,ms PAP bCT3 win report ny Thre and H txll Ji,"- tse:r :isp" resrularly. ... nt" - CTIf. of Kentucky, at l he nf bi.'trm ir .-flic. . will "Y.villpatid periiap become c'ia ir i, siid I" have an .i" - irA h siid I" have cv- 3-nat now 0 ..... outnr . Napoleon in"l' a'1 discouraged l,v rfj9,B5. ((r $15000.000, buV talk th future He . . PVervthing w1' be if 1I,V j ond that he will come (tr - ' .u nr.trrinns Ntw York r.f i; serms will not don his " " .,;t vpf awhile. Judge; ttegrdthU there is reason .abtthat the judgment reached '1 Court of Oyer and Terminer Ij awl. and be hn hid,red a 8fRy e,ecitio:i of sneh judgment until ..Nhall bdeidtid by the Gen . i.,. rL- Mitihtlrt urrivfwl . TknrcUv uilh thii ns i F 01' tilt i uu j -.--- rjindcrew ,.f the Intuan steam- ' rM.n'ri.al who WRfP O.RRI tll in host n the morninir of Aug. U;B miafen. Tiiere were thirteen olUieru.and when picked up. they were isthebestofspirits: although they had nSeTfdsooewb&t exponn.. and fcadBewijtBnout of water. They tadbeen fite days at sea. . f :!'' Mrs LsngfT wno now wants to b cslM lie "Caii'r-nia Lily." has a leiseeofuNe" VTk theatre. She. ia BofitSiratoga pleasantly domiciled jaoneol Pnil palac. lor which she psj 1 round thousand dollars erjmunth of her sojourn. She ia trjicf ?ery barJ tosecare a long-term Jpiiaotlhe Uijoa Opera House, but flixey and Rice are also after that diioly little theatre and they may spoil her plans. A yery wealthy tribe ol British Co lombia Indians are .now moving into Alvha t "direct result of unwise Csmdiviinws A similar cause baft nt a cmiru iUre of Newfoundland fchermento Alaska, coin missioned o jiwpect for a settlement , near good Minegrftunds. The committee have jou arrived at San Francisco, and seem israedto recommend the Aleutian kinds, which are near tho codfish lucks of Alaska. ChariesS. Macomher, who died 'in Wuhingtoa on Monday, was once a Wing politician in New York State, ud it was he who urged and secured Mr.Cleveland's nomination for sheriff of Er.e county. Ue was a warm personal friend of Mr. Cleveland, and supported aim warmly lor Mayor of Buffalo. Gorernorof New York, and President ol the United States Io his early career Mr. Macomber had considerable uHh.but lost it all through reverses and when Mr. Cleveland became Pres ident Mr Macomber moved to Wasb- klton with his family and became a c'im agent A short while before his t'h the President's attention was o&dto the fact that his old iriend waB destitute circumstances, and he sent km fifty dollars and a dray load of pro visions. mt i I." (lriV(r in IT.nnknnlnP ' DO TTQ lha' .suurjinaex-Appeal, has been ar- r over loading his team. Here example which the Petersburg rjice have many opportunities to 'Itwl"- The wretch thal overloads or MrwUe maltreat s a horse deserves e?erest penalty provided by the Hardly a day passes that . some V ti lh'8 very Clly does nt Prove torfeiture of the title to humanity Natality that would shame VM thetngelves. If the police will wforcethe law, then the better citizens should prganize them. ot 't l.3l a society fr Ihe prevention tyto animals. The above re- Mp ,r3a applicable to Wilmington ersbarg. and we would bo glad me aciion taken to prevent l'toaniualMo this city. Cllinpa. r . saSv?f ll la 0,6 of the Caacaa'on race. letw J tile ln the blxxi. Wha would ""en !), nr . . . . At L . ivh on h -..,-i uaiuii tae ace "tetie, . and brow toSh te aid aaCh B,ttera- an "Uvonl.t kttL v cr COIB Plat takes refuge W'J,5 UCllcr the right rlba&ml Vh. tre ' an ""pleasantly odorous hich d!dUWle with lhla blzn alter fe u? l3g,S? ixl cathartic. 5Slttln? wnttt,0r. Uke mercurial V-uc l. ti ,lhf stC!f ich bowels 5ifR? a bT this floe ery instance vben tested. r BiTLT KetisIw". : VOL. XI. WILMINGTON N. C. FRIIAY. AUGUST 26. 1887. i( ) 203 ISIectric Hitters. i This remedy is becoming so well i ed among our citizens and the excur known and so popular as in need no j sionUts who were here yesterday and spcuiai Lueuiiuu. za.ii wuu uavo useu Electric Bitters sine the haidp song of praise, a purer raedjcine does mt ex ist nd it is guaranteed to do nl! that i. claimed. Electric Bitters will cure nil diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, wih remove Pimples, Boil. Salt Rheum and other affections caused ny impure blood Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as many new ones ma le. which we hope will redound to the mutual benefit Of all concern, d. This market is now being suppliftd with Northern, cabbages, apples and onions, till of which should be raised by our own farmers Will the time ruro all Malarial fevers. For cure of j never arrive whon our people will be Headache, Constipation and Indiees lion try Electric Bitters Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money relund- cd. Prieo 50 cents and 1 00 per bot tle at W. II. Green & Co.'s DrugStre. Is Con&umptlou Incurable ? Read the following: Mr. C. U Mor ris, Newark. Ark., says: "Was down with Abcess of Lungs and mends and physicians pronounced me an Incura ble Consumptive. Began taking Dr KingVNew Discovery for Consump tion, am now on ty, third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is tho finest roedic;uo 'ver mnde. Jesse Middleman. Decatur. . Ohio. say; Had it not been lor Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles Was given up by the doctors. Am now in the best ot health Try it. Sample bottles free at W. H. Green & Co'm Drue Store LOCAL NEWS. ffOEX TO NEW anVEfcTISEMERTS. Sol Bear a Co Notice Bkv. D. II. Tuttle For Sale. C W ATJfiS Cotton Is Coming In IlEiNSBKKGEK's New Check Books Scuppernongs and rice birds What about that park, gentlemen? Last night was cool and sleeping wa8 a luxury. The Champion Compress building, aint it a beauty? A gplendid second-hand organ is offered lor sale. See adv . The Passport made fouf trips to Car oliua Beach yesterday, she was crowd ed each trip. The schr. Katie Edtoards. arrived this morning from Topsail Sound, with a cargo of peanuts. . Mr. Martin O'Brien's new store, opposite the Champion Compress, is nearly completed. Faints and Varnish. Best in city at Jacobi's. and at lower prices than you can buy elsewhere. t Those interested are making prepara tions, for a big theatrical season this Winter, by increasing the bill board stands The attention ot the city authorities is called to a washout in the sidewalk, at the corner of Eighth and Dock streets. Several young gentlemen were out iat night serenading their lady friends in the Eastern portion of the city. The music was good and sounded very sweet- self-supporting as to these articles? 1 he health officers of this city seem to be putting in their biggest lick? just now at cleaning up the streets and put- line them io a cleanly condition This is right nd all good citizens wilt aid them by keeping their premises in good condition We are Uid that our merchants did a thriving trade with some of the excur sinnias that iirrived here yesterday. That is ft natural conseunence. , The mre attractions we hav t' bring strangers ti our city the more money will be spent hero and the more pros perous will our people become The walls of Grace. M. E Church, corner Fourth and Mulberry streets are going up rapidly, and troru appear ances, it will not be long before the congregation of that church will have the pleasure of seeing their house (-t worship finished and ready for occupa tion It promises to be an ornament to that part of the city. It is estimated that at least, three hun dred person who expected to come in on the excursion train from Tsrboro yesterday, were compelled to remain at home for want of room on the train. Projectors of excursions should keep an eye to windwatd always, and secure accommodation sufficient to meet all demands. Carolina Beach and the Sounds have certainly proved an attraction this Summer. Hundreds of strangers have visited them and when more accommo dations ae furnished at each and the railroad built to the Sound. Wilmtng on and it's surroundings will become among the most famous Summer re sorts on the Atlantic Coast. Indication ForNorth Carolina, fair weather, slightly warmer, winds generally from North to East. i$aso Ball. Tie second game otbase ball between the Acme, from this city, and the Cape Fear, of Fayetteville. took place in that city vesterday, in which our boys were the losers in a score ot 26 to 27. A close trame, but we would rather the figures had been reversed. Messrs. Sol. Bear & Co., have re moved their stock ol liquors and tobac cos from the North side ot Market street to No. 18. South side of Market streets. The "boom" in house-building in this city continues, there is hardly a street bat upon which can be seen new ones going up and old ones repainted and repaired. Next month. September, tho first with an r," will soon be here, when the luscious New River oysters will put in an appearance, and. as usual, receive a hearty welcome. The family ot our good friend, Mr. Sa nuel Northrop, is thrown in gloom and( sorrow over the death ot one of bis children. The Review extend its heartfelt sympathies. Mr. J. II. Hanby. of this city, had the misfortune to lose a fine horse last Wednesday night. Ho was put in the table that night apparently well and was found dead the next morning. Take a lemon, squeeze it in a wine glass of . water, and drink it before re. tiring, and also another wine glass full upon rising, and it will relieve all bil iousness and purify the system. The two new houses beingerectcd on Red Cross street, near Front, by Mr. George Cbadbourn, are receiving their finishing touches. The new residence of Hon. George Davis, is also nearing completion. We would advise all our readers in need of shirts, to stops at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory and get th i best white shirts Id the land at 75 cents. J. Elsbacii. Prop , 27 Market street. Headquarters for base ball supplies is at Heiasbcnicr's. t Annual Meeting. The second annual meeting of the stockholders of ibe Carolina Oil and Creosote Company was held at the ofiice of the company in this city yes terday. Dr. A. J. DeRosset was called to the chair and Mr. J. N Sabrell was ap p tinted secretary. Twenty-four hun dred and fifty ehans. being a majority of the stock, were represented in person or by proxy. The report ol the President, Col. W. P. Canidy. was submitted, showing a most gratifying condition of aflairs, and attesting th skill and ability of the management in conducting the business of the company The report of the Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. Andrew Smith, was also read and received with approval. An election of directors for the en. suing year wa then held, and the fol lowing were chosen: Hon. Geo. West, Ballston. N. Y. ; Hon. Wm. Mahone, Petersburg. Va.; Hon.. Warner Miller, Herkimer, N. Y. ; Capt. A A.Thomas, Washington. D. C; and Col. Wm. P. Canaday. Mr. L. Hansen. Capt. J. F Diyine. Mr. Andrew Smith and Mr. R E. f hide, f Wilmington. Col. Wm. P. Canaday was unani mously elected president of the com pany tor the ensuing year; Mr. An drew Smith, secretary and treasurer. and Mr. Ludwig Hansen, general su perintendent. A semi-annual dividend ot three per cent, on the capital stock was declared, payable at the First National Bank ot this city. Improvements to the plant to the amount of $20,000. as recommended by the president and superintendent, were authorized. Inspection of W. L. I . Col. Cameron, Adjutant and Inspec tar General of the Norm Carolina State Guard, inspected th Wilmington Light City Court. The following offenders werearraien" ed before the Mayor this morning: Cornelius Wrighi. charged with lar- Infsntfy yo-uerday afternoon, in front Iceny. The evidence developed enihez o the City Hall. .The company 'turned j zlmPUt. but upon the extreme yuth out thirty-five member ranks and AIh ; fulness ol the defendant he was turned They presented a neat appearance, though several members were fined tor inattention to details of accoutrement Alter the, inspection Capt. Daniel put the company through the manual and marchings, which wits witnessed by a largo number of ladies and gentlemen. Ttte Nv Tuir. The steam tug Alex Jones, which was recently purchased by Capt. J. T Harper, arrived here this morning. She was built in Baltimore in 1877. registers 133 II-100 tons, is 106 feet on the keel. 23 feet boam. and ll feet depth of hold. She ha3 a steeple com pound engine 20x24 high pressure and 21x34 low pressure. The tug left Bal timore on Wednesday the 10th inst. and ran into Norfolk. Va., on Thursday, the 11th. for coal. left Norfolk Friday, en c untered the storm Friday nigit and returned to Norfolk Saturday night. Lett Norfolk aain Tuesday niht and put into Cape Lookcut and remained until Thursday when she left for t his port She arrived at Southport last night at 8:30 o'clock and reached this city at 1 :15 o'clock to day . Capt. Snell. who was io charge, says he does not care to encounter such another gale. Yon will find hoes, forks, shovels spades, scythes, swaths and farming tools of all kinds n Jaow' Hdw. DejKJt. t The cheapest place in buy vour school book and school stalionerv ia at Heins- bcrgcr's. 1 t I'orsonai Dr. S. S Satch woll. of Rocky Point, is in the city to-day. A. R. Black. Esq., is in the city on one of his periodical visits. Mr. W. J. Yopp who ha3 been under tho weather for some time is at his post again. Mr. Rhotten, of Rocky Point, arrived in the eity yesterday afteruoon, with a drove ot fine sheep. Dr. Thos. B. Carr, of this city, is de livering a series of lectures to the Ma sonic Lodge in Clinton, Mr. J. L. Winner who was throwD from a buggy about ten days ago, at Carolina Beach; is still unwell. Rt. Rev. A. A. Watson, Bishop of this Diocese, will preach in the Episco pal church in Clinton on the first Sun day in September. We regret to announce that Mr. R H Orrell, a typo of this city, is confined to his room. He is suffering with erysip elas in the face. Miss Annie W. Vollers, of Point Caswell, was in the city yesterday en route for Mount Pleasant, where she goes to take charge of the music de partracnt in the Lutheran Female Sem inary. She was a teacher in this school last session and gave such general satisfaction, that the faculty has insist ed upon her taking charge of the same department this session. over to hw mothor.tor chast'zemenl. Cora Moore, keeping an unlicensed canine. Case dismissed. Dave Mnllett, larcency, bound over to Criminal Court iu the sum or 100 He went to jiil. - Robt. Stevenson, larceny, bound oyer to Criminal Court and in default of bond of $100. He went to jail. Archie Marine, keeping an unlicensed dog was fined $5. $1 to be remitted when badge 13 procured. Jas. Guthrie, keeping an unlicensed dog. fined $20, the owner of, the dog carried him out of the city, whereupon $15, was remitted, and S85 paid. . wiu t jijui io raclv casus u&ieaca from oqt frtanda oa any t all iatiMi ft ttmaliBtaraM hut V . , , Tlia nam of t& writer oooti aiwar " tlaaecj to Um Cdltci. ' , CyxcuAicationamtiM t wrltu o oaasldeof tee papex. fcrsonaUtles most be avolrtan ; - -Andlt la nspedaUy and particularly its rood that tbe Kditor Hoe not alwav orti tne fiews of corr.eeTtoi!(ient l. .t. tt ta tnoe-tUorlal olurana. NEW AOVEKTISKMCNTS. AKK TIRKD Of THK KKW 1IAT3 on our thelves and will' sell them AT AST PRICK toentble u to make: room f.ir the rails ock, wiiicli M arrive about Sept. 1st. nmir a- ivttatt?o aiif Gent's Furnishing ITnuse, 12 . Front St Kock Crystal Spectacle and .Eyeglasses. Advice to old and young: In select ing spectacles you should be cauticus nol to take more maqnifyinq power than has been lost to the eye. as in the same proportion that yu pass that point of increase, will cause you fur ther injury to the eye' Using glasses of" stronger power than 'is necessary is the daily cause ot premature old age to the sight. You cau get the best at Heinsberger's. f JAMKS-In this cly, a 4.15 a m, up:uEt 2 1887. MiK't'HA J J MEcJ. wife of Jno. 45. James, aged b9 years. 11 months and 6 d iys. Services at Si. John's church interment at uatdale. Hour of luaeral made knon io morning papers NOKTUEOP In this city, on the morning of the 26th inst . K,jT C. second daujsht r of -Samuel and Mary N rthrop, aged 14 yearn. Funeral wit) take p ace at 4 p. in., on Satur day, the 27th inst , irom ths First I resbyte an Church Messenger and tar copy. Lynched. Eugene Hairston, the colored fiend who attempted an outrage on the per son of a Miss Sapp, near Kernersville, particulars of which was published in our State News Column, yesterday, was taken from the jail at Greensboro on Thursday oight, by a posse that "had gone there for that purpose and bang ed. The Morning News of Greensboro has issued tbe following extra 'in re gard to tbe matter: , This morning between 2 and 3 o'clock, after the Morninq News had gone to press, a crowd ot about 50 masked men mounted on horses and mules entered the city by way of tbe High Point road and goirnr to the jail demanded of the jailer he surrender of Eugene Hairston, the negro who com mitted the assault upon Miss Mahala Sapp near Kern rsyiile, on Tuesday last The jailer declined to surrender him, when the mob, who were armed with sledgehammers and erow bars, pro ceeded to batter down door. The man, who was tied with ropes and taken to the suburbs ot tbe city. n he neigh borhood of Mr. Jackson's farm, and hanged near the little brick school bouse. ThH whole thing was done very quietly, He wa9 given a few minutes to pray which he did very earnestly, and coniesstd his guilt When seen this morning hanging by the neck fron the iimbot a tree, he was in his shirt sleeves and bad bU hat folded up and stuck in his pant? pocket. His body was riddled itb. bullets and a card pinned upoa his hreast was so badly cut up that it could not be read. The negro wa of medium size, black and about twenty year of age. mobdid nol return to tbe city NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. SPL&NDED SECOND HAND ORGA" suitable for Church, Sunday School or rarer use. Apply to Cotton is Coming In, JND TBE MERCHANTS WILL SOON have to lay in their stock of nr. ank unorc OFFICE STATIONERY. We have a line stock of everything In this line and we are prepared to pcrve you at RUCK itOTTOM PKICES. . C. W. YATES. aug?2 Wholesale and Retail Stationer NEW'eilEOK BOOKS. JDST RECEIVED. A NEW ASSORTMENT of Check Books oa the Bank of New Hanover and the First National Bank. Flease call, Be and buy them at . . HEINSB&RGER'fL aug 26 2t Rev. d. H. TUTTLE. VVE HAVE REMOVED OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Liquors and . Tobacco . No. 18 Market St., WHERE WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS CALL ON US. SOL. BEAR & CO. aug 26 tt SCDOOLBOOKjS. gCCH A3 USED IN THE PUBLIC AND Prlva'e Schools, you can buy cheapest at HEINSBERGER'S. Dealers and Teachers will And It to ttiotr Interest to eend or call on us. PIANOS AND ORGANS gOLD ON THE FOPUjLAR INSTALMENT Plan, very cheap. A new lot just received at HEINSBERGER'S. aug 22 Cash Book and Music Store To the Public. Before Insuring Your Life JALL ON OR 'WRITE TO THE UNDER- eigned for description of policies and tables of rates. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, la the largest Insurance Com pany in the world and the oldest in the ' nlted States. Us dividends are aa larare. its forms of policies as favorable and its rates as low as anv other uomapny. There is not a dissatis fied policy holder In Wilmington. M.S. WILLARD. Gen'l Agent for North Carolina aug 21 214 North water st. The Are you going to. build, repair or paint? Then buy your material from Jacoci's Hdwi Depot. He will supply you with the best and save you m -ney f Sale of Land for Partition TY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE superior court of New Haaover County, the undersigned. Commissioner appointed In and by said decree, win, on Monday, the tth day f Jeptember -.1:87, sell at the foartHoue daor in wiiminjrton. for cash, at 12 M, tbe fol lowing lot uituated in the city of Wil miliar ton : Felnnlng in the W line of Eighth street 103 feei a of the line of Orange street, thence H with W line ef feigbtn street G6 feet, thence W. p iraliel with Orange street 2sl feat, thence 83 feet, thence K 132 feet tt the b'gion'.ng; being part of lots 3 and 4 In Block ;3i. MAfUSDK BKLLtVMY, Com'r. aug U 8c aug 12, , 2C sept 2, a, Ik, IS Just Received. NOrilKR LOT OF THAT FINE FREVCII candy. Apples, Orarges and Leroona iut from the Aew York markets &llk ithakes and other cool drinks always on hand A. h. WINS TE AD, aug 23 3t No 115 Svrlh e'econl st rjlHE UNDKIiSIGNED, WHO HAS BERN engaged in the Clothing and Gentlemen's Fur nishing Business ln this city for nearly twenty years, will within a few weeka removn to new, large and commodious quar tera on North Front street, and he takes this opportunity of thanking his many klndfrienda apd patrons for the liberal patronage he baa so long received at their hands and to assure them that in tbe future he will use bis best endeavors to please them and retain their val ued custom. Respectfully, I. SHRIEK. T Carolina Beach. niE PASSPORT WHL LEAVE FOfi Carolina bk Jt erery week d3y kt 9 nd eicept TliUy and Saturday, wr,e eventng boat leave at 4 M Train returning leaves m 1 an At the requi2t of many the Louise will con. tmue to mate h-r regular trie on -tucdai. UOg, hilars. Iarge aJr.iaenijufifci t.u- t-xcers on. wllli mas br. Jiali-n received. Can buy h nice collir f rom !Ean(1. evr Friday and fttuniay 23 cents np, st J acop-x's lid w. Dcpctf. auj 17 tl ro . (ieiral liar ac?. In a short time I will go North, not for the purpose of. replenishing- my stock, but to buy an Entirely New and Elogant Line of Goods for the Fall and. Winter Trade f o I have but a small part of last Win ter's stock on hand now. having man aged to cleanii out last Winter and Spring, but. I have a lair line of Sum mer goods in the way, which . Must and Will be Disposed of I I do not want to carry a dollar'f worth of old stock to my new quarters. if it can possib.y bo avoided. I have no room for it there and have deter mined to get rid of everything before I move. My good have been marked down to almost nominal prices, and I cm aHering ' Extraordinary Inducemenls to Cash Buyers! and rep- I will reluuft no reasonable r.ffer I guarantee everything just as it U luniiiifii in dc woen tola. Come and see the' good and he prices, bat do not buy unless yoa Hod it is to your advantage to do so. L SHRIER, Th0!d Reliable Clothier.

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