ThePaily Review: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. '87. J royal rsss? 1 3 Absolutely Pure. This Kwtier rcver paries a 'marvel -t purity, strength an.l whoIsiaoiDeness. Slere economical than the ordinary kinds, and t an- not be sold In competition with the of low teat, short weight alum or phosphite powders. Soid oniv in cans. KoYAL. BAKI G Powder Co . 106 Wall St. N. V. oct d.t .v lv tcnrm 4thD Charlotte Hornet: farmers eormnc to town brine information of a horrible accident on the BHattiea Ford road this afternoon. A man with a wngna load of provisions wag coining down a hill at hi2h speed, when his horses got beyond cof.trol. Thi frightened the man. vand in jumping off the wagon his foot gl caught in a ehain suspended from it. He was dragged a distance of two hun dred yards or more belore the team was stopped He was found to be in sensible, and his bead was bleeding, probably having struck on a rock. He was carried to a farmhouse near by, where the necessary attention was given him. Greensboro Workman: A gentle man whose name is Thos. Seagle. and who has been some two weeks a guest of the McAdoo House in this citv. at tempted suicide this morning with a razor. Between 4 and 5 o'clock this morning the night watch heard a noise of groans proceeding from, Mr. SeagieV room, and on entering found htm iying on the jloor with a murderous gash across his" throat. The alarm was duly given and Dr. Broadnax was gperdilv called in whf took the patient in charge At II :30 this a m. we learn that the. patient is in a somewhat hopeful con dition, and he may recover. He is able j to speak. Greensboro Patriot: A corporation known as the Southern Improvement Company, with a capital stock of $500. 000. has just been organized wMth head quarters in this city The business of the company is to aid in the develop ment of agriculture and horticulture, colonization and otherwise; to explore, develope and work mines, quarrie. etc; to erect mills, factories, honses. bridge, and improve road3. streets. etc; to construct wharves, docks, ships and railways; t improve rivers and har bors for navigation and other purposes aud to aid generally in developing the agricultural and manufacturing inter eats of the county, and increasing its commercial relations. Raleigh News and O server: The Governor yesterday appointed Dr. Hubert Haywood, of this city. Surffeon General of the North Carolina Stale Guard vice Dr. Eugene Grissom. .re signed. Information was received here yesterday of the destruction hj? fire of Mr. George MassengillV co'lon Kin in .Johnston coutnv- lhenuiinmg with all the machinery and nine baits of cotton is a total loss. It was iuur ed for almost full value. The Gov ernor yesterday appointed J. A. Mc Lauchiin. J.'M. Goddard. W. C. Dod son and W H. I'emborton as npeial railroad police tor the Cane Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad. These ap pomtments are made under section 1988 of the Code, which provides that the Governor may appoint such persons for this pnrpose as any railroad corpora ation may designate. They arereqair ed to take oath and have the same powers as municipal police. They are ' required to wear badges and are paid by the railroad corporation which they serve. Fayetteville Observer: The cotton crop is this section is not equal to what was expected before the August rains, but still it is a great improvement over last year's crop. The citizens of Pilot Mountain have already com menced to make preparations for the celebration of the completion of the C. F. & Y . V. to that place. The road, it is expected, will be finished to that point this w ek. A singular acci dent occurred on the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad near Egypt on Tuesday. The flat car just :n tmnt of the mail and baggage car was loaded with iron, and one ot the standards which kept the iron in place gave way, ailowmic one end of the rail to slip to the ground. It came in contact with a stump, and as the train proceeded the upper end came in cvitact with the mail car, piercing it through from bottom to top It frightened the mail agent considerably, but as the car was slowing up for Egypt it did no other harm. Fay etteville is sadiy in need of a compiess. If one had been built here this sd tu rner, the receipts of cotton wouid have been tripled. Wilmington has two. and they will be kept busy day and night from now until some time in Feb ruary, and on this account she is now a rival of Norforlk and Charleston, and is still reaching out to increase her cotton trade. Her cotton men are buy lag all over the country. It is true that nearly all of the cotton received here goes lo Wilmington lor shipment direct to Europe, yet if a compress had been built here, a large amount of that now shipped to Raleigh and Charlotte would baye been directed here and shipped to oar own seaport town instead of Nor folk. We hope that ere another season comes roand our merchants will see a m f nrpctmcr one. and thus S triple, if not quadruple, ner couuu trade. Statesville Landmark: Nine wagon loads of dried peaches in a body, be longing t- J. T. Ferguson, mer chant, of Wilkesboro. were soia nere lat week at from 14 to i$ cents per pound to Col. W. A. Eliason. Averag iug 1.000 lbs. to a wagon at 15c. per nhnnd Mr. Ferguson realized about $1 350 for his pie material. Iaac C Welborn, Esq.. a young lawyer oi Wilkeeboro, has sold all of his landed possessions, consisting oi oesiraote property in his town, river oottoms near there woodland, uitaoows ana mills in Ashe county, everything ex c-pt his law office to a Mr Smoak. of Winston, for the consideration ot $15 - 000. contingent, however, on the aii- road up the Yadkin valley being com pletfed to W:lkf8boro Otherwise Mr Smoak is to pay Mr. Welborn forfeit This is the only ral esutp tranfr or probable one that has been made in Wilk'8 since Mr Elijah S. Blair sold his fine river farm, adj lining the ce Kbrated " Buzzard roost 'anna M. m w m ot A W Fin lev. lvq . to Air. I. i. Priveit for $6 000. and in les than sixty paid a norms oi jouu ior i-tranfer. A lot that a trentleman of Stateville sold there len years ago f 150. is he d at ft 1.000. and the owner is ottered $800. I have ben for several years a sul- iflrfir rom Hav h ever ana severe neo colds and have tried other remedies k- hone of uettinff relief but haVH fund w - . none that can compare with ivy Cream Balm. I would not be without it for any consideration. It is simply wonderful in its eflect upon the nasa organs S. H. BURTT. Wilmington. N C I can cheerfully recommend Ely's Cream Balm to the suffering public for Hay Fever and stoppage of the air pas- sage? l nave tneu u ana una ic tgiyes immediate relfef. J. E. RECTOR. 209 Rock St., Little Rock Ark. 4 Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Advice to old and young: In select ing spectacles you should be cautious not to take more maqnifyinq poiyer than has beea lost to the eye. as in the snie proportion that yo" pass tha pint of increase, will cause you fur ther injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than i necessary is the daily cause of premature old age to the siah'. You can cet the best' at Heinsbergcr's. t Komoving a Serious Obstruc tion tjtantly. Dyoaxl'e and giant powder mtht answer admirably to remove obstructlona lrom Hell Gate In East River, New York, but explosive measures in medication arc ever attended with disastrous consequences. For Instance. tbe bowels cannot be violently drenched with safety, nor is there the slightest necessity for so doing On the contrary, it is mo3t unwise None but the purblind adherents of antlqua ted theories in medicine advise or sanction such a course To weaken the intestines the effect "f drastic pur, atlon is to compro raise tbe health of the entire svatem. with iloatettcr's .-tomheh Bitters on the other i.and, the bowels are relaxed, net by a con vulslon of nature approximating to an erup tion ot Mt. .Popocatepetl, but gradually, bene licialiy, withou wrenchitg or drenching. The liver and stomach, as well as the bowels, ate toned and benefited by it. Church Services rX'o-JUorrow. Grace Mcthodiat K. Church, Jewish Svnagogue, t K. corner of Market and Fourth sts Uev. Dr. E. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday gchool at 3 p. m., Prayer meeting and lecture on every Wednes day evening, at 8 o'clock, with the exepticn of the Wedneglay night after the first and third Sabbaths in each month on which ee nmgs the Christian Association connected with the Church noni their regular meetings. Seats free and a cordial invitation extend ed to visitors and; sirargera. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Eev. F. VV. a. Pes ehau. Pastor. serman services at 11 o'clock, a m M-glifh sar vice at 8 p m. Sunday fchol at 9St a. m. W. H ritrausa, Supi. Visitor cordially welcome. Second Prcsbvterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Bev. J. w. Primrose, Pastor, -ervices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. .-abbath School at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting and i.eoture Wednesday at 8 o'clock, p. m. The public cordially invited, tea a free. First Baptist Church, corner of. Market and Fifth streets. Bev. T. U. Pritchard, 1. 1., paator. services at 11 h. m. and . p m. bun lay School at 3 30 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursuay night at 8 o'clock. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, ltev. u. H. Tuttle, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Itehgiouo services in Tileston Upper Room every ouuday at 3 P M Public cordially in vited. Bro k ynlldll Baptist, Preaching by Bev. G M 'iolson, at 11 a. in. and . 3u p m sub ject for uiornma: "The Missionary Work of the --outbera Baptist church " Evenioir 4,tttvol tlonary Power of the Urossof i hrist." St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock pm. Daily Mass at 6:30 am. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets.' llev. J. P. Kmg, Pastor, services at 11a. m. and 7Vfc p. in. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. First Baptist Church, (col.) corner of Fifth and Campbell streets, A. M. Conw ivy, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. at 3 p. m. and at S p. m. --nnuay School at 1 p. m seats n ee. St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulber ry streets, uev. Charles T. Goerr, heutor. Keciory oppos te the o. urch. be.rsicas -;un-das H a. m and 7.30 p in. Sunday School 3.30 p. m. The Holy u'ommunionis eiebrated on the lirbt j-unday of each mooih, and on -aim's laya and Holy iay. at 11 a. rn. Eve ning Prayer and Ivseture every Friday from October .t to July 1st, at 8 o'clock hiloh Baptist Church, cornerof fcighth and Walnut s tree is. Pxeacaiog at 11 o'clock, a. m. Sabbath chool at 1 o'clocK, p. in. Preach ing at3 o'clock, p. m. Bible reading at o'clfi, p. m Pjeahlng at 8. IS o'clock, p. m. eats free Elder M. V. Morris, pastor. MISCELLANEOUS -1 MISCELLANEOUS. w Knoxville Furniture Co. E ABE IlKRE YET, WITH THE finest and cheapest Furniture and other house hold goods to be found in the city. We are receiving new goods daily from tin Factory. Al. o a fall line of Baby Carrlige - We have small Iron Safe which we will sell cheap. sept 12 K. TT. REED. Mam N. R. JOHASON,' QOMMI5IJN M&ECHVNT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Solicits consignments of Naval .Stores, Cot tot) and all kind of Coun ry Produce -r Quick Sales, liighebt Prlcen. Prompt Returns. fftot -fd&w W GvtThehe. , E GIIR&MTK;E TO SKLL. BUND jiJles Odlirs. Hamee. Harnes and v nips of all kinds as cheap as any house in the city Trunstf., Vall-e-, Mnwl and .-houl ! dt r --traps jurt r.-ceived. ' i r you w ant your Kt-pairing done as it ehohld ! be briug it to . rEN": 1. & DANIKL, J he Horse Milliners, No. 1 . So. Front r. se.t 19 Just Eeceived. A FULL LINK OF THE BAZAR CORSET IN SIZES FROM 19 to 29. School Books, School Supplies. TtTST I.N A LARGE STCK OK SCHOOL 14-joks, fclatep, i eaciis. Pens, ink, rayons, Sponge, Bcofe Bags pnd everything iecessary for school use. All at lowest prices. C. W. f ATES. sspt'O Wholesale and Retail Stationer con September 24- 2 30 V f sPIKl -rUKPENTlNE Quiet at 2M cents. Sales of receipts at qinua- tions KOSIN Firm ar72A cents for strain ed an(f 77i ceiiisjor uood strained. TAK Finn at 1.3(. CKUIE I'UliPKN I'lNE Steady $1 for hard, gl 63 for yo4ltw dip nnd vinrin. COITON'-Quit The following ire the official qUMtauona: Ordinary C; good ordinary 7 13 16: low uiiddline 8g ; middling 9; good middling 9. No sales reported. Receipts today: spirits, 170 ; rosin. 853; tar. 104; crude, 26; cotton, 2.335. - Misses Burr & James yyiLlj REOPEN THKIR SCHOOL FO Klrli anil li'tle boj-s, on TUESDAY, Oct. 4. The course of iustruction, as heretofore, will le thorouzh and eyttematic. Special a to.nt!on given to heading. Writing, ftiusic ani rnybicai culture Mrs M vi. Cushing Musical Dep'rtaieni. will have charge of the Hours for K indergar cn puplla from 9 to 12. For f unlier partiiii'ari sec Principals, st p-. lo . Wow York, J HI LA DELPHI A AND BALTIMORE prices in JOHN WERNER'S Barbershop : 10 cents a Shave ; 20 eenta a Hair i :ut and '.0 cents a Shampoo. His own manufactured Hair Dje of rvery shade at 20 ceritj and up wards. So. 29 Market Mreet, between Water and Front. sept 23 ELIXIR OF LIFE IS PROVING A SUCCESS. rriHIS FXTR ACT WILL CURE KIDNEY J. Diseases.. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, riles. Pulmonary disorders and dlsea.-es pe culiar to waroen. The best tonic ever intro duced For sale by druggists ana manufac tured by the fclixir Manufacturing ompoy of Wilmington, N.C sept 19 iw Proviiou aud Cotton. Chicago. Sept. 24. 2:30 p.- m - Wheat market opened at 69 and closed at 70f lor October, ijorn opened at 44 and closed at44 tor May. New York, Sept. 24. 2:30 p. m. Cotton opened at 9 44 and closed at 9.39 for September Opened at9.28 and closed at 9 28 for October. Opened at 9 22 and closed at 9 22 tor November Opened at 9.22 and closed at 9 22 for December. tnv York &' Wilmington Steamship Co. 1 1 e&m PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At S o'clock. P. fia. REGULATOR Saturday, Sept 17 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Sept 24 FROM WILMINGTON MAKIKE NiGWa. Southport Saloon, T WILL OPEN TODAY AT SOUTHPOET JL a first class BEER, WINK AND CIGAR SALOON. Fresh Beer always o hand. The lincst Winer, and Cigars in the piar.e call and see me. J. A. awiS, sept 15 lm Southport, N. C. Notice ! Notice ! ! J AM OFFERING A LARGE AMD As sorted stock of TOBACCO AND CIGAR, which I am selling at manufacturer's prices Dealers will find it to their advantage to ex amine same before purchasing elsewhere. SAM'L BE tt. Sr.. sept 19 No. lo Market St. Sale Under Foreclosure, JJY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE Su perior Court of New HanoTer County, made at the April Term. A. D. 1SS7. of said Court r in a certain civil action therein pending wherein B. Belloln is plaintiff and James K lais is iefenda-1, the undeislgnd. Commls eioner app lnted in and by said decree, will on Monday, the 26th day of f eptember, i8S7. at 12 o'clock, M. on said day, at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington, kell by public auction, for rash, the fo lowing lands bltuated iu Cape Fear Township, county afore said, and described a follows: Ke. lining at a lium on Kock Spring Branch about 75 vards from the E. ank of tne N . k. branch ot the cape Fear River, running thence . 74 de press K. 12 chains to a stake; thence a 83 d"greps E. 17.1s cha'EB to a stake; thence fc. 15 degrees E. 227 chains to a stake; thence s S64 Hi 3.J9 chains to a ium on the edtewf t amp Branch, thence with the various mean, ders of the branch to Its head, a Pine tree on the i hain Koad, thence parallel with the Chain ttoad s 72 degrees K. . 5 chains to a Cypress on 'he edge of a pood; thence A. 53i degrees w. 5 chains to a stake ; thence S. 72 degrees W. 12 io chairs t a large Oak; thence N. b0 degrees W. 13-2t chains to a stake; thence N. 17 degrees W 11.40 chains to the beginning; the sanne being a pazt of Rock Hill Plantation, and containing 109 acres. JOHN D. TAYLOR, sept 3 1 av4 ws Commissioner. A. A. Brown & Co., JKNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND PRODUCE DEALKB3. Cotton and Naval 8tores solicited. No extra charges for Insurance or sampling. sept 9 tf . The Zeb Vance Stove, like its names eake, is welcome in all North Carolina homes.. It ii to bo found at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot, t ARRIVED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, F;iy etteville. Williams & Murchisou. . Steam yacnt Louise, SnelJ. Smith ville. Mastei Steamer Enterprise. Ward, Point Caswell. Ma-ter. Swed barque Akerbjtben, Johnson. Barbadoes, Paterson, Downing & Co CLEARED Steamship Regulator, Ingram, New York. II G Smallbones Steamer D Murchison. Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. Steam yacht Louis., Sneil. ciniith ville. Master Steamer Enterprise. Ward, Point i Caswell. Master. Nor barque Spes. -Gunderson.gAnt-werp Paterson. Downing & Co. Schr G H Holden. Bernard, Hayli, EG Barker & Co. EXPORTS COASTWISE. New York Steamship Regulator 108 bales cotton, 625 bbls spirits, 807 do rosiu, 475 do tar. 20 do light wood, 16 do peanuts. 13 do beeswax, 211 pack" ages mdse, 1,200 bolts, 50,000 shingles. FOREIGN Antwerp Nor barque Spes 4,190 bbls rosin. Hay ti Schr G H Holdea-127.000 It lumber, 300,000 shingles. benefactor... R!i:gulat3r.. ....Saturday, Spt 17 Saturday, Sept 24 Through Bills Lading &nd Lowest Through Rates gTiaraii teed to and from Polntf In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. Q. SMALLBONIM. Snpcrlnteiident. Wilmington. N. ' TUEO. CJ. EGER, Traffic Manager Mew York Wll. P. CXYJJrt 4& HO.. Onr. A?a'; Brodw. Nc' -tr .- aept 10 Price only 50 cts, former Price $1 00. AT Taylor's Bazar Call and secure them beforo they-are all sold. sept 15 To the Public. -o- rjlHiC UNDER O HP, WHO H S BXKn engaged In the CU thing and gentlemen's Fur nishing Buslnea-. in this city tor " nearly twenty years, will wlihln a few weeks remove to new, l.irge an J comraoiifrm'' quar ters on North front street, and he takes this opportunity of thanking his many kind friends and pUrons for the liberal patronage he has bo long received at their handd and to assure them that in the future he will usa bis be6t endeavors to please them and reta n their val ued custom. Respectfully, F msCEtLAilEopg OF OUR NEW A LOVELY DISPLAY Dress Goods ! Stylish; ' Nobby and Nice I. SHRIEK. -o- V In a short time 1 will go North, not tor tne purpose oi replenishing my stock, but to buy an Entirely New and Elegant Line of Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade ! I have but a small part of last Win ter's stock on band now, having: man aged to cleanit out last Winter aod Spring, but I have a lair line of Sum mer gnoda in the way, which Must and Will be Disposed off I do not want to carry a dollar' worth of old eteck to my new quarters. f it can possibiy b avoided. I have no room fot it there and have deter mined to get rid of everything before I move. My goods have been marked down to almost nominal prices, aud I am offering PRICES AS USUAL. LOW FOR CASH. HIatz CASH .HOUSE, 116 - Market St. sept 19 Lime. . Lime, LIME in exchange for PROVISION? LIME" LIME - LIME LIME LIME ' sept 5 4t GROCERIES. DRY GOODS. HARDWARE. LUMBER. ; CASH. FICEJS CU BitOS , . Rocky Point Isaac T. Alderman, QOMMISSION MKUCHANT. CkD6ljrnmcnt8 of Coun try Produce solicited. Cotton, limber and N val tores bandied to best advantage. - - auJ Fall Goods FRE3II NEW IIULLED BUCKWHEAT FIRST OF TNE SEASON. MO NTHLY STATJbiM J3W T. STOCKS ON HAND SBIT. 24, , 1887. ' Cotton ashore. 15,469; afloat, 3.796; total. 19,265. Spirits asbore. 3,198; afloat, 2,056; total. 5 254. Rosin ashore, 99,938; afloat, 2.573; total, 102,511, Tar ashore, 4,123; afloat. 121; total. 4 244. Crude ashore, 518; afloat, 1; total, 519. BECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDING SEPT 24. Ctton, 12 487: spirits. 1,269; rosin. 5, 102; tar. 1,067; crude, 361. EXPORTS FOR WEEK ENDING SEPT. 24. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 208; spirits. 736; rosin, 2,356; tar, 989; erode, 90. FORF.ION Cotton, 5.100; spirits, 750; rosin, 4,. 943. " Fresh Cocoanuts. -pUBCELI, For Rent. BOUSE. FiFTY-ITWO ROOMS. Apply to septltf WM. S SPRINGER Si J. DICK & ME ARES, Mtrcbuit Tiilorin & Gentlemen's Furnisliiiigs sept S No. 12 N. Front St. "Verlnan sat tapUnii." . NEW OATMEAL, This year's manufacture, from new OATS; and a superior assortment of Fancy CAKES & CRACKERS, NAMELY : ALMOND MAOCAROONS, WINE JCMBLES, OSCAR WILDE JUMBLES, EA8P3ERRY TART?, &c., Ac, and a full variety of other fine goods In my line. Jno. L. Boaiwright. sept 13 IS 17 So. Front strPftt Cotton Insurance- A NY (MARINE OR FIRE.) FORM Of POLICY ISSUED IN either of the follow ine Companies at low est rates: NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., (Pays all losses without discount.) ANGLO NEVADA ASSURANCE ( OKpO'N. (Pays all losses without discount ) CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO.) (Only Co. oi eratlng utder the N. Y. Safety Fund Law.) SUN FIRE OFf ICE. (Oldest "o. in the world; In tuccessful oper ation 177 years, fctock cells for over $3,000 a tbare.) FIRE INSURANCE AiiSOCIATION. (AS3eU $l,42S,tK)0 CO.) . . Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Com panlea also repre?en ed , M.S. WILLARD, Agent, sept 12 m 214 North Water St. The Acme Extraordinary Inducements MANFEAOTUBIM 00,, to Cash Buyers ! MANUFACTDBKBS Of reasonable offer and Fen i lizcrSi Pine Wool and -nine just as it is rep- - ' . ( Pine Wool Matting. I will retire no I guarantee everything just relented to be when sold. Come and see the goods and. the prices, bat do not buy unless you find it is to your advantage to do so. l SH?IER' WI LMINGTON, N.C. The Old Reliable Clothier. augl8 114 Market Street. WE HAVE REMOVED OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ' - Liquors and Tobacco PJo. 18 rJ3arket St., WHERE WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS CALL ON US. SOL. BEAR & CO. aug 26 tt Wrightsville,iLC. -o ' v Seaside Pleasure & Comfort fJIIIE REPUTATION OF OUB FIBTlU ZEES, the ACME nd GEM, 1 llahed, and the resalU of three jra w the hands of the best farmers of thli & ott er States fully attest their nine . grade manure. The MATTING, made from tie j our na live pine, has already f larity for comfort and dortWWT "V1 any wool .carpet, and the demwi tot H dally increasing. It has virtues not lot any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL to ext " for upholstering purposes, ax a j mattrisses 1 almost equal to 11. B?t? elastic and proof against Infects , " Certificates from reliable parties , or wi'- juiytf TT7-AGOHETTE3 mingtoh, at 8 a. m , WILL 2k) p m LEAVE WO- and 6 p.m. ; I RETURNING, LEADING WRIGHT VILLE I at 7 p. m. and 7 a.m. Round trip to Sound and Beach and return I wortc promptly and satltXart07, goods can be seen at our mailed upon application. COME SEE . VS HENEVER VOd ABE W KIKIISff, 8ULB5 c.' come and sesufc h the most complex m4 " . ..tiiekora'- In the dty, carry T m. do qualities of paper to to Wilmington, only 65 cents. Fatties or four or more win be carried to the Beach for 15 cents each. . We have erected a Beach House with rooms where parties can be supplied with Bath Suits, Towels, fresh water and other conveniences W. H. fiTOKLET, .. ED. WILSON MANNING. july 26tf . , ; ! prices thai we can llvs si. Give us your orders. McSair, COMM1S3ION MXttCHANT. . WlLVlKOTCy-' stores. I'romp sep all shipments.

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