MJ ' - - - ' -- - - 5j MISCELLANEOUS ierd!Worbus ramps olie i&rrtpe ummer Jll Cured bra teaspoon fu orf perrMvism (i'fcr in a little Ailcor Sugar and Water jUl flRucersTS Sell lr. j t i mr v 'P u i uiwanv vuil tor circa lar . XVyW ,f PlftvQliiy. ffliior rlntlvc I Ih and Price. -jTOfjf A ZIi-K, v e.tmli ner, Maryland. J VI FY ", causes, ami a now LATH liO and successful .UKE . yo r own home, by one ho was deal iwei:ty-tiiclil ytars. Treated by most ofll n.iH 8h ctlitt:a without benrfil Cured imsrtfwi ihne mouths, and i;lnee th n hun ditiU ot others h ull particular Bent on ap-j,fc-a;lon T. S. I'AGE. No 41 W-t,t Hlsi Ht W Vork Cltv. augS4w . War O W A R E . Manufacturer's Agents for Stoves. Iron. NaiiS. Gill and Seine Twine, U'l a complete stoca or A grleultural Tools JACOIU'H HDW. DKPOT 10 So. Sash," Sash. Paints. Varnishes Oils. Moulding and Builder's Hardware, - BEST GOODS AT LrOWEST PUCKS. J ACORPS HDW. DFPOT. PTI3 10 So. Front st 1887. 1887. $4.50 A YEAR FOR The Daily Whig. Tbe cheapest dally paper Ih the South. TQE WEEKLY has been enlarge ad ke price re-inced to 1 cent a year. The cheap est weekly paper published. "e Ma inlay issue and Weekly edition both ejear. for$l.:o. The two are cheaper better than a wjmi-wceklv aa you get one uuiy issue nd a w eekly for 50 cento Its than "wUceklypapcr. n1nnrky.8eiit,ree lwo weeks and Weekly one u fi .ree- ne cent lor a postal card order one or the other on trial. Address THE Richmond, Va. complaints 1887. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. "ih5?'.8 yuno Fkoi-lk has been callet. model of what a periodical for young eonm? .Ught 10 and justice of this offiendauon la amply sustained by the arcuUUon it has attained both at home Jl" Krltaln. This success has been tterni y meihl8 that must commend iea th.f8 lne judgment of parents, no SeinJ? V th? 1118168 children namehr, by the iSf nd weU sustained effort to provide l0DL?.?ua mosl "ractive reading foryung WDWn. . a. l0,w Iric- he Illustrations are 01 excellence? ConMrlcuot8,y wtt eUndard nBtkTtee ?' everything that la attractive Courier. iuvenlle literature. Boston d uiVV6810' ftood l&lng to the boya k"oiSuni5;ery famUr w" h u ,lBlto" mn01 lnlu wealth of picture in K. tfUun QJ 'nteresc-chnstlan Advocate VoiUviSii Po,u Pre wad. 2.00 Per Year. i. commences November 2. ewb ,aJL0r ft to avol.1 chance of loea. &twlth,.!?.rcno1 to COP? advertta 'UttPlR KROTUKRb. " . - T.w S1'igles : Shingles ! P"T T'L'SSD J-QOK AND FIVE 1 fa f!l8lSl4,,''e. Must be soM at f-nee WouW da well to call and get a ttich a0" Mewnaatp JJo 1 1- N Water at . . Wilmington, N. C- The Daily Review. .;v'..;.'.-,Palpy Gold. OtlC On a timft" f ho Btorioa o.w The wee green e!v wouU often cast. if , K 1U ,n mnaia' way; w iry eoia woulil never last. I know Ttis tme; yoa ask rue how? My dears, they o.neittiies do it now! If you some tuoru will come with me. my woe-eyed lad, my brown-eyed I'M . . . jrtiu wnere you II snOUl tf See - I ne gay oid liitenintr on the eras-', lour email, hot hands yoa both may fill. - And leave the meadow shining still. Bat hidden watchers, all the while Are tittering soltlv in th Alas! sou little iruena the miila 'And roguish mockery of the elves! r" soon you'll finfl. as I httva tnid Thtt baltercaps are fairy trohf ! Helen Or ay Cone. , A Kemtuy in Kidney A lec tion. My kidnejs were so affected I have been ctnpe!ld to eel up as much as leD times in ote niifht. I had pxiris in my side , back and left shoulder, and when down could hardly rife. I was uoabln nt bem my bwdy without, great pain. 1 tried sirumons Liver Regula- or and. my condition has improved so much that I hardly ver feel anv of my old trouble." W. Johnson. ExDres. gen. Macon. Ga. Had Twenty-ono Children. Peter Yore, who did of a fever Inst we k Ht his ranch near U iniD'onvil . was 65) ears or age He wks the father et ltvniyinH children, mos ot wb')i are at present living in luba and Sierra counties. Hi fa-bur lives in New Yoik Stale and is past the age of 100 iears ..The deceased had. during tht thirty odd year that he had livd in ihis Stite. accumulated a considera ble competency. He was buried near his home, where a number of his re latives are interred Nevada Ciiv Tran script Dotri hawk, and blow, and spit, use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy but Frozen in Midsummer. In speaking of the large number deaths of Engli h sparrows durim; the late rainstorms Prnr. Ouo Lntrger saio jesderday that, instead ot having been dashed to death. b believed they had been frozen in m dsummer. One day last week he counted forty sparrow? lying siitl' add cold within a distance ot three t-quare. He carried eight n-mB, examined all -f them, and found on boned broken. Four of them he warm ed and they were revived The other tout never showed signs of life. Prof. Luirger gave the following explanation of the apparent lifelessoess, nftcr the storm, ot the birds, most of which were young ones: In migration birds fly. against the wind. Should the wind suddenly change aDd blow in the same direction as the birds are flying, and at a greater rale of speed, the birds feath ers are blown forward, the skin is ex posed, and a cold, driving rain soon chills the birds and causes their death. In this way, strange as it may seem tho birds may be said to have been frozen in midsummer. Baltimore Sun Didn't Get Waited On. K was one of the s well drug stores of Boston, and a traveling man who was threatened with an attack of malaria had been waiting the pleasure of the aristocratic clerk for some time. "Will yoa give me hali a dozen three grain capsules of quinine?" he said as soon as the young man bad sizzed the last touch of genius into a glass of soda water. A stony stare was the only responso he got, and he was pondering whether he should repeat the question or not. when he saw an old friend, a resident ot that city, happen in. After the usual greetings the traveler asked: 'What in thunder is the matter with these people? Don't they want to sell goods?" "1 should think so. Been having trouble?" ! "I should say so. Here I've been waiting for the last half hout for a lit' tie bit of quinine." "for quinine? How do you ask for it?" I told him I wanted qninine, same as any white n.an would." "Well, you just slip up to him and tell him you want sonic kee-neen and he'll condescend to understand you. Al ways say Keesneen in lioston. mer Trav. UucKlou's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the worl for Cats, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or moey refunded - Price 25 cents per .box. For sale by W. H. Green & Co. W. O. Tuggle, LsGrange, Ga.. writ ing about Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, ays: "It is a priceless jewel as a disinfectant and deodorizer. My wile states for the benefit of ynnng mothers that it !s a valuable adjunct to (he nursery." It is equally so to parents travelling with children. Not only is the Fluid invaluable as a deodorizer, but a few drops added to the water in bathing will remove all eruptions from the skin, chafing, etc., and greatly re fresh and soothe. A CAKD. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions ot youth, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. &c, I will send a recipe that will cure yon. free of charge This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in Sonth America. Send a salt addressed envelope to the Rev. -Joseph T. Inman. Station D, New York. Oily. xl d&w Iv . Season's Goods. RFRIGKRATORS. ICE .CREAM FRK.E- ?era, Water Coolets. Fly ""ana. FlyTrapa, iUi.Ac. All al i he lowest prices . Jall and examine ine gooas n i ine prices GILES A MURCHISON. THIS MAJXiS. The ma: la close and arrive at the City Poat offlce aa follows : CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 10.00 P. M. Northern through and wiy malls. ...8.00 A. M. . C and A. X. C. RalJroada and routes supplied thervfrom n-i 10-00 P. M. and R.oo A Raleigh... .. 5.00 a. M. and 7.00 P. M. Southern mall.... .....9 00 T. M. Cheraw & Djarllnjrton R K ani points supplied therefrom 9.t,u P. M. DAILY KXCKPT 8UNUAY. Western mitlaXO-f;. KnUway) e.00 A. St. Fayettevlllej. V. A Y V R, K. and poind Bupplied therefrom.... 6.00 A. M Raleigh Hamlet R. K. and points bum.i'ed there from ,...7 0i) P. W Chariot e aild Maxtou..7 00 e M and 6 00 A M SmUhvIlle-.L 2 .to P. M. WrighlHvlll , 8. 0 A. M. TU-KliAYa and Ful 1 1 a Yh. OdsIow C. II. and lnicrniedtaie ool- ces.. K.00 A. At. Uttle HUer, S. C.andlntemredlate offices... 2 OOP M. Cape Fear River mall 1.00 p. M. JPKN H)R OK LIVER 7 Northern through and wav mails.. .10.X P. M Southern i hrough and way malls . . 6.00 a. At. ana biwam Southern. West of Flareuce 9.?0 A. M Carolina Central Rallroad9.39 A. M. & 9 0J VL Carrler'a delivery onen en Sunday from 0 00 to 10 .Ofi A M. general dellverr oten fnm 6 30 A. M. to 7 00 P.m.. and on -umlavs frcm 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. ta tuMfflce oten nom tt.So A. M. to 7 P.M.. Mouey (rder and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P. M.. continuous Mails collected from street boxe in business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.00 A.A1. and 5.W r M. ann from other polnu of the cltv at f P M and 4A.M. MISCELLANEOUS. Khoxvrile Furniture Co. yjy E ARK HKRE YET, WITH THE finest and cheapest furniture and other house bold to lu to he found In the city. h e nre r".eiving new goods dally from th ) factory. Host .11 line of Kaby t'arrtige- We have snail rou rate which we will cnHp. aug 29 . If. RED, Manager Excelsior Lime. -o UR MANUFACTURE IX WJC TAKEN a high Ftindard We have on hand : BUILDING LIMB, AGRICULTURAL LIAIK. N PllO-PHATK, PH03PHATIC L.MK, COPrtOLITK ANURE. Theae arc the best and cheapest on ket. mar- enll for circular. FKENCH BROS., Manufacturers, Rocky P Int, N. C. R W. in Ks, Wilmington, S. C , jnne 23 tf Agents P. MILL KB. JOHN L. MICHAEL nJiller & Co., CONTRACTORS FOR 1) HILLING EQUIPPING ARTESIAN WELLS AND OF ANY REQUIRED jORING OLD WB.LLS DEPTH. WITHOUT RJC- moving walls. Drilling new Well from the Surface and Inserting cement or Iron Pipes, excluding all foul or surface waters Have all the Improved steam Appliances for Drill ing and Reaming in hard or soft rock, from lour to eighteen lncbea in diameter. Agents for Pumps for Pumping W ter. Adarcss, Frederick city, M.d. o INFERENCES : J. F. We38ner, Baltimore, Md. Louis touth, " ' Bait. tock trard Company. Gettysbarg Water Company. Wc-dimtnuster Water Company, Md. 11. c. Stoffer. Frederick, Md. Hiram Grove and Chas. Cronlse, Frederick, A1U. C. it. Paxton, 1 eesburg Loudon co., Va--aniuel Lutz. " Wallice George, " " " A. J. Soudcr, Taylortown, Scott Noriison, Bendersvtile. "apt. GrofT, Frederick, Md. John W. Crowm. Frederick, Md , and hundreds of Farmers everywhere. Wc are prepared to no work from one hun dred to two thousand feet W Satisfaction guaranteed mck li lwd 6mw New Crop Cuba Molasses. OECOND CARGO, 554 Hogsheads. 66 Tierces, Now landing ex American Pchconer "Uran us," direct trom 41 stanzas. For eale very low by WOltTH & WOK'l'H .b. a THE STAR, a xcwspaaer supp -rtlrg the Principles of a I'eniocr&tlc Administration. Published m the City of jsew York. WILLIAM DORS i El MER, Ed. a,v. Week li and Sunday A Propjr. Editions THE WEEKLY STAR, A 16-page Ne epapcr lssuet every Wednesday A Clean, J'ure, Bright, and Interesting Family Paper. it contains the latest news, down to the hour of going to press: Agricultural, Market, Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Edito rial, ( epar raenta, all under the direction of trailed jovrttui t ol the highest ablhty. It? oliteen pages will be found crow drd with gi-od things from beginning to end Original stories by distinguished American and for eign writers ot Action THE DAILY STAR. the Dil utak contains all the news of the day in an attractive Co m . Its special cor espondence by cable trom 1-ondon. Paris,' Berlin, Vienna and Dublin, is a commendable f ature At Washington, Mbany, and other news centred 'he anient correspondents, specially retained by Tub star, furnish the latest news by telegraph. . its literary featurrs are unsurpassed, Tbe financial and Maraet Reviews are nnd eual y mil and complete. peclal terms anl extraordinary Induce tneuts to agents and canvassers. . . end for Circulars Terms of the Weekly stir to Subscribers. ? ree of Postage In the United States and Can . da. outsl J the limits of N. Y City. Pt-r Year $ Clubs -f Ten 10 Clubs ot Fifteen (and one extra to or- ganlzer or Club)........,........... 15 Terms of the Daily .Star to Subscribers. Kvery lay , for one rear (Including Sunday)... ..........J.....t 1 " Iaily, w.Uiout Sunday . pe year- hoc K'try Day. six uMMitUs....... ....... 3 aily. wlihout hnnlay, six monthB....- 3 CC The STAB, 23 North VlllUm St., Ian 19 Ycrt WHOLESALE I'RICKft. jf?TL.Ti ' following quotrtlons repreoea !T?i? VTicea generally. La making u. smau orders higher wrtces have 10 be charge BAGGING- " Gunny.... ............ Standard.... ... BACON North Carodna " Hams. t m Shoulders, y ft sides, t s WESTERN SMOKED- HMaa.t ft Sides. T to . Shoulders, V ft, . DRY SALTJfcL-T : Sides, r a..... Shoulders. tb BARRELS Soirits Turpentine Second Hand, each...;. . i New New York, each BK&m:::::::::::::- BRICKS, Wilmington M Northern.................. BUTTKR, r ft North Carolina ' Northm. CANDLES. Ifc Snerm...................... failow ....I Atlamanaae .... J CHEKSk., ib Northern Factory..-........." Dairy, Crbam State . COFFKE, rib " s a 12 8 10 a a 1310 7e s a t o e C .00 C 23 00 00 CO O 1 C a 1 s & 24 & 9 00 14 CO 0 is a rs a 15 (CD 8 & Java.......................... Laguyra... ............. ...... Rio.... . CORN MBAL, V toa.. In sacks Virginia Meal. ......... ...... COTTON TIK8. bundle.. IiMESTlCS FISB- Sheettng, 4, yd xarns, V bunch........ ...... BGGS, V dozen 0) & & a & & (0 23 00 0i UP ft 10 .50 UO .11 00 Mackerel, No. 1, r bbi Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl. Mackerel, Ho. 2, V bbl SCackerel, No. 2, t" half bbl. 012 0 02C U ms t 0 9(0 012 CG 0 4 50 012 0 0 4 ft & 7 .. f 00 . 800 Mackerel, No. 3, f bbl.. Mullets, T bbl Mullets, Pork bbla ...11 0 ... G 00 ...11 00 N. C. Roe Herring, V keg.... 3 GO Dry coa, r a FLOUR, rbbi-- Northem Super i Kxtra 4 Family 4 City MUls Super 4 tf 25 00 50 O 0 O 0 a 80 raniuy 4 5 eLUis r iy, GRAIN, 4f bushel Corn, from store, baga,whlta. Corn, cargo, In bulk, whits.. Corn, cargo, U bags, white.. a o 0 o o a 0 0 10 60 Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. Oats, trom store.......;...... Cow Peas HIDES. Vfc- Jreen.... ............ ......... y loa&a Eastern........ ........ ....... 1 Western....................... . North Rlvci HOOP IRON, Tk LARD.Vlb North Carolina LIME, e barrel 1 45 '0 6 10 10 fO 85 4JJ 65 0 0 1 15 0 cr. I- 00 7 3 40 a o o LUMBER, City Sawed, Y M f 1. Ship Stu3 resawed ....18 00 Rough Edge Plank;..... 15 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality ......13 CO Dressed Flooring, seasonal.. 18 00 Scantling and Board, coxa n.. 13 00 MOIJISSES, r gallon- 0 oi 021 00 00 CO 00 015 00 New Crop Cuba, in hhdo. . " " In bbls... 24 21 '.'6 a 0 0 0 O a o 0 a 0 a 0 o 0 o o 26 30 26 28 IS 35 Porto Rico, in t nds. In bbls Sugar tlouse.ln hhds. ...... " ttbbls Syrup, In bbls........ ....... NAILS, V Keg,Cut.lCd basis OILS, V gallon Kerosene.................... ujLard 22 2ft 10 yo 15 00 00 )1 45 CO 18 20 22 Ldnreea..... R3sln Tar.. Deck and Spar............. POULTRY . Chickens, live, grows...... 2 15 75 60 spring........ ... 5 CO SO 70 73 Turieys.-.. .... ..... PEANUTS V bushel 22 lbs.. POTATOES, T bnshel o & 0' 0 Sweet Irish, bbl PORKt t barrel Oity Mess....... to 50 16 OC ..'...13 50 00 011 00 014 00 Prime.. Rump... RICE Carolina. V ft ... Rough, V trasnei) Upland).... Do. do (Lowland).. I RAGS, V ft Country City. ROPE, t ft SALT, t sack. Alum........... Liverpool .................... . Lisbon........ ................ American.. ........... ........ SUGAR, ft Standard Standard A................... White Ex C 015 50 4fcO SO 0 1 00 0 1 1 0 140 70 0 0 00 0 00 0 740 ty4 1U to 1 75 65 Oi it Ex C, Golden. 0 C Yellow SOAP, f to Northern... SHINGLES, 7 In. VM Common 5 5 10 00 50 0 0 O o 0 7 2 6 7 (X 5 0 5C Cypress Saps.. cyprees iiearts... u co STAVES, t M W. O. Barrel.. 8 00 014 0C 01c 00 0 6 014 0i 013 00 0 8 5f R. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW, V ft 6 TIMBER, V i feet Shipping. 12 00 nneauu. ........... ........ .11 35 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 6 000 6 5C Common Mill 6 00 O).0C Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 O 4 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 00 0 00 North Carolina 1 00 0 2 V WOOL, r ft Washed 18 a 20 Unwashed.... ................ 15 0 20 Burrv .. .......... 10 0 15 ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any, proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send. lOcts. for lOO-page PamphJa IliivUVgrOiftl "ealSfon of more 1 123 I M i lfcifci tnAn one Handrod MM Thonswnd applications for patents in (ne umwa omies "- tries, tlio publishers of the Scientino American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-aiarka. copy rights, etc for the United States, and --to obtain patents in Canada. Js-nglana, trance. Germanr. and all other countries Their evpen ence is uneqnaled and their facilities are unjur- PDrawings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice.. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free . Patent ohtAiried throuph Mnnn AOo-ar-aoticed in the SCIEHrTLF'IC AMEKJCANAwhich haj the largest circulation and is th? most influential newspaper of its kind. published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. . ., ' . Thi large and pplendidly illnstrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 ajeajr. and admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanic. Inventions, engineering works, and Other department of industrial progress, pub Jwhed in any couatrr. It contains the names of - U palentee Sad title of every invention patented eteoweek. Try it four months for one dollar. feold by all newsdealers. . v- . . . " if yoa have an fsvention to patent write to Mann A Co pab'.j-hers of ScientiSs Amencsn, .-" Stil Broadway. Nevr York Handbook aftout patents mailed tz: l! s :r-7 I I tT I After Fortr rearaT In mi aiISCELI,ANEOUK Vilmixisrton, Colambls & Ansrnsts R. R. Co. 9 15 15 8V 6 14 5 CONDENSEMV SCHEDULE TRAINS fciOINO slUTR. No ft, I Oai!y. I excent No. 23. Dall. M! 1 I i w No n ally Dated June I9.1SSI Sunday Leave Wilmington. Lv. !.Waccamaw . I-eave Marlon...... leave Florence. .. Arrive Sumter..... Arrive Columbia. . . 10 10pm 11 ISnn. 12-3 an. 2.4am 25 pro! 1 14 pm 2 4 am 4.24 am 6 40 pm s ft pm 15 25 12 9 14. IB JO .5 ?6 2t 62U 62 14 00 4 -iiau fi.lojm ft -5 m fi-'o ami TRAINS GOING NOkTH So 16. allv. No. 7S. except No. 14. Daily. Sunday Daily. Leave Columbia... lf.25 pm 6 Vt a m Arrive Sumwr.... 11 52 pro 8 22a'...... lve Florence.. .3Sam 9 0 am 8 30 pm Leave Marion.... 5.15 an ........ 904 pm Lv L. Waccamaw 7 (2am .... ... 10 34 pm jArrice Wdmingt'n K25am 11.45 vm Nos. 23 and 7S atop at all Stations exeep 6 so Passengers tor polnu on C. R. R. C A A. R. R. Stations, AUeo Junction, au pomw neyona. sncaic late ro '5. man sieeier for Augusta on this train. 'I rains 57 xnd &6 make close cnrect!on v lorence with Trains on . & I. R. H. JOHN i!. iJiVlNJL, General Superintendent J, R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. X M. KMKRSON, General Passenger Agcn june i9 5C 75 V :the review J4 V.i- 12Vi :m mm; ! K.9 V4? MARKET STREET. NO. 112. (Ul TIRS AND WE ARB PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS. ENVELOPES NOTE-HEADS. PAMPHLET PRINTING. 33M, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MOBTGAGES, 4C, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address REVIEW JOB OFHCE, WILMINGTON. N. C The National Life AND Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, D C. HORATIO BROWNING, President. GEO. D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Manager and Actuary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. Ad Incontestible Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D., Medical Director. W. H. GIBSON, Special Acent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street. N. W men 31 ly 1887. New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. Greatest and Cheapest Family Jcumal in the United states. Always Bright awl Relia ble Kvery Nnmber an Kpitome of the cws of the World The Foreign Department is i?ncqu&!!cd I atent bud most accurate cable Specials by ihe ommerclal Cables. Fulleat Telesri.phic Rejon8 of all Cuircrit Kvento arECiAL FEtTUBES I'Tactiral Farming; articles on srlencc. Art, LIteralurc.tbe Drams, Music, hedglon. Fashions and Chess, Information on all subjects. Address, JAMES GOUDON BENHETT, New Y oik UeraM. nov30 . New York City VJovj Ready. Y"IC HAVE REMOVED FROM iHBO: l! v nd and are now readf to wait on all v b v. m favr us wito a eaU at mr New -um. U4 Nor.b ront et JlardTar. wg an Iloute Furiiinhtng Uob.ls at low prh e - ALUi:::ilAN, FLANNKU & CO., . ar j ?i ti-.v. lit H. t'iout St. liAIIoltOAUa, AX. Palmetto Railroad Co. sssr IUMLVT, N. C, STATION, June C3. 'SI yS AM) AKTUR JUNE 2iTD, TRAINS on the PALMETTO R. R will ran betwrrn the Poo Pea River. S. C, and Barolet, N. C, as follows, dally excej t Sundays: No. 1 leave Fee Dee River. 11 ir a M Na. i airlve Jlar let.".. "..i..i2 15 l m No. 2 !cav Ilki'et........ : 45 P M No. arrive Pcelce I iver.. ...... 4 45 V ( Cfcer&w k will mct Ttalr.s at terminus of Road at Pee Dee Liver. WM. MONCURK. June 29 tf Superintendent' Wilmington dt Weldon R. R AN I BRANCH ICS. CONDENSED SCllKnULKV. TRAINS GOING StUTH. c. and rail at No. 23. No. 27. Dai I v. Dated Aug. 1, o7.j Daily. t VtMallj exerpt I T.iiy. irun ay. Ix- e Weluon....! 2 v m 538 port...... Ar Rocky Mount.! 3.21 " Arrive Tarboro... Leave Tarboro.... 14 50 pm 10 5am k a J LeaFe Wtlgon 4 15pm Anjiveelma 5 24pm AnflveFayettevUle 7 55 pm Lt-aveGoldaboro.. 4 4Tpm 7T40 pir7 ......... Ix;ave Warsaw... 5 4G pm .x) am Leave Magnolia.. 6 01 um 8 38 pm 8.13 am Ar. Wilmington... 7 40 pm 9.. 5 pn- Hi.i4 a TRAINS GNG N'MixiL 9 No. 14, Dally. 15.9 pm 16 a m No. 78, Dally. J" Leave Wilmington 8.5' am 5 to no. Leave Magnolia..! Arrive Warsaw...! Arrive Gold3bo-o. 1 32 am 0 35 pro 10,49 am 0 5) ita n.?0m! ... Leave Fxycueville 8 n"r Arrvefelm... 10 .VI am Arrive Wilson 1 1 59 am' eave Wi 'aon 2.57 am 12 a pm : . . .77777. Ar.RocteyMouni 112 pmj Jt. Arrive Tarboro. .., Leave Tarboro. ..i. jl 50 vm " flrt 5 ' ai Arrive Wel ion . , J 4 2 anil 2 i 4i pmi Dally except Sunday Train on Scotland Ntck r.. M.rirh I.'riHrl Inaro. Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 p. M. Ro lulling leaves Scotland Neck at 9.S0 A. MJ iuy ejuepi. ounuay. . Train leaves Tarboro. N. Raleigh R. R. Dally except "unday. 6.0" IV X. . Sunday 5.00 p. M. arrln, Willlamstoi.. N. O., 8. 1.! P. M.. 6 40 P.M. Ketnrnln,rif.v WiUiamston, N. (.., Dally except Jun.iay, 7.4j A. M , "nnday 9.50 A.M.. Arrive Ti-it v C 9 45 A. M., 11.30 A. M ' Train rn Midland N. C. Tirana h in boro, N. C, laily except Sunday, 7.00 A. M.J arrive Smlthflcld N C, 8 30 A. M Hctm-nlug leaves ?mithUeld, N c , 9 00 a. M.. arrlvi GokUboro, N. C, 10 30 A. M. iraln on Nshvilln Knnh wr,, Mount for Nashville 4 0" v. M . arrive it Nashville 4 4D t.M.. String Hcpe 5 15 P 'm KMf.'r? ePrlD "ope r. 40 A.M.. Nashville 11.15 A. M. Rnrkc 11 r.. M.,dallv excent Sundnv Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for Jloton, Daily, excent ,-imrar nt r wi i t eturnlDglf-avee cllnmn ntrtti - m sotthbound Train on WtJson & Faycttcvlllc Lranch is No. 51. Northbound ix Vn .mi. except Sunday. w Trtln No. 27 'South will etoponly atWIlscw, Goldsboro and Magnolia , . .u ciotjo connection at wo,. poinf.,Nortn Da"7- A rail via Rhmond. and daily except Sunday via Bay Trains make c.1om nnTtnpcltAn f. .n ...i.. North vJa Richmond and Washington. All tralnp run solid hntwnm nun...... . - Washington, and have Pullman t.i.J? . era attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, r RirirvTv o General Superintendent. ' m iSi'XsPP Transportation r. M. EMERSON . Genera .Passenger Ag: t. aixpc t Cnroliiia Central K. Company. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 1. daily ex Sunday. No. 3. I May 16, 18S7. daily ex fcuadav Lav8 Wilmington 8(0 pm .iseave jtiaxton Leave Hamlet.... Leave Wadesboro Leave Charlotte.. Leave Liu coin ton. leave Shelby...... ArKutbcrfordton 11 3a am 12 50 pm! 215 pmt 2 S3 am 4 3 Z pm 17 pm 6 55 am arrive. 7 40 pm 9 10 pm EASTDOUND TRAINS. No 1 NO. 4. daily ex Sunday. May ltJ, 1SS7. dally ex Sunday. Lv. Rutherford tonj 15 am 48 &'i , leave bneioy Leave Lincoln ton. Leave Charlotte.. Leave Wadesboro. Lfcve Hamlet.... Leave Maxton.... Arrive Wilmington 07 am 02 pm 3; tm 8 45 pm 1 55 am "66 am 38 tm 20 par 05 pm xtl?' f Dd 3 mkc cU)Be connection at Maxton to and from Faytttevllle, Greencloro and other points on C.F. Y.v. k. At wififl r,.Vlh, lralE8 1 froa Cberaw.Florenca and Charleston. AtJLIocomton to and from Ulckory. Lenoir and points on C & 1. w rowuaugeRR. ar- Trains No. 3and 4 mate close eocncuion at Hamlet with Trains to and from Ra elgh Through bleeping Cars between W!iafin'u n V11 and tifiarlottcaud Iiak-igh R nnTtf9K' or Statesvliht.and Station on w N o K It and jiolnts V. vllle. Athccs Atlanu an.l all polnu sull west. Also, for Asheville via s-pariacbmg AO. 3 connects at v llrolngton with W 'r i. ij. A.O- ? . Local Freight Nos. 5 and C tl vrtekW r. tween W ilmington and lurliiburg. Loal rrclght Nos 7 and 8 m weekly be tween i anruiburg and charlotte wrt",y- Lalrctgit 9 and lo tri weekly be twwn Charktie ami Rutherford ton; No. 5, b, 7, s, 9 and lo will not late pastm- L. C. IONI&, V w hr ,wr . Smrintendent. W.CLAfiK. General Paraenger Agcni Change of Base. Jjy FRIENDS AND THI PUBLlii ARC rtspectfully notlfied.liiat I have rcved toy shops to Che-inn? street, betweea. FroM aiid Waier. Alt orders tor work la tny :,.e u. ning, reftr! 4:. Ae ; i?i te U'.c proira-il" i .1 l! No 15 I No. I Daily. PXCi'Pt I Sunday. 4v