tHlS PAT snxdays tx oeptea 07 ffl8H T. JAJ5IES, .nv!) POSTAGE P pah Tluret .100- one month. SS centos Jill W delivered by carriers nlP1 ,w. rlrv. t th a free abort 1 1 waaTP""1 ! Urates low and UberaL 1. their paper regularly. fall. P irrr- PURELY VEGETABLE. ; nets m for,linary tflicc1 " riYER Sidneys, and BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Bowel Complaints, Sick Headache, BiUousnesa, . flWtlon. Jaundice, euUJ Depression. Colic 11WI0H Should be Without It, .inV THERE IS BUI Unt HHHONE LIVER REGULATOR J-r 9 th flenwiii with rad "Z" Jfc .f Wrfppcr. Prepared only by V - T U ItlUN A. CO., Sola Proprietors, u.lnk. rV www. 1 r AlmwWoD in Ihe electric light bu9i- Bjsf i profinc a good thine for New TorkCi'j. Ooe company, which last jttrraceired 70 cents a light, is now offerinitolurnUb some lights as low as 25 cents each. Some bids of other coapinies are even lower than tbi mJ the bifhpst price" named is 60 cents. Presided Cleveland says that be has bo time to read or reply to the misre presentations of the World, and has no fear that it will deceive the people as to the policy or course of the adminis tration. The President is quite right. inibjCMRdeuca in the people in this respect is teeming more justifiable werydsj. ACiaidian paper has been conduct taf tcaov&ss on the annexation ques lion. Ot the 910 persons who express ad in opinion. 800 favored and 110 op poied annexation. Moat of the answers ase from Nova Scotians. who were almost nnaaimous in favor at annexa lion, and those from Ontario and Quo bee tate a majority ot nearly 'two to on that way. Uadertha law the time allowed for tBi redemption of trade dollars will ex Pin September 1. The amount redeem dp to date is a little oyer $7,400,000. Tse cumber of these dollars, held . in tbii country as estimated by the direo lor of the mint in his report to Con ttm, is $7,036,000. The slight excess 'a redemptions is accounted tor by im PortaUons for China and Japan. bile the address of the so-called kpoblican party of Virginia is signed Jby-Wriliaui Mahono. chairman," temnt Virginians, reversing "the Qiaal quotation, declare that the hand Uiehaadhf Mahone, but the voice is "'Johns. Wise, the son ot the old pernor who hanged John Brown, ton S.Wise 13 one of the few able u:enanu whom Mahone enlisted in earlier G2at3 who still clings to the nes of that astute and . wily chjef J' lle wm elected Congr? simiu ; at w by the Readjuster iidaK wave carried Cameron into-'the Gov J's chair and Riddleberger into the JJJJt, and expects to be himself elect ernorinasimiiarreacUon. The Jag onslaught on Governor Fits who defeated him at the tik v600, is 8a'd to 08 th8 unmi8 Kiw ?roductlon ot John S. Wise. jj8 U an organizer, a political tare D8 f lba hrowdasl of ali hi polilicians- bt he h not the .J?? opacity and dash which this evinces. Chinese Complexion. fcaeanV OBe of the Caucaaion race, w itaow hf blle ln the bl00d Wh0 wouW With 1 I" he or 6he exMott the hue ii??kwdlwow ttwwwaihe aid Ko2, BlaCh mUcrs antaronlt ti.. . 1 Uer complaint taxes refuge 4L "Qpon lfae tongue, naiuea.alck 'bi under the rtht rtba Wuih it ' ' &n nplaaanUT odorous &KuiSitUh lhu hWn attar. S.lhistoTacn bo we la StL' eoiSJd ?ted T tbla line tnvon.', elaaea. not by atart w the u? J?"kJf bv tbe con I? e? ade lor It with It -J eYerj instance when teateu. Hon ;httHtl.baS6 .applies a .very Tala 4 1 i-inif k( pt ready xor lmmeaiaie use, S'J1 !?Jr manv n hour of suffering and r.ii ' ' fSl arvtnra' hill a & fltjiui r .ii mi.-- . 1 VOL. XI Electric Hitters. This remedy is becoming ao well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who havo used Electric Bitters sine the Name gone of praise, a purer medicine does mt ex ist and it is guarantee! u do al' that i- laimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, wih remove Pimples. Boiin. Salt Rheum and other affections caused ny mr.. ui 1 nr?ii J ; t r , from the system and prevent as well as euro all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Conalipatiou And Indiges tion try Electric Bitters Entire satis faction iruaranteed, r money refund- od. Price 50 cents and $1 OO per bot tle at W. H. Green & Co.'s Drug Store. Is Consumption Incurablo? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor ris, Newark. Ark., says: "Was down with A bees 3 of Luners. and friends and pnysicians pronounced me an Incura-- k rv niRuonsumpuve. uegan laKine ur . r . . 1 King's New Discovery for Consump tion, am now on ay third bottle, and able to oversee the work onmy farm. It 1 the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middleware Decatur. Ohio. ay; "Had it not been for Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption I would have died ot Lung Troubles Was given up by the doctors. Am now in the best ot health Try it. Sample bottles free at W. H. Green & Co' Drug; Store LOCAL NEWS. 1VDEI TO IEW ADVIRTISEMEITS Sol Bkjlk a Co Notice II a Willakp Cotton Insurance C W Yatka Cotton la Coming In HxiNSBKRGEB's New Check Books . Dick Mures Gentlemen' Furnlah'ng House Day's length 13 hours and 5 minutes. No interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. There were two interments in Oak dale this weekf both adults .The odor of the f.ying September mullet pervadeth the evening air. Seven inter 1 ents were made in Pine Forest Cemetery during the week, all children. . The Register of Deeds issued but one marriage license the past week, and that for a white couple The dropping of the mercury admon ishes the venders of milk shakes that their popularity is drawing to a close. You will find hoes, forks, shovels spades, scythes, swaths and. farming tools of all kinds t Jacopi' Udw. Depot. t Rev, J. W Primrose will resume services in the Second Presbyterian church to-aa or row morning, service. No night Iu the First Presbyterian church tot morrow, there will be services in the afternoon at 6 o'clock conducted by Rev. Mr. Primrose. The places where ioe cream has been sold will soon know its patrons no more tb!s season. But wljat's tbe matter with the oyster counter?i Archie Marines a young white man was severely beaten about the head by William Phillips, last night, a warrant was issued and Phillips arrested. Right Rev. Bishop Watson will offi ciate at St. James' Church on to-mor row. Holy Communion at 7:45 a. m. Morning prayer at 11 o'clock and even ing prayer at 6 o'clock. Mr. J. W. Smith, a carpenter work ing at Messrs. Burr & Bailey's, had the misfortune to strike his band against a circular saw. Thursday the ends of bis thumb and index finger were cut off ' We would advise all our readers in need of shirts, lo stops at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory and get tbj best white shirts in the land at 75 cents. J. Elsbach. Prop , 27 Market street. In St. Paul's Church, tomorrow. Rev. Mr. Coerr will hold services and preach, concluding the time tor which he was engaged by the parish. The subject of his sermon will be "In tbe Ship with the Saviour." Our base ball boys, the Acmes, ar rived from Fayetteville on tbe steamer D. Hutchison this morning. Tbey are delighted with their trip and are loud in their praise ot tbe treatment tbey rt ceiyed while in that city. Bev. F. L. Ried. Editor of the Ralefgb Christian Advocate, will preach at Fittb Street M. E. Church South tomorrow at 11 a. m. and at the "Temple of Israel" at 8 p. m. He is a fine preacher. Everybody invited. On account of tbe bad weather, tbe funeral services over tbe remains otMrs. Martha J. James have been postponed until to-morrow (Sunday) morning, -at 9 o'clock? . The services will take place at St. John's church and the Interment at Oakdala. . r WILMINGTON. N C, SATURDAY. AUGUST I ft fit Ct For North Carolina, local rains, fol lowofi by fair weather, variable winds and slight chaneen in temperature. City Court. Philip James, chargtd with commit ting a nuisance, wad lound guilty and sentenced to five days below. Lun Moore, charged with same oft fence, was turned over t- his mother. Philip Williame, charged with assault and battery, was found goilty and sen tenced to 20 days in the county jail. IVAIIetrro Cotilhon Club. A number of young gentlemen of Uie city met yesterday evening an organ ized under the name of L'Alleirro Jotillion Club. ' for the approaching 8eason. with the fallowm? nfliRera: President Walker Taylor. Vice President J. fi. Boat w right. leader II. H Mcllhenny. Governing Committee Walker Tay lor, J. Harry IVniwright. C. C. Chad bourn. Edward Daniel, W. M.. Howey. D. T. Cronly. R. S. French. Tue Bijr Legged Boy. It is never the Review's intention to decry worthy objects of charity, but it wishes to call attention to the case of a young negro boy. about 18 Year. oi age, who claim to bail from Charleston, and is a sufferer from the earthquake. The fellow in question tells a pitiful tale and stows, when permitted, an awful looking leg. which be claims to be the rosultofa jump be took during the earthquake from the third story of a building in Charleston, He has visited a great many of the residences in this city and told his pitiful tale, and in nearly 6very instance has been given something to help him along. A day or two ago be called at a resi dence and asked tor money to buy something to eat. The lady pitied the fellow, and as she had no change in the house, cut a loaf of nice, hot ligbtbread and gave the boy a good lunch He hobbled off and when, as he thought he was out of sight, thraw the lunch overa fence into a lot be was passing. The boy evidently is only after money and uses bis malformed leg to work upon the sympathies of the charitably in clined. 'Take Time by the Forelock." Wilmington has, without doubt, been visited this Summer by more people from abroad than was ever known before, some et them have come here merely became cheap rates were afforded by tbe excursions gotten up, others have come on business princi pies, to look around and see if there was a chance to make the "almighty dollar" sDent here return more Drofit tban would accrue from the same amount expended elsewhere. And knowing, as we do, that our merchants are prepared to compete in quality, quantity and prices, not only with tbe States adjoining us, but even with the Northern markets, when freights and other charges, are considered, we see no good reason why the coming Fall trade should not be the most prolific ever known here. The reporter of, this paper has conversed with a number of merchants from along tbe lines of the roads centering here, who came for the first time this Summer, and was assurerd by tbom that Wilmington was their preference as a trading market and that tbey had -been convinced that they could do belter here than at either -Charleston or Richmond, and that in tbe future tbey should buy their goods in this city. This is all well for Wilmington and we are glad to see it. In the meantime. our merchants should use every means in their power lo let these people know where they are, what they have to sell, and what inducement? they have to offer. And right here, with becoming modesty and without any great blow ing of our own trumpet, we will say that we honestly believe that the Re view is as much read by this class ot peop'e as anv other paper published in the city, and that a good way for our merchants to attract their attention is to advertise in its columns Now, gentlemen, "take time by tbe fore lock" and send in your ads. Itock Crystal Spectacles; and Eyeglasses. Advice lo old and young; In select ing spectacles you should be cautious Bob to take more niaqnifyinq power tban has bee a lost to the eye. as in the an me proportion that yo pass tnat point of increase, will cause you fur ther injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power tban is necessary is the daily came of premature old age to the sight. You can get the. best at Heinsberser's. : t A Wilmington Kiitrprie Champion Compress Company's new buildings are the most imposing, of its kind, of anv buildings in the Sonth, and are nosv ready for the Fall business. The Company's plant occupies more tban an entire block and cover some thing over three acres of ground It presents, no Nutt street, a front Age ot 330 leet of solid brick wall, except a ten foot opening or gateway to the. court between the buildings, and on Red Cross and Walnut streets the build ing extends 430 feet to their excellent piers. By the arransement of tbeir 'water front they have splendid accommoda tion tor loading at the same time four ocean steamsnips and four sailing ves sels, besides piers on which eight steamers and lighters can discbarge their cargoes ot cttcm. The buildings have a storage capa city of 100 000 bales of cotton and hand ling capacity for 35,000 bales. While the court between the main buildings, which is 66 feet wide by 330 long, will be used by cotton graders and iospec tors for working up the stock The machinery in use is the most complete and powerful of modern mechanism and the press has a"squeez ing" capacity of 1.500 bales a day. Every department is complete in itself and great care and judgment has been exercised as to details iu expediting the handling of the staple. The Atlantic Coast Line's tracks ruu to the doors ot the building on Red Cross street and the water facilities tor steamboats and lighters arc unsurpassed. The buildings are divided by brick walls and corru gated iron sliding doors, thus making each compartment separate and dis tinct. This arrangement was made in case ot tire; for instance, if firebreaks out io either compartment it will be impossible tor it to spread beyond the limits of the compartment in which it originates. Two fire hydrants with sufficient boseare in each compartm ent and the entire plant is illuminated with gas, each burner being supplied with an automatic lighter. Much hard and heavy work has been done this Sum mer and the entire plant is now in ex cellent condition and the immense press rests with its large iron jaws wide open waiting to embrace the new crop as fast as it arrives. The company's GUANO ELEVATOR, on the West side of the river is also in excellent condition and is ready lor business. The building has a water frontage of 200 feet and runs back 420 feet. It is divided into bins and has a holding capacity of 10.000 tons. Ves sels are discharged by a steam elevator which dumps its load into a car. These cars are on inclined tracks and are automatic in their operation, working somewhat similar to the cash system track used by Messrs. Brown & Rod dick. The Champion Compress & Ware house Company have, by enlarging their heretofore extensive facilities, made preparations for an immense bus iness this year and the indications now are that even with tneir increased facil ities tbey wi'i be somewhat pushed for room . A gentleman who was io the city a day or two since' informed a Review reporter that be bad spent a month at Morehead this season, and while there he beard a good many of tbe guest say they would spend the Summer at Carolina Beach next season. He says Ihe former guests at Morehead, from p' ints in Georgia, will all stop here next year, because of tbe shorter distance and superior advantages ot" fered. Get that big hotel ready, gen tlemen; you will need it What Tbey Are Good For. Brand reth's Pills are the best med icine known. First They are purely vegetable, in fact a medicated food. Second The same dose always pro duces the same effect, otner purgatives require increased doses and finally cease acting. Third-They purity the blood. Fourth They invigorate the diges tion and cleanse the stomach and bow els. Fifth They stimulate the liver and carry off vitiated bile and other de praved secretions. The first two or three doses tell the story. The skin becomes clear; tbe eyes brignt; tbu mind active; digestion is restored; costiveness cured; th ani mal vigor i9 recruited and alt decay arrested. - t Paints and Varnish nA.t ; -t ' "C91 ,n c,iy ai. T ortPT nr mt Inwor nrif than von " r. -- , - can bay elsewhere. ; . - t 1 27. 1887. NO 204 Pernonai Mrs. M. Alderman, formerly ot this city but now of Montgomery. Ala., is here visiting friends. Mr Clayton Giles and daughter who bave been rusticating in Ihe mountains have returned to the city. Mr. J. H. Strauss who has been doing business in this citv for 22 years, will retire on the 1st of October next. Sister Cecelia, of St. James' Home. ban Of en called to New York to be at t tie bed side of sister .btlen, who is seriously ill. .. Rev. Mr. Coerr is expecting to spend next month, which has been given him for a vacation, taking a trip in the Southern States. Capt. Mack Wilson who has been at the helm ef tbe Louise, during the ab sence of Capt. Snell resumes his duties a3 mate of the Passoort to-ai or row. Col. N Frederick the late proprietor of the Purcell House, who, with his family have been spending several weeks at Cleveland Springs, is in the city. Capt. W. A. Sneli. resumed bis duties as Captain of tbe steam Yacht Louise yesterday and carried a moon light excursion from Soutbport to Fort Caswell last bight, they bad music and dancing. George Haar. F. Wilsoq, Mr Melvo. wife and 3 children, Mrs. M. E Brown Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, W. H. Booth, and two daughters of Mr. F ed. Lord, were passengers on the Qulf Stream for New York, to-day. A letter, was received yesterday from Bob Hewlett, formerly of this city, it was mailed at Bangor. Me. He hhs gained fame as a slack rope waiker( He is now traveling with tbe greatest show in America. He hopes to visit Wilmington tbi3 Wintor. Are you going to build, repair or paint? Then buy your material from Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. He will supply you with the best and save you money. t J)og Collars; Large assortment just received. Can buy a nice collar from 25 cents up, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depotf Funeral. Notice. The interment of the remains of Mrr. MARTHA J. JAME3. has been pastpobed on account or me wcatner, until ro-morrow (un day) morning, at 9o'clcock. Funeral services at i?t John's Church. Interment at Oakdale. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ONLY FIRST-CLASS GENTLEMEN'S FINISHING . HOUSE. in town. DICK & MEARES, aug 27 12 N. Front St Cotton Insurance (MARINE OR FIRE.) FORM OF POLICT IS8UED IN A NY either of the following Companies at low est rates: NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., (Pays all losses without discount.) ANGLO NEVADA ASSURANCE CORPO'N. (Pays all losses without discount ) CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO.) (Only Co, operating under the N. Y. Safety Fund Law.) . SUN FIRE OFFICE. (Oldest Co, in the world. In successful oper ation la years, mock eells. for over f3,O00 a share.) FIRE INSUBANCE ASSOCIATION. (Assets' $1,428,600.00. ) Marine. Life and Accident Insurance Com panles also rcpreen ed. Al. d. W1L.LAKD, Agent, aug 27 214 North Water St. WE HAVE REMOVED OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Liquors and Tobacco -TO- No. 18 Market St-, WHERE WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE OUR FRIEND3 AND CUbTOidEKS CALL ON 173. SOL. BEAR & CO. aug26tt Carolina Beach. fjHE PASSPORT WILL LEAVE FOft CAROLINA BKACH every weekday t 9 nd 3, except Friday and Saturday, wueo evening boat leave at2.Se. Train returning leaves at '1 an6 .At the reaneat of manr the Louise will roo. Wane t make hr regular trtt on ucday. :..Faitllv axr.ora o.; with musc tr iiaiLin Band.evtrT Friday and Saturday - J HAUPKE. - anglltf nae ' General iianager. 'T V1H' Mill . Atf . ..... . . a . u 10 racers oobbuibwu una out mas aa oa amy aafl au ranitav WMurallatareat hat Tha Kama of taa wrltar anal aiwaya to to! to aha Bditox. - V" CommoxUaatioaattiut ha wrtrtaa oa onaikteof the paper. Pawonafltlea mast be avoids And It la especially and parttea ferry c tood that the Brtttor .toe BOt alwy Ud ine news of correspondent nata tat in the editorial eolnmaa. 1 rzrT3r ri WTO m IMrrillmtnTi.. For Sale. SPLfcNDKD SECOND HAND ORG As sailable for Church, Sunday School or Parler n?e. Applr to aug2U2t Kev. D. n. TDTTUL 1 Cotton is Coining In, . A 5W THE MERCHANTS WILL SOON have to lay ln their stock of BLANK BOOKS and- OFFICE STATIONERY. Wc have a fine stock of everything in this line and we are prepared to serve you at HOCK itOTTOM PRICBS. C 4 Y A TRW aug!2 Wholesale and Retail Stationer - m NEW CHECK BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED A NEW ASSORTMENT of Check Books ou the Bank ot New Hanover and the First National Bank. Please call, see and buy them at - IIElNSBERGEU'S. SCHOOL BOOKS. gUCH AS USED IN THE PUBLIC AND Private Schools, yon can buy cheapest at HKINSBKliGKRM. Dealers and Teachers will find It to their interest to send or call on us. PIANOS AND ORGANS gOLD ON THE POPULAR INSTALMENT Plan, very cheap. A new lot just received at HEINSBERGER'S. au Cash Boot and MubIc Store To the Public. rjIHE UNDKIt'ilGNED, WHO HAS BEEN engaged in the Clothing and Gentlemen's Fur nishing Business ln this city for dearly twenty years, will within a few weeks remov to new, large and commodious quar tors on North Front street, and he takes this opportunity of thanking his many kind friends and patrons for tho liberal patronage he has so long received at their hands and to assure them that in the future he will use his bast endeavors to please them and retain their val ued custom. Respectfully, I. 8HRIEB. In a short time I will go North, not for the purpose of replenishing my stock, but to buy an Entirely New and Elegant Line of Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade I o I have but a small part of last 'Win ter's stock on hand now. having man aged to cleaoii out last Winter and Spring, but I have a fair lino of Sum mer goods in the way, which Must and Will be Disposed of I ' I do not want to carry a dollar's worth of old 9teck to my new quarters. if it can possibiy be avoided. I have no room for it there and have deter mined to get rid of everything before I move. My goods have been marked down to almost nominal prices, and l am offering Extraordinary . - Inducements to Cash Bnyers ! I will refnse I guarantee everything just as it i rep resented to be when sold. i-ome and see the roods &nd thn prices, but do not buy unless you fiod it is to your advantage to do so. IS BRIER, FheOld Reliable Clothicrl auj 13 us; InrL-et Ctr: ;

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