A WONDERFUL PHENOMENON. TTi Celebrated "Walking ITFan" and IVlir He Keeps Ooinsr A Warn Insr others. At Mill Grove, Ind., lives John Snider, the Walking Man." In he felt muscu lar and nervous exhaustion, a strange rest lessness, general uneasiness, and the only relief he could fret was by constant walking. For twenty -eieht months he has tramped in a circle around and around his house, rest ing only four hours each day. and it is esti mated he has covered more space than the circumference of the elobe. ile has at tracted universal attention, been visited by hundreds of curiosity seeicers, and J has really become a public character. riis nervousness has shown itself in walking; other people's nervousness acts in other ways. Sometimes the person is rest less, trembles. has- nervous head aches, a sinking at the pit of the stomach, a loss of appetite, inubilitj' to sleep, fore bodings, and general exhaustion. At other times irritability, peevishness and fault finding are felt and life is a fearful trial. When these things come on some thing must bo done, or this nervousness will lead to insomnia, insanity, or death. Many people take morphine, opium, or nar cotics; but they only deaden the nerves for the time being. What people need is to as sit Nature a little, and Nature itself will restore the nerve-tissue and bring health and strength. The best researches of modern scientists have proven that there is nothing for this purpose equal to pure spirits, and no spirits so reliable and valu able as Dulfy:s Pure Malt Whiskey. An authority on this subject, being no less than the well-known I)r Caldwell, who treats (nihj nervous diseases, says: In typhoid and nervous exhaustion I know of no reuwdy to approach or equul Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey to ltrid;." over : crisis or mend the broken cup of health in an emergency of immediate danger. This may be said of alcohol in general, were it not the fact that many of our whiskies are so sophisticated. These impurltiea are in the Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey entirely absent, thus affording a pure and safe stimulant, a true tonic. JOHN D. CALDWEI,!., M. D., Neurologist SO N. Charles St.. lialtimoi-e, Md. All people have nervous exhaustion at times, but only those who are careless per mit it to continue. When it does continue it runs into the worst known troubles, which make life a burden and death a re lief. People who allow this are alone to blame, for it is comparatively easy to over come, and can be absolutely controlled. By the use of the pure stimulant (but not in toxicant) above named, these fearful thing9 may be avoided, and health and happiness succeed to sickness and misery. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY Is Sold Only in liottle. Price SI.OO. For sale by Druggists. (4rocers and Dealers. Persons East of the Rocky Mountains (except the Territories), unable to procure it from their Dealers can have Half Dozen sent, in plain ease. unmarked, express prepaid, by remitting jo to The Duffy Malt Whiskey C. Rochester, X.Y. MISCELL NEOUS 3" OTEiEST MEN Manly Vigor, Wnknof-s nrjyvssof JTcmory r r.ii;.iilJy res-tore J y the. t:o of an entirely i" v, trn:iflr. Xlie 'vjjl Kama, from Prain. iSrn' h Trochees never fsisl. trated.5Jpn liol irvl testimonial!, (sent m. .:. .-'rv inrji E.iouit Vad iU VON C.'JAF.F 1 iiOCISKK C O., VJ Pari JS:et.. Aew 1 oi k. feh 21 d eod Aw ly W UNDEVELOPED vt the body enlarged and strengthened. Full particu lars (sealed) free. ERIK MED. CO., Buffalo, N. ' may6dweodly Vlanhoo RESTORED, Ttemerfj Free. A victim of youth! u. irui)nidencernsinr Prema ture Decay, Jiervus Debili. tv.LostManhood.&chavinB led in vain every known remedy, has diworered i iuple self-cure, which he will wmd FltEE to hii sllowr.ffererw. Address C J. MASON, I'ostomce Box 3179, New York City oct 2 eod d&w ly YOU: can ilvc at homo, and make more monev at work lr us. than at any thine e fc In the worM CaiUal not 1 needed ; you are started free. Uoi h sexes; .ill a?ea. Any one can io work. Irsce eamlnisB euro from the lirst ktart. i ostly outfit anl terms free. Better uot delay. Costa ycu nothing to send un your Eddreea and find out; If yon are wise you wll lo float onee. II. Hai.lktt & o. Portland Maine. le 1 linv! lyv 100 A WEEK. LADIES OR GKNTLEMEN DKSIUINCi pleasant profitable emplovment write at once. We want yo i to handle an article of domestic use that recommends ltHelf to every one at slpht. STAPLE A Kl.oUit Sells like hot rakes. Profltfl 300 per rent. Fami lies wishing to practice ecoaomv should for their own benefit write for particulars. I'sed every day the year roun In cvrry liouifoliol 1 Price within reach of all t;lrcul:irs fr.e Asrents receive SAMPLE KUEE. Addrees 1K.MESTIC MVl I'O.. 25 eol tl Aw Cm Marion, Ohio- E STAR', A ewapaaer suppjrtlrcr the Principles of a .democratic Administration. Published m the City of New York. WILLI AM IM)USIIEIMEK, F.d. A Prop'r. EmnoNS DAILY. WEEKLY LN1 O- 8UNIAY THE WEEKLY STAR, A IS-pajre Ne rppaper issued every Wednejday A Clean, Pure, Hrlght, and interesting Family Paper. it contains the latest cews. down to the hour of golnn; to press: Agricultural, Market, Fashion, Household. Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and tento rial, ticpartment. all under the direction of trained jonatits of the highest ability. Itr sixteen pages will be found crowdrd wl;r. jrood things from beginning to end Origlx.! stories by dtstlajruLshed American and for el.n writers of fiction THE DAILY STAR. Thb-DaIL Stak contains all the news of the day in an attractive fo m . Its special cor Tespondence by cable from London. Paris, BerUn, Vienna ami Dublin, is a commendable feature At Washington, Albany, and other news centres, the ableFt correspondents, specially retained by The star, furnish the latest news by telegraph. Its literary feature s are unsarpassed. The financial and Market Reviews are unu enalty full and conpleio. special terms and extraordinary Induce ments to agents and canvassers. tend for Circulars. Term of the Weekly Star to Subscribers. Free of Postage In the United States and Can ada, outsii the limits of N. Y City. Per Year Clubs of Ten .- V Clubs of Fifteen (and one extra to or- ganixer of Club) 15 Terms of the 4)ally Star to Subscribers. Every Day, for one Year (Including - Sunday) Dally, without Sunday one year.... 6 KveryDay, six months... 3 Dally, without Srinday, six months..... 3 IffB STAB. 20 2SJ North WimaraPt.. jan 1 Newport U . W tS'rf i ;. i a, ia. , im'.. r The Daily Review; JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 187. r.tart'.'- s.( trie Postom?e at Wilmington. N. C. as second-class matter. Thirteen consumptive pationu in Aibfiny. N. Y. have been treated after Bergwn's method without success. Tw' physicians in reporting the caes for "Mtdica! Annals" tate that after a fair trial, lasting Irom a fortnight to a month, the treatment was abandoned. No good results followed, .and the patients suflered so much annoyance 'from the gaseous enemata that they begged for the discontinuance of the treatment. The Berceon method is mst emphatically condemned by these physicians, who seem to have made an honest effort to test its fficiency. This will be bad news lor consumptives who were hoping that a permanent cure tor phthisis had been discovered. The war department has received an : ffirial continuation of the statement recently published that Lieut. F J. A. Darr, one ol the instructors at the Military Academy, had eloped with ihn wife of his brother professor. Lieut John R Totten The story, when fim published, was not. believed at army headquarters. When Lieut. Totten came out in a published card denying the truth of the charges made against his wile every one sympathized with him A letter was received from the lather of Lieut. Darr at the war de partment a lew days a?o, asking tha the acceptance of his son resignation be revoked, upon the ground that he was temporarily deranged. The de partment informed his lather that his request could not be granted, as the parties were out of the country. In formation comes to the Hepartmen from West Point to the eilect that Lieut. Darr and Mrs, Totten have gont to South America. A sad teature tbeelopment is that Mrs. Totten was about to become a mother when ehe lied with Lieut. Darr. The Newport correspondent ot ih" New Yrk World says: "Hafdlv ha the goss ps ceased discussing ihe Fre ftlay escapade when the Dukeof Marl borough dropptd down into the Ocean House ana society was stirred to its very foundations. A duke is a duke and, although this duke is not received in the best houses in England, or even in th second best, with such cordiality as his rank entitles hiru to expect, ii; Newport the title- worshipper not onlv wink at his wickedness, bat run to met t bim and tall at his ieet. Mrs. Paran Stevens cailcd upon his Grace at the Ocean House with all speed, and in stantly transported him and his be longings t the privacy of do eslic life at Marietta Villa, over the way. She met him at the Casino on Monday evening and introduced him right and left to matrons and to maids, with whoai he capered in the dance. On Wednesday evening she gave an infor mal dance. About one hundred people were invited, most of them verbally, who accepted with alacrity, delighted to come into such close contact with so illustrious a nobleman. Mrs. Stevens U quite indignant that the dance should be announced as given for the Duke. It was. she says, for Miss Pasret, who is still with her enjoying Newport, though not taking it by storm. Like most young English women of her position she is amiable find unaffected; but she doesn't scintillate socially. So the Duke is fairly launched, and, will be dined, wined and feted, morals or no morals. What! snnb an undoubied Duke an unmarried Duke at that? Not Newport. The Geolets give him a dinner. So do the Burdens, who have now ns a guest Miss Eleanor Winslow, the Boston belle. The excessively hot summer has af fected the Italian theatres most disass trousiy. , recent performance at the Teatro Perzana of Milan was attended by forty persons, and one at the Teatro Fossati by only fourteen, while the Commeoda had to be closed on ope evening for lack of an audience, an oc currence which had nut taken place in seventeen years. " I Fei Well." I want to thauk you for lelling; me of Dr. Pierced "Favorite Prescription," writes a lady t her Iriend. "'For a long time I was untit to attend to the ork ol my household. I kept abont, but ! felt thoroughly miserable. I had terrible backaches, ar.fl bearing down sensations "across me and was quite weak and discouraged. I sent ami go some of the medicire alter receiving your letter, and it has cared me. hardly know myself. I feel so well. There are words that strike even har der than blows, an I men may speak daggers though they use none. Pcroiml. Dear Bro. Meek. Ed. "The Central Methodist." Catleiisburg Ky. 1 see in the last "Central" that yon want a sick headache remedy. I gut tered from sick headache, almost from infancy, and tried every remedy I could get, but never found anything to do me good until I used Simmoos Liver Regulator. I feel tor anyone that sufferers with that terrible disease, and I hope you will give it a trial. U. S. Mourns, Brownsville, W. Va. In Brief And To The Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver in misery, lnuegesuwi is a toe to good nature. . . . whichought not to be. have made the A.rinr .P a nation of dyspeptics. But (irefiv Augnst Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming thi? sad bois.H-8 and making the American ne-ple sr. bealthv that they can enjoy their nieais and be happy. Remember No happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dys - peptic Ask sourdruggist forabot'ie Seventy-fiv! cents. SKPTKM15i:iC SQUIBS. The most pushing man is the man who givs momentum to a hand-car CJood'i'Ps Sun. Nothing so completely upsets a man as to trad upon a small reel of cotton at the top ot the stairs. A "Danville boarder said they fed him so much boiled beei ihat he wi3 ac tually ashamed to look a cow in the face Danville Breeze Toe broiicd chicken on the bill ' flare at the summer hou:i i oo, often like the sauje fowl when it erorgea Irom the sbeli -Just out." Boston Buh'din Bi ling and cooing is a wry favorite amu-emer t with young courl-s- The wife hrinfes in the bilU and tiie hus band coos over them. Free Press. llev. Dr. Tursey state that be can marry a couple in eighty seconds, and it is awful to think so much damage cm to done n such a brief limy- Bos ton Her. There i3 a mm io Indiana who takes thirty-two newp tpers. and you might as well try to ride a whirlwind on a sidesaddle as to attempt to impose upn hat man. Sifli'-gs. 'Taint every pull can be a pullet, Arid every bull can'r b a buliet. But every bullet bull let in. Will surely ptove n hu.le in. And mny serve for a b in OoodaWs San. Hoiress I am afraid it is jio lor DJe 'ha: you nc ofi'-il, but. i-V os" moruy Ardent Woer "'You ar crml to say ho How can I yet your oomey witnout trettinir you J" Boston Courier. If you sr u a bahl-lieadrid man with hand uplifttd in ?n expectant piM he is not about to takf lhn O.tth "I office, nor sitting for nss pienre He is just waging W)!ojish tr-nt tly when he lights again. -Goodalfs Swi. Though woman, with her pleading voice. NeVr vaunts ol her conn:) and. Her arts she ekiifully empioys To rule turoiinout the Litd. And men must ail acknowledge. Aithough the lact they rue. The band thai r cks th cradle Retains the night-kev too Washington Critic. Don't disgu3t cv. i yhody by hawking, blowing, and spitting, but use Dr Sags's Catarrh Remedy and be cured. Fourth round of Quarterly Meetings tor the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South: Elizabeth circuit, at Eiizabetbtown. Sept. 10. 11. Topsail cirsuit, at Union, Sept 17, 18. Southport. Sept 21. 25. Ciinton circuit, at Goshen. Oct 1. 2. Duplin circuit, at Kenansville, Om 8, 0. Onsiow circuit, at Tabernacle. Oct 15. 10. Magnolia circuit, at Magnolia, Oct 22, 23. Biaden circuit, at Windsor, Oct 29 30. Carver's Creek, at Sbiioh, Nov 2. 3. Waccamaw circuit, Salem, Nov 5. (J. Cokesbury circuit. Sov 12 13. Brunswick circuit. Nov 10 20. Whitoville circuit. Nov 20, 27. T. W. Guthrie. P. E. Bucitleirg Arnica Salve. The Bkst Salve in the worl i for Cuts, Bruise?:. Sore?. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piics, or nc pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or aoaey refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W H. Gren & Co. 1 ne Out" nil ius.ou auaimus ls ' r . , c, 1 .ct.. i:0 Carrituck September 5. 1 b.l cfcery. memal worry, law boors. ! fft i" irrPBnlar hahin. nnil many other tbinSs i l0; J"?-. . HUMPHREYS' Jti 3 DE- HUMPHREYS' BOOE f Cloth & Cold Binding " I I 144 Pages, with Steel Engraving, M I BAILED FH EE. Utr--C. .-al y A(Wris. P. O. Kot 1810, K. V. USTOFPBCJCIPAI.NOS. CXTBES PRICE. 1 iFftvnr. ConpPKt.i 2lVorma. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 olCrvinZ Colic or Teethincr of Infanta . Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 Dysentery, Gripinp. Bilious Colic 25 Cholera Morbus, Vomiting.. . .25 Coughs, Cold, Bronchitis ,25 Xeuralgia, Toothache. Fnceache 25 Headaches, faick .Headache, vertico. .25 10 Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach 5 Sunnressed or lainrul Periods 25 lutes, too Profuse Periods 11 12 1:1 14 16 tti 17 Piles. Blind or Bieedinc - 19 Catnrrh, Infinenza, Cold in the Head .SO Whooping: Conah, Violent Coughs.. ,5 General Debility.Physioal Weakness .50 Kidney Disease 5(9 XerYOus Debility ($0 Urinary Weakness, Wettinsr Bd... &t Diseases of tho lieart. Palpitfilion.. 1 M 20i 24 27 2H 30i 2 SPEC I F.I C S Sold by DrapKitits, or sent postpaid on receipt, of price. Ill JUllHtlS'JUIDUliE CU. 1UU ulloa Si. Y.Sf feb 20 cod wiy nrm Worki& ClassfsWJCTJ prepared furnish Ml classes with employ: ment at home the whole of the Vjfm or for their spare moments Business new. lizht and prolitabe. Persons of either tex easily earn form "0 eents lo 5,00 per evening nod a pro p rtional sum by;aevotingr all theJr time t the bul'-ncrs. Boys and girls earn near.y as meru That all who see this my send their address and test the buslnes wc make this offer. To puch as are Dot well satisfied wc will eend one dollar to pay lor the trouble of writlnir. Full partleulaisand outfit free Address George ctixsox co . Portland, Maine, dec 1 6md lyw fi... i ruiin, xaiu!u, uimcoii ureawnnj..,. .25 Salt Itlienm, Krysipelas, Eruptions.. 25 Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains...... ; refer ana jyeae. t;niiis. MaJaii.i SUPERIOR COURTS - 188T. FIKST DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. week. ' llnrtfAHl I lot 17 I vnnnH- A l , ! Was J ton--Oct 24. I week. ! Treil 0i 3. 1 week. a ov ,week', H?de-I,o7l4 I week, J Pamli--Nov SlLweek. B-aufort-Nov 28, 2 weeks. I second DfTKTCT judge AVERY, j Warren Sept 19 2 wneks ! JNortharapton (Jet 3. 2 weeks. Pdgecombe Oct. 17.2 weeks. Bertie Oef 31,2 weeks. Halifax Nov 14,2 weeks. Craven Nov 28. 2 weeks. THI1TD DISTKJCT JUDGE STIIPP. Franklin Aug 15, 1 week. Martin Sept 5, 2 weeks. Pitt Septl 19. 2 weeks. Greene Oct 3 2 weeks. Vunce Oet 17. 2 weeks. Wilson Oct 31. 2 weeks. Niisb Nov 21.2 weeks. MartinJ Doc 5, 2 weeks. FOUISTH DISTKICT JUDGE MFRRWON. Wokti July 11 2 weeks. Harnett Aug 8. 1 we k. Johnston Aug 24. 2 weeks. Wnkef Aug 29 2 weeks. Wayne Sept 12. 2 weeks. -Wake Aog 29. 2 weens. Wa?ne Oct 17. 1 week. Wafcef Oit 24 3 weeks Johnston Nov 14, 2 weeks. Harnett Nov 28, 1 week. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD, Orange Aug 8. 1 week. Caswell Auir 15. 1 week. Person Aug 22, I week. Guillord Auir 29. 2 weeks. Granville Sept 12. 2 week Alamance Sept, 26. 1 week. Chatham Oct 3. 2 weeks. Durnm Oct 1". 2 weeks. Orangf Nov 7, 1 week. Caswoil Nov 14. 1 week. Person Nov 21 1 week Granville Nov 28. 2 weeks. Guilford1 Dec 12,2 weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS- Lenoir Aujj 22. 2 -weeks. Dqplin Sept. 5, I week IVmlr Sept 12. I week. Mew H a hover f Sept 26, 2 weeks. Sampson Oct 10. 2 weeks. Carteret Oc 24, 1 week. Joitfs Oct. 31. 1 week. Oaiow Nov 7, 1. week Lenoir Nov 14. 2 weeks. Duplin Nov 28. 2 weeks. Sampson Dt-c 12, 1 week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Cumljeriand July 25. 1 week Coluuibus Auti I 1 week. Moore Aug 15. 1 ?fek. Kobo'on An 22. 2 weeks. Anson Sept 5, 1 wfnk. . Brunswick Sep: 12 I week. Richmond Sepi 19, 2 weks. Robeson () 3 2 weeks. Biaden-Oct 17, I week. Moom Oct 21. 2 weeks. Cumberland! Nov 14, 2 weeks. Ansont Nov 28.' I week, tlii hmond Doe 5. 1 wet-k. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLARK. Iredell Auji 8 2 weeks. Rowan AiU' 22. 2 weeiss. D ividson Spi 5, 2 weeks. Randolph .tept 19. 2 wteks Montgomery Oo 3 2 weeks. Stanly Oct 17. 1 -.vet-k . Cabarrus Oc; 31. 1 week. Rowan Nov?, 2 weeks. Tn.dell Nov 21. 2 weeks. Davidson D c 5, 1 week. NINTH DISTRICT -JUDGT0 GILMER. Rckinghatu .July 25.2 weeks. Stokes Aug 8. 2 weeks Surry Au22 2 weeks. Aileirhany Sept. 5. 1 weckt Wilkes Sept 12.2 weeks Yadkin Sept 26, 2 weeks. Davie Oct 10. 2 weeks. Forsyth- Oc 24, 2' weeks. Rockingham Nov 7. 1 week. Stokes Nov 14, 1 week Surry Nov 21. 1 week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE ROYKIN. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke Aug 8. 2 weeks. Ashe Aug 22. 1 week. Watauga Aua: 29, I week. Caldwell Sept 5, 1 week. Mitcheil S?pt 12,2 weeks. Yancey Sept 26. 2 weeks. McDowell Oct 10, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander Aug 1. 1 week. Cleveland Aug 8, 2 weeks, Mecklenburgf Au? 29. 3 weeks Union Sept 19, 1 week. Unionf Sept 26. 1 week. Lincoln Oct 3, I week. Gaston Oct 10,2 weeks. Cleveland Oct 24, 1 week. Rutherford Oct 31. 2 weeks. Polk Nov 14, 1 week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GOMERY. Madison Aug 1. 2 weeks. Buncombe Aug 15, 3 weeks. Transylvania Sept 5. 1 wee Haywood Sept 12, 2 weeks. Jackson Sept 26, 1 weee. Macon Oct 3. I week. Clay Oct 10, I week. Cherokee Oct 17. 2 weeks. Graham Oct 31. 1 week. Swain Nov 7. 2 weeks. .Madisnnt Nov 21. 2 weeks. Buncombe Dec 19. 2 weeks. MONT- Criminal causes only. Civii causes only JCivil causes only, except jail cases. SHORT-HAND & rx "PE-WRITING SITUATIONS piy both young men ami ladiss much betfc'-r baiaTici tba-a most commercial portions, and the demand is greater, students can be fitted for cilice &hor-hand positions In Thre&;Months Time b? HavecS e ystcm Norrevlus knowled ot either art required. ( olleses open all the year, -tudent can enter anyllmc. all tuition boing individual. Superior facillt es for pro curing situation?, for which aid we make so charge. College pamphiets wlttf full set self teaching leseons in either ait tent to any ad cress for 10 cents.; both arts. 20 cents, !o AUmps accepted Address either of Haven's Cllegefcr ixewYork, NY; Philadelphia, Pa; CblAgo, 111 ; UuclnnaU, O ; San Francisco, CaL june 8 cod 3m . Pall Terras MISCELLANEOUS OfrTM TSnnmt IVul tlnts a laiva nrorrrtion Ljent ana were restored to&e&ita or ikti or tigSSfr SE61IHAL PASTILLES: IVa&knMa andPhjrsl cai Iot in Young or Hii Uumond eases ihtr absolutely rrn-n ry:r'nM- r aji h a Kred and broken down men to the fell cdjoyceQfeof infect and foil Manly Strength and ViRcrons Hot-Jt.'u .u o those who suffer from the iCRny obsenre ulscasen f"rou5htabot by Indiscretion. Kx-Tircj,OTe?Era'.n Work, or too f reo IndalfrencA. tto nSr that jon ecadua oornsmewithetateraentof rocr trooola, end eocortj CfclALJfACKAGB FRER, vith Illost'di'amnhleto. st's-isnCD PEBSOIJS can hava FKCU may 17 dJfcwlv 1887. ' . Harper's Baz.ir. ILLUSTRATED. H abper's Bazar combines the choicest lit. crature and the fin'stirtlllUftraUons with the latent faahlona and the most useful frriiy renitinf; 1b et'rie:, poeins. arrt egr-mt are by the n et w it- rs, and it hnmoroua 8kM-h-es re nnsurpaswil its iape-son social eti quette, 1ecnratlve rt, h necepl'ir lit all Us brnchs, cookerv. . , make a Indispensa ble in ev ry henschoi-.i Its txutlful f.shin plateB HU;i raiteru-pheet ru)ih-n.ear- enable lasllcs to Hive manv- timet) the co- tif i-i.bscrip. tlon by belig thtlr twu drei m kers. ot line, is ad mined to its column thai eouki ehocb the most faslldlons. Harper's Periodicals. Harper's azau..... .$4 to Harper's Magazine..... ............... 4 to HABPKR'S VVKKKLV 4 t0 Hakpek's Yocng J'koplk... 2 o HAKPEB'8 FKANKLTN Qi AUK . lUKAltV, tine Year .5Z Numler) io 00 Habper's and ciiKiEs, ne ear (52 Numbers; ..... 15 00 Postage Kree toail iaiibscrlberln the Unised Ttate& or Canada. The Volumes of the iiazax begin with the nrst Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, Bubscriptlona will be gla with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Earpe'Ts Bazar, lor tbre years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 GO per volume. f Jloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceiptoffl 00 each Remittances snould be made bs Post-01BiC Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lot-. Newspapra are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address If ARPFjR BROTHEEJV' nov 26 Voar York - For the Saundy QN AND AFTEtt TUE SITU OF AUGUST WAGONETTES Will leave for the Sound at 2 P. M. eni 5.30 P. M. Keturnintr leave the tound at 7.3) A; M. and G P. M. - T. J. SOUTHEELAND, . Livery and Fale Stablea, aurS4 Nos 108 A 110 North 8cctnd St DauglHS & Yarborottlu I.VSIIIONABLE HAIS DKESEUS AND B4EBEKS, i a r.iarKec rt.. wiimiTigton, jn u Shop lully equipped with all the latest im provements Courteous and polite barbers always ready t t-erve ciistomess. 8r J. W. Yarooroujtri, formerly with John wi nter, woiim te gia'i to serve his old pat rons feb k Tlie National Life AND Mi i aturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, D. C. ; o HORATIO BROWNING, President. o GEO. D. ELDRIDGE. Secretary, Manager and Actuarv. o Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestible Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. I)., Medical Director W. H. GIBSON, Special Aeent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street, N. W; mch 31 ly 1887. 1887, $4.5UA VBAlt FOK The Daily Whig; The cheapest dally paper in the South. THE WEEKLY has been enlarsre- ad he price reu ncea to ir cents a year. The cheap est weekly paper puldlshed. J' The Monday issue and Weekly edition both i for one year, for $ 1 .to 1 he two are cheaper antt better than a semi-weeKiv as you gel one ! daily issue nd a weekly for 50 cents lesa than any semi weekly paper Dally sent free two weeks and Weekly one month free- Spend one cent for a postal card ana oraer one or the other on tnai : , Address - . 1 . f Richmond, Vs. lOc. FOR A SHAVE, . , . , 20c. FOR A HAIR CUT. 50c. FOR A HAIR CDT,SH AVE AND SHAMPOON- HAIR DYEING 2Uc. and upward, At "JOHN WERNER'S, - The German Barber and Perfumer, an26 a Market St MISCELLANEOUS. r rteaxafcMtir element ef hfc Cmxi 27. Ttli Street, 8T rn3.;r 1 . paction IZBA'S .on a tan!,'.;1 yantoir" 1 PltnilT: ttgi B Boil3-d-, speedily when this remedy is taken. no more effectual rcdvi tr the ni,? loa,hins )f focd due to INTEMl'ER.xT than this article. Pnt up in larjre "-Scent L ties. Sample vaokaqes in towder f,w K by mail to an v address n receipt of lo .r io stamps. The resndarHnutd lorm tent Dy man. JMrlXlCAN MElUCIiv ,7 400 North Sdflt., Philadelphia pa " tu The preatsecretofthecanarybinlhri of the llartz Mountains in Gefi 'Mrmna wi 11 restore the eodr of cap i,i. v! prevent their ailuvcnts and restore Smt preod condition. If given to a bird ,ii.,2 the season of shedding feathci-s. it will i, 15 cases carry the little musician ViX".n" crit ical peri ail on rece; ODD CO.. 4 'euse uieution thisnancr sept 9 tu th sat v MERCH AKTS, BANUK28 ASD MkKCTlCTVt KR8 SUODLO KBAD BRAD tsTR E ET 'S a weski-y jolk5a.l 0? , Trade, finance and Pi bug Ecokokt. ' Sixteen pages evaf, Saturday Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Scmciivitt Twtvtf . four Paget. FIVE DOLLARS A TEA R." . The foicmost purpose of BRaD8TRiET8 is to be of practical seivice to tuslnesd men. Its special trade and Industrial reports ana Hi s'nopfes of recent legal oectslona are ex)et lngly valuable as cooimercial trantacilorj. In the wl"er eerse, are omlng to be more id4 more conducted on a statl-iicai basla, the 1b foimatloa contilnel I v uu a DilKHfersis ol first lmiortHnre to sit -1 HE GENERAL BUSINESS SITUATION THROL'OH OUT 'J II B UNIT. 1. STaTI S AND CANADA U RiPORTlD BY TELEGRAPH TO BRAD . STREET'S UP TO TUB IIODR OF PUBLICATION. SINGLE COPIES TEN CEST , T HE BRA DSTREET COM PAA7; 279, 2SI. 263 Broadway, J l: Send for Sample Copv f New YokiCct V 1887. - : New' York Weekly Herald, One Dollar a Year. l Greatest and Cheapest jramuy j onruu jsu??,?.b y Every Npmber an Epitome of tne p the World. - . . - The Foreign ' Department is cdwju Lfitent mid most accurate Cable Ppcclaa DJ the Commercial Cables. , -,' . Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all tnireM Events .. a : j- .'' . ; articles on Science, Art. Literaturc.thc Drami. Ainsic, Kengion, jeasmons unu vutm iniormation on sii suujecu. . ' . Address, ' ' -'J'' s' '.' JAMES GORDON BENNETT, . -:; New Yolk Herald. ; botSO ' . New YorfcHtr. Valuable Lands for Sale. 0.E TfiAOT OF .L KD, Lxl " mUe from Lincolntou, N. c, cobsibub - acres, 53 acres cleared; la test for eotwi, but gives good crops for all jrrai. branch running through it ai d a fine WW SO acres in wood,ok aod hickory, . wt 11 . uerea. ' . t-i. Another tract lying 2V miles ron u" ton, 34 nine from u v.. K K cleared, fine sprine of df Melons water, six acres of bottom land near itontpe i Is No. 1 for tobrcco, but grows ctntr ell; 75 acres In yellow pine and oat. jror price ana terms appiy 4 mch 16 tt Anct'rs A eal.Kattg, Quaraiitine Notice U112ANT1NE WILL ' BK Ert,BtlD Q 1 rm May 1st to November Ht. on from ports bouth of pe Fear. . neguuiuoT nuvenuoK TrRKcw i ma may be obtained at the office of the W" tine Physician. . - " . Dne 10 Ice will be given to P1. fh2' extension of Qoarantine w otrer po may bepome nsrperons on aceoum Jgi. Knee 01 cno'era or cincr imeenuu- m entering the port, Qnarantrao win dtplay a Ignai aw v ii0 -p rt rising and come to anchor at we . opposite leep Water roint, and not tlience without the written perron Quarantine Fbyslteian 11 . GEO G.TIIOMA.M Sash, Sasli. Oils. Paints. Varoishes Moulding ; and Builders Hardware, BEST GOODS AT lXT P; I 6 cd without loss Of so l Ipt of 15 cts. in stalm M !0t) N. :ird St. PlnN,T',.V:r'

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