poet tlf U .if fol'.own : CLOSE. Northern lhrouh mz.V-, fast ..lO.fiO P. M. Horthern throuch anct w- tnal !.... ri. 00 A. M. N. C. ami A.&K.C Rftllroadaand routes supplied therefrom. ....... p i.O(i p m. 0" a . llaielph ..Of' M ami 7.00 P. M. Svutbern miltp 9 00 P. M t Mtcraw & Darlington Bkam point Htipn'.Wl therfrom 9.t"P. M. DAILY KXCK.PT SUNDAY. Wftstcrntn.tlli C;. KMtvav f-.OO A. l Favctterille. J F. & Y V R. U. snd t'-liU8 fupplled therefrom. ...fi.cfl A. M i.-alelgh Flam let K. 't. and points ninul ed therefrom.... ...."OOP. U '.U.j.rl' e ai.d Max ton.. 7 00 ; an I 6 00 A M Smilhvllie 2.0 P. M. Wrlrht vllle li A. M TtJ".-DA't A."I FllAYe. OnfilAv u. n. an! lDterraiJia-j ota- ces -. ft.no a. M. i.lttlc i':lr, S. C ..mtllntenire ilate r.tlice...: 2 00 P M. ;.i-e Fear Klvrr mr.it ......I.eO p. M. OFKN 'ftD!LlVttity orttiem tltrouch and Acav mniip. ..lO.D: P. M Southern 'hrough and way mails . 6 OC. A. M. and 9 0-1 A V .vouthern. Wcftot Kl-rence A. al Car.lii rjitvtu ilnilroHttJ.3- A. M &9 0J ;"rrirrrt .lisMverv ocu en ;--und& .trou.. 9 0 to 10 M U'T.rrji t le'U'ery open rron 6 SO A. M. to7 00 ". . and n un"lays from 9.03 t(k 10 00 A. M. kita -tYlt-tt omtt rrni ti 30 A. ftl . to 7 V . M-, Inr.ey Order :mt Iteglnter tepartmeut open from A M to 5 P. M., continuous Mails collected from siruetboxeuin busineae portion of r.ity at 5 A M., 11.00 A.M. and 5."0 P M. ar.it fro other point of the .lty at S P. M and 4 &.. M. . MISCELLANEOUS. What t 50 of0. ADIK-j UOJSMKB CIRCULARS AND i Newport.-, 9 c, $1 a-d $1 25. IjAIH4 SILVKU GREY CIR'JULAKS $1 25 and $15.'. AiISlS ClK(UiL.AlS25percent less. , o OPEN FRONT WHITE DKKSiJ SHIRTS. Very large Ptock in PERCALE HURTS. Complete stock In f UA1MKR UND KWfcAR. OAL.li KAKLY and buy a argaln in Can ton Mattlnrs. Linen and luiklth Rath Tow el, Hammocks, Toilet -oa, s, or whatever you i;eed. SOL BKAK, june 27 No.. 20 Market Street COME SEE US! TIIENKVER YOU ARE IN NEED OF mm mm m imm come and see tus. -We have the most complete establishment In the city, carry a large Htock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices thai we can live at. Give us your orders. TACKSON CEL. Li. 3 1887. Harper's Weekly ILLUSTRATED. Hakpek's Wjsjskli maintain- its position as tbe leading illustrated newspaper in Amer ica ; rtnd its hold up n public esteem and con tl icnce was r.ever stronger than at the pres ent time Besides tjhe picture Harpers Wt-ekly always contai n inatalmentft or one, ct e.Hslonally of two, of the beft rovelof the day, Hneiy ll.ustrated, with short stories, oems, eketcnes. ana papers ou nupurmui The care that has been sucrepsfulty exercised in i i.nat ir mn.hr. Hftnifir'H v eeRJv a eaff. as well a3 a welcome visitor to everv house hold will net be reiaxcu in me ruiure. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: tiARPKirS WEEKLY t 0 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S RAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 llAKPEH'S FRANKLIN SQOAKB LlBRART, One Year (W Numbers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United states or Canada The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the urst NuinberTor January o each year When no time la mentioned, f ubserlpliou will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Round Volumes of Harper Weekly, for thre. years bark. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage pald.or by express, free .of expense (provided the freight rto not exceed one dollar per volume), for J7 K per volume . Cloth Cases tor each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lost. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of H akfeb A Brothkrs Address HARPER A BROTHERS. iwv'i New York Merchants, bankers ai Masufactcb brs should read BRAD STREET ?S a Weekly Journal, of Trade. Finance akd P ulic Economy. o Sixteen pages ev.t p Saturday Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Sometimes Ttcerdy four Pages. ' . , ; , FIVE DOLLARS A . Y K A R. The loiern- st purpose of R R . I 6T Rfc El" Is to oc of prarAical t Vice to bnstnef men ltd social trade and industrial reports and its svnopscs ot recent legal decisions are exceei lngly valuable At commercial transacilons. in the wWer sense, are omlng to lie more and "more conducted on a statlul.-vat bab, the ln formttlon contlnel i BUaD 1 ttKKT'S is of first imtort.n e to all THE GENERAL BUSINESS SITUATION THROUGH OUT THIS UNITD STAT S AND CANADA 18 RirOSTKD BV TELEGRAPH TO BRAD STREET'S UP TO THE HOUR OF -f f PUBLICATION. , V SINGLE COP1K TEN CKX. ' THE BRADSTTIEET COMPANT. ':'--: v'- 27S,-2Sl:2S3' Broadway; ,"'.'; Send for Sample Copy ' " NEW YORK. OTr WHOLESALE ' PEKOES. : .iLT?6 J-l ollowlBg ouotrtlocs represen 2 i ?? Prtees generally. In making up small orders hhjhor prices nave to be charged 8 G ' ; 12 & x a 10 & 13 5 a o & . l 3 1 1 & & 9 'id i 00 IS ft) fo 23 ' BAGGING. Gunny... ."...i...... . - SUndard.... . ;"" BACON North Oarottaa" a Hams, ft . Shoulders, fh;...-...-.i. . SMC3. ifc. .. ........all." WJSSTERN SMOKED , Sides, rib ....... Shoulders, & ft... - DRY 8AJ.TEl- Sides, r & Shonl'lera. y tb... BARBELS STh-Iti TtirpentlM, wjnu tiarai, ew.n .......... . C New Nc-v York, each. 0 00 New Cltv. each......,.- : i BEESWAX r Tb...'. RRICKS, Wilmington y M- Northern ...-.;.. ... . B'TITER. jk , . Vorth Carolini.........; 00 Northern........ . candles, y-. r; j sterm.... ........ ......... flow AdamacUne CHEESE. V !s Sorthern Factory. ...i. 12JS Dairy, '.rsatn.... 15 "ft Jvai "........... . guyra..... .......... RV -- CJRN MEAL, y t aa.,in aacke Viminia M.l COTTON TIES, W ?undl.w nMESTlC5 Sheeting, 4-4, yd 6a t r bunch.-v..... 0;: ep a.ii, r doen 10 vtacker&vNo. i, f bbJ-.....-fo ou Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.-ll-ov :Iackerei, No. 2, f bbl f CC CackcroL No. 2, f calf bbl 8 00 fackeml. No. 3, bbl : 1 1 ( 0 Mullets, bbl................ 0 00 Muilcw, Pork bbla. .... .11 CO J. Roe Herring. r keg.-.. CO Dry Cod, it... ............ i. FLOUR, V bb)- Sorthern SupeT 3 25 Extra............... 4 (0 ITamily... .....4 50 C'dv Mllkv Super .... i... 4 90 Family ... 4 If GLU5Cr It... .... GRAIN, r bushel- Corn, from stare, bga,whitc. Gijm, cargo, in bulk, white.. . Corn, cargo, In bags, vrhR?.. Corn, caTgo, mixed, 13 baga.. Oat3, from store... ...,v Cow Peas HIDES, V lb - r U rccn ............. j; 1 . -.-r- Dry HAY. t 100 s Eatv.r , 1 10 Western fO ilorth laver. 35 HOOP IRON, if ft LARD.f ttr 00 & & s4 9 , 15 J 15 6 5. se 24 : . t3 ir 2V4 25 12 9 U 16 1: JO .j 15 16 -J 2. 6-21 'ft"' CIS at 9 4812 a 4 an 4f 4 G 3 ti 4 a 4 rt 4 ct b 6 St! 12 0; ii '4 10 C f-G 0 7 -6t a, a a a 15 o .o o b" & 10 62 75 10 6? 4tH & 1 & 11 o so 20.. ; 2 Northern 7 (6b 7Vi North Carolina..-.... so 10 LIMK, i barrel 1 10 0 CO LUMBER. City Sawed. V M ft, 1 Ship Stuff, reiaawcd i....;18 00 Oia 00 Rough Ed?e Plank.. ...15 00 Gi' 00 Wea 1 3 ndla Cargoca.accordlsg w quality IS 09- Ol - GO 4 iJrcsoed Flooring, seasons?... 18 00 00 Scautling and Board. com'n.-U ai5 00 MOLASSES, r gallon New Crop Cuba, in hht .... 24 & 26 ' fin bbla.... 2C a 30 j Forto Rico, inhnds, f 26 " " 1 bbla.jr.'....... 26 $ 23 : Sugar. House. in hhda.. ...... a ; ir. bbla. - . a 18 Syrup, in bbl3........ 22 4? 35 NAILS, V" Keg, Cut. lOd bastfs.. 2 25 C ILS, r gallon- . Kerosene 10 C 11! 2jlrd ife ft I 45 Llnueed - 9C a 1 00; aaeln : . 15 lb; Tar... 00 a 20 Deck and Spar .. 00 22 POULTRY i ' . . i Chickens, live, grown...;.. 26 e 63$ Spring.. 15 o - 25 Turkeys... -f 75. a 1 CO PEANUTS y bushel 22 fis... 60 & SO POTATOES, V bnshel . - '. ".' . ' Sweet- ......t.- ff & 70 Irish, bid 2 50 & 2 7Ii FORK-r barrel : - - . City Mess cc oil 00 : Prime .............13 53 14 00 Rump. ..i... 00 CIS 50 RICE Carolina. V tb 4V; BHSCELIANEOUS: Wilmington, Columbia & Attsrusta K. li, (Jo. ' BA f TiKO AJ8 ; AC. i CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING. 80UTI1. 4 - v Ho ?7t ' . , I ,- , . v - Dally; ' - - v except oo. 23. No rr, Dtel June 19.1SS7 SnmUy Dallj. Dally - " r ' i v. ,,-,' ... l ' LeaveAVilmragton. "Oh pm 10 10pm Lv. ' -W urea maw 25pm 11 ISprx lieave Marion.... 11 24 pm i2-3;aTn I.eave Florence. .. C 40 pm 2 4 am 2.4'stm Arrl.eSumier Sispm 4 am 4.24-irr Arrive Columbia.. . I i 5 m 6.Ut ami B.io.-tm TRAINS GOING NORTH. Iavc Columbia... Arrive Pumtr.... Iavei Florence.. Iavt; M avian , , . . l.v L. w accamaw Arrive Wdminicfn. No. 78. Daily. 10.25 pm 11 52 pm 4 S am 515 am i 02 am .2i am No f.6. ally, except Sunday. No. 14, Daily. 6 Mam 8 22 a ml.. 9 (0am 8 30 pm 9.0 f pm iO 34 pm 11.45 tm Noa. 23 and 78 stop at all stations ex cop Cane S.avsntah, Watotee and Slmms ' Paisengers for -: Klni ot O. R. R, C, C. A A- R. R. Stations Aiken Junction, and all . point? beyond. sbosM tko No 23. Pall man Sleeper fo Aufetis'a on this train. 't rains 57 snd 6 make close cnrection at P lorence with Trains on . & I). R. It. : ' - i ; j JOHN i. jJiVlNi., ' taronersl Superictendaui J, R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation.- I r al. KMrcRSON. Generat Passenger Agen june 19 ? ' i ' ------ ,-- --- - --- - - el' 0 MOB OPPIGE,: or AS Jf4 tit MARKET STREET. Nft (Ul TAIRS) LOMl'l.lh. IX 'EVMBJ HbPEC'J AjD WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF m mmmm so a 1 do (Lowland).- J 00 01 Rough, y Do. RAGS, V ft Country City ROPE. V tb. SALT, W sack, Alum... Liverpool ............... Lisbon........ .......... American SUGAR, W ti Standard Standard A.. White Ex C Ex C, Golden C Yellow SOAP, r tb Northern SHINGLES, 7 ln.M;. Common........... Cypress Saps. n 1 & 14Vk 70 O , O 00 a oc n 7V4 . 5 5 to 2 Q& 4 50 0 OC a 7 0 2 a 5 a 7 014 OK 0 OH 013 a s Cvnrees Hearts. ...... . STAVES, t M W. O. Barrel- 8 00 R. O. Hogshead....... ...00 00 TALLOW, if tb....;.....;i 6 TIMBER, V M feet Shipping 00. nneMill 11 25 Mill Prime.-.; - 7 50 mil Fair 6 00O6 Common Mill- 5 00 OCO Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 Ol WHISKEY, V gal Northern. .1-00 0 North Carolina...... .1 00 0 2 WOOL, r lb Washed.. -. 18 o Unwashed 15 a Hurrv -- . . 10' a 16 10 m IU. 224i 75 65 oe 76 . 7Vi 5 00 5 5f ' Ot H! 6" ov? (K 5( 5C Ot 01 OC V 2U V I.IEIIff'ffllflM . v c-WHEN YOU WANT- - PROGRAMMES CIRCULARS, CARD, LETTER-HEADS, s RtLL-lfEADS,POSTERS, , ENVELOPES, . .NOTE-HEADS. PAMPHLET' PRINTING, V -":' ' TAGS, LANK DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS. STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' J TJDG- lENTS. "JUSTICES EXECUTIONS, CHAT- IMORTGAGES&a", CALL ON US AND f OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS- , . J ,. Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N. C i ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any -proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rovell & ' Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St , New York. Send lOcta for lOQ-page Pmphl. Af te Fortr years' experience - in the preparation of more h.n Onn Handrcd Thonsand applications for patents in the United States and Foreign conn, tries, the publishers of tb Scientific American continue to ac a solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-aiarks, copy iT . TTnitd States, and to obtain patents In Canada, jngiana. now, Germany, and all other countries - .Their expen nce is unequal ed and their facihta are un-jur- PDrMrings and specifications prepared and filed In the Patent Office on short notice.. Teruw very reasonable. No chart for examination of model or drawings. Advice by mail free ' r PatenUobtainedthroughMnnnACorBOtiea in the SCIEXTIPIC AIE UCAX.wbch i the largest cirenlation and is the most nafnif newspaper of its kind, published in tkaworid.. The advantages of t.uch a noUco ever patentee "SlSKiBi splpudiJlf mstratd newspaper , ' U published WEEIiY-t Wayeardu admitted to be the best paper deroted to science, mechanics, inreniiotis, engineering worica.ana, other departmentsof indiiial progres&pub lisoed in any eonntry. It contains the names of eHbveek; Try it four anoath tor on4iolJaxi Sold by all newsdealers. - ... If roa hare an invention to pafa ta Mann Jt C. pabiihew of Scientiae America a. 2t,l liroadwayrNew York - - '1 -. - IIanwlbookatKatpateaUmar.eairea. 1887. . CHarpeis iBazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harfks'S Bazar comblnea tbe choicest lit. erattlrc and the finest art illustrations with the latest fashions and the most useful family reading. Its stories, poems, and essays are by tbe, best writers, and its humorous sketch es are unsurpassed IU; papers on social eti quettc, decorative art, housekeeping in all its branches, cookery, eic, make lt indispensa ble in every household. Its beautiful fashion plates and pattern-sheet supplements enable ladles to save many times the cost of subscrip tion by being their own dressmakers. Not line is admitted to its colum? that could shock the most fastidious. . Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: Palmetto Railroad ,Co. HARPE.t'8 Bazar Harper's Magazine harper's Wkekxy Harper's Young People. ...... f 4 00 4 00 4 to nn Harper's Franklin Square Library. One. Year (52 Numbcir) 10 tJO Harper's "andi Series, One car f -(52 Numbers;. 15 00 Postage f ree to all subscribers in the United Ttates or Canada. - .The Volumes of the JBoaor begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will be gia with the Number current at time of receipt of order. . - Bound" Volumes of Harpe'rs Bazar, for thre years back, iu neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume, ., cloth Cases lor each -volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re celpt of $1 00 each - . - Remittances snou id be made hy Post-Ofnee Money Order or Draft,. to avoid chance of los- Newspaprs are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address ; ' ' n hakpkr rbotheks, New. Crop Cuba Molasses. O t CON D CARGO, 1 . "554 Hogsiieads. .-66 Tierces, ?- Sow landing ex American chconer "Uran us," direct irom Mat&nzM. .-,r-: y: " For sale very low by: " - yoirru & w ntr.n Job Priutio; '? :". JMIK REVIEW JOB VkINTING iim : la preparyd uio all lnda -rot PrinHn - as ceaiiv r.eaptv ami a exientlH,sly it an bo dcr.e el ewncre seni in your -vecrx trt ltUail.b3 d i vicuj t!?. r- '3 ; HAMLET, N. C STATION, June ?3. 87 0N Af AFTER JUNE 27TI?; TKAIKS " on the PALMETTO R. R. will Iran between the'Pco Dee Rircr. 8. C, and Hamlet, N. C., sa follows, dally except Snndays: :.- No, 1 leave Pee Ue?T:iTcr....".....:il 15 A M No. 1 arrive Hamlet. 12 15. P w No, 2 leave Hair. let.... 3 45 P M No. 2 arrive Pee Dcs Vivcr... 4 45 P M Chcraw k will meet Trains at terminus of lioad at Pee Dee Elver. - I WM. MONOURF, june 2Q tt Snpcrlnteadent Wilmington & Weldon R. R j , AND nitANCHE8. v; j 5 ! CON DENSED SCHEDULE.- - ? TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ' !- - :,. -.-,' no. 15 ' No. U, No. 27. Dally, Dated Aug. 1, 'tl. Dally, rtMail except -. - . - ?. JMly. Sua sr. Leave Weldon.... 2 05 pm 5.S8pm Ar. Rocky Mount. 3.2i Arrive 'larboro... 4 50 pm Leave Tarboro.... 10 ff'am Arrive Wilson.-. ...1 3 57 pmj 6 58p6j.... Leave Wilson 4 15 pm ......... 77177..., Arrive clma...... 5 24 pm ......... .... ..; ArrlveFayettevllle 7 53 ppi ......... Leave Goldsboro.. 4 41 pro 7.40 pm Leave Wart aw... ft 40 pro t.oo am Leave Magnolia-. 6 OOum 8 38 pm 8.13 am Ar. Wilmington... 7 40 pm 9..r5 pw 10.00 a 1 TRAINS G'.'INQ NORTH. ' ;v-y . ! - ' - ' No. 66, No. 14, No. IS, Dallv.. Dally. Dally, except. , Sunday. Leave Wilmington ll..9pra 8.5 am ft.fOpm Iave aKnona.. j lfia m 10 32 Rm 6 S5 1)m Arrive Warsaw 10 49 anf " C5j pin Arrive Goldsboro. 2.1-tam 11. f 0 am Leave Fayetteville 8 3am ......... Arrive Selraa..: .: 10 5lJm ......... Arrive Wilson.... u 69 am lieave Wison 2.57 am 12Sirpml7... Ar.UockyMonnt. 1.12 pm Arrive Tarboro.;.. ;4 50 iinw , Iave Tarboro. ..t ....10 51 am....'.. Arrive Weldon. i . j 4.25 am 2 4a pm..t...... Daily except Sunday. Traln on Scotland Neck Branch lioad leave Halifax for Scotland Nock at 3.00. P. If. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.80 A, M. daily except Snnday. -Traln leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albcrmarle Raleigh R. R. Daily except "undsy, P, M , Sunday 5.00 P. M.. arrive WUllamston, N. C. , 8. li! P. M-, 6 40 P. at Returning leavee WUllamston, N. C. Daily except nday, 7.40 A. M., rtunday 9.50 A. M , Arrive Tarboro, N. C. 0 45 A. M., 11.30 A. M r Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves G oil s Iwo, N. C, Dally except Sunday, 7.00 A. if:, arrive bmithneld, N. C, 8 30 A. M . Returning leaves Smith flcld, N o , 9 00 A. M.,arsivc Goldsboro; N. CtVlO 30 A. M. ; Train -on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville 4 or. p. M , arrives at Nashville 4 40 P. il.. Spring Hcpe 5 15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 1. 40 A. M.. Nashville 11.15 A. M., Rocky Mount 11 65 A. at., daily except Sunday. - t - Train vu Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, Dlly, except cunday. at -7.20 J M. Returning leaves llnton at 7.( 0 s , M. .. . -aotthbontid Train on .WUson & Fayette vule Branch is No.51. NnrthlvMinl ia m m,tf except Sunday. ,i,... xram jno. 27 south will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. ,. -; Train No. 78 makes close connection 'at Wi don for all points North Daily. Al! rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay ; -'Trains make close connection for all 'polnU " North via Richmond and Washington.- u ... ... uouir iiui Buuu uetween VTl'minglonan J Waflhlntrton. and havn niiman v. 1 r U ers attached. , JOHN T. DJVINE, t General Superintendent. J. R KKNLY, Sup't Transportation T. M. 1CM1SRSON. Genera'. Passenger Age; t. aug 2 , . - - , Carolina Central IL ra Company. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. May 1C, 1887. Lavc Wilmington 1-caveMaxton .... Leave Hamlet.... Leave Wadeeboro Leave Charlotte.. Leave Llncokiton. leave Shelby..... Ar Kutherfordtoh. No. 1. dally ex (Sunday. No. 3. I daily ex Sunday 7 25 am KIO 1 1 o. ! 1 iioj am 1 . . . . Ii2.r0 pm! 2 3 am 4T34 pm G5 am o H pm m . n I o pm y iu jm arrive. EASTBOUND TRAINS. Isyl6, 1S37. Lv. Kutterfordton leave Shelby..... Leave Lincoln ton. Leave Charlotte., leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet.... Leate Max ton.... A rrive Wilmington No 2 dairy ex ?unaay. No. 4. daily ex Sunday 7 15 am 3 48 at 10 07 am 12 02 pm 2 3J pm 3 38 vm 5 20 psl.. 9 09 jtmH 00 am 8 45 pm 1 65 am Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make clcse connection at Max ton to and from FayettevlMc, Grecneboro and other points on C F. A Y. V.rf. At Wades boro with trains to and from Cheraw.Florcnoe and Cbarston. At Llncolnton to and from ' Hickory, Lenoir and point -on o A 1. Nar row uauge K K. Trainjt No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Ra elgh. Through Sleeping Cars between WUmingu n and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. 1 for Statcsvillc.and bUUoni on W N C It R and points West ' u , Take train No 3 for Spartanburg, Green rUUt, Atnees Atlanta and all points South west. Also, for AsheviUe via Spartatburg. fo 3 connects st Wilmington with W & VT B B No. 23. . . !.-.. .... .... , . Local Ft eight Noa. 5 ani 6 trl-weekly be tween W ilmington and Lauilhbnrg. - - Loal Freight Nos 7 and s M-weekly be tween l anrtnburg and chsrWtc. . Lo'al Freight oa. 9 and 10 tri-wcekly be tween Charlotte and Butherfordton. Noe. 5, 6. 7, 8, P and lo will not take passen gers. ' - ' --'- . ... 1 . . . jLC. iom. . . , , . Supertutcndent. . w. w. Ci-AiiK, Oejrra! ?senger Kv may 14 T-. .1. ...... ; .. ,., PENNYBOTAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH.- THK ORIGINAL AND ONLY GKNONE. Hit e and alwsy Reliab1 Beware of worth less Imitations. IndUpC hn to LAD 1KB. Askvour Druggist for 'Chichester's Ex gush" and take no other, or Inclose 4c (stamps) to u for particulars in letter by re turn roall. NAMh IMI'Kli I IviliCUI-STia i HEM C A u Co , 231J !aVion Equarc. Phlit , Pa-.-st Drusrt?ts. : Tra sur-pi:..--! by uol Ltuft MM!::: i"l.i:a'!c?;.;.i, l'-,. d.-3 2id.-.',7 It

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