. r. DlPKS - v. jOSH T. JABIBS. TPTIOSS FOSTAGX PAH , T Six months. $3.00. Thre. .loo- One month. 35 cento. i'l be delivered by earners free P,ppei!ay part of the city. tlnebove OccbU per week. . .rites low and liberal. rjTt ,rt uy aDd 11 tali- "T.,.. their rawr regularly. f '-Ly' VEGETABLE. " H,rf w"; i ext-acrJ;nary efficacy on the flVEF.. "vf'DftSEYS, f n-.a Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR IJowel Cornplafnts. ,"1!.Ji,.Vtior. Biliousness. cii -v :V--rtiop.s, Jaundice, .-.:eHo!a Should be Without It, . ivi..;;, : p rervly for immediate us?, :! : " in ;: n n-":rof suffering and ," ,1-? ' a ad doctors-' bills. S " ' ' f hcRE IS EUT ONE cffi'V-s? LIVER RBSULATGR (res'. ' f-'!??-r- Prepared cniy by J U IHUN 3. CO., Sole Proprietor. "fjerMra W.OOO colored Knights ol Lbr. ' Oib third almost (700) of the total 250)3aits recently commenced in the Grail Court at. Sr. L mis. the Globe Ifcaumt tate3. were divorce proceeding- . . R;dprII2jard is cibtributing sev eral article on Cypress to the St. Jiroes' Gazette. The romantic island ottha Mediterranean is to be the scene ol his next novel. Tba Mississippi is lower than it has been h Mnty-five years, and only ln(xT,cz the rec.rd3 were kept has ittivlas iittle ater The drought on iuwiter shed has brought it tj this ow cmdition. Hener-d M. (J. Vaileto, the oldest nitireaon of California, will be a con- ipieaous figure in l be annual celebrat . tim at Napa on September 9. lie will ride in the precession in a cbariot which be made is 1813. Boswell Deardsley. of Notth Lan tlng.N. V., has fairly earned the title ot "Dean d the Postal Corps.. His tppointment dates back to June 23, 1-3. He was commissioned when John McLane, ot Ohio, was post-aias'.er-general. Mrs. Uagtry's mother has gone to Knjlind to see what can be done to. fr'-rd setting M '. Langtry out ot the way in order that Mr. Freddy Gebhardt may become known as Mrs. Lmgtry's fcasband. A noble ambition is that of Mr.Gebhardi's. The world's progress U marked by toe fact that while only a tew years ago. hile Stanley was in Central Africa, it 'ooktwo years to hear from him, now we get word of his raoyements in less toaa two months. The man who makes the world go round twice when it used 1,1 io round ones in a public benefactor How public opinion overbears law WM recently c iriously illustrated in a French Court. duellist was sen ced to itufrisonment. not because tohad wounded his adversary, but be ui8 be parried a thrust with his left tv!' While he 8tabed with his right. filing is illegal in Fraoce. . British telegrapn service, which Wit of the postoflice, dee1 not pay cx fties since the rate was reduced to J'Pence per ruessaze, or ab ut twelve on working expenses and -mj.000 for interest on the working Pital-in all 500.000 or $2 750.000. Th QJas Anderson of West Haven. Co, 0n- IS 9aid to hft nno rt m loaf rl . ntltsof the Mohawk Indians. He years ot aee and in a fine state of Le?all0n- Hpaai8bewasboro at iiemstead. L. I., and that he and rolher- uo ljyes at Fleming. L I mre the last of the Mohawks. SoQ f General Belknap some years JthWQUid to secure a clerkship in one hi, rtaienl9 al Washington, but UtherdUsua-Jed oim and advised !2Jta undertakp Uh wa3 honorable, Tha young "nreda job as railroad brake. ant . ,lJp4: lo ,r Now he is assia. ' smiteudcm of the road, " ' J VOL. XI The Democrats of Pennsylvania were in Convention yesterday and after a harmfnioup session nominated J. Ross Thompson lor Supreme Court Judze and B J. McGrann lor State Tn-a.su re r The i lritform is a wise one and it seem 8 io in covers the ground pretty effectu ally. . Mainly it is as follows: 1st. That we 'renew our allejjiamte to the principles anil declarations ot the platform adopted at Chicazo in 1884 w4iich Mr Cleveland, the nominee ot the party, heartily endorsed, declaring in tiis letter of acceptance: I have carefully considered the platform ad j t ed ry ibe convention and cordially ap tnrv tho same: so plain a statement of Democratic laitb ano: tho principle upon which that party appeals to irm itutTraes of tho pbople. need: no sup pleiuent or explanation." To thee principles he has faithfully adhered in a I his public utterances. We further affirm , the platform adopted by our Slate convention of I8bf and in vi"W of the existing condition .! trie public treasury we demand with empha- s that the large surplus alrtady in Uii treasary shall be used to pay ti e public debt, and that the current and unnec essary increase troing on beyond ine ne-eds of the government shall be im mediately prevented by a wise and prudent reduction of internal tnxatii n and of duties on imports, iu accoi dance with the foregoing declarations, i 2nd That wo fully endorse the ad rainistration of President Cleveland, Wise, sagac'ouf? and patriotic he has restored confidence to tho business interest ot the country, in the Demo cratic party ; has direcu-d the financial affairs of the Government wittt apt ability; has otrenglhened the public credit and thereby given us prooi oi great industrial and commercial pro perity 'I he apprehenwion in the minds ol some that the advent of our party to the control of the Federal Government would be dangerous has been dispell ed. Oiir people are niore contented and well to do than in years, and more respected than ever nefore by other nations. His period of administration' has been pure, economical and fearless, and meets the approval ot all fainuind en and conservative citizens. 3rd. We recognize the material bene fit which this country has received from immigration. We endorse the legislation of Congress against tho im portation ot contract labor, and to compel the return of paupers at d criminals. We commend the national administration for its efforts to rigidly enforce these laws, and while we are opposed to any illiberal restrictions we favor snch adnitional measures ot regulation as may be found necessary. 4th. We favor liberal pensions to rie serving Union soldiers and sailors, and refer to the action of the present admin istration in adding to the pension rolls a larger number than was ever before placed thereon within a corresponding period, while at t he same time protect ing the treasury from fraudulent claims as a proof ot this fact 5th We point with pride to the fact that since the Democratic party ha been in power, in any branch of the Fedoral Gpvernment. not one aero ol the public lands has been granted to corporations, nor has any land grant been revived or extended The sixth, seventh and eighth sec tions refer exclusively toSlate matters. 9th The Democratic party sympa thizes with the oppressed of all nations in all movements having for their objpet the attainment of the blessings of local self-government, such as are enjoyed by the people of this Union as the result of the enforcement ot Democratic pol icy. 'The granting of Homo Rule to Ireland is due. as the acknowldgement of the sacred inherited right, and the gallant struggle for the accomplishment of this long delayed act of justice under the magnificent leadership of Gladstone and Parnell commends itfelf to the moral support of the American people. It is our e rnest wish that the efforts ot these distinguished statesmen may soon be crowned with success We still hold to the ancient doctrine of the partv that the preservation of the rights of the people demands that we should look with jealousy upon monopolies and re strict corporate power within its proper sphere, and we heartily approve tne action 6( the National Administration in reclaiming and throwing open to the people for settlement one hundred mil fion acres of land, which, through arti fice and fraud, were wrongfully held by corporations, having been forfeited to the people by their failure to comply with the conditions of the grants. Don't Experiment. You cannot afford to wasto time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seemf. at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon vou with some cheap imitation of Dr King's New Dis covery tor Consumption, Coughs and CIds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you be has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be tie reived. but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which ia guar anleed to give relief in all Throat. Lung and Chest affections. Trial bot tles free at W. H.Green &Co.'s. Large bottles $1 itock Crystal Spectacles and Kyejjlasses. Advice to old and yodng: In select ing spectacles you should be cauticus noi to take more maqnifyinq jx)iver than has beea lost to the eye. as in the Bame proportion that yu pass that point of increase, will cause you fur ther injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than i necessarv is the daily canse of premature old age to im ligJtL You can get the best at HejnspergBr'd. Mill WILMINGTON N. C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Sound rgal Oof n on. E. Bainbridge Mtinday. Esq , County Atty.. C ay county, Tex. says: "Have ued Eeetnc Hitter with mo t happy result "My brother atst was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medi cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. D I. Wilcoxson. ol Hor3 Cave. Ky.. r.dda a lke testimony, saving : He: positively believes he would have died, bad it not been tor Electric Bit fers Tho great remedy will ward off. as well as cure all Malarial Diseases and tor all Kidney. Ivverand S'omach Dis orders stands onequated Price 50 ami $l. at W. H. Green & Co V LOCAL NEWS. QEX TO MEW fcOVERTlSEMEIITS. Wm k, worth a to Ice A J Dk'Iosset For Kent Wanted v Woinin of So -ec - , cotton Js Co.nlmr In 'iaylor's Hazr Ju6t lleceivcd Wm k l'EiN'OKit Co For Ue--t mkinsbkkoek's No che5K Co ka Jon? T i?cuoNWALD, M D notice J K Melton wood Beef and Lamb Wm A Willson, lax Or l lty Taxes N" llaleigh papers received here to day. We lose this month fit minutes of daylight. This month has five Thursdays and five Fridays. Full mon to-morrow morning at 58 minutes past 5 o'clock. School Books and School Stationery you can buy cheapest at Heinsberger's.f The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up I4l bales, against I bale tor same date last year. About 300 excursionists arrived this morning from along the line of the W. & W. R. R thissideol Goldsboro. Dr. J. T. Schon wald has rented an office on South Front street, and will resume the practice of hi profession in this city. Dr. A.J DeRosset offers for rent two valuable stores on North Water street, right in the heart cd the business section of the city. Driftwood has again collected at the iron bridge which crosses the Capo Fear river at Moares1 Bluff and the steam tug Miric is at work clearing it away. The Chad bourn Times has resumed publication. We welcome its pleasant face once more and hope it has now come to stay. Mr. Wm. A. Willson. Tax Collector and Treasurer, notifies the tax payers of this city that list? of real and per sonal property tor 1887 are now in his hands for collection of taxes. We would advise all our readers in need of shirts, to stops at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory and get tin best white shirts in the land at 75 cents. J. Ei.snAir, Prop . 27 Market street. Mr .Toon R. Mmu.n has Nme very fine beet cattle this week, which conies from Onslow county. It will bo offer ed on his stalls tosmorrow and Satur day. along with a lot of ot her fine meats, veal, mutton, lamb &c. A challenge rac took place yester day, at Wrightsville. over the usual eourse, between the Iihe... Capt. A. M. Waddell. A. J. Flanne Jr.. and tht Sprite, Capt. r. It wa a spirite'i con- test, the Mabel winning by just 30 seconds. The receipts ot cotton at this port for the crop ear whiuh ended yesterday were the largest ku-wn in the history ot the city, with one exception. This was the year 1SS2. when they amounted to 13? 341 bales, just 3.031 bales more than were received here last year. Col. Juo. L. Cantwell. Secretary of tho PriMince Exchange, enjoys the well earned reputation of being one of the most careful and correct statisticians in the city. He setd nu makes an error. During the past day or two ho has re vised bis entire reports for the past twelve months and has not fuaod one error in them. Indication For North Carolina, fair weather, and East to S-uth winds, except East erly winds on the coas and stat onary temperature. Sudden Death. Mr. J B. Burns, a well known citi zen of Wadesboro. and for many years nronrielnr nf n. hn'pl in that town, died sudde nly. of apoplexy, on Monday. Ilei8o; p,lch go barrels, vnlu-$3.5; lu nken early in the morning, about j m oQQ eeU Vft,OP 0 743 was taken t o clock, ana aied at I p. m. . J Headquarters for base ball supplies is at Heipsberger's. X .U Railroad Klections. It is expee'ed that the Board of Commissioners in Pender county, and also in Onslow c lunty. at their regular meeting next; Monday will order elec tions on the question of a subscription i.. the W. O. & E. C R R . the for me.r lor Grant township and the latter tor Onslow county at large. The amounts on which the vote will be takn will b" $(0,000 tor Grant town hip and $00 000 lo- Onslow county. The friends ol i he measure in the two counties neem confident thai they can c-trry the election if they can get. the. uiattfer belore-be people. City Court. The first ease called was that ot Frank Tel lair, for discharging a pistol in the city limits. He was tound guilty and fined $5. Jack Siuumons, a tramp, was order1 nd belo tor 10 days Bur Quince, another tramp received the same sentence. Two men charged with disorderly conduct wore found guilty and ordered below for 3 days. Edward Edwards was next arraigned for assault and battery. He was ad judged guilty and ordered below for 20 days. Charles Smith, drunk and down, case continued. One unlicensed d g case was disposed ot in the usual way and then the Court stepped down and out. Mr. James H. Chadbourn, Jr., of Columbus county, is in the city to day. Prof M C. S. Nobk and Mrs. Noble are in Selma, on a visit to the Pro lessor's relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wagner, of ICitiston. are in the city, the guests of Mr. E W. Hewlett. Rev. D C. Kelly, of this city, has been elected pastor of Olive Baptist Church a Greenville Sound. Mr. L. H. Meares left hpVo' last night tor a pleasure trip of a week or two in the Western prt ot the State. . . Mr. Ieopold Brunhild returned to the city last night alter a visit of two months to relatives and friends in Ger many. We were pleased to receive visits to day from Messrs. R. D. Holt and N. G Price, of Goldsboro. They came down with the excursionists this morn ing and will return to-night. Messrs. Dick & Meares, the enter prising ciothiers on North Frontstreet, hane added a customs made department to their business and last night Mr. W. E Smith, of Petersburg, an experienced cutter, arrived here to take charge of it. Police Arrests in August. The records of tho Police Depart ment show that ninety four arrests were made during the month. Of this number, twenty four were white males, fifty seven colored males and thirteen colored females The causes of the ar rest were disorderly conduct, 19; drunk and disorderly, 6; drunk, dis orderly and resisting police, 4; fighting and resisting officer, 2: fighting and disorderly, 6; throwing stones in streets. 9; stoning police and rescuing prison er. 3; common nuisance, 1; insulting policeman while in discharge of duty, 1; arsested on suspicion. 2; drunk and down, 4; affray. 1; assault, 4; assault and battery, 3; keeping unlicensed dog, 11 ; larceny, C; blockading streets, 2; asleep on street. 6; nuisance. 1; tramp, 1; discharging weapon in city limite. 1; lunacy, 1. Dog Collars. Large assortment just received. Can buy a nice collar from 25 cents up. at .! acoiu's Hdw. Depotf. Kxports in August. The total value of foreign exports lroui this port tor the month of August is $103,710; as complin from the books at the Custom House, is as fol lows: French West Indies Lumber, 725,- 000 feet, valued at Sll.S'Jfi. Germany Rosin, S.OlVI barrels, val ued at $3,239. England Rosin. 5,216 barrels, valued at 5.133; spirits turpentine. 145 881 gallons, valued at $43 614. British Wes: Indies; Lumber. 272, 000 feet valued at $4 772; shingles, 52, 000, valued at $157. Hay ti Lumber. 92.0UO te l. valued at $1,170; shingles. 70 (XK). valued at $390. Russia Rosin. 3,850 btrrels. valued at $4 126. Porto Rice. Tar. 40 brr-!. yalue tii- Inland Rosin. 92 barrel, value 750; spirits turpentine. lODOtG gal value $35 000. 1 1887 MO 20S At '12 15 o'clock to-day an alarm ? fire was sent in from box. 35. corner Eighth and Market-streets. Tne fire was discovered to he on the roof of -i one story frame building. No. 19 D street, owned a.-d occupied by Ellen Anderson, colored. Tho only damage was the burning of a tew shingles. The fire department were promptly on hand but their services were not re quired. Cheap Ice. Messrs W. E Worth & Co. have gone back to first principles and will hereafter sell ice. delivered, at one-halt cent per pound. when tuken in quantities not less than 10 pounds at each delivery. They are enabled to do this trom the fact that they will increase the capacity of their factory to 50 tons per day. Rate3 for larger qu inflies than 10 pound delivery will be tound in advertisement in this issue. Harbor Master's Keport. From the books of Capt. Joseph Price, Harbor Master at this port, we get the tollowiog report of arrivals lor tho month of August: American Steamers. 5; tonnage 4.527; brigs, 1 ; tonnage. 328; schooners 14; tonnage. 4,196; total American. 2i vessels and 9,051 tons. Foreign Barques, 5; tonnage. 2.065; brigs 2, tonnage. 463; total foreign 7 vessels and 2,528 tons. A grand total of 27 vessels and 11,579 tons. Meteorological. Mr. F. P. Chaffee, Signal Officer at this point, reports as follows for the month of August: Mean barometer 29.946; highest, 30 17, on the 9ih : low est, 29.51, on the 24th ; mean tempera ture: 77.4; highest, 95, online 13th; lowest. 55.6; on the 30lb; monthly range, 39.4; greatest daily range. 22; on the 31st ; least do. 5 C, on the 24th.; mean daily do. 14.4; mean dew point 73.6; mean daily relative humidity. 86; prevailing direction of wind, S. W.; total movement ot wind, 5.115; highest velocity, direction and dale. 28, N. E., on 19th ; total precipitation. 9 88 inches ; clear dys, 11 ; fair days, 16; cloudy days, 4; thunder storms on the the I3tb I6tb, 18th and 27th More Mail Facilities. A moyement is on foot, started bv a prominent commission house in this city, looking to the establishment of a night way mail on the Carolina Cen tral R. R. in addition to the day mail now in existence. A petition to the Postmaster General was circulated to" day and extensively signed here acd blank copies have been sent to various points on the road, suggesting that the people there sign it also. The mail asked for is a matter of great impor tance to the business interests ot this city, as well as those of residents along thline between this city and Chariotte, and we believe that it will be estab lished. Cotton. The new cotton crop year begins with to-day. The receipts at this port for the year 1886 foot up 134,307 bales, as against 101,537 bales for 1885, an in crease of 32,770 balee. Receipts for the crop year ended August 31, 1885, were 94.054 bales. Receipts tor the crop year ended August 31, 1884, were 91,701 bales. Receipts for the crop year ended Au gust 31, 1883. were 128,621 bales. Receipts for the crop year ended August 31. 1983., were 137,341 bales. Receipts for the crop year ended A no-net 11 ICQ? lie V I it U- 1, .. Receipts for the crop year ended August 31, 1880, were 78,889 bales. Receipts for tho crop yea ended August 31, 1879, were 108,518 bales. Beceipts for the crop year ended August 31, 1878, were 123,374 bales. Receipts for the crop year ended August 31. 1877, were 113,461 bales. 4 Receipts for the crop year ended August 31, 1876, were 83 120 bales. Rpceipts tor the crop year endin August 31, 1868. will be did you say? -how much An Un rivalled KcorI Allcock's Poicous Plasters have proved the bet,'satest. and moat ef fectual remedy for Spinal Conipiaintf Incipient Consumption, Diarrtie, Pleurisy. Asthma. Bronchitis. Epilep sy. Lumbago. Debility. Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica. Loss of Vigor, Oropsy. Paralysis. Loss ot Voice. Hysteria, Nervousness. lodieestioo. pAlpitatidn. You will find hoes, forks, shovel, spades, scythes, swaths and arm: rig toolg of all kind , JkC('? How" villi r ctAd w rrtl- co-anc-aaiciCo . Iroa nnr frtcada on any a ii aatjj frcBcraltn threat b-ct T3aamof t! wr.ur mnaniwaya'c tetai to um Editor. caBtd3o; taa papex. -?r5oajLlUlc toast tK arctdaa ; tjsi ixi 9Hpecil!y ma pattlftaijxir m "Kvi hat the eiHoy Sot oci ir ri : vTievra of corrt-5yorjle,r )sff lt i n rlttcrt! oIiTr.ta.' i NkTvV ADVERTISEMENTS. STANTEL A VOM N OF Sv.SK, KK- erxv an 1 resicuUidt'- fj i-ar business in Lcr i. callty -l.ry abmt fj) per rr th. l-trfT',ii'nt p'fsHi-n tcferencca given aod exacfe . " H. BAtsiuiiDOE, Miinicr, 32 heado t , K. Y. gept I aw4w ihZ yj ti J It Sl'ECT FCl.ik IMFOUM MY iVlEKPS anvl the pubtlc that I Laro reeunud the prc-( ti'e of &ifcClcsTm and Jsurprery In tbl.e.i y, ' flico No. , South Frant Mrect. 01tte honra S :0 to 9.: 0 a. m., I to 2 p. m. and U :5D to 3i p. m. sei.tl 2i JOIl -i T. SCIIOKWaLD, M. D City Taxtfs. rjlllS ItoOK CON1 :MN1NH THE LISTS ot the Kealand Perso-al Property and Folia fcr t c year 1SS7 has lcen placed In my har.dy for the eollecdon of the Taxes on tne luiue. WM. A WIL1AON, Tax' Col'ccfar an 1 Treasurer, eept.l 4t fept 1, S. 15, 1 , . For Rent. PIFTl-XWa rooms. VX.p'1f Apply to I'i'gvg-' 6Ppt 1 tf WM, E SFKINOElt A CO. For Rent. 5 IttOM OCT. 1, 18I-7, aTOltE .JCo. ' "x -oS, North -Water St., now occupied J ti !f by Morris Jar & lJroa I'm't'a Store So 112, Nortn Water ?t,,now on- p'cd by-Harding Johnson. JHp)dy to se;t 1 liw 2w th A. .J. Dr.HOSPET Good Beef ami Lamb. iO THOSE WHO CAN APPRECIATE UDOD IJEEF and LAMli will find It at Stalls' Sos:iaKd3, Front Mrect Cartel. Having just received a line lot of Cattle a'xsd Jtninba v from vlr-K N. Summerslll, of OnaJow county, I am r.r.epared to furnish line Aleatp, lin, fat,' juicy and tender, and Jas, tiiough not leat, I ' give sixteen ounces for a pound. :ne Jnd examine for youf-f U. sept 1 2t .J it. Call and boo MELTON ICE. ICE. ICE, N VIEW OF THE FACT TIF AT WE IS-: t-nd rnlargitgour plant, ard shall noon have the capacity to furnish FIFTY TONS OF ICK DAILY, wc have deciJeil f reduce ihP price , to the Cgurer, wc originally intended rx-llinsr at. On and after to-day we will furnish ICK, deltvf ro I twice a day, at following ratef :. IA t Pounl, each delivery, y, cent AV.lu "v tor nound. "I (f Ponds, each delivery, 4 0 rente per !C0 v v pounds. Large ciuahtitles at lower ritcn. We trust that the above pricen will be eat Ie factory to the community, " - WM. E. WORT'II & CO. Bept 1 tf th gat Just Eeceived. A NEW LOT OF DARK STRAW HATS, FOR EARLY FALL TRADE. Regular Price 50 Cents, WILL SELL THEM FOR Twenty-Five Cents this Wee only, for -AT- iTaylor's Bazar 11S AlAKKETSr., ecptl Wllmlt too, N. C. For Rent rjICE SIORE AT PRESENT U3EII hs our Retail Crockery Dejiirt men t.j?i? Li0s;es8loa given Oct 1st. f'i'i-l'Tj : aug 31 GI ES & lICRCniiON. Carol ina Beach. , rUK PASi-PORT WILL IJCAVE TOR CAROLIN A Ui H every week day at 9nd except r!Uy acd Katurday, when cvfS boat leave- at .2u. Train rciurutne leVvM At lhnrpiinit m. t. . ... ilnue to make her regular trip on rxiuflay. taoBily Lxcorsob, with mv-nwSby Jialian t.ctj Jeremy ani aturav' J. W H At'UVlf -t --0 Notice f Notice ! ! AM :OTFUlSQ A LARGE A&t AS- rted stock of TOUACCO AN!) CIGAF' " wni:h 1 am eiling at ranutacturlr vr'.tS Ift;tl. j'A wld nl It t ihtir a'lvantace to ex. amine fcftinw l(orc orch.sing e'fcwui ro , hA.MI. ItEAK. If