mot rrtninc. saadaye ar wt wiu he glad to rtoarrs eosamasstakro iron our trtands oa aay sad n gtattslhatereatbai Ths aim of ia writer anst alway dshtd to tha Kditor. Commoaleatloaa mast t wmtaa oa oat side of the papa. Panonantlea must ba avoidaa? AAd It la especially sued partieniirly na etood that the Editor doe aot alwaya aartot the vlewa of eorrespondesta nalai aa tat la the editorial oolumaa. , eepted by JOSH T. JAME3i ..tto Airoraonarro. tf530. Six month. t2.00. ;Ikr : One moath, S5 cents. . ; ill be deHTercil by carriers tret P" pars of the city. at the Abort -eats per wee. . - - - -; ' w ntf liberal. VOL. XI. WTLMINGTON N C, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1887 r if liLr-will report nynd all fall. NO. 224 ST850- thPir uaier regularly. joSsnPATioig: .. h "Father or uueases," w. a w Fvhere is no medium through JU so often attack the system t hrption of poisonous gases in f PO! eda KWC tenc blot i bjtne f decayed andeffete matter 0rtte7Aach and bowels. .It Is caused toW MSJr. notenonzh bUe lbelne teiitlo Of , 5 own cathartic, and Is generally y "i r!h Krh results a . n iiu M of Appetite, ' ; V ' . Bad rcath, etc. atmcnt df Constipation does not eJrcy in unloading the bowels. woajScmustnotonlyactasa purga Tteffa ton ic as well,and not producer tinffereater costiveness. To secure f habit of body without changing JjJtS disorganizing the system tff attention, after suffenng with Consbpa tf,fetwoorthree years, was called to Simmons SaRerulator, and, havinC tned almost every wnduded to try it. I first took a J2ffil and afterwards reduced the dose to a Per dtions. ch meal. . I gXi'it hid done me so much good that I Sued it until I took two tt es. gincethenl Slenot experienced any difficulty. I keep it ia ! Twd would not be without it, but have for havin? cured me "Geo; W. 5nD,AM'tCtilt Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga. $Take only the Genuine,-, fMcli In on the Wrapper the red Trade sovSdMd twtclp I A mud lartle with "1820" burned on frt Kwr wu recenily fouod in Horse Creek, Madison county. III. I A man in Maine has a hen which is uredeatbon a mouse. He cla ms tha ha often catches severnl a day. Belle Boyd, the spy, U lecturing in Nebraska. Her subject matter is com' Joted mainly of war reminiscences tie is almost 50 years old. - -! ' Ben Butler heads the list of money ikioz lawyers of the country. His rrtnne is estimated at $3,500,000 and a bDDoal practice nets him $100,000. m Dr. ararger. of Vienna, says never okeoo so empty stomach, don't m tbepipt or cigar, continuously in Wu'.q. neyer smdke a foul pipe, and bkooffee when smoking. The tallest man" jn th8 country is said be Henry A. ttiooper, of Lockport, J.T..wnowBS born at $ xoric. ng.t f 1SG0. He is 8 feet 2 inches in height isdweitha250 Donnds. His hand is 3 inches and his foot 17 inches long. tie w&ibroDgbt to this country for ex hibition. - - ? ,w One of the most successful temper ance workers beyond the Mississippi is M Laura Winkler, of Iowa. She Vuborn blind, bat her earnest zeal is m impaired to any serious ' extent by iffliction. Miss Winkler' favorite 1 is the workshop. She yistts . Tac ei daring the noon hour and makes Personal appeal to the workmen to ion king alcohol. ? ' : . There is sometbiog curious about the taencan silver dollar and half-dollars floe coinace ot 1804. In the year omething like 20.000 ot the ; dollars 'coined; but it is a singular fact, as Qw known, that not one ot them circulation . Yet the most val fMsof all American coins are two r dollars which are now In well- aon collections. They are Valued 'fcOOOeach. , i0re is a bed of rock salt on the Desert n taeo deposited hv the gradual ration of the inland sea that once rier that van depression. The r Pacific railroad, in laying a Wlrf ' 8alt was obliged to lm -08 bed ot the Toad on C0" "l the beautiful rock crystals t " lha only railroad in the world M ballMU5d with salt. The saline snppl, it inexhaustible. f-l. J.C. AndrBBia ynnn,n a,,Th 8,00(1 KinK of S.n Franciaco. and Ptlace." There I' ids set in the k be store, "and t i of the estab i uoe. He re- 3 wearing on ruby surroun- " 'his left little- taai0"ik " ptej. . jlaj . solitaire bice 1 tch chain dan- s studded with the left side of t from' under massive gold ramoods -ru-; fla!. v . '4 'Saltan Muleri Hasans favorite oc cupation is decapitating criminals with his own rol hcd. When nriminnls are lacking, bU Morncc Mftjesty. it is snUI, ?ispnDS03 with supernumerary counters.". Mr. James Skelften, superintendent of , If Moor fornao. in Augusta county, say thai iron can ho produced in Virginia cheaper than in Alabaras. In May last the production for seven teen daysl was 2,493 tuns, nd the yfeW from virgin ore cyer 43 e rent, of metallic iron. I he company makes its own coke, ha vi ntr one hundred ao) fifty live oven in operation, and con sumes, helping another Virginia in dustry eight hundred and twenty-fiy tous ol Pocahontas coal daily. . A test of a firepr Kf paint was made at Rckaway Beach, last week. On the lino of the New York and liockaway Beach railroad is a irnstlc tour and three-quarter mile in length. At the Hamtuel' statitm end some 'J0O feet had been painted with the fire-proof paint, and to thoroughly test the tfli cfeucy of the mixture J. E. Winelow. superintendent of construction, caused the fire-box of an enciaq to be dumped on the trestle LivecaU covered the ties and lodged on the chords of the bridge and settled in between the tim bers The burning coals grew dull and finally cooled without I burning the wood work. . Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgetty,-nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to trace up. Brace up, but not with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very bad. cheap whiskey, and which stimulate you tor an hour, then leave you in worse coadition than betore. w nat rou want is an alterative to purity your blood start healthy action ot liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at W. H. Green & Go's. Drug Store. Their Bus id ess Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at W. H. Greeu & Co's. Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many Iree trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs. Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it betore buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size SI- Every bottle warranted LOCAL NEWS. - IIDEX TO NEW AOVERTISEMEKTS. C W I a tbs School Books IlKorsBEKGEB's New Check Books F W Oktmawn New Elver Oysters. John Webnek The German barber Dick A Meares Gentlemen's Furnishing House - The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 1,728 bales, against 349 bales for same date last year. The wind has been from the East to day, and rather high, and as it is very dry clouds .of dust have been whirled through the streets. The stalls in the three city markets here rented at auction this morning,' but we bave been unable to get the re port. Messrs. Collier & Co. were the auctioneers. Mr. F W. Ortmann. of the Club House, on Second street, advertises in this issue the first New River oysters of the season, which he will serve up in any style desired. The steamer Cape Fear arrived yes terday afternoon about 5 o'clock Capt Tomlinson states that he -saved most of the cotton that be threw overboard. though much of it is in a dnmaged con dition. The extent of the loss cannot y'et be accurately ascertained. i , - . - Some 500 excursionists arrived in the c ity yesterday afternoon from Smith- fileld, about 50 of whom are white. They are' all having a good time. Some have gone to Carolina Beach, some to the Sound and others are enjoying themselves in the city. They leave this afternoon at 5 b'oiock for their homes. Lawu Party. This evening, at the residence of Mr. Samuel L. Yopp, corner ot Sixth and Bladen streets, a Lawn Party will be given-by the ladies ot Grace Methodist Church residing in the Northern por tion of city. In what is generally termed Brooklyn," for the benefit, ot that church. This is a favorable opportunity i for aiding a good cause. - s The cheapest place to buy your school book and school stationery is at Heins berger'sv ; v; ! : r" C ..." ". : ,y t , Wanted to Teach. j In an examination of applicants for teachers' certificates at Burlaw, re- 'cently. the tllowing answer were given to the question propounded to an intelligent" and "educated" man ami brother, who aspired to the proud privilege of teaching the iounu idea how to snoot : Quo.nion When was Pender county establish d? Answer In 1882 r Q etion After whom was it named? Answer After Gn. Punt barton. Question Anl how d m it rank witn the other counties ot the Stale? Answer Has the fine-t Court House in the State an i prt-duces tar, pitci and turpentine and other tropical fruits. A llHiKlMXiiti Turnout The turnout of th Carolina Cbemical Concert Compnny appeared on the streets this morning and attracted much attention. It consists of a large wagon, with seats upholstered in red plush with a Brusse's carputonthe floor and a platt'oroj wbih can b ex tended in the rear. It was drawn by two powerful b;iy horses, with Mr. Ed Jones as driver. The wagon was de- signed by Prut Twining, the Manager of the Concert C 'Uipany. and was built by Mr. Th-s. Kapsley, and the running gear was made oy Mr. u. t . jvicuou gall The entire outfit was made up here at home The company will drive four horses, altbougo but two appeared in harness to-day. The first entertain ment wll be give here to-morrow, after which the company will take to the road. Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday in regular session Pre sent:R. J. Topes, E?q Chairman, and Messrs. W.I Gore and W. Hewitt. The action of the Board of Alder- men in contracting wun it. r. mc Dougall for two wagons, complete, a; $80 each, was concurred in. Also, the action of the Board in repealing the ordinance licensing dance bouses. Also, in the matter of compensation to the First National Bank for placing $130,000 ot city bonds, allowing ot one per cent, and expenses. A communic,ation from police offi cer Kunold, setting forth that be had been robbed of his watch' and chain while trying to stop a row in a sailor's boarding house on Nutt street, besides having been beaten and having his clothing torn, and asking that he be allowed remuneration ($15) for the watch and chain, was allowed, on the Mayor's recommendation, which stated that "officer Kunold is efficient in the discharge of his duty, and I commend bis action, and recommend his peti tion." Bills for current expenses, amount ing to $716 G9 were audited and ap proved and the Board adjourned. Tho Fir Department A meeting of tbo officers of the vari ous fire organizations in this city was held last night in Rankin Hall, with Chief Oldenbuttel presiding. On motion of Foreman Morrisey, of tho Capo Fear Company, it was agreed to allow the company that connected first to the hydrant the control of the pipe, in all cases; and that the company first to lay hose shall be entitled to attach thttir engine to the hydrant and -'play" on the fire; unless said engino shall not arrive in ten min utes, when the chief will use his dis crelion as to which engine shall be at tached to tbo hydrant It was ordered by the chief that ho two engines shall attach to the same hydrant. On motion of Assistant Chief New man, Mayor Fowler'will be requested to yistruct-the police to ring all of the church belts and fire alams at each and every fire; also, tbat the Mayor be re quested to instruct the police to compel all vehicles to keep nut of the path of the tiro engines, hose reel and firemen during a fire In case of violation of these instructions, the driver of the ve hicle to be arretted. It was also ordered tba three strokes of the bell shall signify tbat the fire is out or that it is a false alarm and that a gbueral call for tbe entire fire epart ment shall be signified by twelve strokes. These rules to go into effect on the 25th of September. We would advise all our retders in need of shirts, to stops at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory and get thi best white shirts in the land at 75 cents. J. Elsbaoii, Prop ,-27 Market street. School Books and School Stationery yon can buy cheapest at Heinsberger's.t A Home Enterprise. Mr. A. H. Morris, of Teachey's, N. C.. a gentleman - well known in this ci iy. commenced gathering and ship ping rooU and herbs about eight years ago. While in this business he receiv ed a commanicttjon from an eminent phyeician of New York, in which be described certain roots and hetbs and tated that if Mr. Morris could find them in this section he would prove a benefactor to the human' racel "Mr Morris would not trust bis own judg ment, but submitted several samples to the physician and received from him the gratifying assurance that he had the right things. He was instructed by other eminent physicians how to distil these herbs and two years ago he com" luenced the distillation in a small way. Since then tbo business has rapidly and wouderiully improved until it is now in the bands of a duly organized com pany, with largely increased facilities. A few months ago Mr. Morris de scribed its virtues to some f our most intelligent business men, aud tho result was tbat Messrs. R W. Hicks, R. S Love, C. S Love, George L've and A. H. Morris made application for and were granted a patent for tho medicine, which they have named the "Eiixir of Life It ha effected several wonder ful cures in our city, the certificates of which can be seen on application to Mr. George Love, the manager. The company have now excellent facilities for the manufacture of this medicine, which is carried on at Teachey's, in Duplin county, 38milesfrom Wilming ton. Board of Aldermen. A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen was heiei yesterday afternoon to consider a proposition from the com mittee on Markets, relative to the rent ing of the stalls. All the members ot tbe Board were present with the exs ception of Alderman Fishblato. Alderman Hall, as chairman of the committee, said that the meeting, had been, cUe(Lat his request, to see if some arragement could not be made with re gard to renting the stalls, so as to avoid the difficulties and unpleasant feelings that had heretofore attended tho annual renting. The ordinance requiring tbe stalls to be rented- to tbe highest bidder on tbe 20lh ot September, was read. Alder man Hall said tbat every year there were men present at the bidding who would run the price of stalls up, and it they bid them off would sub-let them it they cjuld, and failing, would throw tbe stalls back again upon tbe city. If the same course was followed, tbe same parties would probably bid in the stalls again and pursue tbe policy they had heretofore done. He asked that the committee be given tbo right to accept or reject all offers. City Attorney Cutlar said the plan heretofore pursued did not work well ; the best plan would be to rent the stalls by the month; the rent payable in ad vance. It would be better to turn the market houses over to the market com mittee and let them rent on tho best terms they could, and take security or not, as they saw fit Alderman Dudley said that this was just tbe trouble toe committee nve years ago had to contend with, and was the reason why the premium sys tern was adopted. He was in favor ot reenacting the same system; it worked well when the ordinance was carried out; but it was nut enforced in some instances. Alderman Price made a motion to auierjd the ordinance so as to allow the committee to make engagements with present tenants. The uioliou was seconded by Alderman Sampson. Alderman Pearsall objected to tbe committee having so much latitude He suggested au amendment requiring tenants to pay monthly in advance and in default be liable to ejectment. Alderman Dudley asked if it would not kill the old ordinaacc. Tbe Major gaid that it would. Alderman Hall asked thai tbe mo tion be amended so that the city at torney be added to the committee, and that they should be allowed to com promise or arrange tbe su'ts now pend" ing. The amendment was accepted, and tbe motion of Alderman Price as amended was adopted. Alderman King called the attention of tbe -board to tbe condition of the Opera House, the windows of which needed repairs, and asked that tbe committee be empowered u make them. He had objection to asking a specific amount, because contractors would be likely to take ad van nge of it. He wanted to have the work done as Obeaply as possible. The motion was agreed to. and there being no other business the board ad- journed.; A Ducking:. A party cf young men. three in nnm ber. started over the river yesterday to kill rice birds . They got near the other side, when the canoe tbey we're in capsized, and precipitated them into tbe water. They lost their grub atd ammunition, and got no birds, only ihree ducks. Incendiary Attempt, Mr. F. J. Lord noticed early morning that a plank had been this torn from the side of a building belonging to the corner ot South Water and Ann streets, and occupied by Messrs Fowler & Green as a manu factory of stocks for wood ware lie sent a' carpenter to repair the damage and tbe man found, when he began the work. that some scoundrel had placed a lot of matches under somo carefully ar ranged pieces of bark and had tried to ignite it. but fortunately failed in doiug so. There is no clue to the incendiary. City Court. Tbe first case called this morning was that of Isabella Hurst, tor disorder ly conduct, continued t'rom yesterday. She was discharged. Amanda Smith and Thus, Yong were next arraigned tor disorderly conduct. They were discharged. W. M. Goriu, who was ordered to leave tho city yesterday by 4 o'clock, failed to do so. He was brought before the Court and ordered to be closely confined for 20 days. David Bryant, charged with throw ing stones on the streets, was fined $5 or 10 days below. A Hint to our People. Mr. -Thomas A. Darby, one of our Wilmington boys who went South ten or twelve years ago, and who located jn Florida, is now Manager of tbe Palatka Milling Company, located at the town of that name, which is at the head of deep wateV navigation on the St. John's River. Mr. Darby had oc casion to write us a few days since and chose to do so on a sheet of paper used by the Palatka Board ot Trade. This paper is arranged as to make an at tractive advertisement in itself. On one page there is a map of the town, show ing its location on the river and the various railroad lines which centre there, and another page is filled with descriptions tersely and paragraphically presented, of the advantages and facili ties the town possesses and the induce ments it holds out to settlers. Would'nt It be a good idea for the Water street merchants of this city, as well as the Produce Exchange, to nse some such paper as this? f ergon ai Capt. T J. Soutberland has returned to the city from Philadelphia. Lieut. Gov.'Stedman returned to the city last night from New York. Mr. Willie White Harriss is now at Monroe in the cotton market there. Mr. W. M. Cummicg has gone to Fayetteville on a visit to friends in that ancient town. Rev. D. H. Tuttlo left here this morn ing on a visit to bis parents in Cald well county. Hon. Daniel L. Russell has returnod from New York, where he has been for nearly a month.' Mr. Thos. C Craft has returned from his visit to tbe furniture markets of the North and East. Rev. Dr. Yates has returned from Lincoln ton considerably improved by his brief residence there. Mr W. E. Thigpen. of Cbadbouro, was in tbe city to-day and paid us a pleasant visit this afternoon. Mr. Horton Freeman, formerly of this city but now of Portsmouth, Va . is in tbe city on a visit to his parents. Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, who attend ed the Medical Congress in Washing ton City, and went thence to New York, has returned to the city. We are glad to be able to state that Mr. E. U Soeed, who has been qpite sick tor some time past, has so far re covered as to be able to appear at his place ot business to-day. Greensboro Patriot : Mr J. R. Pad- dison. a young man who moved to Mt. ;iry about 16 months ago and engaged in general merchandising, by hard worsr ana ciose attention to nusiness is now one of the leading merchants of the town. He occupies a building 23x75 feet, two stories and basement, and carries an average stock ot about $4 000. He carries the largest and best selected stock of ladies' fine dress goods and ladies, misses' -and children's shoes in town. .. . ... Dog Collars. Large assortment just received. Can boy a nice collar from ; 25 cents op, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depott. The time of the Crimioal Court , to day was occupied with a long Hit of petty cases. . which w bave thought scarcely interesting enough tor the space required to publish them. Jim Wilbert. the murderer, has not vet been apprehended. He passed Lake Waccamaw this morning at 8 o'clock, according to a dispatch received here by Mayor Fowler. Officers .Turlington and Woebse were not tar behind and will probably overhaul hiu before- he reaches the South Carolina line, unless he takes to tbo swamps. Are VOU eniner to Hnild. rennir nr paint? Then buy your material from Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. He will supply yon with the best and save you money.f Capt. Brook Bead! It is wiih great regret that we chron icle hero to-day the death of that genitl and estimable gentleman, Capt. II. C. Brock,, for so many years past tbe effi cienl Chief of Police of this city He died this morning, at 11:30 o'clock, at the residence of his brother, at Doylestowo, Pcun.. where he had been on a visit to his relatives. He left here yesterday a week ago with the exeurs on party for Philadelphia and was apparently then in perfect health. We do not know Capt. Bo ck's age, but we think that it must have been about 60 years. He has been long a resident ot this city and for many years was a passenger conductor ou the Wil mington & Weldon R. it. The cause of bis death is unknown here , but if thought to have been paralysis . The first intimation of bis sickness was re ceived hero yesterday morning and bis wife and children left last night lor Doylestown, where they could not have arrived before 4 o'clock this afternoon. The interment will Drbbablv take Dlace at Doylestown. Indications. For North Carolina, light local rains in Southern portions, air weather in Northern portion, slight changes in temperature, and light to fresh Easter-' if uinile NEW APVEKTIBEmiSNTS. New Kiver Oysters. rjIHE .FIRST OF THE SEASON. - line, Fat and Juicy. Only a few JM F. W. OBTMAn5?T sept 20 It Club House We w York, "PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE prices in JOHN WERNER'S Barber 8hop : 10 cents a Shave; 20 cents a Hair Cut and SO cents a Shampoo. His own manufactured Hair Dye of every shade at 20 cents and up wards. No. 29 Market street, between Water and Front. i sept 23 Rev. Daniel Morrelle's ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CORNER OF ORANQE AND FIFTH 8T8. fjiHK TWENTY -NINTH ANNUAL 8ES- slon will begin (D. V.) MONDAY, Oct 3rd. sept 17 lm t th aat ELIXIR OF LIFE IS PROVING A SUCCESS. THIS EXTRACT WILL CURE KIDNEY Diseases, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Files. Pulmonary disorders and diseases pe culiar to warn en. The best tonic ever Intro duced. For sale by druggists and manufac tured by the Elixir Manufacturing Company of Wilmlnjrtdn, N. C sept 10 aw Cape Fear Academy W ILL REOPEN MONDAY, SEPT. 26TH. Students carefully prepsred for Business or College. Well equipped for teaching. Please enter sons at beginning of session, fee Cata logue and terms at Book Stores WASHINGTON CATLETT. Prln. P. B. MANNING, Asst. sept 12 2w For Rent. pUBCELL HOUSE. FirXY-IWO ROOMS. Apply to 'LJL sept 1 tf WM. B. SPRINGER A CO. DICK & ME ARES, lerekut Tailoring & Gentleness F Braisluirs No. 13 N. Front 8 1. " Verbum tat tapitnti." sept s "Pear Phosphates," 5c0nly VERY REFRESHING AND NOURISH Ing Syrup. Cools the BLOOD, Ceroid of AleohoL . Creamy and Delicious. Not very cold. Only at JAS. D. NUTT'S, the DrugKtst, ept 10 218 N. Front bt. 8. P. McNnir, QOMM1SSION MERCHANT, vor. jrnncese and w water streets. WILMINGTON, Jl. C Solicits Consignments of Cotton and Naval Stores. Prompt personal attention fiven to all shipments. r.e;t;illa, 1 1 r

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