I ThePailv Reviev. THURSDAY. AUGUST 18. 1887. Absolutely Pure. Thia nnwilcr rcver varies. A marvel of mHt atwnrth ami wholesomeness. Mere economical tban the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In comctlUon with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate rwiwilrr. Sold oniv in cans. w)i AiiiAiv.w rowiKR Co . lot; wall st. n. v. octt itikw lv icurm tthD Dnrbam llecorder: The Golden Belt Manufacturing Company is the name of a new enterprise just o ream zed in Dnrbam (or the mftuulacture of bags. sacks, shirts and all articles made by using the sewing machine. The anion nt of capital is 50,000 withi authority t increase to $100,000 The number of shares shall be lilty of the par value each of $1,000. Greensboro Workman: Mr. A. M Bradshaw and his company, of Friend ship, threshed out over 500 bushels of grain last Friday, in about 7 hour, and yet it is a strange tact that it costs mora to thresh a crop of rain by the improved process than it used to cost under the eld system of wooden flails, as we lea? n from one of our best in formed farmers who has tried it both ways. Elizabeth City Economist: A second explosion has occured in the steam saw and grist mill at Nixonton. N. C . owned by the widow Sawyer, this time resulting in the death of Ephraim Truo bloo.and badlv, if not dangerously, scalding Henry White. Thns. Mark- ham and Joseph Kea'c. The exp'o- sion occurred on Friday morning last i Pittsboro Home: Rev. Mr. Stephen son, the pastor in charge of the Pitts boro circuit. 13 in the midst of protract ed meetings. This week he is at Cbat - bam Church, last week at Haywood, and the week before at Providence. The week at Providence was a very rainy week, but it was an interesting meeting and resulted in several conver slons There were about a dozen con versions at Haywood and the church was greatly strengthened Chatham Record: On and alter next Monday trains will rnn regularly on the C. F. & Y. V. railroad to Dalion. to which point the track has just been laid. This is near Pilot mountain. Onr venerable friend, Jordan Tysor. Esq.. has the most precocious turnips that we have heard of. On the 6th t this month be sowed some turnip seed. and by the 15th they bad grown so rapily that the leaves were as large as a silver dollar. Mr. JonnQ. Smith, ot Matthews township, informs us that he has a cat 17 years old, that has had 190 kittens, and every one of them had a gray tail. This beats the item copied in last week's Record from the States ville Landmark about a cat in. Iredell with 72 kittens. Charlotte Chronicle,: The congrega tion ot St. Peter's Episcopal church, in this city, has decided upon the erection ot a new and exceedingly bandsomo building, on the present site, corner ot Seventh and Tryon streets. The old church building will be lorn away to give place to tfco new one. The new building will cost about $10,000, and will have two entrances, gone on ' Seventh street and no on Tryon street. It will bo the prettiest church in the city. At Rockingham yesterday morning the body of a well known colored man. named Wesley Leak, was found in a box car on tho aide track of the Carolina Central Railroad. Wesley had been stabbed through the heart and bis body was lying in a pool cf blood. The knife used in the deed, judging from the nature of the wound, most have been what is ordinarily termed a butcher knifo The gash was oyer an inch in length and extended en tirely through tho heart. Immediately upon the discovery of tho body, the cor oner was notified and a jury of inquest was summoned, and sullicieut tacts were developed to lead to the immedi ate arrest of one negro, upon charge ot complicity in the murder, and to the arrest later in the day ot several other colored mem. It seems, from the evi dence, that last Mondav night Leak and a party of colored friends wont nio the car to have a qu iet game of cards, and that during the progress ot tho game a quarrel arose between Leak and one of the party, and the two men final ly came to blows. The fight, however, was brief, for Irak's opponent drew a Jinife and plunged it through Leak's heart. At the time our iuformanl left, the coroner's jury was still investigas ting and issuing warrants which Rich mond active sheriff. Mr. J. M. Smith, lost no time in serving. It is. believed that nearly all in tne gang were cap tured during the afternoon, and they will have a preliminary triat to day. Quarterly Meetings. Third round of Quarterly Meetings for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South : Brunswick circnit, Aug 17 18. . , . -Waccamaw circuit, Aug 20. 21. i VjVhitoville circuit. Aug 23, 24. - T. W. Guthrie. P. 12. Tho malls close and arrive at Ike City Poat office as lollow.: Northern through malls, fast....... 10.00 P. JJ. Northern through and wy malls.... a. 00 A. At. N. C. and A.sK.C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom........ . vv 10.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M . BaJelgh 5.00 A. AC and 7.00 P. If. Southern malls.. 9 00 P.M. Chcraw & Darlington R K and point supplied therefrom 9. to V. M. - DAILY JCXUB.PT SUNDAY. Western malls (C.C. Rail way) ..6.00 A. M. Favcttevlllc, C Y. AY V . R. R. and points supplied therefrom... .0.00 A. at. Raleigh Hamlet R. R. and points supplied therefrom 7 00 P. M. Chariot c and Maxton..7 00 P at and 6 00 A at Sraithvllle. V0 P. M. Wrigbtivllle.. 8.UI A. M. TUESDAYS AND FUlDAYS. Onslow C. n. and Intermediate om- ces... ... . .......... .............. ..8.00 A. at. Little River, S. C.,andlntemredlate offices ? 00 F M. Cape Fear Klver mall 1.00 P. at. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls. ..10.00 P. at Southern through and way malls... 6.00 A. at. and 9 00 A M Southern, West of Florence 9.?0 A. at. Carolina Central RaUroad9.39 A.M.4 9 OJ Pll Carrier delivery open n Sunday from 9.00 n in rtn a M General delivery open from 6 SO A. M. to 7 CO f.na.. ana on unaays iithu .w to a. . Stamp Office open rrom 6.S0 A. at. to 1 P.M., Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P. M continuous. uaiiaim iMun rmm Rmwi mTPJi in Dauiirai .im ai mt k a at ii on a i fid inn P. M. and from other point of the city at 5 tr. so. ana a. bl. Painless regulation. It is no longer a question of doubt although the contrary was once believed tha-- medl dnes which produce violent effect are un- sullcd to other than desperate emergencies. In other words, that super potent remedies are calculated to weaken ana injure me sys tern rather than reform Its Irregularities Among medicines of debilitating effect are cathartics and cho agoguea which copiously and abruptly evacuate the bowels, because it does not do ttait. Hog tetter's Htomacb Bit tersls preferable to the drenching class of purgatives. Painless in its effects, it is sum clentlv active to remedy chrone constipation it relieves by invigorating the Intestines, and enables, not forces, them to perform the duty Imposed upon them by nature Promoting the secretion of blc In normal quantities by its hra'thfully stimulating effect upon the liver, it is eminently conducive to digestion, and contributes in no small degree to keep the bowels regular You wilt find , hoes forks, shovels spades, sevthes. "swaths, and farming tools of all kinds r, Jacopi' Hdw. Depot. t UISCELLA1JEOU8. Captured. FEW DAY 8 SINCE A CANARY BIRD wa captured on North 7 bird street The owner can hear of its whereabouts onappll cation at this office. aug 15 W E ARK TIRED OF THE FEW HATS on our shelves and will sell them AT ANY PKlCK toentble to make room for the falls ock, which wil arrive about Sept. 1st. DICK & ME ARES, Gent's Furnishing House, aug 15 12 n. Front st SPECIALTIES A PESFCCTLT PORE CREAMERY BUTTER, A PERFECTLY PURE ARTICLE OF LARD, AMD A PURE FAI1ILY FLOOR. MISCELLANEOUS coftirtitsitctAi x. WTLMTNttTUN MARK K'i August 18-2.30 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 29i. Sales of 450 casks at these figures UOSIN Dull rat 75 cents for strain ed and 80 cents I6r trood strained. TAR Firm at $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at SI. 10 for hard. $1-75 lor yellow di. and virgin CO TTON Nominal The following are the official quotations: Ordinary Osgood ordinary 8 5-16; low middling 91; middling 9; good middling 9 No sales reported. Receipts todav: Spirits. 454; rosin. 1,275; tar. 185; crude. 415 Headquarters for base hair supplies is at fieinsberccr's. t Proyifiioos and Cotton. Chicago. August 18. 2:30 p. m Wheat market opened at 69 and closed at 69$ for September. Opened al 7l) and closed at 71 for Octo ber. Corn opened at 393 and close'd at 40 bid for September Pock none quoted. New York, August 18. 2:30 p. m. Cotton opened at 9 40 and closed at 9.42 for August. Opened at 9 19 and closed at 9.25 for September. Opened at 9.16 and closed at 9 19 for October. Opened at 9.10 and closed at 9.10 tor November The BUTTER la of HIGHEST grade, fully aavofed, and la received FRESH EVERY WKKK. Tho L.ARD la the ee'ebrated Cassard PURE LARD, equal to any N. C. lard ever offered. The flXJUR la the celebrated "PAROLE D HON EUR" brand. -I can GUARANTEE all tha above as Per fectly Pure, of Kxcellent Flavor, and Healthy, m and would recommend their use In eyerv fara Uy In the City of Wilmington and vicinity. All orders promptly fended to. Telephone No. 9S. J no. L. Boatwriglit. jnly 16 15 17 Ho rront street A Suniiner Retreat. T CAN AOOOMatODATE A FEW BOARD- 1 era at my place. WoodaMr, ' miles from Lincoln ton, N. C , almost at the foot of the Blue Hldge The Louse Is large, with cool. comfortable rooms and with a large, grassy. ell shaded lawn. Plenty jof fruit, vegetables and milk and excellent wa er Good home table board for $18 per month Will be pleas ed to coi respond with parties deal ring a neaiiay retreat ror me summer months. Addiese, MRS A. RIUMARBSON. Wood side. Llncolnton, N C Junes law 3m tb MAKINE NKWfe. ARRIVED Steamer Cape Fear, Tom tin son, Fay etteville, C S Love & Co. Steam yacht Louise, Snel). Smith ville. Master Schr Delhi, Green, Bath. Me, E G liarxer 02 Uo. Haytien bn'se Ieo Srois Loens. Cox, Boston. E G Barker & Co. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fay- etteville, U t Lrove Co. Steam yacht Louist, Snell, Smith ville. Master Schr Jenny Greenbank, Webster, New York, E G Barker & Co. EXPORTS COASTWISE. New York Schr Jenny Greenbank 800 bbls rosin. Sound Parties. yyAGOSETTK WILI LEAVE OK- RILLM STABLES for the Sound at 9 a m., dally. Round trip SO centB. Found Parties can le faupnlled with teams on short notice and at cheap lates. Special attention given to boarding horses. R. C ORRELL. Livery and Sale Stables, Julf 7 tf Cor. Thlrd and Princess sts Grain Cradles, Grass Blades and Snaths, J-AWN MOWERS, 4c. Full stock at bottom prices. W. K. SPRINGER & CO., aug 15 19. 23 . 23 Market St. When You Want riiO FIND THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN A the city 'o buy Harness and f addlery Goods Trunks and Satchels, look for tne sign of the: horse 1 ranks marked and delivered In any part of the rity free f charge. Re pairing Trunks and Harness a specialty. FEN N EMU A DANIKL, aug 15 Horse 111 liners, 10 S. front st The Only Complete Stock OF HUMPHREY HOMEOPATHIC MED ICINES IM THE CITT. Hi M PHRBTS Homeopathic 81m pies. , UMPtlBKT'S Specifics. UMPHREYS Veterinary and Humphrey's $5,C0 package of No 28. J AS. 1. NLTT, the Drugxlst, u 11 218 N. Front SL The Sutton House, jyj ARRET STREET. SOUTn SIDE, BE tween Front and Second. Board by tha Day, Week or Month. Clean Rooms, Comfortable Beds, Good Attendance and the beat the market affords. Rates low.j Job Printing. rjlHK REVIEW JOB PRINTING OFFIC t la prepared to do all kinds of Job Prlntlnc as neatly, as cheaply and aa expeditiously as U can be done eUewnere. - "ead la your work For the Sound. AGONETTE WILL LEAVE SOOTH ER LAND'S STABLES for the Sound dally at 2.30 P.M. and 6 o'clock, P. M. Returning will leave Sound at 7 P. M. and 7A.M. Round trip 5 cents. T. J. SOUTHERLAND, june 28 Livery and Sale Stables, Noa 108 1 10 North Second St Exceloior Lime. QUB MANUFACTURES HAVE TAKEN j a high standard We have on hand : BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL LlilE, N; C. PHOSPHATE, PHOSPHATIC LIME, COP ROUTE MANURE. These are the best and cheapest on the mar- Send for circular. FBENCH BBOS., Manufacturers, Rocky Point, N . C- SK. Wilmington, if. C, , . . june 23 tf . - Agents. CROCEQG , ,yyiLL FIND IT. TO THEIR AD VAN tage to send us then orders for - . Wrapping Paper, . - Bags, Twine, Writing Paper,. " Ink, Pens, Percll, " t; Slates, Blank Books, An! all kinds of School Gooda. Remember. WE ARK NOT TO BE UNDER SOLD. Prices to suit everybody. aug 15 Wholesale and Retail Stationer Knoxville Furniture Co. T yK. ARE HESS I TET, WITH THJC finest and cheapest Furniture and other house holi cooda to be found la the city ' Yi e ara rere!v1r" ractcry. AUo, a fail i!ae of riby Ccrn;"a. Cash House. MISCELLANEOUS. I For A-ZE0 Millinery and l.l.iatz, 116 Market St., -o- WEW BARGAINS THIS WEEK. A large variety different stylee DR ESS G OODS Gc per yard . SG-Inch BATISE, 8c per yard. Best DRESS GINGHAMS, 8c por yd. Good S ATEENS, worth 25c for 1 24e. WHITE GOODS. 8, lO, 121. 1 and 1 8c per yard. LINEN TOWELS. from lOcup. TABLE DAMASKS from 25c up. PARASOLS Sateens, from 40cup ALPACA from 50c up. REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES and a large LINE OF LACES. which we have not bad room to show so far this season. At Vert Low 'Prices. GAUSE MERINO UNDERWEAR, bsidP8 a full assortment of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. GLOVES. MITTS. HOSIERY. CORSETS.ROBES. fc FLOUNCINGS At pricps that will please everybody. !M. "SK, Elatz', 116 Market Street. New York & Wilmington Steamship Co ?.ancy Gov- GO TO - Reliable I Cheap A LARGE STOCK TO SELKn- CT" A liberal discount to the trade. - : - s THE GREAT BOliR OF TAB CKMUkY. The Most Magnificent yet Anno utctd, v '-.i'"- ' - eotltled, . -' .v ; c : '';? THE BATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE ' C IV1L WAB. - 75 distinguished men w hot ok kadlng'pirta - on eiiner kll are riling it-' f ; .... S3 of the eminent trtlets ln'thU conntry are contrtioitli-g over' i'e.rsj;vijifii-;. 1203 of th" finest Uhistra lona In thi roild There will be mere thafi ";'?f iXK) pages print el on the best paper. ; r-T --;r It will be the firet nibl!ehd in part. blne , lng It within th meina of e- cry man m ihe couatrv. and afters arda . In volumes. 'U U now ready for eUvry In ariavU Itls sold only on sub crlptlon, and has al ready reached a ph'fnoinel t-A - gn who wan; territory should a'fplv at nw to C- W. F. MORSE, aug 10 2t 24 jrlHXf. ht jRtoiv, General :AttKlvj v e state, c NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. best alTanu'WttoS! J t y u la fan-.. are self-8ntiiiing - r For life Woethu safest, . aj.ply to then apl largest com;aDJlntbeV ; jnly in The Acme ..iJlS, s WEAK FROM PIEB 29, EAST RIVER, NEW TORE Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P. At. BENE FACTOR..... Saturday, July 30 GULF STREAM..-. Saturday, Aug 6 BENKFACTOK Saturday. Aug 13 GOLF STREAM. Saturday, Aug 20 FROM WILMINGTON REGULATOR HENErAljTUK saturaav. Aucr f GULF STREAM .Saturday. Aug 13 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Aug 20 MST" Through Bills Lading and Lowett Through Rates guar aii teed to and from Point in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H: G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N..C. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time 1b specified, subscriptions will begin -with the Number current at time of re ceipt of order , v.. rU'l' Bound Volumes ct Harper' $ Magazine, tox ont,r(,,v Tn1w ool three years back. In heal ' cloth binding. ' S A nlTtw111 e sent by mall, postpaid, on-recelp ol f 3 oo per volume. . ciotn cases, ror Dinning, 50 cents each by mall, postpaid. y-! if Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, ana Classified, for Volumes 1 to70. Inclusive, from June. 1850, to June, 1S85, one voL, 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. , n - - ; Remittances should be" made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspaper are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Hjlrpeb 4 Bbo& Address '"'T HARPER ' & BROTHERS, v nov26 -New York - TUEO. G. EGER, Traffic Manager N( ew York. WM. P. CLYDE Jb CO.. Genera Agants. 55 Broadway. New York. july 23 Quarantine Notice QUARANTINE WILL BE ENFORCED 1 rum May 1st to November 1st, on all vessels from ports South of Cape Fear. Regulations governing vessels In Quarantine may be obtained at the ofiicc ot the Quarao tine Physician. Due lo'lce will be given to pilots of any extension of Quarantine to other polnts.wbich may become uangcrous on account of pieva lenca of cholera or other Infectious disease. On entering the port, vessels subject to Quarantine will display a signal flag on the p rt rigging and come to anchor at the station opposite Deep Water Point, and not depart thence without the written permit of the Quarantine Physician. W. G. CURTIS, M. D., THOS F. W OD, M. . GEO Q.THOMAS. M.D. apl 15, Ut & 15 Cm Quarantme Board Season's Goods. REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREE- zers. Water Coolers, Fly Fans. Fly Traps, Ac, Ac. Air at the lowest prices Call and examine the goods anl the prices. : . GILES AMURCHISON. aoI5, ,r , - . - Change of Base. , jyY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARK rtrspeetfully notified that I have removed my soops to Chetnus street, between Front and Water. All orders for work In my line, tin ning, repairing, Ac. will be done promptly and faithfully. , . ; ' V R. F. R1BING. . - vChestnmt, between Fro at and Water sta. Ian 31 tf , The cheapest place to buy yonr school book and school stationery is Rt Ileina- NO MORE - ,-.xm--J..BiY9S ill ITCH ELL'S :'; - EYEr'S'ALVEi: A Certain, Safe and Effective"5 Remedy jf or ; SORE, WEAK ' AND INFLAMEIX Producing Long-Sightedness, and R . storing the Sight ,of the Old; -r, : . Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, and Pro- ; duclng Quick Relief and ' Perm a-. . : Hent Cure. - . . Also, equally efllcaclous "when used In" other mors, Salt Rheum, Burns. Piles, or wherever Inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE may be used to advantage. -- - Sold b v all Druggists at 25c. , 1 une 13 aw ... ".''.iSST? Harper's ' Jflagazine illustrated: :S K -- " - j. . ""') Harper's Maoazink during lfi7 111 con tain a novel of int nae political; social. and romantic Inter st, entitled Nrka" a story of Kusfrlan life by Rath ileen O'Meara; a new novel, entitled April HopeH,by W . How- lis; "Sou hern Sketches,'- by hailes Dudley War er and hebecca Harding lavli, JUnstr ted by .' William IlamlltoR . Gibson ; "Great mencan Industries" continued; - J.8,cIaJ tlldIe." by r. R. T Ely; further articles on ti e Hallway Problem by competent writers; nw series of 11 ustratlons by .B- a. Abbey and Alfn il Parsons; articles by K RoejanUotb er attractions. - - , - -5 HarDer's Periodicals : HAKPKK'ft MAOA55INU... 4 0 I J AKFEB'8 WSEKLT i 4 (X Harper's Bazak.......... 4 00 Harper's Yoimo PxoiXKi.'.v 2 00 HARPER'S FKAJJKLIN SQUARE LlBRART, One Year (52 Numbers). ....... -10 00 Postage Fret to aUsubscribers in the United 1 States or Canada. " ' - . . ? I MANTJFAOTlfEIK .Fertilizers, Pine vc;' Pino Wool Matti,:- -WILMINGTON,: rMIK , REPUTATION OF pC 1 ZttRS, the ACME ltd GEM,! v llshed. and the results ottiiree r the hands of the best fan en a t er StAte folly attest their uhai grade manure. The MATTING, made froa tte our nadvepu.e, haa'almdj ;t larlty lor comfort and dunW; any wool carpet.- tnd the did dally increa log. It hu tirlnai; any other fabric. ; I The FIBRE or WOOL Is t for upholstering purposes, udii mattresses is almost equal to iak, elastic and proof Against Iarec:i . , ' ' . Certificates f rm reliable pari xood .caa be, seen at our office, - J. " - - . . i ' mailed uion application. - t- WAWTED! 10,000 k- ; 5,000 -e!W'" 5,000?"": - For which the highest nutr paid Conslgnmcnu .' j July 26 tf o. 1887.'' Harper's Young People, AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. ' Harper's Youno People has been calleu 1887. ; Itorper's iTes! : ILLUSTRATED HABPER'8 WfflM WMj aa the leading wuetoated eP lea; and Its bold BPPJ', fidence.was nevei jau ent time. Besides the g Weekly alway Mn?h.Z, occasionally of t"J.lu day. finely lllttstrAtfi4, tt poems, sketches, and PPV current topics by tow? The care that has beea ij in the past to make , as well as a welcome hold will not be relaxed hi w the model of what a periodical . for young readers ought to be," and the justice of this commendation is amply sustained by the large circulation It has attained both at nome and in Great Britain. - This success baa been reached by method that must . commend themselves to the judgment of parents, no less than to the tastes of children namely, by an earnest and well sustained effort to provide the best and most attractive reading for young people at a. low price, ihe illustrations are copious and of a conspicuously high standard ef excellence. . ,;. i-yi?j i; J ' An epitome of everything that Is attractive nil HoolrthiA In fnw.nllA HtAT tnrr linatOE Courier. , t - - be sent by mall, yT& q 1 A weekly feast of good things to the boy Df expense IVZqUS' and sir la in every family whl b it. vtalts-j "otexecd one dollar p , Brooklyn Union. -'', -Ms V ' " i oervolame. ,w Tolst. formation, and interest. Christian Advocate Mtin. will be B' NY. .Harper Penc HARPER'S WEEfLT --'- HARPER'S BAZAfc...---. HARPEB'S YOUNtfO One Year (wSea ' Poataee Free to all ubwf00 States or Canada. nt... VAhtnlM Of tb ""T no time Is mcntlo&ed,'" C3 $ with the Number contAtw order.. n1 Bsrp' threeyrs bek. to f TERMS: Postage Prepaid. 2.00 Per Year. Vol. VIII. commences November 2. - yjRQLE Numbers, Five Centa eaclC - Remittances should be made by . Post-Offlce Honey Order or Draft, toaroldchance of toss. Newspapers are not to copy this fdvertla ment without the express order of Harpkb Brothers. Address - ' l,..a . . HARP KB BROTH ER3, New Crop; Cuba-Molasses. SECOND CARGO. - ' 554 Hogslieads.; ; T . : 66 Tierces," V I J. Now landing ex American Pchconer Uia U3,".dbrect irom Maunzaa. , . i Jor tale very low by.' t TTOuru & roirru 3bl I - J ceiptof1 00 nid t Order or r.M ment wftbont the expjw ilib LABri " i nort Wow Res-. .XSdanaarenor, will 1"VSt 1 14 North LoHuS mnr& dAW At :.JhMtiL IheOnrmaa jaa . : (

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