; ' TLKA8S KOT1CS. Wt wiu be glad to recsire eoauaaalaaua trea om xrlaadj oa aay aad all :rabjaeu y ireneraiutereatbttt " v Tha mama or ue writer anil alwave be. toftea to chejuutox. V--'X - - - oir&moioauoaa must be wxlua ea ooeaideof the paper. - ' ' Pareonantlea must be avoided J ABdltie eapeclaUy and particalarry ua tood that tbe Editor does not alwsys eadci the. rlewe of correspondent' ual4 ea let le the editorial columns. N BW AOVFJCTISEM KNT8 SPECIALTIES. i. ti j: .... j. i JC 1 JOSH T. JAMES. M-IFTIOSS POSTAGE PAID; sC Loo Six months. 12.00. Tare jM f1' jioo- one month. 35 cento. onlM' will be delivered by carrier free D psp By part of the city, at tb. above "..ocntt per week. vi,cr8 win report a.y and all falw iihelr paper tarrj. J vol; xi. WILMINGTON N C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 1887 MO 195 e y 1 1 -&ZiJ-2W"www '7 PURELY VEGETABLE. U ,cti ih exfaordin ry efficacy oa the flYER, JiDNEYS, J an o Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR jlalaria, Dowel Complaints, Sick llcudache. Co"til"4tloK' Hiliouanoss. Ki duty A tl'ot i011' aundiee. Mental Depression, Colic. Eo Household Should bsr Without It, ,tlJ t,y b.-iii kt-pt ready lor immediate use, ii',av inanv :n h:ur of suffering and cutuy a di!Iar in time and doctors' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR u lhal vou get the genuine with red Z m front of VVrjpper. Prepared oly by aava m n - J. H. Ztl r ft wu.jooisrroprmori, PWadlphi, Pa. iv.1.leoil awtelp 1'lilCE, SLOO. Alfred Krupp. the-great Prussian gun raiker, ielt $250,000 to; bis employees, tod his son Frederick has added $125 -CuO fertile people of Essen. On the t!iefry :hat one goo t turn deserves an otter. Eeo is going to give Mr. Krupp 15,000 monument. " It ii to be noed that Egypt is again becoming a land of onion cuLture. Large quantities are yearly shipped to Europe from Alexandria and other ports. A tew years ago the trade hard ly existed. whilH in two months of last jtiraioBB 14.000 tons were shipped to Liverpool. rr( Katusay. ot Glasgow, declares that En'iish literature is ot no account beside the study ot Latin; Exl'rot. Blaokie tell the collegiate bvys in Edinburgh that Ia'in and Greek are ' uuiidceiisary and useless." that "wc hive tot a man as bis as twenty Horn ers Shakspeare. We have got a Scottish Homer Walter Scott." At a birthday dinner given by a New York man recently the rolls were baked m snake form totvpify the eternity of love; birds ot jelly had burnt almouds in their bills; there were roses of blanc mao?e, with stamens of spun sugar, fans of banana ice with violets in their tn-zflo heart. The boa bons were put in pretty plates of jewel' ware, with bows of ribbon tied around the dish mdthe candies squeezed in among the loops of the bow. Geo. J no. Bidwell, who recently gave eijht acres of his ttreat ranch at Cbico, W.ts a site for the new Normal School of Northern California, went to that Stale loug before the discovery of fold He bought his ranch ol 30.000 acres for $3,000. and now it is .worth $2000 000. aud yields an income of JIOO.000. Gen. Hid well used to be a treit wine producer; bul his second wife has induced him to root out all his inc grapes and replace them with faisin grapes. The elementary schools in England d Wales have been more than doubled since 1870. and the number of kachera has more than trebled. Though Uiere has been a considerable Increase l board schools during theyear, they rMill comparatively few compared w'th the Church of England schools. number being 4,402 and 11.797. The expenditure per scholar Is greater 10 ie former than in the latter in ler words, board schools cost -the rate pa erg m0re, but the parents less q the church schools cost their sub fibers and parents. President Cleveland's invitatiop to i ubura a to be engraved on a steel which is to be rolled until it is turee-thousandths ol an inch in o'ckness. and can be. rolled together in "a form of a scroll. To roll a piece ol Heel on K. r su trim rea aires an ennrmnus "unt of work and the greatest care u. orjouia mere be the slightest 'ect m tbe rolls the plate would be WJ and spoiled. On the plate will j Graved the invitation, with the meH of lh presideuts of tbe different ruateos attached. theooau-oi-arms United SutM of tbe citiee of Con , ? nd AIUnI and the new rt House. BBWHriMMigWfl The ampuut nnouallj expended for benevolent purposes in New York is estimated at about $7,500,000. There are 320 charitable societies and institutions. Wjltuington. on Thursday last, de cided by a large majority to subicr be to the Onslow Railroad, ajid lb papers f that city are jabilant thereat Greensboro News. We beg your pardon. There is one paper in this city that has shown no signs of rej-ciog. just as there was but one paper here that did sot express an opinion of its own on the question, one way or .the other. Outside the walls of Jerosalem a new town has sprung up, a building club having been established a few year ago. under the operation of which 130 houses were erected in four years by tbe Jews; while along the Jaffa load many country villas have been erected ot late by European residents as sum- mer abodes. The latest development of tbe building ot new houses without Jerusalem is to be found in tbe enter priae which has led to much building being done on the slopes of the Mount o! Olives, tbe summit of which is crownnd with tbe Church of the Ascen sion. Worth Knowing. Mr. W. 11. Morgan, merchant, Luke City, Fla . was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing Cough and ruumng into Consumption in its first stages He trif 1 many so called popular cough remedies and stondily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was un able to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption ai d found immediate relief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found him self well and has bad no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so eratu! a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Guaranteed to do just what is claimed tor it Trial bottle Irce at W H Green & Co's Drugstore. iteaowa Her Youth Mrs. Pbcebe Chesley. Peterson. Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarka ble story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town: I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many yars; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework- I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed com pletely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. For sale by W. II. Green & Co. LOCAL NEWS. I II DEI TO NEW ADVERTISE MFtfT3. CW Vatks Grocers, Sol Bear Via Benefactor John W aepek Carolina iicach Hkimsbkrger's Do You Know It ? Fodder pulling time' is at band. Another alight. rise is reported in tbe river at Fayetteville. Paints and Varnish. Best in city at Jacoui s. and at lower prices than you can buy elsewhere. t : Steamer 2). It: Murchisotu arrived this moroing front Fayetteville, with a full cargo of naval stores. Steamer Benefactor arrived yesters tfay afternoon from New York, with a lull cargo of merchandise. The crowd at Carolina Beach yester day was one of the largest this season. The surf bathing was unusually tine. Last night was exceedingly warm. There was but very little wind and what there was came from tbe North west. According to the record it has not been so warm to day. alter all. At 3 o'clock the thermometer registered 90 degrees. . Mr. S. A. Johnson. Superintendent of construction of Fourth street bridge, informs us tnat be will have the abut ments completed in eight days. The Messenger made a statement which the Review refnted and there upon the Afessencir, not caring to hack its statements itself, an anonymous writer fills tbe breach. We yenture the assertion that the communication which appeared in this morning's issue of the AUsscnqtr, sign et) "Physician." was not written by a physician and we challenge the Messtt qtr to proof that it was. Carolina Beach. Keep cool and re member that tbe headquarters for batht iog suits is at the Wilmington Shirt factory. Suits made to order. Laiies a specialty. J. Ewbach, Prop ; 97 Market street. ;f ; :'r': : ; if. Dog Collars, targe assortment just received.' Can buy a nice, collar from 25 cents up, zi Jaco'Ws Hd it. Depot t. Our market was well supplied this I ; morning with watermelons, chickejj mnu pgsrt. melons, irom iu cents i' cents a piece; esg4 SO cents per dozen; chickens lflTto 25 each. Capt F.M James. Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery, was called upon last night about 9 o'clock, and presented with a burial certificate, which was for a colored infant Helen Haywood, colored, was found wandering about tbe streets last night. She was taken to the City Hall and placed in confinement. Sbe claims to be from Acorn Branch, near hie city, and is evidently instne Superintendents. H. Terry, of the Hoaxe ot C rrectlon, slates that he re leased to-day eleven prisoners who had sened out their terms He has now confine! lix prisoners, seventeen pau pers and eleven insane persons It was reported this morning that a colored man named Edward Ncal had expired very suddenly last night. En quiry reveal the fact that lh' man had been sick for tour months and that hi8 death was a result of his disease. Mr. Martin O'Brien is having a brick store erected on Nutt street, be tweeu Walnut and Red Cross, adjoining that he occupies, which he will use as a tfrouery and clothing store. Next to aud adjoining this he is ending another brick buildiutr, which will be used tora blacksmith shop. Capt. Manning's guests at Wrights ville are to take a sail this afternoon as jar down the coast as Carolina Beach and return. They are to go through the Sound, according to one of our morning coteruporaries. in which event they must nceeds walk some little dis tance. Mason boro is thu last inlet and from there to the Beach it is, we think, about 8 miles City Court. The only case for the Mayor's consid eration this morning was that ot Robert Johnson, charged with befog drunk and down. Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 or go below tor 30 days. Your Name, lctor. Tbe Review docs not care to answer the sneers of anonymous correspondents. There is one given a hearing in the Messenger this morning under the head of "Physician" (we did not know that our neighbor had an M. D. on his 9taff) which we will very readily reply to LI the gentleman who fathers the article will but publish his name. New JblYeuliicr Paper. The Daily Sun is the title of a new evening paper which has just gone into publication at Charleston, under tbe proprietorship of Mr. John MeElree and under the editorial management of Mr. A. B. Williams, one of- the best newspaper men in the Slate. It is a 24-column paper, well printed, bright and newsy, and starts out with a liberal amount of advertising patronage. It is represented in this city by Mr. Mercer Browu, who paid us a pleasant visit to day. i ftlagttitrate'M Court W. C. Hopes was arriagned before Justice J.C Millis yesterday afternoon upon. tbe charge of forcible trespass in entering the house of Elsie Howard and taking ptctures therefrom Judg ment for the costs From this decision defendant appealed and the Justice re quired a bond of $50 lor bis appearance at Court. Bond furnished. The same defendant was arraigned on the charge ot slandering Elsie How ard. Case dismissed and prosecutrix ordered to pay the costs. Appeal taken and bond given Arrested and Kscaped. There was a lively time last nigbt in tbe neighborhood of the Gdbem Lodge building, corner ol Eighth and Princess streets A colored festival of some kind was in progress there at the time and wheu a disturbance arose Ofliceis Balson and Tietgen entered and arrr sts ed one Johu Lane. They tried to get him off but were followed by a lot of hoodlum3 and recked and jostled about so severely that the prisoner scaped. It is said, haweveri that be will, be re captured, along with a number of the assailants. Verily, the lile of the Knight of the Locust is a hard one. . Indicattooa- For North Carolina, fair weather, light variable winds and stationary temperature. ;" Vou will find hoea. forks, shovels spades, scythes swaths and farming toots of all kiada at JACOM Depot," fc ' ' t Verhura Hapientis. Wilmington i fortunate in that tho wholesale houses.- in every line, send out men to represent ihem who, as well aa beiug true to tbe interests ol their respective houses, are true to the inter ests of our "City by the Sea " hen ever ami wherever a word is sounded in her praise, their- voices are always heard in loud acclaim; but let anytbiog be uttered to her detriment and tbey are braver than Spartans and more elo-J quant than Demosthenes to her defence. W are informed by one of 'our road ealesmen1wholrayes mostly in South Carolina, that unless other steps are taken than at present anticipated by our cotton buyers, Norfolk or Charles ton will get what belongs to Wilming ton. From merchants in Florence and Cberaw he hears that our Wiln instou merchants do not intend to send cotton buyers to these places, but that propo sitions .have been made which do not meet tbe approval ot the cotton factors in these towns. It is very much to be hoped, if mer chants in towns like Florence and Cheraw do not cafe to consign thoir c tiou eilber to eommiision merchants or exporters, that our . cotton factors will rneettheir demands by sending to them a man who will buy their cotton where it is Inasmuch as tbe Palmet to Rail Road, recently completed be tween llamlet and Caeraw. opons up direct rail facilities to Norfolk, Wil mington should counteract such facili ties by additional' energy and induce, men is. rersouai Hon. O. P. Mearea has returned from Charlotte Mr. W. B. Hocut. of Rocky Point, was in the City to-day on a - short visit.' We are sorry to learn that Mr. George F. Herbert is still quite sick and con fined to bis room. Capt; and Mrs. W. L. Ilarlowe, and Mr. and Mrs- Henry P. West, left this morning for New York. Mr. Arthur Kirk land, who married a daughter of Capt: Cutis, of this city, has removed from Georgiana, Ala., to Chapman fn the same State. J We are pleased to learn that Mr. R. G R'83, who met with an accident at Mayport, Florida, a few weeks ago. is improving. .His relatives expect him here in a few days. Mr. Robt. Fletcher, a prominent stevedore of Norfolk, Va., arrived in the city last night. He visited a num ber of shipping merchants to-day and will roturn to-uight. Mr. John G. Oldenbuttel, Chief of the Fire Department, and Mr . Nick Hullen and wife, were passengers iu the steamship Benefactor, which arrived here yesterday afternoon from New York. Mr. S. G- Worth is in the city, gath ering tbe statistics of tbe shad fishery of the State for tho United States Fish Commission. From this point he will canvass all the fishery centres of the Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds and tributary rivers. " He finds a large in crease in- the jCape Fear during the two last years, over preceding seasons painless Kegulation. It is no lovger a question of doubt although the contrary was once believed that medi cines which produce violent effects are un oultcd to other than desperate emergencies. In other words,, thai super potent remedies are calculated to weaken and injure the syB tem rather than reform its Irregularities among medicines ot debilitating effect are cathartics and cho'agogues which copiously and abruptly evacuate the bowels, liecausc it does not do thi?, Hostetter's Stomaca Bit ters is preferable to the drenching class or purgatives. Painless In Its effects. It is, eufli cleitly active to remedy chron e constipation It re.ieves by invigorating the intestines, and en&blcSfc.not Corceatheco, taverform the duty ltaioscl upon thm by nature Promoting the secretion of b le In . normal qutntltles by Its s h a thf ally atloaulaiirvg' effect npon the liver, it is eminently conducive to 'digestion, and ctntrlbutes in no small decree to keep the bowels regular . The LaMt Chauce To buy clothing at 40 and 5U cents on the dollar Don't miss the oppor tun itv ol, getting a slice of tbe numer ous bargains now 5 to be bad at I. Shrier's. Remember that this is no humbugging scberaeA , Eveiy dollar's worth ' of goods iuut bo sold before Shrier's removal to the mammoth storein the Purce'l buitdin? on Front street. It would be advisable for coun try merchants to give him a fall and get bargains in job lots, ; t The cheapest place to buy your school books and school stationery is at Hcins berger.s. . : Headquarters for base ball supplies is at Heiusbenrer's. t The Only Complete Stock OFHUMPHUKl HOMEOPATH I i MKD 1GINK! THE CITY H. MPHREY'a Homeopathic Mafpiee f UUfHBitVSr. .-iiecieev UMPflREY'S - f . et-nary and. Humphrey $5.C0 packag or o r. J AS. D. -NtiTt, the imigxiat,' tansU t ..it- lXH. Froat su 5 NKW ADVEKTISRMENTH. Carolina Beach. T 'HEr:PASSPOKT WIL I.KAVE roil CAROLINA BKA II every week tlar st 9 nd , eicept Frl.lv and atortlav. when evenlnz Lboat teaves at 'i-3ti. Train returning leaves at i ann ii tin undasa Louise will not heieafter run, b it Passport will leave at 2 n. m. Train ba-k at 6 p m. Fji-nily KxourB'ou, wlib music by Italian Band, every Friday anl Saturday J. W HAKFEti. ang 17 tf nac General Manager. Via Benefactor. -o QOMK AND SEE WHAT WK HAVE IN onr Carpet Depaitment : " . 50 BOULS rttESU CANTON MATTING, 15c. to 4:OC. 2g BOLLS II EM P CAB P 3 15c. to 25c. ROLLS C. C. IX. SUPEB CABPKT, 50c. to 7 5c 25 BOLLS X X TAPESTBY, . OOc. to $ t .OO Besides Three-Piy, Bbdy Brussels, Bngsf Oil Cloth and Foot Mats. Very ,KeiectfulJy, 8GL BKAK, . No. 20 Market Street aug 17 Captured Y&W DATS SINGE A CANARY KIKD was captured on NorthShlrd street The owner can hear of Us whereabouts on appli cation at this office. ang IS Money Wanted. yy ANTED TO BOREOW '$1,500. FIRS1 moitgage on real estate. Unexceptional secu rity. Apply to aug 15 3 v W. B. MCKOT, Attorney. "yTE AKJK TIRED OF THE FEW HATS on our shelves and will sell them AT ANY PRICE to enable us to make room for the Fall Sock, which wM arrive about Sept. 1st. DICK & MEARES, Gent's Furnishing House, 12. Front St awg 15 . Grain Cradles, Grass Blades and Snaths, JAWN MOWERS, Ac. Full stock at bottom prices. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., ang 15 19, 22 . 23 Market St. When You Want rilO FIND THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN X the city io buy Harness and Saddlery Goods, Trunks and Satchels, look for the sign oi the horse trunks marked and delivered In any part of the city free of charge. Re pairing Trunks and Harness a specialty. FEN NELL & DANIEL, aug 15 . Horse Ml liners, 10 S. Front st Excelsior Lime. O UK MANUFAC1URE3 HAVE TAKEN a high standard. We have on hand : BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL LIME. N; C. PHOSPHATE, r PHOSPHATIC LIME, COPROLITE MANURE. These are the best and cheapest on the mar ket. . Send for circular. FRENCH BROS.. Manufacturers, Rocky Point, N. C. R. W. Iil KS, Wilmington, N. C, june 23. tt . . - Agents Do You Know It ? THAT YOU CAN BUY Pianos, Organs. Novels, , vBJank Books, Paper, Envelopes, i- Inks, Pens, Pencils, Slates, Mucilage, Gold Pens, spectacles. Albums, Bibles. ' '" Testaments, Looking Glares, Fancy Goods, Dam Ball Supplies. ' Frames, School Books, very cheap at HEINSBERGERS. jnly 29 Cash Book and Music Store' GROCEE3S yiLL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVAN- tagi to send us their orders for - Wrapping Paper, Bags, Twine, Writing raper, f Itkv Pens, Percllv i Slates, BJank Boo a, ' .: ' . " - An1 all kinds of Sehotl Gsods. j RCMaenbeXr-WE ARE MOTTO Be UNOt-R- SJLD. Prlcfs to tuUevetybodf. -.. , ; W.-YATfe. ars'5 VTLosald and Retail btttlon?r -o- A PERFECTLY PURE CREAMERY BUTTER, A PERFECTLY PURE ARTICLE OF URD. AKD A PURE FAMILY FLOUR. " The BUTTER la of HIGHEST grade, fuHy flavored, and la received FRESH EVERY WEEK. . - ' The LARD is the ee'ebrated Cassard PURE LARD, equal to any N. C Lard ever'oiTered. Tbe FLOUR is the celebrated ,( PA DOLE D'HONEUR" brand. .. I can GUARANTEE all the erbove as Per , s f fectly Pure, of E xcellent Flavor, and Healthy, and would recommend their use In every fata Ily In the City of Wilmington and vicinity. . All orders promptlyat'cnded to. Telephone No. 9S. Jno. h. Boatwrlglit. July 16 1ft 17 So. Front Street Sound Partieo. i AGONETTE WILL LEAVE OR RKLL'S STABLES for the Sound at 9 a m., v l dally. Round trip 50 cents. Sound Parties can be tupplled with teams on short notice and at cheap rates. Special attention given to boarding horses. R C. O UKELL, Livery and Sale Stables, July 7 tf Cor. Third and Princess sts For the Sound ly AGONETTE WILL LEAVE SOUTH ERLAND'S STABLES for tho Sound dally at 2.30 p. M. and G-o'clock, P. M. Betundog will leave Sound at 7 P. M. and 7 A.M. Round trip 53 cents. ' TV J. SOUTH ERLAND, Livery and Sale Stables, june 28 Nos. 108 HO North Second St . NewYorlt tS Wilmington Steamship Cq. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER. NEW YORE Y Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P. If. BENEFACTOR.. .Satnrdav. Julr 80 GULF 8TRKAM Saturday, Aug 6 v BENEFACTOR Saturday. Aua- 12 GULF STREAM..... Saturday, Aug ?0 FROM WILMINGTON , REGULATOR Saturday, July 10 BENEFACTOR ...Satnrdar. Anir GULF STREAM........... .Saturday, Ang 13 Dt.nw AuiuB saturaay, Aug w JKT Through Bills Lading and Loweit Through Rates gnaraa teed to and from Foists la North and South CaroUna. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONE3. Snpertatendeai, Wlhalagtofi, H,.C TUEO. . EGKC. Tramc Manager. ew York. WE. P. CLYDE OOm Ganara. AxerU. 15 Broadway. New Yoik. - i aly 23 lOc. FOR A SHAVE,; ;. . tide FOR A HAIR CUT. OOc. FOR A HAIR CUT.SHAVE AND SHAMPOO?. HAIR DYEING iSOc. and upward, At JOHN WKCNKR'n. The German Barber and Perfumer, -g Market st Change of Base. - lyjY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC AEJS respectfully notified that I have removed my nop to Chetnus street between Front and rt ier.. aii vrueri vjt won in vaj une, u nlDj repairing. lc . !U be done from Dtlv and (althfRlbr. -" ' xl. F. nl&ING. Cktsitnut, between Trozt axd Water eu