THIS PAPER " -. .vary evening, aandayi ' tx cepted by JOSH T. JAI!IK8 surroB aud paoranaroa. . ,rlUPTION3 POSTAGE PAID sC tl w Six month. 2.00. Tbrea VT iJ00. one month. 35 cento. 8I,')atr,3'r Viu be denvrrcd by carriers free r snT part of the city. at the above fft0,, i-- rates low and liberal. "-vejcr3 will report an and all tall-t-I Jvo their paper regularly. ;T.-.- "jj,v ,i tv Huruobrpys f the Uni- Tpm. has btpn elected to rerH7 chlir n' rrck at tne University of if" Wni L " i" r1 -Ir of saiiarv neineer- pnf ni I- ;.n..exit i mI HmvIui uni- ' coi .'-man. it is under royal yr P"1- J- P,si,l.-.i-. ii- I- has a lrek of attracting-' considprablo lit Tj is four kittens thai are toMhpr at theabdonieo by a ii1'-' ... , ';' An Oeonr- Ga . paan has a trander f0ljows h:m around like a doy. and wJi soJ lb l,:irni wnetl stranger nw'r'iM yard, aud attacks the intru- Aur i:h wing' and beak. u . . Xh -',M" estimate! membership of the U:i, ariHn body ln the United Stutes oi.nins the sim a- it wa four year go'whiU ,h " ot the Univer- . . nt tin d ue havo fallen Jo 35.- 550 Mrs Cievti'and is a lady of fortune js'wtii l-11 friunate lady. Congte.-s-jjjsn McSnaruv of Nebraska, is author ity (or if- ta::tu;nt. that tbe present vision of the Omaba property- in wbict the President's wile and her mother lvc each an eighth interest is mcco- . . , - Ato forty-six 5 ears of active service in s i grades ot naval duty. Hear Ad Samuel K. Franklin was placed on thp r. tired Hst on last wtek. His retirement promotes Commodore Ban croit Gherardi, present commandant ot the Brooklyn navy yard, to the rank of rear admiral. It tarns out that the whites, and not lbs IwJ'ihds have oeea the aggnsors in Colorado, just as was outUued in a scial to the Herald published by us yesterday. It the Northern bloody shirlers would but turn their attention tuthe wrongs suffered by the ignorant ssyages at the hands of unpriocip.ed trbtte men, they could find a sato vent for their superabundant spleen. Ton remarkable story comes trom San Francisco of a boy who was vacci nated and upon his arm has coui tbe ot a cow's head. It is about thj sizo of a standard dollar. It is an exact representation of a cow's head, n silhouette. The nose, jaw and horns are perfect. There is even a ?peck of white flesh visible where the eye is supposed to be located. n Mrs. Polly Ford, of Milford. near New Haven, will be 100 years old to-morrow." : She has not been to church since 1790, but is a member of th Congregational denomination. Wheo in her 83d year she received her second eight, and can see better than ruatn ni 60 years of ago- She some time!? has an idea that her daughter is her mother, but the delusion does not last long. Her health is comparatively good. ' Archibald Forbes, tbe war corres pondent. is said to be in the last stages of consumption. He is lort-nine years old. and was married in Washington Juno 19, 18S6. to Mis3 Louisa Meigs daughter ot Gen. Meigs, ot the Unitea Sut.eS Army. The couple had been en" gaged four years After the . marriace Mr. Forbes aud his wealthy bride went to New York, and were tbe guests for days of Mrs. , F. W. Whitridge. Ivthnw Arnold's daughter. They sii!d i-r England immediately alter-. ward, and since then have lived tnere. . The French Government has taken measures to suppress the importation ol manufactured cripples Into the couatry trom Spain. It is a very com mon outrage for the scoundrpls who deai In these things to take feeble young children and bind their lower limb3 under them so as to destroy the use of them and then turn them out to beg in iiitlo carts. They excite great com passion and collect much money. The 0 veroment has ordered the prefects the southern departments to prevent iheir entrance into France. Kerry Wall was baniabed trom a Saratoga ball room the other day for hiving, in the latest English, style. left off the tails ot his dress coat, thereby giving that garment a free and easy ap pearance, which was very displeasing to tbe master of ceremonies Berry retired in good order, but remarked Plaintivelv: "Heaps of people howl lor a difference in the costumes of waiters and guests, and the first person 'ho attempts to introduce a" modifica tion is d..wn as' a crank." Truly. Ifcewayot th rtormr is hard, hut a Subsidized ri'lnrmar lttro Ihia tnWnr? 1 H VOL. XI The Tichborne claimant is n- 1 mix iog cocktails at a low resort in the Bowery. The Pennsylvania Mate Democratic Convention is in session t-day. The candidates to be nominated are n Su prme Court Justice and the State Treasurer. 'A big fight was expected on the tariff question. ,,A.Jth.ief .in New York met a . most horrible death on Monday morning Having been discovered while at work on a safe ho divd head-foremost through a plate elass window, nearly a quarter of an inch thick, where be hung' impaled on tbe glass. He was cut through nearly to the spine and died before astd stance could reach him. Dr. Lysaght. ot the Bristol. England, royal infirmary, sacrificed his lif in an effort to save a patient. About a fort night a 70 a man was admitted to ihu infirmary suffering from an affection of the throat, supp -sed to be diphtheria. The operation ot tracheotomy was per. formed by Dr. Lysaght; but. the tube bniug chViked, the last chance of saving the man's life was for some one to ap ply .his lips to the tube and suck tbe moisture. This Dr. Lyeaght did but "without avail, for shortly after tho pa tient died of suppressed scarlatina.- Dr Lysaght caught the disease in its worst form and died. A window is to be erected in the infirmary to his mem ory. Nothing definite ciu b3 learned re lative to the situation in Havana. The cenorship established on thu cable cuts off alt means of intormation. The following, from the Now Y rk Star, is all that can be gleaned in rela ion to tbe situation : Tbe stoppage of the cable leaves tbe world in darkness as regards tho edtna tion in Havana. The military are iu charge of the telegraph offices, and no dispatches relating to wba: is transpir ing on the fever-faithful isle can be sent to the mainland. All the important dispatches between tbe Cuban govern ment and Madrid are brought to Ky West by special messenger for trans mission, and replies are also sent to this office. Hence it there is anything new in tbe situation it is admirably con cealed. The trouble originated in Captain General Marin taking possession of the Custom House and placing the officials under arrest. Tbe city is in charge of regular trrops. A reign of terror pre vails, and it is expected that Havana will be -declared in a state of siege Already several conflicts haye recur red between the trop3 and civilians, resulting in the killing of some and the wounding ot others. The colonels of all the volunteer regi ments were called together at the pbz t and ordered to disarm their forces, otherwise they would be bc-ld responsi ble for what might occur. The volun teers, who are opposed 10 Marin, and are encouraged therein by political bodies desirous of his removal, have joined the rioters. . . t 1 1 1 Am lery nas oeuu piauuu iu com manding positions, whilo the troops stationed in towns adjoining Havana are kept under arms, ready to move at a moment's notice. Tuoeo in Havana also have been quartered in tbe bai -racks tor several days The lorces of the Orden Publico, mounted and afoot, are distributed throughout the city. In the Park ot La Pila de la India two companies ot infantry are stationed, one at Calseda del Monte Sell, and the other at the Dragones street entrance, while inside the park ten mounted soldiers and an equal number afoot patrol in fron' of the fayret Theater, in lact troops are scattered everywhere through the city. A Sound Legal Opinion. E. Bainbridge Munday, Esq , County Atty.. Ciay county, Tex., says : "Have used Electric Bitters with mo t happy results My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medi cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved bis life." J . Mr. D I. WiIcox3on, ot Horse Cave. Kyi, a l'ke testimony, saying ; He positively believes he would have died, had it not been tor Electric Bit ters The great remedy will ward off. as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and tor all Kidney. Liver and Stomach Dis orders stands unequaied. Price 50c. and $1. at W. H. Green & Co.'s Don't Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your luoes are in danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a old. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon von with some cheap imitation of Dr King's New Dis covery tor Consumption, Coughs and C lds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be de ceived. but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery., which i guar anteed to give reliei" in all Throat. Lung and Chest affections. Trial bot tles free at W. H.Green & Co.'s. Large bottles $1 You will find hoes, forks, shovels spades, scythes, swaths and farming tools of all kind .t Jaco' Hdw. rv-vt. ' ' ' ' - r W f LMINGTOK N. C, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST LOCAL NEWS. ttfDEX TO NEW AnVEETISEMEHTX Jorra w arper Notice Gilks & Murciiisos For -'ent . CW y atkb Cotton la Coa.lnsr In, Fexjeu Daniel Telescopes ; Hkinsbkroeb'sNc Check Books Change of walllnir Days S f & WH S 6 Co Nor. barque Fritla, SteinzpnJ from this port, arrived at Antwerp on the Ger. barque Ricliard. Paske. from this port, arrived at London on the29tb inst. Slightly warmer weather is promised by the indications. This is 1 he last day of August and the last dav of Summer. School B'toks and School Stationery oucan bticheapest at Heinsbprger's.f First anniversary tonigkt of the big earthquake shocks of August 31st. 1880. Another lot ot those fine Cumberland county watermelons were on the mar kettnis morn:ng. The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 107 bales, against 3 bales ir same dale last sear. Messrs. & Mnrchison nfler lor rent the store now occupied by their retail crockery department. Seuppernong. grape 50 cents a peck; watermelons. 10 t 40 cents each ; sweet potatoes, 80 to 90 cents a bushel. ; A freshet is reported in Black River but it is not thought that there will be any serious loss to the crops by it. On account of the cool weather last night, tbe rastporl did not go on the moonlight excursion, as advertised. L ttle Russell Foster, son of Col, F. W. Foster, is seriously ill at the resi dence of his grandfather, in Salem. Who is going to sit up to see the earthquake to-night? Try it with your best girl and you will find it a luxury. Mrs. Comfort Johnston, a very old lady of Masonboro Sound, who ha8 been suffering with paralysis lor two years, died this morning. A big excursion party is expected here to-morrow from Go!dsboro and to accommodate them the Passport will not leave for the Beach until half-past 10 o'clock. A game of base ball was played at Floreoce yesterday between tbe Flor ence and Darlington nines for a purse of $50 Florence scored 9 and Dar lington 2. The excursion party which was to h:ve come down rom Favetteville last niht n the steamer D. Mnrchison did not arrive. They were detained by tbe big Ireshet in the river. It being a year since tbe earthquake, praise, humiliation and prayer services will be held in Sf. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, at 8 ,clfck to-night. The service" will be held in English. We would advise all our readers in need of shirts, lo stops at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory and get thi best white shirts in the land at 75 cents. J. ELSBAni. Prop . 27 Market street. Owing to tbe pressing demand lor freight room two steamers will leave New Yrk this week for this port, in stead of one as usual. The schedule will be found in our advertising col umns. Indication - For North Carolina, generally -fair weather, winds generally shitting to East and South and sluhtly warmer. Successfully Aiiipmtel The leg of Mr. A. G. Smith, formerly Orderly Sergeant of Co H. 18th N. C. Regiment, was amputated yesterday at th City Hospital Dr. Lane'.was assist ed by several of our city physicians and the operation was a successful one. Tbe leg was taken off a few inches be low the knee. Mr. Smith's case was spoken of in the DAILY REVIEW ot the 25. h inst. He was a gallant foldier of a gallant command and was wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13th. 1662. He was sent to the city by a high-souled gentleman ot Colombus county, who pays his expenses here, and whose name wo would be glad to give to the public but for fear of wounding a char ity which never vaunteth itselt, which is not only not puffed up of itseli but does not care to be puffed by others Mr. Smith js doing well to day and we hope that he "may be aotui and. speedily recovered - Headquarters for baF2 ball supplies II. Ih li j V City Court. The first party arraigned this morn ing was an old offender, charged with being drunk and disorderly.. He was found guilty and required to pay a fine of $10. or go btdow lor" 20 days. George Davis was next arraigned on a charge of assanlt and battery fie was adjudged guilty of assault and fined $10. from which judgment he appealed and was required to give a justified bond in 4 be sum of $100. . ' " Commtsitioiier's C Mirt: Capt W. G. Taft was arraigned be fore U. S. Commissioner Gardner this morning, on complaint of the U S. Government, for running his teg, the Pet, without the proper .license. Dis trict Attorney Busbee appeared for the Government and Mr Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr.. for the defendant. He was ad judged guilty and recognized in tbe sum ot $200. to appear at. the next term ot the U. S. District Court. - Mliort .WHfflitlii Fisli Here is an item.' clipped from the Raleigh News and Observer, which may possibly interest someone in this city or section : The merchants ot this city have de leted what they suppose, to be some irregularity on tho part offish pa'ckers on the Carolina coast. Fish are ship ped hero in the same size. pack ages that iormerly contained a hundred pounds of fish net, but these packages, accord ingtothe dealers, do not now average fifty pounds ot fish net each, though before the brine is taken from the pack ages they weigh considerably more than fitly pounds. The ealers buy the packages expecting tbem to contain one hundred pounds of fish each and are put to considerable trouble and in convenience when they fall shoit ot this weight. The matter ought to be remedied by the packers. ' erMonai Mr F. Ti. Busbee, of Raleigh. U. S District Attorney, is in the city. We are sorry to hear that Capt. J M. WcGowan is sick and confined to the house " Col. N. Frederick, recenily proprie tor ot the New Purcell House, will re move with his family to Lilesville. Mr. G. W.Rivecbark, whohasb3en visiting friends iu Duplin for a tew weeks past, has returned to the city. Mr. R. G. Ross, who came here from Florida a few days ago'quitesick. is now much better and will go to New York to-night. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Turlington, of Bennnettsville. who have been visiting relatives here for a week past, left Ja9t night on their return home. Dr. J. T Schonwald, who removed from tbe city about twelvemonths ago, has returned and will again locate here tor the practice ot his profession Mr. John D. Bellamy. Jr.. has rt turned to the city from a visit to his family, who have been spending some time with relatives in Granyille coun ty. Mr. W. A. Dick, of the clothing and furnishing bouse of Dick & Meares, re' turned last night from New York, where he has been tor the purpose of purchasing new goods. . We are glad to be able to state that Major Foster's condition has Improved, although his progress towards recov ery is yet slow. He is now able to sit up for a few hous each day. Mr. Wilkin Roddick returned yester day on the steamer Benefactor. Mr Roddick lor the last week or ten days bas been on a fishing excursion, on the Miramichi river. New Brunswick, where he had fine sport, having caught 62 salmon Mr S. R Twining. Manager "f tne Carolina Chemical Concert Company, an organization recently formed here, leaves the city to night for a few days on business. The company will uikc their first appearance here n-xt week, before starting out to meet a schedule of engagements at other places Mr. Jno. H. Clark, of Ciarkton. one otthe most prominent citizens of Bladen county. Mt last night for New York for the purpose ot purchasing goods tor the Fall and Winter trade. Oar genial friend is. we think, fast approaching thrHi score years ami ten and this 13 his first trip to the Northern markets', al though he, has been engaged in mercan tile pursuits for forty years .We wish him a pleasant visit and a safe, return. - The Eobcsonian. in speaking of Col. Alfred Rowland. Congressman-elect from this district, says: The ujanjy friends of this distinguished gentleman all oyer tbe Stale will be glad to learn thai he has now so far recovered as to be able to visit his ffien dilyf He hopes by next week lobe able loijvisit and spend a few days on the nhore. He has had a very serious iimrhut is now beyond ihe'ronlingepqy'of..' a re-? r jv v 7 JL.JLJ: 31. 1887 NO 207 Kx ports Foreisrn. r 1 53 II ' Haytien brig Les Trois Sonera, clear ed to day for Antigua; with 270 000 feet lumber and 52.000 shingle, valued at $3,836. p hir ped by Mr.( E. Kidder's Son, and Ital. barque Dorod.a AT.. clear ed for Bristol. England. -with GSl caks spirits and 3,175 barrels rosin, valued ht S 14.082 shipped by Messrs. Pa'.ers n, DwnSig & Co. - . 5 Dog Collars. . Large assortment jusi received. - Can bay a. nice collar, from 25 cents up. at Jacop.i's HdwvDeprtt. 'l lie. Ifciyer .' Capt. Smith, ot the steamer J). Ahir chison, which arrived here last mghl trom Fayetteville, reports lhat the troshet is running off rapidly, ithavirg fallen about five feet up to 7 'o'clock yesterday morning. Capt. Smith's esti mate is that about one-half ot the low laud crops along the Cape Fear are lost, although it is impossible as yet to fix accurately upon J.ho percentage -of damage. Advertising as a Necessity. Shall a merchant advertise; or shall he keep the best attack of goods and leave the world to find out tbe tact for itself? Strict integrity and c!os atten tion to one's business ar always neces sary to any success, no matter how moderate. But no great business can be gained or.kept except by some meth ods ot advertising. , Every city bas many instances of'racrchants who tried lo do business on their unheralded merits, and failed. Getting "a bargain is the second law of oature, ma'e and female. - 'fe merchant who persis tently And continually proclaims to tbe people that he has the bargains will draw the crowd At d in the hurrying, busy, eager life of to day it is the large and constant adver tiser who attracts the attention of tbe public. He who waits for the people to discover, unaided by his advertising, the merits of his store will wait only to see bis business dwindle away to noth mg. Advertising is to business what vigorous health is to the body one can drag along an existence without it ; but existence is not life any more than tbe simple fact 01 having something lo sell is business. Kock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Advice to old aud young: In select ing spectacles, you should be cautious noi to take more magnifying power than has beea lost to the eye, as in tbe same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you fur tberinjuryto eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is necessary is the daily cause of premature old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. ; f Paints and Varnish. Besin city at Jacobi's, and at lower pricesthan you can buy elsewhere. t M The Review Job Office is the place to get goH work at moderate pripi. AT K EST., Died on Friday, August 56th, and laid to rest on Sunday, the 2Sih, Mrs. MARTHA J JAMES. Another of our o'd citizens ha3 been called away, the joya of another home have been shattered aud the heartnof family and friends ate bowed down with grlet And she deserv ed all tbe tears that faU upon her new made grave. In all the relations of life, as wife, mother, lriend, she was blameless; as wife, tenderly affectionate and considerate, as mother most devoted, as friend, Loyal and true and capable of any sacrifice lot those she loved. onerous to a laujt, ana utterly un selllsh, her hospitality was profuse and she was never happy as when ministering to 1 he wants of ot Hera or adding to 1 heir pleas ure and enjoyment. She was unobtrusive by nature and shrank from the crlare and show of the more fashionab e and worldly, nndin? her enjoyment ln the faithful discharge of domestic duties and the delights of her own home circle, of which she was the Idol To the qualities of truth, sincerity and virtue, which were inherent in her nature, she added the higher prr&ce a of the christian character and was through the greater part cf her three score years and ten an humble follower of the blessed Kedecmer, striving to walk in his paths and to follow in his footsteps. he had atunda t charity and her heart was full of kindness f r friends and reighbors. ure-y there is comfort for the sflltcied in ther membtance of her many virtues. She made lier home happy for those wh were nearest and dearest to uer, but alas! that home is now desolate and we dare not intrude into that scred stnetntry, for private loves and prl vate eriers belong nouto the public ere; they are tor toe heart and for Go J. she has eoue to- her Test, a Uother ln Israel, has ceastd from all the weariness of nfe, i s cares, l?s perplexities, its sorrows, bas llnbhed the wrk which God hai given her tc do, and la now at peace, for "there remaineth a rest for the people oc God " NKW ADVEUTISEMENTH. For Rent rjlliE STORK AT PRESENT USED aa our Retail Crockery Department. Po&Ecssiou given Cct 1st. - aa?3t ; GI ES A MURCHI-ON. Notice. N ORDER TO ACCuMaOOATB THE jt xcarslon from GoMfboro to-morrow, lat, j ... 0 ' - the assport will not leave fnr tie Henirh un- in iu si o'clock. J. AY. Ji m, !K, i.-.? 21 It - ccn'i ::i?-.-vr. mm u kIau to . recalT conrantiakh trcm our mac da on aa? aad Vll cbiti - ' . ttncrai interest but " The nnu oi tb rmr meat alwaf & elsu2 'to lb Xdiu; . ? Einnltatioa mo n wrttt e ..?-.. ' - oass deof the pape?. ; - - KfcifyonalJtlftP ranat be avoldert J ' ij K 1 It la WTJaMv anrt rrtl?t:Ur5T Uft . '.'oodi that the Editor d"o wr twyn ndn' rhi views of con-eepordf Tir- - tt -in ii'ftp-Htorlal ?ora35na. :s r '? : - n ew Aiy fustiskm raT.s. Now YovR & Wilmhixtm Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sis. At 3 o'clock'. P. Jd. ' " ' ' KEGULATOK......." Friday , Sept z ?.PT5AM-" ' Saturday, Sept lii.NfcFAUTOk.... Saturday, rpjt 10 FROM WXLMINGTOli t ,: BEN EFAtJTOK....i..:. ....Saturday, Sf pt S V"LTOK Thursday .ept S UUJ.F aTREAM .Saturday.' Sept li -cST" Tnrontrb Bills I.riiTo nH ti. tcrougn Kiitca guarar. toed to and from Point to North and South C&rouca, for Freight or Pas&ago apply to" t". '"' K. G. SMAJLL BONES. Superintendent, WUnilnjrcon, Jf. C ... T1IEO. G. EGEU, Traflic Manager New York. . P GVTDb! A CO.. ften'r. Awnta. Sfi Broadw. New Yor. .. aug 31 Telescope! ANOTHER INVOICE OF TRUNKS, HAM pie esses and Tc'escopes iust received and for tale cbeap. Give us a call for any article uRnally kept Id a first clisa Sadd'.ery fe-s'ablishrceut, und we guarantee to p'rase you both In quality and price Repairing neatly and promptly done , L, & DANIKX, Sign of the Horse, No. 1, Ho. Kronttr. a ue .'!) Notice J Notice ! I J AM OFFERISQ A LARGE AND AS- sorted stock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS ' n j.i am. BuniuK inauuiriurci"B price. Dealers will find It to their advantage to ex amine same before uurrhaKtr ? pitpwhtn' SAU'b 15E"R. j?r.. , ""Ji ' lU l-J itlBIKVk (31. , CITY OF WILMINGTON. N. C. . MAYO IV6 OFFICE, ; AUGUST 27, 1SS7. QEALKD PROPOSALS WILL BE RJJ . . J . J . . 1- II. . . ... lii-ivtn ai me iuayor g ciuce unin noon. Kcn- tember J3th proxitno, for furnishing twenty nine (20) Winter Uniforms for the City Police Force and two (2) Uniforms for the Janitors, Suits to consist of Frock Coat, single breast ed, for twenty -four (24) Privates, and two (0 Janitors; doubl breasted for fire M Offl cers, Vctt3 and Pants. ' ' Bids arc requestel for these Suits V be made of Metropolitan IBluc) ' Police Cioih. Bids are also wanted for twentr-nlne ?9) Overcoats, lark material, Caselmere or Chin chilla, Ulster style. Samples of material aud sample Overcoat to accompany bids. - JNO. J. FOWLK0, , Mavor and Chairman Pollco Committee, aug 29 3t , , , Cotton Insurance (MARINE OR FIRE.) ANY FORM OF POLIO ISSUED IN either of the following Companies at low est rates: NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., (Pays all losses without discount.) ANGLO-NEVADA ASSURANCE COBPO'N, (Pays all losses without dlecaunt ) CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO. J (Only Co. operating under the N. Y. Safe 1 7 Fund Law.) SUi FIRE OFFICE. (Oldest Co, in the worl(L In eucceasfal oppr ation 177 years. Stock sells for over l5,t. M a chare.) FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. (Assets $1,428,000.00.) Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Con panics also repr&en ed. .'. M.S. WILLARD, Agent. ang27 214 North Water M. NEW CHECK B00KG. JUST RECEIVED A NEW ASSORTMl::; of Check Rooks on the Bank of New Hano and the Firet National Bank. Plcatc call, ? aq l buy tbem at . , IIEINSBRRGEPA. SCHOOL BOOKS. gl-CH AS USED IN THE PUBLIC A Private Schools, you can buy cheapest at HElNSBEnGLJ.' Dealers and Teachers will find tt to t: interest to Eetd or call on us.' .. ... PIANOS AND ORG.: gOLD ON THE POPULAR IXSrAL. ' Plan,; very cheap. A new lot just lectiv; HEINSBERGrEli. ang22 , Caah Book and' Mu:i Are you going to build, rr paint? Then bny your mntt r: Jacoci' !Tdv..I)?pit. IT: v;i : r(.:i vrith t' ! : can stand it. - I 1 '

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