TheDailv Review WEDNESDAY. AUHUST 31. I8tf ii.w m I 13 M n7 n p$ Id y S2S EZ3l Absolutely Pure This powder rcver varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholeaomeness. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not ir sold In cooiietltlon with the multitude of low test, short wclebt alum or phosphate powders. in cans. UovAl. Kaking I'OWUEB CO iW- Wall M. N. V oct - lv tonrm 4thr- Goldsboro Aryis: The death ofMr. da from Daralvsis in the eighty yards long. Strange to say the tie9tle over the river was intact and strons as ever. The washout was principally on one side of the trestle. The heaviest rain fell here that was ever known by the oldest inhabitant ot th section The face or the earth was hidden by water lr miles in extent. The foundation ol the track was torn s wv for a distance of eighty yards, though the workmen planted new eup ports lor the tract with greater rapid ity amf more -ase than at.the first point. thH w uter not beinj: more than three or foiir 'leet deep along the break. Nu- tuuroui other smaller washouts were repaiied. some of the plate3 being deep enough to compel the hands to hwim while working. The track was put in such.condition during . the day as to permit the passngn ot the passenger train on Snoday night. Capt VViu. Smith, superintendent of the road, su perintended the work. A Chinese Complexion. Whe. obhcr-d In o-e'of the Catieas'on race, Li iadicatlvc of bl'e In the blwd. Whi would bo yellow wr.en he ov the. can exhibit the hue of health on cfceek and brow through the aid of Ho.tcttcr'a eto-nach Rfttsrs. an antasonist at whose onset liver couplaiot takes refuge In flight. . Fur upon the tongue, nauaca sick headache, pains under the right riba and fchou'djr bl-dc, an unpleasantly odorous breith. are remediable with this henign alter aiivc. which iocs not, liko a potent cthrtic, drc ch ti c intestines or. like t fa mercurial licpaati n. contimlnatc the blood, ot only the Jiver, but the stonnach and bowels are aroiisid. toned and regulated bv this lino family medicine, which baa won theonfl dence ot the resje. able classes, not by start ling a-cen ion on IU behalf, but by trie consist- nny of the claims made for it with Its performance la every instance when testea. Aiip. Kd 53rd year ol his rtjjo occurred at nn home in this city Sunday morning at 3 o'clock He hart conducted a harness business here tor a number of years and was highly respected by all who know him. He was not a member ol any church, but belonged to the Masons and Knights of Pythias, by whom h was buried yesterday morning. Charlotte Chroniclz: The cotton mills in this section have been drawing supplies ol raw material trom tn ware houses at New Orleans. Several car loads of compressed cotton have been received here from that port. The cot" too supply in this section, it would seem from this, is pretty well exhaust ed. The Piedmont Milling Com pany was organized in this city yester day morning, by the election of the- lol lowing oflicers:T. L. Chambers, presi dent; R. M. Miller, Jr.. secretary; John W. Miller, treasurer and mana ger. The company i incorporated with a capital stock ot $10,000 A reporter look a Tip through the country lan Sunday, and noticed along th roadsides the finest fields of corn and cotton he has ever seen in Mecklenburg. The cotum is simply immense, the stalks as a general thing being from 3 to 4 feet high, thickly studded with limbs and clusters ot bolls clinging trom each limb A peculiar feature ot the present crop is the extraordinary manner in which the plants are iruit ed, the bolls being almost a numerous r. ikoioivR S, tar as could h ob served, but very liule damage ha re suited from wet weather, the lower bolls, which it was feared would rot, appearing green, and a3 plump and sound astheuppe- bolls. Even. should the lower boils fail to develop, the crop will still be largely in excess of tht of previous years. The no fence law has worked a revoluti n in the appearance of the cropsr and cotton and corn now grow so close to the roadside in places that the branches of the plants are brushed by the wheels of passtug vehi cles. The corn crop is in splendid cons dition. tho stalks present a rieh and luxurious appearance, the ears being well matured and unusually full grained- Raleigh Ntics and Ouscrvur: Uepotts continue to come in ot damage done by the extraordinar heavy rain of Satur day morning. Rand's mills, on Swilt Creek, about eighi miles south of h city, were considerably damaged. The water rose tour teet higher than it was ever known before, and impressed many with the idea that a veritable ilood was coming. Miles ol country were absolutely submerged. The dam. at the mills, which has stood the Honda and storm3 ot many year3, and which had hitherto been considered strong enough to stand any possible amount of pressure, went down with one stu pendous deafening crash. The noi.c was heard at a distauce ot two and a halt miles Tho couuty bridge below the dam was destroyed. It was a large one and stood twenty teet above the bed ot the creek, but the llood rose above it and earried it away as so much trash. The damage to the mili is Sl, ono Tho loss to the county by the des- Tbo damage to the R. & A. A. Ij r ad by washouts on Saturday prevented tha regular evening trains on thfit day from leaving ihi-i city. for Hamlet. It was not known at first what damage bad beeu done. It did not amount to much iu dollars and ceuts, but there were a dozen breaks ou the road, any of which were suilicient to stop a train. The first one, going from Raleigh, was at Shaddock's Creek, near Haywood, where tho massive stone work of a culvert gave way and made a break of about thirty feet. At this point the track is titteen feet above the bottom of the creek, but the water roo autli cientlv high to run over the traci t n dnnth of two feet and ;roln cnHmirtrn:i it tor a Ol1 tance of two hundred yards. Un bat nrdiv mornin?. two trains from Ham let ran through water six inches deep at this point for over a hundred yards. The water had just risen at that time, and continued to rise until the track r w nnvered two teet deep. It fell only eighteen inches in twelve hours, and it was not until Sunday morning that the work of repairing could be commenced. Repairs were effected" here by building high pe4a ot railroad ties, floating them down tJ the swinging portion of the track pver the washout-and sinking the rn under the rails by means ot rail- road iron. Tbcsa pens were made sta T -zr nr. J l?rr:': gare ternporary CO M. Iti fcJKC 1 J c WILMINGTON MAKKKI August 31 .2 30 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 29 cents. Sales of receipts at quota tions. ROSIN Quiet at72 cents for strain ed and 774 cents for giod strained. TAR Firm at $1-30. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at SI. 10 for hard. 175 for yellow dir. and virgin. CO 'TON Dull The following are the oflieial quotations: Ordinary. 6; good ordinary 7 13-16; low middling 8g ; middling 9; good middling 91 No sales reported. Receipts today: Spirit-, 211; rosin. 927; tar. 124; crude, 2; cotton, 107. MISCELLANEOUS. To the Public. T IflK UND&R-dGMKD, WHO Hi8 BEEN engaged in the Clothing and Gentlemen's Fur nishing Business in this city for nearly twenty years will within - a few weeks remova to new, large and commodious qua? lew on North front street, and he takes this opirt unity of thanking his many kind friends ard pi Irons for the liberal patronage he has so long received at their hands atd to aifcurc them that la the future he will use bis beet endeavors to please them and reta'n their val ued custom. Kespectfully, MISCELLANEOUS I. SHRIEK. -O- In a short time I will go North, not for the purpose of replenishing my stock, but to buy an Entirely New and Elegant Line of &oods for the Fall and Winter Trade I Opened October. 9.22 lor ProVtKIOUN illMl CotKMi. Chicago. August 31. 2:30 p. m -Wheat market opened at f8i and closed at OS for September Opened at 70j and closed at 70.J tor Osto ber. Corn closed at 4'i for September. P.rk none quoted. New Yokk, August 31.2:30 p. m. Cottou opened at 9 44 and closed at il for Adjust. Opened at 9 33 and closed at 9.39 for September at 9 21 and closed at 9 27 for Opened at 9.16 and closed at November MAKINK NlfiWh. ARRIVED Steamer 1) Murchison. Smith, Fay- ! etteville. Williams & Murchison. Steam yacht lxnusfc, Snell. Smiths ville. Master Schr Jas Ponder. Lynch. Philadel phia, (eo Harriss& Co. CLEARED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. Steam yacht IjOUIs.. Snell, Smith ville. Master Haytieo brig Les Trois Souers, Cox. Antigua, E G liarker & Co. Ger barque Charlotte and Ann, Meyers. Cork, E Peschau & Wester man n. Italian baruuo Dorodea M, Maresa. Bristol. Eng. Paterson. Downing & Co. EXPORTS FOKKKJN Antigua Haytien brig Les Trois Souers 270.000 It lumber. 52,000 shin gles. Bristol. Eug Ital barque Dorodea MfiSl casks spirits, 3,175 bbls rosin. I have but a small part -of Inst Win ter's slock on hand now. having man aged to cleanii oat last Winter and Spriog, but I have a lair line of Sum mer goods in the way, which Must and Will be Disposed of I I do not want to carry a dollar's worth of old stock to my new quarters, if it can possibiy be avoided. I have no room f"r it there and have deter mined to get rid of e verything before I move. My goods have been marked down t almost nominal prices, aud I am offering Extraordinary Inducements t Cash Buyers ! -o I will refuse no reasonable oiler and I, guarantee everything just as it is rep resented to be when sold. Come and see the goods and the prices, but do not buy unless yon find it is to your advantage to do so. I. SHRIEK, The Old Reliable Clothier. aug 18 114 Market Street. ONLY FIRST-CLASS GESTLEMEVS FURNISllUG 1HI11SE, in town. DICK & MEARES, aug 27 12 S. Front St Grain Cradles, Grass Blades and Snaths, j-AAVN MOWHR3, &C. Full stock at bottom prices. au 2J W. K. 'SPBIWGKB & CO., 19, 22. 23 Market i?t. rightsviile, RLC -o- Seaside Pleasure & Comfort -o- 'AGlNiTTKS -O- K HAVE REMOVED OUtt ENTIRE STOCK OF WILL LEVVK, W1L U.30 p m and ti p. m. Liquors and Tobacco -TO- No. 18 Market St., VyilEliE WE SIIJULl) BK I'LEASKD TO UAVE OUR FRIEND3 AND CliTOlIEKS OALIj on us, SOL. BEAR &ttCO. i - aug 26 tr New Crop Cuba Molasses. gECOND CARGO, . 554 Hogsheads. 66 Tierces, ovr linain? ex American Schooner 'Urati- us,'airccs irom uatanzas. W m lug ton, at 8 a. tn RETURNING, LEAVING WRIGIITVILLE at 7 p. m. and 7 a. m. Round trip to Sound anil Reach and return to Wllmlngtou, only 65 ccnife. Parties of four or more will le carried to the Beach for 5 cents lach. Wc have erected a Reach House with rooms wheic parties can bcduopllcd with Bath Suits, Towels, f fesh waier and other convenience s W. II. STOKLEY., ED. WILSON MANNING. iuly2Utf Cotton is Coining In, jND THE MEECUANTS WILL SOON 6 have to lay In their stock of BLANK BOOKS and OFFICE STATIONERY. We have fine stock of everything In this line and we are prepared to serve you at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. C. W. f ATES. aug 19 Wholesale and Retail Stationer The Only Complete Stock OF HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC MED ICINES is THE CITY. Tji'MrHKKY'S Homeopathic 64mp:es n uurnuKi's Cash IB. ouse. MISCELLANEOUS. For UMPHKEY-S For sale, very low by WORTH & WOIfl'H TJ o w T2 g a d y . l-fi: IT AVE REMOVED FRO II THE OLD Specifics. Veterinary ttpecuics, and Humphrey's $5,C0 package of No JAS. D. MJTf, the Drugxlst, aujr 23 2iS N. Front St. Douglas & larborough. pASniON ABLE HAIR DRESSERS , AND BARRERS, 1(3 IfarketSU Wilralrrton. N. C. EV.on fully rr.'piMI with all the latest 1m- 116 Market St., -o- Millinery and Fancy (Jq0 jt GO TQ Reliable l A LA Cheap I Fashi RGE STOCK TO SELECT S NO. 118 MAItKKl HTUKK 1 "1 A. A. I . J . J W A liberal discount to the irnde MEW -BARGAI THIS WKEK. A large variety different styles DRESS GOODS 5c per yard. 3t-Inch BATISE. So per yard. Best DRESS GINGHAMS, 8c pf r yd. Good SATEENS, worth 25c for 1 2ic. WHITE GOODS. 8, lO, l'Ji. 1G and 1 8c per yard. LINEN TOWELS trom lOcup. TABLE DAM ASKS' trom 25c up. PARASOLS Sateens, from 40c up ' ALPACA from 50c up. REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES and a large LINE OF LACES, which we have not had room to show so far this season. At Very Low Pr.iCES GAiliiE MERINO UNDERWEAR, brides h full assortment of DRES AND FANCY GOODS. GLOVES. MITTS. HOSIERY. CORSETS.ROBES. & FLOUNCINGS At prices that will please everybody. 116. Market Street. O r the soun N AND AFTEltTHE ?4TH OF AUC1CST WAGONETTES Will lea-ve for the Roun.l at 2 IV M. an l 5. 30 P. M. KcturninK leave tho ound at l.i ) A. M. and 0 P.M. T. J. ROUTHERLAND, 1 1 021 EkcSESsJ .. :'.. 1 - St- C fh &A S 9 s 1 i t : - i isuac T. Ai((.r: r4. QOMMISSIOSI 2UKUCHANTt J4 4 o jut. JOB OFFICE,: MARKET STRKCT. NO. (DJ TIH cv Jit j i j i :J ' j i Jyy u 1 1 iti A2YD V7E FKFPA RED TO DO AfLI, " MANKSH GF- v nmma Ooiu..,. llmWr am KHr ist a iyantage. Av'tRi The Acmi MANTIFAOTUfilun IE IE. II! i.II!WIfi:i -WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCUIjARS, ; CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, , ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS. PAMPHLET PRINTING. TAGS, LAND-DEEDS, 7 MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS. -STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, fcC, CALL ON US AND ORTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address ' - . ' REVIEW JOB OFFICE, .VILMINGTON. ti. C au: 4 LIv. ry asd J-'ale RtankM. No8 10S & W North oi-.o'.! M SFEOIALTIE -o- A PERFECTLY PURE CREAMERY BUTTER, A- PERFECTLY PURE ARTICLE OF LARD. AND A PURE FAMILY FLOUR. -o- The CUTTER is of HIGHEST grade, fully flavored, and Is receivtil FRESH EVERY WEEK. ' " The LARD is the ce'tbrated Cassard PURE LARD, equal to any N. C. Lard ever offered. The FLOUR Is the celebrated "PAROLE D'flONEUR" brand. 1 can GUARANTEE all the above as Per fectly Pure, of Kxcettent Flavor, and Healthy, nd would recommend their use in every fam ily in the City of Wilmington and vicinity. All orders promptly trended to. Telephone No. OS. ' Jno. L. Boatwriglit. julylO , 15 A 17 So. Front Street Tlie National Life AND ; Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON. D C. : o HORATIO BROWNING, President. o GEO. D ELDR1DGE. V T Secretary." Manager and Actuarv. Lite Insurance at A bsolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. ' . An Inconteslible Policj. Matnrity Value in Cash at Fixed Aae. , Annual Cost Absolutely-Limited. Only Fur Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years.. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. I)., Medical Director; W. II. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Office, 1.215 F Street. N. W, mcb 31 ly THE STAR, A ewspaaer Bupiortlrg the Principles of a Democratic Administration. Published in the City of New York. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, Ed. A Prop'r. Daily, Weeklt and Sunday Editions O HE WEEKLY STAE, FerVilizers, plP,e Woo Pino Wool Malticg ." r-' WILMINGTON j .fJMIB REPUTATION OF OCR j. ZKUS, the AUSIE and GM, b fc J llehed, and the rcsHia of three y! i bo handa of ttc ben far t ers 0f Wi er Stuc fully , tost their Taftie J grade manure : j The M&TTIXU. tn. u ,li .1 irjia uie our na lveilrc. has alKdj ttittli larlty lor - comfort nd dtrebiiity any wool carttt. ' an t the dtaBd daily Increa log. It hmirmegeot any ot bcr fabric. ' The F1BKK or WOOL 1, elto for uphoUtcriog purposes, aid si mattrtB&es I3 almost equal to talr.t elastic and proof against latectf ; Cenlllcates frcm reiiallo parte goods can be seen at our offict, mailed npon RpplicnUon. ; 7T 188?.. Harper TFt; 1 Excelsior Lime. O' UR . MANUFACTURES IlAVK TAKES a high standard . We have on hand : BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL LlilK, N. C. PII O 3 P FLAT K, PH03PHATIC L.tdE, ' . COPROLITE- ANURE. These are the best and cheapest on market. T A 16-page Ne 'spaper issued every Wednesday ulcitu, ruiC) nigui, u lutuiDuug , Family Paper. it contains the latest news, down to the hour of going to press: AgricaJtural, Market, Fashion, Household, Political, ilnancial and Commercial, Poetical, II amorous and Kdlto rial, Uepartments, all under the Ulrectlon of trained jourttaiists ol the highest ability. Its sixteen pages will be found crowded with good things from beginning to end Original stories by distinguished American and for eign writers of fiction. THE DAILY STAR. The Daily Stab contains all the news of the day in an attractivetoim. Its special cor respondence by cable from London. Paris, Berlin, Vienna and JOublln, is a commendable feature. : - , " At Washington Albany, and othejr news centres, ihe aolett corrsspondents, specially retained by The 8tak, furnish the latest newe by telegraph. , , Its literary features are unsurpassed. The financial and Market Reviews are una sualiy lull ana complete. . . special terms and extraordinary Induce mcuts to agents and canvassers. tend for Circulars j: u, ' -'y. Terms of the Weekly SUr to Subscribers. , i'ree of Postage in the United States and Car a da, outsilQ the limits of si. x viiy. Per Year. Clubs rf Clubs ot Ternaa of the Dallv Star 10 Subscribers , Every Day, for. one Year (Uicluditg Sunday).-.--"."..--. ... " Dally, without Sunday , one, year.... u"1 Krery Day, six months.....--... -V fA Daily, without Sunday, six months..-,- 3 The STABr2S & 23 Korth William fef, k lan 19 v- ;?.wv;:v Yerfc . ;.The Sutton House, ; "aKEET STni 'JT, SOUTH SIDE, R .... . . r.n:.rl bv tha PUt ILLUSTRATE HABPEB'd Wekkm maintain"! ns the leading lilujtiated Dcwspi? lea; and its hold up n public etts fi ieiice was rcver stronger thaa 1 ent time. Besides the picture Wr ekly always coDtal' installs: occasionally of tto.ofthetet t day, licely illnstrated, Uh lb poems, sketches, snd papers on j current topics by the most pop&i The care that lia8 been sucrefci; ln the i aet to make Harper' aa wed as a welcome vUlior to p ffohi will not be relaxed Id the fc Harpers'Penodk Per Year: , KARPKR'S WKEKLY... HARPER'S MAGAZINE... nARPEU'S BAZAR........ HARPER'S YOUSU PE0PU-.-H ABPEBfS FBANKUa 6CiB On 5 Tear (5!i Numbers.. -Postage Free to all subscribe;- s States 01 Canada. j The Vc lumcs of the Wulb urst Nun iber for January 0. no time is menaoDed, bsc with the Number current aii OIRound, Volumes ol 2rgt ! three years back, m ceat cto be sent by mall, . potJf ; frec of expense (Pww not excecdone dollar per ro per volume. " w Cloth Cases for eackwg binding, will be sent by ma".P ceipt of $1 W each. . 4 , Remittances BbouW be: cs Money Order or Draft, wjj Newspapers are Mtwwr mcntwfthouttheexpr'6 , rkothkbs. -IJSIjj nov2. V .; V J 1887. ' Harper's IfcP, ' lUKi-Eit's MHi? tain a novel of UgJ fcf - romantic in"Sfcle ofKuRfcianllfebyKata r.ovel. CDUtled -Ag War er flumUioi tvl by " irlei-- American ur Kr, trm-haiiway P W new scries "TrUcte W Alfred PardODS.aruc er attractions. , UABFEB'S VBW 8tau$ or Canada. i The volume Jfe Numbers When no ue rcjn with toe 1 3 OOverrrLmaiur Ten.;.;................... bO ceuueacB-, ger Fifteen (and one extra to or- . . 1 rQaCx to SmgA, ... A3 I .-.ItrtlcAl. f- -.-Itrtlcal. inclusive, fto f ea. KeTTPrtt. order maw 'in - 1.1 UBKY1'"!' i Oi ftit tat ant T V