TheDailv Review. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10. 18S7. 1 sfft'PJsfS S - f royal tvszz j Xj flpl Absolutely Pure. This powder rever varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomcness. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude Of low test, snon weigm mum ur uuuan. powders. Sold only in cans. Boval BAKIf O I'OWDKK CO . 108 Wall St. N. y oct 9H lw lv unrm 4thn FOUTONB-t POK BVfSltY ON B. Millionaire Mackay'H Advice to Youni: Men and Women An Opportunity Now Offered to Proiit by it. A Karw In vestment aud Thousands ar Putting: Their Monej tu It. Once in a while a man with a woe begone face and, a ceneral aspect vf aeediness will say: ' There is no chance for a poor man in this country Tharo never was a greater mistake than this. Take a glance at the millionaires of New York and you will find that nine teen outot twenty of them started wilb out a dollar. They made their money as a rule by keeping their eyes open and taking advantage of the opportu i ties which were occasionally afforded them. It is not the men who make all the money, either- There are young wo. men who can give ordinary men points on making safe and good inve3 niontf, and who are living in luxury nw through having invested their small savings in a good thing that returned tbem profits a hundred-fold. Maybe it was in a good patent, per haps it was in a small store, or more likely they made their wealth by a sen sible investment in some good stock, which rapidly appreciated in value. That is about the easiest and sat test way for a man or woman to get rich, and there are hundreds of bth sexes in New York who know that fact because they have tried it. When John A. Maukay the famous Bonanza millionaire, was at the Hoff man House rcctn'ly. a Morning Journal nnnrlnpool'Ml hltTl hf I W hf. ITI ll X H KfHt start. In a mining property." replied Mr. Mackay. mere a nommg use minus to make a fortune, and when a young man asks my advice as to what he shall do with his fifty dollars, or his hundred dollars or his five hundred dollars, I invariably tell bioi : ' Put it in a good mine.1' That the advice of Mr. Mackay is being pretty generally acted on by men and women who are smart enough to take advice from mch a source, 4s shown by the wonderful demand which has sprung up for the stock of the Tor tilita Gold and Silver Mining Com pany whose eoueral offices ar No. 57 Broadway, Now York city. The capital stock of the Tortilita Company is $1,000,000. divided into 500.000 shares at $2 each Such a chance to make a safe invest ment that is away ahead of savings banks and building associations h rar. ly ofiered to the public. Shares .are nonassessable and the man. or woman who calls or send to the office of the Tortiiita Mining Com pany to invest but $2 is treated with as much courtesy as tbe millionaire who DUys o,uw soarta. Already the shares are a favorite in vestment in all parts ot the country, especially with people who have small sums of money aftd whs hope for large returns from a small purchase The slock has advanced 100 per cent, from the original price, and many ber lie ye it will go to $10 and even $20 per share. The price uow is $2 Dividends will begin September 1. and bullion' is now baing shipped. And now a word about tbe mines and the officers of tbe company: Mr. Joseph H. Real!, president of the American Agricultural and Dairy As sociation, is president of the Tortilita Gold and Silver Mining Company Mr. Reall is an experienced business man and well versed in financial mat tors: His associates are men of like character audibility The vice presi dent of the company U Hon. Floyd King, a distinguished officer of tbe late war. and for nine sessions eight years a member of Congress from Louisi ana and chairman of Important com mittees. Mr. Dab iS3 T. Elmore, who has worked the mines for three years and made them pay. and who is a large owner in tbem, is superintendent. He has had many years of practical expe rience in mining and milling on the Comstock in Nevada, (which has paid tin dividends some $266,000,000). and in California. Mr Elmore gives it as his opinion that these mines promise as . 1 . - . I- ft Rodman M. Price. Jr., a well known mining and civil engineer, is secretary of the company. New York Morning Journal, HTATBNEI78. . 'News and Observer'. Col. J . W. Hinsdale, who has recently v returned from Moora coanty.reporU tbe prospects for crops as being better in that section than for forty years past. Everybody there is in a good bomor. . Goldsboro Argus: In an altercation which. tok plaee yesterday morning near the section' bouse on the N. C R. R , Charlie Johnson was knocked down by'a blow on the head from a shovel in the hands' of Daniel BUgs Bth men are colored section hands cm the road Mr Neil, the section master, promptly arrested Biggs and brought him. bound hand and foot, to the city. The wounded man. who is seriously injured, was taken to his home and medical aid at once called in. Durham l&c.rdtr: Mr. Z I. Lyon, oneol the oldest, ablest, and w might add. one ot the Fathers of Durham" and its enterprises, died Sunday night afur a protracted illness There were made in the second district of Virginia, which includes Richmond, in July. 2fi.982.000 cigarettes. Then? were made in Durham by W Dnke, Sons & Co.. alone, over 41 000,000 cigarettes during the month ot July. Quite flats tering for Durham. Brevard Homer: Instructions bay been received here for the placing be fore the people tbe much talked-of pro. ject of voting a subscription to the Car olina & Knoxville Railroad, to be built through Transylvania We now learn that tbe damage to tbe grass and oats has been considerable, but not to the Jextent "pprebend The corn has been damaged a little, bnt not enough to cripple the farmers. It :s thought that thtee thousand dollars will cover tbe entire loss in the county Charlotte jhronicle: Rev. M Shaef fer. of Cabarrus county, is lying dan gerously sick at his home in Mt. Pleas ant. and bis wife and son, who were in Georgia, have arrived at his bedside to attend him. Mr. Shaeffer was seized last week with a congesti ve chill, which hn.s sinno run into malarial fever, and the doctors giye out but little hopes of his recovery. At Hamlet on in Carolina Central road yesterday, an unknown colored man was rus down by tbe train and bis body was terribly mangled. At the coroner's' inquest, witnesses appeared who stated that the deceased was an unknown colored man who had made his appearance in that neighborhood Sunday, and who was undoubtedly crazv. as his queer behavior indicated. The mangled body was gathered up and given a decent burial. Their liusiiiesM Buoitiing. Probablv no one thine has caused such a general revival of trade at W H. Green & Go's. Druir Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr King a Now Discover v for Consumnti-n. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article froor the fact tbat it alwavs cures and never disappoint. Coughs. Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1 Every bottle warranted Brace Up. You arc teeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to trace up. Brace up, but not with slim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis yery bad, cheap whiskey, and which stimulate you tor an hour, then leave you in worse condition than before. What you waut is an alterative to purity your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at W. H. Green & Co's. Drug Store. Quarterly Meettutfs. Third round of Quarterly Meetings for tbe Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South : Cokesbury circuit, at McNalts. Aug. 0. 10 ' . Bladen circuit, at Center. July 11. Smithville Station. Aug 13 14. " Brunswick circuit, Aug 17 18. Waccamaw circuit. Aug 20. 21. Whitoville circuit. Aug 23. 24. T. W. Guthrie. P. E. , 1887. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. tf akfku's Bazab combines the choicest lit crature and the finest artUlustrations with the latest fashions and the most useful family reading. Its stories, poems, and. essays are by the best writers, and Its humorous sketch es are unsurpassed . Its papers on social etl quette, decorative art, housekeeping la all Its branches, cookery, etc, make It Indispensa ble in every household. Its beautiful fashion - I)latcs and pattern-sheet supplements enable adles to save many times the cost of subscrip. tlon by being their own dressmakers. Mot line Is admitted to Its colnms that could shock the most fastidious. Harper's Periodicals. Per Tear: Harper's Bazas $4 00 Uarpkk's Magazine 4 CO Habper's wkkklt.. 4 to Harpkk's Yocno People 2 00 Harper's Franklin -quark Library. One Year (52 Number). 10 00 Harp&r's mandt Series, One Year (52 Numbers) 15 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United Ttates or Canada. Raleigh Visitor: The little daughter of the Rev. D. P. Meachum, who was bitten by a rattlesnake yesterday morn ing in her father's yard, in St. Mary's district, ia getting on very.weil and the physician thinks he baa the caso under control: The child was bitten -on, a foot, which has swollen very much. The Volumes of the Botox begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no tune Is mentioned, subscriptions will be Kit with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bouad Volumes of Harpers BoMor.tor thre years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re celptof 1 00 each Remittances snould be made by Post-Office Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspaprs are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address HARP KB BROTHERS, nov26: Mw York " PainU and Varnish. Best in city at Jacobi's. and at lower prices than yon can buy elsewhere." -' CO SI M E1CC1AJL. ICKWJv WILMTNGTON MARKET. August 10 -2 30 "P. M,. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull at 09 j Sales of 23 casks - ROSIN Dull at 774 cents for strain ed and 82 cents lor food strained. TAR Firm at SI. 35. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1.10 for hard. $1-75 for yellow dip and. virgin. , CO rrON Nominal The following are the official quotations: Ordinary. 71; good ordinary 8 13-16; low middling Ojj; middling 10; good middling 101 No sales reoorled. Receipts today: Spirit-). 531; rosin, 1,308; tar. 9; crude. 63 , ProvtHious and Cotton. Chicago. August 10. 2:30 p. m Wheat market opened at 094 and closed at 095 for September. Opened at 71 bid and closed at 71 to 71 1 for October. Corn opuned at 42 and closed at 43 bid for September Pork none quoted. Nkw York, August 10.2:30 p.m. Cotton' opened at 9 08 and closed at 9.55 for August. Opened at 9 36 and closed at 9.27 for September. Opened at 9 27 and closed at 9.21 for October. Opened at 9 21 and closed at 9.15 tor November MAK1NE ARRIVED Steamer D Murchison. Smith, Fay -etteville, Williams & Murchison. Steam yacht Louise. Snell. .Smith ville. Maslei Scbr R S Graham, 321 tons, Avis. Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co; with tron to C C U R. and coal to Fowler & Morrison., Scbr Bessie Brown, 247 tons, Philips, Newport News. Geo Harriss & Co; with coal to Fowler & Morrison. Schr Roger Moore, 318 tons, Giikey. Philadelphia. E G Barker & Co; coal to Fooler & Morrison. Brig H a ttie, 326 tons. Coombs, Bos ton, E G. Barker & Co. i CLEARED Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville. Williams & Murchison. Steam yac&t ijouis Sncll, Smith ville. Master Bark Erna, Neijhar, Livnrpool. Alex Sprunt ca Son; vessel by L G Bitrker &Co Sweil barque fltido. Wulii Paterson, Downing & Co. EXPORTS FOKK1GN Liverpool. En Bark Erna 2,200 bhls spts turp, 2.0U bbls rosin Riga Rusia--Swi:d barque Hude 3.830 roeiu. WKKKLY STATKiUKNl STOCKS ON HAND AUGUST 1 ST." 1887. Cotton ashore, 458. Spirits ashore. 5.079 ; afloat. . 100 ; total. 5 179. llosin ashore, 84 722; afloat, 2,022; total, 8(5.744. Tar ashore, 3,075; afloat. 10; total, 3.085. Crude ashore, 1 442. RECEIPTS FOR JULY, 1887. Cotton, 259; spirits, 10,711: rosin. 27 -201 ; tar, 1,700; crude. 3.716. EXPORTS FOR JULY 1887. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 1.021; spirits. 2.131; rosin, 3 893; tar, 2.831; crude, 3,597. VORKION. Spirits. 7,895 ; rosin. 26.854. VESSELS IN THE PORT OF W1LMINGT0 . H.C . August 8, 1887. No vessel under GO ton reported in this list. BARQUES.. Gcr Charlotte and Anna, 434 tons, Krueger. E Peschiu Wesiermana Dan Herman, IGl tons. Chris: eneen. Heide A Co trwe Heidi, 465 tons. Wolff, Hc!de & Co Nor Agatha. Korr, 300 tons, CP Mfba c Nor Messel, 426 tons, Nygaard, Paierson, Downing & Co Dan barque ordsocn. 322 tons, Nyhoien. Heide & Co, Ger Elizabeth, 337 tone, Bottgers, Pate son, Downing & Co BRIG. . Sp Efperanza, 178 tons, dongoaher. E bidder's Son Br Electric Light, 24!) tons. Pike, EG Barber & Co Ger Clara, 'Mi tons. Voss, E Peschau & westermani SCHOONERS San Domingo, 431 tons, Bennett, f Geo Harries & Co Carrie Beli, 260 tone, f evey, EG Barker Co George Clark, 347 tons Barllett, Geo Harriss & Co Fannie Wolston. 293 tbns, Marr. Geo Harriss & Co Wm Hopkin?, 324 tons. Barrett. Geo Harriss A Co LanfaLr, 293 ton, Woodland. Geo Harriss & Co Fanconla. 227 tons. Falkner, EG Barker Co For the Sound. "yAGONETTE WILL LEAVE SOUTH ER LAND'S STABLES fcr the Sound dally at 2.30 P.M. and 6 o'clock, P. M Returning wlU leave Sound at 7 P. M. and 7 A. U. Bound trip 5) cents. T. J. SOUTHERLAND, Livery and Sale Stable iune S8 No. 108 HO North Second St Lovers of Good Music. JUST RECEIVED, A PINE ASSORTMENT of the latest music BOULANGRR'S MARCH," " Gay, spirited and pretty and played with great success all over the country. Price 30 cents. -v Send in your names and let us n ail you list of latest music as soon as published. S C. W. FATES. ' aug8 Wholesale and Retail Stationer PENNYROYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENU NE. Safe and always Reliable. Beware of worth less Imitations. Indispensable to LADIES. Ask your Druggist for 'Chiciiestkr's En glish and take no other, or Inclose 4c (stamps) to us for particulars k letter by re turn mall. NA11K PAPER. CHICIIESTEK CnKxrcAX. Co., 231S Madlaon Square Phlla Pa. At Druggists. PradA supitned bvROL- Tefzld?"' MISCELLANEOUS Gash House. MISCELLANEOUS. New TorlLft WUminsrtoii 8teamship Co I.M.Iatz, 116 Market St., NEW BARGAINS THIS WEEK. A large variety different styles DRESS GOODS 5c per yard. ' 3C-Inch BATISE. 8c per yard. Bpst DRESS GINGHAMS, 8c per yd. Good SATEENS, worth 125c for 1 154c. WHITE GOODS. 8, IO, 124. 15 and 18c per yard. LINEN TOWELS' Irons lOcup. TABLE DAM ASKS from 25c up. PARASOLS Sateens. , from 40c up " ALPACA from 50c up. REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES and a large LINE OF LACES, which we have not had room to show so far this season. At Very Low Prices .G4l.SE MERINO UNDERWEAR, besides a lull assortment of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. GLOVES. MITTS. HOSIERY, CORSETS.ROBES. & FLOUNCINGS At prices that will please everybody. XVJL. Xvo JXllUZi y . 116 MarJkei Htreet. The Acme MANTJFAOTUEING CO., m MANUFACTURERS OF Fer ilizers, Pine Wool and Pine Wool Matting. fROM PIER 59, EAST RIVER, NKW TO BE Located between Chambers and Rcscvclt sta. At 8 o'clock, P. 11. ' . BENEFACTOR ..Satunlay. July 30 GULF 8TRKAM.... .....,..t-aturday Aug 6 B EN K FACTOR .,.. Saturday, Aujr IS GULF STREAM ......Saturday, Ang SO FROM WILMINGTON ' REGULATOR... BENKFAirrOR.. .. ... .1-.. Saturday, Jnlv 3J ...... .r..aturdav. Auir GULF STREAM. .........iSatu day, Aug 13 BKNEFAOTUR r...... ....-aiurday, Aug 20 far Through I Bllla Lading and Lowest Through Rates gtarai. teed to and from Pofntf In North and South Carolina. . For Freight or Passage apply to ' " ' ' ; - . . . IL G. SMALLBONK3. Superintendent. - Wilmington, N C ; .0 TUEO. G.EGER, Traffic manager . - - .it. . New TTors WM. P. CLYDE Ji COu Ght. Agen', ' i 85 Broadway. Now Yoik." uly 23 - - ,-: - . . lOc FOR A SHAVE, , , 2Gc FOR A HAIR CUT. 50c. FOR A HAIR CU F.SH AVE AND SHAMPOON. H AIR DYEING 20c. and upward, At .. JOHN WERNER'S, : the German Barber and Perfumer, . 'an 25 ' 29 Market St The Sutton House, . jyjAUKET STREET. 8OUTII SIDE, BE tween Front and econd " Board bVthe .Day, Week or M on th. Clean Boom? , Comfortable Beds. Good Attendance and the; best the market affords. Rates low. j Ian 24 ly -1 ' . h ' " - B"inglesT8hir bargain. Wdoeu tol,1'!, MWU; 'iaiDlDS Poll? r... of New ork the oni, ,v 01 UbitedSatcswM. K k . . in iorre am 6tlf-futhjing. Forjrclnsuranrtth3tw;in aiajarpstmnyin Tliu NatlmrXjfT - and Maturity Associate . OF'WASIIlN( -X' SPECIALTIES. A PERFECTLY PURE CREAMERY BOTTEB. A PERFECTLY PURE ARTICLE OF LARD, AND A PURE FAMILY FLOUR. WILMINGTON, N.C. riIie REPUTATION OF OUR FERT1LI- l ZtCRS, the ACME and GKM, is new estab lished, and the results of three yearb' u?c in the hands of tbe best farrers of this and oth cr Stitos fully attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves cl our naive plre, has already gained a popu larity for comfor. and durability equal to any wool carpet, and the demind for it Is daily Increa ing. It has virtues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL i extens vely used for upholstering pnrposes, and as a filling for mattresses is almost equal to hair, bsmg light, elastic and proof against insects Certificates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at our office, or will be mailed upon application. july29tf Mebchakts, hankers and Manufactub bbs should bead A Weekly Journal of TKADE, INANCE AND Pf BLJJ ECONOMT. '. o Sixteen pages cvtty Saturday Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE t O L LA USA 'TEAR. The foremost purpose of BRADSTRltET's is of practical service to biifiinnss men. Its special trade and Industrial reports anl its svhopees of recent legal oeclslons are exceed ingly valuable as commercial transactions, in the sense, are oming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the In formation contained li BRAD3TREETS is of first iooDortmce to all' - . TIIK GENERAL BUSINESS SITUATION THROUGH OUT 1HB UNITi-D 8TATFS AND CANADA IS Rf PORTED BTJTELEGRAFH TO BRAD- '" STREET'S UF TO THE HOUR OF PUBLICATION SINGLE COPIES TEN CENTS. THE BRA DSTREET COMPANY. ' 279, 2S1, 2S3 Broadway, Send for Sample Copy JSkw York City feb a . . Job Printing. rpHB REVIEW JOB PRINTING OFFIC . la prepared to do all kinds of Job Prlnttai as neatly, as cheaulv ana ait Axiwriiiiteiv a. it- ran be done elsewhere. Send in your work done promptly. lebii' The BUTTER la of IIIGIIK&T grade, fully flavored, and is received. FRESH EVERT WEKK. The LRD is the ee ebrated Cassard PURE LARD, equal to any N. C. 1 ard ever offered. The FLOUR is the celebrated '.'PAROIiE D'ilONKUK" brani. " I can GUARANTEE all the above as Per f ectly Fnre, of S xce Uent Flavor, and Health 9 , ani would recommend their me in every fam ily in the City of ilmingt'n and vicinity, r ; . All orders promptly attended to. Telephone No. 9S. Jno. L. Boatwriglit. ; july 16 15 A 11 So. Front Street: Hoiuno nKovKiSc- A OEO. 1) EMiRirxjr ecreiftrj.Ianaser aodAd , Life Insurance at AbsolnieCos. A Guaranteed Policy. " Ah Incontealiblo Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Ftxpd A V Annual Cost Ab8olufei Um -; 1 ' On ly Fi u r Paymonu prr y( Non Forfeitable Afer Three Yeati. P. S. RIDDELLE, M.v " ' - Merticat Hrpct,,, W. H. GI BSON. Speml km. Home Office, 1.21&FStreet.y.jr mch 31 ly Excelsior Lim e, Do You Know It ? Tn AT YOU CAN BUT Pianos, Organs, Novels, Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes, Inks, Pens, Pencils, Slates, . Mucilage, Gold Pens, Spectacles, A. bums. Bibles, Testaments, Looking Glasres, " ' Fancy Goods, Base Ball Supplies. : Fraaiea, School Books, very cheap at HEINSBEKGER'S. july 29 Cash Book and MnBin Store if THE j 1 Monarch". Shirt Ahead f SOLE AGENTS FOR THE C1T YY DICK & ME ARES', . Gentlemen's Furn'shers, ang 8 : - : 12 N. Front JH Loob for the Horse. FOR WE DEFY AY ONE IN THE fJITY to undersell us In Trunks. atchels, .Har ness or Saddlery Goods. Try a can of Castor lne, the bet Axle Oil n use Repairing of all kinds neitly, promptly and cheaply done , 1 KT4NKI.Lt & JIANIHL, aug6 FSNl Horse Ml liners and Clothiers. - lOS.j-routst nnllRD WM3W I it cured at iiomo with I lout ptiiii, Bouk of psr-. tJUculars - (Mnt Kit El:; ll B. M. W00LLEY, M. S. Uilanla. iitt. OiHtV miij'i Whitehall Street. . The cheapest place to buy your school books and school stationery is at Hcins bsrecr's. . .' r ' " t QUR MANUFACTURES IUVI li a hlKhVtmdard We have on hand : BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL HUE, N C. PH03PHATK, r " ' PHOSPBATlC IJMI, COPKOLITE KAV, These are the best and cheapest on Ik ket. i end for circular . FHENrn BCfU, : Mmnfiictnrers, Rocky I'ln;k t B W. In K, Wlhnmgton, N.C , June 23 tf . Ap; . I Douglas & Yarboroc: ... . j jpiASIUON ABLE HAIR DBESSKES j ' ' AND r.ABSI 1(3 Market St.. Wilmington. N C t ' Shop fully equlpied with all tbe bW ; provemenU. . Courteous and polite barters alvsj! rt perve customcis. JKf J. W. YarborouKh, t.rmerly wlUl Werner, would be gtn'l to serve bbnK rons .to : : : 1887. Harper's .Young Peof ' AN ILLUSTRATED WKEKIX HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLR hM beCI the model of what a pcrlodlol for 1 readers ought to be." and th jneUrc commendailon is amply snstained r large circulation it has attained botfiv and in Great Britain. This success 1 reached by methods that must ws themselves to the judgment of pain less than to the tastes of cnttircaBW an earnest and well sustained effort 10 r the best and most attracUvereadln wj people at a. low price, the copfeus and of a conspicuously Wgfc of excellence. An epltome'of everything tbt U t and desirable In iuvealle liters tore.- Courier. ' ' ' "'"-' ' ' '.ka i A weekly feast of good thing and srlrls in every family ww""' Brooklyn Union. , . It la wonderful In Its wealtt l Of Jgr formation, and interest.-Chnstlw on N Y. ; ' s : - .TERMS: Postage Preid. WJV$l Vol. VIII. commences 0TembCT. SIHOLK NOMBKRS, Five Centt t ' Remittances should be nein u Money Order or Draft, oTOJdhi. Newstiauers are not to copy 41J7ii,rc ment without the express or BBOTHE-' Address - KKfiTH nor 'If Homes In North Carol;- Onlv 20 Hours Bide fr ' ' New York I - 6i)ILUies8outliofB! Oa the Raleigh aad Augosu Alrtif lots to suit purchat- 'UB y0&: Larger tracts & .JrVfooiai tbTVY POTI LW -n am duce .mallfarmcrB. well as elBCwhcre tf ' Uia Union offers greawrw Iters than North ci? fit c oSr tanning "ffjg fSS found. 1 his U the vJcn 1 wnohavewttledbiNortnt