s - i. :::. i I . , - ; ; .' ; t . r t. - ' . i i - K I,: r i 1 t J -it' ! I- I i a.; f - . : S j Absolutely Pure. This j owdtr EeTer varies. A marvel of pnrity, strength and wholesomene:-s. Mere economical than the ordinary kir.U, and can not b boUI In competition with the multitude of low teat, ebon w iht nluni or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans, uoyax. uaki a l'OWUEB CO . l! Wall t. N. oci U dw lv icnrra 4thi TtieDaily &eviev MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12. 1887. Ienoir 2oic: Murrit d.on Vdne day. August 31. at the residence of B. M. Tattle. Esq.. lather ot the bride, near Hartland. Caldwell rounty. Mr. Albert Cor pen in;; to Miss Eola Tuttle, Rev. T. J. Dailey performing the cere mony. Alter a reception ot friends the happy couple left on a wedding trip-to Asheville and other parts ot tbe West. Goldsbororv-s: The daily services at St. Paul Methodist Church seem to be increasing in interest. A poiored man employed on the gravel train of the W. & W. R. R. had one of his feet run over and badly injured yester day afternoon near th s city Mr. Farrar, Superintendent of the Furni ture Factory, says he has had as many ia 250 aDolicants tor situations, sine L.Bmo tn f'riMshnrii n pan pm nlov ' he came to Uoldsooro. lie can employ , only about 20 hands at very reasonable . wages. News and 0 server: Tbe protracted meeting now in progress at the Edetir ton Street M. E. Church continues t grow in interest. Large congregations attend the services very night. Mr. Wallnce Carl Riddicic, one of Wako county's most brilliant vung men. left lor Lehigh University on yesterdny. where he proposes takinir a lull t ost graduate course. Mr. Itiddick gradu aidlromlhe State UniversitV in lho class ot 1885. lie was a first honor $ man. leading his class in every Ptudy. The reeeipt ot now cotton for the j weeking ending Thursday, Sep.onbr Slh amouuted to 40o bales. Receipts tor the same week last year were ,22 bales, showing the remarkable increase 1 ot 444 bales tor this year. The recess j ot Friday and yesterday aggregated 642 ! bales in addition to the above, making ! ;(f, r.r...r nnti , in t r ri a ! new 1.103 bales. Engineer Jake Hicks v . ... . - has been honoraoiv nscuargen irom , the service ot tho 11. & 1). K. H. Co.. the reason being that, tor want of op portunities in eurly lite, he is unable to read the now rules and regulations of the company, lie has been on the N. C. Road for more than twenty-tiv? years, has run thousands and thousands of miles without ever having an acci dent. There has never been a man more faithful lo duty. Of courso the road will provide a new position for him or give him a pension. Ar rangements have been perlected for the trip of the Governor, his staff and es cort to the Centenuial Celebration ot the Constitution at Philadelphia, rs fol lows: The Governor will leav the city in a private car on tho evening ot the 13th inst. Ho will bo accompanied by Col. A. 3 Andrews, Associate Jus tice A. S. Merrimon. Chairman R. H. Battle, Hon. W. R. Cox and Hon. Walter L Steele. This party will stop over in Greens boro until tho aiorning ot the 14th. They Swill be joined there by members of the Governor's staff. Ad jatant General Johnstone Jones. Gen. J. M. Leach, Col. F. H. Fries, Judge Advocate General G. II. Brown and Assistant Paymaster General Beoehan Cameron. The Governor's escort, the Fayettevillo Independent Light Intan try. about fifty strong, will also join him at Greensboro and on the 14th the entire party will proceed to Philadel phia. The Governor yesterday issued commissions to officers ot new white miiitarv coin names and one new j colored military company, ail of have been ordered armed by the which i Co m j mander-m-chiet. lho companies o nl officers are as follows: are r.!lies;i James M. Whitsoo, captain ; James M. Gray, first lieutenant; Wm.lJ. Forbes, second lieutenant; commissions to date from June 21, 1887. Palmyra Home Guards; W. E. Spruill, Jr., It. M. Burroughs, first lieutenant; E W. Hyman. second lieutenant; commis sions to date lrui July 15. 1837. Mt. lioily Riflemen; Thos. G. Cost ner. captain; Robert S. Stowe, first lieutenant; Andy J. Smith, second lieutenant; commissions to rank from May 7, 1887. Scotland Neck Monnted Riflemen; W. H. Anthony, captain; G. S. While, first lieutenant; C T. Currie, second lieuteuant; commissions to date trom July 25, 1887. Lumberton Light Infantry; N. A. McLean, can tain; A. E. White, first lieutenant; F. J.Floyd, second lieutenant; commis sions to date from June 21. 1887. Gray J. Toolo was commissioned captain of the Charlotte Light Infantry, colored. Messrs. C. M. Basbee and C. B Edwards leave this morning for Den ver, Colorado, where they go to attend the sixty-third annual session ot the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. The other representative from North Carolina is Mr. Junius Slocumb, ot Goldsboro. Job Printing. rriHB RSVIEW JOB PRINTING OFFIO c iTprepared to do all klnda of Job PrtnUn as neatly, aa cneaplv and aa erpedltlously as It can be done elsewhere. Send In ..your work intnuhau.b done promptly. ieb For the Review. To tho Farmers of Pender. Please meet at Burgaw at 12 o'clock, on Thursday, the -22nd. of September, 1887. tar the promotion ot your own interests. The object ;s to conmlt to gether for onr mutual good and to organize. This is in obedience to the action ot a recent meeting at Burgaw calling upon tho Pender farmers to meet on ihe 22nd. inst. at Burgaw. 1 ns organize, fellow farmers ot Pender, into a County Agricultural Association, and let us give to agriculture new life, and a more vigorous spirit. We have in our new county all the elements and re sources for success in farming and gar dening. We only nd to organize and to ar'-uso from onr depression and 4n activitv to a due sense of our rights and interests place Pender alongside ot the most advanced counties in the State Nature has been generous and prodigal in her beneficent gitta lo Pender. Let u take advantage of these rich oppnr tur.itie." and splendid advantages. Or ganization is one ef tbe efficient means ot improvement Competent speakers will address the ro eet i n g.. E . M . JoBNSON Wiliard. Pender co., Sept. lOlb. '87. Graud8t Outti ttug Establish" merit iii the South. I. Shrier, on the completion of his new store in tbe Purcell Honse bui'd ipg. will add a full line of shoes for men, boys and children. Men's, boy's and children' hats and caps. Gent's tiir nishin? . goods of every description. Also, trunks, valises, umbrellas, &c, &c. which will be sold at the very lo w est figures. The Fall and Winter dis play ot men's, boy's and children's clothing will be positively the laiges and finest in Wilmington, In the Whole Hideous Cata logue Of diseases, there were none which, previous to ihe 'liscovery of Ho6tctters Stomach Bit ters, offered more favorable resistance to the old fashioned modes of treatment than tne group of maladies which, under the collective name of malarial disease, afflicted entire com munities that 'suffered hopelessly. Ckllis and fever, dumb ague, ague cke and bilious re mittent were once regarded a3 well nigh 'n- curable. Now It rejoices the hearts ot thou Rands who reniile in districts periodically tu - ject to the visitation of u alar:a, to feel certain ih($ BUter3 tney po8Bes3 a certain cjelenEe against the s ourge, a sure mean of ! expslllng it poison from tbe eyuem. lo tn j settler in the far West, the new emiernt thither, and to travelers and tourists by una and sea. the uoescssl-m of this i leas nt sfe guard is a guaranty of safety from dlse ses which they might vainly seek from any other source. THIS iTlAli4. fbu rualiH clooo and arrive at the City Post o'Jicp follows : CL.OSE. Northern through mails, fast 10.00 1, ! Northern through and ws.y malls.. -.8.00 A M. N. C and A. & N. C. ttallroads and 10.00 p. M. and 8.00 a. Kaleigh s.oo .. M. and 7.00 p, ?JSS 5Sltan B Raid oinV;9 W supplied therefrom 9. to P. M. M. M. M. daily kxoh.pt Sunday. Western mails (O.C.Uailway). ....... 6.00 A.M. vBr6.w A. M. i;aieigh Hamlet it. K. and points tmniiHed therefrom ?oo p. m. Jharlot'e anl M ax ton . . 7 00 I M and 6 00 A M .- o I I II V I I If vvrightvilic S.bO A, M. 'I'l I ITVi II A V AMI Vulllt VH Onslow C. II. and Intermediate ottl- cos 6.00 A. M. hit tic Klver, S. C.,andintemredlate otlitHis 2.00 P. M. Cape Fear Kiver mail 1.00 P. M. OPEN FOK DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.. -10.DC P. M. Southern through and way malls... 6.00 A. M. and 9 00AM Southern, West of Florence 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central lallroad9.30 A. M. & 9 0J I'M Carrier's delivery otcn en Sunday from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. General delivery open from 6 30 A. M. to 7 00 P.M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. Stamp Office oien trom 6.30 a. M. to 7 P.M., Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P. M., continuous. Malls collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.00 A.M. and 5.00 P. M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M and 4 A. M. Hoines in North Carolina. Onlv 20 Hours Ride from New Yark ! m MilesSoutu of Raleigb On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R. 1.500 ACRE OF LAND IN THE ong leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms in lots to suit purchasers. Four acres for $25. harcrer tracts 5 n-r a.p.r 1t mnnth l-o narr menta of 10. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently established health re oi tor sanitarium), ana 13 specially adapted a number of New England people have bought lots in the towri of "Southern Pines," and it is the desire of tbe owners of this land to in duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State in the Union offers greater Inducements to eet Herd than North Carolina Nowhere can a better tarming country or as fine a climate bf. found. This is the opinion of Northern mer who have settled in North Carolina. This is a bona fide offer, and is limited For further particulars write at once to JOHN T. PATJbsJCK, Commls'r of Immigration, Raleigh, N. C or B. A RICHARDSON, ian 2 tf Chronicle Office. Aueusta. 6 COME 8 EE ITS ! TR WHENEVER YOU ABE OF IN NEED ! WINS, W or SIM y come and see us. We b.ave the most complete establishment in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices that we can live at. Give VLB your orders. JACKSON & BELL- The Sutton House, jJARKET STREET, SOUTH SIDE, BE tween Front and Fecond. Board by the Day, week or Month. Clean Roome, Comfortable Beds, Good Attendance and the bsst the market affords. Rates low.ji in04y WILMINGTON MARKET. September 12-2.30 P. LI SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 29j cents bid. No sales reported. UOSIN Firm at TP cents for strain ed and 75 cents lor good strained. TAR Firm at $1.30. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady ju SI for hard, Sl-65 for yellow dip and vinrin. COTTON -New steady. The following are tbe official quotations: Ordinary. ; good ordinary 7 15-16; low middling 84 ; ruiddlin. 0; cootf middling 9f No pales reported up to 4 o'clock. Receipts to dav: Cotton, 1.309; spirits. 185; rosin, 618; tar. 95; crude, 19. ProTi8ious and Cottuu. Chicago. Sept. 12. 2:30 p. in Wheat market opened at 69$ and closed at G9 for October. Corn nothing do intr New York, Sept. 12. 2:30 p. n. Cottin opened at 9 43 and closed at 9.47 for September. Opened at 9 28 and closed nt 9 33 for October. Opened at 9 24 and closed at 9.27 lor November 3IAKLN15 NlfiWh. ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fay etteville, C S Love & Co. Steam yacht Louise, Snell. Smith ville. Mastex Nr barque Moiand. Hansen. Roche fort. France. Heide& Co. Nor barque Sears. , Barbadoes. Paterson, Downing & Co. CLEARED Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fay etteviile, C S Love.& Co. Steam yacht lJbuis, Sneil, Smith ville. Master Schr Matilda Brooks, Blatchford, Port-au-Prince, cargo by S & W H Northrop, vessel by E G Barker & Co. EXPORTS. FOR-KlGiS Port-au-Prince Schr MatildaBrooks 222,197 tt lumber. 10.000 shingles. MONTHLY STAT EMi5 IS T. STOCKS ON UAND SH'T. 10, I8b7. Cotton a3hore. 2,787; alloat, 505; total, 3.292. Spirits ashore, 5,178; atloat, 1,010; total 6 188. Rosin ashorti. 102,8-9; alioat, 39; total, 102.868. Tar ashore, 3,479. Crude ashore, 731. RECEIPTS FOR SEtT 1 TO SEPT. 10 1887 Cotton, 4,671 : spirits, 2,227: rosin, 9, G68; tar, 1,900; crude 578. EXPORTS FOK SEPT 1 TO SEPT. 10 1887. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 2.034; spirits. ) 098; rosin, 3,. 594 ; tar, 2.845 ; crude, 843 FOREIGN Spirits, 2.191 ; rosin, 5.085. 1887. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazink during 1SS7 will con tain a novel of intense political, social, and romantic Interest, entitled 'Narfea' a story of Russian life by Kathaleen O'Meara; a new novel, entitled "April Iioiee," by VV u How ells; "Southern Sketches," by C'hailcs nutiloy Warnr r and Rebecca Harding Iavis, IllnBirif ted by William Hamilton Gibson; "Great American Industries" continued; "Suc.ial Studies." by s r. R. T Ely; furtlier articles on tnc Hallway Problem by competent writers; now series of illustrations by E A Abbey and Alfred Parsons; articles by E P Roe; and nth er attractions. Haroer's Periodicals. Per Year: ilAKPEK's magazine i 0b Harper's Weekly x. 4 00 Harper's Bazar 4 Oil Harper's Young People 2 00 Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (52 Numbers): 10 00 Postage Free to atlsubscribers in the United States or Canada, The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of re ceipt of order Bound Volumes cf Harper's Magazine, for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipJof t'i 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to570. Inclusive, from lune, 1S50, to June, 1885, one vol., Svo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post -Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without ihe express order of Harper & Bros. Address HAP PER & BROTHERS, nov 2f New York. . P. MILLEB. JOHN L. MICHAEL PJiilier & Co., ONTR actors FOR DRILLING AND EQUIPPING ARTESIAN WELLS OF AN? REQUIRED DEPTH- JJORING OLD WELLS WITHOUT EE- moving walls. Drilling new Wells from the Snrface and inserting cement or Iron Pipe?, exclndlng all foul or surface waters Have all the improved steam Appliances for Drill lug and Reaniin In hard or soft rock, from lour to eighteen inchc in diameter. Agents for Pumps for Pumping W tcr, A dare ps, Frederick City, Md. o BFEBNCS : J. F. Wessner, Baltimore, Md. Louis Muth, Halt, tdck Vard Company. Gettysburg Water Company. Wetminlater Water Company. Md H. C. stoffer. Frederick, Md. Hiram Grove and Chas. Cronie. Frederick, Md. C. R. Paxton, i eesburg Loudon co.. Va Samuel Lutz. . . Wallace George, " A. J. Souder, Taylortown, ' icott N-.rrison, Bcndersvlile. -apt. Groff, Frederick, Md. John W. Crowm. i'rederick, Md , and hundreds of Farmers everywhere. We ate prepared to rto work from one hun dred to two thousand feet satisfaction guaranteed mclrll lwd tmw PENNYROYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENU NE. Safe and always Reliable. Beware of worth less Imitations. Indispensable to La DIES Ask your Druggist for "ChichestebM n GXISH" and take no other, or inclose 4c. (stamps) to ns for particular in letter by re turn mail. NAME PAPER. ChichksTKK Chjotcal Co., 2313 Madison Square, Phlhu, Pa.- At Druggists. Trade supplied by Rol lek ft Shoehakeb, Philadelphia, Pa. Cash House. liefifiarket St., EW BARGAINS i THIS WKEK. A large variety different styles DRESS GOODS 5c per yard. SC-Inch BATISE, 8c per yard. Best DRESS GINGHAMS, 8c per yd. Good SATEENS, worth 25c for 1 2dc WHITE GOODS, 8, lO, 13$. 15 and 1 8c per yard. LINEN TOWELS trom lOc up. TABLE DAMASKS from 35c op. PARASOLS Sateens, from 40c up ALPACA from 50c up. REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES and a large LINE OF LACES.which we have not had room to show so far this season. At Very Low Prices G A USE MERINO UNDERWEAR, bf sides a full assortment of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. GLOVES,. MITTS, HOSIERY. CORSETS.ROBES. & FLOUNCINGS At pf ices that will please everybody. atz'5 116 Market Street. Hew Yor& & Wilmington Stcamslifp Co, 1 5 IB. rtI AvV FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW VOi.l Ijocatcd between Chambers and Roosevelt sik. At 3 o'clock, P. M REGULATOR , BENEFACTOR. .... Saturday, Sept 17 ....Saturday, .-tpt 24 FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR Saturday, Sept 17 REGULATOR Saturday, Sept 24 GBr Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from Point hi North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALL.BONE3. Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York. WM. P. GLYDne A CO.. Gasrt Aesnta, 85 Broad w 7, New York. 'sept 10 PECIALTIES. a PERFECTLY PURE CREAMERY BUTTER, A PERFECTLY PURE ARTICLE OF LARD, AND A PURE FAMILY FLOUR. Thc'BUTTER Is of HIGHEST grade, fully ilavored, and is received FRESH EVERY WEEK. The LAKD Is the eelebrated Cas3ard PURE LARD, equal to any N. C. Lard ever offered. The FLOUR is the celebrated "PAROLE D'SONEUR" brand I can GUARANTEE aU the above as Per fectly Pure, of Excellent Flavor, and Healthy, and would recommend their ueein every fam. ly in the City of Wilmington and vicinity. All orders promptly t:ended to. ' Telephone No. 98. Jno. L. Boatwrigltt. J16 15 1TSo. Front Street M To the Public. fJIHE UNDERSIGNED. WHO H&S BEEN engaged in the Clothing and Gentlemen's Fur nishing BuslnesB In this city for nearly twenty years, will within a few weeks remov to new, large and commodious quar ters on North Front street, and he takes this opportunity of thanking his many kind friends ad patrons for the liberal patronage he has so long received at their hands and to assure them that in the future he will uss his best endeavors to please them and reta n their val ued custom. Respectfully, I. SIIRIER. In a short time will go North, not for the purpose of replenishing my stock, but to buy an Entirely New and Elegant Line of Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade ! I have but a small part of last Win, ter's stock on band now. having man aged to cleanii out last Winter and Spring, but I have a fair lino of Sum mer-goods in the way, which -J. Must and Will be Disposed of I " I do not want to carry a dollar's worth of old steck to my new quarters. if it can possibiy b avoided. . I have no room for it there and have deter mined to get rid of everything before I move. My goods have been marked down to almost nominal prices, aud I am offering ; ; : Extraordinary Inducements to Cash Buyers ! I will retuse no reasonable dffer and I guarantee everything just as it is rep resented to be when sold. Come and see the goods and tbe prices, but do not buy unless you find it is to your advantage to do so. I. SHRIEK, . The Old 'Reliable Clothier. ; ' an? 18 114 Market Street. -o- WE HAVE REMOVED OUR ENTIRE i STOCK OF 1 ' ; ' Liquors and Tobacco fyo.18 nIarket St., WHERE WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO " . i " ' h HAVE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS CALL ON US. SOL. BEAR & CO. aug26tt Wrightsville, TJ.C. o- Seaside Pleasure & Comfort -o- -yAGONETTES WILL LEAVE WIL mington, at 8 a. m , 2.30 p ra and 6 p. m. RETURNING, LEAVING WRIGHTdVILLE at 7 p. m. and 7 a.m. Bound trip to Sound and Beach and return to Wilmington, only 65 cents. ; , Parties of four or more will be carried to the Beach for ; 5 cents each. '- 4 We have erected a Beach House with rooms where parties can be supplied with Bath Suits, Towels, freshwater and other conveniences W. H. STOKLEY, . ED. WILSON MANNING. . jnly2ttf -j Sound Partiec. AGON ETTE WILL , LEAVE OR HELL'S STABLES for the Sound at V a.m., dally. Round trip 50 cents. - ' r Sound Parties can be supplied with teams on short notice and at cheap fates. Special attention given to boarding horses. B.C.OBBELL, Livery and Sale Stables, July 7 tf Cor. Third and Princess Bts H0NEV1 to be made. Cut th'a out and return to . ns, and we will send you free, some thing of great - value and Importance to you, tnat will statt you In business which will bring you In more money right away than anything else in this world, a nv one can do their work and live at home. Elth er sex; all ages. Something mw. that lust coins money for all workers. We will start you; capital not needed. This is one of the genuine. . important chances - of a ; lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free, ! Address Tbde & co., Augusta, Maine, ;jf; . deciexndlTW I . . I 1 I .1, I - 1 LimfiTTTrr . " -'TOO. LIME in chaneoforPRo. LIME LIME LIME JJRYn. 1 LU MBEft. LIME' v-sept 5 " : ItOck n . -Removal. J- HAVE SSMOVXD To Ko. 15 wners l. Jcaep cons antly on oftimcs. ggs and Mk sept31vdw tt Jul H A R D .lITAli1 i - Manufacturer's Agcaufo, - Stbveo CtAu. Iron. Naits. Gill and Seine and a complete stock of AgriCBUun, JACUHi'S HI)W. DKPrn oso. ; Isaac T. AldeFBr? QOMMISSION MERCHANT, ' , Consignments of Conntrv Pi . I uoitoa, umber andNawim, l"x oinitf best advanugeV UWt?al8to HtBdieTt AT Taylor's Bazar HATS for 25 Cents. TRIMMING RIBBONS, LsCCS, fKATQ EES, FLOWERS, 8ILK8, 8ATIN3, PLUSHES, AND VKLVR, cut on straight or bias. UNDERWEAR. COR3ETS, UMBRUU HOSIERY, QLOVES, C0LLAE3, AND CUFF8, ; ' At Immense reduction go as to nits rec for our Fall gonds. . j Mrs. Taylor leaves for the North ttttin ring, Monday, Sept. 5, 18S7, to make punk" for the Fall trade. Any special order riEi forwardad and filled If cent to the tuntt Taylor's Bazar; Call and buy some of this week'! kp!u sept S - V-' The Acme ! MANUFACTURING CO,' 'MANUFACTURERS OF j Fertilizers, Pine: Wool v! Pine Wool Matting. WILMINGTON, NX fJIHB REPUTATION OF OUB s ZERS, the ACME and GEM, la bot lished, and the results of three yean' i'1 the hands Of the best farmers of thU1 i er States fuUy attest their value atj grade manure. ' ' i ' The MATTING, made from the to' f our native pit e, has already r" ! larity for comfort and durability any wool carpet, and the denund j dally lncreatlng. It has Tlrtnei not j any ot her fabric. , 1 s The FIBRE pr WOOL b extetanH, for upholstering purposes, and tBfl' mattresses la almost equal to nalr, J01 elastic and proof against uueco Certificates from reliable v? goods can be seen at onr office, or w id mailed upon application. Jolf New Crop Cuba Molass gECOND CARGO, 554 Hogsleads. 66 Tierces, Now landing ex American 3thoo us,".direct irom Matanzas. ; For sale very low bf WOKTU & Shingle- Shingles ! if'1'' - Ma fcbCypreas Shingle. t Those toieed would do wen w CHAfc r. jaflg&iu CommlssloB Merenant. Jhagia The cheapest plajSj ftt V? book and school siaUoT t bsrgerfl. Special Sale, i