the Daily Revie vv . J SH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop VV T LM IN GTON. N. C SATURDAY. AUGUST 13. 1887 ..icn- the Postofbse at Wilmington. N. as second-class matter. C. SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION. FIRST STAOE. Cough in the morn ing followed shortly after ly slight cxpee toration, whieh the patient thinks only comes from his throat. Short breathing, "with lightness in the chest pulse be comes quicker in the evening or after a full meal chilliness in the evening with slight fever. Duffy's Pure Ffialt Whiskey is the ONLY absolute cure for the first stages of consumption known to metlical science to-Iay. This can be proven by hundreds of certificates from leading phy sicians ami thousands of testimonials from cured consumptives. Read what a promi nent divine says: I'iunveton, Seott Co.. Iowa. "I have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey with great foenetit to my wife, who Is a eonuruied invalid- I know from experience It is a pure and most valuable medicine. lam also uslnjr It In the case of my son who is threatened with con sumption. I am a Presbyterian clergyman and a doctor of divinity, hut I am not afraid to re commend Duffy's Malt Whiskey as the purest and most effleleut tonic that I know of, and my experience is a large one." REV. Ii. MILLS. This whiskey is sold ONI A' in bottles. Price, $1. For sale by Druggists, Gro cers and Dealers. Persons east of the Rocky Mountains (except the Territories), unable to pro cure it from. their dealers can have Half Dozen sent in plain case unmarked, ex press charges prepaid, by remitting .$fi"to Tie Duffy Malt Whiskey Co, Rochester, N. Y. miscellaneous" PARTS inr W UNDEVELOPED cf the body enlarged and strrnntlsow'd. Full particu lars (aVd) free. KKIK MV.tK CO., r.-iffalo, X. Y may h 14w cod ly RESTORED. United 3 J ro. A ictimof vrmthfn lmprimeucei-ausmir I'rema " ture Iecav. Ncrvsus Debiii- v ATllirwul A-' fin-vino fed in vain every known remedy, has discovered a mple sell-cure, which ho will send F1CEK to Mi eUow-sufferers. Adilress (C J. MASON, Post Office Box 3179. New York City oct 2 eod d&w ly Political to agnates at Raleigh aro looking forward with feelings of not altogether unmixed satisfaction to the next politictl contest We believe that the Democratic party is safe as regards any opposition but not safe as egards it- wn action. Thoroughly nrvatiized aod thoroughly aroused tbeyare invinci ble but theirown supioeness and inaction miy give the victory to the enemy. There is more danger from within than from without and this condition of attains is nlainlv set forth in - he follow-. tag. which we clip from the Raleigh correspondence of the Petersburg Index-Appeal: These is considerable rejoicing in this city imi tli part t Republicans at th tailing off in the Democratic majiriiy in Kentucky at the recent election, and t must bi said' that the Democratic lenders are considerably disappointed. That it will have the effect l canning more discretion in the selection of can d Mates and the adoption of prudunt piatforuis. to lb in a national and statu point ot vjrtw. in the contest next er is presumable, and to this extent it hm no doubt proven a lucky warninir. It is beginning to be realized, that so far as North Carolina is concerned, the eloc'.ion next year will not be a mere "walk over" for the Democratic ptriv as it has been for the past few cars, and taking the entire situation into consideration it is best that it is so. It is evident that the result in Kentucky is attributable in a great measure to over confidence a political malady that ha oftentimes heretofore proven fatal. If the Democrat c party would win in the great contest ot 1888. there must be several new. and it may be said, radi cal departure?. Since the last presi dential and gubernatorial election new elements have spruHg up anil topics unthought of in 1884 will claim para mount attention in 1888. The plxltoriu to be erected next year must be built of liniDer strong enouun to bear ana coo promise coiillicting opinion on mat sens never before discussed in thi A Sf ronflf Ed d own! en t is conferred upon that magnificent in stitution, the human system, bv Dr Golden Medical Discover that fortifies it against, the enroacbH menis of ;d ipase. -It is the great blood purifier and alterative, and as a remedy for consumption, 'tbror.chitia, and. alt diseases of a wasting nature, its influx ence is rapid . Vffic'acioas and perma nent. Sold everywhere. AUGUST ANTICS. . SUJEUIOR COURTS. Fall TcrralS87. KIKST DISTKICT JUDGE GRAVES. CurrituckSeptPraber 5," 1 week. Camden-r-Sept 12; 1 week, fs Pasquotank Sept 19, Ijweeld. Pe r qn i m an s Sept $6, l .week n Chowan .Oct 3.vl weekS - - U -Gates-Oct 10. V week. V fS Hertford Oct 17. irweekv Washington Oct 24. 1 week. Tyrrell Oct 31, 1-week. Dare Nov 7. 1. week. Hyde Nov 14,. I week. MISCELLANEOU ,rl ...nnlnra A Ikn I M la r. r,xat ic beading for the divorce column. t-J n "? Chicago Inl r-Ocean - It is the skirr of a" lad W ball dress that co. Tb . corsage doesn't coni high Bofton Courier. The man who can Vai?e the wind can have anything he wants nowadays. Phila. Inquirer : . :, A good American wine need nr bush II that is rtqaired is a popular foreign label. LQweil Couiier. A novel under the curious name of The ' Wasp" is ju3t published. If must have a bad endmg. Life. Red hirt has had, some cards en- London. They- bear th Carmine Undergarment " weeksi in Mr gravefl name Puck. From the records of recent coliege graduates it is believed the letters B A. indicate Rostou Athlete Chicago Mail; It whs a Boston boy wh' started the fashion ot c tiling his futher by hi -givn name, anti i tne lasnion ihsiho aoui thirty ec nds. Detroit Free Pre& There is one class of men who haven't opened their moutUs to grum ble about the hot weather. It ' is the class known a summer hotel keepers' Burlington Free Press. j ; 'Ton years from now we shall laugh at ourselves." remarks the Boston Ilcrad This is a frank admission, bit some of your contemporaries don t swm inclined to wait. Ptiirhngton Free press . When you go oil on a summer tour don't worry if you fid yourself in a Sta'e in which the fishing law are very strict No State ver makes the fishing law-, until the fish -are all gone Kansas City Times "Johnny.'' inquired do you like bet of replied . Johnny ''And hat ?" i-qui"ij his aum his aunt, "what ali?" -Candy." what af'er "More can- Mood! YOUi canlivoat home, ami make, more money at work f-r na, than at any thine e ec In the world Capital n- needed; vnu arc stand free, lin-h sexes; ail axes Any one can do Jlcwork. Lxrgc earnings euro from tho lirt ttart. t ostly outlit anl terms free. lictte r.ot delay. Costa you nothing to send us yo:n - tddrcss and llnd out; If you arc wise you wl: to so at once. H. IJai.lktt & t o J'ortlaM Maine. 'le-. 1 HukI 1w 100 A WEEK. JADIES Oil (JKNTLEMKN HESllilNt. j pleasant protitablc cmplo'. nicnt av rite at once. We wtntyo i to bundle ho arlcle ot tomestic xisc that recommends Usclf to every, one at elpjht. hTAPLE A. Kl,Uu cll like hot cakes. Prolita 3W) ier cent. Faml lies wishing to practice economy fchouM tr their own bencGt wrlic for pdrtlculars. L'bciI every day the year roun ' In every housjhoit Price within reach of all Circulars free Ajtents receive SAMPLE FREE Address DOMESTIC M'F'U CO.. 25 cod d &w Hm Marion. Ohio MONEY; to he made. Cut ?h s out and return to ua, ani we will sen't you free. sim? thin? of great value and importance to vou, that will stait you lu bUHlllt. which will brlnj? you in more money rlpht away than anylhlnc else In this world, nv oue can do their work and live at home. Elth er sex; all ajres. Something n w, that iusl coins money Iot all workers. Wc will start you; capital not needed. Th's Is one of the frenuiae, important chances of a llfctlinc. Those who arc amblt'ous and enterprising will not tfclav. irand ouilit free. Address True & Co., Aucrusta. Maine dcclmdlvw ELY'S CaTARRH CKEAM BALM cot? :AYFEVERl CLEANSES THE HEAD. ALLAY: INFLAMMATION HEALS thcoKts. RESTORE TH SENSES of TASTE SMELL, llEAKllfG. A tilTICK Ilti.'tr. A Positive Cuue A part'cle L applied Into each nostril and la agreeable. Price ! ccniM at J. moists; by mall. rcci3tercd.G! tcta. Circulars free. ELY BUOi., UrugKiats. 'wcgo, N Y apl 9 ly cod d&w in i.. USJt. h lalllllllll ! V M I Hi MiM-I II If eo. Bend fur I0 BUYERS Gi:iIK, containing colored pliUea, 1 OO etixravi oxa of differenb breed. prices they aro wrath, and where to buy thorn. Directions for Training Dogs and Breeding Ferrets. Mailed for 15 Cents. Also Cuts of Dog Furnish Ins Goods of all kind. -Then !wnd for Practical POUL- TUY llOOii. lOOpajres? beaa Utfnl nuarw! i!atex CHMrnTinrs I erf iu-.i:!y U kivlj cf xovvU; desenp ' tionj ot tho lrr?Us; how to caponize; :s3 Ut powitiy honao: information .-.b.u. iiicubatorsi, aiii (:cro to bny Lk;.- 1r:.ti be t ctocU nt SIO vvr kih.rc. iJout for lit Cents 6 H fi r roc rd the BOOK OF CAGE a-TV " 1 n flu i:tL3i-tir.n braedws of all kin da uase Lrutk f t ricusai and rrvU inseaaea tato. Prominent among them 9 th great and all absorbing labir question wnicn niis loomcu up to loinionse pro. portions during tbe last twelve montbs or bo A new declaration ( principles refratuiug the tar.n. internal revenue civil rights and civil survice relorui ar- all very well as embodying the prmci ulea ot the "party on national politics. but something else is needed nearer home to obtain fwr 1 he Democratic 'party that strict allegiance in the future which has led it on to victory in tbe past. It i useless to alti'tup to shut out the fact that there is something like lukewarmnefs on the part of a large number ot white men in North Carolina who have here mtote voted the Demcralic ticket. It is belter to be candid in this matter and address ourselves U the task of Caking proper steps to remedy it. than to await until it shall, perhaps, end in disaster. If tho Democratic party would win it should realize tbe plain fact that it must adapt itself to the ueeds. as far as possible, of all the elements that com puso it Instead of some ot the recog uized leaders ot the parly being cngag cd in the efl'-rt to brovd discord by a Hystouiatic growling over the dispen sation of Federal patronage, it would bu n source of much more benefit to the people of the Slate, and certainly a greater advantage to the Democratic; party, it their 'ffrtB are devotbd to measures productive of unity in the great contr st before us. First and tare most, there should be an end ot man worshipping in North Carolina It would bo well. lor instance, if Vance ism were for a time, at least, merged into the Democratic party at large, and that the entbuaiastic adherents of other partisau leaders should "pool their preferences" lor the general good "f the party. In "a word, tho ojd time charge that the "'Democratic parly is held togelbet by the cohesive power of public plunder" should bo exploded and tbe prououueia ineuto should bu sent t'rth that it ad heres to the grand ld Jeffrfr3ouiau idea as a party of tbe people bearing for its motto, "tbe greatest good to tbe great est nu. nber.M -In view ot tbe seeming difHculties looming up id - the near future, it is hoped these bints may not be entirely fruitless, but may be pro ductive of. at least, a small share ot ordinary caution. Tbe danger to tbe Democratic party iu North Carolina comes not so lunch fr-m the direction oi its Republican opponents as from ambitious aspirations of leaders within its own ranks. Let it be i understood that selfish considerations' are paltry in comparison with whaleyer teods to promote the best interests of the great mass ot the people. Let the primitive motto ( of Democracvr 'PrinciP'c3' not men" be the governing one. and all will bejjwell in North Carolina. A different line ot policy may produce disaster. ! dy " repneo Jonnny, after n moment s deli Deration. Pdlsburq JJispU h "Don't vou suppose " said a member of tbe police force, "that a policeman knows a io;ue when he sens , him?" No doubt." was the reply, "but th trouble i- th?t he docs not seiza rogue when he knows him." Fx;hanje HucKlf n's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. . Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect .satisfaction, or moey refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W . H . Green & Co, : j HUMPHREYS' DB.HUMPHBEYS'BOOZ Cloth & Cold Binding 14 Pages, with Steel. Kogrning, BAILED FUEK.' Adarew. P. O. Box 1810, U. T. LIST OrBOSCIPAL NOS. CUBES Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations. .. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... Covins Colic, or Teething of Infants. Diarrhea, of Children or Adults Hyaentery. Gripinp. BiUous Colic... Cholera Slorbus, Vomiting ( -oukIis, Cold, Bronchitia euralgia, Tootbaclie, laceacbe Headaches, bick Meadacue, vertigo. ruicE. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 . s HOMEOPATHIC to 11 12 is 14 10 17 19 24 27 2W 30 32 Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach......... .25 Suppressed or Palunl Periods... .. ;25 Whites, too Profuse Periods.......'... ;25 Croup. Couch, Difficult Breathincr.... .25 8alt Rhenm, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 Fever ana Ague. Chills, Malaria..... .50 Plies. Blind or Bleedinpr .5C Catarrh, Influenza. Cold in the Head .50 Whoopinc Coush, Violent Coutrhs.. .50 General Debility, Physical Weakness .AO Kidney Dlseaae .50 IS'ervons Debility.. .......1.00 Urinary Weakness. Wettinpr Bed... .50 Dlse of the- llenrt. Palpitation..! .OO SPECIFICS. .Sold by DrufTfrists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. UlflPHtttlS'SUiUICWE tO. 100 Fulton 8t. fli.Y. feb 2U tort & vrlv nrm If'JH t:h Manly Vfcor, WoaVnerts or I,os of -Memory Iht aut ntly rcstorKd. by: the us, of au entirely li'.w m dy. Xlie Yerlut Sin it n from SnAin. Snfin Fh Trochees never liiL' )i:r ?ii.istrjitff1. :-tn.tro NjoI mi ivhinnoniais. Ippnt f-. JvT, Kntv mnnKhmitf lad it. VON GKAEP TJROCI1EK COM c feb 21 d cod Aw ly uu l f7 :i laair euro. Hour to build and stock $ 7 -r-Ayi7. All about Parrots, Prices of j.ui Dirus, C.-VTCS. eic. aiauea xoc t cuts. Ti Taieo Books. 40 Ct. S7 .Soet a tAsttii htreet, Philadelphia, Pa. Givo Tli cm A Cliaucu ! That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery it is Not only the larger air-passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from loem. W hm these are clogged and choked with matter which ou2ht not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what t hoy do. they cannot i do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo nia, catarrh, consumption or any ot the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid. of. There is just one sure way to, get rid ot them. That is to take Boschee'8 German Syrup. which any drngjrist will sell you nt 75 cents a bottle. Ji.ven if everything else has tailed you, yon may depend upon this for certain. . - msy 20 djtw tf - In seven years a Michigan ' farmer has had seven- horses killed by light ning. - ,..:..' . , . ,v . Yon will' find hoes, forks, shovels spades, scYthea.' swaths and farming tools of all kind; nt Jacojh' Hdw. Depot..- : . : -: ; COME SEE US ! TT T HENEVEIt YOU AlvE lit NEED FEiHIlNE, RDLIKE cr BINDINE come and see us. ; We have the most complete establish men t in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices thai we can live at. - Give uk your orders. JACKSON ' BELL What ? 50 oo. JADIES1 G03S&MEB C1RCULAE3 AND Hewports, &3c, 1 1 ad $1 25. LA DIRS SILVKU $1.25 and $1.51. GREY CIRCUUIRS 1IISSK3 CIRCULARS 25 per cent less. OPEN FRONT WHITE DBESS SHIRTS. ' Very, large stock In PERCALE SHIRTS. Complete stock In SUMMER UN D I R WE AR. CALL EARLY and buy , fargaln in Can ton If attlnsa. Linen and Turkish Batb Tow-, els. Hammocks, Toilet Soaps, or whatever yon need, . , - :? . ; - . -aorBKAic..: ;une 17 No. 20 Uarket Street- - SECOND DISTRICT. r JUDGE 'AVERY. Warren Sept 19. 2 week Northampton Oct. 3. 2 weeks. Edeeortibe Oet I7.2 weeks." Bertie Oet 31. 2 weeks .1 Halifax Nnv 14s 2 weeks. , Craven Nov 28. 2 weeks. - THIUD r DISTKICT JimOE SHIPP Franklin Aus 15, 1 vvek. Martin Sept 5; 2 weeks. Pitt Sept 19, 2 wees 8, r (ireoniOet 3 2wteks. " Vunce Oci 17, 2 twfteks, ' . v Wilson Oct 31. 2 weeks. ;' Nftfh Nov 2I:2weks; Martini Dec 5. 2 weeks. . FOURTH DISTKICT --JUDOK'JKKUIMON. Wakf July 11 2 weeks. Harnett Am; 8. I wek ' Johnston Ant? 24. 2 weeks. W'lkef Aug 29 2 weeks. VVavni Sept 12 2 weeks. VVakt A ua 29. 2 weeKS. Wayne Oct 17. 1 week -Wakef-Ool 24 3 weeks Johnston Nov 14. 2 weeks. Harnett Nov 28. I 'week. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Oranye Aug 8. 1 week. , , Caswell Auu 15. 1 week. Person Aug 22, 1 week. Guiltord Aug 29. 2 weeks. Granville Sept 12, 2 week Alamance Sept 26. 1 week. Chatham Oct 3. 2 weeks. Darnam Oct P. 2 weeks. . Orange Nov 7, 1 week. Caswell Nv 14. 1 week. - Person Nov 21.1 week Granville Nov 28. 2 weeks. Guilford Dec 12, 2 weeks. , . SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE nilLLIPS. Lerioir Aug 22. 2 -weeks. Duplin Sept. 5. I week PenK;r -Sept'12.. I week. iJew Hanoverf Sept 26. 2 weeks. Sampson Oct 10. 2 weeks. Caneret Oc? 24. V week. " JcMies Oc 31 1 week. , Ofii.-iw Nov 7. 1 week Lenir Nov 14. 2 weeks. Dupltu Nov 28, 2 weeks. Sampson D-c 12, 1 week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Cumberland July 25, 1 week Colnmbus-Aujf 1 1 Week. Moore Aug 15. 1 m ek. R'beon Au: 22. 2 weeks. Anson Sept 5, 1 wek. Brunswick Sept 12 1 week. Richmond Sept 19, 2 weeks. liobes'in Oyt 3 2. weeks. BladeD- Oct 17 1 week. Mooro Oct 24. 2 weeks. : Cumberland!- Nov 14.2 weeks. Ansont Nov 28. I week. liiehmond Dec 5. 1 wee k. , EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLARK. Iredell Aug 8 2 ieeka. , . Rowan Au 22. 2 weeks. Davidson Sept 5, 2 weeks. Randolph rept 19. 2 weeks. Montgomerv Oct 3, 2 weeks. Stanly Oc 17 l week. Cabarrus--Oot 31 1 week. Rowan Nov 7," 2 wet ks. Iredell Nov 21 2 weeks. Davidson D c 5, 1 week. NINTH DISTRICT -JUDfi GILMER. Rockingham July 25,2 weeks. -S'okes Aug 8. 2 weeks Surry A ur 22 2 weeks. Alleuhany Sept 5. 1 week. Wilkes Sept 12 2 weeks Yadkin Sepl 26, 2 weeks. Davie Oct 10 2 weeks. Forsyth- Oct 24, 2 weeks. Rockingham Nov 7. 1 week. Stokes Nov 14, 1 week Surry Nov 21, 1 week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE EOYKIN. Henderson July ;18, 3 weeks. Burke Aug 8.2 weeks, , Ashe Aug 22, 1 week. - . Watauga Aug ,29, 1 week. -Caldwell Sept 5, 1 week. -Mitcheil Sept 12, 2 weeks, Yancey Sept 26. 2 weeks. McDowell Oct 10, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTKICT JUDGE MACRAE. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander Aug 1. 1 week. Cleveland Aug 8. 2 weeks. Mecklenburgf Aug 29. ;3 weeks Union Sept 19, 1 week. - f Unionj Sept 26, 1 week. -Lincoln Oct 3, 1 week. Gaston Oct 10, 2 weeks. Cleveland Oct 24, 1 week. Rutherford Oct 31, 2 weeks. Polk Nov 14, 1 week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GOMERY. Madison Aug 1, 2 weeks. Buncombe Aug 15, 3 weeks. Transylvania Sept 5, 1 week Haywood Sept 12, 2 weeks. Jackson Sept 26, 1 week. Macon Oct 3. 1 week. Ciay Oct 10, 1 week. Cherokee-Oct 17, 2 weeks. Graham Oct 31. 1 week. Swain Nov 7, 2 weeks. Madisnnf Nov 21. 2 weeks. Buncombe Dec 19. 2 weeks. 3IONT- Criminal causes only. f Civil causes only : .." ' , f JCivil causes only, except jail cases. SHORT-HAN O & TYPE-WRITING SITUATIONS pay both young men and ladles' much tottt r salaries than moet commercial positions. anl ihe deriiand Is greater. Mudents can be lit ted for o&ee short-hand positions In Three Moilths, Time by Haven eystem )iio irevlona knowledge ol either ait required. A olleges open all the Eear. students can enter any time, all mttlon olng indlvldnal. Superior faclllt cs for pro curing situations,. for which aid we make no charge. College pamphleta with fall set self teaching lewons In elt her ai t sent to anr ad c resa for 10 cents.'; both arts, 20 cents. o stamps accepted Address either of Haven's Colleges: New York. NY; lhiialelphla. Pa : Chlraso, 111 ; Cincinnati, O ; San Franclsco.Cal, jnneSeod3m , Tr. rptiii-ninr thanks to voufor.tnv miracn. lous cure of eczema or salt rheum,. , Heem,ii advisable to give you a ; detailed ; account of ray case, an I as there is, atid always - v ill bo a prejudice against advertised rtmertle& ou have mv consent to publish; this test! onlal, and all inquiries, by letter r In person, I m cheerfully answer. I do this that people who go on year after year pvlnr out la-ge, mjts of money to ircompetamt" physicHns andre celvo do cure, or even relief, end Infill a premature grave, as was nearly ?y case, inajr be Induced to mafee trial "off the wAnderful I CUTICOBAtf emedies . v :i : At the age ot three montbs -a raeh ihade IU appearance on n?y faGe. A physician. was call ed he sala teething was the cause, he pre scribed some cooling tnedlclne.but" the so;s s pre id to my ears and head. , Another M. p. was cilled He professed to know a,"ll aboht the ca-e. called It MKIng's EvU", ani pros scribed gunpowder. brImstoneV and lird mtx ed.into a salve, but the d sea 3e continued. They could not do anythingnwith it Anothtr prescribed borix water ana uour; an tner. nnecd poultices. None of them ald tne any good at all. but ae me worse The diBaf e contln'u d unabated ; it spread to my arnr s aijd legs, t;l: I was laid up eathely, nd from con tinual sltticg on the totr on a pillow my iladjs contracte i so that 1 lost air Cctrol of ihern, and was utterly helpless ; UJya mother .wou'd have to lift m out and Into bt d. 1 coul i get around the houte on my hands and fet,-,but I could not gtt my lothes on at all, and h,ad,t' wear a sort ot rtressirg: gown . My hair-had all matted dow :or fallen off, at.d iny.heat, face ad ears were one scabj 'and, 1 hxd to have a towel on liny h?ad ail tee time In tne summer to keep the A cs off. -j y pat oats con sulted a promlaent physician and 6ureonhre In Chicago (theothsr phvsicUns efore jr.en tioncduereof 1 undas and illfAliton Caha da ' he sn il he coufd do nothing fir-irie, that !hechancef were that i would irro ou fit tr thai it would s-irl'-e inwarvily aod kill me in time He w'anteJ to cut tho shiews of my les so tnat I cou.d walk, but I would hot Jet hi'p. for It idid ot better;! would ' c niro) of them. ' ..-... '' '? ' ; .';.-., :. 1- ;- be d:fceae continued In this manter until I whs f-eventeen 5 cars o'd, nd onedayin Jan ii ry : 1-79. in the hicago Tribune, I. read an account of your medicines - They 'escribed my cae o exac ly that :I. th ugtt;, as. a last vesort, to ivd thejuatrial. . ' 4 ,v j W hen I llr.-t applied the OuriC-TKA,r 1 was all nw ami l'l(cdlngfromjscrachlrg rayMjIf, but when I appli d it J went asieep almost loi mt dia clr, souiething I had not done for years. the effect was so foothin. ";- y -; - , The first moraiiig afcer uain. ad n kti nnl had n- tkn only on the Vnl of S.r a t nk color.. Next day liltl J?7, r - V -. K-li&'.'Ci 111V 1 1 'T . conW e and tra?g .t, but iJ l?u weak,us D?yorc Were nuam t'B , I commenced the ut e of the rrL5eIL r ,YKNT, and in three Ja? t wD" 8l ever. I w.13 one mass of yimnil l ortt of try h a,1 to tbe BS" ffttffl .were painiul would no' do W a In Jrom two t four d ,,8 tbrS tbs Cl! a small , caio wfcich d v WS,, " t vue and the ekm wbiaKU 1 cm judc 1 was cured ia itS iuJt week. ami ho t ihl dale fi . t JSj? tl .1879 to January. i7) l haveUfe any w-y, or have hd the IaatM..:- . . . w L . I ( .. . lent appetite, have the very l, "J : My iojus are straight, ampi amViS" haro beea exposed ts alUorts of wl,tho the least slgna of the l!in only dlfferente I find in myjcif U th. is Qocr, sotter, and nrt so liable to m'p ped as Is otter persons - No doubt ncany persons will not tW almost Improbab'e story, mmy will ih' grossly exaggerated. I dou't bUm-ti," ojt if they do. but to satisfy tbenuelv t can cad or write to me and flod oat U t have written above is true or not Tbw men e icrsoiS w ho ein tettliy to th) w.v ful cui e l have receive 1 by y-mr tvtr R?mi:di s. - -, Gentlemen, let me aain lhank yoa k , W. J. McD- KU itl$i Dearborn St. Chlcajro, lit, Jan.: Nothing Is known to science at all c4; ble totheCUTicUHACKMEDlES in thcbi vellous properties of cleansing, purtfjtt beautifying tho skia and In curtcgtoiti db figuring, itching, pcalyand pimply tli of. th--. ekln, scilp and blood, with low or. utiuura, the .treat ikiu n e, anil l-; CUUAi oaf, an exquisite Skin rVantliief.i paru from it entemallv. and CuTicumf ol.VNT. the new Jilood Turlfier, tntim are a positive cure for every form vt ttn blood disease, frro plmpleit m srofBlx- , old everywhere. Price, Ctucwi,! ?OAP, 25(J ; is L80LV NT, . $1 fTepwed the POTWK I KUJ AND CHEMICAL 1 0 t ton, ass." . -' -- I : . end for. "How toTMre Skin tiM CI pages, Illustrations, and lttitcetia t , apnl30 4wdAw tS tie mm r . r . : i rr ; l irl 1 rm-r ji Auonsnuu EALlJ&ULtol whoratookafnlltrciatl ltlz ana were resiorea coneaitn trr tiao nr cARRis'SEtllHAL PASTILLES A. Kadical Cure for Nerro as Debility. Orr-an reaknemi nndPbvsi eal Decay in Yonn or Mid ule A red Men. Tested for V'.int in .ma thousand cases theT absolutely resf orn nremnttiTelT 3Rd and broken down men to tho foil eajoynenfc of yorfeet and full Manly Strength and Vicorous Health. .To thoee who Buffer from the many obscure diseases . Nroaeht about by Indiscretion, Kxnownre, Oror-Brain IV ork, or too f ue Indulgence, m nk that yoa send ns roar namo witn statement ot yourtronm-s, ana Bocure ISilAI PACKAGE E'KEE.'mth Illasf 4Pamihl9t,&c -VT f l-3Sl -rr-r. y , 3arJh. ran - fsl sw. m k a tk Avoid the mixjMjcm ot pw ok rortane iruuMet,tM ui v wnoaeoniyaiin iv)ow- timi. Tate kbtKifttu wi ICL'KED tliooauMii. Ut Mt vith auention to buinm a r incon renxnet in my rrj i Splication to th ! iKn.i. Mt without dfUr. T AifiAn.Afth, linmuimnilnMi' vastcd animating elementt m lite ire beooiacachccimlaad rapidly gint both anctat TffiEATg;STf0s3 Mosti. 13, gra Jfctft I HAUmS REMEDY CO., Krtt QOQ H.TitliCtroet,BX.MJUW P5j?sryRE! PERSONS can havo FREE Trial of our Appliance. Aek for Te! may -17 d&wlv if HARDWARE Manufacturer's Agents for Stoves. Iron. Stoves. ,,:Nafs -r Gill and Seine Twine, and a complete stock of Agricultural Tools. . JACOU-'S hdw; DKPOT '.. -- ' . , . - " .: ioso. r. ' Sash, Sasli. Sdsh. Paints. Varnishes Oils. Moulding and'-jBuilder's Hardware; BEST GOODS AT LOWEST P1GKS. JACOBl'S HDW, DF POT. aplIW -' 10 So. Front st . 1887. New TortWeekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. Greatest and Cheapest Jfarally, Journal in the United States. AlwayB liright and llLv ble - - Kvery Number an Epitome of the .vews of the World '. - . ' ' - Tbe Foreign Department la . unequalled. Latest ami most accurate Cable , Specula by the commercial Cables. ' n " Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Cmrent Events .' - .. - , , fePECiAi. 1 Fe aTOUESPracllral Farniinj: : articles on Science, Art. Literature.the Pra m. llnslc, heuglon. fashions ana cuess, ::. :.; - Information on all subjects. ? -. . -. ,. Address,,. , : JAaI.ES QOKDOS EENNETTr -' , . . , Wew Yoik Herald, v ' norSC;- - . . ew York Cltr ! Alj8t1 Itsactiem. C in aorE in it bwf resulMi l,1 ceUcil!;' nurifier. velon a tcratire gliroulant ontorril'; nrC(i08 ' URIF speedny yhen this fs Joatjjin of food dae t JJScrti than tins article, Jut : UP"1 ties. ample pacKaKw w '",. c( ir by mai I to any address on r; i i ... ThA rpfmlarliluM.'JLv.fixS I ?nt by. inaiLMItAN W "The ffreatsecretofthecan,. 1 of the llartz Mountain Yg5r ' prevent their aihucnis bird poo! condition. -If &?Al t"-. tlw.fason ofshetblingfeatpf'' .,r. mm P the season oisneufu k -:-. - thn)c casos carry. "XZZt,fZ. cri case mention thw paper sept 9 tu thsat easos carry Ymff cri t if al period without lM-i . na i 1 on receipt of l J l- I1iUa4iA-l- Valuable Lands to n.nlntO0. . muc troBi acres, 53 acres clcarf'l;' 1 hJ for1 butpirta good crop for I' through ttd branch runnlDg few acres oflbottom Jjy frr, . lfi tr AucVr- mch .

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