... ItlFlK rBJ3 X' PEJEASl WOTlCfc - wwuitKiA4 to re2T eommuiKMUo cui friends on aay aid all uhiteia -CTBriltntTst btn rk Dime or the writer nun alwmv oe stoneO to Mie Editor. - xraauaiction mutt te wrtttea oa one aide of tne papei. j ' ' ' Personalities must be aroldecL j 4JBd It Is especially and particularly n wod that the Editor doo iot always ando) tne views of correspondents sr tti in the editorial columns. r 1 T. JAMES, - asp r.onsroK. noN rOSTAGF- PAIR '' ,ix months, f- one month. 35 cents. trill 1,8 u . ., tthA lbOTt .rffc " . trees.. VOL. XI. WfLMINGTON. N C, MONDAY AUGUST 15. 1887 NO 193 Daili Eetiew, PURELY VEGETABLE. aMrjcvoiiilll ith etfiOru."--J ; "and SOWELS. iH EFFECTUAL SPEC!F!C FOR liowol Complaint, sii k lteatlaelie, jrt-PP"-1 Biliousness. n:l,,::t;' ''.ion,. Jaundice. Colic. Honseliold Should be Without It, . , i n k.f! :-."lv iorimmediatcnse, ,a1 Winy an i''- of surTerinyc and !aLa dSr ?a lime Jtow bills. 15 BUT ONE HHONSLIVER REGULATOR tut 9 SenuiM with red ' 2' ' font of wnppor Prepared o!y by j.H.ZElUNiCO Sols Proprietor. KICK, S1.00. , Pmiidelpbia barbT displays a sign wliirh innounces that -e is "proprietor fti tic.' decorating saloon, tonsorial irti'i fbyi,iKno'1,'a' hair dresser and Ijcii ! oppra'or. cranium manipulator iaJfpi;iry abrider." TJe Siamese Prince now in this enonirj speaks English flneully, wears Fir.wan dress, and is a very intelli- ntniin. He received his knowledge ot English from F. H. Chandler, who hi! odc time American consul at Binlok. Or. Uiiver Wendell Holmes begins to fee! um ami weary with overwork. uJleirsa'ineral breaking down ot Libera. He makes tew visits and a ho-ibsoiliug his strength, passing aatuf bis time quietly among his b'k To zet outof a thunder storm J. H. Doolittie rode his horse into an old vbool house near Eckerty. Ind. In foin2 o do disturbed a hornets nest ad the? attacked the horse so savagely tbat be died within an hour trom the effect of the stints k Washington correspondent has betn figuring out the amount paid by the Government in pensions The ag e:i!c paid in twentysone years. 1867 " 1ST. both inclusive, is $855,031,098. In 1?3 there were 99 80-1 pensioners; in 12. 173,8.14 ; at the present time, 265. S54 The camber uf mysterious murders Erring recently in Paris leads " -inani's Messenger to suggest to the Nice the desirability of enlisting the Prea in the detection ol the murderers, h pledges itselt "to spend its money fIy in all such enterprises, and to kp faith with police or private indi i.tluals." TV tomb i f (ien Lafayette, in the ?nTlle ruetery of lb.: Con vent of the ttttd Heart, in Paris, was decorated J 1 large number of Americans on the before the French national holiday. iety was formed for the purpose of PrentiD2 a statue ol Lafayette to the c t of Paris. ... - - seems more human when things iir rt3cnmelrue: "IliS8taled tnat Net y " Bonner' Polisher of the llp 1edger' bad. ankoawn to on ti, i arried a S20-000 insurance JrlelifeoHhe late Sylvanus Cobb. ,or lhe benefit of his family." taatr tSe f Krupp- lhe German p er' 13 about to institute legal tiD2s a2ainsl severa, Frcnch aIld newspapers for having pubhsh- Ublisb M allek'in2 lhat the famon 8 ?j?enl had 1)6(50,1,6 Pecuniarily in- m the extent of downright faU- t"i " "" - editor I, ' kkoff. the Hussian Ge-mV halctl M- de G'ers and GermaD,,,SopcDly voiced at by the CnaniJOUrnalS a3a Public blessing. E0ro' ,y lhe evot transforms the 1 Pa-UUntion' weakens n'4 1 10 ssia and removes Ger n most potent foe. PZ 80ins lo UdTrepair or Pi'a liT . ,00r malerial from with nlI1W will supply W,thlhetandsav eyoatooney.f Attbe Tillage of Jits. in Hampshire.! Tbn Eniah sparrows wiih which the England, an ox was boiled whole on citv i filled play ha voo with the seed Jubilee Day. A hnge tank was placed in plants in the flower gardens. They in a bnla in the gronnd, and was brick J are going a boat in .flocks and are litter ed all ronud. The whole caret was I ally devouring lhe seed of the sun lowered int1 the lank, with quantities ! flower. i vegeiaoies. ana. alter b' ilin? seven huurs, the resulting soup aud the meat w,r vrl Z ,V . u were served to the people of the vil aze. . v K . During the recent convention of colored veterans in Boston it was stated 'n the discussinos that the first colored troops enlisted in the late war came froTb Massachusetts. Gen. B. F Butler states that this is a mistake, and be as' serts lhat in 1862 be enlisted three regi ments of colored troops in. New Or leans and had them in action a long time before colored soldiers wore used elsewhere. Numbers ot connterfeit one dollar r a ... pieces oi gtass ana composition urc being circulated just now in New York and Philadelphia, causing much an noyance to business men. When Ires b front the hands of the counterfeiter it is difiicult to detect the coin except by its wuiirbt, it being lighter than a genuine piece. Altera little use the coins tar nish. It is supposed that the pieces are the work of skilful counterfeiters in the West. In tbo new Hotburg Theatre, now building in Vienna, special stairways lead to the different orders of seats. Electric lights only will be used.candles, and notges. being resorted to in case of accident. The stage (except the flooring) and its machinery are of steel and stone, and the former is supplied with two metallic curtains -one ot which divides it in two parts, and ex tends from the footlights to the rear wall, while the other falls behind the conventional drop. The second curtain is made of two sheets of iron, and as it 's lowered tho space between the two sheets will be filled with water. . Tiietr Business Booming . Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at W II. Green & Co's. Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many tree trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact -that it always cures and never disappoint. Coughs. Cclds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, largeaize $1 Every bottle warranted Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to trace up. Brace up, but not with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very bad, cheap whiskey, and which stimulate you tor an hour, then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative to purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at W. H. Green & Co's. Drug Store. , LOCAL NEWS. tIDIX TO NEW ADVERTISEMf NTS. CW Y ATK8 Grocers Knoxvltle Furniture Co CAP ru bed Canary Bird W BMcKoy, Atty fooey Wanted John W akfek Carolina Beach Dick Mk ares Closing Out Hats Ujkinsbkkgkb's Do You Know It ? Giles A Mukciiison Season's Goods FEXffELl. Daniel When You Want Knights of Hosok Begular Meeting F W CLARK. G P A Cheap Excursion T M EmeksoN. G P A Cheap Excursion AX PERM AN, Feanher & Co -Now Eeadj' W E Springer & Co Grain Cradles, Ac C P Lockky. Com'r Sale of City Property - Rain here to-day. yesterday and Saturday ; none at Soutbport yesterday. The thermometer got up to 90 de grees at 1 o'clock, which was the high est point reached to-day. Tne first bale of new cotton is ex pected by many to drop in on us this week. Charleston had hers on Satur day. The first rice birds of the season were beard at Orton Plantation on Thurs day night. Passengers coming up the river on the fouise this morning say that the birtfs were being fired at as tbe boat passed that point Paints and Varnish. Best in city at Jacoiu s. and at lower prices than you can buy elsewhere. t A large excursion party is ezpocted here tomorrow morning from Golds boro and for their accommodation the Passport will wait the arrival of -the train, to at to take them down to the Beach. She will leave at 10:15, instead of 9 o'clock, her asual hour.; - Carolina Bescb. Keep cool and re- member that the headqosrters for batbt . . L . . . ing suits is at the Wilmington Shirt artorv- Suits made to order Lalies a specialty. J. Elsbacij. Prop . 27 Market street. if. At St. John's Sunday Schiol. yester day afternoon, one ot the teachers ask ed a mite of a scholar what it was that God made on the eixth day, and alter considerable cogitation the young one replied: "jOh. I know now, Carolina Bach." Fact. New to Uh. Mr. R. H. Orrcll has presented us with a big sunflower, irrown in hi gar Uhii, thai is of a sptscies of sunflower wo have never beforo seen. It is the regulation yellow in color and ol lhe usual 9iz. but instead of the spiked leaves around the edge, enclosing a mass ot growing eed. it 13 all one mass of bloom, consisting of short spikes, which show beautitul changes of color when held to the light. It is more like a huge yellow dahlia than a Bunflower. For llio ill oUjii tains. Ii is said that the' latter part of August or the first part of" September i the best time ot the year in visit the mountains. At that time the days are not too warm and the night are cool and pleasant Those who want to go West uow are offered the opportunity Tickets have been placed on sale at the Carolina Central office in this ci'.y and at the cilice of the Atlantic Coast Line. Passengers can go either by Goldsboro, Columbia or Lincolnion and round trip tickets will be sold at $8.50 These tickets are good only for trains leaving here next Friday, the IPth, but are good to return until September 5th. The Salvationists. His Honor, the Mayor, bad a slim docket but a big crowd this morning. Two trifling cases of disorderly con duct were disposed of and then came the event of the session, the hearing ot the two oflicers of tbe Salvatioo Army, Capt. Thomas Huniron and Lieut. Wm. Drcukley, who were arrested a week ao on the charge of violating a city ordiuance by holding meetings on the street. Mr. E. S. Ma tin appeared for the city and Mr. John C. Davis tor the defendants. There was a large array of witnesses and also a large attendance of interested spectators The defend ants were bound over for appearance at thw Criminal Court in the sum cf 50 each PerHouai Mr. R. W. Hicks has eone to Chr lestown, W. Va.. where his wife is vis iting her relatives. Mr. Geo. Harriss. Jr , of Philadel phia, is in tbe city Mr. E P. Bailey is in New York on a business visit. We are sorry lo say that Maj. Foster is still quite ill ar d unable to sit up. Mr. and Mrs. T. Edward Sprunt. of Savannah, are visilwg relatives here. Major C W. McClammy has returned lo his home at Scott's Hill from a visit to Moore and Harnett counties. Rv. C M. Ptyoe. formerly Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, is expecud oh a viait here this week. His Honor. Mayor Fowler, we are pleased to note, has so tar recovered as to appear in his office to-day. He pre sided at the City Court this morning with his usual grace and dignity. Mr. W. Alden James, of the U. S. Engineer Department, who has been on duty at Georgetown, S. C. ever since last November, is in the city and will proceed in a few days to Washing ton N. C, where he has been ordered to report tor duty. Ex Mayor Fishblate and his daugb ter. Miss Ella, will leave tor tbe North to-morrow morning. They will visit New York, Saratoga and Lake George. While in New York Mr. Fisbblate will purchase a Fall and Winter stock ot goods tor his business in this city. Lieut." F. M. Munger, of the U. S. R. M. S., who has been at the bead of tbe lisfof First Lieutenants for some time past, has at last received his promotion to the grade of Captain and is now on waiting orders He is an exceedingly clever gentleman, as well as an accom plished ollicer. and has many friends who will rejoice at his promotion. Ku lshts of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this (Monday) evening, at 8 odock. Full attendance is desirea. Mr. C P. Iockey. Commissioner, advertisfcs io this issue a valuable piece of cit? real estate, which will be sold at public auction, at the Court House door, on Monday. September 5th. luuicatino For North Carolina, light local shows ers. followed by fair weather, slightly warmer in Eastern portion and station ary temperature in Western portion. Murder Hlot Foul. A colored man by the name of Moses Garrett was shot and fatally wounded early this morning by another colored man named Anthony McDamett. There wis a woman in the case and her name is Fanny McDaniel. Tbe shooting t ok place at about 1 :30o'cl(ck ; at that hour Garrett wan returning with the woman from a bush meeting" at Hilton and when just beyond the bridge over the Carolina Central R R. on fourth street Knovn as biltle Bridge" they were met by McDamett who advanced toward them. said, "good evening" and then immediately fired at Garrett. The ball struck him fairly iu the right side and ho tell to tbe ground. The murderer fled and the woman gave the alarm and assistance was summoned and the wounded man was carried to the City Hospital, where he died at 5 o'clock this morning. Coroner Millor summoned a jury -and an inquest has been held but the report is not yet in It seems that jealously on the part of McDamett was the cause of the trouble. He has been intimete with the woman for some time past and was jealous of Garrett's attentions lo her. The de ceased accompanied her to tbe bush meeting last nigbt and met his death on the return. Moses Garrett was a shingle maker by occupation and McDamett has been employed for some time past as a train hand on the Carolina Central R . R. The murderer has npt yet been ap prehended, and it is feared that he has made good bis escape. It is certain be lett the city before daylight this morn ing as at that hour Capt. Brock, Chief ot Police, had the avenues of escape carefully watched. It is thought that he fled across the railroad bridge at Hilton immediately after he committed the fatal deed and that he has headed foriSou'h Carolina, from which State he bailed. The Streets of Wilmington. For some of our streets are only such in name, every other characteristic they fail to possess. In some of them it would be utterly impossible to define the line where the street begins and private property ends. And some ot them it is tbe bitterest irony to pro nounce streets at all, what with their winding courses, their overgrown fields ot luxuriant vegetation, and the bills and valleys which abound. Messenger To put it piously, this is simply an exaggeration, and it is difficult to con ceive why a newspaper published in Wilmington should have uttered it. A07 one at all conversant with the streets of our city will see at a glance how palpably unjust it is. We doubt if there is a more handsomely and cor rectly laid out city in the United States. Tbe streets, with one or two exceptions where it was found impossible to comply with the original plan are at perfect right angles with each other, running North and South and East and West. There are no streets which ''are only such in name;"lbereis not one where "it would be utterly impossible to define tbe line where the s'treet begins and private property ends;" and there are none 'with winding courses" and "over grown fields of luxuriant vegetation " Of course our remarks will apply only to the settled portions ot the city, and not to parts of the suburbs where, although streets have been la d off there may be no houses and hence no en closures. On the contrary, we have often heard our people complimented for their wide and shady streets and for the regularity with which they are laid off. thus en abling stranrers to readily find their way from one point to another. The Lat Chauc To buy clothing at 40 and t0 cents on the dollar . Don't miss the oppor.t tunity ot (retting a slice of tbe numer ous bargains now to be bad at I. Shrier's. Remember that tbis is no butubugginz scheme. Eveiy dollar's worth of goods ruut be sold before Shrier's removal to the mammoth store in lhe PurceH building. on Front street. It would be advisable for coun try merchants to give bini n call and gel bargains in job lots. f Headquarters for base bait supplies 1 Tbe Review Job Office h the place to get good work at moderate price. Kail road Talk. Nothing positive has yet b?eo de veloped a to ttwearlv intentions f tbe Wilmington. Onslow & East Carolina R R Co.. except tbe tact lbat work on tbe line will probably be begun at an early day. There are some rumors, how ever, that point to an active progress of at least a portion of tbo work If is said that the company hav ecurod an option, until Tnureday. on the purchase of a oue-half interest in Coi. George Harris' property at Wrightsville, that known as Sneeden's hammock and the banks. North of the Club House and Capt. Manning's bath bouses, extend ing to the inlet, and a part of the beach North of the inlet. It is also said that .he ten gentlemen who form the syndicate will put up the $5,000 each, tho tull amount of their subscription, and that they will at onea build the road to Wrights viUe expecting to have it open early next season The amount thus raised, together Iwilh the subscription of $2,500 per mile on the part of the city, will he ample, we snppose. to build the road from the city to tbe beach. The matter of a continuation of the road on towards Onslow to be deter mined. on the completion of the road lo the beach We do not think that the threatened injunction will be applied lor. NEW AD VERTI 8BME N 1 Captured. FEW DAYS SINCE A CANARY BIHD wan captured ou North 'ihlrd street The owner can hear of Us whereabouts on apptf cation at this office. aufr 1& Money Waoted. yANTED TO BORROW $1,500. F1USSL mortgage on ral estate. Unexceptional secu rity. Apnly to aug 15 3t W. B. MCKOY, attorney. Carolina Beach rjlO ACCOMMODATE HIE EXCURSION from Goldsboro, the Steamer PASSPORT will leave for CAROLINA BEACH at 1015 on TUESDAY MORNING, 16th, instead of the usual hour. .lOHN W. HARPER, Aug 15 It General Manager Cheap Excursion TO THE MOUNTAINS VIA THE Carolina Central Railroad, . ONLY $8.oO. WILMINGTON, N. C, TO ASHE VILLE, ft. C . AND RETURN. Tickets stood going only on August 19th. Good to return until September 5th. F. W. CLARK, aug 15 at Gen'l Passenger Agent Cheap Excursion TO THE FOUNTAINS VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. ONLY $8 SO. WILMINGTON, N. C. TO ASHE VILLE. N. C AND RETURN. Tickets good going only on August I9th. Good to return until September 5th, 1887, In clusive. Passengers can go via Columbia, s. C.r or Goldsboro, N. C. Leave Wilmington via Colamola, 8,C5 P. M. Leave Wilmington via Goldsboro. s.DO A.M. For farther Information apply to K. S. BRANCH, Ticket Agent, cr T. !. KMKU50N, Gen'l Passenger Agent aug 15 2t yy ILL FIND IT TO THEIR AD VAN tage to send us their orders for Wrapping Paper, Bags, Twine, Writing Taper, Ink, Pens, Percll, Slates, Blank Boos. An1 all kiads of Seboil Goods. He member, WK ABC NOT TUBS UNDER- SJLD. Prices to tttlt everybody C W. FATES, aag 5 Wooleaile and Beta it stationer - N KW AIVEKTf8KrENT8. E AUK TIRED or THE FKT HATS on our shelves and will sell thfin AT ANT PRICK to cmble u t make room for the Fall 8 ocM, which wl l arrive about Sept. 1st. DICK & ME ARES, Gent's Yurntsblng House, aog 15 12 w. FronSf Grain Cradles, Grass Blades and SnathSr T AWN MOWERS. Ac. Fe.ll stock at bottom prices. W. K. SPRINGKR & CO.. ag 15 19. l. 23 Market S. When You Want f0 FIND THE CHKAPESr PLACK IN I the city o buy Harness and Paddlery Goods, Trunks anil Katchel", look for tbe slgu of tho horse 'Irunks marked and delivered tn any part of the city free ef charge. Be pairing Trunk ar d Harness a specialty. FKNNKL.I4 & danikX, aug 15 Horse Ml liners, lo S. Vront at Knoxviile Furniture Co. yyE ARE HKRK YET, WITH TIUB finest and cheapest Furniture and other houfe bold oo'.ta to Ue found in the city. We are receiving new iroo Is dally from tha Fastory. Al.o. a full line of Baby Carrtigea au 15 K. ll. sNEKl), Manactr Season's Goods. REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FCKX- zers, Water Coolers, Fly Fans, Fly Traps. aU . Ac. All at thn lnwMt nrlwt all .mi examine the goods anl the prices. A MURCHISON. au 15 -By S. VanAlVlRINGE & Co., Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. SALE OF CJTV PfiOPim FOB PARTITION. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE fclUHirlor Court of New Hanover Cnnutv In a certain special proceedlrg therein pe.d log, wherelQ LIuco.b Brown Is plaintiff and Uutus i-ane, wnilam Collins and' Frank How ard are defendants, th$ undersigned, a Com mlssioncr lor that purpose duly appointed, . wld sell by nubile auction, for cash, nn Mm. day. the i2ih day of September, 1 887 at '2 o'clock, M., at the :ourt llouee door In tbe city of Wilmington, that certain lot of lanl In tne uroresaid citv, Hounded and described as follows: BeirlDritnz at a ttke in the Nor.h East corner of Block No. 4". at tho Interac tion of Woostcr and Secuu 1 tlteeta, running thence East with -outhcrn line of Wooster street one hundred and thirty t o (132) feel, thence South sixty six (GO) feet, the ice West one nunared and thirty-two (l;) feet to Sec ond street, thence North along the Eastern line of second rlrcct iixty six (Gfi) feet to the beginning C. P. LOCKEY, Com'r - aug 15 it 15, 22, 29, sept 5 Marvin Safe Company jyjANUFACTURE SAFES THAT AR NEVER DAMP ! Tho only Safe having Tongue and Groove Improvement. For sale by A. A. WILLATiD, apl2 2tamlym Wilmington, N. Carolina Beach. rjlHE PASSPORT WILL LEAVE FOE CAROLINA BEACH every week day it 9 and 3, except Friday and Saturday, when evening boat; leaves at 2.00. Train returning leaves at 1 and 6 on Sundays Louise leaves at 9.30 a. "m. and Passport at 2 p. m. Train at 6 p ni. J. W. HARPER, angGtf nac General Manager. The Only Complete Stock OF HUMPHREY '3 HOMEOPATHIC MED IGINE9 IN THE CITY. -rTDMPHREY'8 Homeopathic Simples. H UMPHREY'S rpeculcs. ctcrlnary -HUMPHREY'S Specifics, and Humphrey's $5,C0 package ot No. 28. JAS. D. NUTT, the Drogfttst,' aug H 218 N. Front St , Pianos J3R0F. E. VAN LAER DESIRES TO AN- nounce that he will soon go to New York for the purpose of personally selecting Instru ments for customers. Our constantly Increas ing orders attest as to the great success of tnls plan of obtaining Instruments, and the ad vantages gained are apparent to all thinking people Tne manufacturers carry the largest stock at this season of the year, and by our careful method ef testing Instruments, we can make perfect selections and consequently sire en tire satisfaction. Ord. rs solicited. Address al communications and send for circulars to E. VAN LAER, UU lied cross btreet, aug 1 m ws iw Wilmington, X. C. Do You Know It ? ' THAT YOU CAN BUY Pianos, Organs. Novela.l Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes,- " . Inks, Pens, Pencils. Slates, Mucilage, GoUI Pens, Spectacles, Albums, Bibles, Testaments, Looking Glares. , Fancy Goods, Base Ball SuppKes. Frames, School Books, very rhap at HEINSBERGER'S. july 29 Cash Book and Musk; Store lOc FOR A SHAVE. -20e FOR A HAIR CUT. 50c. FOR A HAIR CUT.SH AVE A NI SIIAMPOON. HAIR IYELNG 20c. and upward, - " - At :JOJIN WERNER'S, The German Barber and Perfumer, ian 25 ) Market St -