TheDailv Review. SATUUDAY. AUGUST 13 1887, ditional machinery and development to pay handsome dividends. 111 1 ROYALPSwtlf J . Tho supscripiion books ol the Tortil ita Mining Company are still opn at the office, No 57 Broadway. New York city. For tba present, subscriptions are received at par of $2 per share. It u frxofoted the stock will sell for a high er eguro alter it is called upon the Ex change, where it is already listed A a legitimate business enterprise T..i-4iiitt ; Rwnnd tn none, and attract- A. t t ' - I . , m ive to all who have even a small sum miueu. fusing both to declare that the vote on the election held in said city was against tb proposition to grant the subscrip tion to lie Wilmington,. Onslow & East Carolina R.Hroad Company, and to p9tprrH i be matter for tea days for further evidence and do so Tor the following reasons: 1. Became the sanction of the Board oi ludit and Finance was not obtained to the submission of the question to the peopie when by law it was required to be don ere tho question should be sob- tor investment. LOCAL NEWS. 2. Because the new registration is illegal and contrary to the advice of the city attorney. 3. -That the Constitution,, of North Carolina positively prohibits any debt or subscription except for necessary expenses without tb consent of "a ma- of the qualified voters of .the city, and such a majority has not been obtained. In truth, the vo'e for sub- Company. The clerk read the certi flea tea of The Board of Aldermen and the Onslow LI. It The Board of Aldermen met in call- J ,rty ed session last night. With the excep lion of Mayor owier, all me memoers gcriDtion : oniv aboUt one fourth of were present; Alderman t ishblate, the qualified voters, a is shown by the M Rvnr rn tnm nrpsidini?. luwi lull registration in a r residential i-i u : u : r w- I yenr ,nB UUa,r aiai J BeRausoatftiht find Rnsnmiou of meeting m receive iou feiuius oi mo frHU will attach to the issue of bonds inspectore of the recent election on the I issued under such an illegal registra 1 . . I nnBtinn nf ft BnhaorinLinn oi 1:100 ()00 1 "on ana election, ana ine noaru OI Al ,Mi,.i f- .r.K0 Wiimi0.nn dermrn should not subject the citizens ... ..K.. - of Wilmington to such financial dara- Unsjow and Iast Carolina Kailread age as must result from a sale of their bond) at a depreciated value. 4 m r t - the . - otciuso an application or pen- I 1 1 11 n ff purtHin' piriy.pna .nrt tmrnnvers I -' -" - - v . - . . - il pi'CUOrs. fntrhia oitv hna nMn nrPHnntPil tn th m. i . i i . I J ine cnair asxea ine pleasure or toe Mayor and Board of Aldermen asking Board, and Alderman Hall presented that action upon this matter should be not i bom in competition with the multitude I th fnjifiwin rnunlntmn postponed for ten dajs until further oftowtci.BhprtweteMaluia or " phosphate tne. oilow.n resolution . evidence could be obtained, and the . - rni j . . , -. i . . -niu item iwij uao urcu L ciucu this oirn fin rhnronoo tha 11th rfa v fi ! . ... vj -v.. j ..... . . ; : I ... fi II O tU A nunc! IRH7 in nnrflnon nt nn nnrli XUts urmusi 19 Hlljueu UV VI il oiuuu, cation of the Wilmington. Onslow ard M J. lleyer, W! E. Worth, J. W. hast Carolina K. Li. Company, and a I Ro'les. John H Sham. T. J. Souther petition oi one-nun oi me quanneu . . T w r, wr PnU w . . j. j- la in U M U I U V U J . ft . J.V iuv.i',1 v Uettor Thau HpreMeuted andnnno 'f thp mUp and Rnard ni K. Kenan, F. L Mearcs. 1 S. Belden, as Great as the Comstock. I Aldermen of this city, on the question W. A. Williams and' J. A. Walker. WhatiaNcw York Star Ucwm I of a subscription of $100,000 to the ..nftivn suxiv-Tlift Itirlii.t capital stock ohsaid R. R. Co. by this " . , x 1 city, it is ascertained and hereby de- miuiuK rruiiuri. iu iiiicriun ciared that at said election there were Vast Ore IeiosftH. I ca9t for subscription 1049 votes, and The New New York Star has made I the registration lists show an aTegatu a caretul investigation ot the properly of the Tortilita Mining Company, here tofore referred to in these columns.' and the following is published from its re port, showing thp enterprise to be one of the best ever nrougnt to tno attention of investors: (Special Dlapatch to the Star.) Tucson. Ariz . July 16. Agreeably to instructions from the Slar to fnvesti gate the Tortilita mines, that are now I? Absolutely Pure. Thl riowiler rever varies. A marvel ol nnriiT. Rtmnsrtb and wholesomcness. Mere ernntitnlral tnan ine oruinary kidus, .iu u nnwilPi-R. mm oniv means, tun ai- ham.- v. Powdkr Co . 106 Wall M. N oct 2ft lw 1 v tenrm 4thi COMMEKClAli J3 Wis. WILRITNGTON MARKET." : . k August 13-2.30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 29J. Sales of 400 casks. ROSIN Dull at 774 cents for strain ed and 82 cents tor cood strained. - TAR Firm at 1.35. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at SI. 10 Lfor hard. $l 75 for yellow dip and virarin. ? : : . i CO ITONNominal . The following are the official quotations: Ordinary. 7; good ordinary 8 13-16; low middline 9$ ; middlings 10; good middling 10.i No sales reDorted. -: . r , , ... t iieceiots to dav : Spirits, 575; - rosin, 1.436; tar. 4; crude, 131 i rovisious and Uottou. Chicago. August 13. 2:30 p. rn Wheat market opened at 09 and closed at 70J for September. Opened at 7l and (Mosird at 71,for OcUbr. Corn opened at ilk a.nd closed at 41 for Sep tember. Pork none quoted. Nkw Yonu., August 13 2:30 p. m Cotton opened 'at 9.54. and closed at U.50 for August. Opened at 9 22 and closed at 9.23 for September. Opned a 9 19 and closed at 9 18 for October. Opened at 9.13,- asked and closed at 9J2 tor November - - , Y THETOHT1LITA MINKS. uf 1.676 votes in this city ; therefore. liesoivcd. lbat the proposition has been adop ed by a tuairitv of the reg istered voters of this city. R solved. I hat the b mance Commit ter of tho Hoard of Aldermen are au thorized to conler with the proper au thorities ot the Wilmington. Onslow & East Carolina Rnilroad Company, to Alderman Dudley said that the pro test was against something that was not in the resolution. Mr. Strange explained that the pro- t-9t was against tho action of the Board which was not legal. Alderman Rica asked, "How d you kn w that?" Mr. Strange replied that he had citel 1 gal opinions, an t he preumi'd ho was speaking to gentlemen. . AUierinan Rice rso tcreily. but was AMerman -Hall. bo AliRlV ti. Steamer D Murchison. Smith, Fay- etteville, Williams & .Murchtson. Steam yacht Louise, ' Snefl, Smith" ville. Mastei CLEAREJ ' Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville. Williams & Murchison. : SLeam yacnt iouis. Snell, Smith- ville. Master - Scbr Fannie E VVoolston, Mavr, Philadelphia. Geo Harriss & Co; cargo by C 15 Mallett. - EXPORTS COASTWISE. " Philadelphia Schr F E Woolston 251 675 ft lumber. New York Steamship Gulf Stream 12 balos cotton, 379 bbls rosin 1,183 bbls put 152 bU tar, 12 cases tir. 50 bb!s"oil, 15 bbls shelled peanuts. 5 bains peat moss, 130 pkgs mdee. 151 car wheels. 140 bag chaff. 125,000 shingles, 141 973 ft lumber. - vi z. ' MISCELLANEOUS. -i O T' -- ? - ,; - Millinery y and Fancy Gooj GO TO s Reliable! Cheap ! A LARGE BTf CK tro SELECT iS? A liberal discount to the t rade. New YorH & WiinitnkiM Btoamship iKl rnoM prK; 29. kasx kivbu. kkw vork Located between ( -liraberts and fta-scveltsts. iC til A, JUS fcUUS attracting so much attention through out the country, your repre9entalrve has made a careful examination tor the benefit of your readers. At the mines I inquired for the sup erintendent, and wa shown 10 Mr. 1. T. Elmore, and cordially received. Raised in the East, Iim oriirinullv work ed on the Comstocks. where he saw property increase in value from a SVw thousands to hundreds of million? In reply to a question, Mr. Elmore said : 'When I had satisfied myself of wha we had after throe years 01 labor, I went to New York, and in con nection with some fneuds organized the Tortilita Mining Company in Now r 1 -. 1 4 I ;.LI.. 1 lore CUV. cuiuuu-uu tn r.nuuiu iiu competent business men, for the pur pose ot raising capital to erect hoi-tint' works and additional machinery. I have seen all the best minus in America and worked in them, and I tell you here and now that the lortiliias urn the greatest and ihe beat ot thuir elas on the American Conliiumt " THE PLANS OF THE COMl'AXY. Asked what improvements were con temDlated. Mr. Kl'nore said: "W can easily supply three twenty-stamp mill. for an indefinite periol ou thu-e prop erties. Thev would work 180 tons 1 ore per day, at an average of $50 per ton. At a low estimate tui would bv. $9,000 per day. "With tho proper machinery this can be worked at au expense of $10 per ton, which would bo $1,800 per day. leaving net per day $7,200, or for thirty days $210,000. or tor a year $2,5!2 two. which will bo over two and halt iiin-.s our capital stock each year; but at tir..i we shall start with a twenty-siamp mill, which should :ivo us $SOO,000 pur year net. per annum ou our capiia! stock. I am now bending uvery . llWt toward attainiug these rosulis. We aro negotiating for hoisting work? and a twenty stamp mill, and I hope suon to obtain them. Meanwhile we shall continue to run our little five-stamp mill and develop and improve th" property all iu our power. 1 know cl no investment in America that will pay as well as the shares of our company.' AN A1JSOLUTKLY GKEAT 1'KOrEUTY. After a weekV time spout at tho mines in daily examination ot tho work, in seeing assays made, watching the battery samples, ami so-ing tho ore retorting and runuiug into bullion ami stamped, and readiui; certificate ot $150,000 for bullion shipped to thu Rank of California in the la.t two yuar., and seeing ono bar ot 2,400 ounce, sunt forward while I was there. I felt im pressed with thu fact that tbu lortilita deserved the confidence of tho public, and that the management in Nov? York had far underestimated its value in their slatemrnts. I found properly worth anywhere from $10,000,000 u S50.000.000, and possibly $1 00.000. 000. as the Comstocks have proven to be and have made thousands ol men rich. . THE TOKTILITAS lOllLAK AT HOME. Driving back to Tucson I remained there a short time acd found the Tor tilitas exciting more attention than any other mining property in the Territory, and there are some rich ones here. For example, the Silver King, not fardis tant, has paid three million dollars in dividends from ono mine alone, while the Tortilita company has twelve. The Roy mart and Vikol, in another direc tion, have turned out millions and made their owners rich, as have the re nowned Tombstones and Qu'jotoa. The Tortilitas are on the tongue of everybody, and Mr. Elmore is 1 oked for with bullion every month as regu larly as the month comes round. . In conclosioB, the Star representa tive found the statements concerning tho Tortilita more than verified. Tho company have not only one, but twelve great mines including the four that are now being worked, any one of which latter is easily worth more than the entire capitalization of the compa ny, and it has a mill and two mill sites bc.iJ:3. Tho property only needs ad- stirmlBlinna onnlftinf! in lh Ifittnr fl "f1"'1 "J application ot said Company to this saiu mai ine rsoaru 01 Aiunrmeu couio I5')ard. shall be carried out. Thoiomlft loot do otherwise than they had done; to bo delivered except at the rate at tilev werti at.t jn,, under nlain provisions $2,500 a mile, as the road is completed mile oy mile." Alderman King said that Mr. Th's. W. Strange was present and desired to address the Board. On motion; an invitation was extend ed to Mr. Strange, and to any other gentleman present to speak. Mr. Strange, as attorney, presented and read a petition siguod by Messrs (.. II Smith. L. S Beiden, Alvis Walker,' G. W. Kidder. W- A. Wil liams. F. L Meares and others, asking that the Board declare that the Consti tution ol the blate has not been com plied with, and thatth proposed ub scription bts been rejected by the people; or. if this be refused, that the B arl postpone action upon the matter of tha law ard had no authority to de lay the matter. Mr. G. H. Smith asked to be heard. He claimed that the election was illegal, and that was vby they protested. He read the law governing city elections and claimed that the Board had no right 10 order a new registration. Alderman Hall said he was glad the speaker had called attention to that matter. Tho election was called under the law creating the railroad charter which provided how the election should bi held. Alderman Dudley asked tor the- re port of the committee ordering the clec tion. It was not read, but the City Attorney said that he bad given his tor ten days or longer so that opportu. opinion regarding registration ; part of 11 was emooaieu in ine report 01 the nay may be civen the petitioners to prepare further ovidcuco upon tne mat" ter. Mr. Strange argued that "sub scription1' bad not boeu voted for by a majority of tho qualified voters of the city;, drawing a distinction between registered and qualified voters. Ho quoted opinions of the Supreme Cour1 iourneJ to sustain the position bo held. Mr. A. G Ricaud. in "behalf of the promoters of thu railroad scheme and thu people of the city," addressed tho Board in reply to Mr Strange. He said that there Was no point in the lalter'd petition that was well taken. committee but is was not all that ho had said. ' Alderman Hall moved that the pro test of petitioners be accepted and the motion was adopted. ' . : . The meeting then, ron motion, ad- Cash House. 116 ftJaj-ket St -o- Wliat Bramlrath's Pills Do. In BiiANDitETirH Pills the true lile medicine has been found, composed as they are of numerous vegetables so combined that each multiplies' the vir tues of the rest. They never can do any harm. Their action is always the Hi filn (Mtml f5n nrumn f!nn rf ilp.riiiiri . . i- . . . I same, no mailer bow long or in what tosustam his argumeut that registra- . uun. uu"'6mi tion U an iudispeusable requirement to cutitute a person a qualified voter, and that tbe Constitution required only a majority of those voting to decide an olectiou He pointed to the fact that one thousand and forty nine persons had petitioned at the polls for this sub scription to be made, as against a dozen or more who now petition against it Mr. Strange said that he was nut prepared to go Into an argument of tbe matter at present. He simply wanted to voice the feelings and opinions of citizen.. All be asked was that the Board act upon the petition, and if it was not accepted he should present a protest. . Alderman Hall said he wished to make a statement. There had been soiqo talk that tho Board had been .too quick in acting upon tbe petition for the election, lie saia that tne law was mandatory, and that tbe Board bad no choice about it ; that -'the election had been held after due and proper notice, and as the law required. Alderman Price moved that the res olutlun be amended, but his motion re ceived Y10 second. The Chair asked if the Board was ready for the resolution. Alderman King moved that consider tion of the matter be postponed until Thursday. The motion was lost. Alderman Hairs resolution was then adopted.. A motion to adjourn was made, bnt was withdrawn to allow Mr. Strange to piesent his protest, which that gentleman read, as follows: , We, the' undersigned citizens and taxpayers ot the' city of Wilmington, do respectfully but strongly protest against the action of tho Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said city in re doses they are taken, lbey purge away the waste particles of the system. They recruit the animal vigor and ar rest the progress of decay. They puri fy the blood. They stimulate the liver- They mvigorato digestion. They open the pores. They make the bowels do the work of the kidneys, thus giving those organs oftentimes needed rest. One or two at night tor a week wil' demonstrate their power and is gener ally sufficient to cure ordinary cases, f . - Painless Regulation. It is no longer a question of doubt although Jhe contrary was once believed tnas medi cines (hlch produce violent effects are un suited to other than desperate emergencies In other words, that simer notant rnncoiUps are calculated to weaken and injure the sys teiu ramer man reiorm lis Irregularities 4monx medicines of debilitating effect are cathartics and choiagoguea which, copiously ant abruptly evacuate the bowels. because it does not do thi, linstetter's stomacn Hit ters is preferable to the drenching class ot purgatives- iainless In its effects, it Is-sufli-clc tly active to remedy chron'e constipation. It re ieves by Invigorating the intestines, and enables, not forces, them, to perform the duty imposed upon them - by nature pjomoling the secretion of b le in normal quantifies by its healthfully stimulating effect upon the Uver, it is em'nently conducive to digestion, and contributes in no email degree to keep the bowels regular. - The Sutton House, J-AUKKT STREET, SOUTH SIDE, BE tween Front and second. Board by tne Day, Week or Month. Clean Roome,- Comfortable BedsrGood Attendance and the best tbe market affords. Kates low. fan U Jjr . - M Change of Base. ; Y FRIENDS 'AND THE ark respectfully soUfied that I have removed my shops to Cheatnut street, between Front and Water. . All orders for work In my line. Un. - ' :" - r ' K. F. J118IKG. " "i? T tween Fro at and Water sta. NEW BARGAINS THIS WKHK. r i .1 ; ; A large variety different styles PRESS GOODS 5c per.yard- i "' ' ' ' IJO-Inch 1UTISE. 8c per yard. . Bast DRESS GINGHAMS, 8e per yd. Good SATEENS, worth 125c i"or;l 2c. VVfUTE GOODS; 8, lO, 12.. 15 and 18c per yard. LINEN TOWELS iroca lOcup. TABLE DAMASKS from 25c op. PARASOLS Sateens, from 40c up ' ' -7-' .' ': " ' ALPACA from 5 Oc up. REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES and a large LINE OF LACES, which we have not bad room to show so far this season. At Veky Low Prices. GAUSE MERINO UNDERWEAR; besides a lull assortment of , DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. GLOVES. MITTS. HOSIERY. CORSETS.ROBES. & FLOUNCINGS At prices that will please everybody. 116 Market Street. New Crop Cuba Molasses. gECOND CARGO, 554 Hogsheads, 66 Tierces, ow landing ex American Schooner 'Dran nsdlrect trom Bilatanzas. 5 i: For sale very low by WORTH & WOK I II - Ul'LP STKH AM 151NVFA 'TO GUL.F S1RKASI. i..."atnr4iayt July 3" .... ftiurdary, Aug oJ RKGULATOK BKNEFAUTOtt....', GULF STREAM.... I51.NKF ACTOR .... . .... Saturday, July 3 . ...saturlay, Auir , .... .SUtvdny. Au. 13 , . ....ijuruay, Aug w Jsnac T. A14eTT wuuv J - iri II WR HKI!nrK- r .'? " who a ' .i r - - - . . hi u .. I i ' 49 Through Bills Lading ' and .Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and trom Polntr f 1 In North and South Carolina. for Freight or Passage apply jo iL Q. SMAlLKONES, SuperlcteDdeni, j Wtlmbigton, N. - - ' - - i. i TUKO. . EQER, Traffic Maiyiger .. ;iew Tori; Vf M. P. CIiYDifi K)., Gnnj-a. fcrenw. $ S3 Broadway jj(& Vok. july 23 - t .. , . . SPECIALTIES. A PERFECTLY PURE CREAMEBY BUTTER, 'A A PERFECTlY PURE ARTICLE OF LARD. AND A PURE FAMILY FLOUR. The BUTTER is of IIIGIIKST grade, fully llavored, and is receivtd; FRESH EVER? WEEK. The LARD is ebrated Cassard PURE LARI, equal to any N. C. -1 ard ever offered. The r LOU It la the celebrated V PAROLE DMONEOli" brand. I can GUARANTEE all the above as Per fectly Pure, of Fxcel'ent Flavor, and Health-, and would recommend their use In every 1am- 1- I ' I' . ily ln the City of WilodngtVn and vicinity, ! ' . - . -'1; .i . All orders promptly attended to. Telephone No; 9S. " ' ; .. Jno . L. BoatwrlghtU - :- '".'-'-.-: , " ' C- ".t '-' I : - - 15 & I7SO- Front'street SelfSustaini . -poii 51'"? "V.",.Vv:Mf".R-rMci f of eww)ort ;u the are -llf-finiTt .iYitnv. ; " t Fx)r ilfc insurance th d will be cheap,,, aafc.t. apply to he Maiu,, fc,Iht6, . and largeet company mhV CumIu .8;wILUEl)iAm ,.,r f he Acme MATJTTP A nrpTf ' MANUFACTUEU. OF Fertilizers, Pine Wool ar' Pine Wool Matting. , WILMINGT0N,N,( rjHE REPUTATION J0F OUB TUZ Z.tRS, tbe ACME d GEM, now lished. and the rcs-ata ol three yfar. r the hands of the best farners of thUicd er Stttcs fully attest their value ui grajle;iAnreVt;i--J::J.Y.Vv. 1 The; MATTING,' made from the fctn our na. Ive pice, has ahead; gained y larity 'for comfort and durability equ! any wool carpefe. an I the d- ni'nd to t dally Jncrea lug. It hasTlrtucanot fons. any other fabric. r ' ,The FiBBE or WOOL h. exteaiTeljt for upholstering imrposes, aid s a DiHw ' maitr.Eses Is alniost equal to hair, bemgt elastic and proof against lneecti Certificates from reliably partlei bk ood can be seen at 'our office, or t mailed upon application. Jul;! july 16 Sound Parties yAGONETTE WILL - LEAVE . OR. RKLL'd STABLES for the'SoundVt 9 a. daily. Round trip 50 cents. Sound Parties can be 'supplied with teams on abort notice and at cheap atcs. , , . ; .:. WAfJTED I i f nnn lbs. ; wool whum lUyJVV Unw.hel 5,000 fcsBfC8wax 5,000 fl?dc-' "' For which the highest market prb paid: - Consignment, solicit P7 , . . f amukl r.rf - july 2G tf Ao. iO KarteU " 1887. V 7 Harper's WeeklT - ILLUSTRATED. as the leading illustrated iW'7ic i ica; and its hold up n V11""" f -.. -'. ndence was never sirwi g" ji Special attention Riven to boarding hbruca. ! ent time. . Besides the JL4 - - - ' ' ' . ' 1 . . . I WcoVlir n-arv ntlr l-o" .. i Jhly 7tf R. C. OERELL, ; Livery sad Sale .Stables,4 Cor. Third and Princess sts For the Sound. W AGONKTTE WILL LEAVE SOUTH fb5U Shingles l Shingles ! piFTY THOUSAND FOUR AND FiyE inch Cvpress Shinprlea. Must be sold at onceC Those in need would do well to call and ret a bargain.' , . . . - - " CIIA8. F. RilOWNK - - CinimLslon Merchant, No. 11' N Water st ' ERL AND'S STABLES f or the ound dally at 2.30 P. M. and 6 o'clock, P; . Returning will leave Sound atT P. M. . and 7 A. ill- " Round trip SJ cents. T. J . SOUTnERI-AND, T, Livery and Sale Htablea, c iune 5S tNoa 108 Alio North .Second St ExcelGior Lirne. QUR MANUFACTURES HAVE .TAKEN a high standard We have on hand :' ' j EUILDI N gTUME, . . . AGRICULTURAL LlilE, n. c. phosphate, phosphatic li He, ' . coproute manure. ' -h .. "- These are the best and cheapest on the paar ket. . - J'- s- , : .bend for circular, ' -:: FBENcn eizos.,- - Mannfactirrers, Cocky P Int. N , C . C w. lit lib, Wilmington, N. C, ur..Mi. alnrtiM pnntnti occasionally of two. of the b fl-oitr illustrated. un au' poems, sketches, and iaPf onw cMrrent topics by the g$n The care that has been W in the past to mate as well a a welcome wXat. bold will not be relaxed in m Harper's Periodicals; Per Year: hv' HARPER'S WEEKLY ""-Z HARPER'S MAttAZINK....--- H AKPKR'S BAR..."---;. ' HARPER'S irtiiW"1'. "A L Tear ixT Postage Free to all sob-erlbcn States or Canada, j- .. Vnlnm0fthe Wty&L. ' urst Number for ' Juary no time 1- SfSmeofr with the Number current a Snd Volume of J&! three r?'w "&$' be; sent by mall, P , tM fre-j, binding, win De sew. eclpt oi i w vj j" . Remittance bould i "e)1i p-"- - Money Order orDrrft, W Newspapers arc "vur. ferw mfnt wYihut the SSSSZt noV- jobPrintiBS' i-pr.paredt oo ;., e -.iv cheapu . .r f canbedoneelaewbert. - ; .nditibaU.W0 t uniuixon, r. C- June Agents