MISCELLANEOUS J : MISCELLANEOUS tnsCELIiAHEnriB . . - nAotnnnAmAnl;. a TftPailvevv - xTnAV ATTGUST 8. 1887. urM- ' fgj POT W new synuiuawe . i ananin?. . . .i ilinrAh IS1 HLQlHilSb WUUtWM. Rockisgbam ... - hnn dntv for immediate ac- Tnmiiuuubi tlon is clear, la always unwise it BO Especially la ,,, ; in health calls for a le- Cash H ouse. has ooeu . vinff.h;. absence - M bHnavfl sort to meu"- rirnt growth alay 1 ,1 waaaer . the out- S e w York T7Dmington Steamship Co. - - l anil iiuriUK ot ill neaitu. nnniv his ! --Wereret to her o? the P',0?-.,.. nf John P. LiUle. Esq. ot this town.payiiu-u -.. r veral umea wuu.u r - - nr. klnah tn AAV it. DUl lb Or BO. . . l. nr. nnnnlV is nevertheless a lace, . , .r i. nursed with an onieer. - -- Considerable authority o ' minded ana mean enuunu r - omciai posiuiu iui his personal enemies- Tiielr Business Booralne:. Probably no one thing has caused ,i rAx7ivl of trade at w !? Pi fc fio's. Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so ?I: Li trmi bottles of Dr. King's Ne'w Discovery for Consumption. mi.-:. i-a to q mn v enormous IU iui troinnhip. Article iroui iuo it always cures and never dUaPpoin Coughs. Uclds, ASinma, u,u r.nnn anrt aii t nroai auu mu quickly cured. I ou rao w. " .iv-l buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1 Every bottle warranted 'ritenrteDCTlfVot. combatted a theout IW vea5-ven those of us who axe ?,r?2, rd other dtoeasea of the kldneTa or dUbetes. r-?.5f 'niKelSjlhardy enough to Diaauer. l. .-iito th tH.niil orirana procrwunaie stomach Bitters .ftViv adapted to overconre this lnac- itiailder. lnnmteiy la Tv- T?IFTY. THOUSAND a. inch Cyprdss ShlnjtlcB it to be Inactive. tlon. to sufficiently i ki,itit a and diuretic to be preferred Dptt atlmulants oi the bane of unwary I.I.Iatz, thl to the impure anu commerce, whicn prove Dersons with a tendency o 1 uui"-'J S&wtr. fever and paraoie ir - ague, and bliUousnesa. 116 Market St., irjrinK of New MUTUAL Ufe ork cbMMimoi : MEW BARC A I MS FBOM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and RoVaevcltsta. At 3 o'clock, P. M. ' Absolutely Pure. varies. A marvel of nurttr Itrenltb and wholesomeness. Mere Of lOW test, BDOU wcR iiiirtKO powders? Sold only in cans. Uoi lUKlxo KwdS Co.. 106 Wall ft. N. . oct26 dwlv tenrm 4thr Gold8boro,lr,W7 Fox hauling bids fair to be mucti muuiguu . yj young people of this cits during the coming-Fall and Winter. Goldsboro h!? the finest pack of hounds ever known in the State-37 strong. z Hairier- A neCfO. IvCWIS I ittle was drowned last Wednesday in Sandy Bun. He was working on he . 17- nr r.iifinhoro. on the trraannnLM. u ut Carolina Central Railroad, and by Mme mishap fell into the water, whence who a site Daniel E. Rhyne. ot Mt. Holly i ioo wopIt. looking out foracouorfacrory. returned last Mon day and completed a trade for the old Laboratory property. He will at once begii the work ot erecting suitable balldings for the factory. Asheville Citizen: We learn that the .!?5T"S-T: nH Ulnar Creeks have KS very high, and the oats not housed to be iniured if the waters do not ruu injures ii tu L',flh Rrnad a. a vrf w (oor th vallevot the ;'uonrlpr8on and Transylvania aflForad preatlv. The riyer t.;ti horfl hnt it has been has has been much htgbet aM. in tormer freshets, and we nave ueaiu of no damage in Buncombe county. One of the test and most respect ed citizens ot Asheville has gone to bis eacuwBu illness, Mr. reat. , 0Me8t. best d mouTefuYciUzens, died yesterday e?enfng Our whole community was So?ked when the announcement was K2e forbnt few knew of his illness and everybody respected and 'revered hlCharlotte Chrmide: The Ireshet has come and gone, and though it d considerable damage to the lwlaml c?ops the country is still safe, and the farmers are happy- The hot sunshine following the cloudy weather is mak ouc:flu Anrl the coUon bolls lDJp rand is reviving the hopes tor the CrOP KDOWU IU Ja. thpr rtitarded the cotton Brace Up. You are teeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to fcraclup. Brace up, but not with stim ulants, spring meaicines, or which have for their basis very bad cheap whiskey, and which stimulate you tor an hour then leave you i" worse coBdition than before. What you want is an alterative to purify your healthv action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at W.H. Green & Co's. Drug Store. The Last Chance To buy clothing at 40 and GO cents th dollar Don't miss the oppor tunitv ot getting a slice of the numer kcriraina nnw to be bad at I Shrier's. Kememoer mat humbuecing scheme. Every dollar's worth ot goods must be sold before Shrier's removal to the mammoth store in the Purceli building on From street. It would bo advisable for coun try merchants to give him a call and get bargains in job lots. t Are you going to build, repair or paint? Then buy your material from Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. He will supp'lj yiu with the besjt and save yon money WILMINGTON MARKET August 84 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 30. No sales reported ROSIN Dull at77 cents for strain ed and 82$ cents tor cooa siraineu. TAR Virm ftt 1.35. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at i in fnr hard. SL7& ior yeuow uip a v - a nrl tFirtTin COTTON Nominal The following ...o tho rtffioial Quotations: Ordinary. 7 good ordinary 8 13-16 ; low ' m WUn Mn a1ps reDorted. . Receints to day : Spirits. 324 ; rosin, 1,164; tar. 81; crude. 109 Provisions and Cottou. Chicago, August 8. 3:30 p. ru Wheal market opened at 69 and closed - . f Innnon At. at 69 lor oepiemuHr. w"-- 71 and closed at 71 for October Corn opened at 41 bid and closed at 41 for September forK none qui.icu. New York, August 8. 3:30 p. m. w..n nnnned at 9 78 bid and closed at n -n p.- Annnat Onftlied at 9 36 closed at 9.37 for September Opened at 9 26 and closed at 9 26 tor Oc- tober. Opened at y.s anu viu 9.20 lor November THIS WKBK. A large variety different styles DRKSS GOODS 5c per yad. 30-Inch BATISE. 8c per yard. Bost DRESS GINGHAMS, 8c pf-r yd. Good SATEENS, worth 25c for 1 2cr. WHITE GOODS. 8, lO. iai.l and 18c per yard. LINEN TOWELS Irom lOc up. TABLE DAMASKS from 25c up. BENEFACTOR... GUM? 8TRKA5I.. BENKFACTOK... GULF STREAM. Saturday, July 30 .....Saturday Aug 6 Satuirtay, Aus 13 Saturday, Aug 0 rSOM WILMINGTON L REGULATOR... BENKFAtJTOR.. GULF STREAM. BENEFACTOR . ... ........Saturday Julv 80 Saturday. Aue SatUiday.AuK 13 ...Saturday, Aug 20 Bills Lacuna an 1 Loweel and PARASOLS Sateens, from 4Uc up Dental Uooins. HAVE MOVKD MY DENTAL ROOMS to No. 114 Princess St., Between Front and Second, on South side. julyl lm J H. DURHAM. ARRIVED. cio.mr rianc Fear. Tomlinson, Fay kJbWUVUV -w I etteviile, C S Love & Co. mifh Steam yacht Iouise, Snell, bmithv ville. Master CLEARED Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson. Fay ettevitle. C S Love &Co. Steam yacht louis Snell. Jsmith- ville. Master . . Danish barque Herman. Christen-, sen. Hamburg, cargo by DcRoaset & Co. vessel by Heide & Co. EXPORTS COASTWISE. New York Steamer Benefac or 8 bales cottm. 884 bbls spts turpt. 126 bbls rosin, 400 bbls tar, 90 bbls pitch, 30 kegs tar, 3 cases do. 32 bals bees- wax. 20 bbls sheiiea peauuia, w ,u3 fcets grapes. 20 bags chaff. 6 bales wool 7 pkgs mdse. 170,041 ft lumber. 1 000 bolts. FOREIGN Hamhurtr Dan. barque Herman. 2,904 bales rosin. ' ALPACA from 50c up. R KM N ANTS OF EMBROIDERIES and a large LINE OF LACES,whicb we have not had room to show so far this season. At Very Low Prices JCy Through Through Bates guaranteed to and from rotetf la North and South tiarollna. ' , For Frelaht or Passage apply to H. G. 8MALLBONES, Superintendent, - Wilmington, N. . TUEO. 6. EGEU, Traffic Manager, ' New Yor . wjl p. CLYDE CO.. Ganara. Arsn". "i 55 Broadway. New Yotk. . July 23 ' ' lOc FOR A SHAVE, : 20e FOR A HAIR CUT. , ; Finn FOR A HAIR CUT,SH AVE ANDSUAMPOON HAIR DYEING 20c. and upward, At JOHN WERNER'S, - 1 he German Barber and jf erramer, ian 25 Frr hows In Ticoi woukt -Jl ., ... baraaln. ? : ; ; ?-T' ! eau aadZ1 . - v. Wv- j COA8 F ft ' ' ' - Commission Merchant. No i v,11. Self-Sustaininil- Is the only Con.T United States which h to iorre are sc If -suft fining.. For Jlfe Insurance tbat inu be cb safest, apply to the Mnimi lit .v ami largest company it the TJnitca Fui, The atimiuli r;---'- -; and J Maturity Association OK WASHINGTON..!) c. HORATIO H HOW KING, ; Prraii1tnt. GEO. Secretary , I) ELD1UDGE, " Manser and Acinar?. 19 Market St The Sutton House, ARRET STREET, SOUTH.. SIDE, M i ween Front and Second. Week or Month. BE Board by the Day; Clean Boo me,' Comfortable Beds. Good Attendance and the. best the market affords. Batea low.j Un 24 ly - G4V.8E MERINO UNDERWEAR, 5 p Q I ALT I E S . besides a lull assortment of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. . GLOVER. MITTS. ilOSi.Ki.- CORSETS.ROBES. FLOUiSUl Wlrft At prices that will please everybody. a M. M. Katz', 116 Market Street. A PERFECTLY PURE CREAMERY BUTTER, A PERFECTLY PURE ARTICLE OF LARD, AMD A PURE FAMILY FLOOR. " Life Insurance at Absolute Cost A Guaranteed Policy. Ah Incnntestibte Policy. Maturity Valae in Cash al Fixed Axe. ,.' Annual Cost Absolutely limijft Only Four Paymcnti pr Ynr. Non Forteitable After Three Yean P. S. RIDDELLE, Mto. Medical Dlrpcipf. W. IL GIBSON, Special km! Home Office. 1,215 F Street. K.W. mch3l ly Excelsior Lime, a high etsndard The BUTTER is of HIGHEST grade, fully biggest j tun firot hRlH will not be in aseariras was eVped. but when it does begtocomS there will a rush The Carolina Central Railroad u doing a big freight business for be Wadeaboro brown stone company, ton car loads of stone havine been brought to the city tor distribution throuzh the Suroadsuylng hcra for yanjm. cities North aod Sooth. This waaea Soro company, which ;a,i with a camtal stocks ot - iioo. is said to ue i" second brown the Unit' WANTED I 1 flf ft- WOOL, IW ASHED AND IIMJUU Unwished 5 000 1158 BfC8wax' c'nriri lbs. cow Hides. UiUUU For which the highest market price will be paid. Consignments BoUgte BPfSR july 26 tf ' No. 0 Market St. Wrightsville, PLC. o Seaside Pleasure & Comfort WEEKLY STATEMEW't 1887. afloat, 100; 2,022; 27.- ctrma mftrrvinsr company in Ol"" 1- - . " - 1 rni.l - ed States. The company uas uv. od to supply a demand tor 20 car loads of stone per day. There ia a tre mendous crowd of people at Spartan- bure. attending me eucamymo'H. about forty Charlotte people are there. They report a pleasant time and plenty ot fun Some excitement was created at one of the hotels there Thursday nizht by tho antics ot a man who had been made crazy by smoking cigar ettes. His name waa Plummer and he had just arrived in Spartanburg with his bride, from Birmingham. His m , f thA rin-roannK character. Ball l b J -" . . 1 and it took six men to manage him and u;m fmm rleannff tho hotel of .noEu The doctors who were iipd loaded him with morphine by hnrftrmic iniection, and he was final. The voude bride was .ttntod h? the occurrenc and .it..tnH tho svmDathies of all the peo pie about the hotel. This case will h one of eoneral interest from the fact th vounz man's insanity 'was Kaamntrin? o.iearettes. and it! mnral which the youth of the IvL.i .,1fl hpd. The man issaitUo be - ttIho- maniac and the doctors at tribute the cause solely to his excessive indulgence in tne cigaru. nnd Observer: Dr UnrhArt R. Battle has been appointed 1 ,k0 oTMnitive committee t.1a t a Wr5nttnre to fill the vacancy ffSJaSr or State ChejuU. ade . .'VA. ,h mil board U Decern- 1 n- Rat tin has tor six years and Kaon thA first assistant chemist ot ., .i.n.rmant ami has oroven nis fitness for the position he is now to hold. . He is a North Carolinian, a eraduateofour own university, thor ouKhi? capable, earnest and devoted to the estates' interests. Yesterday moaning at 10 o'clock a rumor which med to be weU founded was current . mh a new syndicate had r2ESi "wded bv the Kimball , "'Tltni to raise' the purchase -f"rurati.ntrft Hotel at Mor - ma ior : .j. in npr cent . The Dia , reueunj w tlf AGONETTES WILL LEAVE WIL- VY mington, at 8 a. m , 2.30 p m and 6 p. m. RE1URNISG. LEAVING WRIGHTSVILLE at 7 p. m. and 7 a. m. ifftunri trin to Sound and Beach and return to Wilmington, only 65 cents. , . Parties of ftur or more Will be carried to the Beach for 5 cents each. We have erected a Beach House with room wheie parties can be supplied with Bath Suits, Towels, fresh water and other conveniences W. H. bTOKLEY. ED. WILSON MANNING. STOCKS ON HAND AUGUST 1ST Cotton ashore, 458. SDirits ashore. &.oy; total, 5.179. M . Rrin ashore. 84722: anoat. total, 86,744. Tar ashore, 3.075 ; afloat. 10; total, 3,085. n Uruxte ashore, 1.442. RKCEIPTS FOR JULY, 1887. Cotton, 259; spirits, 10.11; rui. 201 ; tar, 1,700; crude. 3.716. EXPORTS FOR JULY. 1887 . DOMESTIC. Cotton. 1.021; spirits, '2.131; 3 833; tar, 2.831 -.crude, 3.597. FOREIGN. Spirits. 7.895; rosin. 2b.b54. VESSELS III THE PORT oFwiLMIMBTO N. M.C August b, loo. rNo vessel under 60 ton reported In this llat. BARQUES Ger Charlotte and a nna, 434 tn3. Krueger. uer una pAchau Westermana Dan Herman, Ul tons. Chrlsiensen. . The Acme v MANUFACTURING CO., . MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pife Wool and Pine Wool Matting. llavoredrand is received WEEK. FRESH EVERY rosm, Hetde & Co C P Mebac iuly 26 tf Swe Heidi, 465 tons. Wolfi, Nor Agatha. Kofr. 360 tons, 1 oti toTiH . Nvholen. HcweACo, file e I1. xrvrt BRJG. o-.il. iTatAn, itrtniroaher. op arpwau-, - Kidder's ton The LaRP Is ihe ee ebrated Cassard PURE LARD, equal to any N. C. l ard ever offei-cd. The FLOUR is the celebrated "PAROLE DMONKUR" brand. I can GUARANTEE all the above as Per. ... - v ' ; 1 ' fectly Furc, of FxceVent Flavor, arid Health WILMINGTON, N.C. ny in the City of Wilmington and vicinity, REPUTATION OF OUR FERT1LI tbe ACME and GEM, Is now estab llshed. and the res nits of three years' nee in ihe hands of the best far trers of this and oth. er States fully attest their value as a high grade manure. . The MATTING, made from the leaves of mir native iine. has already Rained a popu- for comfor and durability equal to .. .. 1 jt it n carpet, and the aemanu ior n, ia . a ,1 , u lug. It has virtues noi iouuu m MANUFAC1UBEVH&VI Tit We have on hand : ' BUILDING LIME, ; ;. , AGRICULTURAL LIME, N C. PHOSPHATE, , . . pnosriiATic umi, ; , cbPROLlTK' mart: : These are the best and cheapest on tfaei kct.- - ; . tend for circular. y H Manufaclurew, Kocky P int. t C R. W. HI KS, wnmingwn,.u, i June 23 tf . . . ZXUS, All orders promrtly at'ended to. z. p Telephone No. 98. . , . - - Jno. L. Poatwriglit july. 16 15 ft '17 So Front Street 1887. Harper's Bazar. larlty any wool dally increa ILLUSTRATED. Douglas & larboroB!', FASHIONABLE HA1B DRE3SEES ' , , . ASDBAiK ICS Market St.. Wllmlnflon, C I Shop fully equipped with all the W SSStSSS and polite barber, ataii , -1 eerve customers. - -'c,m 4 J- J. W. Yarboronch, Lrmerr tix Werner, would be gll toiemttg rons r 'r' ' " - 18877' : I Harper's Young Peo;' . AN ILLUSTRATED WBDT. HARPEB'8 YOUNOPWh". "the model ol ' what a readers onght to be. ana w jj icommenaauon i "Ytutoed boU large clrculatton n hs and in Gnat.Bn -- : reached oy m-. . of tn: themselves to uw rhiidrcn-o11 less than to tM tfAWi ggSwi V an earnest "TtirerMWi the best ana mw r-fc ,:lBtU,i, 1887. Harper's WeeWyi ILLUSTRATED. Onolaska, 452 tons. Griggs, Ger Clara. 364 tons, voss. B G Barker & Co E Peschau westermann SCHOONERS. Habpkb's Bazas combines the choicest lit erature and the finest artlllusttatlons wltlr the latest fashions and the most fur famUy reading. Its stories, poems, . and essays are by thel)est writers, and its Porous sketeh e are unsurpassed Its papers on social eU auette. decorative art, houaekeeplnR In all Its b?anchVs, cookery, etc.. make it.lnGispensa- . i ,rUv.iH italkAAn nl fashion. mattr.sses la almost equal to hair, being light, JjJ" pattern-sheet supplements enable ladies to save many umes me ijobku """'l of excellence. any other fabric. The FJBRE or WOOL la extens vely used . Ms-m for upholstering pnrposes, ana as a uiunn ior Carrie Bell, 260 tonw, Peivey Georare Clark, 347 tons & G Barker & Co Ttartlptt. Geo Harrlss & Co was v? co: f?l8 C00. The property t between ru.vu and CC0.0CO. uivKi' wkkklt maintalhH Its position w in.Hini, niTitTs.tAd nowBoaner in Amer- .. . .Tii its Hniii nnnn nubile esteem and con uv, r. , .Ua fldence was never sirongcr ent time, uesiaea we piurc, o Weekly always contain m8uwHenui u, occasionally of two. of the bet novels of the day. finely mustraiea, wuu uu poems, BKCwcnco. auu ,7..' current topics by the most popular The care tnat naa oeeu ouuwii4"jr oawvv in the past to make Harper's weekly a satt aa well as a welcome yuiwr w t hold will not be relaxed In the future. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: it a pWH's W1CRKT.V ...............S4 0 u a npv.K M iOA7JNK ... ........ 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. ?0 wawprrs YOITNG PEOPLE S 00 ti rvuncuM Soniai Libkabt. otim Vm r&2 Numbers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. Thft Volumes of the Wetklv begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscription will begin with the WumDer rurrens at ujub ui rewajn w order. , . Bound volumes ox nurvvr rvtxx " three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage pald.or by express, free of expense (provided the freight do not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 oo CtothXCABe8 for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, onre- celntof 41 00 each. " -- fJLtttVnoAK should be made by Poat-Ofice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of HAxrxx nimriTErsi - Address 1 . r Harrl38 & co ! xxr tiAnlr In. tnna Rn.TTRtt. Geo Harrlss 8t I j Lanfalr, 293 tons, Woodland, , 4 Geo Harries & Co Fanconla.227 tons. Falkner, S G Barker Co -THE- Bazar Corset clastic and proof against Insects Certificates from reliable parties using our m " lll goods can be seen at our omceuor mailed upon application. july 29 tf For the Sound. "7 AGONETT & WILL LEAVB SUUin ERLA.ND'3 STABLES for the aounu uauy at 2.30 P.M. and 6 o'clock,' P. M. Returning will leave Sound at 7 PM and 7 A. M. Round trip 53 cents. T. J. SOUTHERLAND, . Livery and Sale 8tables, hmc 28 Nos. Hft North Second St Sound Parties. rhotr evarn firesamaaers. o Une admitted T to to wlums that eould shock the most fastldlons. ' r Harper's Periodicals.- Per Years - , . Harper's Bazab.. ......... j rv . Mini . ....... W uAnrxu. a . . . i n . nn.o nsvirrr ............ " DA.rM o . . .u. ... : . o Vnrnin TlTOTT.TC ........ i W a J1 vo f.V2 Nnmberf 1 10 00 HABP&B'S ' ANOT -SKBIE8, ,One ; eaT . -' poataee Free to all subscribers In the United j Ttates or canaaa. yt -. i An epitome of eyerythtof and desirable In juveiu and itirls in every iJ wu Brooklyn tJnlon. of It is wonderful J""f Jnruta " , formaUon, and JntereBt.-v TERMS: postage iJ Vof VIIl,commencesJN0'eB, . Eemlttances fl&2 toxoid ehasj: Money Order ot News ment BBOTHBTW nov 2f , Homes in Onlv 20 Hours Bid New York I A Dollar Corset for 50c. Selline at redacrd prices a fine stock I of Hats, Flowers. Feathers, Ribboip Trimmings. Milts, Hosiery, Laces an Underwear at , TaylorTs Bazar, 118 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. ioly!9tf You "will find "hoes, forks.' shovel spades, sevthes. swaths and farming tools "of all kinds fit ..iAOPPr liw. AOONETTE WILL W RrLL'3 STABLES for the OR- LEAVE Sound at 9 a. m., daily. Round trip a) cents. Sound Parties can be supplied with teams on short nonce anu &b cucttp j am Special attention given to boarding horses. B. C. ORRELL, - Livery and Sale Stables, inly 7 tf - - Cor.Thlrcl and PrlnceBssts ' l. -Tiros. Alderman, . The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. W hen AnHn.ii TiViorlT.tlnna Will oc - zla with the Number current at time of receipt oi oruer. . thm i - a i . .w. a at . i rm nfini.T ,r r " years back, in neat cloth binding, will besent one aouar per uuu w -- -. , for Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable tor i binding, will be sent by man, pon. a.i aa .MAa. coldbemadeby P Money Order or Draft, , to . joU Mce of toss. Mewspaprs are not w w.r w :m;b A ment without the express order of Habpeb Bbothbbs. Address JL iWnERfl. " 7 ;KW York Change of Base. FRIENDS AND TJMS PUBLIC AR have removed my 69MIles8ou On the Raleigh asdAuX 0J .r,rLA5P 1 500 rot tltvte region, h Jga. root Larger tract feMd ern .f.M). nrt (or "T'w. u u,Zpv. tar A.numpei COMMISSION MERCHANT. , Consignments ot Country Produce to best advantage- - ' - -Cotton, Timber and Nsval Stores specialties. ang 3 tf - ' . reeuectruiiy nouuru ",w i-It nd izrJL. phutniit trppt between Front anu Watr AllVr. for work to my ."5S 5ni! repairing. Ac . will be done wfompUT handled I and faithfully. . -J,vn 1 Chestnut, between Fro at anr Abater sta. loti in the to y & oJi? weTalJ? SeOnlonoffeB found- w?fttied W $ted who have f d U VJmZ'.' , vini- - or fy"hi jn 21 a .niiw xVrr.:f-V.-?fni,e;,ttled and cothics ." - - It is rid.

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